You are on page 1of 6 :O/C"I/J9 1-;;\1) C_P·.I R::: ror .r cz D::;I'I\;.(·:~'':E:\-=.

' Page; L_
':':..rr.c : lC;53:7.J ~::c i cie nt; Ropo r t : "" ., 3 C -.•
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- ->- ..

! -09-012334

I'; 1 rxrss
~rbs, ~::C.HI1<lS F.
YJ /~..: DC:? :":J / o1/ 1 9 Ii 9
190RC 'llst .A.v
C~lPP~Wd F~lls, WI ~4//.9


On :]6/:9/2009 a':. 1445, I speke to ~~bs by pho~c i:~ reference to
i n f o rma t.Lon about; a sexual a s s au i t; r epc r t cci oy his f!::"i.enci,_

= .. ,~ci,~·~~:,~j.~d. ~.y"el~~~;: ..a ,d;}~=.~)·(v~(t'?'~':~'/\~::_ .,S:!<l,:'n: ?~=.~.£".p. :)(~pt_ ..• _

:).,(1 a~K,=3 t'.rD~ to C,) •• .:..lI1L s.ome (.L: .. 3. __ ~_' p: o» hjP.~A by '. Erc s 'tiaS
i rrn.ed i e t.c I y de f cr.s i ve ~1:-:C t.o i d 'T,C t ha; he did nc t ha vc t c s pe a s w i r r:
rr.e . _ r e lt t ha t tn i s r-e a c t i on Wi1S pe cu Li a r b0.cause Twas as:'<1:19 about;
wne rc he ar.d '_hdC been the p re v i.ou s day. ErDf, bcc ane f urt.hc r
upset and hung up the p::'one.

::: waited severa] mi nut.e s and called :i::rDs bac c . 1 informed i:il:'l t na t. t.he
r e a aon [or my ca::'l W<J.S bcc au s e h i s friend wcn t Lo a ho spi r.a ,
reported being assiJ.~l=ed. I made s~~e I did ~o~ ir:clude :he ~~rase
"sexuaily a s s au l t.e d " when i n f o rrn i nq Er bs o r ·,·!:--.a·.: r.appcr.ed . Er b s
sounded very s u r p r i s e d and asked if a 1 j r ic;ht. _"':13
-:- :.:. f cnr.ed

~rbs t ha t -.had been eX3~j r.r. !)y r.1edi.c<:!~ ~~0.rscnTie 1 and a;::pea.:::::-ed
I1TlC. tha::. i1e picked

E:::::-bs ho:~se at 7:00-7;38 PM
n~cause_ neec('~j to be ::'n Ea'J CJ aire at ~: 30 1\['1 for w~).r.k at LabDr
Re~dy. ~:-bs admitted ge~ti~g s~o:_Jpcd a~ld Lic~eted by A~toona Police
Dept. Ercs si1':"d that he dropped o.:f ..... a~ a b:)r/p:'zztl place, \..:hich
:::rbs descri:::ed uS Det ween l\.::' tcer:i:i a:1d E<lU ('1 ai:-e.

I.a~e~ tta: evc:1ing at approxi~3cely :0:30 ?~, ~:-bs sa;d ho received a

1 _ "-ro...._fro,..-.
_ III • I. I - p-'" y
c.~ (J. ,.....:....n·,0
!""' ~ ~ ~ •• ". • E~bs
_ ";;Q'
...." n~- dJ·o',...··~<::
J \. '-" ... ~.' .... , ... :: ... ~ " .. I ,-".
C-,... "a~
......, s""";
u ....

_-' -"-I-'~eQE!:-:6S \~hZlT' cor.di':.ion_-wa-s :n. Ei"bs that _sct!med •• _ J

"£ ine ". Er:Cs co::: i rmed ::'ha:. ~hey wen,'_ :1e whc:re else except. ter ~he
pizza. place where he drepped eff.

