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... (;...:;:s: :0:;;: COUX":"RY · S TYRANl"S


( E::!blem]: A drawing of the globe empllaai"in; the Middl e East and

A!!""i"" ",i~h a s ward throu!lh the !llON

[0:1 tll. .. 8mblem : ] Milit8ry Studiu in the Jihad (Holy wa r] 11;.;"50

~h ..Tyra "t s


':'0 :!lose cha"'pions who ,"vowRd the truth <:lay an<:l Di\lh~
~~<:l wrote ~ich thei~ blood and su fferings the~e phrases

- -- The confrontaeion t mot w.. ;U .. "Allin,. for with the a po~ta: e

" .... irne5 does not know Soc u t i " debat .. s .... Platonic id... h ._
nor A~i s tot . lian dtpl o .... cy. -But it l<.~ows th. dialogue of
bull ns. the ideals of assassination. bombinll. and <:les truc:io~.
anol th .. diplomacy of ehe ca nnon an<:l machin .. _gun.
:~lall\ic 90vernmen:s have n e ""r a nd will never be estab1ishecl
tl':.~ou9h.,,,acO!ful .oludon. an<:l cooperative councils. They d r ft
.st" blish.,<;l as they [always] have been

by pen and gun

by "'Dr<'l anc! bullet

by tongue an<'l teeth

:n :~.• ~.'",e 0;' ;.. : : .. h. ~h ' mer<:i!u l .."d c =ul io"a~.

e, l on;1 to ,~. ~~es~ ~~u.e

PlHle do not rr.>Ove i t frOlfl the hou"e ""cept with pe:",;'ss;'on .

':'0 :!-.• ~;.s : .. ~ ~liev.r Wh05. "lq~!l. .. ~!l. .. c'-;'::Iir,ah hav. s ~::'i"P<!'d
c!: .

TO ~h • • i.~ .. :r be!.~.y.r who 's body h •• b •• " .bu. • ..:! by ~~,. ~.u..,..a"

Pl~., 0 Sl.. : .~

Co".".r.t, 0 Si.~.r ... ~o ",..i:. th.i r ...,..,.n .,idow. and th.i ~

c!l.ildr." c rph.ns.
COl".".":. 0 Sist.r " . to rr.ak. th.m d • • ir. d.. a"h a"d ~t •
• ppoi,,:""nt~ and puntll•.
Cov.r.•" : , 0 Sis".. r ... to 51.ul/ha r th_ like 1"""'s ."d 1.: :~,.
~il", . 1~Asi, and tuphra t"5 r' f low vith :1:.1: blood.

Cov.r~"t, 0 Sist.r ... t o be. pi~k of d •• t~etton for .V.::'y

'OOd1.'1 ""d a~st"t. r"'Ji~ _
Cove"."t . 0 Si n.r .. , to ~ etaHu. tor you "\lainn ev.ry dOlI ~'I:o
'0o,",,,!: you ."." lot!.:;' a bad ...ord .


T" .. ,, ~ S b e "0 Alla h. W.. t ha n~ h~m . :urn to hi ... u ~ !:i s

~o~gi.·.·e::ess . a:>c! s .. e~ refuge ion hem ~r"'" ou~ wicked s od s a :>d ba';
';". d s . ;·';'o", .. ver Allah e n lillht e n8 " ill noo b<'! misguided . a::d ";"e
';ec e ive r ·.. ill " .. ver b<'! \lU ~ded. I d " clar. tl-... ~ "he"e os ""0 IiOe!
bu" A~la!: alo"e ; he halO no partners. I also d . clare ~ha::
Moh.ul1ud i s hi s s e rvan~ a"d p"oph .. t.

( Kora n::'c veuul'

'0 y. who booli "".. • F .. a r Allah as He s hould boo t ." r"d. ""d <!~e
""0"eKc "p~ i" a s ~ate of Islam"

"0 :nanki,,"d! ?"ar your guardian lord who cr"at . d you from a 5i:1.gL ~
~ r 5 0n. Cr ."t "d, out of it, h is mate , and from them twain
," cat"e"e<l [ li ke s .. eds] countless men and VO<!\f!n; fe a r Allah.
th:::oullh "hom ye <l.. rnand your OIUtllill (r1\1hts], and b e h .. edful of
:he wombs [t;ha t bo"" you]: for Allah ever wa tch ... ovotr you.·

"0 ye who believ .. ! r .. ar Allah, and .... ke your utt" ranc" straight
for...a rd: Thai h" may rna~" your c o nduct whol. an<l sound and
!orgive you your ~ins . H.. that obey~ ALLah and his messeng.", has
alr e ady a~"aine<l " h e 9reat victory."

Th e mOSO ~ r"t;h fu f u,yin~ is the book of IILlah a nd the b e st

~"i.<!ance is tha~ of ~harm>ed, God. bl .. s~ anc:l ~ ""p him.
[T" ..::"e!or e .] the worst thing is to int::"o<:Iuce s""'.. thtng new, for
g ..... "Y novelty is an ac~ of b . resy and ..... ch h e"" s y t 5 a " e c e p tion .

• •

. · ~ . 11~ .1 5~&uu~l d .0 ~ 5~ ~~~
pu~ 'P""""ld 0<", q"nV I'll. ·P,.U""1(\ P"" ~~~Ot/l s,,~u .. . ,",Wl'[\'
pt..".. [ :.5""" ~,U""01l1 · .~. n UOP"O'UUO'Ut pm> ' $~" t IFn"o[
·.UV ;~! .tlod 'uawssa", s nq ' . ""&U,6ua · .UV' ~1 .~qd . ,. " ..1'.... ,
'''''''". ,'',. '.""1n.. p .. "npo .. " I'll" ~".5"~ 51 .~. Ou,q.l""".
" ,m unC! "VIp Uo-p .. , ,",,,,O p •••• '" " Ou",onpo'«' ... P"'"' . """.1
' S100tp S u ll,""0:l PUt> ' Sqttl" A::r".~ pm! SUO,'1 ,,,,,60'01 01=UO S"O}I ";;; '1
SUOP"Z;tl1!O.lO p"l> 's"'P" 'pos ' •.%e:n"''' ....1'.. ,,""''' ,,,' .. ,,,, "1",,<10 o~
" •• .:I v•• od" aq. · . " .. ~tl oJ •• ; 1''''' wS,t.;UO I OJ
'.""1"" ......
- 0I5 ,Un=OO
p"z;pu"Jlvdo .. d _ w;q da .. ~ I'll" s""lQ po~ - ."'100 .. " .. q~ pu"
' " cunoo [s no,O;, . ,,] .. q . ...~ """"comaI' 'wvl S1 weI, ."M wS;l" ,o os
::.~_ . P&UJ'!"P aIlIOS puno. "101 "1.'1,,0}; " Ll. O"OU: ... S_ lh :O 'P SHI"."
P"" s."tpoO Oll,p"""". p..." .... " aq'! ' snq~ 'A'!,'!U~~, ~l s o~
s~, a.R~,pR~ a 04 OU'~4 Aq UO'.RU ~TWR' . I a q4 .0 .~U.SSa a q"
.uaOlO.. .::. 04 pa.~ ... s '\atp ' a .. aq, do.s .ou p,p (s ~at"" .II') ,\e"I',
.na ''''''',''-'' ~'P .su;"O.. !iu1n aq~.:I "'P a ... oddo pu" ·,,~"o.{
"'P 0, U B.'1IIlI . .. nOls qo "'q.. o ,53a, n .. Bq, Ut a ... OW -0';&.::
p"q,\ .. soq,t · ... n.~o. pUll uo, ,,n.:lddo U; " ~.:I .dx .. I'p,,' p~="'Jl l
pu" "''''',haP a.:ln ... u.::capow .SOW "q. q.;~ paddt~~. .... ~ ,s~.
S""'U&o uo;.u ..... p PUg s , 1" > lIwDo1!i Ut q'!no.{ ( 'U ~AOW O~1 S II
" ''\W''l . I-l~ "~".:I"H " q • • 0 spu .. s noq. ~ ~q. S"& I n.. ... . . sod. "soq,t
'spu"q ~t.q • •• ""''','''0. pus 'uo! ~~."ddo '~." }O
S pUT~ n . p .. ~npu .......... q """'1 . 01'1 ·s"''"1B!<II!''q • •• sq .'U010:> ..". U"'I"
, ..1.:,"" .. 0 p1.:" l "~HU, a .:lOW aq o. " nO pau.::n. S"''','''' " nq.! ·UO",<:,
we,sow aq. U; ~"....O ~oo< oq~ . "" l ~ • • • • sod. q4;~ P"''''1;;.
S.M uot •• u O,WVl " I "no ' S,S1,.;U01 00 .. q. !iu,1, edxa " •• ,"
pu .. ~i:6t "qo""" liO n •• qdn.o xopoq"-"o ::mO .0 n" . .. ,,:: .::a ,.\,
" •• , " uOt. n: ; 'SO.:Id
a,,~ uo pad"" a " "", su·"~ .. ; .... 'p,,~:;"~ " q. 0-, UI..... ,!i " :;,c o.,,, s: ;-:5
',,,. oocu , .. ,,: '-'0 p.:on;u, . "' ''~ s.;,; oo ,::. " ' pa::>,_o.:::> . "' • .•. sp,,·~
,S:: OF " " 'p""''',,5 . ~ "M . p " "q S,U,,""''' . ~n"o ' p.;;;"o.,,:~'i ~ ~ ~~. " au:
·i'~u""C:"' o. ~-"~,, t:. ~i'n'i~ ' p.",op;,~ ~" .. '" """'0" 'p." ,>! .. -"~,.., ~ ", .~o-".v;;
uo t ~ ""'po '" =":
NOl,l.'nS-NVlI~ L-IlIl/lf!l
:'::ey ! ,=!J. .. ru '- ~rs] ~":' ,,d, " . i:::11 eve ry ""' .. " s .."d [ k::'nd o~ ]
~ ec."c'O~on. to prod"c<o .. qe::e~ .. ~io" of yo u.."11 me" ' d::'d not i<r:Q~'
: a"Y~",~:1g] exc Rp~ "'" . : : " e y [~!J.R r'J! e ~s] wa."t. C!;'d "at uy e"c e po
"'''".0. ::h..y [ ::he :,:,! e ~s ] th::'nk .. bo\O~. did n oe li ..... "xc . pt .. ccord~n'J
~o t :::e ~ ~ l ~!J.e ~u c e r ~ 'l way. and did ::o~ dr us ~"cept i::t "hR~ r
I~" e r,,: e r s' ] c~o'l'.e5. Howeve~. maj .. " cic A! l .. h turned th"~~
d .. ception oack on th." . . . s a l a r!J" qroup of ::ha . e you::11 ",e n ·..ho
'~ e ~ e ~ai ~"d by them l =h.. r"lers] ",ok .. up f rom "hei~ s l" .. p a"d
r"t:,,~:o.e d "0 Allah. " " qre ninq and repen~inll ,

The younq ",e n r e !:urr::i :o.q "0 All .. h redi %~d ~hat Isla m i s ::0:: j ~ s ~
pe~!orminq r i ~ual s bue a compl . ~e system: Re li !J ion a nd
qov.. r,.~_"e. '",orship and Ji had [holy war ) , .. thies and d eaE"q "';'~~.
peopl e , and the Ko~an and sword. The bitter s i~ua tian t " e
:1at ion reached is a r .. s ult of its divergence from Allah 's
COu r 5~ a nd hi s r i qht eous l aw for a ll places and eime s . That
(bi t~"r s H·~a ~::'onl C aa. about; as a result; cf i t . children' s 10 '1"
fo~ t h .. world, th .. ir loathinll of dea th. a nd their abandon..... nc of
Ji h ad [ho l y ",ar ) . i ef i s s till the 5am@. H pushed Abou -Jahl - may Allah cune
h~~ ~ and KurRi s h' . .... liant '''fide l a to battl . t h e prophet _ God
bl • • • and k eep him - and to torture hi s companions _ may Allah' .
g~ac .. b e on them. It i s th.. s ame unbelief "ha t drove Sadat,
Ho s ni Muba r .. k, Gadnafi . Hafe z Assad. Sa lah. Fah.. d _ All ah's C"r S ~
b .. "pon eh .. "on - be l ieving lea der. ~ and .11 the apostat e Ara b
rul ~ rs to to rt u r .. , kill, imprison. and torment Mo~lems.

TI:: .. . . young :rIIOn r e a li ze<! that an Islamic govenmtllIl t ..-ould n .. v .. r

b .. establis"ed e",cept by the bcmb and rUl.. . Islam does no "
coinc~d .. or "",ke a truc e "ith unbeli e f. but rathe r confront s i t.

Th .. c or. fron~at i on that I s lam calls for "ith ehese q odl ess and
apos"., .. ~ .. q imes. does not know socratic d e bates, P l aton i c i dea ls
~o~ A,,~ s ~ o~ ~ l i an d i p l omdcy. But it know. the dialogue of
bull Rt s , t:h.. i deal~ of ass.ssin.tion. bcmbinq. and d .. st~uce::'on.
ar.d "he <:lip l ofMcy of the cannon and machin e ~ qun.

Th e y oung came to p~epa~e themselves for Jihad [holy ",ar ] .

cormanded by the maj e s t i c Al l ah 's or<ler in the holy Koran .
[?;ora"ic verse:] "i\qa i nst them . make ready your st~enqth to th ..
u::~o . t of your power, i ncluding st .... d. o f war, to st~ike " .. rror
;'~."o {the h .. a~ts of ) the enemies of All.h a nd your "nHli n , an<:l
o~h e r s b @. ides whom y .. may not know. bue "hom All .. h d oth know . '

: p r ...." " thi. '''':1'';'1 • • !~o :t t o ""..... !!Oa~ ... ,...,., "'~o a t •
......... beU evir:g ...."d fig~t:: ... ~ tor the cau •• o f "''-1 ah. it:. s ~
"'or: tr~buti "" ~o",ard P""~ng ~ ~ . . .oad t~t l • • c!.s to .... j .n~ c o\ l: .. ~.
and!~s l:. s .. cali phat. accord ing to the p .. Oph. cy.
According to Imam ~~d·. account. eh .. p r oph.t • God and
k •• p h~m • seid.

IA few lin • • ot Had ith v.r ••• . not tranal.ted]

.- . .. _~m'
. . , ' _ "--~~ ~ ..

:- :-:. < " .. s is ~ ~",! • • : a " . o! ~;;:--O:a,,<:. "'"I •• " ..... ,,-.,.~a Q,-"
:.,,~a. a~ "dna .. . "0 o ~ : ... llg io". ~i:~~~~ ~~~~ . t he
.. : ... b l ~. _r.~ o~ " "ligio" " ou1<;1 ... a dr.... ", 0 .. illl.. io" ~""t is
i:rpo . . , b l. ~o a c::'i""" or .v.r: i""\li"" i:s .. chi.v.... "~. Shei~ :l;>,..
t . i:n:'a - "",y A: Lah hav. ", . .. c y 011 h i'" - 5Ilid. -Th. i"t .. =~s ts o~
all ... da"'. ·. chi:::.n woule!. "Ot ba r .a liue!. i n th. p ...... nt :' ;' : e.
"or i " ~~.• ""Xc. " xcspt t hr l)",gh au".uol y. coop.ra ol o n . •"d =t:,:,,:
. . . iat."".. Coop.r.t i on ia ~or ."hie"in!l thd r i :'J.t"aBta " '-.:
""",,,:,: a1 . . . ia • • nc " i . fo r I)v.reemin\l thair adv.nitia • . i .
IoIhy it "... baan ,....'d ...... " i . civi lized by "at\lr • . · The r .. ! ora .
1! t~.y ""it . t h.. ,,-.. will b . ~a vo r abla "",ttu' that thay do • • :"t<l
corruptin!l matta: . :0 . void. Thay will ba obadi ant 00 ~~~
co ~r:~,,: o! thos .. 90+1. and a voi<!ant o! thO • • i nmor.liti.s.
It i s ary t to.. t . U ....,... . • "hild:." obel'.-

". (Shai k !nb r ... ,,,,i.. 1 th.n l ays. -It aho",ld ba ",nd.ntood t""t
gl)v. r~1 r.g ~h . peopl.·s a . ia 0" . of the ;r.a ~ •• t :eliqio~ s
obliqa~ io n. . In ! . ct . "i:ho"' t it . r . ligion and world (a f f aira )
cl)",l d ~ o t b. a . t ab~i8h&d. Th. int. r a st s of A<lam ·. "hildr e" woul<l
not b • • chi"v s d except ~n •••• mbly. b . c ause Of th.i r mutual n s.d.
I1h.n t hey u.e".,1 ... it !oa n." ..... ry t o (hav.l a la.d.r. .l.lhh·,
proph .. t - God bl.,.& .nd k. ep M Ol _ a" . n •• iol. •• It thre a (pe opl.)
c"",. t o;. th.r l .. t theln pick . l .ader . · K. tl'len nac .... hated the
rule by one of ... $m&11 . non · •••• nti. l tr.vel .aaembly in o rd. r to
e:.w . tt .n ~ ion to the reOlai nin!l type& o f ••• embll" Sine. Alla~
~~. o b li ga t ed us to do Qood and . void th .. unl avt",l. thot ~~ lc
nOt ba don. +>< throu!lh f o r ". And lordino . Likewi ••• ~::e =u:
o~ wr.. t ~A (God ) obl i Qated ("'. vi:h l ~ld not ba eccomplished
s >< by fo .. c. and lordship . be it J i had {holy "'. rl. j",u:i c • .
pil;r i~!I • . • • s embly. hol i day •. IUppe .. t of the oppr ••• eol.. or tl'le
• • t abl1 8 ~~": of Oo",n<1&r1 . . . ~.~ i . "'hI' it has b.en said. "ths
s"ltan ia All .. h ·s shadow on .ar th .'·

• copYUIQ

ln/BM-12 'I'IU.KS~TlOli

~~::~ ft ry Organ'-u:::'on l'.as ::"-rot.. ",.in pri::lcip1es wi:::;out '.·nie:; ,_

ca ,,~.o~ " .. ~ ~ oabl:s:~ftd.

.., M:ili~a ry Organiz a tion co""".nder a... ,d ao\visory c""-"1ci~

~!:eso l diftrs (individual mftmbers)
A clear l y de!ined n r a t .. 9Y

!:;e Xi l ~cary Organiza tion dictat e s a number of r .. quire",e nts to

a $$ i s ~ ~t in con!ronu::i.on and e ndura nc ... Thue are :

1. ,orll~d .:!oc"""'nt~ and eounte r h it curromcy

~. Aparements and hid inll plac"s
J. co=micat i on "",a ns
~. Tu"sportation r:".eans
5. I"format: ion
6. 11"::15 and aO"mll1i e ion
7. Tra " . port:

>::'S8io~.s ;!.equi red of the Military Orllaniza don,

:"!:.. ,,".. i ~. :nissio,., .f or ....hich ::he Milita ry Orllaniza tion is

r es pon s ibl e i s :

";~.e ove r::"r"", of ::he qod lM ~ reqi_~ and th .. ir npl<! ce",e nt ",ith
a o: hiarnic ""lIime. Otll.. r ",iui.ons consist of tile followir.g:

"a t"ednll i nfo"""'tion abou~ ~he e nemy. th .. land . t he

:~.5ullations. and tile nei g hbors.
2. Kid..,,,.,inq enoomy p .. nonnel , documomt:s . s .. er"t_ . a nd a rms .
3. .'.5sas s inatinll enemy personne l as ",ell a 5 for " illn toud~c~.
4. Fr.,ftin .. th., broth.. n ...ho a r .. captured by ~h .... n .. my.
;;. S p r .. ildinq rumors ilnd wri tin .. s tat:ement: s that in s ti .. at"
peop l" aqilin.t the enemy.
o. Bl "s ting &1<1 d .. nroying the place~ of Mlu s """,nt. i tmlOralHy.
ilnd ~in; not il vita l tilrqet.
'. Blasting &1d <I.. stroying t:he embaui .. ~ and attad:in .. vital
e cc~o~ic cent .. rs.
9. 3~ u cin .. lI..."d <I.. stroyin .. bridg .. s l .. adin .. into and 0"" 0: t!"i.e

.. •
iW"",v"l o~ t!lo.e p4: lona l!.:t .. ~~... : bl ock ~~e c a ll ' s "..t~.
(A di tte ~ .nc ~ndw: i~cnq, J ~ll :yp•• of ~1 1i:.~ and
civ~ll. an ~n c e""ectua. l . L.. d" " s fo: t~. Itat .. .
2. ~:op . : " :~!.:::ati on o~ the :'ndiv iduals · unuI.d capao':::;'::'''5 .
1. ~:eci~ ;'c~. '" per!c",!.n .. : •• k s . and "sin .. "cUec ti"e ·.. :' ..,.a 0"'
compl . t:'n; a j Ob !:om al l aapects . no t j u.t one .
4. Con ~to llin\l the wo r k and not !r"~nt inq 1 t or dflv i a ei"'O
froOl it .
5. i'lcMevinll l O"ll- tu"I. goals auch &s thol .naQBs~__ "t o f an
Ial~ic It. t . and shor t-t.n. ;~1 1 luch • • oper.t i or.a
.... in.t flnMrf indlvl~ls and sectors .
6. t l t.blilhi nq the condition. for pollible con!rOftt.t i~ wi :~
the rlt\l r es-ive rlt\liIMa and eholtr perlt5< ence.
7. ~hi evin\j di,.cipline in lecrecy and throuqh ulkl .


• •
" ~ c e nary Qua l ~~:'cat;io" s ~"o ~;, .. Or\/a~.~z &.cio:l·' "'""::b!tu
:-,,,. :ne","".. ~ o~ ~l':e O~;a::iza~i o:l ::".,-,S~ "~~os l ....,. Holo' ca,.. a n
c.:,.."", E"'"" r. 3=.eOr::e ~~orn a r e v"a hd reli;io:l ( Cl':r~sti ar..
,:;,,'.. 1 . a u<::,,: a ~ p " ~so,,. a "mn:n"r. is~. He . pro~e<::" :s l ",,,,. a,..d
~O ~ ~~~ ", ~.d de: e nd "".ir \/oals anc ucrus ... h " " l':@ do .. s "0"
:;, ..·~ ~ .v .. '"" ";',," 0 " .. Ugio" ( !slam]' Tl': .. :sr~ " li _" "".y ~ ",q~'. r~ ~
":~a o a :'.\lr_~ .r ~ 0< t!I~ J""'i s h reli ll i m: _ Lik~'"ise, tr...
co",":".a~.d : e ade ,,"s h :'., in :".. Af\lha" a:ld R,-,ssian a rmi .. s req~i,,~s
a "y on .... i ~l: a" o~<ic@r '$ posi.:io" ~o b .. a ",e::b!tr o ~ t;,e
corn:r"""ist party .

2- C"".",i::"""r.c to th~ Or;anization' s !d.. o10>IY:

Tr.~ s conrn;.t".,nt ~~~"s ~h" O~ganLzuion' s m.. etber 5 t~orn
c"ncep:iona : prob t e!rl$ .

3_ >! a~:.:rHy:
Th@ r .. quir~n~~ of m:'liury ...-ork a r .. "umerous, and " mi"o~
car."o~ p .. rform ::h.... . Th" n a tur<O o~ h&.rd a nd cont~nu ous wo~k
in dan\l"rous co"ditLons requir ", s ~ gr .. a~ de&.l o!
psyc;'ological . and intell e ctu a l fitn ess . which are
:lot u ~ ual1y found in &. minor'. I t i s r"port .. d that I bn Ornar
• :nay Allah ~ pl"as ed with him _ said. "Durinll Aha d
! b a t~le] ·..h e n ! "as fourt een year s of " 9". I "&.5 sub .. itte d
{a,. a v olur.t .. ~r] to th .. prophe" _ God b1 .. ss and k eep hi ...
H ~ r "' f used me and did not throw .... in t:h~ b~ttle. nurin\l
Khandak {trgnch] Day { le l wh.m I ...-as titteen ye&.n of
&.;e, r was als o s ubmitted t o him . and h .. permitted me Ito
•_1 \1 ..
": J_
,- S&
H~ (the m~rl has to be w11 1 i n\l to do the work &.nd
" r.d .. rgo rnartyrdom for th .. purpos e of achi ",vinll t h'" \lod a nd
" s t a bli s hin\l t!Ie r e ligion of maj .. s t ic AUeh on earth_

5- ~i s ""\l a nd Ob"di"nc e :
In ,,;,g mi li tary, this is known tod&.y e 5 <l iscipline. It i~
e xpress~d by how the member obeys the or<le~s given to h im .
T!-.a t i s ",hat our r .. ligion urgOls. Tho: Gloriou s s a ys. " 0, y e
oIho ~li .." e ' Obey Allah and obey the .... nen\l .. r a nd thou
cr.a rg .. d ",ith authoriey a".:mll you. ' In the s~ory of liazi!a
3 .. n _ may Allah hav .. ....rcy an hi .. - ...-ho was
e x ftrrplary in hi s obedi""",,e <:0 Ai l &.h . s rr""He".;;"" _ Allal-.
lohss &.,,<1 keep him . Wl'\lin he (Moh=OId] - Allah bless and
~ e "p h i m - ~"""~ hi~ to spy on th~ KureLsl': &.,,01 their a lli ,,$
d,-, ~:'"g th .. ir s ie;e of Madina. Hazifa sa id. "As hu
i:-:or.aITmO!!d l c ~ ll ed "' .. by name ~o .ca"d. h .. sa id. ' Go II " :: ".e
:' ''. ! orrnat i on <>bout thos ", people and do "ot a larm t!I"1lI a bou:
:<Ie • •
"' .. : d~aned , ! saw ).bo~ S Oll~i an a nd I .. laced .0:1 aHO'.. i:1.
:,," bow. : [ ~"",, ] ~e".,."..:,.red :~.e ""res o! t!:~ ",", u eng e r
,;l: a h b l "o;s a :1.d k~~p l:~", • 'do ::Ot al a~", ~".'" .00\Ot ::IO! , '
"~ r had " not: ,",ould h av", ::i~ b!!',,"

~- (. e ~ 9:':1." S ec",,~s a nd Cor.cealir.g I,,~onnaoion

( :"c ~ s ", c,, ",cy s hou l d b~ u u d]
ev,." wit:: ch" c l osest .,e o.,l e ,
for d"cei vin\l "he otnerr,i es is root ... sy. "'llal: u y s , " =:V~"
~holl \l" ~,,~ir plota were such the" a ~ to shake ~" . " i l ls'
[Kor ....,ic "e r~e] ," .\11.h' 5 "", u .. n ,. u • God bles ~ and ~ e",p
h i'" - s a y s , 'Seek Allah'" h .. lp in doin,. your .ttairs i n
""crecy , "
! : ~'as said in the proverbs, "The I:eans of fr .... "'.'" are """
" o:rib. of s ecret s " and "MoslRmS' s .. c~ecy i . !.t~hh:lne u ,
a." :d : a 1 kin\l aOout it i s faithles s n " . . ," [Monamned] _ Goe
'01" 5 5 and k .... p hi'" - used 1:0 k e "P »orl: sec~~u from """
clo ~ .. s" peopl e . ev .. n from h i . wit ...... ·i s ha_ may lI11ah' ..
g ~ac " bo, on h .. ~,

7, =r ee of I l lnes s
Th" Mili"ary Or,.anization'~ member must fultill this
i""port a n t ~equirement, .... llah says. 'There i s no bl""'e t or
~hos e '~ho ar .. in!inn, or i l l , or who hav .. no resot.:rces to
s p e nd, •

8, ?a~i e nc ..
( Th . mcmb .. d should have plotIlty of .,..tienc e for [e ndur:'n,. ]
at!liccions i f he i s overcome by t ho, e n e .. i u , He ~houle
no" a b a ndon this gre at path and sell hims .. lt and hi s
r e li,.ion to :ih" .. n .. mi .. . fo~ hi s freedom, H~ shoul d be
p"tien~ in performing the work, BVotIl if it la~t& a Long
"i me ,
~, ~" a r.qui l ity a nd "Unfl a ppabi li ty·
( Th .. ", ..mber) s ho u ld h a v .. a ca l m po,rsonality that a llows hi",
to e ndure psychological traumas such a s thos .. involvin,.
b l oodshe e, murdo,r, arr .. st ·. imprisonment. and revers ..
.,~ycho l o,.ica l t:aumas such as I:illing one or all of his
Organi%ation's comrad" s , [H" s hou l d be ..01,, 3 to carry out
~h .. wo~k.

