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Original Research

Multiple Sociodemographic and

Socioenvironmental Characteristics Are
Correlated with Major Patterns of Dietary Intake
in Adolescents

food was inversely associated with the vegetable and fruit

ABSTRACT and starchy food patterns and positively associated with
Background Few studies have used dietary pattern analy- the fast food and snack food patterns. Maternal, paternal,
sis, a useful method to summarize dietary intake, in and peer support for healthy eating were positively asso-
adolescents. ciated with the vegetable and fruit pattern and inversely
Objective Examine sociodemographic and socioenviron- associated with the fast food pattern. Similar associations
mental correlates of habitual dietary patterns. were seen in cross-sectional analyses.
Design Data for this cross-sectional/prospective analysis Conclusions Multiple correlates of dietary patterns were
were drawn from Project EAT (Eating Among Teens), a identified. Health professionals should target these fac-
population-based study. tors to improve the dietary quality of habitual eating
Subjects/setting Project EAT-I (Time 1), collected data on practices in adolescents by encouraging parents to de-
4,746 adolescents in 1998-1999. Project EAT-II (Time 2) crease home availability of unhealthy food while increas-
resurveyed 53% (n⫽2,516) of the original cohort 5 years
ing availability of healthy food, family meal frequency,
later in 2003-2004. Dietary intake was assessed using the
and parental support for healthy eating.
Youth/Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire.
J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:230-240.
Main outcome measures/statistical analysis performed Factor
analysis identified four dietary patterns at Time 1 (veg-
etable, fruit, starchy food, and snack food) and Time 2

ew youth consume a diet that aligns with current
(vegetable and fruit, fast food, starchy food, and snack dietary guidelines, especially with respect to fruit
food). Linear regression was used to examine the rela- and vegetable intake (1). The poor dietary intake
tionship of Time 1 socioeconomic status and race (mutu- exhibited by many adolescents is of concern given the
ally adjusted) on factor scores for each dietary pattern, high prevalence of obesity and other health-related out-
and then of Time 1 socioenvironmental characteristics comes associated with diet (2). The development of
(adjusted for socioeconomic status and race) on these healthy eating habits is critical in this age group to de-
factor scores. crease disease risk in adulthood (3). Understanding char-
Results In prospective analyses, socioeconomic status, acteristics of adolescents with less-than-optimal diets is
family meal frequency, and home availability of healthy crucial for developing more targeted and effective inter-
food were positively associated with the vegetable and ventions focused on improving dietary intake.
fruit and starchy food patterns and inversely associated Adolescent eating behavior is a function of multiple
with the fast food pattern. Home availability of unhealthy levels of influence, and Social Cognitive Theory and eco-
logic models can be helpful in understanding the different
levels of influence (4). One important level of influence is
G. J. Cutler is a senior epidemiologist, Minnesota De- an adolescent’s social environment (4). Peers can have a
partment of Health, St Paul; at the time of the study, significant influence on an adolescent’s eating behavior
she was a predoctoral fellow, Division of Epidemiology (4). Adolescents spend a substantial amount of time with
and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Min- their peers and eating is often an important part of this
neapolis. A. Flood is an associate professor, P. Hannan socializing (4). In addition, adolescents eat the majority of
is a senior research fellow, and D. Neumark-Sztainer is their meals and snacks at home, and families influence
a professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community eating behavior by being the provider of food while also
Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. influencing attitudes, preferences, and values surround-
Address correspondence to: Gretchen J. Cutler, PhD, ing food (4). Sociodemographic factors such as income,
MPH, PO Box 64975, St Paul, MN 55164. E-mail: education level, and race can influence all of the above. Adolescent dietary intake has customarily been exam-
Manuscript accepted: August 24, 2010. ined in terms of single foods or nutrients, but dietary
Copyright © 2011 by the American Dietetic pattern analysis has recently emerged as an important
Association. alternative to these traditional methods (5-7). The di-
0002-8223/$36.00 etary pattern approach has intuitive appeal because the
doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.10.052 human diet does not consist of a single nutrient or food,

230 Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION © 2011 by the American Dietetic Association
Table 1. Study characteristics of the Time 1 Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) cohort by age
and sex subgroup
High School Middle School
Girls Boys Girls Boys
Characteristic (nⴝ1,154) (nⴝ1,168) (nⴝ465) (nⴝ453)

4™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ mean⫾standard deviation ™™™™™™™™™™™3

Age (y) 15.8⫾0.8 15.9⫾0.8 12.8⫾0.8 12.9⫾0.8
Body mass index 23.7⫾4.8 23.6⫾4.5 22.2⫾4.8 21.8⫾5.0
Energy intake (kcal/d) 1,871⫾829 2,251⫾1,071 2,199⫾1,153 2,302⫾1,151
4™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ % ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™3
Weight statusa
Underweight 4.4 5.3 4.0 5.1
Average weight 65.4 64.6 60.6 63.3
Overweight 19.7 14.8 20.5 15.0
Obese 10.4 15.2 14.9 16.7
White 60.1 65.2 40.7 41.0
Black 12.0 11.4 15.1 17.7
Hispanic 3.2 4.7 6.7 8.7
Asian 19.8 15.0 23.5 24.2
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.4
Native American 2.0 1.5 7.3 4.4
Mixed 2.5 1.7 6.7 3.6
Socioeconomic status
Low 16.0 11.6 20.8 17.4
Middle low 19.8 17.4 18.1 17.7
Middle 25.2 22.8 24.3 30.7
Middle high 24.9 32.3 20.8 19.0
High 14.1 15.9 16.1 15.1
Weight status classified using sex- and age-specific cutoff points based on reference data from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention growth chart tables (41-43).

