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. I

M. B. A. (E-Business) (Semester IV) Examination, 2008 Software Engineering

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 70

~ ~

. Note: Answer Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is

compulsory. In addition attempt one question form each Unit.



Write short notes on the following; (a) Software crisis

(b) Role of software engineering

( c) Prototype model

(d) Qualities of software processes

(e) The stages of requirement engineering

(f) Computer aided software engineering (CASE)

(g) PERT

Principle of software engineering

Unit 1

t " Explain the t wear ou .

"Software does no

h tub curve. with the help ofbat


. . how the operating system &

Discuss cntlcally .

Jangw..age impact the software programming




Unit II

4. Explain how V -model of software development integrates testing at each stage of the development 10 I -'



5. Discuss the aspects of Requirement Analysis.

Describe the methods that support Requirement

Unit III


Unit IV

COTS aspect of software development/integration is the need of the present. Support the statement with

your VIews.


Discuss the role of software maintenance in the life cycle of any software. 10


M. B. A. (E. B.) (IV Semester)

. ExaDiination, 2007

SUPply Chain Ma.n3gemeht . Time AOowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

Note: Attempt Five questions in all. Question No.1 is compulsory. Select one question from each Unit.

1. . Explain. the following : 3 x 10 = 30

(a) Discuss the various stages in a supply chain. (b) Describe the obstacles to supply cllain.

( c) ~lain the components ef tTansportation


Discuss the distribution network in practice .

. Explain the macroeconomic factors influence network design,

( 2 )

Explain impart of aggregation on

. with respect to "The Sq_uare


root law".

(h) ExPlain in brief the role of transportatien

in drop shipping.


Customer -experience is high in' e-busines, scenario. Explain how.

E-business allows the' supply chain to lower facilit:Y, costs .. Justify.



2. Describe the process views of the- supply chain signifying their role~ in customer order fulfilment. 10

3. Discuss the framework for structuring supply chain drivers, also explain the need for trade off between efficiency and responsiveness,

I -

Unit II

Compare the various distribution service factors like


exp de.


wi in



8. What are the maer orocesses =. ~ 1:!'!""rWo and bow do : ~; : .. ;::::- cezce s strategy ? Explain in detail the role of e-twnW- . chains with respect to rc:sp_-w"







Discuss the exploits ecmm~:~ - decisions.


\!;crith emphasis or: inventory,

c.:.. [;


M. E. B. (IV Sem:r.~er) Examination, 2007 E.Marketing and CRM

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note: Question No. 1 is compulsory. In addition attempt one question from each Unit.

1. (i) Define e-marketing, Explain with the help

of examples.-

(ii) What- are some of the:th:teats-to Internet User Privacy 1-

(iii) Discuss about Price Teehaelogy 111 e-marketing,

(iv) Expl~ the On Line Sarvey Research Advantages. Also give examples .

. 'The Internet changes pricing strategies."

Explain with suitable examples.

( 1 )

the specific skills required vii) What are

( elM (customer Interaction Management)

(viii) Define the e-CRM. How is it different from CRM ?

(ix) What are the steps invo~ved in CRM Implementation ? Explain. ,

(x) Explain the advantages and disadvantages

of call centres. 3><10

Unit I

2. (a) Wbat do you mean bye-Marketing Cost?

Explain with examples. 5

(b) How are e-marketers addressing concerns about transaction security ? Explain with



3. (a) Describe the Privacy Within


(b) Why and bow e-marketers evaluate quality of Information on a ,Web site ?

Unit if








, ,

I )

Why (j() '.:- H ~'Y'.- I • , attitude b #I,,: (




measures ::t' p ;, /;;j,~ "i~ 't

HON doc', 'liff(.-", "

. ''''-:J..,., ~~..;:- "/ ~ .... ..,,;:::

positi()nio1;, '/ 'lfll~ /;{~,' -} o: channel diff(:!rl;nti~;'l' (-, .,~ ~

I~ //" ~'. J'",...

companie, !

(b) Discuss hr) Jt car. '_: ;::~,7~ ",,'

Revenue, t:r.r,r:Jl If;', jl ('.)-' {"._, . ,

l~ .- i""

Investme: t). and V'Y'). ~ ." j "~~x

new nroduct; 1.1 ',':;f 0,' ,"".~ ...