~O , ITIulli,.ltnclt a nd Ins i,.ht

When the prophac - Allah bless and I:eep him· &ent flaz i f a
Be n .... i - varnan to s py on the pOlythe i s t and [ ¥~fi%a l sat
.. th .. m, Ab<>u Soufian said , "Let .. aeh one of you lOOK a t
:::' s con:pa <:ion, " Huifa said to his companion, ·~1ho a re
YOU'" T"e cornp<ln i on r .. pl i .. d . " So-and- so son of sO-llnd- so,"

- :<Iod d ,"ar I , ""e Ge spy, J .. ~ ~"s Seel" .. " (P!; ! ".a~,alieO::
~o r ~"~,,a~n and "'o~k a s a ;,.. a il . "aIT.i:: .. " "" .. "0 ,,~...
=~.y lanli' s h e ".d r..a s ~ .. "...d _ f~om ,,~ .. le~~e r s , ".
s'"cc .... d .. d ~" obtainiTI\I i/o.por"",,:: ~"!o~,,,.,,'-o:1. a"d u~." '""C
,,~. e On .. of "~e l't:~.,,~ "h;l." "" c~"'ck .. d ~·;l.S '~o::-. a
:acy '-'I~o "'~:'"" en to h .. r b~o~!::e r' $ ! ri",,,d i" ~"., ~l . .. : .
Sh .. ,,".e ,,=ion ..o. tha c her broth"" us",d 100 Liv~ "i~h ~,. r .. ~,~:'l
" e " as t"ans~er~ed to a s eCre ~ proj .c~ tha: ,-"volve d
co",.-ne~ci"l ~hips . 'o'Jhen Seelbe" "ead lOhar; l"tt"r. h .. '-'Ie,,:
to ",.. at that young- ,", and blamed h " " for her loo"e
:o"q". i:1. calkin\l about mili.t ary s"cr .. ts. He, ~ kilHullY.
",""all"d to dra w o,,~ of her that h .. r brolOh e r worked in a
~"C~" " project for arminq o l d. cotr:m4!rcial s hips. T~.e " e
ships wer" <:0 bOI u"ed ;1.5 d.""oy~ in th .. subOla~'-:1.e "ar in
~"ch ;I. "'.Y cl'.at the y could. come do.e to the s uanari:: ... , a ~
t~"y a pp",a ",.d ~nnoc .. nt_ Sud.d.enly, cannorili;&Us "'ould be
~~~ed !rom c~e ships ' s hidd~n cannons on "op of the $hips.
wh::'c" woc:ld d .. Hroy ~1UI submarines. 48 hours hte~ ::hn
s eCrec "a" hsnded to che G<onnan._

,. Cau:ion and ~rudlOnc e

In ~i s ba ttl .. a q a ins c ch .. king of Tomedia ( PH ], the Ro,""n
~ en .. ra l Speer (PH ] s .. nt an .mi ssary ~o d.i.cuss with "hac
;':ing- ehe tM.eeer of truc .. booc".... n th .. two armi .. s . In
r." licy , h .. had sent him co l e "rn about the Tom.. d.ia n s ·
"bi l i~y to fight. Th" \lBn"ral pick.a, Li ~ iu$ ( PHI. 0"" o!
hi s cop co""",,nd<Ors, for cha~ task and SIOnt wi::h 101m sO<!'." o!
hi" off i c e r~. di s \lUis"d as slav.. s . Du~ i nq thac ",ission.
o~e of :he kinq's offic .. r •. Si!ax (PH] pointe d ::0 One of
~~ " (disgu,ised ) slAves and. y"lled, 'Tha c slav .. is a Roman
o !!ic.. r : had ",.. t in a n .. il1hborinq city. He was ..,.,ari.nq;l.
;loman uniform. · At that point. Lilius used a d " v .. r trick
" "d mana q.a to div .. ,,~ th .. att .. ntion ot the Tornedian$ from
:hac by lOurni:1.q to the di"gu,ised offic .. r and. quickly
slapp inll him on th .. fac .. a nurnboor of t ime.. Hot r'"PrimdIlded
:: :'m !o~ ,",~aring a RQlrlan offic .. r ' s "niform wh.. n he was a
~ l a v e a nd for claiming- a "ta~ u " th"~ h e did not .. ~._

• •
':'he of!ic .. ~ acccpt:e;! ~a "a~. q"..:iet:ly .
lie bowed ~:.. " .... d
::\ ~.I,II!I i.E~:f ;,."e .~ , a. alav.. s do. T~u • . S '"~ .. X ~
~~ou;ht t:ha ~ o!!icer wae r ... lly a .lava beeaule th ..y co~ld
''''t 1"..&g1:1.e tt-... t .. 110"..... :\ o!!icu would accept ehu .. hia
.... ~ :hout d .. fending himlleH.
Ki r.g $;'!ax p r "paad. a big teast for Lil iua and. ~.~s
e:\tourag .. ,•.no! plac&d "h.... in a houn h r away hero h~s ':<':0;>
10 they could not le .:=":\ .bout h i s torti! icat10n. . They
Ithe !lc;manal /Mele anot:h .. r cl .. v .. r trick on top ot the f h ••
one . "They !::"eed One o! their hO:<5 ... ."d IU r t&d chasi"l/
hi", in and ...:m.m" t he c~. ...t"..: "
they Lurned ebou; eh"
ex;ent o! ;he !ort:i!ica:lon, e!-.ey caught :h. ho r ... ~~. a.
p!a~~&d. m4:1.4ged :0 'bo r : their mission &bou t th .. t rue ..
agr .. ement . Shortly a!e .. r thai: ~t:~rn. t:h.. Ro,..n ge:"i." r al
.. ttacked King Si!ax· c~ and burned th .. fo r tification • .
Sitax wa. !or ced t:o ,e.. k reconciliat:ion.
B. The". wa $ a •• cr .. t .glnt who di.gui ••" hi~ •• lt a. an
~~.r~can ~u r merchan~, Ae ~he agent: wa. playing cards
lbeard a boa~ with .orne paft.~nge r . , on .. o t the players
,u k.d hi .. about hi. pro~ .... ion. He repli .. d eha t h. "'a5 a
· ~ " r ... :rcha..~t.· -:Oh. _ n snowed int .. r •• t [in h i_] and
-...gan asking ::he agent - the disgui.e<l ~\lr .... r el,.."t - "'''1'
<l~e.tion. about the type • ..,..d pdt •• oe fur. H. ""'~ior.....:l
'",r p:~c. ~igur •• ehat a".ned th .. "",pn. They .tant<!
a void ing and rega r ding h~m wit:h suspicion. a. thOUQh h.
'J.te " t:hief . or crazy.

Tru:hfuln .. ss an" Counsel

The COtmIand"r of the !a~th!ul. O<nar I bn Al-1J\attab - I:I1I.y
All"h ~ plQa ••" with hi .. _ a •• ar ced thae ehie
chlrecteristic wae vital i n tho .e who gath.r ineo~.&t:ion
and work a. ~ pi ... aga~nlt the Mo s lem!! ' enemin. He (OIr".ar]
U:":t a latter to Saad Ibn J.hou Wakk ... _ .... y AHah b. with him - .... ying . '!! you atcp f oot on your
.".",1e,· land. g.t .pi •• on them. Choose tho •• whom you
C"""~t on for !".hair t.ruthful" ... . and .<!vica. wheth.r Mab.
or inhabi tant. o f t~t land . Li a rs ' account. would "Ot
bene tit. you. even if .0.... of them were true, the deceive::"
i . a apy &gain.e you and Dot !or you.
:1. ""';, 1<:;)' ~o Obse~ .. nd Ar... l" "
-=-h. I ..·... l :. Mou... d ~..,.~v.e "r.rt ~""~ s o ... ~.l.s ~ i"ia" •
.~.~. lIoi"" ~o "~ ~.(: k .n : . .· :::1 ,>,.1 a1~p !.. ".. Tha~ ;> 1 .. " .
·. ·as ;-0;:1" to R.orne w:' th Golda ~.:.~ - AU.h·. c,,~. e ":>0" ~.:-
• t;-.• i'r:'::-.• M:'"is ter n t h . t:'me. on board. -=-h.
~ale.~:''''. .. ,.. s had ,,".ana .. "'- t o u s . a cieVflr t~~c k ;;"a: ... 110"."
th.m to ~ a ic f or the .~r:'v ... l of the plan, wlt hou: be:' ''11
,.",.s; ;' o"otci by ."yon.. They had bot ..... n ..... n who s old
potatou. kidnaped hi ... and h i dden him. They ",. d. :w"
hol.s in thot top a ! tha t peddl.r·s c.rt .nd placed t ~ o
t cl>ea "ext to the chimney t hrough which tWO It\Issi a " -",,,,<!.
·S :~.lla· I!;'!I I ml. . . :!. h s o:o"ld be I .. """h..:l . Th. Mo . . .d
ot~ :! t~avel..:l <.h. a i rpon back and. fon !! looki"g ! o:.-
that t".... t o the '.l •• tini........ On. o H ic... P<'ued :;"e
po:.:o c. rt t~i c. wl t hou t no t icing anyth ing. On hi s third
tim. . h. no tic ed th ~ ee ch i mn,,~. b..t only on. of th ~ WaS
..orkin.. ·.. ith spoke (:omi " l1 OU t of it. K. ,.",i(:kly sea"r ed
toward th .. c.rt .,,01 hit it hard. '!'h. c.. rt ov.rturned. a r.<!
:h. "l"~~ inidlls ... re captured .'
. 4. ~;l;ty t o Act. Ch.n;. Po,ltions and Co"c •• L On ••• l~
•. [An .. x~~l.l i . ~h&t N¢aim Ibn MOlsou4 had 4on. in his
m~ss~on t o cause agit. t ion ~ng the t ri be. o f ~or.i th .
those o~ Ghat~a n, and t he Jew. o f K o ~e i th. . H. would
con : :ol reactions and _nage<1 to skilH.,lly play his
~ole . W i~hrr~: .hOwlnll . ~gns o ! incons istency. h. would
ahow hi s i" L~d ~ .... l t oward. the Jew. on. time ar.d
show hi. co~c.rn abo..t the Ko r.ish . t anoth.r.
b. I n 1960. a "ar driY.n by .on ....... ri c." colon. l co llici@'<!
with a """c); . The colon.l los. con.c10\l.n.... and loIh ila
uncon scious a t the ho,pita1, h.. s".rt.d 8p • • ki,,; Russi an

• . :'h !. • • :o ~y i s tot.:"d ~ :"l the book A· " 1 ... ..110 .Io.l-Khiea· · 91' ·lIay o!
o.c.ption Methods . · by Vi c tor o.s trovsky [ PK ]. The ."tha r cl .. "",
tl"... t the "" . . .<! " .."u to kill hi .. f o r In iun; t ha t book.
!lowave r . r beE"". :ha t the book ~•• "utOOrhed by :h. :u.. ~ li
!to••• d.
! h.n~ l y , I t "'... e r dJ..~o""rl!Cl :~.• : t he co l or.el '~ao a
s o,· .~y ·...ho ....... ~la,,: ed ~n :he U::i:oed Sta te.. !!e :::ad
!o~g ht ~ ~ Korea 1n o r 6er to c oncea l h it :: r ue ld.~ ; ;t'l .~d
:o . '!I~"!:er i"to""' t i on oIllld critic a l leere". _ t ! no" ! o r :~.e
,, ~ •• cdo~.. "0 on. wou :'d hev . l USpected o r confron"e d "i,..

;);'-,:'ding oi' e r a ~ ional b"d s :'nto t\OO " s: One "..r:: i ~ :0
b & :' ~v es "ed i~ proj@cts ~hat otf e r ~in ~~c:' a i retu~, and
~~e o~h . ~ i ~ ~o bu saved and root spent e~cept d~r:'ng
2. Not p~ac i"l1 op .. r ati onal funds [a ll ] i n on .. p lac e .
3. ~ot t"lli" l1 t:'e Orlla ...,iz a tion member~ "bout th .. l oeao:'on 0:
~h.. fund s .
,. Having proper prot e ction whil .. carryi ng l arlle "-"'O"nU 0:'
r:".on. y.
5. Le avLnll ,,;,e money wic:' non-~r s a nd $.,endinll it <IS
" • .d.. d.

; o;g~ d pocumen;,

_o .\ ;gw
;. ng
(Id .. ntity Cards
$,cu;~ t y
Records Books.
.. ~
passportn )

precautloni fuPu . q pr taken ;

1. K"'p Lnll th' >,a u port in a sal" p lac, .0 it would not I>e
ceiz e d by che s e curity apparatuS, and the brothe r it
b<O Lonqs .to .. ould h<lve to n"'1otia t " i u return (I'U q iv..
you your passport if you q i ve ... infonnationl
2_ Ai,- documents ' of thO! unaercover brocher. s uch as iden ci ty
cards and passport, s hould bt ! al . i l i ed.
3. '~"h.!l ~he undercover bro~her is traveli"" with a certair.
id"!l~ it y card or pe5sport, he s hould know all pertine nt
( ~n~o tion] such as the name , prof e ssion. and p l ac" of
~esidenc ' _
T n .. broth .. r ",ho hu s pecial -..ork statU$ l CO<mIand" r,
cOft"lrll.:nicadon link, ... ) s hould have roore than on. ide ntity
c a :-d <lnd pa u .,ort. He should learn th .. eont .. nU of e a ch.
one r.a t u re of t he [indicated ] profession. and the diahc~
o! ~h, res idenc e area l iated in t h' d9Curnen~ .
~. Th e photoqraph of th.. brothe r in thes e documoonu should be
,.. it::out a b e ard. I t i$ prd . rabl" that the broth"r's
p " bHe photograph [on these docu:rtenU] be also ",ithout a
b e ard. H he already has one [document] showinq a
photol/ra ph with a beard, he shou ld replac" it.
0, When u$ing an i den t icy document in diU e r e n t na ... s , no more
~::an one such docu:ntnt should be carri .. d at on.. ti :ne,
7_ "nIe valie!i~y of ~"e ~a :.~!~ "" ~r ...vel ~........, t a a!loule!
a~"".ya be "D~. ~i ~ .
$. ;,:1 !.l.~~i c.c;' or. _ t eara .houle! be " .. rr;"" Oll t tb:-o"';!n :::e
co.........."d a"d :"lOt l'.aphaza .. d:'y IprDcedu:ca contrDl)
9. )ta::~ed b r o oner. .ho ... lcl not. add tnlt!: wive. eo t hlt~ :
pauper: • .
:0. Wh.n a b:01: her is " ......1'1"11 eh.. for"ed p •• sport o! • ce:" .. ~r.
co,,;ntry . h .. should not t ...."al to tha t country. H is .... ~y
t o datact ~orq ary a t t ha ai~ .. t • • nd t ha of ~h e
brothar i& diftarent f .. om th.t o! the peopla :rom that
country .

sec urity I'rSCAu;ion Il, " a d to the Orqan ! utlon,' Ginn Na£'J'
1. Th":"IAlMI ;iv~ by t ha OrllAnh .Uon {to t he b rothar l . hou id
not be 0<1<1 in comparilon wi th othltr 'I. . . . . uled arOWld him .
2. "broth".. . hould not h.v, IIIOrlt than On. ".,... In thlt .. r e ..
when he lives (tha u"dercov , r work

• •
fOU ~'l'!! l..~SON

• : ~.••• il.rI. ap.!l" '--T..n:l. ~.i ~ing p l il.c u. co=>O::~ cen~ea . .. ~c. i::
"'~~=~ .• ec " e t "","riO "~O'" il.rI. .".",,".d ".. "in. : ~~e .n.'"Y .
-::"e. e ".IU co.... y be in c~ ;~e , . A::d " r e (then j c il. ll e~ ~om.~ 0"
apil. :: :ne~. :. .
:"e en.~y.
-::h ey mo.y l:>tr i n mour.:.ino" • . " err ain !."
"nd . r e [th enj c . ll ed hiding pl.c •• or " • •••.

o.,r~ng <:h. ':1, :'::.1 n.g •• . chI. Milit .. ry Or g .nl.u <: ; o:: t.".ll y
t Ie• • p"r"""'::t5 in c!. :.! e . . .. pl." " . lor l ",...,c hir.g .... ign lt<!
= •• ion, . •uch '" coHeed".., 1n!0 ....... t ion . ob • • rvlng - , M r s o!
the ~~ Iin ~ reqi=- . • t c .
)!:'ch"g pl.ce . ....... d ba ••• '::n <I'IOW\uin~ and har t h t e rril. in .. re ts lt<!
. ; I .. : e r , fro., which Jihad [holy ..... r [ gr oup. . .r.
d:.opa<:ch. d :0 .".cu t . ....... i ". tion oper iOt!.on. o f ""lImY
in~i v i du .. I ' . bomb th. ir " .ne.r • . • nd c.ptur. " w• • pons . In
s om. Ar ab coun tr' . ' sUCh . t Egypt. ~h.r. th.r. . . r e ::0 mount " in .
or h .. : lh t.rra ir. . a ll I." il.g . , ot Jih.d work woul d ".k. pl.c . i::
<:ito... Th. oppeli". ~a, tru. in Afghani . t a " . ... h.r. initi a lly
J~ h. d ~:k' ... s i" th. <:id •• . th.n t h. w.rrio n .h! hed to
=u..,;.i.r.. iOnd ha r sh t.r r ..... . Th.r •. t lwy n. n lt<! b.aetlin ~ the
C""""",, i.." •.

Choosi :lg :~ • • par ~nt c are fully .... ~.r iI.'

t n. l oca ti on .
th • • i z e for e h ...... rk nec .....ry ( ..... tin\l"'. no ra\le. d =-.
~,",g ~t!.V".' work p r I.paration).
It i s pr ~ f ~ rabl .. <:0 rent dp.artment. en th. ground !loor to
~. " ili t. " . ~s " .p. and di99ing of trench • • .
P:.p.rin~ •• cr." l oc. tiona i n th. men <: to r •• cu ring
doc""'I.n" • . r.c ord.l . • ..".,. . .and oth.r ;.~r t.l"lt I t .... .
•• • ~: 8P.:ir.~ way. ot vac. t i ~ the .partment i n "'.... o ! a
IUn>:i . .. attack ( ...... nd •. wooden .

•• t":.e.:r ""0
<:~"-<:OJ."":.~.' tllo.., l d a ~'I "". b"", .Ix>.. : ~::...

,. a~.r"~n : e~c ep: :ho.. e

1~cv;'di:. g
who us. i:.
:i1... " ee..... .,. cove" !o:r :ha peop l e
'p"'r:::-.e"t 1 .~" workers. """'loy. . . . . ;c .
"'»0 !,,- e q~~,,:

Iwoid:.,,1i' se cll. ~ion " nd i . ch.ti cn !rom th" populatior. ar.d

fa !:... :',,;.,,\! ~rorn \loin!! to the . p .. rt""'n~ ... ~ ,<.t.pieicus O:':r-"I .
•, :~ i . prefe r abl e co rln t t hasa apar~n t. a. i nq !a"sa ,,-ppropriua COV<lr, and non-Kosi . . .ppe.o ...""",

:-.., " . ~
A . 1"111. bro~h .. r .hould not rent mora than One ..""n",..,,: ~:.
~ h • •.".. " " ." , ! ro .. ~h. _
O • • le • .
C.. : . should boo .x.:ch~ "of..
"gent . o r "ainq ~n • • _
to r Rn~ .po. ~ tlDent. tbat .:-.
known to th9 s ....~d ty "_'-'''1,1"
[such •• 1 ~ho_ uaed !o ~
i~:. l or prioe ~ihad .c~i vi ti.s.
--. Avoidinq po l ice stat ions and qoverr""..,t Iluildin\le.
"~ n _ n~ . should no t be raneed n ...." ~ho •• plae ....
When :-.. neing ~h .. s .. a~rt~nu . o n .. ~ho"ld avoid i,ol a ~ .. d Or
d •• e re.d loc~t ion . .0 the .nemy would nOt be abl.. to c~tc h
tho •• leving . ,sily.
n . It 1s. preferable to nnt .poortmenU in n . .. ly d eveloped
• re •• where p .. opl . de n~t know On" ano . V.".lly. in
ol d.r quart e r, people know ~n. anoth.r and Strang"r s a r e
•• t ;ly identified . • ,peetally sinc .. the,. quarters ~v ..
:M.."1Y ;' n ! o=- ~ ._
~..,t"r ;'nQ t!lat tl::..:r. Is has be.." no su.-v" ill a n<:e prio r to
t he - AWr,. .."t.. ri ng the .pa.n;••mL
:5. Ag:-eecoent =>D"'iI tho •• living in the .pa.rt....,t on s p.e i d
way' of It..,ocking on tile door and s p.cial .igrls prior to
entry int o the buildi ng" main gat. to indic.t . to tho ••
who ~i8h ~o .. nt .r t ll. t til. place i s sa fa and not being
:r(/n i to red . Such aigns i nclud. hangi"g Ou t . ''''''.1. openi" ~
• curta in. placing . cu . llion in a s p. ci.l w.y . • te.

- -

:5 . :! : h.r . ~s .. ::.l.p!:o~. ; " t ;,e ap.t.:"::~! . eal:• • hou!d'"
ar. ...... r.,! ~" L"l ag:*<t4- ·~pon man.-.... among :1:0. . . .ho u.~ ::-..
_p.o.: ..... n::. v.:. .. :: would p .....". ",,"5. alta. :I:a: >IOUld .
o:harw i... ::0 :avaal i ng tha name • .nd natura o ~ the
OCC\.:pa."::8 .
1 ~. r or apa .. ~".e ::.:: " . rapla c 1:>; olIO' l ocks a nd Itay . ... i th nR'o' on es.
~. !o: t r.. o::ha r entitie. Ic ~p •. shopa . meaqu •• ) .
"p., ropri an securi1;y p rac aution s shoul e! ..,. oakan d ep.nd~r...
On the en ti::y ·. i mpo r t anc ... a nd ro l e i n the work .
: 8. ~par t _n u us <!<l for und.rcov.r work should " Ot ..,. vi" ~ bl,,
~r"'" hillh. r apa .. t :oenu i r. o r dar not to
the 'o'O:-k .
.xpO'''' the na m .. a 0:
19. I n e r~ r ap"r","nt . a \fO ld ta lkiIl\l loud ""caul ..
p:e=abric.ted ceilIngs and wa lls [usad i n t he apa.r~ts l
do not have the .~ t hickne SS .s those 1" Old ones.
20. :t !, n.cessary to at hand doc ~ ntl l upport ir.1I t ha
undercover [mUlbarl . t n the cue of e pbyaici"". there
ehou l d be a n ac"ual medi ca l diploma. membe rlhi p i n the
[medical I union. "ha ;over~ent permit . • nd the res t of t~e
rou t i ne proc edur el known i n that country .
21. The cover s houl d bl and well [with the envi ro~tl. Fo~
example. s el e cting a doctor · . clini c in an .r .. whe re the r e
a r " c l inics. Or in a loce~ion euitab le t o r it .
12 . The cover o! tho.e who ~r ~ent the loca tion ,hould ma t ch
!he eov .. ~ o! t .... " loca tion. For """""la , a cc on l &l:>orer
ehoul d ~-<>" .,,~e r • f ancy not.l becaus e t M t would be
eulpicious and draw a ttention .


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'" . The l ocador. shDu," c no" b e und.,r . " s p;'c ;'c:": {;,y ,,~ ..
s .. c u r ity l".,p<t ru<.l ']I

','::' . ";'~.e ".,a r::",en~ "'"e " e ~l',e mee ~in9 tM:es pl"c e ",,"o'-'lc be
0:: ~ ~.• I<:.""Dun d ! l oor. ~o !;oci~iut e .. s e a., .. .

v:'ii . 'I'h .. ebih~y co dH e ct any sur-ve ;' ll<l-nc e from :!-..,,,

l oc a~ i o" .

ox . Whe n .,ublic ~:.""ansport"~ion is u s " d . one s hould aE;~"

a" "0"" dinane" !rom the rrt@ .. ~in9 loca ~ ~on and
co::. c inu e on foot. I n the ca" .. o! a priva.t" v"hicl .. .
0"" . houlol park it f"r 6W6Y or in a s .. cure .,l a c .. so as
"0 be abl e to man" uver it quickly at any ~~ me .

-. ~he meec inq loc ation i ~ n o t s taCiona ry. the follow i n;

...a ~ s hould " .. o burv..:!:

i. T!J. .. rrt@e t i"9 lDca.don s houl d be a t the

incer 5 ee ~ion of a la rq~ numbRr of main <l-nd
Bid .. s~ r •• t. ~o fac ili t"t .. en~ry. exit. and
.. s cape.

ii . 7!J.e mee t inq iDe a tion (such ,,~ " coftee shop ) 8hoy Ld
n oc have membe r ~ chat miqht be d"a li ng with th ..
s ~ ourity "ppare~us .

~:'i . Th .. mg .. tin9 shouLd no t be h .. Ld in a crowded pl ace

b~ c au s ~ t hat would allow the s~curity .,,,r s onnel to
hi- d e ;ond moni ~ or chose WhD meet.

:'v . [ " is intp er e~iv e to "9rl!e Dn an alterna t iv.. l oca t i on

for ~he meetin; in ""S ot meetin9 in t h e first i.
un f .. a. i bl~. That ho l ds whecher ~ he meecing plac .. :.~
s ~a~io""ry or not.

Thos e who meet in-per s on . hould do the following:

; Veritying th .. s.curi ty si t uation of ~h e l ocation
be fore the me .. .

, ,.. , , ,. ,,
- ," " ,, ."" ,,..-' " " ,
:~ .. '<l ",O'"n~ 'O OJ ,.,
", ' ..
~.g> t} !t ~, - <tH""'" ff.e: ;r~
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,," ,•B ~ ~.
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-• .. O~~ • h·~'g. , " ,-
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'cc !'" ~ " " .... " J' " ,,~,
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__ z
-.,~ -"
.. ...
".'''', , . , . __ ._~.
i~~, S? c"!y i~q how long ~~ ft mRRtc~; will laa : .
iv, S.,.ci~y:'nq an al ~ .~r.ati vft m.te .nd. <1 ... ,
v. l'Iot a E""ing .. Long pe riod of d,." be t ...." ""'h~; ~~. ~
~tir.9 ..;. and the =-&< in; i t ' .lt.

:~ :he
iOOiv ;4".1 .....tin" know ona ane.thar ', ata pe a::c!
a.,p4ara""e, it ia .uftitiant to use .. _1 ng1& •• l acy s ign.
err. tha t "a.a.J the aittlng &nd arriving individual. i"for~
.ach o t her that thara i . no enemy surveillan"e . The sign
:I'.6y be I<@'{I . b... dl ... ne "'lpap"r, or .. tcar! . The two
parti •• would agre. on "",'ling i t in .. 5pe"i.l way I" as net"
to attr act the attention o f tho • • pr • • ent .

e. T!!. ;'nio:.i.1 .i!i'l for becamin<J a cql.tdnu4 _y be :~.... t

both of th_ ..... r • "erUi n type of c10thinq o r ",,:ry
• " .. ruln it.... The.e &i qns s ho1,11d be ."".. op .. iu" f or
t he pI.CR. Re,lly identified. end meet the purpose.
'l'he initi.l 11;n fo .. b<ocomi n'O ""'l"eint-.! does not
[fully) ide n tify one person by .nother. H do". thet
eo .. r e te ot 30\ .
b. safe ty Siqna l: t t 1 . given by the J.ndJ. v J.Cu.d siu:.r,g-
J.n the meeting loc .. t~ on to intorm the .econd
i,..<ii vidua l the t the placR i . s af. . '!'he • .-cone! person

woulc ~ e p!y t~~oug h si~~ls to ;~~orm the !~~St
tluoo ~e is "Ot b.linq =n~tored. The si9IlA ls a~e
ag ~ee c "po:: p~e"'iouiO!y arod shou l d ~O t c a u s e
" "spicio::.

A second s ignal for gettinq acquaint"d i s ona :. :: ",L"t

do. a~~~'Ji:"J1/ pe r SOn us .s ·..hil .. si tt i :"Jq <:!own. ":'I-. a t
s ignal :nay o e a c e ~t a in clau s • . a word. a a.nUnc • . or
a q ~Hur. al/r .... d upon pr.viouiO l y . a nd should not caus ..
suspicion for tl-~se who h .. ar it or s •• it .

Tr.e Stage gf e h ,. " ' ' ' l eg [itself[, Th .. fo llowing measure .

shou l d b .. ta): .. n:

1. Caudon durinl/ th .. meeUng .

2. Not actinq unnaturally during thoo "", .. ting in order not

to ~ais .. s uspic ion.

~ot oal):ing with eithe r loud Or v .. ry 10 ... voic e s

[[ should b .. ) ""derata) ,

,. Not writing anythinq tl-... t hoos to do with th.. ""'ating.

5. Agreei ng on a s ecurity plan i n cUe the .. nemy r a ida

the l ocation.

b:tlr ;h, Mee;ing: The followin l/ ""'asur es should b .. tak.n:

Not departinq toqether. out each on . separately.

2. Not h.ading di rec t ly to the ", road but through

s . condary ones.

Not leaving anythinq in th .. ",... ting place that :nigh t

indi c a te the i dentity Or n atur .. of tho se who met.

Me e"in; in-per~on ha ~ <li ~ ad"antal/ e s, such as:

Allowinl/ the enemy to capture tho~a who ~ r. me .. t ir.;.

2. A ll o~ing them {eh. ~nemyl e o cak .. pictur e s of thos e

... ho a :::8 m.... tinl/, r e cord th .. ir cOllvanation. ~nd gathe r
~;.cenc a again'l" "h"m.
, Reve aEr.<;; ~,,~ a p".a,,-ance 0' "" e co:r::,.. r.C:e~ ~o ,~.., 00"""
p e rsG:l . Eo",.ver. :~.a: :My b~ " vQ~d.d by ::akbll ~h.
?:"v~?u&ly ::-.• ,,:~o"~d "'",asuas su=~ ,oS di s \l"i~ ~ "q
"o "'s.c~ ·", .. 11 a:1.d c:::" ::t1/1nll his .. p., e Ar a :o.c e (,.].asse ••
",-0 ,". ..<c. I i . an i,,~ e r.neCiary b.t'fl ...m ~h. unde r arld t!l .. r .. c.ivu.
!::g ~.~.n9.r ~hould pos s ess all charact~ ri . t ics ~ntionQd ~n
"~ ~ fir s c c~apt ~ r r e\Oa rdin~ the ~ilitary Organi:acion 's ~~~r.

1. Knowl .. d .... o! the person ~o -. .hom h. will d.eliver che

:ness.. ", •.

"Q'",,"... n~ on sp eci.! si.gnals, .,,,ace cat"". and sp",cific'


S" lect ing a public .tr.... t or place ~h a~ dQes r.o~ r a i$ .

~ _ GQin" tht"ouql: " uc a nd .. ry ,-"oad ~h .. ~ <:10.5 not r... v .
check poi-nos.

5. U~in; public ,,~ansponaoion I~rain, bus. __ . J .. no

dis .. mb.o.rkinli b.for" the main s t a tion. Like wis e .
et:".barking ~ho"ld noo be done at the main ~ta tion
. ,
"ith~r. were the r e are a lot of sec"ri~y p e rsor.r.el

Co:::plete k now le ~ge of the location cO which he ~s

,"o~n," .

'o,,;;!-. )1e l! n~ ; L, t t e n ;

111':/101-31 'I'RANStoA'I'ION

o"~-,;ee" ",enb .. ::: ~ atle ~~.e Orga::.;'u.don .,:::o,·i e e e """t ~h .. !oll""-:'",,

s e c-~r:'oy "' .. a$U~U a~e ~ak~,,:

=~ :'s ~o>;bi.dden ~o write ~ny s ecr.c'on ;'n o;,e

ie :~.:::_ r ~ one mu st do so, t:he '-'Ti~in," ~ho'-'le b. don.
ir. ge ne r"l ~e:ms.

'!'he l e ttH shou ld noe be 1MOil8d ~ post off;'ce

c lo~ . ~o the ~ ende,,'s r .sidence. but: from a di5~ant
on e .

3. ':'h.. should not be sen~ dir~c·tly ~o ~h..

i. e ~t" "
r.c e~v .. r· ~
.. ddress bu~ ~o an incon.piCuous l oc .. cion
where t:h .. r .. ar .. many ·..,rk.:::s t rom your country.
Af~"rward.. the l ec ~er ~ill be forwarded ~o th.
in~"nded r e c e ive r. (Thi s i s uqarding ~he oversea ,, -
bound t .. tt"r) .

4. Th" s.nd .. r· s nUl" ~nd ~ddress on the ""v.lo~ .. should

be !ictioious. In cas .. th .. l " and th"ir con~en~s
d re discover.d. the &ecuri~y ~ppara~u~ would <lOt be
able co de~errnin e nis (the send"r'.) nam. and add~ es s _

"!"tl• • nve to"," should not: be o~a<l "pa r .. nt So a s to revM l

t~ ~ letter inside .

The .. nclo~ed pag .. ~ ~hould <lot be many. 50 " 5 no t to

rais. s u spicion.

The receiver' ~ a ddru s should be "ri~cen cha r ly 50

"hac "he i eee .. r ~o uid <lot: be recurned.

Pay;.ng th. pose oULc .. bo" fees should no~ b ..

for gottom.
:if t h MMp l ; FAG31mil e apd Wj;;e l eS!!:

it 5 modest caP<'bilid ... and the purs !Oic by ch ..

Co ~.s;'de~ing
s ecurity apP<'ret:"" of i::s members and forc es. "he Is lami c

• •
' :-:~:i~"<y Or9" ::i"ado:: c ~:,_.,o~ ob~"in """SM d~vic"5 . en c .. s~ :he
O'\la,,~z .. ti on is a bl e ~o
oboai" oh",,,,. !~= ~",curi~y ,,".... s,,~ es
5"O"~C ~ ~a~ ft" to se cc:r e co="n;. c .. ~ior. bet"' ......, ~he me::-.bers i"
~" .. co,",,,,,::', , a nd o:"e co""",,nd o<l:s ide. -:-" .. s .. ""'Uur" 5 a r .. ,

7!: .. Q,.~a=i=
o f trans mi s sion s hould !O.o~ exc ee<l ~iv ~
",,-"":: n i n o:.-d" r 100 preVflnt ::he ..namy fre<n pinpo:'n"i'.1/
~he d " v ice loc .. tion.

The d@vic@ ,.hould be placed in " l oca tion wit!: hi l/h

"'irel e ss ~~equency, ~uch a s clo.e to a TV 5~~t ion.
f>!:lba u i !ts, and con,.ulates in order to .,rev.. n~ the
enemy !~om iden~i!yin\l it ~ locat ion .

J. 'l"h" bro~ h .. r. ",.",,, the wirele~ s device to con~act h~s

co~~nd o u "side en. country. 5 ho" ld di&\jUis e hi ~
voice .

~. The
~P"C l .la
,ot crnmtunic" tion should be care fully

5. 'l"h .. f~equ ~ncy shou ld b . changed from time to time.

o. Th e d"vic e $ hou1d ~ frequently moved from one

lo cacion "0 i!

7. Do noc ~ e v e .. l your location "0 "he encity for which

you r .. pon.

The conv ~ r s ation should be i n g@neral t .. rms so a s not

to r .. ise suspicion.

':'h e ~u of the Organizadon ""'y mov ~ from one loci!l.~ion to

a nothe r usinl/ on. of the fol lowing means,

i!I. . ?ublic ~r .. n s porta tio" . b. Priva t 8 transportacion

.. .

o~ ~ ~ ~ould se~~c~public tra~sportat ioTI tr~ ~ ; s ~Ot

~"bj "c" to frequent c he chn!l a l on!l "he "ay, s uc~ a s
c ro·.<id"d tr .. ~ns or public bU~8S.

2. 30a rdi n ll ~hould be done at a s ~ condary stae ioTI , as

:nain nat i ons und " rllo rr.ore c a r eful sur\leillanc~.
Lik""d s e. "",.ba,,):rnen: s hould not be clone at "", i"
~ "a e ions.

3. Th .. Co""" s hould _tch the lIener" l appearance (tour;s:

bus , !irs t-c lan trai n. s"eoncl-ela~ ~ train , eeel .

4. The exine'1.ce of dOCU1!UOIl ts supportinll t:he cov ..",

5. Placi~ g- irrportan t l u~nalle .."..onll the paSSfmll"::-S '

lUlilla ll" wHhout ident:i~ying- t he olle who phcecl it:.
I! it i s d is cove r e d . i t s owner would 1l0t be a::-" .. sted .
In trains . it {the l ug-gag-e] s hould be plac .. d in a
d iU .. r .. n" c ... r tMn tMt of it s own"r.

S. 1'h .. b ro"h" r traveling- on .. 'special mi n ion ' s h o1.> ld

nOt lIe t in"olv .. d in re lillious i ss u .. s (advocating- g-ooG
and clenouneinll .. vill or day- to- d ...y ma tt .. ::- s (s"a t
r " s " rva t ion. . . . I .

7. Th" broth.. r t::-aveli nll Oil a miuioll s h ou ld nOl; ar r :' ve

in the [destinat ion] country at nig-ht be cau s~ ,he n
t r " vel .. r s a r e few. and there .. r e (s ... r e h ] par t'-e ~ and
e" . ek points .. l onll the "ay.

8. When eabs a re used. conv.. rsa tion of a ny k i nd s hou l d

n o" be Started with the drive r beca use many cab
drivers IOOrk for th .. s e curi1:y apparatus.

9. Th .. brothe r shoul d exercise e xtre me e .. ut ion and app l y

a ll s ~curity mRas ur&s ~o ~h .. members.

• •

O~. e
s""oul,, voueu ~he proper perr:tit and not " ~ o:a:e
:ratt;. c n:lu in orde r to a void trollble with the
polic e.

2. Tt. e l "ca"io,", of th" vehie!. .hould be s e cur e so t ha t

:h~ sec~r i:y appara:u~ ~u ! d not confiscat& Lt.

The vehiel ~ ~~ke a~d mod. l shou ld be approprcate ~or

:!".u bro:~... r' s cover.

4. Tt. e vehicl e should no: b e us e d in s.,.,cial ",iEtary

oper a tions the Or q ani~ation ha~ no other

Car s ar.d ",o:oreycles '~sed in covert aeti ... ity,

."~ ~.~ti()"
~ ho"ld be q'-ve n to p . r:ru. ts an<:l [obltyinqj :1'."
:r a~~ic
rules in order to avoid trouble and r . ...e al
cheir ac:ua l mission.