but instead represents a complex set of highly correlated acteristics and habitual dietary patterns identified at
dietary exposures (8,9). Statistical methods such as factor baseline and 5 years later. Understanding the character-
analysis are often used to derive empirical dietary pat- istics of adolescents consuming specific dietary patterns
terns, and can be a useful technique to summarize di- is crucial. This knowledge will help determine what sub-
etary intake and relate that intake to specific character- groups and specific modifiable characteristics should be
istics of a research population (3,10). Few studies have targeted in dietary interventions, ultimately increasing
examined dietary patterns in adolescents, especially in the influence and efficiency of these interventions.
the United States. This approach has been used success-
fully in multiple adult populations and additional re-
search in adolescent populations is warranted (3). METHODS
To our knowledge, only four other studies have exam- Study Design and Population
ined characteristics associated with dietary patterns in Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) is an observational
adolescent populations, and all took place outside of the study of the socioenvironmental, personal, and behav-
United States (10-13). These studies examined sociode- ioral determinants of dietary intake and weight status
mographic (10-13) and lifestyle characteristics (12,13), among a large and ethnically diverse adolescent popula-
but none examined the association between socioenviron- tion. In Project EAT-I (Time 1), 4,746 middle school and
mental characteristics and dietary patterns. Our study high school students in 31 Minnesota schools completed
contributes to the literature by examining both sociode- in-class surveys and anthropometric measures during the
mographic and modifiable socioenvironmental character- 1998-1999 academic year. Trained Project EAT staff ad-
istics associated with specific habitual dietary patterns of ministered surveys and measurements. Project EAT-II
adolescents. It is one of only a handful of studies to (Time 2) aimed to resurvey all original participants 5
identify dietary patterns in adolescents in the United years later, in 2003-2004. During this follow-up, 2,516
States, and has the benefit of a large and ethnically and participants completed mailed surveys, representing 69%
socioeconomically diverse cohort. of those who could be contacted, and 53% of the original
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the cohort. Study characteristics of the Project EAT cohort
cross-sectional and prospective relationship between can be found in Table 1. The University of Minnesota’s
baseline sociodemographic and socioenvironmental char- Institutional Review Board Human Subjects Committee

February 2011 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 231

Measure Description of Time 1 survey measure

Family meal frequency During the past 7 days, how many times did all, or most, of your family living in your house eat a meal
together: Never, 1-2 times, 3-4 times, 5-6 times, 7 times, or More than 7 times (44).
Parental support for Based on four items assessing perceptions of how strongly one’s mother and father care about and
healthy eating encourage healthy eating. These questions included: My mother/father cares about eating healthy food, and
My mother/father encourages me to eat healthy food. Response options included: Not at all, A little bit,
Somewhat, or Very much (44). Cronbach’s .79.
Peer support for Based on agreement with the statement: Many of my friends care about healthy eating. Response options
healthy eating included: Not at all, A little bit, Somewhat, Very much, or I don’t know.
Healthy home food Created by combining the following scale variables: Fruits and vegetables are available in my home,
availability Vegetables are served at dinner in my home, We have fruit juice in my home, Milk is served at meals in
my home. Response options included: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, and Strongly agree (44,45).
Cronbach’s .63.
Unhealthy home food Created by combining the following scale variables: We have “junk food” in my home, Potato chips or other
availability salty snack foods are available in my home, Chocolate or other candy is available in my home, and soda
pop is available in my home. Response options included: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, and Strongly
agree (45). Cronbach’s .80.
Socioeconomic status Based on adolescent self-report. The prime determinant was parental education level, defined by the higher
level of educational attainment of either parent. An algorithm was developed that also took into account
family eligibility for public assistance, eligibility for free or reduced-cost school meals, and employment
status of the mother or father. Five categories were created (Low, Low Middle, Middle, Upper Middle, and
High). Validity was supported by parental assessment in a substudy (46). Spearman correlation 0.67,
weighted .79.
Race/ethnicity Based on the question: Do you think of yourself as: white; black or African American; Hispanic or Latino;
Asian American; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; or American Indian or Native American. Adolescents were
given the option to choose more than one category, and those with multiple responses were coded as
Mixed/Other for analyses.

Figure. Description of measures used at Time 1 of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) to assess socioenvironmental and sociodemographic
characteristics of participants. NOTE: Information from this figure is available online at as part of a PowerPoint presentation.

approved all study protocols. Passive or active consent be within acceptable ranges for dietary assessment tools
procedures were followed in Project EAT based on the (16,17). The average correlation coefficient from the val-
requirements of the participating schools’ research idation study comparing the YAQ to three 24-hour di-
boards. All participants signed an assent form before etary recalls was 0.54 (15,16). Some studies have sug-
survey completion. gested that there may be higher levels of measurement
error in low socioeconomic status (SES) minority popula-
tions (18,19). Before using the YAQ for Project EAT, the
Participant Survey questionnaire was pretested among a group of very low-
The Project EAT Time 1 survey assessed a range of so- income, ethnically diverse middle school students and
cioenvironmental, personal, and behavioral factors of po- was found to be acceptable in terms of the students over-
tential relevance to weight status, weight control, dietary all comprehension and ability to complete the question-
intake, and physical activity in adolescents. Development naire within one class period (20). In another study, Xie
of the Project EAT survey was guided by 21 focus groups and colleagues (21) addressed the use of the YAQ in a
with 141 adolescents, Social Cognitive Theory (14), and a multi-ethnic, multi-income, and multi-educated popula-
literature review. The survey was pilot-tested with 252 tion of adolescents and found it to be acceptable.
multi-ethnic 7th- and 10th-grade students.

