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KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments)


1. Calculate the effect on G of shifting 250 t of cargo downward through 16 m from a position
on deck to the lower hold in a ship displacing 22000 t.
(0.182 m down)

2. A ship displaces 24300 t and has a KG of 5.60 m. Calculate the final KG if 180 t is loaded
on deck at Kg 9.60 m.
(5.629 m)

3. A ship displaces 12260 t and has KG 6.68 m. A weight of 34 t is discharged from the lower
hold, Kg 2.2 m. Calculate the final KG.
(6.692 m)

4. A ship has an initial KG of 6.20 m. If the displacement is 23360 t, what is the maximum
amount of cargo that may be loaded on deck in a position Kg 10.40 m to ensure that the final
KG does not exceed 6.46 m?
(1541.5 t)

5. A ship displaces 12300 t and has KG 5.84 m. What is the maximum amount of cargo that
can be discharged from the lower hold, Kg 1.80 m, to ensure that the final KG does not
exceed 6.00 m?
(468.6 t)

6. A ship displaces 2730 tonnes and has a KG of 6.00 m. The ship then loads the following:
540 tonnes at 5.0 m above the keel;
370 tonnes at 8.5 m above the keel;
110 tonnes at 10.4 m above the keel;
850 tonnes at 4.6 m above the keel.
Calculate the final KG.
(5.930 m)

7. A loaded lighter displaces 856 tonnes and has a KG of 1.5 m. Find the new KG after the
following weights have been discharged:
160 tonnes from 2.5 m above the keel;
40 tonnes from 3.7 m above the keel;
395 tonnes from 1.2 m above the keel.
(1.004 m)

8. A ship leaves port with a displacement of 9060 tonnes and a KG of 5.2 m. During the
voyage the following is consumed:
Oil fuel: 200 tonnes from 0.8 m above the keel;
320 tonnes from 0.7 m above the keel;
Stores: 98 tonnes from 9.5 m above the keel;
FW: 87 tonnes from 10.0 m above the keel.
What will be the KG on arrival at port of destination?
(5.377 m)

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 1

9. The original displacement of a ship was 4285 tonnes, KG 6.0 m. The following is loaded:
800 tonnes at 3.6 m above the keel;
440 tonnes at 7.0 m above the keel;
110 tonnes at 5.8 m above the keel;
630 tonnes at 3.0 m above the keel.
Find the new KG.
(5.459 m)

10. A ship has a KG of 6.5 m and a displacement of 6020 tonnes. Find the new KG after
loading and discharging the following weights:
Load: 500 tonnes at 2.5 m above the keel;
850 tonnes at 5.0 m above the keel;
220 tonnes at 8.4 m above the keel;
Discharge: 330 tonnes from 5.5 m above the keel;
700 tonnes from 2.6 m above the keel;
(6.531 m)

11. A ship displaces 18940 tonnes, KG 6.22 m. Calculate the final KG if the following cargo is
Load: 200 tonnes at Kg 8.62 m;
188 tonnes at Kg 2.56 m;
46 tonnes at Kg 3.46 m;
Discharge: 562 tonnes from Kg 7.68 m;
Shift: 236 tonnes from Kg 4.20 m to a position on deck Kg 12.2 m.
(6.259 m)

12. A ship displaces 16420 tonnes, KG 5.64 m. Cargo is worked as follows:

Load: 1500 t at Kg 6.50 m;
1200 t at Kg 5.00 m;
900 at Kg 4.20 m;
1000 t at Kg 8.20 m;
Discharge: 220 t from Kg 1.50 m.
What is the maximum amount of cargo that can be loaded on deck at Kg 12.00 m to ensure
that the final KG does not exceed 5.80 m?
(101.8 t)

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 2


1. GGv = w × d GGv = 250 × 16 GGv = 0.182 m downward

W 22000

2. GGv = w × d GGv = 180 × (9.60 - 5.60) GGv = 0.029 m up

W+w 24300 + 180

Initial KG 5.600
GGv (up) 0.029
FINAL KG 5.629

3. GGv = w × d GGv = 34 × (6.68 - 2.20) GGv = 0.012 m up

W-w 12260 - 34

Initial KG 6.680
GGv (up) 0.012
FINAL KG 6.692

4. Initial KG 6.200
Final KG 6.460
Max. GGv (up) 0.260

GGv = w × d 0.260 = w × (10.40 - 6.20) Solve the equation for w

W+w 23360 + w

0.260 × (23360 + w) = w × (10.40 - 6.20)

6073.6 + 0.260w = 4.2w 6073.6 = 4.2w - 0.26w

6073.6 = 3.94w w = 1541.5 tonnes

5. Initial KG 5.840
Final KG 6.000
Max. GGv (up) 0.160

GGv = w × d 0.160 = w × (5.84 - 1.80) Solve the equation for w

W-w 12300 - w

0.160 × (12300 - w) = w × (5.84 - 1.80)

1968 - 0.160w = 4.04w 1968 = 4.04w + 0.16w

1968 = 4.20w w = 468.6 tonnes

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 3

6. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 2730 6.00 16380
LOAD 540 5.00 2700
LOAD 370 8.50 3145
LOAD 110 10.40 1144
LOAD 850 4.60 3910
FINAL 4600 5.930 27279

7. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 856 1.50 1284
DISCH -160 2.50 -400
DISCH -40 3.70 -148
DISCH -395 1.20 -474
FINAL 261 1.004 262

8. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 9060 5.20 47112
DISCH -200 0.80 -160
DISCH -320 0.70 -224
DISCH -98 9.50 -931
DISCH -87 10.00 -870
FINAL 8355 5.377 44927

9. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 4285 6.00 25710
LOAD 800 3.60 2880
LOAD 440 7.00 3080
LOAD 110 5.80 638
LOAD 630 3.00 1890
FINAL 6265 5.459 34198

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 4

10. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 6020 6.50 39130
LOAD 500 2.50 1250
LOAD 850 5.00 4250
LOAD 220 8.40 1848
DISCH -330 5.50 -1815
DISCH -700 2.60 -1820
FINAL 6560 6.531 42843

11. Take moments about the keel.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 18940 6.22 117806.8
LOAD 200 8.62 1724
LOAD 188 2.56 481.28
LOAD 46 3.46 159.16
LOAD 236 12.20 2879.2
DISCH -562 7.68 -4316.16
DISCH -236 4.20 -991.2
FINAL 18812 6.259 117743.08

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 5

12. Take moments about the keel, let x = cargo to load on deck at Kg 12.00 m. The final KG is
known which is 5.80 m.

Weight (t) Kg Moments (tm)

Initial Displ 16420 5.64 92608.8
LOAD 1500 6.50 9750
LOAD 1200 5.00 6000
LOAD 900 4.20 3780
LOAD 1000 8.20 8200
DISCH -220 1.50 -330
Deck cargo x 12.00 12x
FINAL 20800 + x 5.800 120008.8 + 12x

Final KG = Moments
Final Displacement

Therefore: 5.80 = 120008.8 + 12x

20800 + x

5.80 × (20800 + x) = 120008.8 +12x 120640 + 5.8x = 120008.8 + 12x

120640 - 120008.8 = 12x - 5.8x 631.2 = 6.2x x = 101.8 t

KG CALCULATIONS (Formulae method and moments) - Tutorial Questions (Rev. 03/09/02) 6

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