Th& vRhic le should not b& 1.ft in susplcioU 5 p~ a c e5

(deserts. = \ontai",.. " te .) . If it ",",st b ... ~h .. n cl-."
wor): should be performed a t suit&ble tir:t"s ",hen r.o one
",,,uld k eep close wa tch or follow it .

), T~e v ehiel" should be pureha s&d u sinq for,."d doc='''~t ~

so :;,at """t in,. to ~ts owne rs would be prRvRnt&d one ..
cO i5 di5cov .. rRd.

4. Fo~ th. s ak .. of continuity, have only on .. brothe r ~n

cha rq. of s .. llinq.

5. Whil .. parkinq so.-wher ... one should b<o '-n a P0 5 ~t:'On

~o :rove quickly and H .... i n cas .. of dan,.er .

The car or motor cyc l .. color s hou ld be ,.ed be~ore

:~. e operation and r " turned to thR ori,.inal attn the

7. ~.. licr.o •• pla~a ,,~ :r cod. =~y _ .hould ""
~ ... lsi!~.c. l'~r:i'.• : . t""
dill :'ts s l"lOu!d ba "u.._ ro,a :."
o"d ... : 0 pr.".::: a"YO"R f"""" lpo uing and """''':'%:'''11
i : .

S. -::hR op .. : .. : i.o" "Rhich s hould not loR ~ak. " <0 ! a:rlle
lIaso line nat i on. 10 i t ,",o1.1ld not ba d .. t .. ,,:a d by
the ~a"u:i.ty apparatus .

-:~" ! o ll o"in>;; ~"c'~ro ~y p~ e cac:tio,,~ ~~ould b e t"". :: ci~::"o:::~
o~~ ~ r "i :::i,,"q:

~i s ~ "r.c . from "he popula~.d ar. as with ch~

av" ilabili~y of liv i n>;; nece s siti@ • .

2. .>.vailabilHy 0: medic ... l $ ervices during ~h .. or .~ ,,":'ng .

, -" , c.
•••• p ...... s ~oul d ~ ~uitabl~ for the eype o~ crai r. i r.Q
( pi:.y s ica l fi~n~ ss , s hooting, eac"ic s ).

4. No o,,"e ~ xc ep t ch .. tra in~ n and erain .... s ~hou i d know

abol!~ ~". place.

6. The p l a c@ s hou ld b~ vi~itftd ae suieabl .. times.

7. Hidi,,"q any tr... inin>;; ~ r a c.s i mmediaeely a!e .. r th..

n a i ni n>;;.

B. Gu" rdi n>;; ~ n. place durin>;; ehe traininq.

9. .>.pp~op::-i " ~e,, .. u of ehe existinq !acil iti .. ~ for ton ..

n~~ .. r of t r a ininq memb@r s .

:0. ~xcl u sion of anyone "ho is no " conn .. ct@d with th ..

tra i:>in>;;.

cC . Ta kinq a ll s @cur i ty measure s r .. qardinq th@

. s taol i$h/ne"t .
'- 2. Dinar.c .. of the plac~ from police s ~ a cion s , publi c
e seablishrne,,"s. and ehe eyes of inforrnancs.

~3 . Th" plac. &h o uld ::at be $ itl1at~d in s uch a "ay tha~

"h~ "raininq and c::"aine. . can be s e~n fr"", ano~h" r


3 .. !0::" .,::oc .... 6~:: .. 00 t:~e orai~.:'::1i plac ~. all uc,,~ioy

". U 5" ~ es cor.::e c<:" d ·.. it:' an 1.!n6~rcov e :: :'::d:',·id"a l
s ':c :.:l d b~ tak~n. !o!unwhi'" ~ . d urir.1i tra :' ,,:' n li a ~ ~~. e
pc ac ~ . ., . :: s o::::el s afety ~ hou16 ~ ~n su =~6 .

2. S el ~cd"g tOle orain .... s c a r .. f u lly.

3. Th~ :~ai :: ... s s h ould not know one a noth .. r.

4. T~~ ,.:ME s ize o! groups thao shou l d be tOll"<:h,,r

duri ::g e h .. t ra ining ( 7 - lO individual .l .

;. T,,'" "rai" "e ~ shou l d not know t h .. traininli plac ...

o. ESt .. b lishin g a ~ ra in ::'nq plan !o~ " .. ch train ..".

All "' .... Su:: u : .. ken with r e<;l ..::d to the cO<mlll.nders apply al~o to
~h .. t::ain .. ~ .. Al so. the followinq shou l d be appli e ~:

Fe-wn" u of th .. tra i n .. rs in t h e "rainin g pl .. c.. . Only

~hos .. con6uctin .. t he t r ai ninli ~houl~ be t h"" ... i"
ord .. " ,",ot t o s ub j .. ct th" ~raining t ....", to "r.e ::isl:. o!
s .. cu ri"y ~xpo~u~ ...

2. No : ~ . v .. ali" .. th .. i domti ty of the tr .. in .. r to ,,~ .. i::e"5 .

~~ ~., i "\i a s ma ll r a tio of trainee s to t::a ine r.

The trai n i Il\l" t ....m rn<mib .. r s shoul~ no t know o n .. ano t h e r.


\o'U.i'ONS :


• •
?"~"r :;0 de£L:lQ' wi,,", ·~ .. apo"s . "n.. ~" .. r ""y~"q, cra'c.Q' . or
s~or'-~_7 Ch@1O , :.: :'5 e ss .. ,,:ial ~o u::"oL~" a car .. tI,,:
.".qu. :"
..-.. .
.. ::cd ~~r'" ~.curi":t pl a n t"at pl .. " w:':::: a:1 is
" .c .. ssary ~o di-,:'d .. t:,,,~ tas k 5""\IU, ?;'::50 se a .... ' Prio:: ,,~
~,.rcna s .. , S"co"d S~"g .. : Pu"cl:a s i::l\l ; T::ird SUI/'" Trans.,.,,,:;,
.~~.---~ ~
~---. - ~- - ~ "-~., .
~ ~-~-

, .?r
_______ __ .. __ ,,
:' o::- t o P>.: ;:c"",,, _ ~ :' _ " .
~ ~_ "
,,_., ,'. •. _ . .a ry •
_._. cO •La"
,-.. . 'L"~

~" ll owinQ' ~aSUr .S :

a. r:l -d .... th :':nowhd\le of ~h .. pllle. wher .. weapons ·.. i: ~ ''''

purcha~ed. tog .. t~ e r ~ith i~~ .. n,,,.r.ces ""d .. xit s.

VerifyonQ' "h .. ~ .. a r e no i"formants or s ecuri"y

.,.. r 50nn,,1 a t the place .. here .,urcr.... sing ,.. i ll ta;oe
plac e _

ThQ p lace ~hould be far froM polic e stations and

g o",""::"",,,nt "st" bli"hm.mcs .

Not proc""din9 to the purch,,~in9 p la ce direc~:'y by the

ma;'n road, but on secondary stree t s ,

00, ""r!orm;'n.. the e"erei,.",. to det.ct the surveillance,

• On.'. app.arance and dothin .. shou l d be appropriate
for ,,!'Ie place whe"e purchasing will ul<e place,
,. '!'he purcr.asing place should nOt be sit ua ted in ~uch "
way tha t: th .. "eller and buy"r can b<!t ""..n fr01l\ anoth"r
locat;' on. To the contrary. the purcr",.in9 place
~hou l d be .u ch that the • • ller and buye r can see the
s urrounding ."ea,
h. De t ermin in .. " suitable co"er tor b<!ting in thU phca _
Th" place shoul d nOt: be crowded bacaus a t ha t ~ould
! acilita t e "he polic. hiding a mong poIopl e , monitoring
the arms receiving. ane! COn,."quen" l y a rre. ting t he
brother purcha .ing,

• •
• ,
" " . i • , ~I
, "
" " " •
00"" ,, ~ ,. Z '0 H
3~l3' 00 ,~•. "" u
,, I ,
;;.1 ,!.l' H ." "il~~,.. "",-'
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,.. •o "
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:r " " ,,'
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,.. :'
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,.. " ,

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,. " •" ."'"/- ,.
,, " ,,, oo , . . "" "" ," ,.,
r~ "" "• " ~ •• I"
ogls ::;:
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"" ""
'" . Dur:'" .. ,,!1.e :ra"spor" ~ :a"Q. "-M" o,,~ s !:m:lc DR !:~cc,,::
in a ..ay "h,, " ::!: .. y ar e i"co"s.,ic~o" .. a"e ei!~ic"l:: :0
finC .

,. Veri!yin .. :h.
LegaE:y o! :h e v"hic ~ R. , . ~'~r_'_~ '_ ,
-- ~- ...... --
ch.ckin .. i"s .. a.oline .::to wa: .. " l e ... e ~ • .
eoc .

Dridn .. the car no~mally in ord. r ::0 prevent

a cciot..nts.

4. T~e s ; ouqe Suge:

a. I" oree r to a void re.,....ted transpor~in .. , suit abl e

""oulle p l aces ~hould l><': ~ de cted. In ca n ehe
mac ft ri a l s a r R bomhs or ""tonator~, tJley s hould be
pro~.cted from extreme heat a nd humidi:y.

Explo . ivR matRria ls and deeonator~ should b .. s .. para: .. c

and Ho ~ed apart from .. a ch other.

Cau~ion s hould l><': exercise d whe n putt~nll e .wna eors '-

:he a rs e n a l.

L"bricatinq th .. "''''"'pons and placinll the m in woO<!.n

pla~dc crate~. The arrmunieion ahou l d be t"-,,at otd
lik e ,.i~e .

j'/hen niec:inq an ar sen<lL cons i d e r th .. followin .. ,

•. The arsenal shou l d nO~ l><': in well-proc.cted arus. or

cl0 5 " to parks or public pla~. s.

~. The ar ~ ena l shou l d not be on A "no-f:lAn ' s-land. "

3. The arsenal sho,, 1d not be on an apar~"'.mt pr ..... iously

u _ cd for s u s.,icious a ctiviti ..a a nd often ~ reque ne.d by
s e curity person" e l.

4. Th e arsenAL shoul d not be a roan that is consunely

u n d and caI'.not be lI i'len up by family ".......ben ",ho do
"o~ ~"lOW the !'.a tu"-,, of the ! "cher or hu ~band' s \o'Ork.
:: . T!l. . . pa.".,..::t • • l.c :ecl •• &r. . . ". 5.,,,,,: 1~.0"1<:! ::,., o~.,..• <:!
by :;,. O,,; .. r.~ u,,'::o :1. 0" ren:ad on .. ~o::;-:e:-:r. b.u ' s .
•, :-::. ;:'rOt::.". .... pon.ib la ~or ."" r .;a . ho,",1d ~.,,: v~ .i :
: "., ar .. "",1 !raquantly . nor toy ",'::tl> "h. . . . .por.s.
7. ":"!:.., "".a".l iteep.o.r s hovld cecord ::n • book &1:
"'... po::l , .xplo5iva """ ". ci.. h, and a ...... !l"\~ t~ o ... , ":"!-... "
· booit should b<o ""<:!ed .nd ... 11 .a",",red.

s. 0 :1.11' ,,!loa .".an. l It • • pac . I\d the conmo.n4a: . hould kr."",

t!lo. 10 <. ; ;on o f the .".anal.
9, I t i . n.e . . .. ry to pr_r • • Her nativa aue-nab and
no t laav. any 1... ds in t ha Drill."",l . r ....... 1. to t ha
a lt .r.nat~ v. On.,s .

1IJI:/111-51 TJU.lfSIoATtOll


• •
:~_~5 :.S " ~ .. ~ of rr.easures ~a"e" by "".,,,.be,, . I<~.O p ",r:o=.
,,~.:j~::cov.:: :O:' 55ior.s b o~d .. ~ ~o pr "'V"'!1t 0"" .. ".",~u !~o'"
,"",tto",. cD tl:em.

Ie ~s ",cRssa~y tor any pa,,~y ~hat adap~ ~ Jihad ~r~ and

h aa ~ny m~be~s to subdivid. i~s inco three
,. roups . "de" of which has i~s own s e c uri ty m.. asuu s _ :-r.~
~l'.r .... ,.roups ,,~.:

, '":"h .. OV.::~ rr,e mb e ~. 2. The coven tM!t'Ib<!r. 3. '":"he

conm'.!1C" '"

Meo su ... s ; ha ; ShQUld b. Ta k en by t he Qv.rt Member :

1. HI! shou ld r.o~ bot curiou s and inqu i~itiv e about "", tUr .
~hat do no~ concern him.

'lot s hou l d not be cha c~y and t"lk"tiv. "bout .. v .. ry~l'.in ..

he knows o~ hears.

3. ct .. should no~ car::y on h im ~he n "",. s and "c!dr.s_._ of

~l:05e mernb .. r ~ h " knows. I f h" has to, he ~h oulc k ""i>
eh,,", ~afe.

, Durin .. cimas of s ecud~y conc~rn~ and ''''::..... ~ cam~ai,.::t~

and e ~ p .. cia lly i f hi~ app" aranc e i~ I~l~~ic, he should
reduc e his "is its to che "':S"~ of traubl .. a nd r emai"
at hom.. instead .

'llhom conve rsin .. on the Celephon •. h. should not t ll lk

"oau t ""1'
information thllt Might b. of u~ .. ~o ~" ..
e net:"tY .

6. When sending l.~~ .. rs. he should not mention any

infOrm5t ion that ~i .. ht be of use to th~ e nemy. Wh.~
receiving , .., h. shou ld burn t hem immBdillt~ly
aft<l r r e adin .. th.", ... Dd p our waur on them ~o p r ..v <ln t


th .... :-.~ ~ro",. :- u d~:lll" ~~e",. '''r::::.~. ;,e ~hould

d .. stroy any ~racu o f ~i=e s o ~"e .".my
woul d ::o~
~:'"d out t!:a~ ~omee"i"lI" '~as ):)u;:-"ed.

;-:~U,",U ;hAt Shgu !.g b~ Iak.n by : M, Und,.q ; QVU Kellihe r:

I:: add~tion to the .bove rc.easu res, the member s houl" ...

1. Clot ,. .. v .... l h i.s ~ru . nalII~ to the O:-g: .. niza ~ion '. :neo-,;,e :-5
",ho ..:-e ,,"orkinll" .. ith h i .. , "or t:o t:he (I&lami c] Oa' wa
[Ca l~j _

2_ ~ av ..
a lI"enanL " t :u.t "0". not i"dicau
I ~la!rti c
ori .. nta don lbea :d, toot:hpick, book, ( 1 0"11" ]
s hin. s ma ll Kor~ l.

3_ ~ .. c .. rotful not to mencion ~h.. brothers' co""""n

~ xpr .. nion . or sh"", the ir b e N-viors (special p~ a yiTI II"
ap., .... ~~c ... "may Allah reward you ", · pea ce b .. on yOU"
",;,i le arriving a nd """arting, e tc.)

4. Avoid visiting famous I . lamic .,l a c. ~ ( .. osque ~ ,

li bra ries, Is l amic ~ai;:-s, etc.)

,. Carry b h i!ied personal documents and !rnow all t""

i"for:M.tion they conc"in .

~av .. prot .. ction precadin\1 hi s visit to any place while

moving about lapa rtm@n ~, province, m.. a ns of
~ransportation. etc. ) _

~ave complete and ac cura te kno~ledl1e of t h .. s"c ur ity

~ca tuS r .. laced co oho~e around him in his phce of
"",d< <Uld r e sidenc ., s o t ha ~ no <ia n~ " r O~ :u.rnI wou ld
catch him ur\a",a~ ...

M.a i nt .. in his family an" neill"hborhood r e lationships .n<!

~houLd not sho", .. ny ch~l1 es to"ards th ~ s o t :u.c t;1'.e y
"",uld noO a ttempt t o bring: him b"ck [f:om the
o~g~ i z" ci on l fo~ ~ecUrlty rea.ons.

9. Clot r .. ~ ort to ut iti zin\l lettolr s and :ne ssltn\1u s . xc .. pt

ir. an """'rl1 ~ncy.
• •• No~ "e o ~"vo l v.<:I i n advocat ~"~ 1l00C 4,,4 <:Ie "!)!.:..",,,'. ,,,,
ev"t '. ~ o~d. c no lO ~D .. ~"r"ct 4 t 1O."<I. O:'l to h~~ •• !_
: 2. 9 ::- u k th .. daily r ou t ine. esp e c i all y "'hen pu· ~o=.i",. ,,~.
undex-c over mi .. !' on . ror " ><ample, ehanging tn.
< rture .. n4 r .:" rn ro,,·0.5. arrival .nel d.. p;o.rt"a
t,."'... . and the n o ... whe ..e he !roy. hi. good • .
: 1. No t couai:1\1 a ny uoubl. in the ".i<;l!,bo r hood wh.~. ""
l oves or .. ~ :l':" plae e o t voric.

:, . Conver '''' on t h. :.l~on. u.inll .~cial c od. 40 <".at

he doc. not .. ttrae t attent ion.
15. Not contactinq t h. Ove rt mamn.ra e xc"pt ~h.n
ne"ess ary. Such con t act. should b. bri.t.
16. Not !all in l:" the enc!!y's "xcit e..ltJ1.t enO' . • i:her
t hrough prala1ng or cri ticiz inll h i . Orglnlra ti on.
1 7, Fe r!or:rinll t he ex e r e •••• t o d.tect . u~ .illL~ee
wheneve .. II t . ak i a to be por!om:.4 .
: S. ~ Ot pack in no-pa .. ki"ll zrnwa an<!. nOt u,k. p ho ~O\I~"p ""
w~ .... i~ ia ~ o .. b idd.n .
19. Clos ."g a ll tha t .hou ld "- c l os.d "- f o .. " d"par ~i"\1 ~I:..
pla" e , . .. at home or his p l a ". o f und.rcov e~
wo~1<. .

20. No t u:1.d" r go a . udd. n chanqe i n hie r or

any ro,lation.hl .. a ~,.... t .... ..::ltde hi" J ih.d i nvolv=t.
Po . . .xampl. . th.r. lhould not "- an obv l ou& c han ... in
hi. ~its of eonv.r " i nq . mov~nt .•. or
di.".ppear.... e. . Ll k_i •• • he shovld n.H be h •• cy to
. _.. hi. prev'DU. . .. bcion"hipa .

eo U . . a hops . and not: live in .r...
Not ..... t: in p l ae ..... h.r. th.r. a ... in!o ...... n . • ueh ..
do •• to th ..
r u i d""c •• of l."""n . nt pers ona liti ••. gov.r""",,,:
e nabli "hlMnU, and poli ce " tac io" • .

:2 . lk>t '.-r:'"."""" on a::y ~;. • . speci. ... lly o~. j)4p .. ~ . ,,~.• :
<:o",ld ~I:ow t h. ::-.".5 ..::d "", : <!.s o~ :". p.o." by ..""bi::..
ebB p4~r with ~ar.

• Tha "o""",,,de,, whathar 1" ov~.-< 0: cove: t work. b.s , p"cc . ~

~1!'.jX>runc" for "ha !ollowinll ra.son s,

Thare for" ... 11 p :-.. vio",.ly mentio"ed ... curity

p.-"caution s. rltgardi n; ..... _ ·r. should ~ hei.l/hten""- !o~
.ha CO:rm4ndar. Many ra.ourca• • ho",ld ~ ruuved tor
pro< .. ctinq tha c~"dars.

::<po:-:ant Nota:

• NO: <alk1~9 wi th < wivas about Jihad work .

2. ~a = :Lar. wi th . acu:-ity :isk• • l:o",1d not travel w:. ~~

thair wivau. ~ wifa with an rsla.mic appearanca (vail l
a ::r.. ct .... ttentio".

• -


-:. " ;; 0 uO O :'''E",T~ $ ''
sn, . q pm> ' UIV .. , ' .no
" q; u"e;" P lnCM s ~aqw .", il"
""1<1 J.:,.-,;m:>Ols "
<In''~O .tI" ~Cl
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'~~O~ ,, ~ ,".p
p. !j ;lr4~ SO; "'I'"
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·.A-P"':;;~ · ~

-·1Q'X.:' -:;;:
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".T . ""!tW,SS1t " 0" s:;r"q","~ atl~ ""t!" os .. ,~ " ,
· s."" ",,, }O ";"t!" P.~u'l pm> sn onu , ,,~ o ~
" {IO; "'1"1 Awau" "t!" " p,Ao:;[d ". · ~ ""o J.:UV
~noq"tM ·.",, :;rn~~ " pu" ' ah , S,,'l00 ' "."",, 08:' U; 'P&"1t" ;PAOOO ,
" '1;r0l'l "'F> "',,,,_V P"V ,,;:o;_q k:&t"•
. • 'p 0. e,q,,,,,"" "<l p!n o", 'I, os """. uo p.s~ P'"" ,n" ~ TT"".r .'"
.. nq,r, ·p".. ~ons O~ ""1d Ii.,.
$UOT"'PUO~ JO :;r ~u V
·$.$ ~ Ol ;;Ie;. :;r". "8 ~O &c;. puv l ~~CM "1.1"1 ,n;ase""ns
5S" , ~C;" ' ''''1<1 J.:",~n~. s .1.1.P,10S $. "1 "tI~ · ~. ~s o1 .C;~ :;r .",,, ;
;;lIp P"V Pl~"'" "11"1 , n '$ $" OO1\$ a ~ou: "'1'> '\'T;:no,,~ ~C;" ot
p , :os ""ov.: ..ttL - " v'P • • u" ",.Il 'l"HV n 1" , u " oons eq ,;~.., >[~"'". "Ii':
:aft! A ! p n ~ .. s .. ,,~ :6 55\;1!!Od::: t
. " lct tsS o c! s" :::~~.:::: n UOl
~~"'". "'P "'""~u~,,, o. ';>e::r""ooul:> E Pu» 'r;w":.: " · ,, :;~ es,~C:~,, ~ lO""
.sn.~oo 0" lOeu6;$~lO lOU. r;" '~ t~ ov U~V4 ~ a o • 0: lOe~. t " A "J" 4 pq~
~"~ "~ "e", l>"~ .Jti .. :".. ~
p:.:. · .. ~; s"qo~ ·p .".:.:n>~oco ;0 :) in " ~, ~ ~"":'
.~ ' '',,5Ig
. " lit G· I "_" A. 5"· .. • • .. G_,~,. .
NOUiV'l&RYllJ. L~-KlI/llD
le "o". _
~o <:." 'O&i~.

:. S.<:\l.: ~~ y plio" ~o~ &" ind ivid".l ""ss:'en . 2 . Sa<:u::-i ty" : .,,
!o r . ;"""p (!.~;>o:~."t; mta~ i n;). J . S. curot;y pl.n !cr . ; r e,",p
"'.... ior. (""55 :'::a"ion operation).

1>r:9 ' '9 o' ptfi,.- C: -r:c.veU(I.'i t t."oullh "" . i rpOrt . the brother
~;nt De .ubj.cted t o i"t. ~~09.tion. It i • •••• n t1 . 1 that; he
be t.ugh t tlw ar.s...,rs t o the tollowin; ant1"ipa t-.:l qua.tiorrs :

A. wr~ t ar. the r e .oono tor your tr.v. l ?

3. How di d y ou Ii.t the money tor traval?
C. 1(0'" lonli ia "he c nv.l p. ri od?
D. '.fho will meet you Ion the arrival country?
E. Wha t will you be doinli in the a rriva l count r y?

( tr .... .. it cou... tryl: Th. b""thu .ko"ld boo '."II:'t

~ ~ oll owing qu • • t;lOr-S:
A. Why ara you go!.nli to Paki.tan?
3. DO you bftlon; to an n11g1ou. 0: Ii""i .. t'on, 1
C. I(ow did you g.t tha travll money?
::l . *ho go t you t he vi . . to Pald.tan?
~ What ... il l you be do i ng in p.k i s tan ?
; . W!.th whom ... i ll you be It.ying in Pakistan?

The brother ahould be t aught th ..

A. Why d id you coma to hki • ...,,?

". I(CoW l onq ",HI yo.. be apand i.nQ in ?ail:i.ltan?
C. With wham will you be .cay i ng?


::hg b~oc"~~
q,o e s tio:ls ,

K. ,:",,:: ·... erg you do:':lg' in ?aUScan?

3. Ar .. ,'0,", a ,;~r... d ~ ,-q :,ten
C. J o yo," b e l o:::q to ~ .. li g'io"s orq • .,i. za.o:'o::: s ;.~. yo,,~ co ,,::o~yl
Cl. ~:;,.y co.d you come 00 our cou.-"ry ;.:: panic"l . r?
E. Whom ·.. i !l you b e s ~ a yinq wi"" now'
F. How lonq ·... i l l you sp. nd har~?

"emf., C OOl;;tr-y {!\uurn i. ng to yoll( C QlWtr-y l '

A. Wl-. .. t _ r e you doinq in ~he lO~ansit: country?

lI. Addresse s MId u ,l e phon .. numbeu of those who ho~t e d you
durhlq YOlO" ,. t ;oy?
C. Whom did you vi s it en your q roup. ~nd for how long'?

I1h ,;; Your Tave l to uti sun is Piscoy er ed:

A. Wh~t '-"ere you doin9 ion pakiSlOan or Afglumi n an'

;!. In which c~ W<lre you trained?
C. Who train"d you? On wh~c "'eapon s were yc'~ trained?
~. Who &ssigned you to qo to Afqhani . ~ a n'
E. 'ifuom wi ll you conUc t in your country?
C. Wl"lalO &re t:he t&sks &1d mission s ~ha~ you intlind to lixeCOloe
i" your country'
G. '" ho else tr&in .. d I<ith you on Afqhani.t;an?
"-. How many of your countryme" ~re i" that c;o"'P and i"
Afg ha:lisun?
Wl-. .. t a r e the ir name.?
.:. Who ;ore the g roup co"-.,,ander. ~here [in P;o~istan]? Where do
~h",y liv", and ..hat do th"Y ~O?
)(. Wh;ot thing~ do the cOImIIlnder. t~l~ abou~'

{ I:rtpor tant

A m.. et i ng h e ld by those r .. s pon s ible for over~ work. Tl::a t

[_etinq ] i,. held i n rr.any plac" s {rno s <l4e. ~p;on",gnlO . ..1


3. ;. rr... ecir." h" l d by t :.cs" r" spon~ :'bl" :or cc" .. ~~ ,<orx. ;or
~,,~: l "", e "'-:lq] , q r .... t .. Ho~~ on our w.rt should be
~x~ rci s"c! ~o .. " ~"r e :. ~ s s" '"oy . w. sh<l.ll d::. s "uu ~!".a"
::".ee::~"q a,," ",;,ac "",,,e 5 i t s .. c ur .. :rom e"..",i"$ ~pi u.

:-" " ~ ..<:_r_o] .,: a :: f or "",e t::'nq i s <'l:'v:'d.. d :'n~o s.v .. ~al
stages ,

!L Be:or e th .. "", .. c;'ng, B. ThR ", .. ning l ocacion . C. D\Jr;, ng c""

rr~"t:'ng. O. After t h .. conclusion of meeting. E . In ca SR S RC~~':y
.,,,rson.., .. l storm C;'R ""''''t i:lq p lac .. and c ..ptun.
me",.b e ,, ~ .
of th .. 0""
__ Wk . ..•
___ ••••••
~ ___,."... "••• " . ••____
~ ~~ ~. ~., ' ~n
~. _... , •.
w. ••..••••
• _ w.k..
_ ~"
divi<l .. d inco:

A ..... tinq where mo",. t h<l.n

plan or pr .. par. :or an

:Wb j.l , Mut ing (Enc o un t e r! : A """ .. ting aJl'<>ng a """,11 nU/t".b<Ir
of tnen' no~ mo r e than thr .... . to inform l oti .... noth .. r ] o f
a c .. r~a in issu .. .

EsnbH s h ing a plan su ic .. bl .. for "h.. meD"bttrs " a."y o!

"h ~ m i~ arr .. s ted. I t consisn ot,
\\1'10 is th .. owner of t"" ap .. rt:m.. n t?
wtat .. ~s d isc u~~ed i n th .. "",,,tinq?
Who w.. ~ wi th you?
What was ilqreed upon ?

2. Sp~cHyin q th~
t iminq of t h .. m.."t ing in such a way a s
not co raise s u spicion of ch .. me~ .. r s · mov~n t s .
Not .. Uowing " lo nq poriO<! of time b" tlOeen sP"'Ci fyi,,-g
th .. me .. t i ng time .~d ~he meecinq its.if.
4. Sec u ring th .. me .. ~inq location a n d t h .. rout~s lud~nq
t o it by th ~ following:

a. En su rin\J th .. s .. cur~ty statu s v ia t ~ lepho n ...

tIlt/ BK-61 TIlAJISU.!'l OIf

o.:oa ,,:-..! c~:i"l1 .!I.
.... . i9r.~"~ ",.""...,.." .. ~o "",~. :'to: :!I... l . "e
"'.:~~.v .

". ~l,."t:'''-,.. :e."''''''~ clo • • t o ; ~. ",."r••; .";O::Y

•• c .,ri;y poir.; {pott" . 1;.; i o " • • eC" ... : i;y
a':.l"ist:at io:,l ;0 e -.::I",. ; . ;!::,. t;:"st
.. ";h ~ o ! sltctlrity ""'v."..n~ .

d. Poni"l1 " " ."""Itdqu.r d CO . ~QP ,."y

a u""k

. r.d t o lIi ve tho s lt ..,.,.ti ,,; • eh."". ; 0

~. Speci!Yi"9 wh.t would haPl)om i " t h • • v.nt ;!'Ie

poUr. atorm th .. :pla c e .

6. Tho •• 1>e[l'.bIt: s ; oin; to the mltn ! ,,; .hou l d

Coni ide" the f ol l owing ,
• . tnaur:.n; that the enemy i , " o t behind tl':.....
whil e on thlt w. y to the . .etin; pla" •.

b. Nor hlta di"9 d:':ec:tly to t h e _ t i n ; plac.

but t lu'OUIIh secorul.oory p La" •• .

c. Not lIOing to eh .. meet i n; pLa" • •• • group

bu~ ! ndivi"",",lly. with tio ... gap. between
d. ~. clo thin; .nd .ppe.r.. nee should b.
.uitllble fo r the m.eting pl." •.

". If th .. brothe r u~e. pub li" tr.n.pon"don,

h. a hou ld aU,.ht b.for. or .f t . r the "'1t1tti."11
loc. tion . In "a•• h. h• • • priv.c. Car. h.
I h ou ld park i t in • ". cur. p l.". no t nur
th. l oc.tion t hat .llow l him to man. uve r
quickly _a t any 'UIhb't.

Veri fy i ng tha proper cov.r f o r ;h. do~n t5

ha hAl with h i ...
,. :1 a bO! ~ i s .rmIt4. he .hov l d maklt
that t h e .... pon is In good work in;
&U~ R

condiuon .

Is !Ie ,.,,::"e :::a: :::e e" "my ~s ::0= b"~.~,,c ,,~'" :10::"
at the ",ee t l "g p la c~>

d. Is tl>;:~ the first eppoinl;rr.ent or e!'>e s@cond

(a lterruo tive , chdnged l ?

Ar" h~ s appearanc e /OIld c l othing suita bh ~or "::e

l oeaeion ",h .. re he wi lL ,. t/OIld ("", .. t]?

g. Is ~is ~eapon i n good wor~ing eondition~

,, _ ~At is the alt e rna tiv@ for each action?

• ~o :g oi::g d i rectly to the person whom h .. would
like to mee t_ Verifying the p e rson's appearance
and f e u"r e ~ .

It i s necessary that it
eon!ront any dange r :0 th@

Loca tian_"ise, i t s hould be in e h @ middl .. of a group

of ho"" es. not a t th .. b..ginning.

2. Having many rout es l e ading to that location. That

'~ould auist ent~rin" and exitin" in many ways.
Con s e quently, it _kes surrounding th .. pla ce di!!icul:
and f a cilitates "s c a pin" from dan"er_

3. The l ocation s houl d not be clos e to s u spiciou s

]'oca tians ( [whe r ,,] i ndi viduals or e s tabli s lmHln n orork
'"ith the securi ty ( apparUus )I .

It is prefe rable that t he apartment b " on th .. ground

floor a nd have a t e lephone .

• ::. .. Mobi ! ' Meeqnq LgcU i an ( Enc ount er l :

1. The ",ee tin" l oca t i on should be at the inte r sect i on of

:nany roaes ~here i t is easy ~o CC<MI. 110. and !l.....

1'he ,"e"~ ~ nll shou l " b e hft ld ! .. ~ !~om pl a c es ",he a , ~ os

be li" some o~ who ~" .. le",e" " s du: '~i t " ~::e u c,,~i::y
.. ppa n t u " I co~~ot .. s l-.op si

The .,h c e " hou l d "Ot be c~owd .. d b .. c_ '~s e t"a ~ ... : 10 .-5
" .. c "~~ ~y per s onn e l 00 .110 unde oec~ ed.

3. I:: is n e c e ss a ry to alte:ma~ive loc ~ t i o"" a n d

t i:OM . Tn. t wou l d mak .. i t difficult !o~ sec:.:=;'::y
pe~ 5 0nne l to mo ni ~or the p lac ...

Dl.i ;-i. ;;g it . Mee~ jng: Th. tollowing s hou l d be obs e rve d:

1, Es t a b lis hing _ s e cur i ty p l an tn." con s iH~ o~ eh e

t o ll o w':;g- :

a. ?~oper cOvflr tor th .. roembfJrs' pr .. " .. nce is ::;"de r. a .

for e"'_ m;> le . ~t is n e ce ssary to have books.
:;o~ e baok s . . . . 1
b. V.. rifyi"g- ~hat: per~onal docurnllnts match t h ..
a g- r e fl<l- u pon cove r .
c. lIo t I'... vi:;; wri u fln diro.ct i on to thfl meeti:>11
;>lac ~ . If tha t is " " cessary. i t s houl d be coded.
d. l'Io~ l-. .,vi,,; or leavi ng- food or anything- eLs e t ha t
~o"l d r e v e a l the .,r e ."nc e of many peo;>lft .
e. Surrou ndin; th .. place with barb wire . That
depe nds 0" the importa nce ot t h e roe"cing- and i~
thotr .. a r .. h~ tn.t cannot be carri " d dur~ng
" ,"cap".

Aft er , h e Conclusion of the Me" tiIl\l:

1_ Depar~ing- singly or in pairs . de;>flndi ng on t:he number

of m~mbe~ s pr e. ent.

Hoc ~ eading- dir ~ ctly OntO ma in roa d s but to sotconda ry

onn .

Nor; ~peakin9 a bout wha t ",a ~ di~<:u ~ se d in thfl meeting- .

dur in; or af: e r d e part u re_

4. Removi n ; a ll ob~nv~n d t .. r t!l .. _"r ~ d fl parc .

• •
Not<1.9' any~hi<1.9 ~" .... " ·.'ouid l ea d ( ~o ~!'Ie tac::
::hal: I ::!'Iere ·..a s a r.yonR "he~e e"<: e p~ ::;,e owr.e r.

~ s ! ~ li shin9 _ plan to r~pe t ~he a~~ack. whic h

co;.sis~s o! thR fol l owing:
a. Who ~i ll ~ngag~ the e n emy with bullu"s?
b. Who wi ll flee ~ith the important
document& a nd who will burn t h~
r U t?

l'Iot headir.g di!."ectly to othet

organization location._
d. Specifyi::tl/ th.. n eaP<' roads and
s treet s.
e. It th~ place is surroundIOd by barb
wir e , make Sure all members have
l .. f~ .

:<1. cas e an individual i s c a ul/ht, the foll owing shou Ld ba

Executinl/ what wa s agreed upon with the b rocher in the
sec\O:<ity plan .
r ~ !he b=-oche r has impor~ant I<Ork po~ition l coomander . one
"'ho mows the .. r s enal loc .. tions. ___ ) . wn..~ever ;,s
nece sury s hould be done before the enetq'f di s cove rs
,.OC"Clon .
Inform all .... mbers o f ehe tel e phone nU!l'ber of that
.. part~ent in order to mi s l .ad th. en&my .

r..~. £lc.a",,: ..
o ! .. s .. =~ ~~y ~ l.t. !O~ a G ~O'-'il ~~ • .,o:: ! . . . . . . '-:o,, ~::.!:;:
. .: s ..:: op."a ~~ o " o! :t~l ~: .:l'
.,,' '''..,o: ~ .. n ~ "'''101": : ....." . . ,~... ::o::
::-.... " ...,,~ ba. ~c se=:~"y . T~..... !o" •. ::': i . . . . ,,:,:: i .1 :~.• " :~...
~o.=..::d,,:. IoIno .. ~ u.blU" p la"a :.-ela:. ci : 0 ...... ; ::.:~o" 'live
.:: .. ,,:;o~. t o :'..0 ouu,, :
!" i .l" ' ss",, : ,:,,,.. :",.poru n~ . of e s : a bl ul:ing .. e ••• ful.
01'.".:.. : 1: . .."d 1011 d security plan :0 h i " . the op.ra :.. o •. !rm.
t h& ' ' emy \,mt:.l the ti ... o ~ f.t . "",-cution, which .. o,. ld :ni::;''''i a
tt. 10".' in c a.e t he I ting par:y i s discover ed .
$-.;ond ! ..".: The ~rtlU\e. of ... tal:>!ishi."'1 . . .. " t i e. l .,1a:::
!or :he . s .... tion ~r.tion that c onlia.,. o ~ the op4:at io .... :
!.c: o:t :;"e.uelve . l~r •. W60.£)<>nOI. hid ing pI a " ••... ) .".<1
fa,,:o:. of :~.• opera tion 1.. 1... . p I A"... In th1. e x."" l ...._
.hdl ."PI.i" i :: de t .oil th. par ~ r e l a ted ~o ~ h. 'Kuri~y ph:':..
The pa~ ~ ~ . l a ~.d c O ope~.~ion. l t ac tics will be . xpl.i:oed i~ t~ .
l ••• on on .peeia l op. rati onal t 'Ct i c • .

S 'C\l~i "y Pi "n tor the "'..... in. t i on O.,.,ra ticn: The u c" rity p i .. n·
mu.e cake i nto account the fol l OWing matta ~"
A. Th. C.,..,..nd.r : Tha .1KUl"ity app.ara t u • • hould nO t know
hi. whe r .abou t • • nd .... Yame<>t s . All '.""r1 : y ...... S u ~ "s
a:"l . :r.. ng_nt. r . la t .d to ....,wars o f the M.i li. tary
Oro;;aniZllri<>t\ ! .o ld1 . r. o c om:>andarsl apply t o h !<::.

t. They a.·a .i ..... nt. who .. r a . elected from va rious

provine . . and a r . s uitable f or t he opera tion.
::: . Du ring the • • i . ction proc e sa ° merrber• • hould no~
know one anothe r . They . hould net ltnow tha
orillirwol plann.... o f the opeutien. I n c Ue t hey
do . tha Cotmlf.nde r s hould be not i fied. !Ie then
should modify the plan.

) :: i. pos s i ble t o .lao "y °kidn"ping .. n l ...pona r. t

penon .· All secur ity ""a .ur • • and a rr""l l _ t . i ll. . . . . n ::: "..t~=
~~~ ~ i ~~a~icll a re the ~.
tIlI;fBM-66 'rRANSLA'rIOli
1, ?:.,,,y s l':o,,;ld " " c~~::.-ib\O:.d "''' ~rna ll group~ i3
:r".",.be~ s l ~" apa:.-:",e "t s ~~.a : a:.- e "o~ kno''''''' e x:e .,:
~o ~h"i:.- prop:.-i.:o~~, T::e y s l':ould also b .. 1I ~ ... e"
~l,,~d :: ....,..n.

