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We have already mentioned that the Kazakh nation reveres the ancestral customs and traditions. For
objectivity's sake, we must say that during the years of existence the Kazakh nation accumulated so
voluminous luggage that it is almost impossible to tell about all the traditions and customs inherent in the
descendants of the sultans Zhanibek and Kerey (founders of the Kazakh Khanate – author’s annotation) in
one article.
The main tradition of the Kazakhs, which eventually transformed into a feature of national character, is
hospitality. In the Kazakh society, there is an unofficial law voiced in ancient times. It says “Meet a guest as
a God's messenger”.
Hospitality is considered a sacred duty in the Kazakh society. At all times, the steppe inhabitants did their
best to please the guest. Therefore, each traveler going on the road, knew that he would be welcomed
anywhere in the Kazakh land.
Respect for the elderly is another positive feature of the Kazakh people. Traditionally, a child from early
childhood is taught moderation and honesty when dealing with older, wiser and life experienced people.
However, the above mentioned national identities that served as a basis for the occurrence of generalized
rules and principles of public relations (tradition), fortunately, are confined not only to representatives of the
Kazakh people. Therefore, we offer to your attention a list of basic customs, which became widespread in
the Kazakh society.
1. Traditions and customs associated with gift giving
Suyіnshі - a custom according to which a traveler who brought home a good message received valuable gift
from the owners of a, in gratitude.

“At mingizip shapan zhabu" is a high honor. According to tradition, a dear visitor, it may be akin, batir or
just a very respected man, who visited a village receives a gift from local residents: a horse and splendid
chapan (robe of camel's hair with a cotton lining) in recognition of merit.

“Bes zhaksy” is a gift consisting of five valuable things. It includes: a camel ("kara nar"), a fleet-footed
horse (zhuyrik at), an expensive carpet (kaly kilem), a diamond sword (almas Kylish), and a sable coat
(bulgyn ishik). “Bes zhaksy” as well as "At mingizip shapan zhabu" is awarded to the most respected people
in the Kazakh society.

Baygazy - a tradition of giving a gift to a man who acquired a new thing.

2. Traditions and customs associated with mutual aid
Asar: a family, which has to perform an urgent sometimes hard work, has a right to call in assistants from
relatives, friends and neighbors. At the end of the work, a rich table is covered for assistants.

Zhylu - a tradition associated with the provision of material, moral and financial assistance to people
affected by natural disasters (fires, floods, etc.). All supporters, not only relatives are entitled to help the
victims. As donations can act - livestock, building materials, clothing, and money.

Belkoterer - a tradition to treat the elderly. Delicious and most importantly - soft foods such as kazi, Gentil,
mare, cottage cheese are cooked for the elderly. Typically, this responsibility rests with children or close
relatives, the less likely neighbors. Belkoterer tradition is an example of caring for the elderly.

3. Traditions and customs associated with the reception

Konakasy - a custom associated with treat of a guest. Kazakh people since ancient times were famous for its
hospitality. Kazakhs always reserved the tastiest food for guests. Guests are divided into three types.
"Arnayy konak" is a specially invited guest, "kudayy konak" - a random stranger, "kydyrma konak" - an
unexpected guest. It should be noted that if an owner of a house for any reason refused to honor the custom
of Konakasy he could have been penalized.

Konakkade - a tradition under which a landlord has a right to ask a guest to sing a song or play a musical
instrument. Konakkade is a test of guest art and a pledge of fun feast.

Erulik: if new settlers came to a village erulik was arranged in their honor - a small celebration that allowed
to quickly adapt to the new location. Also, the custom erulik includes assistance in settling domestic
newcomers. Neighbors provide them with firewood, drinking water, etc.

Toy dastarkhan - a special form of celebration, organized for holiday or during it. Sports, music, singing
competitions (aitys) and jumps are organised in addition to the gatherings during Toy dastarkhan.
4. Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child
Shіldehana - a celebration that is associated with childbirth.

Besіkke salu, besik toy - a holiday, hosted after the installation of the newborn in a bassinet. As a rule,
organized on 3-5 day after dropout umbilical cord at the kid.

Esіm koyu( at koyu) is a naming ceremony that can be conducted within the framework of shіldehana or
during celebrations on the occasion of laying a newborn in a bassinet. Execution of the rite was confided to
the most respected people, who among other things blessed a baby.

Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40
tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut.

Tusau kesu - the Kazakh custom, a day when the baby took his first steps into the tent was invited to the
oldest and most respected people in the village. He had a knife to cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs (cut
put). This was done to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.

Sundetke otyrgyzu is a rite of circumcision. The ceremony is held when a child is 5-7 years. This day
parents call Mullah to their yurt who conducts the procedure. During that Mullah gets a generous reward. A
big festival to which all the relatives and friends are invited is organised On the occasion of sundetke
otyrgyzu. Guests usually make generous gifts to the hero of the occasion and his parents.
6. The most ancient traditions of Kazakh people
Tugan zherge aunatu: according to this tradition a man who lived long time away from his home on return
should roll in the ground. The meaning of this action can be briefly explained by the following proverb -
"we are all children of his native land."

