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Colleen Curran

English 1102
Robert Arnold

Dear Asa Davidsson,

Hello! I have recently read over your blog “Who Should Take the Responsibility

for Adolescent Cyberbullying?” I believe that you made many valid points through out

your argument concerning this issue in today’s society. Although I found your article

very intriguing, I did disagree with some aspects of your opinion. To summarize your

blog, I agree with almost everything said, up until the ending. I strongly agree with your

statement, “The lawlessness of the internet, it’s potential for casual, breathtaking cruelty,

and its capacity to cloak a bully’s identity all present slippery new challenges for kids and

parents” ( Davidsson). I found this quote to be almost accurately the same to how I

myself see cyberbullying as an issue in society. Cyberbullyng like you said is a growing

epidemic that can affect children at all hours of the day. I understand where you were

coming from when you wrote, “ ...the common thread running through all of them is the

parents’ helplessness and frustration about the school’s inability and reluctance to

intervene and proactively protect the students” (Davidsson). Although I understand your

argument that you are presenting, I do not agree with it one hundred percent. I feel as

though you put most of the responsibility on the school administration, when in my

opinion the responsibility should lie with not only the schools, but also with parenting.

In my point of view, schools, like you said are responsible for teaching children

knowledge about cyberbullying. But I also feel like you cast to much responsibility on

the school administration system. A quote that I strongly disagree with that you wrote is,
“Yes, a large chunk of responsibility lies with the parents. It even starts outside the

boarders of technology by simply raising mindful and responsible children.

However, even if parents got that part right in addition to restricting, monitoring,

discussing, and educating themselves and their children about safe and

responsible Internet use, the school’s also have responsibility to ensure their

internet resources are not used for cyberbullying”. (Davidsson).

I disagree with this quote of yours because I feel like the validity of it does not hold up.

Children are taught morals and values while growing up in their home. I feel that if a

child is educated at home about the dangers of the internet they will know the rights and

wrongs of computer use no matter what setting they are put in A child learns proper

etiquette from their parents, which then allows them to interact in society. An article that

I found that I believe supports my claim states, “ Although cyberbullying can and does

originate on school property via computers located in classrooms or the library, more

often than not, cyberbullying takes place at home” ( Riccardi). This article backs up the

claim that cyberbullying is not only an issue for school systems, but also parents. Parents

need to be able to spot the signs that their child is being bullied, and or is the bully. Being

taught about proper internet etiquette at home will help attribute to the knowledge of

children in the long run.

Parents should be pushing to help steer their children away from this growing

epidemic because children feel more comfortable talking with family members, over

school administrators. A survey taken shows, “43% of teens have been victims”( Media) ,

but, “Only 10% of bullying victims tell their parents” (Media). With the number of

victims growing in today’s society parents should be encouraging their children to talk
over any issues they are having with them. Children feel a sense of connection to their

parents and are more likely to share personal information with them over a stranger.

With numbers as low as 10%, it is even less likely that children will be open to sharing

their issues with school administrators. I feel as though parents play a vital role in stoping

cyberbullying just by making themselves available to their children. The children will not

always have teachers or people with school authority around to help them, but they will

always have their parents. With willingness to open up with parents, much of this

unnecessary bullying will rapidly decrease with time.

Do not get me wrong though, I feel thats schools should take on just as much

responsibility as the parents do when it comes to education of cyberbullying. I feel that in

your article, you just put all the responsibility on the schools and none on any other

factors. In the same article backing parents support against cyberbullying, a quote states,

“ The most harmful incidents of cyberbullying involve extensive online harmful actions

taken at home that impact school, because school is where the students are physically

together” (Riccardi). Riccardi makes a good point when he says that school is where the

students come together. They can no longer hide behind their virtual identities that they

have when they are online. This is were the school must take action. In your blog I like

when you wrote, “A majority of schools require students to use individual login details to

access the Internet” ( Riccardi). This showed me that you did agree that the schools have

taken some action against cyberbullying. I feel as though the schools in today’s society

need to start educating children at younger ages about the causes and effects of

cyberbullying. I feel that this would help children to gain knowledge that some do not

receive at home from parents. I feel that this would also lay out the rules that would be
put into affect. This would some what warn the students what would be acceptable and

what would not.

Schools should take action against any type of bullying going on during their hours,

in order to maintain order among their educational environment. When it comes to

schools I understand this is a tricky subject in our society today. Where does the line get

crossed between responsibility lying on the parents of the school systems? This is a

common questioned asked multiple times each day. Evidence has found that, “Since

cyber-bullying usually impacts one student’s emotional well being and does not affect the

larger school environment, students may be unable to rely on their school to protect them

if cyber-bullying happens outside of school, which in most cases it does” (Grome). I feel

as though schools apply only minimal effort to protect their students. They do not go

beyond their school lines when it comes to protecting students well being. I feel that this

is a big issue that you did not address in your article. Schools should be willing to go

above and beyond in order to protect any wrong doings they see going on with students

or staff. If they are notified they should address the issues as soon as possible in order to

protect not only their population, but also the schools integrity. School is a place were

students should feel safe and welcome. I feel as though if school’s begin to crack down

on bullying, there will be less issues arising off campus as well.

Cyberbullying has gone on for far to long now and we both understand this fact.

After reading your blog I have come to the conclusion that we are both seeking the same

goal, to help prevent cyberbullying in the future. We have the same goal, but two

different view points. I feel as though it should be a conjoint task between parents and

school administration systems to stop this issue. From reading your blog I have received
the feeling that you see most of the blame going towards the school systems alone. I have

provided sufficient evidence to the point that I feel I may have opened your eyes to see

my perspective. I feel as though our two ideas together would help bring a great

movement against the act of cyberbullying. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Sincerely, Colleen Curran

Work Cited

Davidsson, Asa. "Webspy Blogs." Who Should Take Responsibility for

Adolescent Cyberbullying. N.p., 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 8 May 2011.
< blogs/index.php/who-should-take-the-

Grome, Brittany . "Taking the Fight Against Cyber-Bullies Outside The School
House Gate « Albany Government Law Review Fireplace." Albany
Government Law Review Fireplace. N.p., 23 Jan. 2011. Web. 11 May 2011.
bullies- outside-the-school-house-gate/>.
Media, Common Sense. "Protect Against Cyber-Bullying - Connected Parent -
Yahoo! Kids Parents." Kids Games, Kids Movies, Kids Music, and More -
Yahoo! Kids. N.p., 29 Jan. 2010. Web. 11 May 2011. <http://
Riccardi, Ken. " Cyber Bullying: Responsibilities and Solutions, By Ken
Riccardi, MPA, MLS, Rice High School, New York, NY ." Classroom Tech
Learning, Education, PC, Mac, iPad, Bloom’s Taxonomy – .
N.p., 1 Sept. 2008. Web. 9 May 2011.
< 14362>.
Shannon, Ruth . "RFI Studios - Cyberbullying: Who is Responsible? - Right
Brain." RFI Studios - Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2011. <http://

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