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con El
Telenovela by Bianca Sanchez

Maria De Jesus (a.k.a Marichuy)
-Young, innocent, beautiful and poor girl.
-Twenty-two years old living with an elderly housekeeper.
-She does odd jobs to help out Candelaria the maid.
-Loves riding her bike all over the city.
-Outgoing and likes to speak her mind.
Juan Miguel
-Works as a psychoanalyst, has a young daughter.
-Wealthy, handsome, and very caring.
-Twenty-seven years old.
-Spouse died in an car accident.
Rosa Elena
-Marichuy’s best friend.
-Twenty-three years old.
-Secretly jealous of Marichuy’s good luck and looks.
-Will do anything to get what she wants.

Jasmine- Juan Miguel’s six year old daughter.
Candelaria- Old maid, and took in Marichuy.

Place- Mexico City, Mexico. ( Juan Miguel’s mansion, the
streets of the city, and Marichuy’s small apartment.)
Time- Present day Mexico.

Cuidado con El Angel

Opening scene: A crowded street in Mexico City. Marichuy is riding

her bike through the crowd. She has a basket full of groceries that
she needs to make dinner with.

Marichuy: Dios! So many people today.

(Few blocks down Juan Miguel is getting out of his expensive car.
He just decided to take a break and walk the cultured streets of
Mexico City.)

Juan Miguel: I should buy something for my little girl. Maybe a doll...

( As Juan Miguel rounds the corner so does Marichuy.)

Juan Miguel: Cuidado! You just ran me over.

Marichuy: Sorry buddy but I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. ( She is
now picking up all the groceries that fell out of her basket.)

( They finally make eye-contact, it’s intense, romantic, and

completely awkward. Whether they know it or not it is love at first

Juan Miguel: OHH! I mean I mean I’m sorry.

Marichuy: Exactamente! ( She then begins to walk away.)

Juan Miguel: Wait, can I get you a cup of coffee, you know to make up for my

Marichuy: Can’t I have to be somewhere.

Juan Miguel: Well maybe another time, can I get you......?

(Marichuy leaps on her bike and rides away before Juan Miguel
can finish his question.)

Juan Miguel: Wow. I should come through here more often.

( Marichuy then arrives at her small but humble apartment. There

Candelaria and Rosa Elena are waiting for her.)

Marichuy: Rosa, hi what are you doing here?

Rosa Elena: What? A girl can’t come see her best friend?

Marichuy: Si, como no. ( Translation- “ Yes, of course.”)

Candelaria- Hija, how did you get those scratches all over your arms.

Marichuy: Some idiot crashed into me while I was on my bike, and get this after he
crashed into me he tried to take me out to coffee.

(Rosa Elena is thinking “ Of course Marichuy always makes herself

the victim.”)

Candelaria: Hija, he was being nice.

Rosa Elena: What a jerk, he must be completely full of himself.

Marichuy: I don’t think so. He was just being polite, maybe I was a little rude. He
was actually very handsome. ( Marichuy smiles with her eyes.)

Rosa Elena: Really? mmmmhhh.

( We leave the scene with the women eating a nice home-cooked

meal by Marichuy.)

(That afternoon Juan Miguel is having dinner with his little girl.)

Jasmine: Papi, look at all my pictures I colored today in school.

Juan Miguel: That’s wonderful.

( Juan Miguel keeps drifting off because his thoughts are

consumed with Marichuy.)

Jasmine: Papi, what are you thinking about?

Juan Miguel: Just someone I met today.

Jasmine: Did you like them?

Juan Miguel: Yeah I did. ( He said with a great smile on his face.)

Days pass without excitement. But neither Juan Miguel nor

Marichuy can get the other one out of their head.

Marichuy has odd jobs here and there. One of them is delivering
flowers from the market to people’s houses. Just so happens that
this day she is delivering to Juan Miguel’s house. She is in for a

Marichuy: I hate doing deliveries. At least these rich people have good taste in
flowers. I love hydrangeas.

Marichuy arrives at the front gate, announces herself, and then

enters on her bike. She knocks on the door, and Juan Miguel

Marichuy: Of course.

Juan Miguel: Don’t sound so upset.

Marichuy: Sorry, here are your flowers.

Juan Miguel: Thank you, umm let me get your money. Come in and wait while I go
get it.

Marichuy walks in, she stares in amazement at the gorgeous

house of Juan Miguel.

Juan Miguel: Aqui, Here is your money. ( Marichuy replies with a slight
smile. ) So would you like to stay for that cup of coffee I mentioned last time?