~. Dc.r:':ll/ :1':.. uLec::'o:: proc .. n. cor:s;'d .. r ",h":::er

:he ;,,, ab~enc e ~rom thei:: fa:nili • • ,mol iob • ...-ould
c~ea:.-ly a:::.-a c: ",::"ntion. We also apply :0 :e:"",
all s .."u::i:y ""USuru r .. l a ted to "he
Or llan~ :a:ion·. indi vidual s (s o l d ier . l.

1. The "",,,:ars of anning a nd fin an:;,ng s!'tou ld nO t be

known by a nyone exc ept t!'te commander.

2. 'rh e apart:oenu ,;hould no t be :.-ent:ee:! und.r r e .. l ""IOU.

They l ehe apar""'~ntsl shoule:! underllo all s e curity
meaSur8 S r e l a ted ~ o ~he Military Organization'. camps.

3. ?rior eo e x e cuting an operation. falsified doc",,",nt s

shoule:! b@ p repared for th e participatinl/ ine:!ivie:!ua ls.

The docume nt . re l ",ted to the oOler.t:ion should b@

hidden in a secure place and burned irmtlOdiately after
:h.. opera tion , and t"a ce,; of the fire shoule:! be

5. The "",an~ of corrrr.unication b et; ... e en th .. Op .. raeion

cOIl'nl.llld.. r a nd the pardcipadn<J brothers shou le:! be

Pr ior to the operat ion. a part .. ~n u s hou ld be prepa"ed

"0 hide the brothers participating in ie. T!'tese
a",,:-Orteno. should not be mown exc~Pt to the co"""""de "
and his so Ldiers.
7, Reliable transportation .. un~ muH be made availabl .. .
I t is " s sential ~hat prior t:o t~e operat:ion. these
"",ans are check .. e:! and properly maint a i" .. d.

: ~~~:;':;';,'~O~':itO ~iexe:"tinll
to ensure t:!'tat they have
s soldiers
fie shoul d ..""lain thac
...., on

assimilated i~. The y should. in turn, ..xplain ie back eo

"he conr..and"r. The colltlllillld .. r shoul d also *i~ wieh .. acl': o~
~he:n ;'ndividually [and I/O overl the agreed-upon matters
~h .. t would be brou<Jht up durinl/ :he int",,:mgation:
L 7!'oe 0"" .,t:o coO'.c:" 'vft<!. pla,, . .. ".<1 e x-.: ... ~ .-d ~hi. . ope ~a~ :' o::
.. ... a b~o~ l'.e~ ><)':0 !>40 . .. r e eo~c o ! ~h03e "", ~~e u w~~;, e;,e
e ~etOY .

2. ::>I::~:: g :he each b r o : )':u would mer.t:.o .. ..

:':: ~ . ::Q g.c ;on .
':0: ,' ~t .. : s ui :s hi, personal s ea:;u . and : 1'Ie province o~
1'. " r.s:' d ome . . Tl'Ie I : ory . hou ld b a .graft<! upcn ",:'th :h.
c OImIoUIde r _
3. Ea<:h brot h .:..-he i , .ubj -.:t.-d to i nte ""og.don .nd to "~\.lre.
lhould .eaee all : !':..t lie " Ilr_ upon wi th the <:_ndotr "nd
no: d_ '.t e ~::"OIII it. Coo "di,.... tion . hould be ....." , t... :led
with ,,11 broth." . eOMe<::ed t o t he optOru ion .
~o :e, ~he f i.ctitious broeher who the br o t he"s .. y conceived.
pls,..ned. tr.ined. .....d e x . cu t ed t he opoer ... tion. ,hould be sent
"''''.Y on .. ~ ourn .. y (oua id. the count::yl .




1111 / l1li -11 ~1U.IUIt.A~I OII

':'!:. ••• a r . op.",,, ~ io~. "Ii~; ",ili:try _ .nl 1:'Ie! bal~" ',",,'~":',y _
Spteia: o"",ra o:'on. u • • ""'" o~ "h. ".5k5 of ; r ou.... p<tC'-Il~;' z ...:l
:'n in".::;'q.n c. Ind .ecuri ~ y.

C~ar,c;cr;';; Ci 9: Mc~bcr' , ~a ; SpeCial;;. in th. Spte;. "

° p·a , lon.:
1. l: ~div idu.l·s phyl 1 CIl Ind cornba c ti. ~n . . . Ilu."""i.~;.
c ~" .:fC_n;
• • . ,,·, .ru11n;.
- .~c . >.

2. Cood ~rl:'TIiIl\l on : h. w"PO" of a . s.u inadon ••••• ul~.

kid.... pin; . .nd _ i n ; l.ptCi.l optrn ion. ).
1. Po. . . . . i:>; c1""'..,rn. . . . c lnn and d.c. p~i on.
4. ro ••• uinll int.11 i •• p .-..c:ision . •nd tl • .-tntu.
~. Tr anquility.nd c.llfI ptuon.ali ty (th.c .n..... "opin; wi~'"
p.yehologieai I,."h . s tho.. ot the op.r.ticn ot
blood5hotd . mass murd.rl . Li l<twise. (tha abili t y to
w ith'~ lndl r . v¥ r,¥ p.yeho l o;icll t r aum.l. lueh I. killing
0'" o r .11 rt'IftI'I'Ibera ot hit group. [flt . hould b. able]' t o
prec.ed with th. work .
~. Sp.e i. l .bili"y ~o k . . . . . .c rets .nd no~ rtv •• l th.", co
7. [Goo.l] slt<:"Uri~y '''''1'
during til. int .rro;.~i or'l.
8. Cr .lt .bility t.O _k. quick dtc isiOll' .f~.r .It.dr.!I ~::.
a! ~ lan ( proper .e~ ions in UC!l.n~ .t tuaci o~s).
9. i'1; !.,.C •. abi lity co wlth.t.and. an(l r.H Ol ouln.n.
10. Co~r6!l ' and boldn •••.
• 1. Unk~CWr'I t o ~he 'feurity apparatus.

i·llO pen. of SPle i-Ai Qpuutgn "

Cold .t •• l .... . pon. Irop •. knif •. rod . ... 1.
2. i'ci-se,,,
3. 1' . . :011 and ri n ••
4. Explotiv••
...:. ~o~. that special optudons inc1ud .. oIUIs .... inadOlls. _in!!
.~~ """Cli t ion . • u."lt. k~dn.p;'ng hos t.g •• and eonHtc.c'-"II
<iec"' .... nt •• fre"ing pr ison" ....

' lIevi_ in dt;.il ~h . ne t .book , r,. ..0lI. in Sp.ei-.i

Op.~.t ior'l • .

4. ~ocking the r .g i",e's admira t:ion .!nOng t!le popuhtior..

5. Re!llOving th .. .,.. r~onalieie" tha t ~und in thO! '~ay of ~" e

( h l=dcl o.''''a [Cd1) .

o. Ali it;>tinli (the population] ""qardi"q publiciz"d "",c~er~.

7. R" j . ctinq cO<l\>li a nce with and ,.ubni u ion to "he r " qi_' ~
p:ac~ic .. s .

S. Gi.,·ing l e gi~i ""," cy to th. J..,..'a (Islamic Group].

9. Spre .. ding f ear and terror throuqh che r e g-im<II' s rank,. .

10 . "ri.n .. in~ .n_ .... obers to th. Orqani~ .. eion·5 r .. nk,. .

O' i a 9von;ages of Speci~l Qner~t iQ n ,. :

L 3.u t"" i"inq the (!slamic] Da'lOa (C~ll] and preacher,..

2. Ruve .. lin .. t;"e structure Qf th.. Milita ry Organization.

>. ,in.."cial1y draining the Military Orga niza tion.

4. U,. u of [op"ratio",,] as prop .... anda against "he Islamic

J ~ m~'a (Gtoup j.

5. Sp~" .. ding f""r .. nd t .. rror among the popul .. tion.

6. Lhe r .. gi",,, ' 5 ,.ateguards and precaution" aga in:ot ... ny oth. r
oper .. tion.

Sp" ci .. l ope ration. cannot caus e ehe f .. ll of the r e gime in

po .. er.

C:l.c"ea u in fail .. d [op .. " " tionj att eq>t s cau se .. n increa" ..
~n ""e ~ e gime' s cr. dibiliey.

[Ope~acion s ] cau". th .. r .. qime to a ""a " s inate th.. J~'a

(~slamic Group] leade r ,..

:C. ..
300 $:; i::<,/ e n .."", =~ l .. a ::d ,"O'« .. ~in<,/ ~!'... t o~ ~he
Or\lani~ " cion's ~.~b"r~ in ca 5e o~ r~pea:ed ~a:~ure ,

~_. ~ .. ".b .. r~ o~ ::he :' on ~ou ~ai"h :'n ~h_-s .. ~v e s a::d
~h.L~ l ea d e r ~ in e 4 ~" o~ r.p .. atedly !ai c ed spec:'a~
c>, e r a tio:: s . Th. in" .. rse :' s also tr"e .

;,. S\.lcc u s~"'l speci al op.ration requires the followin.. ,

1. ;; s e c"rity plan for the operation (members. ",eapons.

apartmer.t~. doe~~"nt $ • • te. ). This r .. quir e ment h a s b~.~
e xplaine d in deuil in "he securi"y plan [leuon]. R.. f .. r
to it .

;;.-, operational tactical plan . This r .. quirement "'i ll l>e

e ~91 ain.d in thi ~ lesson in d~t 4il.

~ ~pe c i.l
op.ration mu~t have s t a \l_5. s t a ll~s a r_
:'n~egrated and inseparabl ... oth"rwi~" , th" operation "'o~ l d ~ .. il.
7h. u stall". 'a re:

1. R""ea rc!1. (r e con."1.aissance ) st a ll".

2. P lanninq sta\l".

3. :::x.cution st a q e .

1.. Ru .. arch ( r,"connaiu;mc e) s "age:

-- thi~ 5taq•. precis" i nf o rmation about the u rqet is

coll e cted. The tar .."t may b" a p e rson , a plac e , or

Fo r e xample , when attemptir.q to assassinate an imporc a n: :arll~t

_ a po.r50lUllity. it i.s necessary to lI"the~ all Lnformat i on
r ~ l ated to that t " rql"'. s uch as:
a. Hi s name, aile. r.$id~nca, soc iaL ~tatus
b. Mis IOOrk
c . Time of h is dep a rt; u~e to work
d. Ti"", of hi s r .. turn !rom wo~k
e . '!'h .. rO~teS h .. r;a~es
, Ho~ h e spends h i . fr ee time
q. His ~ri.nd 5 and :heir addre s ses
h. Tha c a r hg driv .. s

~ .. ..-!t.'. '.«Iri< .. r..:! ·"heth.: h. vi.i ~ . her
IU. ~hild"." "->:Id he,," h. g .... ~o
Do •• he ~AV. a girl!ri.r~? ~~: ! . he: add"" ••.
wh .." d .... h. vi.i ~ her?
- The phy"'":''''' . .
~r ... ~ .. h i ,.
1 : 0:." w!".., r e " .. 5hO;:.

.:.- ..
?la"ea "h• • • ". spe,,,fs Ili.
~ i. ~~~s • • "~rar~ ••.
Nay. of . ~.•• king i:>to hi. house
exl:s. and

t a h' .=-d1 liow ""'''Y liU.. rd. do •• h . heve?

Ve e-." ions 6n<! holi <!.o.Y"
~h • • ~rro~r.di~~

!iowever. :.! the . a";.,, is .on i~rt.nt pla"., auell .... mi l i :ary
ba ••.• minittry[Duildi" i . "ecee.ary to know t he tollowing ,

the n r e ecs ;>nd 1n ..h1 e n .Hrecti!)n do t hey r""

l • • din; to the plac.~
2. 'l'"anspor"a" ion .... ns to "he pla"e
~_ 71'1. are •. phya i ca l l " yout. ""d •• ",,1"9 of the place
~ . Trat!ic aign.le and ped.strian ar •••
5. S ~ "rit y p erson",,1 """toteS and n •• , by qov.rrvn-ne ,"\lend ••
6. N.... rby ...."" eon.ul .. t .. s
1. Th. . .<:OftoaU<:
loca tiO<!
r .. cceristic s o f th • • r.. "".r.
t he pl a ce is
8. ~a==I<: e _. nio,," ::i,""s
3. """"""t arid locadon ot lighting
.0. Char.<::iO: ~ . ~ic. o f t~e .r• • of chilO pl a ciO ( ra.idiOnCiO .
lev .. led. i "du.tdaL ru r al, l o u Of ~ r ..... , ... •

1. NumQiOr o~ peopl .. ~ho a r . i".i~ ..

2. Number .n~ locUion of guard peen
). Number and n""",. of th. l . .~. u
~ . Nwr.b. r of noou a nd rooms
~. 1.lephon. lin ... and the loc .. tion of ch .. s witchbo<trd
6. l:ndi v i.d,..h' ~i"'... of . ntnnc ... and ."it.
7. !naide par king
8. n . c:r ~c bo"

about the t.:;.t , t~. oporad"""l

who ch. opor.tion'.
•• f oll .... lng :

par 'PiOCt ive.
•• opon tlon1
It is ,.

e " ",,,ution Of the oper. tion

,,,. ::ar... ~ 0'0 ,,!'Ie op~rat :'o,,_ :~ ~~ on~ :'::td:' vid" ",l 0, "'''',.:1'
, ~a", me .. ~i" .. ['lac .. pr ' c:.- e"eCU~lon o~ t he op .. ra~ ion
T,..", mee~i~. q .,l ace a'Ot~r ~X " C\lo~on o! th .. op"~a'Oi o n
s " c u rin .. ·.. i~'"'d"a'~a ~ o ! :"e :,,_ a~::," r t he e " ,"cuo:'cn ",nc
"o,,~ u of ",i t"d:.-a·" '. :'
10. :l '- ~ ~i. c " l:~es ~ "u ~I"." t,""...'" ~Y enCOunt .. r

"'!"e ~a"C: s . ~"" c om:nande r of the o .... r. ~~on s har u hi. . pla~. "-00"
o ~ he~ .. ~oup com:nan d .. rs . When the p l lm is d i scussed a:1.c
~i!i .. d. a ~ i nal one i ~ d~ t~ ~ned_ Th"n c h " .. roup c~~~de:.-s
~nseruc: e h e i" 50ldi .~~ on the ir indi vidual ~~sions < ~~d tb~
~be~ 5 ~ep~at o!'leir orders in ord"r to ensur" that t hey h . v e
as ~im i l at " d ,,:'em .

