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7, JULY 2000 1039

A Family of Low-Power Truly Modular Programmable Dividers

in Standard 0.35-m CMOS Technology
Cicero S. Vaucher, Igor Ferencic, Matthias Locher, Sebastian Sedvallson, Urs Voegeli, and Zhenhua Wang

Abstract—A truly modular and power-scalable architecture for

low-power programmable frequency dividers is presented. The ar-
chitecture was used in the realization of a family of low-power fully
programmable divider circuits, which consists of a 17-bit UHF di-
vider, an 18-bit -band divider, and a 12-bit reference divider. Key
circuits of the architecture are 2/3 divider cells, which share the
same logic and the same circuit implementation. The current con-
sumption of each cell can be determined with a simple power opti-
mization procedure. The implementation of the 2/3 divider cells is
presented, the power optimization procedure is described, and the
input amplifiers are briefly discussed. The circuits were processed
in a standard 0.35 m bulk CMOS technology, and work with a
nominal supply voltage of 2.2 V. The power efficiency of the UHF
divider is 0.77 GHz/mW, and of the -band divider, 0.57 GHz/mW.
Fig. 1. Fully programmable divider based on a dual-modulus prescaler.
The measured input sensitivity is 10 mVrms for the UHF divider,
and 20 mVrms for the -band divider.
Index Terms—CMOS integrated circuits, current-mode logic, time-to-market demands architectures providing easy optimiza-
frequency synthesizers, phase-locked loop, programmable fre- tion of power dissipation, fast design time and simple layout
quency counter, programmable frequency divider. work. High reusability, in turn, requires an architecture which
provides easy adaptation of the input frequency range and of
I. INTRODUCTION the maximum and minimum division ratios of existing designs.
The choice of the divider architecture is therefore essential

T HE feasibility of RF functions implemented in CMOS

technology has been demonstrated by a.o. the work
presented in [1]–[3]. They show that the scaling of CMOS
for achieving low-power dissipation, high design flexibility and
high reusability of existing building blocks. A modular architec-
ture complies with these requirements, as shall be demonstrated
technologies to deep submicron has made CMOS a technolog-
in this paper. The focus of the paper is first on the truly modular
ical option for the low-gigahertz frequency range. However, for
architecture and on the implementation of the circuits. Then the
CMOS to become a commercial option for RF building blocks
power optimization procedure and the design of the input am-
requires compliance to all trends of the consumer market:
plifier are briefly discussed. Finally, a collection of measured
miniaturization, low cost, high reliability and long battery
data and the conclusions are presented.
lifetime. Bulk CMOS technologies presently available satisfy
the low cost and reliability trends by standard design practice.
Complying to miniaturization and long battery lifetime, on the II. PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER ARCHITECTURES
other hand, demands CMOS building blocks with low-power
dissipation and good electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) A. Architecture Based on a Dual-Modulus Prescaler
characteristics. A critical RF function in this context is the Fig. 1 depicts the divider architecture based on a dual-mod-
frequency synthesizer, more particularly the programmable ulus prescaler [4], [5]. The design of the dual-modulus prescaler
frequency divider. The divider consists of logic gates which itself has been extensively treated in the literature [4], [6]–[10].
operate at (or close to) the highest RF frequency. Due to the On the other hand, the architecture of Fig. 1 has some undesir-
divider’s complexity, high operation frequency normally leads able characteristics. One readily notices the lack of modularity
to high power dissipation. of the concept: besides the dual-modulus prescaler, the archi-
Other crucial aspects of the present-day consumer electronics tecture requires two additional counters for the generation of a
industry are the short time available for the introduction of new given division ratio. The programmable counters—which are, in
products in the market, and the short product lifetime. On top fact, fully programmable dividers, albeit not operating at the full
of that, the lifespan of a given CMOS technology is also short, RF frequency—represent a substantial load at the output of the
due to the aggressive scaling of minimum feature sizes. Short dual-modulus prescaler, so that power dissipation is increased.
Besides, the additional design and layout effort required for
Manuscript received November 16, 1999; revised January 24, 2000. the programmable counters increase the time-to-market of new
C. S. Vaucher is with the Philips Research Laboratories, 5656AA Eindhoven, products. These properties led us to conclude that the dual-mod-
The Netherlands. ulus-based architecture is not an interesting option for the real-
I. Ferencic, M. Locher, S. Sedvallson, U. Voegeli, and Z. Wang are with
Philips Semiconductors Zurich, 8045 Zurich, Switzerland. ization of building blocks with high reusability, high flexibility,
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(00)03878-6. and short design time.
0018–9200/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Liang-Hsuan Lu. Downloaded on January 11, 2009 at 22:18 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.



