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Gravitation and Gravity


Answer to the Short Questions

(A) State the discoveries of Newton about the forces of gravitation.

Ans.: The inventions of Newton about gravitation are given below :

1. Any two particles of this universe attract each other along the straight line
connecting the centers of the particles.
2. This force of attraction depends on the masses of the two particles; if the mass
is more the attraction will be more and if the mass is less the attraction will be
3. The force of attraction also depends on the distance between the two particles;
if the distance increases, the force decreases and if the distance decreases, the
force increases.

(B) What is meant by gravitation?

Ans.: Gravitation : The attraction force by which any two particles of this
universe attract each other is called gravitation.

Sir Isaac Newton discovered the gravitation.

(C) What is meant by gravity?

Ans.: Gravity : The attraction force which acts on any body by the earth is
called gravity. Due to this gravity if we jump and go up, we again come back and
fall to the ground.
Gravitation and Gravity 102

Gravity is a special case of gravitation. Earth attracts objects towards the centre.
So gravity is actually meant the attraction force of the earth. Infact, the earth
attracts any object situated in its surface, the object also attracts the earth in
similar way.

(D) What is the difference between the gravitation and gravity?

Ans.: The difference between gravitation and gravity are as follows:

Gravity Gravitation
1. The attraction force between the 1. The attraction force between any two
earth and any object is called gravity. object in this universe is called
2. Gravity is one kind of gravitation. 2. This is a universal force.
3. All force of gravity is gravitational 3. All gravitational force is not the
force. force of gravity.
4. The weight of an object is specified 4. Gravitational force does not indicate
by the force of gravity. weight of any object.
5. Example : The attraction force 5. Example : The attraction force
between the earth and the moon is between the sun and the moon is
gravity. gravitation.

(E) What is acceleration due to gravity?

Ans.: Acceleration due to gravity : The acceleration which is created due to the
gravity is called acceleration due to gravity. Or, the rate of change of velocity of
a freely falling body due to the force of gravity is called acceleration due to

Symbol : Gravitational acceleration is denoted by ‘g’.

Unit : In M.K.S system the unit is meter/sec2.

Quantity : vector quantity.

Dimension : [g] = [LT-2].

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Significance : The unit of gravitational acceleration is different in different

places. Generally the acceleration due to gravity is independent of the material of
an object; it depends on the location of the object.
(f) Which one has the greater force of attraction, the earth or the moon?
Give reasons.

Ans.: The attraction of earth is greater than the moon comparing their relative
attraction force between each other. Because, the mass of the moon is
approximately 81 times less than that of the earth. Again the gravitational force
of the moon is much less than that of the earth and it is approximately one-sixth
of that of the earth. According to the law of gravitational force the more is the
mass of an object, the more will be its attraction force. As a matter of fact, as the
mass of the earth is many times more in comparison with the mass of moon till
the moon will not be deviated from its orbit.

(G) What is meant by mass of a body?

Ans.: Mass :The mass of a body is the basic quantity of matter it contains. Mass
is a basic quantity of matter.

Symbol : It is denoted by ‘M’ or ‘m’.

Quantity : It is a scalar quantity.

The mass of an object is constant in every where.

(H) What do you mean by weight of a body?

Ans.: Weight : The force by which the earth attracts any object towards its centre
is called its weight.

Symbol : It is denoted by ‘W’.

Quantity : As weight is nothing but a force, so it is a vector quantity.

Equation : Weight,W =Force of gravity = Mass x Acceleration.

or, W = mg.

(I) If you go to moon, will your weight increase or decrease?

Gravitation and Gravity 104

Ans.: The force by which the earth attracts any object towards its centre is called
its weight. That means, weight is the force of gravity on a body.
Weight, W =Force of gravity
= Mass x Acceleration.

Mass of an object is a constant quantity; so the weight of an object is dependent

on gravitational acceleration. The weight of an object will be more in that place
where the gravitational acceleration is higher. And the weight of an object will be
less in the place where the gravitational acceleration is lower. So my weight will
decrease, if I go to moon. Again the gravitational force of the moon is much less
than that of the earth and it is approximately one-sixth of that of the earth.

That means, if my weight is W in the earth, it will be 1/6 W in moon.

(J) If a piece of paper and a piece of iron are released from the same height,
which will touch the ground earlier and why?

