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Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research

Course: PAD 3542

Public Policy Analysis

A new educational policy: the process model

Student: Birzhan Satanov

Instructor: Dr. Shahjahan Bhuiyan

Spring 2011

The present paper tries to analyze introduction of the new educational policy in the

context of the process model. The process model is analyzed in terms of its disadvantages and

advantages in comparison to other models. The process model will be used to simulate the

stages of educational policy establishment, from the identification of a policy need to policy

evaluation. It is argued that the process model is the most suitable model of public-policy

making in terms of educational policy design, which has the highest ratio of

advantages/disadvantages if to compare with other models. Sticking to this model while

introducing educational policy will maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the process if

compared to other models.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Findings and Analysis (Main Body of the Paper)

a. Section 1

b. Section 2

c. Section 3

IV. Conclusion/recommendation

V. References
I. Introduction

In today’s rapidly changing world, situations where public-policy making is based not

on established guidelines and procedures but rather on the ambiguous movements and largely

at the discretion of policy-makers. Consequently, no one is surprised when outcomes of such

“underdeveloped” policies are not just simply below the expectations of policy-makers but

rather produce adverse impact on the welfare of the country and its citizens. In this

connection, the role of theoretical foundation in the form of models of politics underlying the

policies of any government can not be underestimated.

The topic selected to be researched is interesting to discuss from many points of view.

Firs of all, it will provide an understanding as to what stages should the whole process of

policy-making undergo. Second, analyzing the topic will enable to discover the aspect of the

process how a theoretical model is coming into practice. Apart from that, assessment of

feasibility of the model in terms of educational policy could be used for future policy-making.

Finally, the results of this research can be used by governmental officials, students of public

administration departments, high school and academia instructors.

The short analytical research below will be dealing with the issue of new educational

reform and the possible model as means of optimal design of the policy. The objective of this

research is to demonstrate that the process model of politics is the most appropriate model of

design of a new educational policy of a country. For the purposes of this research, the process

model of politics will be advocated to serve as a preferred alternative for design of the new

educational policy of the country. Turning to limitations, this paper will not try to provide an

extensive analysis of every single model in terms of their degrees of appropriateness in terms

of educational policy design but rather compare the advantages and disadvantages of the

process model as compared to the rest model in general. The methodological tools that will
be used in the research are literature review, theoretical data analysis, modeling of the policy

based on the theoretical framework.

The essay will consist of several parts: Introduction, where the objective, usefulness

and limitations of research are provided. Literature review consists of the major works in the

sphere of educational policy and the process model. Main part of the essay consists of three

sub-sections – the application of the process model to the educational policy, advantages of

the process model vs. other models and disadvantages of the model vs. other model in terms

of design of educational policy. Conclusion and Recommendation section summarizes the

results of the research and suggests practical recommendations for further improvement of the

stages of design of educational policy and its implementation.

II. Literature review

Overall, the literature on the issue of the process model of public policy and its

advantages and disadvantages in terms of public policy-making are divided into two

perspectives, one in favor and one against.

Speaking about advantages of the process model, the major source of information on

this model and its practical aspects is found in the textbook by Dye, 2001. The basic

advantage that characterizes the model is that it is rather useful in terms of comprehending the

set of different activities policy making process include. (Dye, 2001). It is argued that political

behaviors and processes are key emphasis of contemporary political studies (Dye, 2001). One

other argument in favor of the effectiveness of the process model can be found in the article

by Diette, G., Pronovost, P. & Rubin, H. , 2001, who claim that the major benefit of the

process model is that emphasis on process helps to provide with information which is quite


But there is quite a contrasting perspective on the process model as well. Dye, 2001,

mentions that there is a risk that the process model could emphasize the underlying processes

rather at the expense of the substance. Leshcheva, 2006 claims that it is practically impossible

to take into account every process and alternative due to lack of time and finance. Another

significant issue argued by the Rebuilding Society (no date) is that the process model lacks

explanatory power and thus is limited in its predictive capacity.