3 . Tb',.-C: S U " I! ; Eu cuti gn :

I n orde~ ~o di ~ cover any unexpe c ~ed ~lement de~rimen~a l to th..
oparat;'on, i e is n " c ~ s~ a ry, prior to e x e cuti.on of the opua t i on .
to " .. h ea r . " it i n a p l ace ~ imilar to that of the r e a l ope raeion.
The rehearsal inaI' cak e plac" ~hor ~ly befor~ the e"ecu~ion . Ie
~s th" n tba~ t~ ~ op .. r a tion i . .. x.cute d in th" plac .. a nd time
~peci!;'~_ A! eer execu t i on of the o pe r a t i on. a compl e t .
e v a l uatio n i$ ~ de. ~t t h e end. a fu ll report i~ g i~n to the
c ommand e ~~ of t~" org aniz a tion .

b" "ppropriat" to ~he

p hys ic a l a nd mental abili tie~ and

s hould he 5e l <octed from vo l un~ .... rs,

according to th .. ~r~ '

, to ~h e p lac e
~ hou l d b .
conv e ni ~nt
s h ould be p la c ed ~n a
te ~hU
Shortly h~fer .. t h e ~ hou ld b ..
~epea~ .. d i n ord .. r to ~,

occ u ~red .
Th @ oper a~ ion ", ,,_r~ ~ ho u ld noo all he to l d a bouo t" ~
opera ~ io!l un t il shortly "",fore .. " .. <:u~ing -ie ~n o~d .. r
to a void l ~a king of it~ ~QWs .
3. w~ apon s shoul d be ~ ... t .. d p rior co c h " ir u n i n th..
op e ra ~ ion .
9. T"" place and ~ i"'" s hou l d no!; he unsu H .. bh for !;he
o pera ~ ion. .
:0. Wh"n u s ing a pi s tol o~ r;'f ! e. a bull e t should b.
d ~ " a dy plac.,d in t h .. firir.g chamber.
':';,~ cpoora~ ' o" ."c"ld be c~leta l y avalua t ed . . !ar as
aC!;a • •"d s _ "he, &ach _ Mr c! ~:::.,
opa~.~i.o" shoul <l i>oI _ . Iu.ted ",-cco:di"g to hi.
~o~ e.
Each ",.. :N:>e~ -who s uccee<ll!'<! in hi s s hould ba r_a ~ <led ,
and " .. ch .. ambar ,..ho ......... ak Dr IIaek." in hi. role shou " d
b. d:' s min .d .
). Hi dinl/ Or a ...dinl/ . t>ro.d. t h o ... who a ".c:uta<! tha oparnion .
~ , ~id!ng :h. weapons usl!'<! i" the oper.tion in a loc.tion
d:'!! ic:ult t o !in<l by the •• curity .pparatua.
5. 3u=i"g any do",........:.. "pa, or 4ra"ill!ls r.l.ted to the
ope ~.tion . R• ...,v.l o~ . u t rac.s of burning t l':_ .
6. Def~<lin; I!Iamb<!ra who panicipated i n t he """ntion in e ....
t hey ar. c aptur . d, a"d tak i nl/ eara of th. ir f amili es .
7. The party th&.t p"r!c.... d th .. oper"tion Ihou ld not be
reveal ed ,
8, ~o ail<YlS tl':a.t might laad to th • •"&cution ;>oIrty should be
t .tt . t the cpar.t;'",,', location .



~o .. . ~d
:h. pc.~PO ••

~:.t lR(\l
the spY i .
.~ .. ,...d
or be""" ••
•• o~ .. ~ :
~ ... " ey'"

~. : .v

. ,·. -
h" "c.:
"'''!~. 100

:" hi s . : : ".cta, t!l.. p rophet - "nah bl . . . an(l k .... p hi. ... - would
~ ~ "d o~ c the .n~y · s i n,entian. In the Hodaibiya [o- t t l.1 day •.
thoUllr. h . di d :'lOt '.... nt w"r . he ouuorci • • 4 "aution by sendi"l1 ..
• p.~ c.l ~ O-man r. "o~.... i •• 4n".
group, h.aded by A'kk ... ha !bn
~ •• :: ;"1 - 1\ ><11.. 0:>" o f t hat 'jIr<,.'P ~oru'.nn.:r. ! 01.1nd .. m&n ,,-ho
1.., :::""':0 the r.>.eo!y ·s ock . Tbey " .ptured 200 " "",,"1.
~=-= :!-... ", U. veu;oc::k ,or,,' l)r<:>u\Jl'\t th..., t o tuodilUl.

':'1'1. p~opl'.• ~ _ 1I11"h blu. ar.d k ....., h1.- • had local 111 ~orm''':1" . i n
:-:.ce. ",ho :ol'" h i '" ev "rythi n;. b i g and ..... n . t Mt might h".",
the )fus E"..• • welfare. AmOn; :ho•• I_n.,.i •• l .... r . h i . uncl" "'l-
~I:>a. rbn .>.l>d /I.l- !tuelib, ,.nd lI<t.~hir Ibn Soutian AI - AckL A1-
~~u :a!a A~r.shi4ur. (Mohann.d',. succe aaora) aov; s~ ~ ha ir
c"""""r.<l,, r a abo\I~ "h. . of "dn!! SCOll'" &no:! infor.nanu
: 0 ; .... =. eh• • n.,.y's secree •. l\bo" sakr Al _Siddi k - ....:f Mlah
be p~ .... se<1. wi : h him - sa id :0 h is cOlll\lOond.r A,"ro tbn Al- A'SS -
""'Y Allah be pl . . . .d wi th hi .. -, -S.nd :fe~r infonn.o.nea co bd"9
you Abou Ob.i da's n_s. It h. is vic torious hi , ov." ."""'y,
:he" you fight tho • • :h. t .re in Paln t i " .. !t h. need"
,o:dia a . chan d iSpAtc h on. ba ee.lion . ~ :n a"o~h.r for hi" . -

Ocoa .. :1= AI - lt!''I&t::..o.b - .... y Allah be pl. . . ."" vic!: hia - .<!vised
hi. co.. ,."."de r Ibn Abou ".lr.ka s - 1tI&y Ol. ll.h be pl •••.d wi~ !!
_ s .. y ;' n;, - H :fOU SUp f oot On your en"",i " .· l.nd. ga ~ 51';"
for ;t.• ", . Choo •• :;ho" e whom you count o n for ~hal.t :ru : hfu l n."

• Fo~ <la: s q ... r . t . .. t o 'I1l1 spy ing ,Jou rn. l;

11',..",.0" Jlle."! ;y .
.::~ "C·.·~,= • . "'~.• :~.e::, Ma". 0::-yO:.: .
" '=<:0'" ,";:' ...o,,~c! ::0: bE:.~ !':
o ! :~~ 1.:'I~. :.o,,::-~ ·
ev"" " .0:-. . of ~~.'" .... ::-. :::,,~e;
: .,,, c.c.iv.= i" a spy ai.;'''. '' ,/0:': a;-,c! =: !or yov. ' ~:ooc! : ;':-.
": ·;,;.:i<l - lUI' All.;: !>O' pl.....c! ",.:.:::. ::'':'::0 - :.:Ie<! :0 t .. k.
~:-.:o=.. ,,:. and ~ p:. •• ~· i:~. ~. ~" !.:-••• c., o ! .,i ...... :. ..... i:'ln :.,,,
I:;:=~.:o .. n 0::-:1:0.:0l< . !!" C;:O . . :;'8'" c"r"f<.,Ey .. ,,<I :n.tad t ","",

."<Om}"I' •• cun .
ble5s an<! k••p him • ".ad
....,<1 in!o:moon:. . , ..h. Pl'. h.
e v e r. ;.;",n" h~="l! a. i:: ~he "'~jor 3adr ac~ad<;. A!-K.'lu 1 .. fa
Arr" s "::,-d"" U<oi',,,,,,,,,ed',, ""cc "' u or ~ ] al " o ordere d i" ( spyi",,]
S;' " c .. : . :' a ", :. ~ 5Up. riO, ~o .. 11 !'!uma.'"l condioio,," 5 . a rrd ."r~":y
r e li ; io"s , i~ ~ .. rmi~. spyi,,"g for i~ ~ elf but TIoe tor oohers.
Ma j. ~ :ic Alla h My~ , "Not ~qu .. l a r e t"" compa nion s of the ~ir.
a:ld _'OhIO cO"'pdIlioTI~ of che g a rden, - .one che proph .. " .... y s , -!~ la"
i . ~upr~"'" ane che r e is nothing abeve it." 1$1arn, ~h e rete~ e ,
o:' ; h::s so ::h.. word o! ~.l1ah can b e co ... supreme. O~he rs fi ..-h::
for worldly gain~ a nd lowly a nd in! e rLor goals.

can a Mu~lim spy liv ~ a mon..- en~m i e5

': :'~<;; char4c t e ri n ic s ' !lo," can h e p e rfor:n
a wa nt to appear Mus lim?

Concerning ~h e is s u e of clo t hing a nd a pp.arance (appe arance of

t~ e reliqion), Ibn Taimia _ may Al1 .. h have me~cy on hi ~ - s a id,
-!f a Mu~lim i~ in .. comb .. ~ or godles~ ar. a , he i~ not obli~a~ e~
to h a v ~ a diff r rent appRaranc .. fro~ [thos e around hi~). The
[Mu.lim) man may pre ter or even b e obliqat . d to look lik e tnem,
provide d hi " a ction brinqs a reli q iou~ b e netit of preaching- to
chem, l~arning- ~heir secrec s and informing Mu ~li ms, prev~ neiTI q
ir !-.a r.n, or s orn.. oth .. r b<tn .. ficial g o ,,1.·

~ e s", mb li nq ~he pOlyth .. ist in r .. liqiou . a ppea r a nc . i ~ a kind ot

-nec~~~ity p"rrni~. the forbidden" even though they [forbidden
ace s] &r e b a sical'ly prohibice d . As fo~ the visibl e duti M , like
!a~~i~g and prayinq, h .. can fast ~ using a ny justifica~ion not
to e ae ~i~h them [pO L ytheis~). As for pr .. yer, ehe book (Al-
¥ca"h... j Al- !la r a ki Liuira AI-Nabawiya ) quOtU Al -3&kha ri thu "!'Ie
[the Mo~le"' l may combine ~h. noo" and "fternoon (prayer~ l ,
~ "r: s. t and . vl!Ilinq (pray. r . ]. That is ba sed on the face ehu
the prophet - All"h b1". . . .nd keep hin _ combin . ~ (praye rs) in
Madl:1a "i thout fear or h es i~a~ion."

9 "OK . n es t ·.ul %.6~ uno ' 1q .~OW- l~ •
pu .. "va<{
.,- ,• AI:!
..... ooq:::
...'" '"'I
s. "'"n T
1:''''''''1 '"
S"' ''1 '''P S
' ,.'Ol; ~ B~~"" ".". ~t:TII"OIl .~ ~ ; .:;.:. -~:: ~: .:>,u;o ;
;0 '''1"''. CUP!"; ':::? •• 4:>'" • ,",""1" '" .:;:. op c. ""?P '<:i':O_
s'. ,-
., 0.:;: '"."..-.0'1 ·~,o" .~:'1 • (" .. .(,.,;:d ) •• t:~<T= " !.de .,.~.o- ..
~ .., -- : ...~: :,slI<:! "'.:"''111",,\" "..e,,,,...! ",'nuoc: c~ _, ':':0: : ,.,....
:r~: ;0 ::o; :.:, ~d::; •• ::: .. ,,: :n<>q1' ~. ,;: 6 •• ; ....~ .:; """10'",". :.;6•.01.;.:.
':>I.I.'f'InrYU 1~ - "' IlID.
"'•• p ~. ~:> • . who "'as ,, ~ay~;,,;~ • • ~",,-a" ~o C!ep.o"! ny , ;,,;q. ·S:,,;' I..,
"" ~:"l " ! \'Ie 1;.e1:. YO" :;;,e :rtl:;, ..",C! : otl e .... ;,~'" 'f ;,. :;'." . ' 1'h.,..
;,,, .a:.d. "'l'h .. c:' s ":-!:.. d . . t !: of someo;";. \ ~ ;,. ".01:. ;. 1. ' R..... i.e!
~,.... : ,,.. 1;.\'1 .. " "uen" .. o ! hu c~ "i.o,.. s .. ;,,;d w;,u .. ""0";';";11 h;'1 ;-,a::e!
0,.. : :,. ·~"O\l..,d.

I ;"; :;'~i : : .. d i"i on ..... !ir~ p .. ~i •• ;'on cO i "":-.t rog. : e t he ::o o: o;a
f or thlt ""rpo". o! oba i n i ng l."f orllWl"d.on. I e i . p.or"';'t t lte! t o
. ::I. ~e the no.." lha li evlt: ..1-.0 ha l no covenant "n tH h ' rev., .. ls :~ ..
" ..... . i " fo = a tion ......,d se<:: , u o f his pltopl •.
'!'l::1t rltHllioul s c holars h. .... 110 penai t t .. d t he li."11 o! ..
;< i t h. '''''''.tl on .. ittu>oldinQ Lo, !o ...... tion fr_ Hos loc.s.
~ey p.r~tc ..s his kil llnil 10 chat h. would not I nf o r a ;-,is
p~pl. o f ...!la: he 1... r n..-1 at>o ..... : h. Mu l n . condition. n"";"'r.
and secuts . I n the Honltin a tta c k . after on a of thlt I p i. s
l .. : ned .. bout the MU l a... k l.n dneu and _,,1m ...
t h.n ned. t:: ..
p rephe t - 411"h b l .... and ke ep hi m - pltrmi tt . d tSheddinll ] his
blood. a "d said . ·Find and kiLL hi.m. · Sal!rla. I bn U · "k......
followltd. c a ught. a ",d ki lled hilll .
Th .. scholan ;-,a,,- .. 1.0 permitted t h lt exchan .. e of hoatlll/e. for
DOr.ey • •erviclts. and .xpcrtl • • • as ... ltll a • •.c t e t. o f ehlt
er.eay·s .. rsy. pla ns. and n~rs . Aftllr the ladt .. ttack . ,, ~.
proph. : • All a ~ b1e55 and keep hiB - ahow~ ! .. vor to . ~
hosta<;le •. li ke t!l. peIlt A.bou Iua . by exchan<;lin<;l "",st o ~ en."
!or "",nIlY. ~e rlt.t _ r e r d .....s fo r providtng ,.rviclt s a r~
It",perc ' se :0 the tfusli""".

1. ilasltd on th .. .. narny· s up _to_datlt i n!onn&ti OI'l . h h

c apa b UitiltS. and p lan •. the Orqaniz" t ion' , c01mI<Illd can
deai;n ll<' od - qu"lity and. s ltcurlt plans .

Abdull a h Ali .... -S. l ...... : HUh ...", !;;5pion. g. I n t al ..... ;>p.
~. !".!c:1M.:ic,.. ..""',,: t::e enr.::y·s :'":er.: ~c,, .,: ov,d • • """ ~y
·.,,,,.,,1,,;" 5:',."S fer :hoI co"..". "d ...+.,,,11 ~ " :u= ".... ;... s
. ~p,.opri.:e ?: .. par . :~ on "nd :h~ ar:5 : he .n~·1
opp<>:t u....,,;':y .
~, : " ~ O :"... ::.c:: b ."di~. the Or9""i z"Uon'. c ........ n~ by
providi::;" i,,[or~ t 1 0 n abo~t the 8nemy'i I tr"n9 th. and
.... a kn us • • .
•. :nforme:io" br.: di u the Or 9.oni u tion' l by""""",",,d
prov;:ein9 :'::!Or.lliOtcion a1>ou t MOV,"""",~s o ! t he .ne-y a.."d loi •

!n ! o ~... t i on r e qui,. ~en t . l n~ l ~e , Newness , Tru. tworthi n ess .

rorth"OIO~n\l . uc·~ri"y . •nd con f i rmation.
Ge ne .... l lI4hIt<>ud 5hee" Kl':atub ... id , "Thol ... t1on tha t .... nU to
a "hi. v. victory ov .. ,. i t s .n"""l lNJ"t know that """"'Y "e,-y _11,
I t also mu at k"o ... :he sitl of th. batt l . in ~uil. Tho • • ~ho
Hght an enemy :;u,t tha y do not know. do no t ",i n
succ • • "f u l ~:'li :.r y pl.n ~. t ~ built on "l •• r and t rus tworthy
i,..!or:nt.ti on . The " ouman<ia r ....... hghts an en-:.- a nd not do."
'.-, - •..._-
_. .,'
Ic:..... hi. n re."9:h ( nUl!ll:l4lt ..,<\ ..ueriel ) 1. bU M And d .. ~ine<l ~o

nny o ~ n i~ tio n
and proud • ...,at 91th""
the t d •• ira. ~o
"",eh , n ! o =--tion ...
tn!ortMtion he, tWO l our " • • ,
ra;se : ~e
·.an .. depe,..d~,,"; on ~t:. .. \iOV.~::~·' i><>Uey 0"" ~ ~~= o ~
~~.e pre •• &."\d. pcl>Ec,, ~e or. . . :~ i . i><>.. ib l . ,,"0 g ,, ~h e:
e"" ~o . . . ~ i o,, ::~..z:=;ll ,," """'iI.H i l:e •. boo ....
pe:~odieal •. o~!ie iai publicat i ona. and .r.~ h :o a~"s ~ •.
"' : a"" : ~,,,.. "?!outd ,,150 be 'iI~""n to t h . opineo". CO"""',,: • .
a"d lo~ e . of C ~n p@Ople.

Tr"",." . a pa n ...,..,dc iOn P"e . ;' <:Ie" t . . a id . · t,'e a t~: il:n.:" ft 0":
a" .",i • • the c apabi E ty of 1. a rn1 n; ",hat w.
; : . . . . .dva"c. ~o ou r pres s . beeau.e i t 'ilives ~rica 's
o ! !~ci . ll y publi c i~~ abou ~ our p l a". a"d eva n our
have not

a .. " " bi! .lIm' ''tl ..

!n L9$ 4 . AII" n Dul la . {PH I . 0 1"actor of Amaric"n
! nul.l i ;an c . ICt Al. said. " "'" r a.d;y t o pay a ny amount o!
rncn~ to obui n i"for:na t ion abou t tha Sovi at Un i or.. a ven as
li tt l e •• ~~~t tha Soviet Union obt .in . by ' impl y readin;
Arneric,"" " _ Ipapers . "

~a ona ; a the rin; publi c inf orma t i on aho\!ld boo a r~la"

pe r .or. (t:.i,,"'" college (Ira dua ta! who eltUlina. pr i ...::y
.ou r ca. of info~tion published by the ."emy (n. .spape. s.
~~'iI.I~i"a.< radio, TV . etc .). Ha .~ld . . . r ch f o r
c" !o~tion d i rec t ly r elated to tha topic i n quaa .;o" .

:'he o"e 'iI ' the d ng i nfonM tion with t hi . pub lic ... t h od i~
"o ~ e xpo $.-! ~o .ony dan;e r whauoeve,. . M y bro ~he r Ca "
;ether info"'""ti on fr"", thos e .. for.",..,tioned sourc es . W..
c .. nno ~ labe l t M t b rothe r a "Moll..., Spy · beca u s a ha do .. .
no: ",,,,k. any e U ore to obuin unput> lished . nd coven
~nfor .... t ion .

Seer"t So" r c"s : :0 ~s >,oss;';'1 • . ~,,","o"\I~. ~~." 5 ~ 5 RC". , .::.d
c"r:<;; ltrous ",.~~,,"oc~ , ~o o;':;a i c. c ""lt 20 % 0: :'::!or". :~o" :;~.4 t '- ~
co~.s id e r e d SItC"It:. -::!".e "'o s ~ i"'Po::": ..."t o! e " oc:rCItS
."" : :"d ~ v ~d\.:.l.s 1<""0 ar ~ r ecr",itltc as "it"" r "o " ~r:t; "ers
o~ oth" r ~cives
;,ltc au s e
R~cordin\l ond mcnitor~n \l
Pho ~o\lrophy
D. I"t ~rrOQ" "Lo"
E. Docurr.enu : By bur\lla ry or recruitment of pe::"s onnRl
f . Drugg i r:"
G. Survlt~nonce, s py i nll . .. nd oos ervo t ion

!;;:opaLon r"UM::"ing Using Pub lic MUns:

A. Ntw5Dapers . Maga zi nlts . a n d Offi c i al and ~ar t y ~ , h l i c at ~ gns,

I n order to \Iathltr enemy information, the ~ilit a ry

Organization can u se mean s such as magazinlts. publica t i ons,
., .. riodicah . a nd of!iciol pdnted matter. Throullh th. . .
Ollt" n s. it ~ s possible co l e.r:> about ml>jor \Iover""",nt
" v en t " a nd about: t he news . melttin .. s • • n<I t::-ovel of
Pr esid .. nt ~. miniHltu. ond eOlMlAnd" rs. Info:rnIA ~ i o n may be,

1. Name~ a..,d photographs of important gove::-n,,,enc

~ersonaliti ~ s. polic" cOlMIAnde r s. and s e curity
l .."dltr:o .
2. ?ublish .. d OI@@ tings . Throullh "he u . one can learn
about major dltci.sions ond topics b" i n .. discuued .
3. Future me" cin" pl a ns .
4. Present a nd future enemy eap a bi1i~ies throullh c urr ltnt
photg.g-raphs o~ pro jeecs and s c r.t .... ie sit es 0:: ~h::o u .. h

,. ....d"V. ·.. i~l: ~op o!~~,,! .. , •.
!M~.• ~ id a.l " ....~ aboo.: : e!1. '''«='/'' d~-plcr... ""./ ."C! ~ :s

,. p r e • ..,~ and !'-' ~ :.: r . pI ..,,..

~ o u ri.s ".ws ...~d ~h. .~~~v.l ti".s o~ !o~.i~ :~~~ ~ . :

-• •
<;:0"'" .
Ad"'''':;!....... r.::S a!>ou~
pOli eta,,", or a nythir.<; el ••
Ilpart:nent. for .. ant . v." ....,.:
that i . us.!:.: l.
•• M:!verti.,,,,,,,, u .. bout n_ and ... altd "ar lou _ . .~u e ::-....:;
b. ""ltd in a ••• s stn.ti on . ki dnapi ng. InC! ovftrth"'~~nq
thl govI""",."t .
•• ..... "."i"; t h .. ftn~"", poo i ti on on current
IvaiL bea r d , ded i c a ti on. J11oad . . .. ).
: ~l U'.i c i n u ...

: Ttl .. Mi li tary org""i z a "ion can u s ..

~ ou r c •• t o gl the .. ;'" f o.rmati on a ll
i"",,:r t a nci o f th••• _an. i • • "P l ain"";

Vi a"" L and .. udibh news hllp tIM Organi .a"ion to

,. dl " U'.ina i t s " .. n •...,,, And (""IIr'
p l ",,"
:ntarvi _ . _ y h llip to identity the govarnl:letl t policy
and i. e . ;"",..",,1 di r .ctiv•• .
•• the ~ranc. of t ho •• who occupy hi!ll>
poIl U O" •.
•• Learning th... p" ...... iling l.n f o rn>llt ion dip l ""","cy and ~u
,. po.i t~ on on ",on t ellPOr. .y i . ." ....
Learning about t h .. i nte r io r o f i ftJl'Or u .n e ;ov.. rn._nt
pl.", ... . ,,~ es t. b lis~~nt. d"rin; th..!r openin;
c.remoni •• or th.rou;h adv.r t i.~ n t •.
:" .d.d. i ticn to the .. f or e .... n tioned. [att..,t!on sh.oul d b4I lI i ...... n ]
to n.w.pap.r •• m.; • • in .. s • • nd t he p "b li~ " comm.nes . nd JOKes .



:n~o:."::ldti.on " .... 6 .d ~o
on ly two ~YF"$'

e»,abL;sr.rnents. ~he per s on

fo llowi"g s . c ur i. t y meas ure s:

• P.r!or~i,,~ ~h ~ to d ~t~ct &urveiLLanc. whi ~ •

exec"t:i."~ These exercises are not well
~h e m.i~sion.
d R!inRd, bu ~ ~ r. d@p .. nd.
nt o n the ~i~. place. and ~h .
~ b"l;t y :0 b e creative. Thes e exerci s e s ;nclude eh.
!ollow~n q:

a. Wa lking down a dead- e nd s treet and observing who is

wa lki ng lahind you _ a ....are of trap$.
b. Ca~ually dropp inq some thing o u t of your pockn ~ n d
o bs ~rvi n~ who will p i ck i t up .
c . wa lking f a st then stopping suddenly at a corn~r and
Ob5e rvin ~ who wi ll la a ff . ct ed.
d. Scoppir,g in frone of store wi ndows and obs .. rvin..- who
~$ ·..a echin~ you.
e. on a bus a nd ~h.n \I~ttin\l off after ~c d.par~s
a nd obs.rving who wi ll be aff.cted.
• "-<;or R.. "'C; ~.~::" "':"Ie o! your broe:~.,r " 00 ~ook ~or w"O .'J~~
i& " .: c~.i"\l you.

2. '.':"~n r " c e i,;i::<iI :;he ga~l'.er ed ~n~ o~t:'o" . 1"" t:'e ;':1!omar.o s
:~~v.l ". ~ar a . poss ibl e f ,r o," th .. i " p l ace o ! r~ , oc"TIc* a ""
yours. ~ .: .. ach of ~h .. ", gu there \l~:'nc; 5" ccnd""'j ~o a ds.
pr .. o . r d ~ ly a~ ~ic;~~.

Ga~h .. r whac iafo~tion you c an ~ichout emphasizo~<;; ar.y

pare . no t :.-ush or s how urgency because you::

.,a,,~ ic ular Do
.. xci t .."' .. n~ """Y uncover you a..,d t h .. de"" ... of ~rr:por"ar.c e 0:
t .." ~n_o~:nauo".

;>,.void an y ~h~"q ~r..t rRV"" ls your identity quickly. Do ~ o~

" t ~ ..", p~ ~o b e coo cr .... ~iv .. or inv..ntiv... R~r wnn
Talirar. li' ~l ,. .. id to hi " political emiuaries. "Do Mt :0 •
.. "",;'aus .•

5. )':0"" ~lowly and travel" Ijreat di s tance. Th" on " ...he> is

s ucc ess f u l in ga t heri nq infonn&tion is the one wh o i~ not
known or conspicuous.

)0 no~ acce p t even"s at th .. ir face value. Do nOt overl ook

a ~ick fr ien dship or a n appar .. nt di sput •. Evaluate :h..
c:r.port a nce of .. .ond do not jud;e t h e .. by ~heir
app ea::-anc •.

i . !lo not ~pe.. k v a guely or aC~ my s tedous ly e"c e pt '~hen

",.. ntin; to ~e t a 'b l abber mouth " to talk about .. hat h e
k..,OWS .

8. Carry perso""l credentials .ond know all cont e nt S .


9. Prior to co llec",,,; ~he ir:~o:-:t'.. tio" , ",a,,~ ,."re O";l" a l ~

~... cotS s
i,,::.u r ela t ed 00 o;"e ",.ission, " s p l ei I Uy"'",,, ",y, a u

l G. So,, :iy : ~.e a r " " wh. r l ir.!om.... tion- ;a"" . rir.; :.." e 5 pia c ",
car"~",-ly' Oper. ;lnd c 1o s .. d ,.treet,. . r u ic.,ma ' c"soo,,~.
o:ays of dre s sin;, and. ;lCCent.

li . !~ is "Ot p e rmitted to ";lrry ;lny _ a pons duri!"); tr."

i::forma t ion - \la therin; proc e ss.

12. Fi::<::i,,; a cove r p rior to gather:'n; t h .. informatton.

r e vi ew all sRcurity ~a s urR S concern in; mernb~r s of

[Or\lar.iz;ltior.] which ;lre cover"d i n prior I"n ons .

}!. ; h oc., o f a ntenng I"'orm,uion us i ng Coven MUns , Th .

}!ol:'ta ry Orga niz a t i on may obta in ,ecr ~ t i nformation u s irrll: A.
Survai ll a nc. , bte l! i \le"ce. and observat:ion; B. 'rhe!t: C.
:" t erro l/atio!"); D. Exciterruont: E. Dr\lII9in\l; F. Recruit:",e!")t:.

T" e b rother or brothers per!orrning the surve i ll a nce

opera tion on foot s tudy th. a v a ilabl . informa ti on
abou t the utg. t (h e i l/ht. w. il/ht , way of wa l ):i"l/,
looJ<.inli a t a rotc""t photogra ph )
~~ owinl/ the targ. t'a habits. p l ac e, he vt ~ i o ~ , and
C 0""""" i ca e ions
S~ " c.yinll c a refully the a r "a ...-h" u obs e rvation wiL !.
~ a ~. ~lac . , names of throu ~ h a nd c.@ac.- " nd ~tr e" t~ ,
r e s id"ntS' tabies and ~ay of dre ssin\l.

•. P",O,,- '00 0=, .. • ~a"c o~ ~;"l" sc.:=-ve :'l:anc" m~ ~ ~:'on, ::-... ko~_<;;
~,"'" :;::a o all n""ds r .. ~ .. "ed to ~n" ",.:'ss;'on. MP~C~4~ ~y
".o,, ~ y , .. re :nee.
5. ;.<;;" .... i,..~ or. ~""'" coom..:..'lic .. tion~ w=-en ~l":a lMd"~8 >; c~l
~ .. ~" p l ac. in Cas e th. ~I.lrveillanc .. pla n ~. I.lnceve ac
It:. l ephon .. , ... p .. r~on used for ~h ... " purp¢~. ). :'~"
~alephon" ,,-ulfli>er shou l d not be ,.-r=-~~en but """",,~~ . .d.
6. "'\jre"i,,~ on ~p.cial .ignah to ""chan~fl ord,,~ . and
;,,,st:,,-UCt i Oll~ "!nO"1I cha ,"urv"i ll anca t .. am "' ....,;,.,:..-5 .
7. Knowi"l1 ~"e me<l sures to be taken whell the 1:a"lIe c ~s
lost, such .. 5 co,,~accin~ the l~ders or someth~n~ eLs~
allregd up¢n.
8. i t i s not pe r"'in e d eo carry any weapons during the
;'"for.'Mtion _ga~h. ring proce ss.
9. rt; i ~ preferable 1:0 havfl a camer .. wHh th ..
surveillance man in case che ~arq.. t is ~o persona lly
con~act ochers.