Sociodemographic and Socioenvironmental Measures

Dietary Intake Sociodemographic and socioenvironmental characteris-
Dietary intake was assessed at Time 1 and Time 2 using tics were assessed in the Time 1 Project EAT survey.
the Youth/Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ). The YAQ is a Sociodemographic characteristics included SES and race/
semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire that was ethnicity. Socioenvironmental characteristics included
designed to improve the assessment of adolescents’ diets family meal frequency, home availability of healthy and
in large epidemiologic studies (15). The validity and re- unhealthy food, and parental and peer support for
producibility of the YAQ has been examined in children healthy eating. A description of these measures is in-
and adolescents ages 9 to 18 years and has been found to cluded in the Figure.

232 February 2011 Volume 111 Number 2

Statistical Analysis each socioenvironmental variable, models were run ad-
Participants reporting usual energy intakes ⬎7,000 kcal/ justing for SES, race/ethnicity, age, and sex. Factor scores
day or ⬍400 kcal/day were excluded from the analysis for each dietary pattern were modeled as separate con-
since these values are considered to be biologically im- tinuous variables. Independent variables were run as
plausible as usual intake. Dietary patterns were first continuous variables with the exclusion of race/ethnicity,
identified separately by age and sex subgroup (middle which was run as a categorical variable with white ado-
school girls, middle school boys, high school girls, high lescents used as the reference group.
school boys). We identified similar dietary patterns in To examine the dietary profile of each dietary pattern
each subgroup, and thus we combined the four age and identified at Time 1 and Time 2 we first divided the factor
sex subgroups into a single population for the remaining scores for each pattern into quintiles. We then calculated
analyses. As the results from the combined population the mean value and standard deviation for selected
were similar to those of the subgroups, we have presented dietary intake variables for participants in Quintile 1
only the combined results here. (lowest factor scores) and Quintile 5 (highest factor
Dietary patterns were identified using principal com- scores) of each dietary pattern. All mean values were
ponents factor analysis based on dietary data from re- adjusted for energy using an energy density approach as
sponses to the YAQ at Time 1 and Time 2. The YAQ described above excluding daily percent energy from fat.
provided frequency of consumption information on 152
separate line items, and we chose not to further group
these items to reduce the number of subjective decisions RESULTS
made in determining the dietary patterns. Using an en- Time 1 Dietary Patterns: Description
ergy density approach, we divided each individual’s daily Foods with the highest factor loadings for each of the four
frequency of consumption for each of the 152 line items by factors retained at Time 1 are presented in Table 2.
his or her total daily energy consumption to adjust for Factor loadings for the foods can be interpreted the same
energy. We then standardized the energy-adjusted fre- way as correlation coefficients, with the most positive
quency values to a mean of 0 and standard deviation of values contributing the most to a factor score (22). Prin-
1.0. Each of the standardized, energy-adjusted, frequency cipal components factor analysis methods identified four
variables entered the principal components factor analy- dietary patterns at Time 1 in the Project EAT sample. We
sis (using PROC FACTOR in SAS statistical software, labeled these factors the vegetable pattern, fruit pattern,
version 8.2, 2001, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). The fac- snack food pattern, and starchy food pattern after exam-
tors were orthogonally rotated using the varimax proce- ining the foods that loaded highly on each factor. Foods
dure to facilitate interpretation. Four factors (ie, dietary loading highly on the vegetable pattern included zuc-
patterns) were retained at Time 1 and Time 2 based on chini, squash and eggplant, kale and greens, spinach, and
Eigenvalues ⬎1, an inspection of where the Scree plot peas and lima beans. Foods loading highly on the fruit
began to flatten out, and interpretability. For every sub- pattern included oranges and grapefruit, apples and ap-
ject we calculated factor scores for each of the retained ple sauce, pears, grapes, bananas, strawberries, canta-
dietary patterns by summing frequency of consumption loupe and melons, peaches, and plums and apricots.
multiplied by factor loadings across all food items. Foods loading highly on the snack food pattern included
The factor scores calculated for each dietary pattern chocolate bars, other candy bars, candy with chocolate,
represent the level of adherence to that specific pattern, brownies, cake, potato chips, and nachos. Foods that
with higher factor scores representing a higher consump- loaded heavily on the starchy food pattern included En-
tion of foods represented by that dietary pattern. Unlike glish muffins/bagels, grilled cheese, pancakes, and crack-
cluster analysis, where participants are assigned to only ers, mashed potatoes, lasagna, pretzels, macaroni and
one dietary pattern, in factor analysis, participants re- cheese, and spaghetti with sauce. Participants received a
ceive a factor score for each of the dietary patterns iden- factor score for each of the four dietary patterns identified
tified. Thus, in our study, participants received a factor at Time 1 (vegetable, fruit, snack food, starchy food). A
score for each of the four dietary patterns identified at higher factor score for an indentified pattern corre-
Time 1 and for each of the four dietary patterns identified sponded to a higher consumption of foods represented by
at Time 2. In addition, the dietary patterns identified in that dietary pattern. In addition, the identified dietary
this study within time points were uncorrelated, and patterns were uncorrelated, and a participant could score
participants could score high on multiple patterns or low high on the vegetable and fruit patterns while also scor-
on multiple patterns. ing high on the snack food pattern.
Multivariable linear regression (Proc GLM, version 8.2,
2001, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) was used to examine
the cross-sectional and prospective associations between Time 1 Dietary Patterns: Cross-Sectional Associations
baseline sociodemographic and socioenvironmental fac- Multivariable regression coefficients linking Time 1 so-
tors and the multiple dietary patterns identified at base- ciodemographic and socioenvironmental characteristics
line and 5 years later at Time 2. Confidence intervals to factor scores for the Time 1 dietary patterns are shown
(95%) and P values were used to interpret the statistical in Table 3. SES was positively associated with the fruit
significance of hypothesis tests. A linear regression model vegetable and starchy food patterns, and negatively as-
was run for each sociodemographic and socioenvironmen- sociated with the snack food pattern. When compared to
tal variable without adjustment. A model was then run white adolescents, Asian-American and black adolescents
adjusting both sociodemographic variables (SES and had higher scores on the fruit pattern, and Asian-Amer-
race/ethnicity) for each other, along with age and sex. For ican and Hispanic adolescents had higher scores on the