1''''' ~ _,~.._ r _, ~ ;

Unit if I


(a) Wha are the .. J~"~~.£; .. ! •
customer relatio
Explain C(/1b!J.
(b) \Vhat the ' . ~, ~ ... '"
an T0I'i" ,,~(;;;' A ;'~ .... , acquisition ? Descn JI(;; mIt. e.f~A:::1:i ' Discuss about elM (CUWJJfJt:r ... ~Management) with reJewnt ..... are the pr"'*- _r.,'_

( 4 )

7'G'" - Unit IV


(a) What are the benefits of a CRM Process M. 1

in development of an organisation ?

Explain. 5

(b) Explain the five phases of CRM Projects.

. - .

Discuss each of the above with relevant


(a) Discuss the objectives of a call centre. Also

outline the features of call centre. 5

(b) What do you mean by en (Customer

. .

Telephony Integration) ? Enumerate the benefits of the same for marketers. 5





M. B. A. (E. a., I1V SeJDesterJ ExaminatWI\U)(n

Business all d Yber Ugtr;latirm Time Allowed : Three HfJUr;, Maximum Mark. : 70

Note,' Attempt Fwe qu.estio . all .lne"~, :r_. :

is compulsory. Attemp one _. .• ~:- ".:

each nit.

1. Write short notes on the to owing; Jy.:rJ=YJ

(a) Quasi contracts

(b) Winding up of a company

( c) Controller of certifying an rJriti~ (d) Doctrine of Ultra Vires

Digital signanrre certificate Prospectus of a company Principle of caveat emptor

Minor's contract line rontradS aad tHJu-'r.I



Unit I

2. "For a contract to be valid, it is not only necessary that the parties consent but also that they consent freely." Explain. 10

. 3. Write short notes on the following : 5 + 5

(a) Void agreements (b) Alien contracts.


Unit II

4. Discuss the aims and objects of Sales of Goods Act, 1930. Distinguish between conditions and


warranties in a contract of sale.


5. Define negotiable instruements. Discuss the legal remedy in case a cheque has been dishonoured by the bank during a business transaction, 10

Unit IIf

What do you understand by incorporation Discuss the



Explain the following :

5+5 (a) Annual General Meeting of

a company

(b) Memorandum of Associatio f

. . . no acompany

and Its legal ImplicatiollS .


Unit IV

8. Write short notes on the following : 10

. (a) Consumer dispute under the Consumer Protection Act, 1987

(b) Unfair Trade Practices.

~. What de you understand by electronic governance ? Discuss. its significance in global business behaviour. 10

(Softwa~ Engineering)


M. B. A. (E-BusiOf-ss) Exalllin~ (Selll.ester IV)


Time _Allowed .. 'lhree Hour:ry

_ . .

l~{iiximlJm. A/arks: 70 _

Note: Answer Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is -compulsory and attempt one -questiQn fum each Unit.

1. (a). Discuss the aims' and need of Softwae

Engineering in software dC'n: .... 'O ..

'(b) Differentiate between aJ!~ and a" .

(c) Explain the term Process Dcsi&o .... ,.._.. (PDL)

What is

( 2 )

rn data dictionary and data ExPlain the ter

(f) . . Ith an exarnple.

definltlon WI

. th variouS phases. of softwCU:e

(g) Descnbe e


(h) DiscuSS -the advantages and ,di,sadvantages

of prototyping model.

(i) Explain briefly various l~v.els of cohesien

with examples.

U) What do you understand by Softwaee Reliability ? Why there is need to make,

reliable software ?

4. (i)
5. Ex
€ Unit I

. 6.

2. Explain the various phases of Software Development activity using Water FaH! fltode1. . &phrin Waterfall Model along with its output and limitations and compare it'to

understand by the term

, 6,


Unit 11

(i) What de you "Merst,oct by SRS? l'.xpJa;" it!s stmcture alollg with all its components, (n) What is SRS Validatioo ? E.q,1ain is detail

its errors and methods USed to ,validate,

Explain what techniques shOtild be involved for making' analysis communication effective and result oriented by keeping in view the statement ''Effective commUnication is among the most c11aHenging activities that comforts the software


• , n


Unit III


Why data flow diagrams are used in pr~blem analysis ? Explain.

What role does user interlace desjgn play

f informatio n

. . s"ccess 0 an

in ensunng '"


I, g and how the .-'" ':,j!'.'ora What is coup IE

: can' be reduced. for a


8. (i) Discuss the Object Oriented approach and

explain how reusability can be implemented using OOP's concept.

(ii) Explain system testing and different types of system tests.