Fig. 2. Programmable prescaler. (a) Basic architecture. (b) With extended division range.

B. Programmable Prescaler Architectures 1) can be realized. The division range is thus rather limited,
The “basic” programmable prescaler architecture is depicted amounting to roughly a factor two between maximum and
in Fig. 2(a). The modular structure consists of a chain of 2/3 di- minimum division ratios.1 The division range can be extended
vider cells connected like a ripple counter [11]. The structure by combining the prescaler with a set-reset counter [13]. In that
of Fig. 2(a) is characterized by the absence of long delay loops, case, however, the resulting architecture is no longer modular.
as feedback lines are only present between adjacent cells. This The divider implementation presented in Fig. 2(b) extends
“local feedback” enables simple optimization of power dissipa- the division range of the basic prescaler, whilst maintaining the
tion. Another advantage is that the topology of the different cells modularity of the basic architecture [14]. The operation of the
in the prescaler is the same, therefore facilitating layout work. new architecture is based on the direct relation between the per-
The architecture of Fig. 2(a) resembles the one presented in [12], formed division ratio and the bus programmed division word
which is also based on 2/3 divider cells. Yet there are two fun- Let us introduce the concept of effective
damental differences. First, in [12] all cells operate at the same length of the chain. It is the number of divider cells that are
(high) current level. Second, the architecture of [12] relies on effectively influencing the division cycle. Deliberately setting
a common strobe signal shared by all cells. This leads to high the mod input of a certain 2/3 cell to the active level overrules
power dissipation, because of high requirements on the slope of the influence of all cells to the right of that cell. The divider
the strobe signal, in combination with the high load presented chain behaves as if it has been shortened. The required effective
by all cells in parallel. length corresponds to the index of the most significative (and
The programmable prescaler operates as follows. Once in a active) bit of the programmed division word. Only a few extra
OR gates are required to adapt to the programmed division
division period, the last cell on the chain generates the signal
This signal then propagates “up” the chain, being re- word, as depicted on the right side of Fig. 2.
clocked by each cell along the way. An active mod signal en- With the additional logic the division range becomes:
ables a cell to divide by 3 (once in a division cycle), provided • minimum division ratio: ;
that its programming input is set to 1. Division by 3 adds one • maximum division ratio: .
extra period of each cell’s input signal to the period of the output We see that the minimum and maximum division ratios can be
signal. Hence, a chain of 2/3 cells provides an output signal set independently, by choice of and respectively. Subse-
with a period of quent changes in an optimized design can be realized with low
risk. A somewhat similar technique, applied to an asynchronous
programmable counter, is described in [9].


(1) A. Realized Circuits

The modular architecture of Fig. 2(b) was applied in the re-
In (1), is the period of the input signal , and alization of a family of fully programmable frequency dividers.
are the binary programming values of the cells 1 1In principle, it is also possible to divide by 3 , but the gap between this
to respectively. The equation shows that all integer division value and the continuous division range makes it useless in standard synthesizer
ratios ranging from (if all = 0) to (if all = applications.

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Fig. 3. Family of truly modular programmable dividers, and corresponding division range of the different implementations.

Fig. 4. Functional blocks and logical implementation of a 2/3 divider cell. Fig. 5. SCL implementation of an AND gate combined with a latch function.

