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Notice: New Smart Utility Meters Emit ElectroSmog, Intrude Upon Privacy

Also called AMR, digital, or automated meters

Wireless smart meters are here or coming soon to your community, replacing your existing gas, electric, & water meters. Smart meters emit pulsed radiofrequency microwave radiation 24/7, indoors and outdoors, as part of a vast wireless mesh network that places a blanket of radiation over our communities and states. Serious problems can include: serious health impacts from microwave rf emissions cancer risk WHO has listed rf radiation as 2B carcinogen high level emissions that even exceed the obsolete govt standards risk for those with pacemakers, metal implants and devices interfered with by rf radiation privacy invasion the meters track what you do hacking risk, risk to electrical grid security, increased risk for burglary increased bills (sometimes 200%, 300%, or more), with accuracy questions - proof exists that thousands have been defective and overcharging, w/ recalls future imposition of time-of-use rates, leading to more billing increases during daytime and peak hours
For more information on Smart Meters: Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) www. for the science behind the harm
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Not UL-certified, they can produce interference, including with ground fault circuit interrupters which protect against electric shock and fire; with reports of fried appliances and even fires power companies can remotely disconnect our power meter reader job loss family pets and wildlife are also at risk AARP, Ralph Naders Public Citizen, Sierra Club SF against smart meters These meters do not save energy, and may in fact use more

Many people with smart meters are reporting becoming ill after installation, w/ symptoms that can include: headaches, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances, sleeping problems, memory problems, insomnia, tinnitus, buzzing, rashes, agitation, nausea, development of electromagnetic / rf sensitivities and worsening of existing conditions such as chronic fatigue & inflammatory illnesses. View over 5,000 studies showing these exact biological and health effects for rf radiation, ignored by our government and the utility companies, on In California, 47 cities and counties have taken action opposing or criminalizing the installation of Smart Meters, including some in Central/Southern CA, most recently: Santa Barbara County, the city of Santa Barbara, and Solvang. Citizens across America and Canada are working to ban wireless meters /wireless smart grid infrastructure, enact opt-outs and delays through local, state, and national governments. Those yet without smart meters are telling their utilities, in writing, that they may not install Smart Meters on their homes and businesses, setting out DO NOT INSTALL SMART METER signs on their analog (old) meters, are protecting their safe analog meters with locked cages that can be viewed by meter readers. Those with meters are filing complaints with their utility AND the state CPUC, providing copies to activist organizations. To file an official complaint in Calif: , or contact your state PUC. For more information on Smart Meters: Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) www. for the science behind the harm
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