"Design is to identify the object that the system contains and the relationships and _in.teI·aCl!10DIS'~ between the objects so that the implements as per specifications." ,..,. ... ,.._. ...

this what are the major factors which it .u.A"'~~

of the software.

( 4 ) .

(ii) Differentiate between testing.

Unit IV


J.. (E. D.) (IV Semester) Examination, 2008 Elltcrprise Knowledge Management

. (EB-406)

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 70

[te: Answer Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. In addition answer One question from

each Unit.

Read the case and answer the following questions:


Woo operater as a "Conversational" "Collaborative"

for knowledge Management. -knowledge

• (2)

-~ many of the 't<! 4' >;n-~.If.a.

Woo meets

, incremental kn,') .... ,.<:r._i!'" ,

provlCie to . _ _ ~

. answering, Power (Jt ~ • '/:::: .. ~~

question- ~ _ /~-'C

. oJ source content to P'age 1"-1":::'j;.~.

based re , . F"'~ •

tee 1,. H·y·.nPT links to. create COnt..t:7.t "~-r'

c·on n r-' , -'.' ;';0,1[

". In cremental knov !i-A';.e (F'~

on en tation, ~ -', --c~,

b' emultiplesetsofknov.r!edgez ~,.~

com ill = ' __ .

Users can begin creating kno r'ledg .... ~.(-~ ~.;,:' incomplete and then to rely on Other{;.(hk.'lX--<rf',II add content. Users can "ask questi9T.: ~.~

hyper/inks to non-existing pages ~ .:((: ,. ~;' .. ""':n' the effort, This means that the nevr'e':'l ·.'er '5:,:' 7C page likely contains the best C<>ntent.


web based resource- Wrkis

suPPOrt a

._;'li'7.ed grOUp of conversationalists b . . ' ut the

1 gy lOfrastructure IS design d

eebJIo 0 e to be

, .j .. sd. Wikis use a common repos't .

ceOlfl1'l- lOry, i.e,

I..~se server, filesystem, An applicatio

dalllll<' • n server

that runs the Wiki software, and a web server that

server the pages and facilitates the web-based interaction. Wikis are thus available anytime and anyplace where there is web conneotively, and have a single common knowledge repository. They enable and empower multiple users to collaborate


see and use the entire work product.

Content -to-page mapping-The basic unit of information in a Wiki is a web page enables the accumulation of topic-related information into a webpage, rather than discussion threads of forum


d ntent-concept is specific to Olle l ••

Indexe co rvebll:..'

. URT <=> can be indexed and '"11

<=>' unique s~~

ult, .lrnowledge concepts can be Cat,,!

