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*These survey questions require data to calculate their respective metric. Question Number (s)
Generate New Product/Service Ideas Measusres 2.1.2
Total cost of the process "generate new product/service ideas" per <$1,000> revenue 16.044a-e / 16.011

Personnel cost of the process "generate new product/service ideas" per <$1,000> revenue 16.044a / 16.011
Process Efficiency
Number of FTEs for the process "generate new product/service ideas" per <$1 billion>
revenue 16.043 / 16.011
Percentage of sales due to product/services launched in the past year 16.048
Number of product/service improvements generated annually 16.046, 16.047a
Number of product/service extensions generated annually 16.046, 16.047b
Number of new product/service opportunities generated annually 16.046, 16.047c
Design & Devlop Product/Service Measures 2.1.3
Total cost of the process "design and develop product/service" per <$1,000> revenue 16.055a-e / 16.011

Personnel cost of the process "design and develop product/service" per <$1,000> revenue 16.055a / 16.011
Process Efficiency
Number of FTEs for the process "design and develop product/service ideas" per <$1 billion>
revenue 16.054 / 16.011
Ratio of projects entering the "design and develop product/service" process to projects
completing the process 16.035, 16.031
Cycle Time
Time to market in days for existing product/service improvement projects 16.034
Time to market in days for existing product/service extension projects 16.034
Time to market in days for new product/service development projects 16.034
Test Market Product/Service Measures 2.1.4
Total cost of the process "test market product/service" per <$1,000> revenue 16.068a-e / 16.011
Personnel cost of the process "test market product/service" per <$1,000> revenue 16.068a / 16.011
Process Efficiency

Number of FTEs for the process "test market product/service" per <$1 billion> revenue 16.067 / 16.011
Ratio of projects entering the "test market product/service" process to projects completing
the process 16.075


*These survey questions require data to calculate their respective metric. Question Number (s)
Support Product/Service Manufacturing /Delivery Measures 2.1.6
Total cost of the process "support product/service manufacturing/delivery" per <$1,000>
revenue 16.078a-e / 16.011
Personnel cost of the process "support product/service manufacturing/delivery" per
<$1,000> revenue 16.078a / 16.011
Process Efficiency
Number of FTEs for the process "support product/service manufacturing/delivery" per <$1
billion> revenue 16.077 / 16.011
General Measures 2.1
Total cost of new product development per <$1,000> revenue 16.011, 16.012, 16.013
Process Efficiency
Percentage of existing product/service improvements launched on time 16.035
Percentage of existing product/service extensions launched on time 16.035
Percentage of new product/service developments launched on time 16.035
Percentage of existing product/service improvements launched on budget 16.038
Percentage of existing product/service extensions launched on budget 16.038
Percentage of new product/service developments launched on budget 16.038
Cycle Time
Time to profitability in months for existing product/service improvement projects 16.037
Time to profitability in months for existing product/service extension projects 16.037
Time to profitability in months for new product/service development projects 16.037

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