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Diaz, Summer

Period 6, English


Animal abuse can be unspeakable when you read about it firsthand. Why do
people even abuse animals? Physcologists say it’s because they usually have emoti
onal problems. Is this a serious issue? Yes, because it happens everywhere, and
it affects all different types of animals. How do we save them? There are variou
s charities supporting animals and many people who rescue animals from their har
d lives.
Animal abuse hurts so many animals in so many ways, and affects an anima
l in every state, or even continent. Animal abuse comes in so many different for
ms. It varies from plain abuse, to manufactured items, and in business. When is
change going to come? It’s never certain, some change is already happening, but it
will take something big to stop this. No matter how hard things may be, and thi
ngs are going down, you should never abuse an animal.
Key Findings
Animal abuse ranges from neglect, abandonment, and abuse. Animal abuse affec
ts all types of animals. There are laws against it in every state in the U.S.A.
The definition of abuse is cruel or inhuman treatment (igoogle). The definition
of an animal is a living organism characterized by voluntary movement (igoogle).
Animal abuse is intolerable. Anima abuse is physcological and physical on an an
Animal abuse is like boiling goats alive to make gloves (animalcrueltyfacts.
net). Industries use animals of all different species to make any kind of manufa
ctured goods. They use animal testing to try new medications or cosmetics. Dosom saids that, “More than 25 million vertebrate animals are used on testin
g in the United States each year.” Even animals die for coats, 18 red foxes for a
fox fur coat and 55 minks for 1 mink coat ( Even kangaroos are u
sed to make soccer balls (!
In business, like the circus; wild and exotic animals are trained through in
timidation and animal abuse (aspca). They abuse them and abuse them. They even d
o it to get them to learn or cooperate. They are whipped and beaten, burned and
poked with sharp objects; just to learn their routine ( Other k
inds of business, like fighting, make dogs and cocks fight for money or for ente
rtainment ( However, it is illegal in all 50 states (Dosomethin Currently, 10,000 bulls die in bull fights every year.
Interpretation of Results
Animal abuse is a crime! To hurt an animal means you hurt more than its body
, but its mind! Even though there are laws, it still doesn’t stop most people! Peo
ple who don’t really know better will probably never stop, if they ever even start
. An animal and abuse should not go together! An animal is a living organism and
abuse towards a living organism should never be tolerated. You should not act l
ike a hedonist towards animal abuse; you should act like a human being who wants
to make a difference.
My interpretation of why a person would even do that is that they are just pl
ain crazy. You shouldn’t be tentative when you see labels that say tested on anima
ls; you should be more than certain to no get the product. To kill so much for a
n unnecessary thing is insane! A fur coat can easily be a faux-fur one, which sa
ves money and lives. To take such extreme measures is not necessary for even a p
air of gloves. Not so many lives have to be lost to just test or try something o
ut. Some things aren’t worth the animals they come from.
Animals in the business world, like circuses, are supposed to be works of art
! Animals should not be degraded to learn for the purpose of entertaining. Hurti
ng animals does not make you a better person. You shouldn’t hurt a living thing to
get it to do what you want it to. If something is illegal; they made it that wa
y for a reason! Don’t do something if you know it’s wrong. “By 2022, 22% of all specie
s will be extinct if no action is taken”-

Animal abuse in Circuses-ASPCA 26 April, 2011
D’silva, Roy- Animal abuse facts and statistics- 26 Apr
il, 2011 26 April, 2011
11 facts about animal cruelty- 26 April, 2

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