Three circuits were implemented: an 18-bit -band divider, a to swallow one extra period of the input signal. In other words,
17-bit UHF divider, and a 12-bit reference divider. The architec- the cell divides by 3. If = 0, the cell stays in division by 2
ture and the division range of the dividers is presented in Fig. 3. mode. Regardless of the state of the input, the end-of-cycle
The -band divider was used as the basis for the UHF and for logic reclocks the signal, and outputs it to the preceding
the reference divider. The UHF divider consists of the same cir- cell in the chain signal).
cuitry as the -band divider, except for the first 2/3 cell, which
was removed. The reference divider is simply the -band di- C. Circuit Implementation of the 2/3 Divider Cells
vider stripped off its six high frequency cells. The use of standard rail-to-rail CMOS logic techniques
makes the integration of digital functions with sensitive RF
B. Logic Implementation of the 2/3 Divider Cells signal processing blocks difficult, due to the generation of large
A 2/3 divider cell comprises two functional blocks, as de- supply and substrate disturbances during logic transitions.
picted in Fig. 4. The prescaler logic block divides, upon control Source coupled logic (SCL), often referred to as MOS current
by the end-of-cycle logic, the frequency of the input signal mode logic (MCML), has better EMC properties, because of
either by 2 or by 3, and outputs the divided clock signal to the the constant supply current and differential voltage switching
next cell in the chain. The end-of-cycle logic determines the mo- operation [8]. Besides, SCL has lower power dissipation than
mentaneous division ratio of the cell, based on the state of the rail-to-rail logic, for (very) high input frequencies [15].
and signals. The signal becomes active once The logic functions of the 2/3 cells are implemented with the
in a division cycle. At that moment, the state of the input is SCL structure presented in Fig. 5. The logic tree combines an
checked, and if = 1, the end-of-cycle logic forces the prescaler AND gate with a latch function. Three AND_latch circuits are

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Fig. 6. Transient simulation of optimized L-band divider.

used to implement Dlatch1, Dlatch3, Dlatch4 and the AND gates TABLE I
of the 2/3 cells (see Fig. 4). Therefore, six logic functions are SCALING OF CURRENTS IN THE 2/3 DIVIDER CELLS

achieved, at the expense of three tail currents only. Dlatch2 is

implemented as a “normal” D latch (without the differential pair
connected to the b–bn inputs).
The nominal voltage swing is set to 500 mV in the high fre-
quency (and high current) cells, and to 300 mV in the low cur-
rent cells A). The voltage is generated by the tail
current, set by the current source and by the load resistances

D. Power Dissipation Optimization

The absence of long delay loops in the architecture of Fig. 2
enables fast and reliable optimization of power dissipation,
since simulation runs may be done for clusters of two cells circuitry. High input sensitivity enables the divider to be directly
each time. coupled to a wide range of VCO’s, without the need for external
The critical point in the operation of the programmable (discrete) buffers. In addition, the input amplifier performs other
prescaler are the divide by 3 actions [11]. There is a maximum important functions, which are listed below.
delay between the mod and the clock signals in a given cell that • It provides reverse isolation, to prevent the divider activity
still allows properly timed division by 3. The maximum delay from “kicking-back” and disturbing the VCO.
is where is the period of the cell’s input • It provides single-ended to differential conversion of the
signal. The input frequency for each cell is scaled down by the (very often) single-ended VCO signal.
previous one. As a consequence, the maximum allowed delay • It enables the VCO to be ac coupled to the divider func-
increases as one moves “down” the chain. As the delay in a cell tion, and provides a signal to the first divider cell with the
is inverse proportional to the cell’s current consumption (which proper dc level.
is a property of current mode logic circuits), the currents in the
The required amplification of the UHF amplifier, set by sensi-
cells may be scaled down as well.
tivity requirements ( 20 dBm), has been split into two differen-
The results of a transient simulation with the optimized high
tial stages. Each differential pair operates with 50- A nominal
frequency cells of the -band divider are presented in Fig. 6.
The influence of current consumption on the slope of the dig- current, and has load resistances of 14 k The -band input
ital signals (and hence on the time delay) is clearly observed. amplifier is a scaled version of the UHF input amplifier. The tail
Table I presents the tail current and the resistance values of the currents were doubled, and the drain resistances were halved.
optimized divider cells. Layout optimization took about three The nominal low frequency small signal gain of the UHF ampli-
iteration cycles. Transient simulations, including extracted par- fier is 26 dB; the gain of the -band amplifier is 23 dB. Negative
asitics, showed that layout parasitics caused a decrease of about feedback from the output node to the input was implemented
30% in the highest operation frequency, when compared to the with 50 k resistances. The feedback provides dc biasing to the
original simulations. first stage, and allows AC coupling of the VCO signal to the first
differential pair.
E. Input Amplifiers
The input amplifier provides the required amplification of the IV. MEASUREMENTS
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) signal to “digital” levels, The control currents for the UHF and -band dividers can be
determined by the sensitivity specifications and by the divider set externally, through input pins. The input amplifier current is

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Fig. 7. Sensitivity of the UHF divider, for different divider current settings. Division ratio = 511, nominal current is I = 10 A.