Ans.: If any object is released from above due

to the force of gravity, the body begins to fall
downward. If a heavy body and a light body are
released simultaneously from same height, it is
generally seen that the heavy body touches the
ground first. But in 1589, the renowned Gravity
scientist of Italy Galileo showed with an
experiment that all bodies heavy or light falling
freely from same height reach the ground at the
same time. A piece of paper and a piece of iron
should touch the ground at the same time if Upward pressure
they are fallen from the same height. But the of air
piece of paper takes more time due to overcome Fig.: Touching of the ground by a piece of iron
before a piece of paper in presence of air
the resistance of air.

If there is no resistance then the heavy and light body would fall to the ground at
the same time. Newton performed an experiment taking guinea as a heavy body
in a long vacuum glass tube and proved the fact.
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Answer to the Essay Type Questions

1. Describe the story of the discovery of Newton’s gravitation.

Ans.: British scientist Sir Isaac Newton

discovered gravitation in 1665, when he was only
23 years old. It is said that one day while Newton
was sitting under an apple tree thinking about the
motion of the earth around the sun and the
motion of the moon around the earth, a ripe apple
fell on the ground. At once, the question arose in
his mind, why did the apple fell to the ground?
Why did it not go upward? Why did it not stay
still? He then thought that the reason might be Fig.: Fruits fall to the ground
the force of attraction of the earth. due to the attraction of the earth

The earth attracts every body at its surroundings towards its centre. That is why
not only the apple but anything that is thrown upward falls to the ground; if any
substance is thrown upward, it comes back to the ground. Newton again thought
that the force of attraction of the earth which attracts the apple towards it is the
same force which perhaps attracts the moon towards the earth. This was his
epoch-making concept. He discovered that the earth not only attracts materials at
its surroundings, but the force of attraction extends upto the vast outer space. That
is every substance of this universe attracts every other. This force of attraction is
called gravitation.

Newton discovered that

1. Any two particles of this universe attract each other along the straight line
connecting the centres of the particles.
2. This force of attraction depends on the masses of these two particles; if the
mass is more, the attraction will be more and if the mass is less the attraction will
be less.
Gravitation and Gravity 106

3. The force of attraction also depends on the distance between the two particles;
if the distance increases, the force decreases and if the distance decreases, the
force increases. This is the story of the invention of Newton’s gravitation.

2. Define mass and weight of any body. What are their differences?

Ans.: Mass : The mass of a body is the basic quantity of matter it contains. Mass
is a basic quantity of matter.
Symbol : It is denoted by ‘M’ or ‘m’.
Quantity : It is a scalar quantity.
The mass of an object is constant in every where.
Weight : The force by which the earth attracts any object towards its centre is
called its weight.
Symbol : It is denoted by ‘W’.
Quantity : As weight is nothing but a force, so it is a vector quantity.
Equation : Weight,W =Force of gravity = Mass x Acceleration.
or, W = mg.

The differences between mass and weight are as follows:

Mass Weight
1. The mass of a body is the quantity of 1. The force by which the earth attracts
matter it contains any body towards its centre is the
2. There will be no change of the mass 2. The weight of the body will be
of any body in different places different at different places.
3. Mass is an inherent property of the 3. Weight of a body is not an inherent
body property.
4. The S. I. Unit of mass is kilogram. 4. The S.I. unit of weight is Newton.
5. Mass can be measured with ordinary 5. Weight can be measured with spring
balance. balance.
6. Mass can be obtained dividing the 6. Weight can be determined
weight by gravitational acceleration. multiplying the weight by gravitational
7. Mass is a scalar quantity. 7. Weight is a vector quantity.
8. Mass is the basic property of a 8. Weight is not the basic property of a
matter. matter.
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9. The unit of mass in C.G.S, M.K.S 9. The unit of weight in C.G.S, M.K.S
and F.P.S are gram, kilogram and and F.P.S are Dyne, Newton and
pound respectively. poundal.

3. Discuss about the velocity of freely falling body.

Ans.: Velocity can be defined as the rate of change of displacement by a body.

The velocity of a freely falling body is influenced by the gravity. Due to the force
of gravity on a freely falling body acceleration is created which is called
gravitational acceleration. At any place the value of acceleration is fixed. But its
value at every place is not the same. The average value of ‘g’ on the surface of
the earth is taken as 9.8 metre/second2, in short m/sec2. It means for free fall the
velocity of any body increases at the rate of 9.8 metre per second.