S'lrveill anc. by cg:

S".rv e il~anc e by car requires cakin~ c e rt ain ml!asure s:

1. Inspe cdnq th. car's !uel, water , and li q hts_

2. Th" Car s hould b .. ot .. corr:oon type ~o it wou ld not

attract p e ople' s a~eention .

J. ':'h.. car should be in ~ood condition and the driv .. r

~heuld be e"Pflrienced .

4. Th" car platM should not conta in n"l nU:flbers . H is

~mportan~ to use a fals e licen se p i .. ". and small
n~~bers in order to preven~ .. nyona from spotting and
m<!lnOrizinq it.

5. Th .. car' . interior li ght s hould b .. d i .abhd in orc... "

to h;.d .. thu cd ..nt;':y of c"" ~u~v .. ill .. nc. tUm :neml;l.. " .
sitt i n~ in s ide .

6. Th .. :"lumba r .. nc. appear .."ce of e"" car ~urv .. i11 .. n c e ~ea",

m<!mber~ s hould ~t ch those of ehe eargee's c .. r .

• •
':"~.• <: a~ ~e ~ ,,'i
,,"sed ~o:- .u:va Hle"". 11"><>",d lta<:p "0> "'~~:: ::~.•
:':-ia: ' , car du:-;',,'i ~!l.e .u:<v. l 11anc. opera ~lon . ' SP<'C ~4~ ~y
i n c:-o·~d.d ara .... lind on ~i6e ' U•• U. Th. d ;'.~a"c e ".~"ea"
~~. e t wo ca rs d.';>e"ds on t he ", ;'rC:""'l ta"" ••.

• ! :~e target ~. t . ou t of his "' ... r a nd .ta:-t e to wa l k. o"a

of ~he ,urv e~ ll a"c " t &am members a " ould 'i n ou~ and ob serve
J. follo w ell efo re"",ntioned "",.."raa ~or . u~v.iLl.nca on
~OO~ .

!. s~ . "P (h ..... ~op • •v4d<'lnly "'hll.

!'!\• •" ' v.ill ......,ca car
ob.arv in'i which o(!>er CIIr i • • U ec:~ed (t.hi e i. cion. wa:-a
~h. : . i . no ~ a lo~ of ~aff lcJ.

~. Tha s urveillance Cllr $toP$ and (10.' "c:"""ards.

S. ( ':"h. lurve illan~ .. cllrl .. nta r . a park1f\'i lo t and d y

I/o.' o"~ .

( ! n to..,...t~on
-:h. O r(l.r.i~ a~i on· .
c =· nd need. d.:.i 1ed i n fo .,...tion abou:
~t-.• enemy'. vit .. l e s tabli.hmen(.e . wheth.r c: ivUi a" 0:- and ,"void su ... ri.....
"-lol u.n'. i n o rder to mak • ... t. pLane, .ea ch U=
-:hUt , ~!>e individual

it:)':.:1 into~_ tion about a 6e. i ~ad l oc. t i.on should, ~"
eddl~Lon ~o d~,"winl/ e die'iram . d • • c:tlbe I t and a ll o~s
".t'" •.•.
-;'" ;>a", ; ng' ",::e b~o~"er s;'o·.. ld <ira'" a dia<;; a.,,, of ~" • • ~ ea. ""..
S O~ • • "_ ano ~::' e loca:;ion which i s ~h. tar". c c>f the ~r.'o=.a "~o,,-_
... t"'" r'.:::;. He should ducdo. ies shap" a r.d cha,-"ac~ .. ,-"i s ~ics_
7he cr"''''~::'' ~"-ou:<I be rU.lisoic so ~ha:: &OOl<OQne who r.8Ve~ s . w
~". locs::'on co~ld vi . ualize i ~ . Ie is pref e ~abl e t o al~o pu~
on th .. drawir.1I ::he directio"s of ~rdfic, polic .. ~~a~ions_ .r.d
s e c u~;cy c.,," e rs.

i s rrote"u a ry ~o "a ~h.. r a~ much in!om.a 1O:'on

a~ po~~ibl • . For instanc e :

, 7ra~~ic dir .. c ~ i ons and how wia. ~h. s tr .... ts .ore

2. Tr ... nSpor"."ior. le.dinll to ~he loc ... tion
3_ Th. "-rea, a ppea::::anc .. , and s .. ~~in " of th .. p lace
.; . Tr.o.!!;'C signels ... nd pedeserian ... re ... s
5. S.curi~y personn .. l cent .. rs .o.nd lIoV<!!rnment agend .. &
6. E:rr.b&ssies .n<l consulat ••
7. Th.. .. conomic chara ct .. ristic :l C>f ~h .. ar .. a and ~raf~ic
cong-escion ",.
a. Public p a rks
9. Am<iune a nd I oc a don of liqh~inq

:t ;" p~e!.~able ~o photog~aph the area a s a ·..-ho1 .. first. t h e n

the 5 tr "''''t of "h'" [desir ed] loeaeion. If possible, .,.."or""'ic
?ic~ure~ ~ho uld be taken. That is, the coll .. ction of view~
s;,ould be cont:i:"luou s in a such ... ay "hac all picturu are ~ a k ~
~ ~om one loca tion a nd t hat the ~dir.q of one picture i s ehe
be ll:'I'~""l.i.:1.q o! ch. nex". Til", photoqrapru.r shou l d be "xperi ~ ced
"';~h anc pro~icient: in film processin" and developi ng _ It i .
r~ ~ ky 00 us e ar. outside film inq s ervic ", . Wh~ obs .. rv:n"
a m ~ ~;~ a~y i~ . tall a tion or camp, we discourage taking picture 5
'"he ,,'" :.~ is ~o~bidden. Th. b::::othflrlphotoqrapher should U5. a

• •
,"oc.," ~" c ..."",u :"a t can "ho:oqraph at ni"ht o~ :~o", a c.i s :.n",",
aIle! o" ly :"e lerls of t;~e cAlt'.e~a s hould be 'J~5:'bl e . '.1=>'""
\latr, .~i"" :':::!o"-,,,"on about a military camp, the bro:h. ~ s ::'oul<!
e!~aw a c!~a<;;::a,., o ! the cdll9' ~ o'J"rall ar .... . the carr.p i:s ft l~. a r.e!
:'t s :' '': e ~co~, io po s sible.

""'·'L"""""'"""J""'L'''',",''''·'L'''~'''L'~,~".,®~ muJOt c ontain th.. ~ollo"'ir,,, ,

,, l.oca tion
Exu::'o:: ,."ape
,, T ~ a n~port a don to i t
Spac," [;o:e. )

,,,. . '.' :=>."

"eapons ;.: sed
Unit us:'n"
. on • • CCatlor.S

Guard posts
hmo;.:nt ane! pe r iod~ of light in\l
10 . N~ber of s o l diers and officers, Office r s' ranks
~~unition d e pot locations
12. Veh :' cles and automobiles
13. Lea'Je poliCy

"16is .. Cor.mander's n a me , :ank. arri".l and d epa: ture times

~eg:"e and spe e d of mobilization
Er'-..-a d e s and names of companies
n. SL • • ping and "'akin" Urnes
18 . ':'el ephone li""s and meanS of cOlmlWlica tion

The b~other gath" rirrg t !I.. information ""'y sta rt ... frie n dship
·N:.~t: on. o! t::.
,;oldi.r~ or of ti c .. r s of t ha t bas e , Inf o rma t :'on
",ay b " coll " ct " d II r adu.o.lly and " asily from s oldi.,r" wh oM lIivin..-
"h"m ~;'d.,. !~om t".
camp ~o ~he bus o r ~ r a i n s t a t ions , e t c.

••• O •- ,.-·,.-
• • • • •· ,~
•• ~.-
=s. .•-. '.', __ Or.
:':l. :1J.l~ t .. :y O ~g .. "iU~~O::

."e<:oy •• t.b Usl=l:o!t:'.ts =d ...

u_ . .. .'~--. __ .'- :::a."l.
. .
~O l~i<; ....
. i...
. .. . _ . . . . . . . . . . _
0:'\ th. 0::""." n.<>d.
~.or.-.el .
• • ~
........ ,, _

t""~ i . . . !o"", ,,~ ".""."'"<"( ~.J..~t .

:~.!c,,",,".. t . or: i . coll e,,~e<! in

tMs .... t!loci by kidr.... p .:."Il .an

enemy i r~tvtd~. l. i::"arroga t ing him . • n~ tO r turing ~, ~_
SOu l"(;e of in for:nation i . nOt Il4rlUnent. Also, "",," ocr,
should be .x.r~is ed about being deceived by "'is i nfo=woei":-.
fr om .n~ indivi~u. l s . Thus. t lla brothe r who i nterrogat eS
the h"I t .. ge shoul d po...... thu toll owi ng en-ra ct.rilto c,,:
Should h&v" know l .. do;Je a nd . ;<9... t1 , . about ptl0fil1 . " s
behavi or and mor. l~ .
Shellld hav" a ~trOn9 pe r a"na lit y.
Should po •••• s .. s ixth .en •• baaed on pr"ct ice and
.~ rienc •.
S1l0",1d be axttemely ... ~;'ant .
Shou l d be abl a to act . pra t end , a nd ~sk him3~! ! .
•• Shovld ~ cntelliger.t . cbs.rvant, analy t ical. er~
deductive .
Should be able to establ i sh a n 1nveat1 ga tive pl ...~.
e nIhted b:-ot"e:-
doI ngero",s ta sk . t he brot;"e:-
Thua. the r ec ru itment t esk
types of ~aber • .
Thare era. numla r of rr<>ti" ... thet 1111gh t .ntice en
uneommi tt ed per son to teke per t i n i nt elli genc e wo:-k .
Th •• e rr<> t i ve. ar",
1. Coe rcio:1. a:1.d ~t"l" """1Q"l .r:-.• r.~
<. G::,,~d a."1d love fo~ y
"3 . ;)isp i <lyi:1.Q" courage and 10"''' o! adv,,::~,,=e
~. Lo ..... o~ amusement =::\ deviance
}:~,,~al a r.d poli:ical orien~ a ~ior.
,. e ar o ~ b<Oit"lg ~.a rmed

~~e Org~r.iz a cio~ ~y us. motive s No.2 . 3. 5. a."1d 6 in

rec rui lO"". "e.

, Smu.... l .. u
~ho~~ sa.kir.~ po li t ical asylum
,>..dve n t urers
Wor~ e r s a c cofoeR . hops. ::es eau::ant 5 . and
P .. op l ~ :' n "e ~ d
Employees ar; bord ",, ~, a irports. and s " a ports

T\l?u of Agent s ? e f erad by Th' American In ~d lig .. ns;. Mency

rC;A l :

1. Fore iqn of~ici a h

... ho a r e dis e nchant ed wi~h the ir country's
polici.~ and ar, l ooking ~o",a rd. the u.s. for gui danc , a nd
direc c ion .

2. Th .. id .. o l o..- :'. ~ (wh o i ~ in hi5 coun~y but 1l ~llin s ~ hi~

Q"ov.:mr.-.. nt l is cons i d .. r e <l a v a lua ble c a tch and a good
c a ndidat! for Am. rican !n~.lligence Ag e ncy {CIA] .

Offic i als who h<tve a la ... i ~h lif.scyl. and cannot: k .. ep up

us i nQ" ~ha ir regular wag .. s, or thos e who h<tv. w.akn!S$ ' S for
«omen. other m.m, or dcoholic b.veraQ"es. Tn. .. gene who
c a r. b@ bou u~ing th' dorernat"leione<l "",ans i s an u sy
~ a rg e ~. but the "g e nt who consid .. rs .. hat h .. <loe B a noble
cau se i s diff i cult to r .. crui~ by enemy int.lli g enc •.


, ",,~ ~ ;,.,.o ;>t.:~ ., o se. .. " d soldi e r s ~c: Third ~: Qrcd

co~,-~~ce. a~ e co~ s id8rAd va l uabl e ~ar g ~" •. So l dien are
t~e do~ ~~a~ir. q ac:d c on"ro l li~g eleme~cs o! those coun:;:,-a . _

R ecru i t ~@n t S t ac ••. S U ;>PO$~ ~he l . l .. mic Orqaniza t i on. with ~t .

modest capabiliti e • . wane. co obeain information a bout an
i~po rtant t a r g e~ (i mpor ~ a n~ p. r s anality. bui l dir~, CAmp. age~c y,
t:\i,.~Hry ) . !~ :-: .. 5 oa do ~;'8 !ollowi"l/:

r;'od iDg ; h e ",geDr;: In t his SUI/e , ~h e Orqaoi%aUoo pick ~

th@ s u itabl@ pers an for ~ upp lying ~ he information . The
Orl/aniza~ion l earns abou t t ha ~ »erson: His fi"ancial
cond i~i on, his fami l y st a t u ~. hi~ po ~ ition regardi ng th@
I/ove ~nmen", A"d h is w~ .. kness e. and streng t hs.

E"a l yAr; i ng the _W@r;t: In t h i s s tage. thR agen t i • .,heRd

und&r conti~ uo ~ s observation to learn the ~imes of his
departure ~a and r eturn from ..ork, the p l ace~ he visits,
che i ~ d i " id u als he ~ ee ~ ~ , and his soc ial int~rac t ion ~ i th
thos e ~ha t he meet~ ~n coffee shops, c lubs, e~c .


att " ntion .

c ase the fir s t broth .. r fail s to d~ve lap
:;,,'·the t « n l.,t. another bro~h@r take s over

• •
a:'~n lea~".::'n.. :'rom th., ~'..r~: ;OW"" ~:: e t .. r<; .. ,· ~ "' ... i<."le .....
(".,o tivln t!'.a.~ can boo e:<p !. o:'t e d l s "o;' <l~ ::;'s l ove for :no"ey,
o "posio io" to tne gover.'-"'''''~. ,"ov .. ~or adve "t:.:,,-e, o~
d:'spl .. y cou~ a ...,.

•• "~ .. -~ -'-
" .- ,"'·'" ,. n"
"'.-c ,~ _ ~. " ,. , •.;_"_~
.. " .. ,~. _ .,~" .. .'
. . . . ,,~. ~v _~ ,,<;, a",-,~
a pproa chi"l1 d t .. r .... t, co",e s the ."cond su .. e of :.-ec:.-"i::'''11
h'.. [n. Recruit;,n" rna.y be di~ .. c~ < ohac is. ulli;:," the all"":
!'ra"kly a bout worki"," !or ehe Or .. anization tor a ~p.c'..!:'c
a"d a .. r .... d-upon salary. A pr~ s e 15 secur e d in wr it::'nll or
v e rba lly.
Or :.- . cr " i~mer.t rna.y be indir e ct . tha~ is. into ..... "io" ma.y be
t a k.,n from th.. tArll.,t without intorming him that h e i s a ~
all .. n~. Tha, may be accomplished by lIivin .. h i m 1I;'!t~.
~ ;,aring hi 5 joys and sorrows, and attemp,in .. to solve hi s
" ,,"oohms.

this sta.... ~h. agen, is a.ssigne d

to t e st his abili~y. lo yal~y. and
dep.ndabiliCy . Th. agent dou not l<n"" that the
O:.-ganizatio" alrea.dy has the ~ou"ht info ..... tion. If t~~
i nto r ma~i on $uppli .. d by ~h.. a .. ent doe$ "ot match the
O~ga"izatio,,'s ~xis,ing information. then the agent may b~
an ur.uliabl. s ourc. of informati on o r may be tryi n .. t o
mi s l e ad t!"Je O:.-ga.nization. OUrin" the tes,ing stag e , til e
a ll.nt s hould remain under c a reful obs~ rvacion to spot ,, 11
!"!is ",.oveme"U .

6. T~ain~ng th.. A"e n,; This ~t" ... "pp li .~ to the r e cruit .d
a g ent, t!"Jat ::'s. the agent ~ho has been recrui,.d directly

"".0 Ls .. " .. re 0": .. " r. e la5 "oe ....., "ecru~ ~ ea by s orr.eone Or SOr.."
or"ani zacion for :ror.ey or oo":er thi,,'Os. :"h,,: ,,'Oe,..'O ,-.ay be
o:,-a inea 0:: :":e !01~0"'~n9:

a. \-Ior;': 5ecr .. cy and rn ... n~ of "u h .. rinq .. nd hod;',.."

~::~ o r :na:ion
o. T":e ",eohod of panin " i nfonn.-o;'on on to of~ i "ia l s
o. Concea l ment "na ais'OUising
!n:erro.. ation and re si ~tin9 ohe ineerroqation

Explaini"'9 t he ass i,""ed mi ~~ion in u~ st deoa:.1

--:here mi9":t "Ot be any trainin9 ... t aU . The a9""0 'M.y ,,~
g~v .. n !r... aom in his "'ork. r elyin9 on his instinct.
t ... l e::ts. back;rouna. and the capabilities ot his .uperLor
broth •.:r.

: The brothflr who mana\le~ the ...;ent

qualifications of ... perfe ct ~PY . a
.:,;::;~: : .: ::::;;', an in oerrOqa tor. Ther .. are tloIO points ot
'" on the a\le::t:

Mai::tai::i:: .. a stron" p e rsonal

This t&ehniqu" provia"5 the
ent i ces him to t .. k e cla::ce~
~ith the information.
Ho.,@v .. r. t .. chniqu" h as disa dva nta ges. Th" harri .. rs
between a .. ent ana his superiors ... re removed. and the
ag.m: may ask for many t hings tlat we r e not a greed upon.

"'" person managing the age::t trea05

th.. limts for th .. ~ u:rpo .. " of
possible. This oechniqu ..
i n ora.,r to k e ep e he

~ ' 4~ lV~ ~~~O MoqS Aluappns .00 saop . ua50 aU" " v ~o
os ~ TIO~'UO~ ~ Plnou~ ~uaOv wq~ ,0 sn ~v~ s l o ;~ttQu; ; &ql -(
' ~ sa~J V s .• u~ ov _0. o. P~~I pUll uo , .u .~ ~v
<~."<.V 'IOU p ,[ n o tl" 'I ; ' uo'qv='{ uO<ln_ p ...."O .. " 'P ~v "".. 00
~4~ o~ W~ ~ , uw OU,A! O puv bu ;,,%od~uv~~ U~ QM '81q 1 ~~o~ ~v
A'[>{ "~nb n " uop '"" PTno'ls .u" o " .np :m , fiu1'l" " uro" l\u"'F "v,"'l . ~
· s d ...:;n Aqooq '"'I plno~ ~ 5.'l .L ' "nu
. . U>O.::::- - .,
\ll;>'P ...u :o o'"" ;IO ~tr.>.6" ;01,1< 0'1 s .. O"'!",,,1J P'" I"'"S pu," s '10" oa
• l~moW<l 4 l1" btl nOaa ~1W4" Ii" IX"'"" ~ tl Q~'::O<l\ll !
· (s."""",: .uv~~odw;unl s~u&Wn ~o p '!;OM ~q~
'I:"'" ::t;oclJm>~ o~ . :mll'p v "'I4 I . SS "U,lp I"", ~ s n~"
0'1 ~ " P~o u~ ur p.t Ou,";vd.t"hQ " S ; tj
Wt l.l !';upo~;UOJol'~ ' T!'''' " /'IOU>[
~ 1 .,~.d s OU,~S ~ ~H
· U Ot. v u.~ ~ ~ ~4~ ~" ~ iinba ~ .U~ O " ~4~ 'p ' sa ~n s"aw
u, ,r.:IO.:I'::'" P " ~ "_lI . ~ 'uoqt>n'lt s qo , 81.P U'
~o ss a u>{;:qs .0 ;o sn"::>~ >lot"'" o . };~ F". /I ,, ~uI 'q ' s ,
"o; ~~ ;" ~u"U,:qn.t"" " "'1J. .p "'~P T"'" ,""'P ~ ~"U"TT" T . "
u . '1~ In~~ PTnO'lS ~ . '1 J. .,
·.~.;I~ OI~~ . Ua'lM ~~a~~u;~ pu ~ ~ o l~ n ~~
~ . sn pu . · ~ .;' O pu. ~ u OW '1~,~ o uaO~ S&I nl . H ·U O ' O ~ 18 ;
5 ,'1~ 11 ~ J'~w . , ~ IO; ~I~ " '10 '1 ' T ~ UO'" . '~0 5 5 ~ JTWV1 51
5,'1 pu~ " ou . ,o ~ uoo a .• uaO. a'!. o. S l~~~~ v I"'I~OIq O u,o~u ~
. 'I~ " 1~'I~ 'I " UU~~ 0' ''. , _1 I n '~ I~~ ~ u ; p8. ~& IO '"'I A~ ,u" o .
~'1 J. · .~nb;~o.~ O~~ "'I. " U Tqwo~ ~o uo, .~:'u.~o ~IV',l~W
~ ;m ~ , $ 1 " '1 ~ .r4' aha;,aq I · ~h ; '~ ~ ll "uv o ~uoo o u"o~
ItOloI.Y'I&'1IIYlLt L6-KtI"IJm
giv .. " ~o h~"" wh:'l " ~h "
~l< a ccount.

\,11"n wi "h ing to r e cruit .on "g""''',

ev"""" "hould oceu::-
n a ~u~.lly. You may agre. with ... fri~nd that h e invit~ th*
person to b~ r .. c~uit~d for dinn .. r, or something s imil*,.
l\'hih tha~ in" e rmediary ~~son i~ tall<ing with h:'rr., he
notic .. s your a rrival at your friMld 's, gu ets you, s taru
to conve:,,* with you, a nd i nvite ~ you to sit down with th*
p e r 50n you wa nt to r .. cruit.

~IhMl ...... tinll with th~ allent, mal< .. ~ure neithe r you or th ~
meeting place are being monitored. Do not ..nter a plac .. to
~ .. t with a n agent before h~ do~s. ~h~r~ could be a trap
for you.

I~ you wait tor yout agent at the agreed-upon loc" t i on. you
could"" "" tar'l~t for h im. B~ e speci;llly care ful i~ h e
goes to the bathroom. one .. , in Ba l'lium , an Ina eU Mo~ s.d
oU i ....e an Arab .gent. A few minutes after they Mt
down, th e Arab agent said tha t he had to go 'l~t somRthing .
When h e returned, t he I sraeli .. a'lent wa~ ~till
th. re. Til .. Arab ag e nt th.., pulled out a pistol and shot
the Mossad agen t sev e ral times .

tn order to communicate with the agent, it is neCe SMI"y to

spe cify loc a tion s s uch 4 S p a rl<s, a univ.r~ity carnpU& ar.a.
tt ~'" n a c .. s ~ary ~o continuously COlm\unica ta with th. ag.n~,
to learn "bout his probl"rns and r"que"ts, help him as much
" S poJOJOibl .. , lift his ~r.l., and ren.w hi ~ confidence .




':.~;~::.~:~; (:1'I,
.. iea l _~I!d .. l ~ h4t i .. us.:l. or. •
~h. vri~i~g can be ~d. vis i ble by
""",,":0 ... , ( chftl:1icall aol" O;' O"II. Th. loi n"..,.
lomewhao old; ~pi •• used varioue type~
World war I. and aft ar the ~ar many
~er~ . ~t . r chemical compound. Wlr. di. cov~: ed .
can make moat o~ these invia ibl.. ink. be come
War ia 3cill bllng waged between thl nati ona and
q r gani zationa. The [,I.-i. e organiza tiona can re.ort "0
modeat <::&pab111c11' of writ ing lettere with 1nv is ibl e ink
~t. r ial. availabLI on the aa rkee ~lch l.,,,e no trace at
long .. a it is wall hidd.n in the writing. Th, paper th .. ~
I .. ".,d hav.. db. !ollowlng [characta r latlcl l'
1- The paper ClUllt be aaoc>otb.
2- The I)&p..r must bot t ha type on which ink 4oe.n'c spr ... d.
l- Thara ~s t not be anything or a ny plctur,. on the pape r
tha t attract attention .

llwhible ink.
organic ao lutiona)
:~•. urina. Tha .. a re
_ tIIil" at a u .. ed
solucions, .ril -:olorl.,,, .. _ chay .Ita dry. also
.pp.a~ .I. va ri ous color.

' ~ U; <~~~S q~;~ ua«;I~ ~nvs s am v u, ~&Wvu Ah~ a <~~ ~.uocr _~
'Iad~ A<;lvnb pooO v ~ s o _,
"I a dvcl a ~< UO AI.qOt,
~uop ~ . snw 6u;<;~ aq~ '~q~ <.usaop OU ; <;I~ ~4< ,0 <u,Idill,
a ~ ,V4' OS I~~ _4. liD 11 ,nb IO uad .4' 4"~ ~ ~a Id •. uoa
- "~t"'-
.:m •• "10 ":.rn ...",.pns
'~U; ."I~a5 a 4~ '~.;1V
" v4< .s n v~~ pep;o~" aq pynoqs PVVI IO I.~l; S &~;l spunodwo~ -5
·unrF0tU.d IO
~ &~! l SU;WV<,A •• ~ lIOIOO awo~ .sn o. &,q,ssod ~; .Z -,
".Ovss&w 8q. llD ' ; .d ;~ puv 'uoT ,nt os
10,!OO,[" at(. u; '11 dTP ·uo•• oo JO a oa t d v . a O 51 op O. 8flV4
~M ltV ·eU;"I~ _4, .... ~. o. T0!.!o"t " u'!' (u, I,d"" •. '''';;:PE1.(O
.:IO; <d a o~) ' ~ lqV .
u;I;d~v uv . AIDS . ,p o. a lqT ssod 5. 'I _,
'pOtj.iOUl ":'101"" "0
~~. ~Sn Ou,.,~ &\:(' & 5odX~ o~ '~2~.s qo;~ ~I .... al ."TI~ o.
P l" S [ Hd] :r "PV\l5~N) .Pt~ot\l:) a sn o. atq;ssod s ;
ll;~ O U;~T~~ ~~~
;:0 "oH~1i p~vo V ~.~o P8ssvd
'"" _.. - - -~--- o~ a:>,n ,
-d:ln!1 "
UOU:"l ':0
". or -'[
-uo , .n, os ~ .q.OUl1 \I.T~ p ... l1 ..:r. a ~v A ~ ~~ ;,
NOX.~~ tOt-HB/~

5- A r~~ lar L ~:~er is ... rieee:"! ",ieh a ba llpoi:"!" .,.,n

" .. c~ e c ink .
not: "' i oh
6- Th~ quill a~ pIOn ~ho u ld be ",a~ h e" befor R and a:te r u s e . ~~"
no~ ,, ~ """ "'ith o:~. e r ink.

Both ciphRr . and code are cons i dered i"""rcant :n<OanS o!

conv.ying information wi ehou t: a nyan. ather than the p a rty to
wh i ch it i s "ent b .. in~ able to d ecerrrdne ics content". Ci ph .. r"
d ~f~er ~rom cod e .

Ci phgrs; A l .eeer. n~ber, or symbol t ak~. t he p l ac. of anothe r

le tt e r. numher. or s ymbol. Th. nunbe r Il). the l e tter (H). or
" h. " ymbo l (~l cou ld take "he plac e of the number (3 ) . "h.
lect e r (D). "he s ymbol (O J . or a ny other n"""",,r, symbol, or
letter. Not i c . t ha t i n s imple ciphe rs that the s ame n~r or
symbo l always repla c e s the s am@ l . "t. r , while in compl i caced
c iph. rs, whi ch are cu rr.ntly in us •. the S&IDe symbol and number
rep l ace a diff e r e nt l e tt e r e ach tiI...
Code; I t: consi.t: . of symbols, words . Or groups of l .. tt. r s c hosRn
to r e pre s e nt or ",xpr&u other ... orch. 0". word could ha".........n l
"",an i ng ~. or cou ld represent: a comple ee s e n tence. or cou l d be a
long par a ~r a ph a ccordin~ to thB sys tBm u s .. d.
Sci e nt i" es hav .. prov"",, t ha t: the a ncient Egypt i an" , J"~~. Gree ks

and ROITllln S used ciphers and cod ... [They "' .. ~ .. aho usedl d"rinll
~,,~ Middl e Ages. simple c hoUllh ch"y znay h a v e be.,n. li ): .. simp ly
pu t t;~!111 """'ry l et cu in the place o! the l etter t;ha t follm<ed i~
i::t a ~ .,.,cific ... rrangan> ..nt of the alpha b et . Spe cific letteu only
mi llht ha ve been substituted. Se cre t ~ritinll d"v"lop~d and too):
on mor e comp li c a t e d forms. ~rica e nt e r ed wor l d War II because
of a s ecreC me ~s all" that ! .. ll into the hands of Briti s h
Intelligence in 1937. ",hich ~as Sent by the Ge~n Por .. illn
Min iKtu [Zi""""rmann) to the Gennan Ambassador to Me x ico. The
British l earne d frC<l\ the d"ciphBrBd 1. ttBr that thB GentWlns "' .. re
planning to ~ag~ ... ll-out &ubmarine ~arfare u5inll. The le tt e r
containe d a proposal that Me x ico enter t he wa r on the sid e o f
the Germans . ~ith the provision t ha t atter th~ victory. Me~ i co
"'ou l d acquire Taxas. Mizon.> . and N..... Mexico. The !lri t ish
Fore i gn Mini ste r ( Ba lfour ) turne d the l e tter over t o the
Amo!o::ica ,,- Ambassador in 1.ondon. who i n t u rn .,.,s s ed i t on to t he
White Hou se, ~hich con!;rmed the auchen cicity of the l e tt e r (by
c ~@c kin ql the [oriQinal l ciphe red l @tter and corrRl at inll i t wicn
the code . Con" .,quently ........ ric .....ntered the war a".inat Gennany.
!I"t~ Roo sev e lt and Churchill M c apecl. d e ath I><!!c<lu$e of a German
t~anslaCor'5 illnounee . He ",a$ dee;'pher;'nll an enciphered :neS5alle
i~ Spa ni Bn. Both RoosevBlt and Churchill h a d aqre.d to meet in
C... sablanca in 194~. Spani&h spies in Wa"hinllton learned of eh.,
n ews , a nd they s e nt. this in an enciphered me~saq e to Hitler. The
German t r a n s l ator rac@iv. d i t for deciph.rinll . and he read the
:'lame a,. ~"'o words: (Ca~a). ",hieh rn<l<lfls (hou&el. and (B lanca),
whi ch m~" ns Iwhi t e). So he translated the mes s ag e

chac eh,,:.;h'l1 lL">C !' w. ~. 1I0i"", co . . .~ ~r. ch. Nhi~.,
·HOu ••• Gennan ai ~c~af : w.r. no: ab le to te Amer icL~ .::
~p.oc•. and bo:h C!1."rc!l.ilL and ROo ... vtl~ UCt~ .

typt. 0: Ci ph e r a An~ cRdt •. 1. tncipht ring with coordina tes. 2.