A spark of excitement illuminates in Marichuy, but she would
never let her hopes get up.

Marichuy: I don’t know. I should get back and finish my work.

Juan Miguel: What’s ten minutes out of your busy day?

Marichuy: I could use a caffeine boost.

Juan Miguel: Wonderful, come sit down.

A server enters and brings coffee along with pastries. Marichuy is

uncomfortable because she is not use to being served.

Juan Miguel: So I should probably get your name, I’m Juan Miguel and you?

Marichuy: I’m Maria de Jesus but everyonne calls me Marichuy.

Juan Miguel: Very nice to meet you. I hope that I’ve made a better impression on

Marichuy: It’s getting better. The house is definitely helping. I’m kidding.

Juan Miguel: Thanks. My wife decorated it.

Marichuy: Ohhh.

Juan Miguel: She died five yeas ago in a plane crash.

Marichuy: I’m so sorry.

Juan Miguel: Thank you, at least I still have my little girl.

Marichuy: Great, what is her name, what is she like?

Juan Miguel: Her name is Jasmone and she is a beautiful and smart little girl. She’s
my world.

Juan Miguel and Marichuy talk about their lives. The conversation
flows with comfort and ease.

Marichuy: Dios, I should definitely get back to work, um i actually had a pleasant

Juan Miguel: I’m glad, Maybe I can see you another time?
Marichuy: Maybe?

Marichuy walks out the door and get on her bike and rides away.
Juan Miguel watches as she leaves.

Over the next few weeks Juan Miguel orders flowers just so he can
see Marichuy. Everytime she comes they sit down and talk like
two old friends. Definitely a romance in the making.

Juan Miguel: When do I get to take you out for real?

Marichuy: Whenever you ask?

Juan Miguel: Well...Marichuy will you please have dinner with me tomorrow

Marichuy: Yes I would like to have dinner with you.

They say their goodbyes, and Marichuy leaves to her apartment

to meet her friend Rosa Elena.

Rosa Elena: Hola, Marichuy where are you coming from?

Marichuy: Somewhere...

Rosa Elena: I’m your friend why won’t you tell me?

Marichuy Fine, Juan Miguel’s house I was delivering flowers.

Rosa Elena: Just like you’ve done everyday for the past two weeks.

Marichuy: So?

Rosa Elena: When do I get to meet this impressive guy?

Marichuy: It is not like that, at least not yet. ( She smiles shyly. )

Marichuy gets ready for her date. While Rosa Elena watches
enviously. Once ready Marichuy leaves for her date, leaving Rosa
Elena to her thoughts.

Rosa Elena: Of course Marichuy has gone and found herself a rich man to buy up
all her fancies. Perfect little angel. What can I do to interfere? If I can’t have a
good life neither can Marichuy. I bet if Juan Miguel met me he would forget about
Marichuy in a second.
So that’s it I will run into Juan Miguel on “accident”. Brilliant, then I will
have the wonderful, romantic life.

Juan Miguel and Marichuy are returning from their delicious

dinner. Juan Miguel is dropping her off at her apartment. They are
standing outside his car standing face to face having an intimate

Marichuy: Thank you for dinner, it was enjoyable.

Juan Miguel: No thank you, it was most memorable.

Juan Miguel leans in closer, him and Marichuy are face to face.

Juan Miguel: (In a whisper he says...) The idea of waiting for something
makes it more excited. So I’m glad that I waited for this until now.

Marichuy: Uhh?

Juan Miguel goes forth and kisses Marichuy. At first it is soft and
gentle and then it slowly progresses to a strong and passionate
kiss. What nobody sees is that Rosa Elena is watching from the
window with so much hate.

Marichuy and Juan Miguel begin to date. Marichuy even gets to

meet Juan Miguel’s daughter. Jasmine instantly falls in love with
Marichuy. Without realizing it Juan Miguel and Marichuy have
fallen in love.

One day while Juan Miguel is walking from his car in the parking
garage to his office. He bumps into a beautiful woman trying to
enter the same building as himself.

Juan Miguel: So sorry.

Rosa Elena: No problema.

They both reach the elevator, and what a coincidence they are
both going to fifth floor. Rosa Elena breaks the silence in the
Rosa Elena: Quick question are you the therapist here?

Juan Miguel: Si, seniorita I am.

Rosa Elena: I have an appointment with you today at two.

They reach the fifth floor, and the elevator doors open. Juan
Miguel begins to walk out the doors.

