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Personal & Social Ethics

Non-Profit Social Justice Organization Project

Group Members (3):

________________________________ ________________________________


__________________________ Research Questions due

__________________________ Draft of Part A -- Google Doc Presentation due
__________________________ PSA Planning Sheet for Part B PSA due
__________________________ Final copies of Part A and Part B due
• Share your Google Doc Presentation with your teacher by 5PM on _____________________.
Make sure the name of your agency is in the title!
• Upload your PSA to your teacher’s YouTube class account by 5PM on __________________.
Make sure the name of your agency is in the title!
__________________________ Oral report (typed and printed) due
• Print one copy for each member of your group and one copy for your teacher.

Identifying group member tasks and completing the assignment

Group Members Tasks:

Team leader (make sure everyone does their part so the group doesn’t lose points): __________
Research: ____________________________________________________________________
Google Doc Presentation (Part A) production: _______________________________________
PSA (Part B) production: ________________________________________________________
Oral Report production and prinitng: _______________________________________________
Submission (sharing Google Doc, uploading PSA to YouTube, printing oral report): __________
STEP 1: Choosing the organization

Your group will choose one of the following non-profit social justice organizations. Each group
will complete a three-part presentation on a different social justice organization.

1. Keep a Child Alive. Keep a child alive is an urgent response to the AIDS pandemic ravaging

2. Not for Sale: The campaign to end slavery in our lifetime

3. Save Darfur

4. Oxfam: working for a more equitable world.

5. Captive Daughters is a non-profit organization committed to ending the exploitative practice

of sex trafficking, with a particular focus on girls and women.

6. Amnesty International (human rights)

7. Hero Rats

8. Habitat for Humanity (eliminate substandard housing)

9. St. Anthony Foundation (basic needs, rehab, social services)

10. UNICEF (health, education, equality, protection for all children)

11. School of the Americas Watch Group SOA Watch is an independent organization that
seeks to close the US Army “School of the Americas”

12. Death Penalty Awareness

13. Green Peace
14. Kiva facilitates lending money to entrepreneurs in the developing world.

15. In Defense of Animals

16. Kids With Cameras. Kids with Cameras was founded in 2002 by photographer Zana Briski
out of her work teaching photography to children in Calcutta's red-light district.

17. Humane Borders offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through the deployment of
emergency water stations on and near the U.S.-Mexico border.

18. Second Harvest Food Bank is the single largest nonprofit provider of food to low-income
households in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties

STEP 2: Completing the basic research

Your group will complete NPP.02 “Non-Profit Social Justice Organizations Research Questions”
worksheet. This is a separate worksheet.

STEP 3: Creating and presenting your Google Docs Presentation (Part A) about your
organization AND the oral report to go along with your class presentation

Create a Google Docs Presentation (Part A) that provides the highlights of your
organization utilizing graphics, text and design elements in the PowerPoint slides. You may
copy any graphics or photos from your organization’s website, or scan materials into your
presentation (make sure you respect copyrights and cite your sources).

Oral Report to accompany the Presentation: enhance and add detail to the information on
your slides through an oral report that is 3-5 minutes long.

Rubric for Google Docs Presentation and oral report:

1. The Presentation will include 10 slides minimum, 15 slides maximum.
2. The slides will contain a combination of text and graphics. Graphics includes pictures,
graphs, charts, maps. Graphics does NOT include template designs.
3. The material in the oral report as well as on the slide presentation will reflect the
information on the Non-Profit Organization Research Questions sheet, but not be limited
to that information or simply repeat your answers to the questions.
4. Your oral report should reflect thorough knowledge about the organization.
5. Make sure you talk to your audience, not to the screen.
6. The point of view of this presentation is that you are an advocate of the organization and
you are promoting your particular organization. Aim to INFORM others about its
mission, goals, and accomplishments.
STEP 4: Creating and presenting a PSA video (Part B) designed to raise awareness and
direct traffic to your organization’s website.

Create a 30 second PSA video (Part B) that highlights what the organization does. It should
promote your organization’s work and direct viewers to go to the organization’s website. It
should inspire viewers to care about the social justice issue and the organization’s efforts to
bring about justice. Your PSA must reflect editing skills, the powerful use of images and text,
and elements of music or sound effects. Your aim here is to INSPIRE others to volunteer,
contribute, and care about your cause and mission.

Note: You may create this as a QuickTime movie using video footage, still images as a slide
show, or a PowerPoint slideshow saved as a movie (if you do not have the ability to create or
edit video footage). PowerPoints can be saved as movie files; they will play as QuickTime
videos. If you create a PowerPoint slideshow, note that 15 slides without animation or music
will play in 30 seconds when saved as a movie.

You must upload your PSA to your teacher’s class YouTube account in order to show it to
class. Once it is uploaded to YouTube, you may embed the link to your PSA in your Google
Doc Presentation.

Rubric for PSA:

1. The PSA is 30 seconds long (not significantly longer or shorter).
2. The PSA includes images and sound. The images are powerful and attention-getting, and
communicate the message of the PSA. The sound (music and/or sound effects) enhances
the message of the PSA and has a connection to the organization’s mission.
3. The PSA identifies the organization and the social justice issue it served.
4. The PSA directs traffic to the organization’s website.
3. The point of view of this presentation is that you are an advocate of the organization and
you are promoting your particular organization. The PSA inspires others to volunteer,
contribute, and care about your organization’s cause and mission.

STEP 5: Submitting your Non Profit Project

When your Google Doc Presentation and your PSA spot are complete and you have checked
them against the rubrics for design and content, save them with the following labels:
A. For Part A (Google Doc Presentation):
Last name of one person in your group, Ethics class period, Name of Organization
Example: Walker3AHabitat

SHARE Part A with your Ethics teacher! Use your teacher’s email to
share the Google Doc Presentation.

B. For Part B (PSA):

Include your Ethics class period and the name of your organization in the title.
Example: Notforsale4

Upload your video to your teacher’s YouTube class account. The password is

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