February 2011 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 233

Table 2. Factor loadingsa for the dietary patterns identified at Time Table 2. Factor loadingsa for the dietary patterns identified at Time
1 of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) 1 of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) (continued)
Dietary Pattern Dietary Pattern
Factor 3: Factor 4: Factor 3: Factor 4:
Diet intake Factor 1: Factor 2: Snack Starchy Diet intake Factor 1: Factor 2: Snack Starchy
variables Fruit Vegetable Food Food variables Fruit Vegetable Food Food

Oranges/grapefruit 0.65 — — — Toaster pastries — — 0.30 —

Apples/apple sauce 0.60 — — — Milk — — ⫺0.37 —
Pears 0.59 — — — English muffin/
Grapes 0.58 — — — bagels — — — 0.38
Peaches/plums/ Crackers — — — 0.37
apricots 0.56 — — — Grilled cheese
Strawberries 0.54 — — — sandwich — — — 0.36
Bananas 0.53 — — — Lasagna — — — 0.36
Cantaloupe/melon 0.50 — — — Pretzels — — — 0.35
Orange juice 0.47 — — — Macaroni and cheese — — — 0.33
Apple juice/other Pancakes — — — 0.31
juice 0.43 — — — Tomato/spaghetti
Raw carrots 0.32 — — — sauce — — — 0.30
Zucchini/squash/ Mashed potatoes — — — 0.30
eggplant — 0.60 — — Fried food not at
Kale/greens — 0.56 — — home — — — ⫺0.38
Spinach — 0.54 — — Fried food at home — — — ⫺0.50
Beets — 0.51 — — White rice 0.33 — — ⫺0.55
Mixed vegetables 0.30 0.50 — —
Yams/sweet potatoes — 0.48 — —
Factor loading ⬍0.30 omitted for simplicity.
Broccoli 0.32 0.47 — —
Cooked carrots — 0.46 — —
Tofu — 0.46 — — vegetable pattern. In contrast, Asian-American, black,
Peas/lima beans — 0.45 — — and Hispanic adolescents had lower scores on the starchy
Green/red peppers — 0.44 — — food pattern when compared to white adolescents.
Celery — 0.43 — — Multiple socioenvironmental characteristics were sta-
Grains (kasha, tistically significantly associated with factors scores for
couscous) — 0.40 — — the Time 1 dietary patterns. Frequency of family meals
String beans — 0.40 — — was positively associated with scores for the fruit, vege-
Tomatoes — 0.33 — — table, and starchy food patterns, and negatively associ-
Iceberg lettuce — 0.32 — — ated with scores for the snack food pattern. High avail-
Brownies — — 0.52 — ability of healthy foods in the home was positively
Other candy bars — — 0.51 — associated with factor scores for the fruit, vegetable, and
Cake — — 0.47 — starchy food patterns, and negatively associated with fac-
Chocolate bars — — 0.44 — tor scores for the snack food pattern. In contrast, high
Sweet rolls — — 0.44 — availability of unhealthy foods in the home was nega-
Snack cakes — — 0.44 — tively associated with scores for the fruit, vegetable, and
Donuts — — 0.43 — starchy food patterns, and positively associated with
Candy with chocolate — — 0.42 — scores for the snack food pattern. Maternal, paternal and
Pie — — 0.42 — peer support for healthy eating were positively associated
Ice cream — — 0.40 — with scores for the fruit, vegetable, and starchy food pat-
Gelatin dessert — — 0.39 — terns. In addition, maternal support for healthy eating
Pudding — — 0.39 — was negatively associated with scores for the snack food
Fruit snacks — — 0.38 — pattern.
Nachos — — 0.38 —
Corn chips — — 0.38 —
Potato chips — — 0.37 — Time 2 Dietary Patterns: Description
Milk shake — — 0.36 — Foods with the highest factor loadings for each of the four
Cookies — — 0.36 — factors retained at Time 2 are presented in Table 4. The
Popsicles — — 0.34 — same four dietary patterns found at Time 1 were no
Nuts — — 0.34 — longer found at Time 2, although the patterns still re-
Popcorn — — 0.30 — mained fairly similar. The snack food pattern and the
(continued) starchy food pattern were identified again at Time 2. The
two separate vegetable and fruit patterns combined to
create one vegetable and fruit pattern. Finally, a new

