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July 10, 2006

Borough Hall


Frederick Newhart—Pres. Frank Welsh
H. Thomas Eddy Diane Wilson
Jeffery Berger
Robert Carichner
Michael Rhodes
William Edner, Mayor
Randy Eddinger, Police
Dale Cahn, Public Works
J. Howard Langdon, Solicitor
Linda K.Stabler, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order on the above date by
President Newhart at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Residents and Visitors

Diane Wilson was present to discuss putting an ordinance on Burning in the borough. The burning
ban was tabled. The request for One Way for Maple Alley was tabled till next meeting so Jennifer and
Rodney Buck could be present for the discussion. Frank Welsh was present to discuss the Emergency
Management Plan at which time a motion was made by Carichner and seconded by Eddy to appoint
Welsh Consulting and Planning Services as the Borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator. Carried

Motion was made by Carichner and seconded by Rhodes for the treasurer’s report and bills for the month
ordered paid on the General Fund check #5094 through #5128 totaling $43,165.55 and the Water Fund
check # 168 through #189 totaling $17,298.66. Carried 5-0. No motion was made to approve the
Secretary’s minutes from June as they were not presented at the meeting. Both June and July will be
approved at the August meeting.

Solicitor’s Report

Crawford case at 375 Race Street is waiting to be heard by the Judge in the Court of Common
Pleas. The Police Contract is still in negotiations. The letter from Vito and Lisa Ciaravino was handled by
the Solicitor. The Solicitor had no response from the Matthews House and is going to file a Municipal Lien
on the property. The Solicitor reported that there is only (1) resident left unpaid for the Water. Discussion
was held on the former Gibbs property as to the conforming use or non-conforming use.
The list of Unpaid Streetscape Assessment was given for review. Other items on the Solicitor’s agenda
will be discussed in executive session.

Police Report

Eddinger reported the status of the new cruiser and stated that it should be here mid August.
Discussion was held on the Police coverage for the Fair. A motion was made by Carichner and seconded
by Eddy to use the Muncy Township Police and reimburse the township for the cost of there services. It
was stated also that Andrew Boyer will be utilized for some Fair coverage.

Public Works Report

Cahn discussed the schedule for the paving of Spruce Alley from Walnut to Race Street. Also
Maple Alley from Cemetery to South Broad Street. Also it was stated at the meeting that the
p.2 – July 10, 2006

old library building on Main Street is slated to be torn down 08/09 and that the heating system to the
building should be drained and any property that is still in the building should be checked out and sold.

Water Report

Jeff Berger read the Water Report, the balance was $14,244.81 also Diane Wilson handed out the
Water Authority Audit. A motion was made by Berger and seconded by Carichner to allow 90 days
delinquent instead of 120 days delinquent for termination of water service.

Manager’s Report

Discussion on some additional work that needs to be done on Bodine Park that borders the John
Smith Property needs graded and seeded.

New Business

Advertising for a replacement for Rebecca Fought, as Borough Manager was tabled until some
discussion by the Personnel Committee can be made as to the specifics of the position. The setting of the
salary for the temporary replacement will be handled by the Personnel Committee. Discussion was made to
stop the Post Office Box and have mail delivered directly to the Borough Building. The Pitney Bowes
agreement was discussed and a motion was made by Berger and seconded by Carichner to discontinue the
postage meter and pay-off the agreement with Pitney Bowes if necessary. Due to the size of the borough
the funding is unavailable to continue with the meter. Carried 5-0. The council also agreed to drop Earth
Link. Discussion concerning the cards to Sam’s Club was made, due to having to taking the prior Borough
Secretary’s name off and making it in the name of Hughesville Borough.

Committee Reports

Personnel, public safety, streets, property and finance had nothing further to discuss.

At 9:10 p.m. a motion to have an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters was
made by Eddy and seconded by Carichner. Carried. 5-0.

At 10:00 p.m the open session was reconvened. A motion was made by Carichner and seconded
by Eddy to adopt the following resolution : BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) The Hughesville Borough
Council approves the actions taken by the Police Chief and the Mayor in requesting, pursuant to
Hughesville Police Policy Regulation #10.03, Richard Shearer to provide a statement from his attending
physical that he is able to work and perform his police duties without restriction; and that Richard Shearer
shall not be re-scheduled to work his part-time hours until such a physician’s statement is provided.
2) that the Borough retain the services of Thomas C. Marshall, Esquire, as special labor legal counsel, to
represent the Borough of Hughesville in any subsequent grievance or other legal proceedings regarding
part-time officer Richard Shearer. The vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Stabler
Temporary Borough Secretary

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