Juan Miguel: Well I will see you then.

Rosa Elena: By the way my name is Nidia. ( Rosa Elena tells Juan Miguel a
fake name just in case Marichuy may have talked about her to
Juan Miguel. Which is probable seeing that Marichuy believes that
Rosa Elena is her best friend.)

They enter the office Juan Miguel goes into the back, and Rosa
Elena waits in the waiting room.

JM’s Assistant: Seniorita the Doctor is ready for you.

Rosa Elena: Thank you ( Rosa Elena gets up and follows the Assistant
back to Juan Miguel’s office. )

Juan Miguel: Hola, nice to see you again.

Rosa Elena: Same here.

Juan Miguel: Please sit down and we will get started.

Juan Miguel’s office is set up like any therapist’s office. There is a

large wooden desk with a very masculine chair. Then apart from
the desk there is an area for the patients and himself. There is a
somewhat large couch with a chair sitting in front of it.

Rosa Elena makes up a story of being abandoned by her father,

and having to struggle to help out her mother. When in reality
Rosa Elena still has both parents and lives a good life. She
believes that if she can make Juan Miguel feel sorry for her then
she can take him away from Marichuy. Rosa Elena makes plenty of
return visits. At each visit it is obvious that Rosa Elena is flirting
with Juan Miguel, but Juan Miguel shows no interest.
Juan Miguel: Ok, I think we are done for the day. Set up a next appointment with
my assistant outside.

Rosa Elena: Thank you Juan Miguel. It is so great to finally have a therapist who
can truly help me get over my abandonment issues. Oh and a plus is he is not so
bad looking. ( She lets out a low laugh.)

Juan Miguel: ( Instantly feeling uncomfortable from Rosa Elena’s

remarks.) problem it’s my job, I mean the helping part.

Rosa Elena: Don’t be so modest Juan Miguel, any girl would be lucky to have you.

At this moment they are standing at Juan Miguel’s office door.

Rosa Elena has moved significantly closer to Juan Miguel. With no
warning Rosa Elena kisses Juan Miguel. He tries to push her away
without hurting her. He finally gets her off of him.

Juan Miguel: What are you doing?

Rosa Elena: I thought you felt the same way.

Juan Miguel: NO I have a girlfriend, well if that’s what you call it. We have not
talked about it. I love her.

Rosa Elena: How could you love Marichuy she so so so....ughh.

Juan Miguel: How did you know her name?

Rosa Elena: Oh Juan Miguel you are in for a surprise. I am Marichuy’s best friend.

Juan Miguel: WHAT?

Rosa Elena: I saw what she had going and I thought I could get a piece.
I am willing to offer you what Marichuy will not.

Juan Miguel: I don’t care I love her.

Rosa Elena: That’s ridiculous. She is nothing but a poor, ignorant girl.
Why have her when you could have a woman.

Juan Miguel: Marichuy is beautiful and intelligent, and she is more of woman than
you could ever be.

JM’s Assistant: Is everything all right sir.

Juan Miguel: Yes can you please call security to escort the seniorita down.

Rosa Elena: No thank you I lead myself out. Also I don’t know if I would let
Marichuy find out about this. Not only will she be mad at me but also at you.

Rosa Elena leaves the building. Leaving Juan Miguel with his

Juan Miguel: Oh no. What should I do? Should I tell Marichuy? Even if I do who
will she believe me or her best friend of all her life.
Wait my assistant she saw everything it couldn’t hurt that I have a witness.
So done deal I will tell Marichuy and hope that she believes me.

Juan Miguel leaves his office to head home check on his daughter
and then off to see Marichuy.

Once at Marichuy’s apartment, he goes to the front door and

knocks. Marichuy answers with a great big smile.

Marichuy: Hi, what are you doing here?

Juan Miguel: I wanted to see you and tell you something.

Marichuy: Come in sit down and tell me.

Juan Miguel: Well it is actually two things I have to tell you.

Marichuy: Well go ahead tell me...I’m worried.

Juan Miguel: First things first I just wanted to say that you are the most wonderful
girl in the world. You have made me so happy. And.........I LOVE YOU.

Marichuy: Oh wow...

Juan Miguel: You don’t have to tell its ok. I just wanted to let you know that I am
completely in love with you>

Marichuy: That’s not it....I LOVE YOU TOO.

Juan Miguel: Really....

Marichuy: Yes with all my heart...I have never know love but I know that this is
really it.