234 February 2011 Volume 111 Number 2

Table 3. Cross-sectional results from multivariable linear regression analysis evaluating the association between Project EAT (Eating Among
Teens) Time 1 sociodemographic and socioenvironmental characteristics and factor scores for identified dietary patterns at Time 1
Dietary Pattern
Sweet and Salty
Fruit Vegetable Snack Food Starchy Food
Independent variable ␤ a
P value ␤ P value ␤ P value ␤ P value

Socioeconomic statusb .06 ⬍0.0001 .06 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.03 NS .14 ⬍0.0001
Other ⫺.01 NSc .18 0.008 .05 NS ⫺.30 ⬍0.0001
Asian .71 ⬍0.0001 .67 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.03 NS ⫺1.33 ⬍0.0001
Black .24 0.0009 .04 NS .01 NS ⫺.42 ⬍0.0001
Hispanic ⫺.23 ⬍0.0001 .29 ⬍0.0001 .34 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.52 ⬍0.0001
White (reference group)
Frequency of family meals .05 ⬍0.0001 .05 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.03 0.02 .05 ⬍0.0001
Healthy food availability .07 ⬍0.0001 .02 0.003 ⫺.04 ⬍0.0001 .07 ⬍0.0001
Unhealthy food availability ⫺.07 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.07 ⬍0.0001 .07 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.02 0.0002
Maternal support .14 ⬍0.0001 .08 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.04 0.01 .10 ⬍0.0001
Paternal support .12 ⬍0.0001 .06 0.0002 ⫺.03 NS .08 ⬍0.0001
Peer support .15 ⬍0.0001 .09 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.02 NS .07 ⬍0.0001
The change in factor score for a 1-unit change in variable (values for race/ethnicity⫽difference in score in comparison to white adolescents).
All models adjusted for socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity (socioeconomic status was adjusted for race/ethnicity and vice versa), age, and sex.
NS⫽not significant.

dietary pattern was identified that we labeled fast food, vegetable and fruit pattern and negatively associated
characterized by foods one would likely eat at a fast-food with scores for the fast food pattern. High availability of
restaurant such as hamburgers, french fries, fried food, healthy foods in the home was positively associated with
and non-diet soda. Participants received a factor score for factor scores for the vegetable and fruit pattern and the
each of the four dietary patterns identified at Time 2 starchy food pattern, and negatively associated with fac-
(vegetable and fruit, snack food, starchy food, fast food) tor scores for the fast food pattern. In contrast, high
and a higher factor score for an indentified pattern cor- availability of unhealthy foods in the home was nega-
responded to a higher consumption of foods represented tively associated with scores for the vegetable and fruit
by that dietary pattern. In addition, the identified dietary and starchy food patterns, and positively associated with
patterns were uncorrelated, and a participant could score scores for the fast food and snack food patterns. Maternal,
high on the vegetable and fruit patterns while also scor- paternal, and peer support for healthy eating was posi-
ing high on the fast food pattern. tively associated with scores for the vegetable and fruit
pattern and negatively associated with scores for the fast
food pattern.
Time 2 Dietary Patterns: Prospective Associations
In general, prospective findings were similar to associa- Diet Profile of Identified Dietary Patterns
tions found in cross-sectional analyses. Multivariable re-
The mean intake of multiple dietary variables is shown by
gression coefficients linking Time 1 sociodemographic
highest vs lowest quintile of factor score in Table 6 for each
and socioenvironmental characteristics to factor scores
of the four dietary patterns identified at Time 1 and Time 2.
for the Time 2 dietary patterns are shown in Table 5.
As expected, high scorers for the vegetable, fruit, and veg-
When looking prospectively, SES was positively associ-
etable and fruit pattern had higher mean servings per day
ated with the vegetable and fruit and starchy food pat-
of fruits and vegetables. High scorers for the starchy food
terns, and negatively associated with the fast food
pattern had higher mean servings per day of grains at Time
pattern. When compared to white adolescents, Asian-
1 and Time 2. High scorers for the snack food pattern at
American and black adolescents had higher scores on the
Time 1 and Time 2 and for the fast food patterns at Time 2
vegetable and fruit pattern. In addition, Asian-American
had the lowest mean daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
and Hispanic adolescents had higher scores on the fast
High scorers for the fast food pattern at Time 2 had the
food pattern, and lower scores on the starchy food pattern
overall highest daily percentage of energy from fat.
when compared to white adolescents.
Multiple Time 1 socioenvironmental characteristics
were also statistically significantly associated with fac- DISCUSSION
tors scores for the Time 2 dietary patterns. Frequency of The goal of this study was to investigate the cross-sec-
family meals was positively associated with scores for the tional and prospective relationships between sociodemo-

February 2011 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 235

Table 4. Factor loadingsa for the dietary patterns identified at Time Table 4. Factor loadingsa for the dietary patterns identified at Time
2 of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) 2 of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) (continued)
Dietary Pattern Dietary Pattern
Factor 1: Factor 2: Factor 3: Factor 4: Factor 1: Factor 2: Factor 3: Factor 4:
Diet intake Vegetable Fast Snack Starchy Diet intake Vegetable Fast Snack Starchy
variables and Fruit Food Food Food variables and Fruit Food Food Food

