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what does it mean that “God is love” (1 john 4:8)?

our culture prefers to think that love is god, ignoring how God
displays His perfect love and how He calls us to love in return.

by Breanne Pentecost

To love something or someone is to desire and/or appreciate something in them.
We love a friend more than a hotdog because there is much in a friend that is more
valuable to us than whatever it is they put in hotdogs.

God loves His Son especially, because He is a perfectly obedient Son. The Son loves
His Church because He is making them into His spotless, holy bride. The Father
loves all humanity because His image is in them, and He loves His chosen people
specifically because they are in the Son and loved on behalf of Jesus. We are loved
first not for our own goodness, but by His grace that will then transform us into
good people (1 John 4:19, Ephesians 2:1-10).

…some scriptures on love between husbands, wives,

parents, children, friends, worshipers, and God…
Genesis 2:23-24 / Zephaniah 3:17 / Zechariah 2:8-9 / Psalm 17:8 / Deuteronomy 13:6-8, 32:9-10
Song of Solomon 1:2; 2:5, 2:7, 4:10, 5:1, 5:8, 8:4, 8:7 / Proverbs 17:17, 17:25, 18:24, 23:24, 27:6 / 1 Samuel 18:1-3
2 Samuel 13:10-15 / Ephesians 1:4-6, 3:19, 5:22-33 / Matthew 3:17, 12:18, 17:5, 26:47-50 / 1 Corinthians 1:30, 13:1-13
Mark 10:28-31 / John 10:17-18, 15:12, 17:6, 17:23, 17:26 / Romans 10:4 / Philippians 3:9 / Colossians 1:22
To truly love someone is to serve them, giving all of yourself, not just parts of your time and
efforts when convenient. False love only takes, true love gives for the other’s good.

The Son gives Himself fully to the Father by obeying to the point of death (Philippians 2:8).
The Son gives Himself to His people, becoming their sin and transferring His righteousness
to them (2 Corinthians 5:21). He swallows their curse (Hebrews 2:9) and shares His
inheritance with them (Ephesians 1:11-14). Jesus lays down His life for His sheep, and calls us
to do the same (John 10:17-18, 15:12-13).

This is where we really get it wrong. We are attracted to what is ugly
to God; we give ourselves to others above Him; we take from
relationships until we’re full, and then toss aside the other person;
we have broken families due to lust and selfishness. Even if we try
our best to love what is truly good in others, and to really serve them
well, if our love is not holy and aimed at God first, then our sinful
hearts will prevent us from ever pulling it off. by Andrew Smiley

We are to love first for Christ’s sake, and then for each other. If love is my god, then I will lie,
deceive, harm, and rebel against God’s law in order to serve someone I love. My love won’t reflect
the true love found in the Trinity, and it will ultimately fail the ones I am trying to love.

If your love is grounded in the author of love, God Himself, then it will prosper and honor Him,
your friends and family, and yourself, in a way that none of our warped and idolatrous versions of
“love” ever can.

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