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JHA Number Date

Job/Task: Office Worker Location

Job Steps Potential Hazards Recommended Controls

General Office Work Electrical shock and fire hazards – General Office Safety Awareness
office equipment, electric heaters, Training
appliances, and outlets Office/Work Place Evaluations for
Hazard Recognition

Slips, Trip, and Falls – wet floors, Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention
work place obstacles Training
Follow good housekeeping practices
– including closing draws, properly
disposing of waste, and properly
storage of materials and equipment
not in use.
Chemical exposure – cleaning
products, toner etc. Hazard Communication Training
Data Entry/Computer Use/Typing Repetitive motion disorders and Ergonomics Training
Musculoskeletal disorders

Eye Strain Ensure work area is properly

illuminated, Eliminate glare on
screen, Individuals requiring
prescription eye wear should ensure
proper focal distance is achieved
without having to tilt the head.
Adjust screen refresh rate as needed
to eliminate screen flicker
Filing and Materials Handling Musculosketal disorders – back Ergonomics and lifting techniques
strain etc. Training
Office Equipment Use – Fax and Potential exposure to ozone and Ensure work area is adequately
copy machines other sensitizers ventilated

Paper Cutters, Staplers Lacerations

Do not use paper cutters if the guard
Punctures is removed or blade is dull.
Keep fingers and hands away from
point of operation.
Material Storage Slips, Trip, and Falls Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention
Lacerations, Bruises or abrasions Training
Follow good housekeeping practices
– including closing draws, properly
disposing of waste, and properly
storage of materials and equipment
not in use. Do not store materials
over head height if possible. Use
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JHA Number Date
Job/Task: Office Worker Location

appropriate ladders or stepping

devices (do not use chairs as step
General Worker Safety and Potential life threatening situations Know where fire or emergency pull
Reporting – fire, explosion, chemical release stations are located in the building.
etc. Know the emergency evacuation
routes for the building and the rally
point once outside.
General Worker Safety and Potential injury due to the presents WFF Close Call/Mishap reporting
Reporting (cont.) of work place hazards such as system training
broken handrail, broken chair, torn Perform periodic work place
carpet presenting a trip hazard. assessments for potential hazards.
Know your building FOM and
report hazards to them for
Know procedures for reporting work
related injuries.

Employee Signature Date

Supervisor Signature Date

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