Mixed vegetables 0.60 — — — Tomato/spaghetti

Broccoli 0.58 — — — sauce — — — 0.44
Zucchini/squash/ Other cheese — — — 0.39
eggplant 0.57 — — — Spaghetti with sauce — — — 0.37
Green/red peppers 0.54 — — — Grilled cheese
Cooked carrots 0.53 — — — sandwich — — — 0.35
Spinach 0.53 — — — Crackers — — — 0.34
Kale/greens 0.51 — — — Macaroni and cheese — — — 0.33
Celery 0.48 — — — Mashed potatoes — — — 0.32
Tomatoes 0.45 — — — Popcorn — — — 0.31
String beans 0.45 — — — Fried food at home — — — ⫺0.50
Tofu 0.43 — — — White rice 0.41 — — ⫺0.61
Raw carrots 0.43 — — —
Iceberg lettuce 0.42 — — 0.32
Factor loading ⬍0.30 omitted for simplicity.
Cantaloupe/melon 0.40 — — —
Peas/lima beans 0.38 — — —
Oranges/grapefruit 0.37 — — — graphic and socioenvironmental factors and habitual di-
Yams/sweet potatoes 0.36 — — — etary patterns identified in a cohort of ethnically and
Peaches/plums/ socioeconomically diverse adolescents. To our knowledge,
apricots 0.35 — — — this is the first study to examine the relationship between
Strawberries 0.33 — — — sociodemographic and socioenvironmental characteris-
Pears 0.32 ⫺0.35 — — tics and habitual dietary patterns identified in an adoles-
Apples/apple sauce 0.31 ⫺0.39 — — cent population in the United States. Multiple sociode-
Grapes 0.30 — — — mographic and socioenvironmental characteristics were
French fries — 0.53 — — statistically significantly associated with factor scores for
Fried food not at the identified dietary patterns cross-sectionally, and sim-
home — 0.52 — — ilar results were found in prospective analyses. Availabil-
Cheeseburgers — 0.47 — — ity of unhealthy food in the home was significantly asso-
Potato chips — 0.41 — — ciated with intake of all dietary patterns, suggesting the
Soda, not diet — 0.39 — — influence of this variable on the diet of adolescents in this
Corn chips — 0.35 — — study. Significant associations were also found for other
Hamburgers — 0.31 — — socioenvironmental characteristics including availability
Dark bread — ⫺0.30 — — of healthy food in the home, frequency of family meals,
Milk — ⫺0.39 — — and parental and peer support for healthy eating.
Yogurt — ⫺0.39 — — Using principal components factor analysis we identi-
Bananas — ⫺0.42 — — fied four dietary patterns in the Project EAT adolescent
Cold breakfast cereal — ⫺0.42 — — population at Time 1 (vegetable, fruit, snack food, starchy
Brownies — — 0.50 — food). An interesting finding was the identification of a
Pie — — 0.44 — fast food dietary pattern in this adolescent population 5
Cake — — 0.43 — years later at Time 2. A possible explanation is that as
Snack cakes — — 0.41 — adolescents age they have more autonomy, and they
Sweet rolls — — 0.41 — may choose to eat more fast foods due to taste prefer-
Donuts — — 0.39 — ence or limited experience cooking for themselves. Also,
Other candy bars — — 0.38 — whereas separate vegetable and fruit patterns were
Candy with chocolate — — 0.37 — identified at Time 1, these separate patterns merged
Chocolate bars — — 0.35 — into a single vegetable and fruit pattern at Time 2. This
Cookies — — 0.35 — new vegetable and fruit pattern may also be due to the
Pudding — — 0.32 — maturing of this population, as most studies in adult
Milk shakes — — 0.32 — populations identify vegetables and fruits in a single
Fruit snacks — — 0.31 — dietary pattern.
Muffins — — 0.30 — Our results included the finding that high scores for the
(continued) fruit and vegetable patterns were associated with Asian-
American, black, and Hispanic ethnicity at the same time
that they were associated with higher SES. Given that
these ethnic groups were associated with low SES, we

236 February 2011 Volume 111 Number 2

Table 5. Prospective results from multivariable linear regression analysis evaluating the association between Project EAT (Eating Among Teens)
participants’ Time 1 sociodemographic and socioenvironmental characteristics and factor scores for dietary patterns identified 5 y later, at Time 2
Dietary Pattern
Vegetable and Fruit Fast Food Snack Food Starchy Food
Independent variable ␤ a
P value ␤ P value ␤ P value ␤ P value

Socioeconomic statusb .05 0.001 ⫺.13 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.01 NS .10 ⬍0.0001
Other .05 NSc .27 0.005 .19 0.05 ⫺.40 ⬍0.0001
Asian .96 ⬍0.0001 .21 0.0003 ⫺.09 NS ⫺1.50 ⬍0.0001
Black .22 0.02 .18 NS .14 NS ⫺.15 NS
Hispanic .05 NS .28 ⬍0.0001 .55 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.61 ⬍0.0001
Frequency of family meals .06 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.07 ⬍0.0001 .01 NS ⫺.004 NS
Healthy food availability .03 0.003 ⫺.06 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.01 NS .02 0.007
Unhealthy food availability ⫺.06 ⬍0.0001 .04 ⬍0.0001 .04 ⬍0.0001 .02 0.02
Maternal support .07 0.0002 ⫺.08 ⬍0.0001 ⫺.03 NS .02 NS
Paternal support .06 0.0009 ⫺.07 0.0002 ⫺.003 NS ⫺.03 0.02
Peer support .05 0.03 ⫺.14 ⬍0.0001 .004 NS ⫺.03 NS
The change in factor score for a 1-unit change in variable (values for race/ethnicity⫽difference in score in comparison to white adolescents).
All models adjusted for socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity (socioeconomic status was adjusted for race/ethnicity and vice versa), age, and sex.
NS⫽not significant.