III. Main body

a. Application of the process model

Projection of the process model to the process of design of educational policy can be

characterized as a complex of logically consequent stages which follow each other in a strict


First of all, there is a stage under which the identification of policy problems through

demands for government action. In the case of introduction of educational policy, this could

be imperfections of the current educational policy, e.g. confusion with the structure of Unified

National Testing which is conducted at the final year in high school. This confusion could

generally lead to general dissatisfaction of groups of people of Kazakhstan, in particular

parents of high school graduates and higher educational institutions. This dissatisfaction, in its

turn would lead to establishment of a demand for the reaction of the government in the form

of introduction of a new educational policy.

Second, the agenda setting takes place. Basically, this step will involve drawing the

attention of mass media and state officials to the problem in the current educational policy.

Kazakh mass media may include "KTK", "31", "Khabar", "1st" channels, "Karavan",

"Teacher of Kazakhstan", "Time" newspapers, etc. State officials would include educational

sphere officials (rectors of universities, directors of schools) and deputies of local and central

legislative bodies. The attention of both of these groups will try to be attracted to the concept

of new educational policy and contribution of these groups to overall agenda would be made.

Third stage is basically a policy formulation stage. In the framework of this policy

process, educational policy proposals would be made by interest groups (parents of high

school graduates, NGOs, educational sector officials), Ak Orda staff, committees of the

Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (mostly socio-cultural development committee) as

well as leading experts in the field of education (although they are involved very rarely, at

least in Kazakhstan).

Fourth stage is essentially policy legitimation. In terms of the educational policy, the

sub-stages would include consideration of the provisions of all the proposed policies by

Parliament of RK (First by Mazhilis, then by Senate), summarizing and formulating a single

proposal, voting on the final policy draft by both Chambers, review of Constitutional Council

in terms of compliance to Constitution (only upon appeal) and, finally, signature of the draft

of law on establishment of new educational policy and consequent coming into effect.

Fifth, the legitimized policy is actually implemented. In the case of educational policy

reform, the implementation is mostly carried by Ministry of Education as well as its territorial

divisions, then consequently educational institutions adapt to the new requirements and assist

in implementation of policy on local levels. All this process, of course, is done via budgeted

policy expenditures.

The last stage is the stage when evaluation of the newly implemented policy takes

place. This stage can be either continuous or start over certain period of time from the

beginning of policy implementation. The evaluation would most likely take two forms -

independent and self-evaluation. Self-evaluation would include evaluation of policy

implementation by Ministry of Education. As for independent evaluation, it could be

conducted by external consulting agencies (e.g. Bilim consulting center), NGOs (e.g. Center

for Analysis of Social Problems), the press ("KTK", "31", "Khabar", "1st" channels,

"Karavan", "Teacher of Kazakhstan", "Time" newspapers, etc) and the public (e.g. self-

administered public opinion researches).

Educational Policy Educational Policy Process Description

Problem Identification identification of policy problems through demands for government action (e.g.
imperfections of the current educational policy - general dissatisfaction of interest
groups - establishment of a demand for the reaction of the government in the form of
introduction of a new educational policy)
Agenda Setting drawing the attention of mass media and state officials to the problem in the current
educational policy

Policy educational policy proposals made by interest groups (parents of high school
Formulation graduates, NGOs, educational sector officials), Ak Orda staff, committees of the
Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (mostly socio-cultural development
committee), leading experts in the field of education
Policy gaining support of decision-makers by interest groups - consideration of the
provisions of all the proposed policies by Parliament of RK - summarizing and
formulating a single proposal - voting on the final policy draft by both Chambers -
review of Constitutional Council in terms of compliance to Constitution (only upon
appeal) - signature of the draft of law by President
Policy Implementing the legitimized policy

Policy Evaluation Evaluation taking place. (independent and/or self-evaluation)

b. Advantages of the process model vs. other models

The key advantage of the process model vs. other models in terms of educational

policy design is that this model is centered around the exact process. The stages mentioned

above explicitly show that the model is not just simply a theoretical framework but rather a

means which transforms theory into practice. It is by the most detailed model which specifies

each step involved, with a description of consequence of the political activities that are needed

to take place so that the policy is in place.

One other benefit is that the process model specifies the actual stages of the

educational policy reform rather than concentrate on something abstractive and distant. All

the stages are clearly stated in a strict order. The process model is definitely activities-based.

It helps to understand better the political activities involved in the policy-making process,

their nature and character.