For free fall the body acquires a velocity 9.8 m/sec after one second, after two
seconds the velocity will be 2 x 9.8 m/sec and at the end of the third second, it
will have velocity 3 x 9.8 m/sec etc. That is the velocity of a body falling freely
due to Gravity = Acceleration due to Gravity x Time passed.

The more we go up from the surface of the earth the value of ‘g’ decreases. The
value of ‘g’ is ‘zero’ at the centre of the earth.
The value of ‘g’ is minimum at the equatorial region and maximum at the polar
region. Because the shape of the earth is not exactly round, it is slightly flat
towards north and south. The distance of the equator from the centre of the earth
is more and that of the poles is less.

Galileo for the first time expressed ideas about the velocity of the objects falling
(1) All bodies falling freely from same height reach the ground at the same time.
(2) The velocity of a freely falling body is proportional to its time of falling.
(3) The distance which is traveled by a freely falling body is proportional to the
square of the falling time.

4. Fruits of trees and the earth attract each other with equal force. But the
earth does not go to the fruit but the fruits fall to the earth; what are the
Gravitation and Gravity 108

Ans.: According to the Newton’s gravitational law any two objects in this
universe attracts each other. If one of the objects is earth and the other object is
anything located near to the earth, then the attraction force is called gravity.
Fruits and the earth attract each other with the force of gravity. But the earth does
not go to the fruit but the fruits fall to the earth because, the mass of the earth is
many times more in comparison with mass of fruits. So the earth remains
constant in its place but fruits come close to the earth. As a matter of fact, if any
fruit is separated from the tree it will not go up wards rather it will fall to the

5. Why do you feel difficulty while climbing up a staircase, but no difficulty

while climbing down?

Ans.: Every matter in this earth is attracted towards the earth due to the force of
gravity. For that reason matters fall freely towards the earth rather going to the
upwards. If anything wants to go upwards it has to work against the force of
gravity which is difficult than to go downwards. If we go downwards that feels
no difficulty for us. But the extra work is fallen us in difficult situation when we
go for the climbing up a staircase.

6. Did we have our existence if there was no gravity? Explain.

Ans.: No, if there was not gravity, we would not have any existence in the earth.
Because, the force of gravity keeps the atmosphere cling to the earth; otherwise
the atmosphere would have been vanished in the space. Without gravity all
matters on the earth surface would move here and there and lose in the universe.
Without gravity everything like pen-paper, all of the matters which remain on the
surface of the earth fly away in the space. As a result, we can not even walk or
remain standing in one place. In short, it is impossible to do our daily works in
that condition. Again due to the absence of atmosphere, there would not have
been existence of any animals. We would not have been there, as our existence
would not be survived.

7. A body is taken to the different regions of the earth upwards and

downwards from the surface of the earth. Describe what would be the
change in the mass and weight of the body.

Ans.: The total quantity of a matter is called its mass. Mass is the basic property
of a matter. The mass of a body does not change. Different regions of the earth
General Science: Physics and Chemistry 109

upwards and downwards from the surface the mass is equal. Mass of any matter
which has 40 gm in the earth, the mass will be 40 gm even in the moon. So mass
of a body will not be changed, if it is taken in to the different regions of the earth
upwards and downwards from the surface of the earth

Again the attraction force by which any body is attracted towards the centre of
the earth is called weight of the body. That is, weight is the force of gravity to a
body by the earth.

Weight of body = force of gravity

=mass of body x gravitational acceleration

The weight of a body depends on the acceleration due to gravity. The value of
acceleration due to the gravity is not the same every where. So, the weight of
anybody will be different in different places. The weight of anybody is the
highest in the surface of the earth. As we go upward or downward from the
surface of the earth. The value of g decreases and as such the weight also
decreases. That is at the pick of the mountain or at inside a mine the weight of
any object will be less than the weight on the surface of the earth. At the centre
of the earth the value of g is zero. So, at the centre of the earth the weight of any
object is zero.
Again the weight of the same object is more in the Polar Regions and less in the
equatorial regions. The size of the earth is not perfectly round in shape. As the
radius of the earth at the equatorial region is the largest, weight of the body at the
equator is least. The radius gradually decreases and the weight also increases
gradually as a body is moved from the equator region to the polar region. The
radius is least at polar region, thus the value of ‘g’ is maximum there. As a result
the weight is also maximum at the polar region.

8. Describe the experiment of Galileo in the case of falling bodies.

Ans.: Experiment of Galileo in the case of

falling bodies : In 1589, the renowned scientist
of Italy Galileo showed with an experiment that
all bodies heavy or light falling freely from same
height reach the ground at the same time.