:::KD OF ;:{::=:PORT

***-************************ N A R R A I V g # 8 ***********-********-******
COXPUTER CHFC~-S~~~CT Repc~~ed By: JOHKSOX, ~on~ A. 5/23/09
~~tcred 6y.: JOH~SC~. ':'O~DA. 6/23/09
~ev':e\ ...e;i 3y: fAL?Z, AN:JR:::WS. 7/]4/09

D~T,,\:::: ,8
0:-: C6/:"9/2009, I wen::. ::'0 t.he Se~.ect .!.r.n, 10/.8 S. :-!as'::ings ~"'ay, iJ.:ld
requesled ::'0 check the In::.erneL log ~or :obby cCr.lp~:er. 1 explai~ed I
WdS ir:'.'cstioating a case w.r.erc a vi.Ct~i11 repc))-ted ·...:s"ng ::..ile ~obby
corapl:::er to ~ser:d a texl !T1essage 'te u. fr-: end. '~'}:e ho~el :~:~r.~1ger d::'lc ...:cd
:Ja:_t2: 1..0/0"/8') EAU Ci.Ali=(.E POLICe: n:=:~1\R'lM?:JT P<.lgc: :.L
T i 1'-8: I 0 : C;:3 : 29 .!.ncidpr.t Report Prograr: C~S3G:L
- - ""'_ - ..... - - - - - - ~- -- -- .. - - - - - - - - - - - .... - - - - . . ------- - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - .. - - - - - _. --- -- _.

1.-C9-0123.34 (C8r: L.~nue c )

rr.e to che c k t r.e Lnt.e r nc t. h is t o r y .

'jf ounc no ov i de ncc :..:!cicat'ng ::[1u:: rv;ySp~ce ;x:('r~ ac::cs::;~(~ ::r()t~·.
:haL corr.puter o~ 86/:9/;009.

**************************** K 1\ R RAT I V E H 9 ***************************

VOICE f.rAIL- I 2RBS Reported By: JOHNSON, ~O~D A. 6/23/09
Entered Sy.: JOHNSO:J, TO~~ 1\. 6/').3/09
Reviewed 3y: !:='AL!<,ANOR!!:W S. 7/11/'J9

~"l'r~ESS -~ . . ._ .
E:l-bs; Th8'ila.S F.
~/W DOB 18/0:/1969

On 06/22/20C9, I checked my depar t merit is sued ce~ -;_ phorie ::or mes s aqc s
and d i s cove r ed a message received cn 06/:9/2009 u::' 8:36 PJ'V:f r crn Thcma s
Erbs. The f o ll ow i nq .i s L.i t r ane c r . pt 0: t.h e rncs s aqe .
"Todd , t n i s :s T::'OlT.dS. lJr:-.II'., '!l:.O:Tla;;, !-:rbs. You called I:·.~ e a r Li c r :.00.o.y.
T j ',]3: wa m.e d ;:J t.e I I yo'~ t r.e t • :J:":"'.Tr, I do:t ' t appreci a t o yo~ : y i nq '_u
mo . You c a L, me aga':':l and :. w i L; havE-~ ha r a s srnont. c na r qo s :':'leci i1gai!"'.5t
you . DO!1' t riake contact w: t h me. Don t Cal -:. t h i s l:CJJGe. U:-:~l, you' r e1

nOL welccrne. 3ye."


**************************** N A R R A ~ I V E # :0 **********************~W**
CA~,L - c.: SO
9::-:0:.JE ~epo!~ed By: JOHNSON, TODD A. 6/'23/':.17
Eu t.e r cd By.: JOIINSOK, TODD p.•. F./23/C9
Rev) c'.ved By: fALK, .ZI.l\iJEE\'/ S. "I!J.4/C:J

On 06/22/2003, 1 'AIdS qo i nq to drive tc J.9080 '/lst Av. to speak wi t h
-TP:6:na-s-?~bs-Yrr-refercnce·-t_0·-t.h8 voice-mail he Le f t me on 06/1J/2009. 1
suspected that he a:ld L~e reported v:"cti~, migh: huvc
had co:-:tact wi th e acl: r or Er b s had adcii t) o:-:a_ or-Da t: cn as ~w
was :lot ~ones: i~ o:Jr previo~s phone conve~sation.

I ca~.led Chippewa County Shcr:"ff· s Deportll:ent ::0 :1,1'IC a dcp·...:::y

accor.,pany ne d~c the s01T'.cwhat :;05:: lo n<1'':ure of t~e ;;hc:-.e message.
Atter- g:"v:"ng t~e locatio:-: a:-:d :-:ume of tlle perso:-: - wa.nted Lo sp~ak :0,
t::e dispatcher infor!1'.ed rr:e U:at Erbs Lad died as a resul':. 0: hansing.
I spoke to ~t. Gibson, C~~SC, who jntor~ed me ::.haL Erbs was discove~ed
ea~ly S~~day norning. l,t. Gibson said he would tax ~e =~e report w~c~
it was av~i:dble.