Turning to another positive features, it should be noted that the process model, in

contrast to most other models explicitly include policy evaluation stage. The importance of
this stage cannot be underestimated. First, it helps to identify grounds for improvement of the

policy itself. Second, it is useful in terms of assessment of effectiveness of the use of the

resources. Third, it is beneficial in the context of general public policy improvement, possible

application in other policies and prevention of mistakes by policy-makers in the future.

Finally, what is good in the process model compared to other ones is that the coverage

of the model is quite extensive. By coverage it is meant that the process model defines the

activities starting from problem identification to policy evaluation while quite many of other

models are mostly emphasizing policy formulation and policy legitimation stages, eg. public

choice theory or game theory.

c. Disadvantages of the process model vs. other models

One major disadvantage of the process models is that it fails to take into account set of

various factors relating to struggle of interest groups. First, although it implies that there are

various interest groups who are making policy proposal, it fails to acknowledge that the final

policy is often time not a single policy that is selected out of the proposed ones but rather a

policy that reflects current alignment of forces of interest groups which is advocated by group

theory model. The more powerful an interest group is in the eyes of policy makers, the more

favorable would be the policy towards this particular interest group, often time even at the

expense of the other groups.

Another drawback of using the process model in terms of educational policy design is

laid in the omission of the factor of elite dominance in the policy-making process. This is

especially relevant for Kazakhstan, where there is a centralized state structure, with the power

concentrated in the hands of ruling elite. The process model assumes that there are people

with active civic position, who are able to draw attention to its own problems, take part in
proposal formulation and post-implementation evaluation. Unfortunately, it is generally

known that in Kazakhstan percentage of such active people is extremely low, meaning that the

whole process model is under the threat. In fact, what often happens is that it is not people of

Kazakhstan who shape opinion of ruling elite on its concerns and needs but rather ruling elite

which directs and controls public opinion.

Turning to one of the cons of the process model vs. others, it should be mentioned that

the process model fails to take into account the notion of self-interestedness of all the parties

concerned. What it means is that while interest groups are always saying that their ultimate

goals is to ensure that the policy which maximizes the benefit for everyone is in place, no one

really believes in these fairy tales. For instance, parents as an interest group would like either

to simplify Unified national testing or remove it at all, educational institutions would like to

remain this in place so that this burden is not on their shoulders, territorial organs would strive

for expanding scope of the policy to obtain funds increase, etc. All these things is not included

in the process model as a result of which it seems that the process model assumes no

divergence of interests.

Process model vs. Other models Advantages Process model vs. Other models Disadvantages
Process-centered Omission of interest groups factor

Specification of the actual stages of the educational Absence of acknowledgment of elite presence in the
policy reform policy-making process

Explicit inclusion of policy evaluation stage Omission of the fact of self-interestedness of all the

Extensive coverage
IV. Conclusion/recommendation

Modeling the introduction of a new educational policy on the basis of the process

model essentially showed that on one hand the model contains specification of the actual

stages of the educational policy reform, policy evaluation stage as well as implies process-

centered approach and extensive coverage, from the other hand it omits interest groups factor,

presence of elite in the policy-making process and the fact of self-interestedness of all the

parties involved. Having analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the process model in

terms of educational policy design as compared to other models, it seems that the process

model is still the most appropriate model of public-policy making in terms of educational

policy design due to the fact that the relative weight of advantages exceed relative weight of


In this connection, the recommendations of the present paper are:

- Sticking to the process model in case of need to select a single model when introducing

educational policies

- Combining the models in case of opportunity to use multiple models in order to maximize

advantages and minimize disadvantages as well as diversify approach

- Using the mechanics of the process model for suggesting practical recommendations for

further improvement of the stages of design of educational policy and its implementation

- Further study of the topic under research

V. References

Diette, G., Pronovost, P. & Rubin, H. (2001). The Advantages and Disadvantage of

Process Based Measures of Health Care Quality. International Journal for Quality in Health

Care, 13, 6, 469-474. Retrieved from

Dye (2001). Models of Politics. Some Help in Thinking about Public Policy.

Understanding Public Policy Textbook, Chapter 02. Retrieved from

Leshcheva, L. (2006). Extracts from the textbook "English for students of public

administration". Part I. - Minsk, Academy of Management under the President of the

Republic of Belarus, 203 pages. Retrieved from

The Rebuilding Society (no date). Theoretical Models of Public Policymaking.

Retrieved from

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