Description : There was an inclined tower 54.56

metre high at Pisa in Italy. From the top of this
Fig.: Galileo’s Experiment
Gravitation and Gravity 110

tower, he allowed some objects of different

weights to fall freely. It was seen that all the
bodies reach the ground at the same time; light
objects take more time to fall due to resistance of
air and friction.
They take more time to overcome the resistance of air. If there is no resistance
then the heavy and light body would fall to the ground at the same time. Later
on, Newton performed an experiment in a long vacuum glass tube and proved
the fact.

Result : All bodies (light or heavy) are released from the above starting at rest
will touch the ground at the same time, if any upward pressure or friction of air
(that is in vacuum) does not exist in there.

Mathematical Formulae :

F = GM1M2/d2 [where M1 and M2 are mass of body,

d=distance, G = gravitational constant, F= force]
g = GM/R2 [when g = gravitational acceleration, G = gravitational constant, M=
mass of earth, R= radius of earth

In case of throwing body In case of maximum distance

v = u – gt W = mg
1 2 u
h = ut – gt H= g
2 2
2 2
v = u – 2gh 2u
T= g
2π L
T= g
[where T=period of
oscillation, L=active length, g
= gravitational acc. π =3.14]

Solution of Problems

1. Your mass is 42 kg; what is your weight?

Solution : Here, mass, m = 42 kg.

Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.8 m/s2,
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We know,
Weight, W = m x g
= (42 x 9.8) kg m/ s2
= 411.6 Newton
Therefore the required weight is 411.6 Newton.

2. Your weight is 392 Newton and your mass 40 kg. Find out the acceleration
due to gravity.

Solution :
Here, weight, W = 392 Newton
Mass, m = 40 kg.
Gravitational acceleration, g = ?
We know, W = mg
or, g = W/m
= m/s2.
g = 9.8 m/s2.
. . . The required gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 (Ans.)

3. Your mass in the earth is 42 kg. What will be your weight on the moon?
On the moon g/ = 1/6 x g (on the surface of the earth).

Solution :
Here mass, m = 42 kg.
On the moon, g = x g on the surface of the earth
. . . Weight on moon = ( 42 x x g) Newton
= (42 x x 9.8) Newton
[. . . on earth g = 9.8 m/s2]
= 68.6 Newton.
. . The required weight is 68.6 Newton (Ans.).

Answer to the Extra Questions

Gravitation and Gravity 112

1. Do the ripen mangoes not fall downward or rise upward if force of gravity
is not present?

Ans.: Ripen mangoes do not fall down or rise upward if force of gravity is not

2. Why the weight of a body is zero but the mass is fixed in the centre of the

Ans.: We know that mass of a body is constant in every where. So the mass of a
body is not changed in the centre of the earth.
Again we know, weight of a body = mass of a body x gravitational acceleration,
gravitational acceleration is zero in the centre of the earth, so the weight of the
body is also zero in the centre of the earth.

3. Is any change appeared if a body is weighed in the earth and moon

separately by an ordinary balance?

Ans.: If a body is weighed in the earth and moon separately by an ordinary

balance the weight will be same. Because, the mass of the weight for weighing
and the mass of the body is same, so gravitational acceleration acting on them
will also be same. For that reason, the balance will show same result.

4. If crops are exported from equatorial region to polar region, profit will be
gained or loss will be incurred – explain.

Ans.: We know that the value of ‘g’ is less in equatorial region and more in polar
region. For that reason the weight of matters will be more in polar region. So in
this case profit will be gained, if crops are exported from equatorial region to
polar region.

5. Explain - the iron bar is easier to use in the earth than in the moon.

Ans.: It is easier to make hole in the soil on the surface of the earth than that of
the moon by iron bar, because the force of gravity in the earth is about 6 times
greater than that of moon. As the force of gravity helps to pull down the iron bar
towards the earth, it is easier to use iron bar in the earth than that in the moon.
General Science: Physics and Chemistry 113

6. Explain - a pendulum clock will move faster or slower in the moon

comparing in the earth.

Ans.: A pendulum clock will move slower in the moon comparing in the earth
because the value of ‘g’ is less in the moon than that in the earth. So pendulum
will move in less speed in the moon. So the clock will move slower.

7. By which instrument mass and weight are generally measured?

Ans.: Generally mass is measured by ordinary balance and weight is measured

by spring balance.