Auzyna tukirtu - literally name of this ritual is translated as "spit in his mouth." There was a belief among
ancient Kazakhs according to which with a drop of saliva given to a child by a brave batyr, a popular public
speaker or an akin, a piece of human talent would transfer to the child. Due to this, in the future this child
will have good luck.

Ashamayga mingizu is a ritual whereby the 6-7-years-old boy was supposed to be given a horse and whip.
Such a ritual is a kind of "initiation", having proclaimed that the child is a jigit. On this day, elders blessed
the young rider on feats of arms. After that, parents staged a small celebration in honor of the son.

Bastangy is a vintage analog to contemporary youth parties. Traditionally, these celebrations were
conducted immediately after departure of adults. During bastangy, guests expressed only one wish that
travelers would be accompanied by luck during a trip and not overtaken by the disease.
Перед современной системой образования стоит задача приобщения новых поколений к
исторической памяти народа, а значит – и сохранение ее в наших детях. Знание наследия необходимо
каждому народу. Наше прошлое – это фундамент стабильной, полнокровной жизни в настоящем и
залог развития в будущем. Мы обращаемся к народной педагогике не только потому, что это кладезь
мудрости, запасник педагогической мысли и нравственного здоровья, но и потому что это наши
истоки и поэтому, наша задача сегодня:
- помочь ребенку вспомнить свою национальную и родовую память;
- уважительно относиться к своим древним корням;
- чтить и уважать память предков;
- систематическое и целенаправленное приобщение детей к истокам народной культуры.
Начинать приобщение к культуре надо с представлений об окружающем мире.
Народ – единственный и неиссякаемый источник духовных ценностей. Великие художники,
композиторы, поэты черпали вдохновение в народе, из народного творчества. Поэтому их творения
во все эпохи были доступны и близки народу. У народа же главным мерилом духовности и
эстетической ценности всегда оставался труд. Эстетическое воспитание осуществлялось в тесной
связи с трудовым. Даже больше: оно главным образом, осуществлялось в процессе труда.
Сочетание трудового и эстетического воспитания проявляется и в том, что труженики искусно
и тонко украшали орудия труда (сани, телеги, прялки, гребень и др.). Трудовой люд создавал красоту
в любой сфере своей жизни и деятельности.
Столь же высокая, как эстетика быта была нравственность у простого народа.
А сколько детских сказок, загадок, скороговорок в народном творчестве. Все они
преследовали определенные педагогические цели.
Погружение детей в традиционную фольклорную среду – один из факторов воспитания. Он не
только знакомит ребенка с окружающим миром, но и внушает нравственные правила, нормы
поведения. Причем все это делается в яркой эмоциональной форме, понятной и доступной.
Народные традиции, передаваемые из поколения в поколения создают в себе разнообразные
средства и формы воспитания.
Одним из средств передачи традиции являются песни. Народные песни впитали в себя
высшие национальные ценности, ориентированные только на добро, на счастье человека. Ребенок
должен быть счастлив сегодня, а не завтра … Как ни парадоксально, ребенок счастлив, когда поет.
Песни грустные поет редко, хотя есть много очень печальных сиротских песен, но не поет этих
песен, эти песни – не их, а о них. Главное назначение песни – привить любовь к прекрасному,
выработать эстетические взгляды и вкусы. Большинство колыбельных песен раскрывает огромную
силу материнской любви.
Среди детей подросткового возраста были более всего распространены веселые, задорные,
шуточные песни. Самый богатый репертуар у юношества. Это свадебные плачи невесты, обрядовые,
ритуальные. Каждому возрасту соответствуют свои песни. Они сопровождают человека от рождения
до смерти. Воздействия на чувства человека, они одновременно влияют на его сознание и поведение.
Вот почему их с полным основанием можно отнести к комбинированным средствам народного
воспитания. Мы должны знать различные песни, уметь убеждать родителей в необходимости
разучивать их с детьми.
Сказки являются важными воспитательными средствами, в речении столетий выработанным и
проверенным народом. Жизнь, народная практика воспитания, убедительно доказала
педагогическую ценность сказок. Дети и сказка – неразделимы, они созданы друг для друга и
поэтому знакомство со сказками своего народа, должно обязательно входить в курс образования и
воспитания каждого ребенка.
Многие народные сказки внушают уверенность в торжестве правды, в победе добра над злом.
Оптимизм сказок особенно нравится детям и усиливает воспитательное значение.
Образность – важная особенность сказок. В герое обычно весьма выпукло и ярко
показываются главные черты характера: отвага, трудолюбие, остроумие; такие черты как физическая
сила, смелость, мужество. Образность добавляется забавностью сказок – тонким и веселым юмором.
Патриотизм – это, прежде всего, любовь к родной природе. Эта любовь не требует шума,
крикливости. Как сказал Булат Окуджава, патриотизм – дело тихое и интимное.
Традиция жива, пока ее чтут, берегут. И даже пение народных песен для
одних детей будет просто концертом, а для других, прикоснувшихся к культуре
своих предков – естественной частичкой бытия.
Много нас живет на родной земле. И все мы такие разные. Много разных
народов на земле и в нашей стране.
У каждого – свои обычаи, песни, сказки, предания. И очень важно ценить и
понимать других людей. Важно ценить все народы Земли вместе со своими.
В народной педагогической практике мы обнаруживаем осознанное и
неосознанное стремление, каждую часть, область жизни использовать в
воспитательных целях. Пособием для воспитания является вся жизнь с ее
трудовыми буднями, праздниками, природой, животным миром, песнями,
Педагогический опыт людей закреплен в различных обрядах, связанных с
новорожденным, с первыми шагами младенца, с его приобщением к интересам
семьи. Можно говорить и о педагогической направленности общения, искусства,
народного творчества, традициях гостеприимства и русского застолья,
уважения старших – все это народная память, связывающая прошлое и
настоящее с будущим.

