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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart, Draft_E-30

May 23, 1995 (2) Ye shall write the word of the Lord as given unto thee that ye might swell in thy bosom with the
principles of everlasting life given unto thee of the prophecy and understanding given to the prophets of ancient day that ye
would understand and be understanding of the trial necessary to secure a righteous lineage of righteousness. Ye need
understand that ye are in the situation [ye are in] because of thy willingness to exert thy faith unto perfecmess and
uprightness that ye would overcome the world of carnal commandments and overcome the things and people of the world
who challenge thy faith in the things of eternal life. Ye shall be found in folly as ye accept the world's definition of the
words of purity and light, or become entrenched in the philosophies of gain for material success; for I give unto thee a
promise that as ye secure thy faith in the Holy One of Israel and forsake the world, ye shall prosper in thy degree of
conformity to the word of the Lord and have the strength to carry forth under duress and through great opposition. These
things are given of God as the capacity to see with extended vision and see with the blinders taken off thy faith and capable
of extending the promise of eternal life unto thyself in the household of faith that ye would find the pearl of greatest price
given unto thee even as ye feast upon the way and habitation of perfect righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So shall it be given unto thee as ye find the vantage view of righteousness clear and perceptible to the eye which is single to
the glory of God. [May 23, 1995 (2)]
May 24,1995(2)
May 24, 1995 (2) Arise; feast not upon discouragement. Ye shall overcome even as thy faith is placed in the Son of God
who doth accompany thee as thy Friend who doth carry thee in thy time of struggle for confidence to abide upon thy
countenance. Be not ashamed to take upon thee the knowledge that thy calling and election has been made sure, even in the
fire of discipleship as ye have overcome the world through the monitoring of the words of eternal life upon thy countenance.
Be at peace, and resist not the comfort of the Lord which awakens the knowledge of life everlasting in thy spirit and a
newness of element abiding the resurrection of new stimulus to overcome discouragement and strife within thy knowledge
of the trial. Blessed art thou; and forsake not thy knowledge to arise with healing in thy voice of wisdom which prepares thy
testimony to shine unto thy posterity in the name of the Lord God of hosts. [May 24, 1995 (2)]
May 24,1995(3)
May 24, 1995 (3) Go forward and feast upon the word of Jesus Christ to fill thy heart with the manna of new life in the
presence of God. Thy progression is not tied to the faith of another, but is tied to thy knowledge restored of the principles of
everlasting obedience to the voice inherent of the nature of godliness required to sustain the pathway voyage through
unknown territory into the further light and knowledge of obedience and sacrifice. Ye shall not partake of discouragement
because the way is hard: rely upon the love of God found in thy knowledge of the atonement process of redemption. Feast
upon the manna of eternal life and find the strength conveyed to thee in the element which enlightens thy faith predominant
which focuses on the eternal nature of further knowledge given of God in the midst of the trial unto perfect seeing and
perfect communicating available to the pure heart focussed upon the name of Jesus Christ. Ye shall find the strength to
overcome the world as ye find the strength within to keep thy feith focussed in the name of Jesus Christ unto whom thou
hast made a covenant to endure the attrition of the focus which would perceive godliness within thy knowledge revealed
unto thee of premortal friendship uncovered with thy Redeemer and Sanctifier of thy flesh and mind to the point that a
perfect remembrance is offered unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ So be it written and given unto thee to give thee
sustenance in thy time of trial. [May 24, 1995 (3)]
May 26, 1995 (1) [UNDERSTANDING THE PLAN WITHIN. Every plan written in the premortal spirit had its beginning
hi a cloistered- heavenly environment Every treatise uncovered as a knowledge of goodness and light finds the sustaining-
eternal agency uncovered in the spirit of yonder birth and resonance. Hearkened patterns of preparation surface to those of
pure heart who love without guileful- gainful thought— for theirs is a light vessel prepared to shimmer upon a candlestick
hiding not the blueprint of sacred writing upon the spiritual creation. Hearkened- awakened perspective sees all things
through the dark glass removal— and there is joy within as a water fountain bursting with sunlit aroma. Uncovered
knowledge beams succinctly in phrases bound to the heart- known purity and perspective flowering anew in the conscious-
knowledge platform of the mind. The joy of recovered experience beckons obedience to prove faithful to the knowledge
revealed which strengthens the heart in a mortal stance to find again the pathway opened and the light fixed in the
countenance.] [UNDERSTANDING THE PLAN WITHIN; May 26, 1995 (1)]
May 26, 1995 (2) [GOOD AS A FAMILY TRAIT OVERCOMES THE WORLD. Like branches on a tree- limb bough with
hair- like graceful filigreed paths, a genealogical- interwoven purpose unites us together in a common thread. Godly ways of
discerning the good from the evil pass on the genetic code to each child more capable of discerning the pathway home. As
gratitude envelopes a woeful stance, we see as a unit designed to inherit the premortal blessings and covenants reserved for
the righteous among the followers of the voice of good amid the counterfeit instruction given as evil which bears no good
fruit. A family can be brought together as the binding principle of repentance unlocks the generational foundation of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change me
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. DraftJE-30

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