Enclphed"g ...·i."'h ~ymbo L . and ,...,rd8. 1. Enciphe ring boo l<s.
n.wlpapers. a nd ~~ga %ine •.
Secret writing mu St hBve two i mportant element. without whic~ ~t
i . not a tru .. ciph~:. They ar .. ,
Tht Firat Element: It mult ha ve . general sy. t em on which the
.ende t .."., racaivI!r s .gr•• , ...,d i t i . no ...... lly a tixed [.yst_l.
Tht Sicond E1 'nt: Th.rt .... t be a spec i.l I<ay whi.;h Chanl!,,"
~ r om t iN to t;"""'. The c~phet kay .... y be ~'ad o r • nu:rber or
II r o"," o t nuri>er l. It could aLIO be c .... ..,nd of • word, .n
~xpr e •• ion. Or . lenCance according t o whft tw., .gt"" upon
...... ng eht corr.:;pondentl. Thi. key i . ,,&ed to decode ella ciph~r.
and. i . wllat dict.o.t: •• the ' tep ' required t o tnciphar any secre t
I acur. There .ra • f ew other et_au which •• cret writinll '"-Un
h .~. though las ~ impor t ...,: than the tWO prltViouily mantioned

Th. key _.t

Th. m• ••• g. mu . t ~ short • • h.r»ly d .. linta ted. and
u"-de:" u,,dabl • .
bt chang..,. perf.odica.lly. s o ~h.a t the . "amy
does not it and [ lot able tol rtad all t he . . . . .g • •.

lllV" -10 S TUIlSt.ATlta

;;.",,11 L"tt... is ~.!>la"ed. by " nuri>er . a :,<:! :.= i . no: n.c.ssary !o ~

th" ,,,:,,.!leu eo De sequend a l . 1"ha t is • ..., can . . . .epa .... t. 0""
n~~: f rom th~ f ollowing one. EYampl., A_I. 8a6 , J _20 .. t c.
Th" importan:; : hi:!g i. "hat the o t h. r sid. (til. r ecei.ver) be
alo'are o! tha t . I t i . a l so po •• i bl" to chang. the ven • ..,i th
.. noth" r 0" •.

( ( ABJD ?W;



R. 4 0

~ "00
11: 6 0
;~ l~
S_$O " .90 !'o IOO X·200 0·) R_ 'OO
, _ ~O

"1"-600 C·700 0-$00 %. 900 V.IOOO Y_1S00 , " 00

•{oie l
lll<&IrI;>l., OAM o\LAOW' 8QTI. RU S At.JH?WRI? [Th. or<:> th,,:. k ill..,. ".

Pr"dcient o f t he R"public.)

AWM?W1!.n ,.,
UlS 1\- ' 00
A"' l
L_5 0

)o!06 0

Wo l D

? _5

)j_1 0
1'1.0700 1_10 ' _ s

S)0 4 0010S 60J~0180 } 01'00S0600)002S108001S01601100

11Jl/ 1M -1 III JP"$U,TIc.

Moth ... ~ric !'Ie~hod: 'l'!'Iere i. anot~: oethod by "hich 0:" car.
encipher ... Iing diqits .. s foLl~: W.. 1 ....". ou~ the nUllll><or5 (8,
9, 01 ~rom cha "",'\\ben .... ..s in th .. dpha:.
C·. ,., ,.,
: ·14 S ~15: _16
V_ll !,I_n Y~23 - -24 (1 -.5 Ps.6
K_)1 !os32 !'I _33 N_34 ?_n WalO

Notice that this tiphar co ... ld be Uled ovar the t .. l ~hon~ o r

radio, but it wouldn't be good tor latters ba<:a th.,. could be
discover..s too .... sily,
''''PO:;.,.t Not~: .... y ask. _
50_ can a b.-otha ~ (thit raea;,,,er l
i<noIo what chit &~ndar wanU , when Itot ,,~ nd. it lett .. ~ wi th nothinq
W e nUltbers plAced n"x t t o .ach othe r, Like in thit previous
exampl.: O~ A ~OW? BOT!. REIS ALJM?WRI? (~. br others killed the
Pre,ident o f the R"pubHc, 1
S)Q 400105603501 80301 t00506003002S 1080015016 0 1300
We .ay that i t is po ssible, a. we mencionad in t h .....cond ~thod
t o a li fll-ni,..ta """"" numbolr. ar>d u.a th"'" a . separatou, b o t _
"""...... u,
E><""",l~: !lfa .liminat. the nuri)er. like (B. g. 01 tCOlll- th"",. a.'\d
va choose the n!Wber S. for a~la

~ e~a~pl e ' o f ~he s~ cond ~e ~ hod , Q~ ALAOW? BQTL W;IR ALDAOL:?

(~h ~ b~oth~~s k" lled ch~ Minister o~ ~he I~t ~ rior.l


Q=2' A.~ l
L_32 ,.,
W~ 3&
Q~ 'n Cal {"i el L_32

W; Ii>.
DAO LI? ,.,
""-_36 ;~H 1_37 R_ 13
L-32 D_11 A_1 0 ='
I_3? ?_)S

3S~7327111~2 1l 33714~63232723536732133127

r.'h.n w.. pu~ the numJoer « 0 1 ) ~o se~r"t .. bet", ...m the l .. ~te:s , io
",ould be as fo l lows:
37 032 0701 0 1103 201 0 1J03701 403603 203027020350360703201 03301027

To corr.pUcac. ~h e cipher somewhat. we woul d put ~h .. numbers (9,

8, 0 1 a 5 ~ epar" tors in one method.
The mechod of symbol s a nd numbers: We se~r a t .. ~he l . tt . ~s o~
t h .. "lpru.b.. t i nto a number of groups. an<l each 'Oroup i s coznpos.d.
o! a number of <l1'O it5.
Ex""".;>l .. : I t is possible to ..... k e six 'O roups . and so .. ach \/roup
",ill b" composed o f five number., ..",cept for th .. laH \/roup.
which wou l d hav. only four (s ic] number~.
trlC f llll - 10t '""-..... ..,· I ~

$~ " =h G '~"I>

r ,!:h

C~""I> ~_r<h

Gr o""



hro = ~ """P

ttl_ atta~ tMt. every II1'CIUP ha.. . . . ~i!ic: .yri:>ol. and """'<Y
l a tte .. i n th .. ,""oup ha l .. eptlcHic: n~r. 10 tha ci pher "'ill be
. 1 followl:

•,. , , c

" • • "
, , ,, ,
• • "

'" "
• • "

• , •• •• ," "


.. , ,
.. C T B A

~l. ' ,.= the !ollowi nll ••n t.nca by ... an. of thi a eipher :

M.?JWH At.$A-~ ALSAB-? ~ (The attack will be at .evan i:> n.e


ill-1Jiffl , 0 , , , • •0 , • • ,
ill-SA "1 ,0 , , , • , 0 ,• ,•
Al-SAB " ? , 0 , , , • , 0 , 0' • '"
.~ .
,•' 0 ,0 10 10

I:> o rder not to mix up the lett"r. when decod i ng the ciphe r. it
i, pollibla to choo~a .. , ymbol othar t han

_the lyooboh pr.s,,:: t. It , . potsibl " co choo_ 01 • • ymbol C ! D~
~l. l o . circl. wi t h • do~ I n ic. to leper a"e one word ! ~ om
.. nothe: .

...... oth.r ""'tho~ for Iymboll .nd nW'!lber l: For th11. we uae Be" .. "
drel . . , and ~~ c h c i r c le c,mtaiM four l "tt"n • •• foll <»> s,

., r"T.-l r;'-n
~ ~
,' ,
Exampl" , AQTL ?ZA ALUAGWT IKill this e!.e vi l . ]
, .
AQTL IS". orig inal ~or symboh.)

1U (S_ origin .. 1 for aymboll. )

~1JACWT lsee ori;inal tor ')IIIIboll.]

I" o rder tor One to know the eon t "Xt o f th .. _usg" , it waule!. be
5.. nt to Ceh .. r ec"iv"r l a. follow.,
is .... the original .'orabi. e tex t fo r t h " symbolt . 1
I t 11 po . . 1bl" to ~ "par. tI betw""" .ach wore!. and. th" on" tha t
fo il owl i t by pla cing a I~ific a)llllbol betwe"n .. e h wore!. lother
tl'.ar. a .ytri>ol alr.ady pr ••..,t . )

• •

3- Th@ L~tt ~: * @thod: Th e r @ a r e 2 3 l@ct ~ rs in t hQ Arabic

la~qua~. _ W@ ~ limi~ao@ ( 31 l Q~~e r ~ ! r orn t h e (281 l ~ t t er $. and
( by way 0: e x arr.p hl the l et= en .. .. di,,,.l.,,at e a re IC-G - ZI, a nd M
'.... ha v e a chart ",it;' {5 1 ~:oup ~ cona i ni"g- {lSI l Q~t .. rs a~
to llow ~ :


, ,
, 0
, ,

W , 0 ,
, , 0 ,
Not .. : th .. A:ro",~ found to th& ri~ht o f th. c~rt i ndicat e t ha t
w"' mus t t .. k ~ t h .. l a.t hor izontal letter. [See orillinal for
arro ... s. I

Example: I f we had a ,"ord c o ",>,<,sed of a nUlOloer o f l e t t@r ~ li k e

{RANI , ",h,on omdph e rl.nll. the fir s t letter {KJ would be IWLI .
Tha ~ i • . for t h i s lett e r IKJ, ~h@n .ncipherinll , the r . wou ld be
(t ~o l e tt e r~ ) . o n @ h o ri z onta l l ~ ttar and the oth@r would be t he
v@ rt i c al. The h orizontal wou l d be th ~ (WI, ane:! th .. v@rt ical
,,",u td be t h .. {L I. and t h e " est of the lnt@rs o f tn .. wo r d (KAN)
would be done th@ s <tme ~ay .
It ttle laH la ~ t er of t h e 5chedul ~ ...e r ~ n e .,d.@d. . li ke (H). ttlen
ir. thi s c as." "" woul d. endph." th. (11) .. s ~o ll ""' s : (11.). I f i t
"'n ~ tha l a tt .. : (N). ",., woul e:! .,n ciph., r it u f ol l ows : (SI) " nd
50 forth .

Examp l e: AQTL ?ZA ALUAGWT ( Ki ll th i s d @vi l. )

AQTL A_MH Q~?L T~ ~ H L~I·

?ZA ?~ T I Z_No t f o und on the cha r t 50 ~e (exc hanll@ ] th., l ett. r
ID) f or it , ~ nd when


tne cipher i . broken. :he t r~. l .~".~ is ~nder.tood f~~ :he

~.n i ng Of the word. and 80 ; : would ~ th~., Z'NS A.~ rHl

A LUA~~ A.MH L_I' U_WY A_MH 0. :5 also not !oun~ ~n the c ~ r: .

~O we aeal wi~h i t .~ i t it i l ani'). a nd when the ciphe r is
broken. put it in its original f orm {G I a _ML W.J I 1 07M .
The enciphered se n t.nce WOuld be .s follo~.:
Wa ~. t " •• one of the thr •• lette .. a t~t ~r ' cancelled le - G-tl
to .epa .. a .. e ~t ~ •• ch word fr~ the [ fo llowingl on ••
NOte: 1: would be incorr..: .. t o u" this chart the ..... "'Y . ,
the previo"8 0"". bee...... it ia {t,.oo -'-Y i !o.. an en-.y to
~iqur. Ou t en. co:\te"t of the _ ....<;1. and ite ci pher. TIl.refo" •.
~ ~k • • specific key for thi. charc. which no on. know. except
~or the ( ••"d.,,) .nd the (nrc .. i"" .. ).

An Exarrtpl. of the Key: The lend" .. !lIld r.c.iver 11\&1' agre" that
the k ay tQ the ciph" .. (eM table) (b.] a word or an ..... ' AEW
ALfRJ I for e x ampl e ) , a nd 10 the ~ipher table wo~ld be a~

, , , ,

, , •
, •
0 ," ",
, , • , ,
Note' we tOOk (~"""'thin91 a way ~ro:n t h .. word [AlIW M.fRJ ) ABW
LfRJ. We rerr>ove<! the AUf (AI f()und in ALFRJ , [theretore) t h e
word Will" ABW LFRJ, and efter wrltin9 it in the cipher k e y IABW
M.FRJ), we write the 25 Inten o~ th .. alphalat tMt _ know,
noticing that we Mve rftlOVe<! tha letter s which were .... i n.", in
tM k ey /Iol!W ALI'RJ ) (ale) e. in thO! proovioul tabla .

• -

Exampl. , AQTL 'ZA ALUAG~~ [Kill ~hi5 d.vil.]

Solucio~: AOTL A."F Q.a' ~ _B? T'"Z L.n=

nA ~.F' Z.W~ ~r. a" it a5 i f i~ i5 .. DEN; A."F
ALUi\G'~"!, "' = " F L.NF .... · f G~\'.' ~ it a s i ! ic i s a " ~? ...
1'j_KF T. " Z

~~e: ef or e t~ e cipher COm9S ou~ as follows,

"F!!? " ; NP ... ·N; " F " PNFNY " F"?AKF" ;

~e~ we n~~d Co ins~rc one of th~ three 1~tt~~5 (C-G-ZI becw@@TI

u c~ enciphered word. 5 0 c ha t the l .~cer s don ' t !le t mixed u p
with @a ch other. Cons.quently. as an examp@ w. choose che l e tc@r
(ZI. and then ehe ciph~r I the. "nciphlOr"d l"tter would be as
fo ll ows , I
"PIP " ; NFZI' " N; " FZ "FNF"F?AKF " ;Z
The n . will no t b@ .. ny mi.tak~ wh~n t he (rec e iv.. rl b"l/in s
d e codinl/ ~h e ciph .. r, becau~e he knows tha t for ea ch actua l
le tter , che n ' Ilr .. t wo enciph .. r .. d lett .rs. ( He also knows ] chac
b .. tw~ en @ach word .. 00 t h e on .. which foll"",s i~ is one of
~h. ~ hre e .l e uers IZ-C - GI.

III'.po::unc Not. : 1 - I t is possible ~o wri t . ~he s e cr~t word (the

k ey to the ta bl~1 eithIOr horizontallY or vertically.
( 2-] a is possible whe n endph e r i n q u s ing t he pr""ious UbI. ::0
choo s e one of th~ fo llowi ng method$;
A-Th~ ~abl. could u~e d de~cendin g -des c endinl/ ~y ~ t em (two
arrows down ] .
s_ The t .. b l " could use"" IlScending- ascendinl/ s y st<:m ( two
ar~ows up ] .
ttlt/ BK- ll J TllANSLA.TJ:ON

c: T~@ ~a b l e could use a descanding-asc endong . y . t@m and ~~.

oppo ~ i~ .. ( .. n arro<o' up and another .. rrow downl .

Iioweve r, both s ide . Ialst b .. awar. of thi . {~he ~.nd . : -~he


- If it happen. tha t any number. appe.. r in the mess a;e whil .. we

are ,",sin; a letter cipher, then ",a bf!.gin , for e xample , by
~ritinq the nurnber~ 11 -2 - 3 ..... 1 with 1~ tter . IWAHO- ACNIN - CLAC'I
(One-t"o- th re~ . _ .. ____ I

Not . thae "'Itdo not write ACNIN or CLAC ? becauu we have

e li~in a ~ e d the l et t e r ( C "I from the tab le.

To complica"e the cipher we ~crarnb l. the leturs and {"",ke l ~he'"

uncornplic a ~ed i n the tabl~.

To ( a l ao ] corrplicate the cipher, we c .. n e"chang ~ the l etter ... i th

~h. one above i~ , and while d~coding it, the receiver take. the
l e "t e r that is be l ow it . On th .. o t her hand, the l etter below it
Ca n b e ~ritten and whe n d e coding it, the lette r above i s taken.

Th. coordinates method: In orde r to d evi. e a cipher wi th th i 5

method, .... make a table in which eve ry letter in thr a l phabe t
corresponds to a number in the vertical column and a , ette" in
the horizontal row, and in t h e t abl~ w@ write the (251 l e t ter s
" s follo,.-,, :
• , 0 , ,
" , ,
"• , "" ," ," ,
, , , , •
I , , ", , ,
Note t~a~ w. hav~ eliminated the chre .. l .. tt . r ~ (C - Z-GI .
Observation: Thi s cipher ( encipher~d ~abl el is very ea~y fo r
any averag .. penon to break or s olva; th .. rutorlt i t muSt be "",d ..
::lOr .. co~lica t e d .
Kow ~O eomplica~~ i~, 1- Scr~le the (2 51 letter. ot the
a lphabel: i n tha ~a;ol e wi.thou t a.ny aaquence.
2- Leave .om.square a in the tab le blank !or .ubterfu9. o~ ~o:
any conti.n9.ncy .

~- Inatead of writ inq tha coo rd inat ea of the desired le tt~ r . ~ e

writa the coordinBte. tor the latter above it. and when the
r eceiver breaks it, ha taka. the lower l att er . It i . alao
pOSSible to write the lowe r latter, and when break ing take ~he
leu e r ebove .

" ", " , , ,
, , , , ,
, " , ,
, • , • ,
, •, , ,
, • , ,
Tha key Qt
the cipher
" i . KlI.M ,1D1 ( ~,,_ ~ouhdi ) (liay Clod
rel ease him) .
~.ample, AST" D AHD ALAOW? MN :D1 ALT"ZIB (One of tha martyr.
died du. t o the s eve"e torture.)

SoLution, A$'I','D A.I'I3:I $_119 '1'>0 1170 , ·132

~ A_M32 K_nl2
~, A"I'I32 L·UO A_1t.l2 0 ·1(20

_00 1·"'9 6

: =?12 D_U ?M'J6
11..1'.31 I,._IC'J O T_R10
Z'We sulnd~u~. with .. D-R9
Oburve =m.t wh@n w. b40g'fI .nciphering t he lAST: ~D AlID
MJJ:M ? !HT :.L't"Z!31 [On e of the brot~u "'ied under tort ur. l, "e
tOOk the le::e r ~ro .. above (we didn 't use the actual Le c:e: l.
and the brother who ... c eive. it must take the letter from
t.neath wh~l. deciph. ring lett.rl.
Likewise there is in ths WOrd (ALT"ZIB) the 1.tts .. (t l . •nd ;t
_a on. ot the 1et : ... s _dropped I Z-C-G ). 'l'berefore. _ took in
itS plece a similar letter. the [D). L~ the rec.iver would knQw
t ha t f~ the m.anir.g of : h~ word .
are abo leuen which did not ha.... any (oth.... 1 above or
below. like the IK-H-N- ?-W). There fore. we apply the a&lfl& step s
~lch ~r' followed. We look for the letter which i , abov .. it.
10 for exampl@, with the lette .. (K) , the letter lUI i.
con, ider,'" higher than it. With the letter (WI. the letter S i s
con. idered hi l1h@r ebBn i t. and so to rth.

• •




"n" roduccio~ to Pi s tol s , '

T~R pi~"o t ~a~ inv~n~~d in the fift~~nth cen~ury AD, a nc it i s
"'0'" IT.e r ely in the mo~t r e c .. nt of i t s p nas .. s of d ev& l o >X'l"nt.
At . t~" b. g i n.~ing , ? i $ ~Ol ~ were Made by h&nd in var iou$ ~izes.
Th.y w.. r .. !ir .. d using a gunpo~er fuse whi ch ignited ~he
; u:":powd .. r c~ e r\l e , :: h r u ~ tin\l ~h<o bull.t fo rwar d thro ugh ch.
barr d .
The pi sool unde rwe nt long ph a $ . ~ of deve l opmen t unti l on. calle~
"th@ r ~volver " Wa$ ?roduced. The credi t for Makin; it popu lar
~oes to Samu e l Col t , b u t it would be a mistake to consid e r ~ irn
th ~ i nven tor o f thi~ pistol. becau~e he was not an .xpRr~ in
~<oapon& . Ra ~h<or, he ",as v e ry w ~a l~hy and he ~~~ .. d his wea lth
to ~ati~~y hi s d ~ ~ ir ~ ~o a cqui r e weapon~. He produced ~h~ first
rRvolv. r i n la3 5 . I~ was made by h&nd. a nd th&n by machine ~ t n
lar;e quanciti e s.
Inn ovati on ~ lc on tinu~~ ] d~ v~ l op in~ until ~ he automa~ic ?i s t ol
designe~ by an AUStrian a ppe a red in ISS 3 AD. Thirt een years
l a t ~ r in 1896 anoth~r pis ~ol ca~ on ~he scen e call~d th@
"Mauzer." wh;ch is st ill i n use t o t h is day.
A la r\l ~ r numb@r o f pis t o l s haVR a ppeared , and there are still
continuou~ d~velopmen~s an~ innovations. Pi stol manu facturer s
pr e fer th~ automa tic pis~o l ov"r thR r evolver. ~hich has l a r ; el y
! all .m in~o ~is u u. -
~h~ Character;s~ics and ShOrtCOMings of the Revo l ver and
Automatic Pisto l :
! - Chauc U ;-i.g i Ci of "he iIlltomarlc-ACtjoo P in to l;
'. fe ",ou ld call a pistol an autOlM~ i c ..hen the.-e i$ more than on~
:r,<oc han; c al movemen t takin~ p lace. When the pisto l is fired. i t
r ~ t u rn s th~ movin ~ components to ~h. r R~ r , Rxpel$ the empty ... and loads a new round in its f i ring chamber . Thi s
co nt i rru ~~ unt il t h ~ magazine i s ~mp t y.
:~ i ~ li k~~ t5e po55ible ~o cal l a pis tol a $ emi-autom.t i c.
a ccordin; to t h e type of firing ",he n i t fir es one roun~ a t a
t i:ll@.
! ts charac t e~;'s ~ic $ are:
~ - The magazin e holds a number of roun~s (from 8 - 16].

( ' ] Revi ew ~he memorandum, "1\11 About Handguns', in detai l.


2- The ~ par~ bull e e s !or thi s pi s to l are in the r~s e rve

!I'.a ~ az~" e .
3 - Ie o"ly a ~hort ti ~ to load it .
eak~ ~
~- I~ c.n be conc e a l e d ea s ily because ot its s mall size .
5- I~ s proj e c e i l e has ~ r e .t .cc e l e ration . which make s it ~ore
a ccurat e .

• round bein~
bec a us e of i n

4_ Xt i s not s uieable for firing from the holster becaus e of ie o
rr.echani c a l a ct i on. s ince aher it is tired. the component s tha t
ar~ pus hed !orward .nd expel ~h e bu llet throu~h the barrel.
r e turn to the r ear, a nd >IS they return , the empty c a rtridlje is
expell e d. then the componenes moV<') forward c ... rryinlj .. n<ow round ..
~he ho l ster is small a nd doesn't allow the components to r e turn
to the rO!ar , a nd could block che way of the eq>ty c a r t ridge .
whereby ehe action malfunctions . .
5 - It can ' e u s e any bul le r . orh Rr rhan those specifi e d for it .
becau ~ e o~her bulleta could have a l a rlja char\j~ of qunpowder.
There fo r e . upon fir i nlj , the greatRr thrust of g.5 would push the
cc<r.pon~n u ~ o t h e ~ear wi th greater forc e ~han t hey can b40a r .
,,-~d ~ o perhap s aft". firinlj onc~ o. twice , t he piseol could
br .. ak in c"'o .

1- Th .. s hoo t er doe sn't ne ~ d a l oc of motion to cock it, s in c ~ i t

i~ s u ffi c i enc to press ch@ hamme r. and the chamber revol ves to

.l oad " nd cock th~ l,

2 - A rM lfunc c ion. like a jammed bull e t. doe s not p r e vent one
.rorn contlnu."1j Co 'ure " .
l- The r e volver rarely malfunccions .
, - I ~ do~sn'c n e ed a speci a l s a f e ty devi ce , and eve" i f i t d i d
:~ a v .. on e. it "'Ou ldn't hinde r the accion ot the hammer .
S- Ie is pr " f~r a bl " f or as s a •• ina tions b~c ause the e mpty s h ~ 11 5
a r .. k .. pt i nsid ... IDakinlj i~ d ifficu l t

m<;/BK-119. 'nIANSLA'l'ION

tor ;nv~ st i ~ at ors co d .. ~ .. rmi n ~ thR location fr om which the

p i s ~ o l was fir ~ d. Ic al s o mak e s i. t di tficul t to d e cermine tt ..
~ ~p ~ cially o l d~r one~,
to l oad i~.
le"k ~ the cha:nber MId barrel
be~", e en
'.'n.." H fires, which bullet de»m and c"u~~~ i~ to :,,11
5 !"tOrt .
4 - Th.v.loc~~y of ~he bu l l~~ !~om .. r ~ volv ~ r i s sl ow~r than
~nae of an a utomacic.
5- The cylind~r doe$ not hold "",ny rounds. ~ i nc~ i~ c a n only
hold !ive or six bull e t~ .

wi th O."1. ~

Th~refo r ., you ar. in .. defensiv. situation .,he re an

adve:~ary appears by s urprise, pull you: gun from the holst.r
and f ire a t h i m r i ~h~ a~ay on,,_hand~d wi~hout aimin~,
Conv.r sely, if you a:e a ttacking or amJoushing an adversary, you
shou l d hold the p is tol with both hands, becaus",
1 - Ho l d i ng the pi s tol ~ith both hands decr .... ~~s th .. r .. coil.
2- Holding the pisto l with both hand~, The strong domina nt hand
pus hes th. pi s to l forwa rd and ~h. o~her pul l s to the re .. r with
"ll .. s .. me force, thus making a firm grip on it.
3- Using bo t h hancls pr@v .. n~ s theln from tr..,ru,ling or ,.haking and
:hus eh .. pistol a l ~o.
4- Hold ~h ~ pisto l with both hands to be steady a nd firm,
. specially when tiring seve: .. l shot •. so you won't be !o:c.. d ~o
ad j u ~ t your grip on the pi s tol.

"hou l d b~
abova ~ha lockir:g c..vic• • nd no~ be".atil .t, and 1~ should be or:
dI. la ~t sida o~ the ph t o1. So tl'..&t it dcaln' t push tha
device ! nsid. tn. g roove of the u~.r ~rt and caua. t~e
",,"chantcd "'v_"'n~ to ""' l~unc :ion.
2- ~. fl •• hy PAr t betwe.n the thumb and i,~e~ fing.r o f :he
tight h5nd holding the pis tol shou ld be behind and bene. th the
(moving) par:~. ~ o •• not to dia tu:b the m wi th your hand ~h~n
""'''ing: the pistol s hould be cene"r"d v.rtic. lly in tha p.o.lm of
the hand .
3- Th. ind. " fing e r .hould be "'ound th .. trigger, and th~ ust
should be on the piatol grip.
, - ~. l. ft t ~umb should be eMlt ered on the tigllt tll..w.. a:ill
bod: of t"- should be c.ntered on til. locking devic • • ".ithar
(too l tight 0 : (tool loosa but with .. -.:111.... (grip) . Thot o e lI""
hng .. rs o r the l~ft Iwu\d sl\o1.1.1d be On t~ gtip o "e r th.. fhlll .. n
of the r ight hand and in tertwined with tnem to contr ol the grip
on t he p1,tol.
~- Don't l .. a~ any 5pac e between your hand and tha p i stol, but
control your g rip on it. It Ihould not be part of you, 10 don·t
g:ip i t too h a rd. bec. u. 8 t ll.t will a ff a ct tile ner". ' a nd
musc l •• which could cau se the hand to waiver and make the ~hot
.. iu.
Se. ' hi d r.wing belOW;

( Pic : ,,~. of .. pistol wio:h the caption; I

The locking devica. loe. t ld on ~h. 10W<tr poort

'!'he m&chanical "c~ion co ul d. malfunction ",hil~ firin". a s s hOW:l
i~ :h~ d.awin". becau se the thumb i~ ~oo c l o&e co the l owe .
lock:'r.g device . Th"r"tor R. p .. rh .. p ~ b"cause of a ["rip ) tha~· .
~oo firm. the t humb p ~ ~~~e ~ ~he l ock inll de vice on th~ l owe. p&rc
o f the pis~ol inside ~h e g roove of the upp~r pa.~. caUSing the
rn~ch.nica l a c tion to ma l fun c t ion while firing.

UK/BM-122 ~LATI~

;,no;he~ Wa y ~o .,,,1<l.r.he Pist0 ! wi th !loth Hands

1 - The dllht thumb Ilri.,.,inll thR ., i~ to l .. ho" ld b.. slilll::;l y abov ..
the rr.all~ zine hold R ~.
2 - Th. l d e ~h"ml> S hould b.. centered ov",r t!l., :illht ~hU!\'.b . ~nd
w ~ ~ollo", ::he ~ e "",irrinll four Heps in th~ fir st .... thod.
3- ~~ ~ollow the pr ..vious St"'PS i n th~ f i r~t method .

Qb ~ e;ye the fglloW ing drawinq

ED:aw;ng with caption sayinq: ]

Ho l dinl/ th", pi stol with both hands ll Notice that the dl/ht th=.b
i .. .. li ghtly above the magazine holde r. and th. l~tt thumb i ..
ove r it . Holding the pi $ tol and f iring i t with the right hand .

