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Typing a FuJI Boolean Search Phrase

If you are familiar with Full Boolean search syntax, you may find it faster and more convenient to simply type your search phases into the
Search box while in the column or form view. (For more details, see Quick Searching Using the Search Box.)

This topic discusses the following items:

• CT Summation Enterprise search connectors
• Intelli-parse phrases
• CT Summation Enterprise search operators
• System fietd information


CT Summation Enterprise Search Connectors

A search connector is used between two search terms or phrases that defines the way CT Summation Enterprise will search for the
different items. The following table outlines the different connects, their syntax, and results of a sample search.

Note: The spelling of a connector is not case sensitive. In other words, AND, and, and And are all valid connectors.

Search Connectors
Operator Syntax Example Results
And And flood and damage Results containing both the words flood and
& flood & damage damage.
Or Or flood or damage Results containing the word flood or the word
\ flood \ damage damage.

You can use parentheses in your search to group clauses together, similar to a mathematical equation. For example, if you want to locate
records containing the word Moss and the key words flood, damage, or yard, you could use either of the following search phrases:

Franc & (flood \ damage \ yard)

Franc and (flood or damage or yard)


Intelli-parse Ph rases

You can also use Intelli-parse search phrases to combine database field and full-text searching in the same search. (For more information
about Intelli-parse search operators, see CT Summation Enterprise Search Operators.) For example, you can search for the word rock in
records dated 2/15/98 with photographs:

rock & docdate~2!15!98 & doctype~photograph

When you select items in the Case Explorer and use an Intelli-parse search phrase, CT Summation Enterprise adapts the search to each
checked case component. In this way, you can search your entire case for full-text information (such as in transcripts and documents in
the ocrBase) while restricting your document and note searches to fielded information.


CT Summation Enterprise Search Operators

This section is intended for users who are familiar with Full Boolean search phrases and who want to type these search phrases directly in
the Search box. If you are not familiar with writing Full Boolean search phrases, see Building a Full Boolean Search for information about
using the Full Boolean tab on the Core Database Query dialog box to develop compound searches.

The following table lists the search operators that you can use when using an Intelli-parse search phrase in your Full Boolean search.
(For more information about intelli-parse phrases, see Intelli-parse Phrases above.) Search operators are dependent upon the data type
assigned to a database field. For example, a date field does not use the search operator contains, but a text field does.
Note: The spelling of an operator is not case sensitive. In other words, Contains, can, and contains are ai/ valid operators.

Intelli-Parse Search Operators

Type of Field Operator Represented By Examples and Results
Note, MUlti-entry, or Text Contains Contains doc type contains photograph
Can Finds all records where the Doctype field
contains the word Photograph.

docid con KMP00019

Finds all records where the Docid field contains
Equal to Eq issues = negligence
= Finds all records where Negligence is listed in
the Issues field. This operator differs from
Contains in that it looks for exact entry matches.
For example, if you search for Negligence in the
Issues field with Equal To, the only records that
are returned are those that contain the specific
entry of Negligence in the Issues field. If the
Issues field contains Contractor's Negligence,
for instance, that record would not be returned
unless it also contains an issue entry for just

Note: You can use the' (asterisk) wildcard

before or after any "equai to" operator. This
ai/ows you to search for records containing
words that either begin with or end with the
search term.

authors Eq Sara*
Finds all records where Sara begins a name in
the Authors field (for example, Sara Moss).

Note: The phrase author = Sara (without an

asterisk) wouid not find any records unless
the word Sara was listed by itself as an
author name. Equals is more restrictive than

docid eq *001
Finds records where the beginning document
number ends with 001.
Not equal to NE doc type NE letter
Finds all records where the Doctype field does
not list the word Letter.

Docid ne KMPOOQ19
Finds all records except the one with the
document number KMP00019.
Greater than or GE docid GE KMPOOOOl
equal to Finds all records with the beginning document
number KMP00001 and higher.

Note: The Docid field is not an integer field.