found this result somewhat counterintuitive. On closer that a Western dietary pattern was inversely associated
inspection, we found that the SES association was limited with family income, whereas a healthy pattern was asso-
to the white adolescents; in the other ethnic groups, SES ciated with greater maternal education. Another study
was not associated with scores on these two factors. The examined correlates of dietary patterns identified in a
relationship between SES and dietary patterns found in cohort of Spanish children, adolescents, and young adults
our study may be driven by the large sample of white (10). Aranceta and colleagues (10) showed that low level
adolescents in our cohort, and may not be as strong in of maternal education was positively associated with
other racial/ethnic groups. In fact, Asian-American ado- scores for a snacky pattern rich in sweets, high-fat baked
lescents consistently scored much higher on the fruit and goods, and salty snacks, and inversely associated with
vegetable patterns when compared to white adolescents, scores for a healthy pattern rich in fruits, vegetables, and
and may be an interesting population for future research fish in children (aged 2 to 13 years) and young people
aimed at identifying factors that increase the likelihood (aged 14 to 24 years). Finally, Kourlaba and colleagues
of meeting dietary recommendations for these foods. We (13) examined correlates of dietary patterns in a popula-
did find that Asian-American and Hispanic adolescents tion of Greek adolescents and found no association be-
scored higher on the unhealthy fast food pattern, indicat- tween socioeconomic indicators (eg, number of cars in
ing that SES should still be a consideration when plan- family, existence of separate bedrooms for each child) and
ning dietary interventions. Our counterintuitive findings dietary patterns they identified as representing healthy
may have also been related to the fact that a higher and unhealthy food behaviors. We found that SES was
number of students in non-white ethnic groups in our positively associated with the starchy food pattern in
adolescent population indicated that they were eligible each subgroup of our population, and that it was also
for free or reduced-cost lunch, which additional analyses associated in expected directions (eg, higher SES associ-
showed was positively associated with higher scores for ated with healthier patterns and vice versa) with the
the vegetable pattern. other identified patterns in specific subgroups. The use of
Four other studies have examined correlates of dietary different indicators of socioeconomic status may be a pos-
patterns in adolescent populations (10-13). These studies sible explanation for the differences in our study and
focused on sociodemographic and/or lifestyle correlates, others in adolescent populations. In addition, as seen in
and unlike our study, did not examine socioenvironmen- our results regarding race/ethnicity, it is possible that the
tal characteristics. McNaughton and colleagues (11) ex- relationship between SES and dietary patterns may vary
amined an Australian cohort of adolescents, and observed in different cultures, or in rural vs urban regions of res-
no association between dietary pattern scores and mea- idence.
sures of SES based on economic resources, education, Multiple studies have examined the relationship be-
occupation, family structure, and income level. Ambrosini tween sociodemographic characteristics and dietary pat-
and colleagues (12) also examined correlates of dietary terns in adult populations (23-34), and most found an
patterns in an Australian cohort of adolescents and found association between indicators of SES and dietary pat-

February 2011 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 237

Table 6. Diet profile of identified dietary patterns of Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) participants at Time 1 and Time 2
Dietary Pattern
Fruit Vegetable Snack Food Starchy Food
Food/nutrient Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5

4™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ mean⫾standard deviation ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™3

Time 1
Vegetables (servings/d) 0.7⫾0.5 1.2⫾0.7 0.5⫾0.3 1.6⫾0.8 1.1⫾0.9 0.8⫾0.4 0.9⫾0.8 1.1⫾0.6
Fruit (servings/d) 0.4⫾0.2 2.0⫾0.8 1.2⫾0.9 1.2⫾0.7 1.3⫾0.9 0.9⫾0.6 1.2⫾1.0 1.2⫾0.7
Grains (servings/d) 2.7⫾0.9 2.9⫾0.9 2.6⫾0.9 3.0⫾0.8 3.1⫾1.1 2.5⫾0.7 2.6⫾1.0 3.4⫾0.8
Regular soda (servings/d) 1.1⫾0.9 0.5⫾0.5 1.0⫾0.9 0.4⫾0.4 1.0⫾1.0 0.6⫾0.4 0.9⫾1.0 0.5⫾0.4
Calcium (mg/d) 563⫾288 498⫾203 592⫾283 483⫾179 656⫾312 421⫾129 462⫾291 607⫾195
Folate (␮g/d) 117⫾59 187⫾73 149⫾73 168⫾68 166⫾88 126⫾42 129⫾62 183⫾75
Fiber (g/d) 6⫾2 10⫾3 6⫾2 10⫾3 7⫾4 8⫾2 7⫾3 9⫾2
Carbohydrate (g/d) 132⫾20 155⫾16 146⫾18 143⫾17 141⫾24 141⫾14 142⫾23 144⫾15
Protein (g/d) 37⫾9 35⫾7 34⫾8 38⫾7 41⫾9 32⫾5 35⫾1.0 39⫾6
Energy from fat (%) 33⫾6 26⫾5 29⫾6 29⫾5 28⫾7 33⫾4 30⫾7 28⫾5