_ .. _- ---- ---- ----

Ca L e: 1 0 / 8 7 / 0 <J EAU Cl..,l\:;(E PC:;:"1 CE 0::::,JART:v1ENT pz;.ge:: 13
':'im~~: 10: 33: 29 :r nc ident Rer~)rt P~o~ra~: CMS301L
~--------------- ..

1. - 09 - 012"331, (Co:t:. i .iue c )

**************************** N A ~ R A .~. .:. v s U 11 ******-*******************
7N~~~ #~- Reporced ~y: u"C~[.\SON , TO;:):_) A. '5/23/09
Er.t.e r e d !3y.: ,-:-O;:NSO~, TCOi) l\.. 6/')3/:;9
1<0.vieVJed By: tALK, A::JORI::W S. 7/1·1/U<;J


T re- i r.t
.i r.f o
e r v i ewe d
on ac(r..;.i~d.
_ denied
i r: r e f e r e nce to e ddi i. :.0:::11
'::;Ct'D :::Q
cJ.ny :::0,:1.:0.:':'_ ~e-:.:wecll n i mse , f <And h i s
f~ier.d, ~~o~as R~bs, b~~ st2Led that it was Dossjblc ~hat .E~bs' DNA
wou l d . sr.c:.., up' j n-rnccv (der:ce-'cotrec';:ed - fro~·'~;is'S-A..hJE examinati'(..)!{.·

on 06/27./2009 at: 1439, I me t w i t h I at ~CPL) HQ. I escor:.:.ed_
to Room G774. I ~ecorded the jnterview ~si~g depa~cme::t's ~VR =~e
equipment. The following ~S a s y o f vhe .int e z'v i ew . ?cn ['.11::"
c e ra i l s , the :)VD carl oe v i ewcc .

1 l~.ormeQ~t
in f -- h at -. ~ad chec~od 512 ~. Grand Av. 0.::d t.hat, ba s e c 0;'"1
My observations t~at it was na~ the hause.

_sai.d ne r e c a Ll ed the ba s ernent; was sma l l . _ trice. t.c de sc r ioe

where he wa s in r e l a t i on s h i p to t he be se nenz s t a i r s . _. s a i d ..ha ;
[he only r t h i nq he oou i d r ememoe r about; the mal.e wtu: ~.:)::' he: ha d
d h~iry chesL.
a::d _ said
t::c:.::-, ::e spoke because S:lC wa s r..;)d :.IL
.. 1m. r e La r i cn sn.i p .

I asked _ if h e :,0.0
apok.eri to Thorna s ~eccntly. _ ~8s?::>nc.ed,
"::'~ hung hi :nscl t " . sa id the last tiMe he spoke \oJ.:'::.:-t ~.:.~ was w:-.en
r..ed~opped him (..)f:. C~lr-issy Krcnzlak (sp), a fr.iend of __
- ~anci---Er15s-:--tcrd' _ of Erbs"-(icat:fi-:- -~ - - . --~
sa~,; d tr... a.t u.~l'" _no .,.• g h E'LJ",l-. .... 'n",G
.,,' ~ ep_ V""",,'",
..... .
,.",,,,.I.0T, . SS.les,
° :
~ .•••

ha .....
!.-' py 0'1
_ 06/13/2"'0 v...,.
0 _;:;-°rbs -old
'.... _ oj " -j-r:. y,-",,"
l\. .. -hat "" .....'" 'NcJ.s a "bad
.:01 ......

pcY."son" .

_ dc!~.ied :hdL 11C aTlcl ~::,'b~; ::ad any co:-:tac between L:-:crr.. \';~:e;-. :J.skcd
whcJ.: sho;J.lo happc:: to u pe:;so::i tr.a: l:1is1eads :::-:e pol ~~:c, _sale
"r:o::.hi:lg". thcn statec, "all 1. kr:ow t::'li::l:" Thc:nas yo"...:we~e
harassing t:':':n. \~:!en I as~ed .\':~y Erbs sFlid '-haL r.C) h':':-:I, _
repl~cd Lhz;.t 1 was callir.g hi~ over a::d ove~ aga~~ll ask'nq hi~
qo,.:cst io~s, try ir.g :0 "cor.v ':'ct hi~·'. - expl ai :-:ed t~a L I C21::'] ec Erbs
t'''''icc, t~c seccnd t ':'me becduse he :1uC: h'..c9 'Jp t}:e p:-:one 0:-: 11(~.