This means that this example would also
retrieve documents with Docid prefixes with
letters that alphabeticai/y foi/ow K, such as

Less than or LE docid LE KMP00040

equal to Finds all records with the document number
KMP00040 and lower.
Note: TIJe Docid field is not an integer field.
TIJis means tIJat tIJis example would also
retrieve documents witIJ Docid prefixes witIJ
letters tIJat alplJabeiJcally precede K, sucIJ
as BDJ0001.
Greater than GT docid GT KMP00019
> Finds all records with a document number that is
higher than KMP00019.

Note: TIJe Docid field is not an integer field.

TIJis means tIJat tIJis example would also
retrieve documents witIJ Docid prefixes witIJ
letters tIJat alplJabet/cally follow K, sucIJ as
Less than LT docid LT NTE00001
< Finds all records with a document number that is
lower than NTE00001.

Note: TIJe Docid field is not an integer field.

TIJis means tIJat tIJis example would also
retrieve documents witIJ Docid prefixes witIJ
letters tIJat alplJabetically precede N, sucIJ
as KMP00040.

Between between <first item> and docid between KMP00019 and KMPQOQ40
<second item> Finds records with the document numbers
KMP00019 and KMP00040, and all records in
EXists exists parentid exists
Finds all records where the Parentid field
contains an entry.
Fails fails parentid fails
Finds all records where the Parentid field does
not contain an entry.
Date, Time, Integer, Currency, Equal to Eq docdate Eq 3/15/99
Real Number = Finds all records dated 3/15/99.

docdate ~ 3/*/99
Finds all records from March, 1999. The asterisk
(*) wildcard allows you to search for any day in
Not equal to NE docdate NE 3/*/99
Finds all records that are not dated from March,
Greater than or GE docdate GE 3/15/99
equal to Finds all records dated 3/15/99 and later.
Less than or LE docdate LE 3/15/99
equal to Finds all records that are dated 3/15/99 and
Greater than GT docdate GT 3/15/99
> Finds all records that are dated after 3/15/99.
Less than LT docdate LT 3/15/99
< Finds all records that are dated earlier than
Between between <first item> and docdate Between 3/1/99 and 3/15/99
<second item> Finds records dated 3/1199 and 3/15/99, and all
records dated in between those two dates.
EXists exists docdate exists
Finds all records that have any date listed in the
Docdate field.
Fails fails doc date fails
Finds all records that do not have a date listed in
the Docdate field.

System Field Information

In order to run Full Boolan searches, it is helpful to know basic field information, such as the fieid name and the field type. To view this
information, simply click in any record within the column (field) for which you want to view information. The status bar displays field
Information on the lower left of the CT Summation Enterprise screen, as shown in the following figure.

Butnor' i'RlltiEritry LOokup I

Field Information

This example shows that the field name is Authors, that it is a MultiEntry field, and that a Lookup table is associated with it.

Search keywords allow you to search for items associated with a record from the Core Database.

Note: These search keywords cannot be combined in a search phrase with a query on a specific field. For example, you cannot
execute the following search: #EDOC CON Morris AND Summary CON report. However, you could first run a keyword search and
then search that subset of records for field-specific information.

Search Keywords
Keyword Description
#EMAIL Finds your search term in e-mail records.
#EATTACH Finds your search term in e-mail attachments records.
#EDOC Finds your search term in electronic document records.
#ALLEDD Finds your search terms in all eDocs & eMail records. Using this search keyword is
equivalent to the following statement #EMAIL OR #EATTACH OR #EDOC.
#PRODNO Finds your search term in the Core Database for records that have been assigned a
production number. See Searching fora Production Number for more information.
#OCR Finds your search term in records with associated OCR documents.

Search keywords can be used with the operators EXISTS, FAILS, and CONTAINS.

Search Keyword Operators

Keyword Operators Description
EXISTS Used in conjunction with one of the above keywords, finds records where the associated
keyword item exists. For example, #EMAIL EXISTS returns all records with an
associated e-mail message.
FAILS Used in conjunction with one of the above keywords, finds records where the associated
keyword item does not exist. For example, #EMAIL FAILS returns all records that do not
have an associated e-mail message.
CONTAINS Used in conjunction with one of the above keywords and a search term, finds records
where the associated keyword item both exists and contains the search term. For
example, #EMAIL CONTAINS report returns all e-mail message records containing the
word "report."