Before the modern educational system the task of familiarizing the new generations to the
historical memory of the people, so - and save it to our children. Knowledge of heritage is
necessary for each nation. Our Past - is the foundation of a stable, fulfilling lives in the present and
a pledge for the future. We appeal to people's pedagogy, not only because it is a fount of wisdom,
Zapasnik educational thought and moral health, but also because these are our roots and,
therefore, our task today:
- Help your child remember their national and ancestral memory;
- Be respectful to their ancient roots;
- Revere and respect the memory of our ancestors;
- The systematic and purposeful initiation of children to the origins of folk culture.
Start introduction to the culture should be a representation of the outside world.
People - a unique and inexhaustible source of spiritual values. Great painters, composers, poets
found inspiration in the people, from folk art. Therefore, their creations in all epochs were available
and close to the people. The people as the main measure of spiritual and aesthetic values have
always remained a work. Aesthetic education was carried out in close liaison with the labor. Even
more: it is mainly encountered in the process of labor.
The combination of labor and aesthetic education is manifested in the fact that workers skillfully
and subtly decorated with tools (sledge, cart, spinning wheel, a comb, etc.). Working people to
create beauty in any area of your life and work.
Is as high as the aesthetics of everyday life was a morality of ordinary people.
And how many children's tales, riddles, tongue twisters and folk art. All they pursued certain
pedagogical goals.
Immersing children in traditional folkloric environment - one of the factors of education. It not only
introduces children to the outside world, but also instills moral rules, norms of behavior. And it's all
done in bright emotional form that is understandable and accessible.
Folk tradition, passed down from generation to generation creating a variety of means and forms
of education.
One means of transmission of the tradition are the lyrics. Folk songs have absorbed the highest
national values, focused only on the good, the happiness of man. The child should be happy
today, not tomorrow ... Paradoxically, the child is happy when he sings. Sad songs sings rare,
although there are a lot of very sad orphan songs, but does not sing these songs, these songs -
not them, but about them. The main purpose of the song - to instill a love for the beautiful,
elaborate aesthetic views and tastes. Most lullabies reveals tremendous power of maternal love.
Among adolescent children were most prevalent funny, perky, humorous lyrics. Very rich
repertoire of young people. This wedding laments the bride, ceremonial, ritual. Each age has its
own song. They escorted a man from birth to death. Impact on human feelings, they
simultaneously affect his consciousness and behavior. That is why they rightly can be attributed to
a combination of traditional education. We need to know the different songs, be able to convince
the parents that their children learn.
Fairy tales are an important educational tool, the sayings of the centuries worked out and tested
people. Life, folk-rearing practices, amply demonstrated the pedagogical value of fairy tales.
Children and Fairy Tale - are inseparable, they are meant for each other and therefore familiar
with tales of his people, must necessarily be included in a course of education and upbringing of
each child.
Many folk tales inspire confidence in the triumph of truth, the victory of good over evil. The
optimism of fairy tales is especially popular with the children and enhances educational value.
Imagery - an important feature of fairy tales. In the hero is usually very convex, and clearly show
the main character traits: courage, generosity, wit, and such traits as physical strength, courage,
and courage. Add fun imagery of fairy tales - a subtle and hilarious humor.
Patriotism - above all, love of mother nature. This love does not require noise blatancy. As said
Bulat Okudzhava, and patriotism - it quiet and intimate.
Tradition alive, while her honor, cherish. And even the singing of folk songs for some children to
be just a concert, but for others, touching the culture of their ancestors - a part of natural
Many of us live in their native land. And we are all so different. A lot of different people on earth
and in our country.
Everyone - its customs, songs, tales and legends. And it is important to appreciate and understand
other people. It is important to appreciate all the nations of the earth with his.
In traditional teaching practice, we find a conscious and unconscious desire, each part area of life
to use for educational purposes. Aid for education is the whole life with her work days, holidays,
nature, wildlife, songs and stories.
Teaching experience of people is enshrined in various rituals associated with the newborn, with
the first baby steps, with his introduction to the interests of the family. You can talk about the
pedagogical orientation of communication, art, folk art, traditions of hospitality and Russian feast,
respect for elders - all these people's memory, connecting past and present with the future.

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