I asked what he w~~ld say jf I had i:-:ic~~ati8n L~at ~rbs was

nor-e ~nvol ved in the i :lC idet:.t :::len what \';~s :-ep:)~::ed, res!Jo!'ld~d,
fJ?. t e; 1 0 / 0 '7 / Q 9 :::::AU C:,{I.:·R::::; POLICe f)i-:I).l\J{'rrV:E~T ?uge:
T :..x.e : 1 0 : :;:; : 2 9 j r.c .ide nt, Re-po r t;
--'--_ ..

"1 dori ' t knew II • _ then n~spo[:ced, ":r:' s po s s ib: o . II

I exi~cd the roo~ and speke with Jac~ie Steinhoft, Victim/ Wi:~ess
worker, who ha d bo cn wa t ch i nq the .int.e rv i ew threugh the: monitor. I
inforr..ed her t ha t 1. believed that _ was not being hone s ; with r.e .
I discussed wi~~~ ~s. Steinhoff t~e possibility of ass:"s:ing witt ~he
.i n t c rv i ew as T :e::'t _ Wi)S too emba r r a s s ed t.c i.ldr1~ I. :-.0 ilny sex;~d.l
conta2t with ~rbs.

I c ori f r orit e d _about the -:d e a t ha t he ar.d ':'ho:nas :-:ad s e xu a l

contact w~:~each other a~d :hat there w~s r:o Asian-Ar.erlca~ male.
poi~ted out the irlcons~stencies of his accc~~t o~ t~e ever:t as we:~ as
2rbs' .Li.r:t..:s·...l~~
respo~se. to my que s t i oris and_his s' _
cent ended ttat it was sti:l :~:c Asia:1-Amer~cdn jogger ~~a~ assa~ILed
hi m .

•••• c l a i r.c d t.ha t several rr.onths prier tha: t were in J:.:rbs'
pa r e nt s ' be scrnerit ar.d he ar.d Erbs we r e u.s i nc p i l I.s . Er b s po i nt.e d ou ; u


::: a s ke d
co~~act. W~e:1 I asked
him en t.l:e phone .
be am SOlrl~":J ac r c s s :::.:-:c co i Li nq :':1.::-;'Q

he and Er bs had s e xua l con:::.act . _dcr:icd

why Erbs reacted
stated t hat. Erbs 7
c orrrncnt od

the way he did 1 spo~e to
WdS pa r ano i d o I t r;e po l i ce .
::0\-1 i t, wou::'d be a geod

also as~ed what would happen if Erbs' DNA was d~scovered ~~ the
ev i de nce co l Le c t eo r r orn I~1~~
'-' _ A ....... _ ...~
_ SNN ...· exarn
...._ i ....
ct •.- na t i or: _~-l'tl'''':
, • I --J'"j ::-o--toc
<::: "_. , .&, .. ..... .. • c;. __ OJ ....

"I dO:l't k:1ow." ::. asked ~f t::ere was a chance t::dt. :=:d:s' ~\ll, w();~ld
sto'J\' '...lp in the eXdm~:lu::':O:l :esults._ !."cspo::::ied, ":::'s pOSSi.8-_C".

I a]<li:! iisked if i: was poss':"b::'e tha: ::e a.nd £:::::s ::dd s~x't.;,al cor:laCL
v;.ith each ot:ler. :.t WdS possible !:Jeca~se stlic., "I ";as
drugged, I coulon':::.. Y"{:!T:crr.ber,i'ln(~ he (E:-bs) had a :eugh ::":ne :;ett':nq
girls". Whe:: T bro;lsht up U1iJ: he gave ne d i t feY.'~n:. aCCO~1:1LSef ·,
tr.ey tad bce:1 and Erbs told me thiJ.L U:ey '.rJc:-:t to a bar/pi zza c I ace,
~ they did So to such a place :Cy ?~mil':l DolLn 0::1 Eire:' St.

~uired. ~s ~o hew L:::en~ c~uld -havr. been ~wo persons llSSa.Ult ir:9 t:i:::.
__ CO:1tl;'..lea te co~lend t::al then::! Wd.S l::e u;;'<:now~: Jogger and that.
.i t oC2urrec at h::..shouse. l' as:-< how E::::'DS beci)1'\e i~vo':' ve.d, _
explai~ed thaL :naybe he called ~rbs us: ng ::l:e u:;knOW:l IT:ale' S pho::-:c and
~nvited h:'~ to the house for a purty.