Related Topics
Using Keystrok~s

There are numerous keystrokes that you can use to accomplish simple tasks in GT Summation Enterprise. Different keystrokes are
available depending upon the case area that is in focus (for example, tne a Core Database view, a transcript, and so on). The following
table lists and describes the keystrokes available in various GT Summation Enterprise views.

Tipl For handy access, you may want to print this Help topic to use as a reference.

CT Summation Enterprise Keystrokes

View Keystrokes Description
All F1 Display Help system
F11 Toggle between full-screen and normal window views
Gtrl + G Copy text
Gtrl + 0 Open case
Gtrl + P Print
Gtrl + Q Move active cursor to the Search box
Gtrl +V Paste text
Gtrl +U When performing a subset search will bring back the original search
Gtrl +X Include Family Summaries
Gtrl + Shift + F4 Glose the current view that is in focus
Database F2 Toggle between Display and Edit modes
F3 Glear the contents of the current field (Add and Edit modes)
F4 Enter the current date in the active field (Add and Edit modes)
F5 Gopy the text in the previously active field into the current field (Edit mode) or
copy the text from the same field of the previous record into the field of the current
record (Add mode)
F6 Open the lookup table associated with the current field
F7 Move to the previous record
F8 Move to the next record
F9 Zoom
F10 Save the current record (Add and Edit modes)
Shift + F2 Add a new summary
Shift + F4 Retrieve all summaries
Shift + F5 Decrement the value of the current field by one (Add and Edit modes)
Alt + F5 Increment the value of the current field by one (Add and Edit modes)
Alt + L Open the file linked to the current record
Alt+ U Unmark all currently marked records
Alt + Z Zoom to linked transcript testimony
Gtrl + F Display the Field List
Gtrl + G Display the Go to Summary dialog box to quickly move to a particular summary
row number
Gtrl + H Toggle between marking and unmarking a record as a HotFact
Gtrl + M Toggle between marking and unmarking a summary
Gtrl + S Ensure that the current record is the same between the form and the column
Transcript F7 Display the previous note
F8 Display the next note
Alt + A Add a new note
Alt + D Delete the current note
Alt + E Edit the current note
Alt+ I Greate a report of all notes sorted by issues
Alt + L Greate a link to additional transcript testimony, a transcript video clip, a Microsoft
Windows document, a Web site, or document image
Alt + P Display an image (if an image is associated with a note, that image is displayed;
otherwise, you can select images by document number)
Alt + V Show the transcript Vocabulary List
Gtrl + A Gopy selected testimony excerpt into the current note
Ctrl +B Print transcript cites
Ctrl + D Copy selected testimony excerpt into a new note
Ctrl +F Move active cursor to the Search box
Ctrl + G Display the Go to Page dialog box to quickly move to a particular page in the
Ctrl + N Display the Choose Note Where dialog box to develop a search for notes using a
point-and-c1ick interface
Ctrl + R Re-find the phrase that you used in your last search
Ctrl + Shift + V Show the transcript Vocabulary List
ocrBase F7 Display the previous document
F8 Display the next document
Shift + F4 Retrieve all ocrBase documents
Alt + I Create a report of all notes sorted by issues
Ctrl + N Display the Choose Note Where dialog box to develop a search for notes using a
point-and-click Interface
Image F Fit image in the window
L Turn the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise
R Turn the image 90 degrees clockwise
W Expand to wide mode
V Reverse colors on. ,an image (for example, background will become black and the
text white
Shift + H Toggle between showing and hiding image markups
Shift + Alt + Ctrl + C View a dialog box that tells you the number of markups on the current image
- (minus sign) Zoom out
+ (plus sign) Zoom in
Page Up Display the previous page in a multi-page document image
Page Down Display the next page in a mUlti-page document image
F2 Toggle the display of the image markup toolbar
F7 Display the previous image
F8 Display the next image
Shift + H Toggle between showing and hiding image markups


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