&a~ ,~~

. ivid lIy and found easily eVen by searoh .

~~~ '. e~

. ble 0f full text search. This advantag I

mcapa e 0&es

some of its importance when context is SPiQer'ed~

indexed by quasi-fulltext search sUch as Google.

Hyperlinks to create context- Hyperlinks : COnnett concepts to other concepts ; thereby creating context, Allow readers to make COIll1ections and to drill down into detail knowledge. Pages with many links to tI'Jem ,ladicate a highly useful wage. Nence, the case with which hyperlinks are created in a Wtki important factor in promoring


(a) V a



(b) I (a) 1


Wiki is the


"'"tId is a concept 0f Collaborative Intelli

and filtering layer? Explain. gence

Does Wikipediajustify "Role ofth I

(b) e nterest'

knowledge transfer? tn

('") Wiki Web pages leads to in

" . eremental

knowledge creation, Critically e ,

. xanune llie

Process of knowledge creation? 10

' x 3:::::) 0

Unit 1

(a) What is knowledge management? Give views abeut KM given by various knowledge management thinkers? 5

Connect (b) Explain drivers ofknowledgemanagement?5



3. (a) Nonaka, identified different types of knowledge ?

explain in what way (s) do the four models of knowledge conversion result in socialization and externalization ? 5

(b) Explain how innovation. Call be supported

, . ? S

through KM in an orgaruzatlOn .

Unit II Cognitive psychology understanding expertise to

is involved in this


Knowledge chunking performance how?

(b) Knowledge respositeries and indiVidUal S knowledge leads to knowledge creatioQ h ~ OW?S Unit III


(a) Explain the various steps in KM SYs",,,, ~ given &y Iiwana (2000). COl!llpare it I>i~ Dixon (2000)'s KMs testing?

(b) What is knowledge cOdification ? !low it

differs :.frem knowledge creation?



(a) !low knowledge is transfen-ed through teams and how its feasibility is tested and finally deployed? 5 (b) What are the key laYers of a KM SY'''''

infrasfnlcture ? 5

Unit/V WhatisNCUJalNeI"<Jds ?WhereareNN


A. (E. .1 p.

IT" Eoterp



. Answer.

Nole .

compulsc each Unit


Read the




M B. A. (E. B.) (IV Semester) Examination, 2007

Enterprise Knowledge Management (EB·406)

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Note.' Answer Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is Compulsory. In addition answer one question from each Unit.

1. Read the attached case and answer the following questions ;

(a) Describe the implications of Knowledge Management for an engineering company like L&T


Discuss how L&T, could handle the following employee behaviour ;



1 S are

(ii) Ernp oyee

learnings they



~r <:":w;;: ;~.,(j'. • :? ~ .., _",.,. ... -~ -
- -, J, ",
() r; ;n t; ~;,i'~~;I .. (/1':-: . - ( , , 4,
, ,fUt Ii


What i\ 'j(IfJ:

What f~1IJr" 0JJe ?

J'lfA't'~~i~.ijii~~~t'~~':i~il·~~"r~:i.r;"m~:t~~"i~·fIJ;·' :~,oIj·:I·~:."') \(M' :'" .. , . :ff.. . !'[}rJ5~f~~i:f;j '.: '. :EtN 'i ,;~' ~ .. ::~ ,r.~;' ::.' l~~·}l.' : \ ';',

, -, ,1 ~ ;_.'" ·:.r.\tr···1-.,.~). ~,)", ,h .• ~/::-,'t;~~.t: :l):'~ .' ~~!, ',', ;-l,~: • ~". ~.:.~.: , •. - oj '~.'" 'i t- ";, 1'~' .

..... , :!', ," .:' "L!..!:I J ':"I~ .• ~ ~ .. ~; , ..... I~. ', ' , .. _I~? ... t , ," ,-, •

, F9r t~e e[\gineerillg,:ard~pnsfl'!icti9,rl divi~iQ",of L&l', tb~ chcllenge

w~~'simple:' Ho'"" could it leve~age 'th:e ieamiAgs and experiences from

. ,

one' project to improve performonce in another? Whil~ each turnkey

engineering project hod different requirements, there was always scope for repeat orders. Moreover, components of different proiects had similar requirements. The need for KM arose from this challenge.

The diesel hydro desuiphurlsation (DHDS) project for a refinery in north India threw a problem. The recycle gas compressor in the PHDS unit had severe vibrafions when hydrogen gas was introduced in the piping. A study indicated that there was a two.phase flow of gas .ond liquid and a Jeon mixture which caused the vlbrotlon, By densifying the gas.liquid mixture it could decrease the slug effect due to fhe two·phase flow.

As necessary design changes were made, this was captured in the

• KnowNet system. As 0 result, when L&T bQgged two other OHDS projects at a later dote, the necessary changes were done during the detail engineering stage itself. The savings: Rs 40 lakh.

But ior L&T the job in KM is just half· done. Over the lost the ~mpanv has c;optured 800 Jeamings but


Unit III


Explain kno 1 d

We ge codif· .

IcatlOn Wh

necessary to codify k . Y IS it

nowledge ?


"Successful KM imple .

mentatlOTI depends on

several factors," Briefly

explain each of these


Unit IV

Define neural network. What are the possible applications of neural networks in business? 10

9. What is the role of Data Mining in e-business ?

Describe the major pitfalls faced by companies when implementing Data Mining solutions.




SFC-5034 B.A- (E-Business) (IV Sem

rd. . _ ester) ExalUinati

Business Transfonnat. on, 2008

Ion & R~Strategy

Time Allowed· Th

. ree Hours

Maximum Marks: 70

~ote: Answer, Five questions in aU Q .