8. What is gravitational constant? What is its dimension and unit?

Ans.: According to the law of Newton’s gravitational acceleration,

m1 m 2
We get from the equation that,
When m1 =m2 = 1 and d = 1 m,
1 x1
Then F = G x
That is, F = G.

So it is seen that, “the attraction force which remains between two bodies of 1 kg
each standing in 1 m distance is called gravitational constant.”

m1 m 2
Again we see from the equation F = G ,
Fd 2 dis tan ce 2
G= or, G = force x
m1 m 2 mass 2
So the dimension of G will be the dimension of the quantities of the above
equation. That is,
[G] = MLT-2 x = [L3M-2T-2]
m1 m 2
Again we get from the equation F = G ,
Gravitation and Gravity 114

Fd 2
or, G =
m1 m 2
The unit of G is obtained by putting the value of the quantities of the left side of
the equation. So the unit is Nm2/kg2 that is Nm2kg-2.

9. The value of gravitational constant G is 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2, what do you

mean by this statement?

Ans.: The value of gravitational constant G is 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2 means that if
two bodies of masses 2 kg each are placed 1 m apart, they attract each other with
a force of 6.673 x 10-11 N.

10. Which matter is responsible for the value of gravitational acceleration?

Ans.: The value of gravitational acceleration is not dependent on the mass of a

body. But it depends on the place, because g = GM/d2. G = gravitational
constant, M = mass of the earth and d = distance between the centre of the earth
and the body. So value of g varies due to the change of the distance. So it can be
said that place or d is responsible for the value of gravitational acceleration.

11. Which place is accepted as the standard value of g? What is its value?
Mention the value of g for equatorial, polar region.

Ans.: Since the value of ‘g’ is different at different places on the surface of the
earth, its value at sea-level at latitude 45o is accepted as the standard value. The
value of g is maximum in polar region. This value at polar region is 9.83 ms-2.

This standard value of ‘g’ is 9.80665 ms-2. For the convenience the standard
value of ‘g’ is taken to be 9.8 ms-2 or 9.81 ms-2.

The value of g in equatorial region is 9.7839 ms-2. For the convenience it is taken
to be 9.78 ms-2.

12. What do you mean by the value of g ‘9.81’ ms-2 in any place of the earth?

Ans.: The value of g ‘9.81’ ms-2 in any place of the earth means for free fall the
velocity of any body increases at the rate of 9.8 metre per second.
General Science: Physics and Chemistry 115

Answer to the Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions :

Tick (√) the correct Answer.

1. Who discovered gravitation?

(A) Tycho Brahe (b) Kepler
√ (C) Newton (d) Galileo
2. When a body is taken up from the surface of the earth what will happen
to its weight? Weight –
(A) increases √ (b) decreases
(C) remains same (d) becomes zero
3. In which place the value of ‘g’ is highest?
√ (A) Polar region (B) more on light bodies
(C) at the centre of the earth (D) at the peak of a mountain
4. The effect of ‘g’ is –
(A) less on heavy bodies (B) more on light bodies
√ (C) equal on both bodies (D) no effect on anybody
5. The mass of any body is 1 kilogram. What is its weight?
(A) 9.8 Newton (B) 10 Newton
√ (C) 98 Newton (d) 980 Newton
6. Your mass is 42 kilogram on the earth. What will be your mass on the
√ (A) 42 kg (B) 42 Newton
(C) 7 kg (D) 7 Newton.
Fill in the blanks :

(A) Renowned scientist ………discovered gravitation.

(B) Newton discovered gravitation in the year ……at the age of …
(C) Ripe fruits from the trees fall to the ground due to the force of …
(D) The force of attraction of the earth on any body is called the …..of the body.
(E) The S I unit of mass is ……..

Ans.: (A) Newton; (B) 1665, 23; (C) gravity; (D) weight; (E) kilogram.
Gravitation and Gravity 116

Match the correct parts of statement of right hand side with that on the left
hand side :

(a) The force of attraction (a) equal in all places

between its bodies in the
(b) The force of attraction (b) is the highest
between any body and the earth
(c) Mass of a body is (c) is called gravitation
(d) Weight of a body is (d) is called gravity
(e) Weight of a body in the (e) different in different places
equatorial region
(f) is lowest

(a) The force of attraction between its bodies in the universe is called
(b) The force of attraction between any body and the earth is called gravity.
(c) Mass of a body is equal in all places.
(d) Weight of a body is different in different places.
(e) Weight of a body in the equatorial region is the highest.

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