Juan Miguel goes for a kiss and Marichuy accepts with no

resistance. Juan Miguel not wanting to ruin the moment leaves to
go home.

The next morning Rosa Elena goes to meet up with Maricuy for
breakfast. Rosa Elena had decided to tell Marichuy, because if she
can’t have Juan Miguel neither can Marichuy.

Marichuy: Hola, Rosa Elena I have some great news to tell you.

Rosa Elena: Ohh well tell me.

Marichuy: Well Juan Miguel told me that he loved me and I told him I loved him
too. Is that not such good news?

Rosa Elena: Yeah its great its just that...

Marichuy: It’s just what?

Rosa Elena: Fine because I have been your friend for life, and I do not want you to
get hurt by Juan Miguel. Juan Miguel made a move on me. I pushed him away but
he just kept trying. Oh Marichuy I am so sorry.

Marichuy: What no not Juan Miguel. How is that even possible you two have
never met?

Rosa Elena: Well I knew what he looked like from him just dropping you off. And
I ran into him the other day I tried to say hi you know tell that I knew you. And
thats when he started talking me up. He basically forced me to have coffee with
him and then he leaned in and planted a kiss on me. I slapped him.

Marichuy: I can’t believe I thought he was a good guy... maybe I should talk to
Rosa Elena: No...just forget about him he is not worth it.

At that moment there is a knock on the door.

Juan Miguel: Marichuy.

Marichuy: How dare you show up here after what you did.

Juan Miguel: What did she tell you? She is lying.

Marichuy: You think that I would believe you over my best friend who I have
know longer.

Juan Miguel: I love you I would never do anything to hurt you. You have to here
my side of the story.

Marichuy: Fine.

Rosa Elena: Wait what. Marichuy you don’t believe me?

Marichuy: He is right I should be fair and listen to his side of the story.

Marichuy goes for a walk with Juan Miguel. Juan Miguel tells her
the true story at first she does not believe him but then they run
into Juan Miguel’s assistant. Which Juan Miguel had set up for
them to meet. The assistant tells the same story and Marichuy is
starting to lean towards Juan Miguel’s story.

Marichuy decides to go back and talk to Rosa Elena.

Marichuy: Rosa why don’t the stories match up?

Rosa Elena: Because Juan Miguel is lying.

Marichuy: Do you know that Juan Miguel has a witness that say you posed
yourself as a patient to get close to my boyfriend. And then you made a move on
him. Why Rosa why would you do that?

Rosa Elena: Marichuy they are all lying. I’m your friend you should believe me.

Marichuy: I know I should but for some reason I have doubts. I know you are my
friend but there was always something there holding us back from being even

Rosa Elena: Fine, I don’t care about you that much anyway. Yes I did everything
Juan Miguel said. I wanted what you had, and when he rejected me I decided that
you couldn’t have him either.

Marichuy: I guess now I know what kind of friend you truly are. You Bitch. I want
you to leave my apartment and I never want to speak to you again.

Rosa Elena: Whatever, I fooled you for so many years. You thought that I was your
friend when in reality I was just keeping my enemy close.

Marichuy: Well good thing. BYE.

Rosa Elena: Bye best friend. (HAHA.)

After the huge fight Marichuy decides to have a few days to

herself. She needs time to think everything through. Marichuy
really is truly hurt by the betrayal of her best friend. She then
realizes it is for the better, why would she want some one like that

around her when there are people out there in the world who are
actually good people. Like Candelaria the wonderful women who
helps her, and of course Juan Miguel who is a good, honest man.

Juan Miguel: Hi babe.

Marichuy: Hi.

Juan Miguel: How have you been?

Marichuy: Good, just been thinking a lot.

Juan Miguel: Yeah, thinking. So what did you decide?

Marichuy: I decided I still love you. And I definitely want to be with you. If you
will take me back?

Juan Miguel: I can’t believe you just asked me that. Marichuy you are the love of
my life. The real question is will you be my girlfriend again?
Marichuy: Yes

Juan Miguel: Wonderful.

A few months down the road Marichuy moves in with Juan Miguel
and his daughter. They become a family. After a year Juan Miguel
asks Marichuy to marry him, and of course she does. Marichuy
lives her life without ever seeing Rosa Elena again. In a weird way
Marichuy appreciates having Rosa Elena in her life because she
made Marichuy a better person. Rosa Elena showed Marichuy
what a real friend should be like, and those qualities involved in
being a good friend helped her in being a good wife and a good

The End

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