• continued to t.e2.~. De tLdL there 'Nas arl Asia.::-Arlerican mule w:-:c

assQt..:lted him. When I Lold tha= I bel~oved he and Er~s were the
only :wo perso~s ~nvolved, sta:ed he wan~ed tc leave. I
cor:cl·.1ced the j.nterv:ew and escorted hj r~',Lo ~hc lcDDy.


****'*****************'**'***** ~ i\ R RAT I V J:: # 17. *******************x***~**

ReporLed By: ,iO;:NSO)), :-O=:>D A. 6/24/09
Time: 1 0 :5 3 :2 9 Incident Report Program: CMS301L
-..f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

1-09-012334 (Continued)
Entered By.: JOHNSON, TODD A. 6/24/09
Reviewed By: FALK, ANOREW S. 7/14/09

At this time, I am coding this case OPNX for the followIng reasons.
One, the victim, had numerous inconsistencies with his
account of what occurred. Two, a friend of • Thomas Erbs,
dIsplayed unusual responses to questions I asked of him, accusing me
.of harassment and trying to convict him of something. Erbs committed
suicide by hanging. Third, admitted that it was possible that he
and Erbs had sexual contact and that Erbs' DNA would show up in his
SANE examination results. Fourth, I checked , where
,==:,claimed the a ssau It occurred. I spoke _.t9.
• ,'~ho did n;E-~atch'lhe ~hy~ical destripti~n'provided
A walk-through of the house also showed that the description of where
the event took place did not match.

At this time, I have no further new information. I am coding this case

as OPNX.


**************************** N A R R A T I V E ~ 13 **************************
Entered By.: NELSON, ANGELA F. 6/24/09
Reviewed By: NELSON, ANGELA F. 6/24/09

**************************** N A R R A T I V E # 14 **************************
Entered By . : NELSON, ANGELA F. 6/24/09
Reviewed By: NELSON, ANGELA F. 6/24/09

**************************** N A R R A T I V E # 15 **************************
Enter'ed-Syr: JdHNSON, '-'form A. 6/30/09
Reviewed By: FALK, ANDREW S. 7/14/09

Barcode 36629: Piece of rope and plastic' bag

After consulting with Lt. Golden in reference to allegations made
by a victim in a sexual assault investigation, I went to CHSO HQ and
recovered a section of rope collected from a suicide that occurred in
Chippewa County.

I conferred with Lt. Golden in reference to obtaining a section of
rope that likely contained DNA belonging to Thomas Erbs. I wanted to
collect a DNA sample from Erbs because another male,
DaLp.: lO/J7/0'3 i~l\tJ CL]\I:\E POL':'::":::: D!::~~AICXE:JT ?age; '1 f
T .imo : 1 0 ; :::;:5 ; :2 9 I r.c ide!!:..:\eporL Pzoq r arr: CES 1 8 ~.r.
- -f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1·09··012334 (Co:1:.:.inued)
accused me of do i nq noth:'ng about; his scx.ia ; a s sa u l t: I nve s ci qa t i on ar.d es s i nq :1:S f ri er.ds . Th i s i nc l uded t ne s u i c i da I dea:.h o f ::.:8 :r':'end,

i. spoke to C:-iSO rJlves~_.iya1..~)'::- Chad Ho I urn a.;:;ou:_ i.he e v i dor.c c .

lnvest':'_gatc~ Hol~n was awa~e cf :..heevider:ce drld 5ta~ed it wo~ld be
t':'netc a~alyze the rape fo~ DNA_

On J5/30/2009, I met witll InvesLigalor Dick ?rice as Invcs~ig~LO'::-

I!ol~~ was noL avai:able_ Price re~oved the i~e:-:1frc~
thc:~ evidence s~orage. I sigrled a custody rece:p: and took c~s:ody c~
the item.
-_::bi:-cuyht -~:oI)e--'sectlo:;_,
whTc;-\.;~s--p~~:~-~g~~..-ri~:-~-·~):~~~t-~c hack -·bcJ.g~
to ECPD ~~Q_ Af t e r dc..;r:~i::g gloves and :t s uzq i c a , m3.[.3~, 1 Laid CJL 0.
piece of c ra f t pa pc r _ I cut open the p::" baq a nd pu t the cont e nt.s
cnt.o the c ra I t papc r. I ;:::J aced the p la s t i c bag in Ci new pape r ev i derice
bag. I folded up L~e craft paper and plric:ed ~haL inlo Lte bag. I
sealed the bag with evidence tape and plGlced :he item into Lcc~cr H5,
w~ich I secured wi:h the provided padlock.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ND OF REPORT * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * *

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