Vegetable and Fruit Fast Food Snack Food Starchy Food

Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5 Q1 Q5

Time 2
Vegetables (servings/d) 0.4⫾0.2 1.8⫾0.8 1.0⫾0.7 0.9⫾0.7 1.0⫾0.6 0.8⫾0.5 0.9⫾0.7 1.3⫾0.8
Fruit (servings/d) 0.6⫾0.5 1.3⫾0.8 1.4⫾0.7 0.5⫾0.4 0.9⫾0.6 0.8⫾0.5 1.2⫾0.9 0.8⫾0.5
Grains (servings/d) 3.0⫾0.9 3.1⫾0.8 3.2⫾0.8 2.8⫾0.8 3.0⫾0.8 2.8⫾0.7 2.7⫾0.8 3.5⫾0.8
Regular soda (servings/d) 0.9⫾0.6 0.5⫾0.4 0.4⫾0.4 0.9⫾0.6 0.7⫾0.5 0.6⫾0.4 0.7⫾0.6 0.6⫾0.5
Calcium (mg/d) 597⫾218 448⫾181 634⫾215 378⫾134 500⫾192 453⫾149 391⫾200 528⫾159
Folate (␮g/d) 89⫾25 144⫾45 132⫾39 87⫾30 108⫾37 98⫾29 106⫾40 119⫾39
Fiber (g/d) 6⫾2 11⫾3 9⫾3 6⫾2 8⫾3 8⫾2 7⫾3 9⫾3
Carbohydrate (g/d) 137⫾16 142⫾20 147⫾16 129⫾19 137⫾17 140⫾13 142⫾21 133⫾18
Protein (g/d) 37⫾7 41⫾9 41⫾8 36⫾7 38⫾8 34⫾5 37⫾9 41⫾8
Energy from fat (%) 31⫾5 28⫾6 26⫾5 34⫾6 30⫾6 31⫾4 29⫾6 30⫾6
Q1⫽Lowest quintile of factor score for defined pattern, Q5⫽highest quintile of factor score for defined pattern.

terns (23-32). Although the specific foods in the identified be useful for informing dietary interventions (7,9,40).
dietary patterns varied across countries, similar to the Findings from our study in conjunction with findings
results of this study, higher SES, higher income level, from studies examining single foods or nutrients suggest
and/or higher education level was commonly associated that there are modifiable characteristics that we could
with the more healthy pattern, whereas low levels of target in adolescent populations to encourage healthier
these socioeconomic indicators were usually associated dietary patterns, while also decreasing unhealthy dietary
with the more unhealthy pattern (23-27,30-32). To the patterns. When the goal is to ensure that adolescents eat
best of our knowledge, no studies in adult populations a healthy diet, it is likely important to know how factors
have examined socioenvironmental correlates of dietary such as family meal frequency, support for healthy eating
patterns. and home food availability influence the whole diet in
Our results are similar to several studies that have addition to how they influence intake of single foods or
examined single foods or nutrients in children and ado- nutrients.
lescents. For example, higher frequency of family meals Strengths of this study include a large, ethnically and
has been found to be positively associated with intake of socioeconomically diverse population. Data were avail-
fruits, vegetables, grains, and calcium-rich foods, and able on multiple sociodemographic and socioenviron-
negatively associated with soft drink consumption (35). mental characteristics that have not been studied previ-
Positive associations have also been found between home ously in relation to dietary patterns in youth. Several
availability of healthy food and parental encouragement, limitations of this study must be considered. Although
and children’s fruit and vegetable intake (36-38). In ad- the Project EAT study population included adolescents
dition, multiple studies have found a positive relationship from multiple ethnic and socioeconomic groups, it may
between SES and fruit and vegetable intake (36,39). Al- not be representative of all adolescents. More than 70% of
though the above studies have found similar results re- the adolescents in the Asian-American group identified
garding socioenvironmental characteristics as were found themselves as Hmong, therefore, it is difficult to general-
in the current study, results from studies using dietary ize the results found for these adolescents to other Asian-
pattern analysis provide a whole diet approach that may American adolescents. A food frequency questionnaire

238 February 2011 Volume 111 Number 2

was used to assess usual diet, and as with any assess- given the associations found in this study between SES
ment of dietary intake, underreporting of usual intake or level and home availability of healthy food and healthy
invalid reporting due to social desirability bias is possi- and unhealthy dietary patterns. Future research should
ble. The principal strength of a food frequency question- further explore the nutrient profiles of habitual dietary
naire is in ranking the diets of individuals and looking at patterns of adolescents, and must also focus on develop-
long-term intake, which is of interest when examining ing interventions that will most effectively address the
disease outcomes, weight change, and health (15). Al- environmental determinants of dietary risk in this impor-
though we did a prospective analysis, it can be difficult to tant age group.
infer causality in some relationships. This is a bigger
concern for socioenvironmental characteristics than for STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST:
sociodemographic variables. We cannot say, for example, No potential conflict of interest was reported by the au-
whether having high availability of healthy food in the thors.
home leads to an increase in intake of these foods, or if FUNDING/SUPPORT: This study was supported by
the high availability of healthy food in the home is the grant no. R40 MC 00319 from the Maternal and Child
result of a decision to purchase healthy foods among Health Bureau (Title V Social Security Act), Health Re-
individuals who have a pre-existing preference for these sources and Service Administration, Department of
foods. As mentioned previously, adolescent eating behav- Health and Human Services. The first author was sup-
ior is a function of multiple levels of influence. We chose ported in part by the Adolescent Health Protection Pro-
to focus on sociodemographic and modifiable socioenvi- gram (School of Nursing, University of Minnesota) grant
ronmental characteristics, and results of this study must no. T01-DP000112 from the Centers for Disease Control
be interpreted with that in mind. As with any analysis, and Prevention. The contents of this article are solely the
unmeasured or unexamined variables may partly explain responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily rep-
the outcome. In addition, we did not have data available resent the official views of the Centers for Disease Con-
on school environment, and thus, the influence of school trol and Prevention.
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240 February 2011 Volume 111 Number 2

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