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The Malaysian Eating Frenzy.

Guess what? - Hong Soon

What? What? What? – Line 1,2,3
What do Malaysian like most of
all? - all
What is it that they really,really
like? – line 1
Is it getting into the Guinness
Book of Records
No! – line 2

Or is it surfing the net,………or

watching TV,badminton and
soccer? - Line 3
No!No!No! You’ve got it all
wrong,- all
No matter. We are here to tell
you.- all
Morning. Afternoon and night, -
line 1,2,3
Malaysians go about their daily
One stands out bold, we’re told.-
This obsession with… -all
Food? Food?- Line 1,line 2
Yes, glorious food.- Hong Soon
Mention the word and hunger
gnaws at their vitals-all
Eyes rolled, mouth drool,-line 1
Oh my God, it’s time!- Hong Soon
For what? –Shavina
It’s time for gluttony corps to
show their mettle.-all
We’re famished….We’re hungry…-
They run helter –skelter - all
In search of something better. –
line 1
To nibble and devaur. – line 2
Gulp,gorge and guzzle. –line 3
Eat to live,they say. – line 1
Even going to extreme lengths to
pay.- line 2
Ay,that’s the crunch!- Hong Soon

Old habits die hard,my friends.-

So,we have a case of expanded
waistlines and rounded shapes,
Not forgetting unwanted flab and
bulges.- all
How true,how true.- Nisa
Why,oh why,must be so?- Wei
Haven’t you heard? -Zi yang
The flesh is willing but the spirit
is weak.- all
It’s yielding to temptation,no
less.- all
Not just three square meals per
But also snacks in between.-all
And supper,too.-Shashvina
Goodness gracious me!- Agnes
That’s bad!- all

Be it roadside stalls for hawker

A fancy bow and tie affair.- all
So,begins this eating frenzy.-line
Consuming anything and
everything they fancy.-line 2
The range is E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S-
ENORMOUS! –line 1, all
It’s plain to see.- all
Just choose any of these
delicacies.- all
Malay, Indians,Chinese.-line 1,2,3
Nyonya, Eurasian or Portuguese.-
line 1,2,3
Whether it’s food to tickle or
appease,- all
Malaysian are not tickle.-all
You name it…….- line 1
Malaysia has it.- line 2
This gourmet paradise of ours-
line 3
To suit voracious appetites at all
hours.- all
Sweet or savoury – line 1
Sour,salty or tangy.-line 2
Hot,spicy or peppery.-line 3
Elaborate,sophisticated dishes.-
Or everyday fare.-all
Simple,yet so delicious.-all
Malaysian and their carnivorous
Overlook calories and obesity.-all
Every occasion is a veritable
To say the least.-all
These ten-course dinners and
Buffet style or ala carte
Where some poor beast,fish or
Is condemned to a simmering pot
for hours
Amidst the clatter of forks and
Deft fingers and Wiley smiles
The chopsticks brigade…
Such a cacophony it makes!
The slurping,…. Simply
disgusting!- line 1
The belching….Oh, so disturbing!-
line 2
Are testimony that Malaysian
table manners, are, sometimes
lacking.- line 3
Weight watcher, Malaysian are
Nor the health freaks either.- all
Their eating habits are queer.- all
Abstaining for nothing in
So, anything goes…- line 1
Even MSG, sugar ,fat and
cholesterol.- all
Seconds helpings, too.- line 1
Whenever possible. – line 2
With Malaysian fare.- line 3
An acquired taste it has to be.- all
If you dare.-all
The aroma is mistakable- all
The blend of herbs and spices,…
truly remarkable.- all
The preparation…- all
Why, it`s simply incredible! –
Hong Soon
Whether it`s barbecued, baked or
boiled,- line 1
Grilled or chilled, sautéed,
smoked or steamed
Stir-fried, char boiled or deep
fried.-line 2
Every dish is a culinary
That`s not all…-all
Malaysians can have ball.-all
With sizzling satay, so tempting.-
And cendol, and so refreshing.-
Hong Yi
And God forbid.- all
Monkeys brains,….euu..- line 1
Turtle soup,…yuck!-line 2
And even ,..slithering snakes! –
line 3
Shocking? Yes, indeed.-Shashvina
But the facts remains,-Janice
Ladies and gentlemen.-Yan
It`s eat, eat,eat, day in, day out.-
line 1
It`s eat, eat, eat, the very next
And the next… and the next… and
the next.- all

Is there are solution?-Pyan

Yes, so resist and persist.-Hong
Say `no` to second helpings.-line
Say `no` to irresistible
temptations.-line 2
Say `no` to all the delectable
delicacies.- line 3
What`s more…-all
Don`t whet your appetites
`cos do you know why?`-line 1
`a minute on your lips, become a
life time on your hips`.-line 2
And now that our task is done.-
line 3
We bid you a fond adieu.--all
Thank you , one and all.-all
For your kind attention.-line 1
In having a huge bellyful of-line 2
“The Malaysian Eating Frenzy”-all

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