Fig. 8. Sensitivity curves of the L-band divider, for a few divider and amplifier current settings. Division ratio = 1023.

Fig. 9. Maximum operation frequency of the UHF and L-band dividers, as Fig. 10. Minimum input level for correct division of the frequency dividers,
function of divider current consumption (excluding input amplifiers). as function of the input amplifiers consumption.

by a differential input signal, carried over printed circuit board

controlled by the input current and the 2/3 divider cell cur- (PCB) strip-lines with a characteristic impedance of 50 The
rents by input current The curves presented in this section strip-lines were terminated with discrete resistances of 50 to
were obtained with the nominal supply voltage of 2.2 V, except ground, which were set close to the input leads of the input am-
where otherwise noted. plifiers. The maximum operation frequencies of the UHF and
-band dividers, as function of the current consumption, are
A. Input Sensitivity and Maximum Operation Frequency plotted in Fig. 9. The effect of the input amplifiers current con-
Fig. 7 presents sensitivity curves of UHF divider, for different sumption on the input sensitivities is displayed Fig. 10. Setting
current settings of the control current The nominal value of the UHF amplifier current to 230 A yields a sensitivity value
is 10 A. Fig. 8 shows sensitivity curves of the -band di- in excess of 10 mVrms.
vider, for different current settings in the divider and input am- The influence of the supply voltage on the maximum oper-
plifier. Such as the UHF divider, the -band divider is highly ating frequency was found to be small ( 5% for decreased
sensitive over a large frequency range. The circuits were driven from 2.2 V down to 1.8 V). It is interesting to mention that

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Fig. 11. Phase noise of the reference and UHF divider, measured at 10 MHz. - - - Reference divider (I = 10 , F = 20 MHz, 010 dBm).
— Reference divider (I = 10 , F = 20 MHz, 20 dBm). 0

Fig. 12. Comparison of power efficiency (GHz/mW).

MCML circuits have been demonstrated to operate with supply level of the 20-MHz input signal. For the UHF divider, how-
voltages as low as 1.2 V [15], without significant loss of speed. ever, no dependency of the noise floor on the level of the input
signal at 640 MHz was observed. An increase of 25% in current
B. Phase Noise led to a change in noise floor from 122 dBc/Hz (nominal bias,
The phase noise of the UHF and reference dividers was = 10 A) to 124 dBc/Hz (with = 12.5 A). The noise
measured with a dedicated phase noise measurement system. floor of the reference divider went from 127.5 dBc/Hz down
We used coherent demodulation techniques (phase-locked to 130 dBc/Hz, with increased bias. Fig. 11 shows that the
loop configuration), and employed a low-noise 10 MHz signal high frequency cells of the UHF divider (see Fig. 3) contribute
source during the evaluation of the circuits. To facilitate the significantly to the phase noise, specially in the “ region.”
measurements, we implemented signal taps on the output An increase of noise of about 15 dB is observed, compared
of certain cells on the divider chain. The UHF divider was to the noise of the single reference divider’s cell.
provided with a tap on the output of its sixth cell; the
reference divider had the output of the first cell tapped. C. Power Efficiency
Fig. 11 presents the phase noise of the UHF divider, with Fig. 12 presents the power efficiency of the UHF and -band
nominal settings for the supply current. The straight lines rep- dividers, in comparison to recently published data on low-power
resent measured phase noise of the reference divider. We see a dividers and tuning systems. Power efficiency is defined here as
dependency of the noise floor of the reference divider on the the ratio of the divider’s maximum operation frequency to its

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power dissipation, with dimensions of GHz/mW. The authors ACKNOWLEDGMENT

have found that (most of) the dividers presented in the literature The authors wish to thank G. van Veenendaal, of PS-Sys-
do not include an input amplifier. Therefore, only the current tems Laboratory, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, for evaluation
consumption of the “core” divider circuits is taken in the calcu- work done on the programmable dividers. Many thanks go to
lations. This leads to a fair comparison of the available data. D. Kasperkovitz and J. de Haas for the support provided during
Refs. [2] and [8] describe prescalers implemented in bulk the project.
CMOS technology. Reference [16] proposes a new synthe-
sizer architecture, where the divider is “powered-down” after REFERENCES
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