! . uestU:>n No. 1 is

compulsory. In addition atilswer .

one questton from

each Unit.

J. Answer of the following: (a) Reengineering

(b) Freeze

(c) Beuduworking practices within an organisations (d) Narrballing resources for battles strategy


execution Competetive advantag€

3 components of building of stable organisation

Supportive reward system organi~¥.9n


strategy. Which causes fist organisation structure or pl

strategy. Discuss in the light of what various thinkers

have critically evolved? 10

Unit I

How does Lenin's model .of c~ange differ frolllafter de1s of change? Why IS this model irnpOrt

mo . ~&

understanding business transformation? I;


What is the dilemma of stability and change in the organisation? What recipie will your reGonunend to

achieve success?

Unit II

Design a road map to watch organisation structure to

5. What HR management challenges are faced by

orgnisation When the organisations expand ? 10


W fu th

!. D

Unit III


Illstitutives best practices C0tllnll'tm

. . ent to

itIlprovement 8JJ.d benchmarking ar -"," llllU10llS~

. e conldered

building blocks in the successful dey 1 as

. e opment of an

organisation, Discuss and state the reasons, 10

Unit IV

1 Write a detailed note on the organisation of the future ? How are they expected to be different from the ours of the present day?

the components of strategy


(IV Semester) Enlllinalion, 2008 Business Legislation

Til11e Allowed' TI-ree l..r

' rt .L10Ul's

Maxil11l1111 Marks: 70

is e


Answer Five qUestions in all Q t' N .

. Ues IOn 0, 1 IS

Compl~sory and attempt one qUestion form each Unit

Write short answer of folJowing: 0) No estoppel against minor Oi) Lifting of the corporate veil (iii) Doctrine of Ultravires

(iv) Objects of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (v) What are the pecuniary jurisdiction (i)f different

diSputes redressal agencies

(vi) Procedure and lialability in case of dishonour of

tbecheque Appointment of presiding arbitrator

A) a trader of Calcutta bought certain

~ ' 6_ B, a manufacture of "'4.~"",:::;;,

A purchased a TV and paid fake Currency as consideration. What is its validity ?

(x) A Purchased a motorcycle in his name and gave

to his son for his tlse. The motorcYcle developed certain defects. The son Wants to seek remedy Under ConslIRJ.el' Protection Act, 1986. Whether he can and in what capac. ty ?

Unit 1

2. What are the elements which affect the eonse", of the Parties in a Contract?

A threatens to kill B ifhe does not agree to sell his car

to A for Rs. 10,000. Fearing death B eNters int0 an 5.

agreement with A for the sale of his car for Rs. 10,000

only. Discuss the legality of the agreement. 5+5===10

3. What is a qUasi Contract? Under What ci<cumstances

quasi contracts are created.

A held certain pieces of land ON a lease granted by 'S1ate'. The revenue payable by a feU in arrears, as

such the land Was advertised for sal€ by state. Underthe law, the consequences of such sale Was the annualment

lease. In order to prevent the COI~lJi ofms lease B the son of A

OQ7:--- .. _. __ ._-

mounr due from A. B claimed

ledy ther

~'llr // Who is an unpaid s 11

e er » Does b b

goods on transfer Of th . e as any right on

.. e °Wnershlp of b

tbe nght of stoppage· . t e gOods? flow

III transl t lllay b

(a) When the POods' . eUsed: 5+5~10

seller '" JS In tranSit thrOUgh the agent of

(b) bWhen the goods is in trans;t through the agent of uYer

(c) When the go d '. .

. . 0 8 18 In !ransit thrOugh a

InJddlelDlln who hOlds the gOOds in bis OUr name

. fOr the PUrpOse of transn,tission to the bUyer



A Imds a bearer cheque on the road haying face value of Rs. 10,000 and paid the same as a ConSideration for the purchase of TV from B the shopkeeper. B claimed the money from Bank

who refused to pay On the ground of non-

payment by writer of the cheque. Whether B can get the amount and from whom? Discuss. 5

In Original contract there is not clause for referring the dispute in arbitration and separate agreement to refer the arbitration but both parties of

Unit II]


Who is a promoter of a Company? What are his

duties and liabilities ? How he can .

receIve remuneration from Company ? Whethe

. . r any

agreement entered upon by the PfQmoter shall be

binding On complU>y? Discuss. 5+5~IO

What are different kinds of Company? How it defers form its members? When a private com.pany shall he deemed a public Company ? 5+5""10

Unit IV

What is Object of central consumer protection Council? What is its constitution and function? What is legal position of its resolutions? Explain. 5+5=10

9. What types of jurisdiction state C0I11mission under Consumer Protection Act, 1986 enj0YS. The compliment was travelliNg by 1 st class air conditioned berth from Nagpur to Bombay. She was

assaulted by some unauthorised passengers and her jewellery anci.other valuables valued at Rs. 1

taken away forcibly. Whether UIG~q.&",_.!~



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