111< , ," - 1" ,"1.8·''1'1<*

Qh. .;y. ;b, : g ' l owi;Jg drawing

[Drawing ~ith oh, eaption: 1

Grippin; th{l automati c pho o l with both rn.n<l..
~o tie. that th. 1,ft index fin;,r is r,stin; on th' trioq.r

Ob3'ry' tht fgllowi ng \lnwiog

UJ: / BII-124 TUolfJIoATt9'f

. l!:Iuowinv vitI"! the f o llowing captio,, :]

NOt ice bow the Ie!: ~AL1d i. pl ~ c.d under ~1"Ie bu t t
of the piatol f o r bt l ence

" M ft tiMx' !iQld IQ j\.HllIMtic H U gl wi t h 90' HInd

)- wt ~oll ow tl"!e previously mention.d Itepa wh.r .by the righ~
thumb I , . lighrl y ,bov. ~he maga~in. holder, and if w. wer e to
u. s the ,.cond method. it wou l d b. I good gri p .
2- The fl • • hy par t of the hand b.twe." the tl"!umb and the ind. x
fing. r al"!ou l d be behind and below the (MOving] part S to

avoid ~i~~yrbin 9 t hem ~ i t~ yoyr ha nd ~il . movcn~ .
3- ~ e index finge r is :na ide the tr:gger (gua r d] or ov e r i~
w;:h ,he re a t o~ the pi a t ol g rip.

[Dra ~ini wi th the followi ng oaption,]

Grippi ng the aut omatic pi ato l ~ith Ona h and
No tice tha placement ot t~. ri ght th~
[The right thuftb ia slightly above t ne ~ga2ine holdarl

excep~ for :!1...
a ~~ :h. bo~~om (bu::
t:h .. : ;h. pinal
ting .. r . hould be '''' :he
wHh the same IIl$th<!>d und to hold
.o;,;there i . .. slight diffe rence; t!'le
.• set on .. lI.l:>o,,* the otber .

oo..rv. the following drawing .

ot revolven

• •
(D~awi~v ot a revo lve~ ~ith the ~ollow ~~~ caption:]
1'I'>.e .eC"o~d _tb.od OlUn be tM , that uaed to hold a"
automatic piatol, but there • • a . l ivht di!!e~.nce, it i. that
:b.e tWO thu=bs are held f irmly next to o~ e .noth.~.

[Drawinv ot a revolver with the tollowinv caption :)

NOtice thet tb.e thumb and three o t he r ! in~era hold the grip
a r ound the butt firmly end ........ ly to avoid the pistol
when !Irlng continuously.
~e ift4ex !i ~~e~ ~st be on the trigver ! rom the firat sho t.
(D::" ... i,,~ of . revolve,. with til. Io llovtn" c."tion,l
Sorr... put
to th. ,
l.h tll~ ov.n ttl" : ~9ht hand t o pull tU """,C:
ThU ... thod ."""Id nOt ~ us!!d viu. an a"tOlMt ic " i.tol. bl!t i t
i . fin. for th. r.volv.r bee"u,. it isn't ass.mbIfld with
(movin.g( 1"':",

(Orawin.g of a revol ver with th. follovin" caption: I

We are not able ~o us. ttl, s method wi th an. automatic " l
baca\lg. i t it d an "a rou~ for the thumb whar. tha aaaMlbly of
lmovin~l partt are r el.a . Rd, With th1. mo t ion th.:. i . an
( :.act ionl and the thumb cou l d be cut off,

_ t t ........ r lne ""''''' ;r.
the ~~e14 .in"e Wodd war II . It .... design..:! by Mi l<h.&il hnikov. who .... ~ born In 1920 in Siberi a. He entered ~he
So"i. ~ .rmed fo rce s in 19]9 and "'•• seriously woundlld. for which
he reeeiv..:! the Re d Sta r Hed.l .
The de~lgn of the tir..: Kala.hnl kov. t h e AX4? wa. in fluanced by
a GU7Nn r itl .. .. hlch h e ( Kala. hnikov] c _ ,,-cro •• IoIhUe he .. a~
in the hospital . He wa • • 1.0 in fl ue nce d by a Soviet aut omatic
~·a.pon . the "aas " "",chine gun.
p;ala.hnikov developed and. in..,r oved upon hh d U . and " r e ~ en t ..d
it to the Inspection Cc.a.i.aion of the De t." se Mi ni.try in
:WacOI<'. which rftCtwIDWnde<l u.1nll t his 7.62 _ rUl • .
1n 1935 • ~i~i c.ti on .... ~d.. to the des ign o f t he f i rat
~itle. t he "AK41 " " and the autoastic "AKI O" rifl e .... p r oduclld
.. ccording to 4e5ign modifi cation. Tb. production of t he
KslUhnikov apr e ad to the ar":'ISla o f saveral for .... r W.. r ....'" .... ct
countrl ••. Th. nWllber o f pie" . . pr<><l.uc~ or u.ed i ••• ti ... ted at
ten t o t wenty million.
The Ka l a.hni kov i s ",till comp. titiv. with the Ame rican )1- 16
which. "'•• d•• igned i n 19 6' and was brought i nt O •• tV1Ce in the
mi d .ixti ... .

( " J Rav i ~ the Kalashnikov l."on in detail.
nrus Or ne""e~, ... hoch
coc ld be cau~ed by
pl!t~ir,g pressur e on the origge r and by ~u lli ng the
:,ig~ e r r a the r t han sque~zing ie, cau s in ~ ~he pis~ol ' s muzz le
~werv. f rom ~h .. :.rget,
!'"erefor", th" ~o ll """in ~ consitleruions a r" nec .. ~~"ry ",h e"
ai min~ a nd Shooting.
1 - Co~~ro1 your~ " lt whil. ~queezing :he tri~ ~e r so a s ~o not
~hake the pis~ol.
<- Squeeze -t he ~rigger wi~hou~ ~oo ~c h force, and don'~ pull
che tri~~ e r becau sR thts ~i1l caus e the pistol's muzz l e :0 dip
dow:: .
3- Don'~ le t the sound of ~ he round dischargi~g or the explo .i o ~
affect you, ~nd don't focus on ant icipatirr~ the sound of :he
exp l o ~ io~ becaus e thi s ~ill ca u ~e uncon~ciou . tr"mbling in your
ha TIc:\ ~n d ~h e p is ~o l.
4_ Th e body should be normal. not, .nd :he joints r e l axed;
r.Ot coo ti~h~, and not too loo~ e.
s - ~'h ~n firing, lAI~ the cro~~pi"ce of your si ~ht drop to the top
of th" b e ad a nd th ~ fron t si~ht ~o the c ent er of ~h" ca rge t; -
thao i ~ , there mus ~ be tour ( objec ts ] . th~ ri~ht eye, che c ent er
of ch" ~ight hou~ing, the bead on t he front &ight, and the
CR n~.r of th~ t ~ rg~~ must be li ned up and fire the pistol a t the
cen~e~ of the target . This app li@s wh@TI you ~ re close to the
t a r~ .. c .. nd ~ravity doe ~ not .. !fee: ~h e bull et . With rin"s and
when ~oc &: s hort rang". fir e low (sicl and at the center of th~
t a ," ~ .. c .

6- Close the l e ft eye ~hil " tiring if you ar .. f iring wi~h ~he
righ~ hand . a."ld v i c e v .. r sa [wi th the left] .
7_ Don't Uke too long ""htl .. ai ming so your ne rve s don 't s ha ke .

I mpn .A!!t Notu;

1. If th e rouod hit~ above the t arget. this mean s that you a r ~
hold i~ ~ th~ p i ~~ol grip ~oo firmly.
2 . H ~h .. round hits to the right of the u~gec. "his means ";,a,,
you a r e ~ rippin~ the pi stol too tightly. which r B~ u lt s in
.,ulli!!g th~ pi&tol to th~ right becau& .. it i& pre~~ing eg~in&t
ehe o~h e r grip from nervousn"~~ .


3 - If ~h@'round hi t s left of the ta r get thR oppo sit~ i~ true.

•• • • • . . :<" O; "~ ; i ~ the ~e." 1 t o !
....~..cI .. im [ill: the target ] .

pa ~a o f the body or (wne .. e ~" I

! ~ •• " " ehe.e spota on t he pe rson
t WO ey ... . no • • , and lOO"th i s a
ahcul d not a im "bov a. to t he l .. te.
l • • t the round g l .n~e ott .
"2- par t ",;;, the v e in. &n(l .. r terie. e""'"
t<>inh" .. .
3- ~.heart, and thi. i . t h e letha l part .
4- The .t., $- TIl. Livu 6- The k idney.
1 · The ."i"",1 colwm

~!StmglCl of '!'yp91 9= ...." . . inui9OJ!;

place on 3122/1948 AD in Eqypt . Al-

. judqa who viewed the Eng llih prestm~ in
w. ~ t ha per lon .... llin.ted. Al - ~zander had
• ."ere sentence. t personne l in the covert
KU lli~ Sroth.rhood {AI - Akhwan Al - who
were in bombin9 oper.tionl . The ·AI -Khe •• nd.r
MI . . . . iD.tion· operation (a<:curr.dl dur in9 t ha Chd. t .....
bombing •.
1 - The choice f<!>Ii to both Kauan Abdei Hafez an~ Mahmoud Saeid
to •••••• i n.t. AI-Kh.z.nder. They from the covert branch o f
the AI - Akl!wan Al - Husl1&in. which at th.t t~ wa. haaded by
},bdel Ra'-n AI-Sandi.
2- /I.l-~ zandar w." "urveyed ~or • perio<l daya. and 1t w••
l.arned that he want to tba eOUrt a t Bah Al - Kha laq in Ca iro and
returned to Halwan via public t ransporUlt ion. Th*Y want Ahead to
the r aUroad "cation In K.lwan , [and took ' the tra in trom Kul"an
to B&b Al -lhalaq and then Other publiC t eansport ltion .
)- '!hay .... de th. plan .. foil "",.,


The a~~a ~ .in~ , ADd~l ~.tez and Mahmoud Sae i d . werR wai"ing ~or
A ~ -Khazan der ",he n h e wa s leavin\; his hou"R . and flil5S&n
a~ ~ a 55 i n a t e d
h i ", wi t h a p i sto l whil e MilN>oud '",as standin" " uar<'l
a nd ~ro~ . ct in" h i m with a pis t o l a nd percus sion bornb~ as he g o"
away . Tl".ey esc ilped to the h""", of Abdu l Rahman AI-San d i, "he
chi e ~ o~ the orga niz a tion .
A!ter Al - ~~zilnder l eft hi s hou se . wal k in\; r esolutely. Hassan
Abdul Hafez a pproa ched him and fired several rounds which did
not hit Al -Khuande r. When Mahnlou d Sa .. i d ".ow that. he leh l".i5
pla c e . approa c h @d A l - Kha % a nd~r, ~ eiz e d him. t hrew him to the
groun<'l . and illnPti~d nverill rounds into h im . H.. and his
companion l e ~ t ( the vic t i m] and departed _
Ha ssa n Abdul &>t u a n<'l MIOhmoud Sil .. id .... r e cilught becau~ e of
~ .. veral mi.cak .. s .

The E~ror ~ Whl~h g~~~an and MO&~oud Commi t ted we r ~ AI fo ll owS;

1 There was no c a r or ~ torcycl @ wi ~ h whi ch to tl ee aft er
e",e cutin\; the operation.
2 - Th e y did nOt ant i c i p a t e t h e poss i b ili~y of a chase af ter t h e
operat i on. They didn't no tice that the operation waa carri ed out
near ~h e Helwan police IMpartment .
3- Th@y had no ~r a ining wi th t he pisto l, as e v idence d by
Has~a n's ina bi li ty to k i ll Al-Kha zilOder in s pit e of hi~
prox imi t y to h im.
(- T h ~ a9rRemRnt to ~Rt a t~.r ex ecu ~i ng the opera t ion at the
home o! t he chi e f o! the Cove rt Branch of the Brothe rhood ~AS A
f a t al enor.
~- Af t e r po lice ca.r5 beg-an pursuing them. the brother~ ~ led to
t hR roountain [cAll@d ] "AI-Muqa tUm" Mountain, which was no ~
suitabl e for evading [pursuit) .

• •
ohe d r ive r .
2_ The gro~p o! as . assins. COmpo5Rd of th~.a or four p e opl e ,
wait for the tarqe t' s car _ Th. waiting place shou l d a l low t r..
assa ss i ns' car ( r ... dO«', of tnovetnent at any ti ... .
3- The assAS s in s ' c a r d"paru upon si.ghting the t a rl/et' s c a r and
proceeds slowly unt il it comes to a spot which ~uld allow it to
b lock th" way in front of the t a rge t' s c ar . It then immediate ly
StOPS, blocking the target ' s c a r.
4- At th .. instant t he assa •• ins· car stopa. th .. p .. r s or~ .. l in
ch arg" of killing Or kidnaping the target get out. kill the
bodygua rd a nd the driver, and than execute t h e ir mission.
S- This operation requires th.. utmost speed within " ahort time
to avoid a nyone pursuing the assassins' car Or ..... ing any of
the brothers.

that one of t h ~ bro~hers participa~ing in the

as s~ s ~ ination
or kidnaping fire a~ the automobile' s tires so
~hat it can r.ot e"ad", or run away .
2- Most of the brothe rs participating in the operation should b ",
v.~y ~killed d river~ to avoid problems if the driver is wounded
or k ill "'d.

"'C. the Eqyptian Revolution Orqanizadon · d"dd"d to

a hiqh-ra nking Israeli living in Cairo .
·The Eqypt i a n Revolution Organization, An Org a niza tion, which
!ollow.,d Ilasur I l and which h.,j J _ I I\bdel Nasser deiHedl .
e x ", c uted its first assassination in 1984 and the la st in 1987.
I t undercook four assassinat ions of Jews or """"ricans i n Cairo ,
and Egyptian Security as w.,ll a s Israeli and American
intelligence wer .. no t a ble t o ....
[TN: The r e st of this page is cut oU _ ]

• •
2- $~:V9~ll&nce o~ ~~ ~&:ge~ W &s carried ou t for & period o!
~i~. Th. e xi ~. ~~~ er. : ~anCe' to thR Cne&te: of operat ions we: a
studied. Tha t ; ~ was •• t to e xecute the op~ra t ion at .~~t ~
8/20 / 8 5. when :he r sr .ei1 t arget wou ld l@ave for work a t t h e
~ 8:ae1 ~ e:nl:>usy in Cairo . .
~- A car wa. purch. ~ed for uss i n the op~ ration. Sameone' s
identif i cat ion wa s pu:cha . ed i ndirectly. tne pheto w•• removed .
and th.t ot ona of tna org.niz.t i on·s members was P~ t [i n it s
placa . )
4- The o r ganizat ion ~ r. pertici.,.ting in the ope re t ion
(ther a ware tour o! th.mJ rode in • car belonging to One o f
:h.-. ~ey put the i r we&pon t in the ca r (the y had hidden the ir
..... pon. 1n taru::'. et. toyers.J Seto r e . relving. t t~ a theatu
of ope r a t'; on., t.hory ide that c u ' and 90 t in t o t he op.r .. tio,....
vehicle, which ·... 5 clo.e to the dte o f the opere tion.
S- Aft e r ridi ng in tn. ce r . i t bec ame appar ent ~h e car was no:
in good running or~er. end had le"ked a lot of oi 1. so tlley
de~ided ~ o de lay the oper. ti on .
6- While they wa" e r e turnin; i n the car in pO¢r c<:>ndit ion. tney
saw a man t roM the Israeli Moaed , and the opera tion l ee~ . r
~e ci ded to ki ll hi m. ~h ' I sr.e li HO~ a d ~ ... a. ridin; in a car
with t wo rar" eli women wi th him.
1· The Assa ss ins ' ca r d rove behind t he I s r target·. cer ,
which no~i~ the ~u rv e ill ance in t he r .... r vi ... Jlli rror. but t..'>R
drive. of ~ he a ss a ~sins' car Waa ab!e t o choke oft the ~s a~
can'. ca r a.."td hot ",..",,' t abl e t o e .. cap" . Ttt.y bloc ked his way ...."td
~orced him oye r by tlle curb.
8. One of the four per 50nnel lOOt OUt o f t ll~ car and empti ed ~he
"",ga~ l ne of h i s llmeri cen rifle in tlle directi On (I t the Mesad
ma n . The see<:>nd one \lot O\1 t on the other side and e<nptiad lli.
bulleta, and t he third di d lik ewis • . After a" ecu t ing the
opara ti on . t hey fled t.o t he oth er ear, and l e f t the "P@radons
ear on the .treet .
~. A~ ter • period of ti"",. the poli e e tore e e ...... nd f ound the
car with traces of b lood.
I!t Wa& notl known t hat ~ha "ri_ .... 5 comni tted by the
organ i ution unt il one ot ltl = "'us (thoo brother o f the
0:gan • • &t 10n'. l .... d . ~J turned hi~lf in to t he ~ri can Embassr
and discloeed ,,11 t he .~r.u o f t he o peration which the ~ tillll
Revolu t i on Or g&ni.a tion under took .

?9' i;;'v. [ UplC ;S )

1 - The "~sa5 5i"a kilhd an ! ~ ra .. l i .,.. r a on th .. y !ound On oh .. ~'ay
2- Th .. purchas e of a car j1Jn for th .. opera t i on and a cou."1t er~e '-o
i d"nti!ic"tion.
3- Conc .. alinQ th" '4"apon5 in t e".nis rack. t covers .
,- CI'.oosinQ a lIood me thod to s top th" Israeli Mos ad man' s car.

Neqa t i y. [bi P"Ck:; )

1 - r,,;lure to ;n s pect t he c a r .,r~red for th.. operation w~th
sufficient ti~ before the e x e cution.
2 _ IJnd"rtakinll th e Op"rat ion .. v.n thou\!h th" car ..... 5
malfunction in\!. ~hich could hav. broken down and f a il @d to run
a ft .. r .. x.cutin\! th e Operation.
3- Fa ilure to r""",ve the traC' S of blood found on the car.

1'l:e Thi rd Ope ra ti on; Ih' ;:nt ranc, to J Buil digg;

1_ Th .. A~~a~&in~' car is parked in a location n@a r to th ..
tarlle t·s buildinll.
2- '.fuRn the t " rll .. t 11.0& out of the c"r or e xit s from th ..
ouilding, the as s a ss ins open fir e upon him, the bodygua"d, and
the dr i v e r who is op eni nll the car door fo r him.
3- Run away immediately or ride the car or motorcycle which is
prepared for a n irrmedi at .. \J"t " way.

, ,<or\!ani."tion called - IThose who havel


tn~e e people ",a i~ Rd for ~hR p u v;ou s thni~~er of t!le l nt"rior,

Hassan Abu Basha' ~ Ca~ i n .. l oca tion n"a r th .. . ntanc .. to th ..
bui:c!i r.<;! _
',Ih .. " Abu Bas ha .. r~ived, a nd as s oo" as n. gOt out o f the car, t ..o
o! ~he b~oohe~s opened f ir .. on him over the cabin o! their
v e hicl e Ipick - upl .
3 - Abu Basha !:hrRW hi",sel! b e tween his car .. nd .. nother C.. r par k"c!
n .... rb,.. .. s soon .. s they open"d fir .. . A.>; .. r .. suIt of thi s lnc~d.. n:.
the mini s t er ",as paraly:.d in hal! [o ! his body ) .
4- The brothers !led .. f t er the incident !:ook p 1 .. c ... and the y took
th .. i~ car in !:he opposie. dir.ction of eh .. flow of tr .. ffic.

" ObserVAtions;
WhRn th .. broth"r s went to th... loc<ltion n .. ar Abu Basha , they
h .. dn·t gon .. to k il l him but to do ".conn.. issa nc .. [ga th .. "
info:rmo.tion on himl.
1 - One o! th .. b"oth .."s "as h<!a rd""- whil e doill\J t h.
r e connai s sance.
2 - Th .. brothRr s ",. r R .. rmad ",hi1. gat h .. r i ng information about th.
3- There "'''~ no .~tabli~hed pla n fo r the assas~ination.

hot has a
..aie to r t he t .. r~ et in a certa in plac"
~hile h e is g oing to or frOM work.
]- When t h .. assa •• ins s .... !:he t arge t' ~ Car approaching. they take
their phc ... _
~- Th" car's ~ir e ~, the bodyguard, driv er . and tat"9 .. ~ are h it_

tI1I.:/BH-138 'rRAll'SLATI<m

~ - Th~ broth~rs began ~u~v e illanc e of all ~h~ !nte~ior Minister _

AbO~l Ha l im Mou sa 's moveme nt s , trom his depar~ir.~ hi s hous~ unt~l
g"t e d"l1 the ministry_ Th~ ~urv.ilhnc., las toed s gv .. ral _ e ks.
2- Friday morning was set for the execut i on of th e operation
·..h"u th~ "':ni s ~.r h ead s to work.
3- 5xactly a t t .,,, in th .. morning the brothers w~r .. fully
pre pa red. An oos erver ... a~ goin .. to .. iv .. a s ignal to the brother~
... hen the mini s t e r's c a r departed from hi s hOUSR.
4- When the convoy r e ached th., sPRcified location of the
operation Ithe operations sta .. e), bullet s we r e sprayed trom all
dir.,ctions on the privat e car in front of him and on th e e ~Cort
S- T"e brothe r s a pproa che d the car, afte r firin .. at th~ tires to
confirm t~t ~h~ mini s t e r was d ead, ThR bro thers did not find the
Minister of the Int e rior, but- t hey did find Rif'at El-Mah.. oub,
Head of the Peoph's Assembly, d .... d in ~ ide the c a r. [TN; Simila r
,0 our Speaker of the Hou s ,, ) .
6- Thi s ~as an s tartlin .. ~ituation. Th" two convoys Ithe Int~rio,
Hinis~e,'s convoy and that of the Hea d of th~ PRople' s Assembly)
wer e s e pa r a t"d by only about s e ven minute~. Afte r about S~Ven
minut ... thg Minist e r of the Interior a rrived at the location of
"h e incide n t .
7 _ ThR brothers Who ... ere participatin.. in the op~ration {tour
brothers t o ex e cute t h., as s a s si nation and tWO to d rive the
motorcade) M d only two "",torcycl e s Ithr "" peopl e to e a ch
motorcycle), and afte r ex e cutinq the oper a ~ion, one ot the tWO
Ir.otorcycl.,s fl"d a nd the other brok .. down, and afte r a moment
th~y l .. ft t hat "",torcycle behind.
B- When the motorcyc l .. brokR dCMn, on~ ot the brothe rs ~led on
!oot, carrying his weapon in the oppo s ite dire ction of th .. ca r s .
He stopped a taxi and thr _tomed t he driver with his _apon, and
"hom rocl~ «ith him. During the drive, a police officer {a g<meral
in the police forc e ) stopped the car, s Ul)PO s ing that the arme d
man was j ust a thi~t. H.. op<oned th .. door to arrest him, but the
broth .. r PUt th e rifl e to his che~t and emptied a bur~t of round s
into it a nd the officer f"ll to th., qraund lik.. a sl a in bull. It
c a me to li .. ht .. ft ..:wards , thet thi~ officer was Ong of the
criminals "'ho used to torture the brothers in so",", neighborhood~
o~ C" iro.
r,,: .. o,h, ction,
-ExplOllve. are be;'i~ to t>. ~he .a!. s: ......pon tor ; !':ft
~jehideft~ {TN , ~jahi~6ftft ~. not refe r to • specific I/ro~~ ~~ :
:ath.r Is a g""e:ic t • .", fo r holy "arrio n _] 10.11><;1 explosive.]
"11",,. t h ..", to I/et a way f an-:y pe .. so""el ane! "0 .""icl beinll
arre.tee!, ~~ assass ina t ion ~. in ; explosives cloe.n' t l e ~v e a ny
evidence or : .. a C"5 at tha opera tion sit". In a delition , explosives
'trike t he e n ~ my with $h...... t e .. ro .. anc\ fr ll/ht .
pef i pjng fXqlosi v.';
'They cona., ,, ot c,,-...u c a 1 ccnopou.nd, or mixture. c of t>.inl/
conve:t~ into larve quantiti •• of hot 9"-' in a very .hor t per iod
of ti_. It i .. . !tec;ad by • 'pe<Oific axeeme l _'lent eM.
p .. «!uc •••",,:ea.i"-II pr ..... ur . . . . ., ... 1tl1>9 in a chain r_cdon.

with a emall amount of

a larg" charl/e c OIl¥>s ed
It i t ;;;;; arranl/ecl to brlnl/ about a 1arl/'
yi elel,
7he l imple, " exp1osiv" chain {r • • "tion] haa tWO ,t'I/"s whar.a .
oth.r explos i ons could requin tour ' t all" or ""'.... J,.ny b:r.all: in
the chain pravml " S 1:h. . . . t e .. ial which follaoft i t fr.... axp! odi nl/_
The Us .... l Series
Th• •ari •• at.r:. with . . . . . 11 ,park and and.s with a aiz_bl.
1- The Spa.. k 2- COmbu,tibl. ... tar :a1

or e l ec:ronic dorv!cea "• ...:1 ~or
~ivid44 i nto ~~~s o f ~enerat l ng - ~s o~
of stabil izi ng
A_ MUtt 0: Gcn .. a~ jng

B_ "'to' o f Tup.furing
Type. o f f" ••• -

to cire"lt.t e the WIlV" of comb"lti on. Th. pitch .

the ful. togeth.r ancl prevent. it fr O<n a b sor bing

• •
",ill be used ~or i<;l"' <io<1 , [at
of th~ fus. , wh ich i s p l a c ~ d
at a 90 -de<;lr ee .ngle .
c. p c.refully .nd c .u tio ~sly,
pre.,ur. on opening ol th~ blast i ng
~- "'< <he head o f • ma<cb on the =powder .< <he end of the
~u •• eyt . t '5 deg,-.... SO ~hat the of ~h. /Oa t eh touch@ s t.~ e
qunpowde .. t!wn :.grute i t. by rubbing <he Hint on <he p"ck with
:h~ ~tCh, It i. possib le t ha t <he fi r e will •• nd i t ' fl~ to
the black gunpowde r and th4 fu.e wi ll beg i n burni ng. In th i 5
c •••. cut the f use on bot h .n"-- . t • ~ O - degre • • n<;lI •.

coal !!ilne• . "reen lu ... • r . used i n the

O'Qr. , d ety [f @.tu real. .. nd c u n \le '
eivilian u. .. ,

slow fu.e @x c ~t for t he f in.n ••• o f t h~

",.d, e~ which it ignites. which goes up to ~ O
I t . u.~. ia limited ~ " ......~.h . . ..-.<1 ~ raps.
I rP9;~.n· YArning ;
3efore using any t ype o f l ui.. par t of it .nd <est i < ~o
eheek th. t i< i s free of moi.ture. also ( che~ k [ the i qni t ion
speed becau.~ if you w.r. t o use. t .st tUBe suppos i ng th4 t it i.

- -
a s l ow one. ~h~ the b u r nin9 will reach the b lasti n9 cap and the
char9 & wel l ~xp l ode be for e you l eav@ the l oca t i on .

(Cn;ex Co'g)
1 e xpl o siv e
it ~rom
O'IOis ture.
conta ins a "ery
anoth ~ r s ubst anc@
9 T<ty .

wi th t h .. fore .. of 15 ki1 0<1rams. or t he round

ot a w.. apon.
J- [Can be) u~ed unde rwat e r for not ..ore t han IS houTS .
4- I t is u s ed to .. xplod .. ~ eve ral char9" ~ at the same time .
5- I t is a!t .. ct .. d by moistur ... the sun, e l e ctric s hocks . and
mechanical jo l t~.
6- It is u~..d a~ an &xp lo&i"e be l t to f e ll trees a " we ll a s
cement and iron pil lars .
] - I t is in th .. ~h"p. o f a coil varyin9 in len9th from 100 to 200
s- It C "-~ be s ub~titut.d [or a lar9~ numb<Or o[ [u ~ .. s.
9- It i~ used as an open cord to c l ear the way in a mine f ield
and to incr .. a" .. t h .. width by doublin9 th~ numb.r of dootonatin9
co r ds which !o~ :he cord .

• • •
i!~ o,r ;r;<l
Con~is~ o ! a ~~a ! cop~ ul ~ [made) of copper or ol~~num
contai ni n',l a s :nall aroount of cata ly~ t and other stiI:lUli. Ca re and
caut ion O"."S~ be u ~ ed "h il .. handlin',l becau" .. i t is v e ry umsi ~iv ..
to e xternol factor s Ibu:nping. shak i n'i/ , .f ri ction).
C ompQ3 i ~iQn of A Ho pnal Blaging Ca D
It cons ists of an extende d p i pe, on.... nd which contai n s li .. nlii~ive
explosive mat erial, which is the basic s ubs tanc e. I tS charg e ~ s
0 150 pressu r e- s en s itive . The t hird chor'.le ili combust ibl e.

Length of the cop is 5 Cm

The r e is an exampl e of t h e l a r gest normal bla lit i n'i/ c op . The
norma l blast in'i/ cop lihould only be e xpl oded with a sl~ fu s e .
[ Drawin'i/ of a b lali tin'.l c a p with th .. captions: slow fuse (eo t he
righe ) Ch i orae e and s uga r 1 0% & L" ad Nitra t e 30' lbene" t h). )

with the
of th ..
pipe "~ : ;',,;::' . :::: wi
t h .. ctin'.l
rubber wir
. ...
[ Drawin'i/ with t h .. cap t ions , ho t wi r .. labove), activ .. liublitanc ..
Ito th .. l .. ft l. and If rom righ t to left beneath:) Electrica l ,.i r e.
~ t a b ilizin'.l column. ~ir fts . r ubber. combu5t ib1. c hor'.l@. ~
ca ta l Ylit _

UJ<;, ..- us -r""SUII'lm1

00< anel clon' ~

IlXPOU ~h_ to
2- Den't test a blast i n9 an O' .. etu-, Alpha ".,. ~ er or
other Illee trieal d evie a. ba tt.riau l eae it explod~
( ~ hi. pertains to cap s . )
CPDD"£ting And CODDllCtP"

Place the tWO sid.. n~t ~o

powder i . in contact .... loth both o f th. ~~!~.~~.~.~
3- Connact t he two sid•• with a atroQ9 tape
,- The heed of a match or .~ th ln; similar can be placed ~twegn
the tWO end ... ot the fuse befor ... the connector. Th. two ot them
mu8 ~ ~o uch the mat ch ~t i c k , which incrBa ••• the ~l~ . burning
be"ween thltlfl lensurin; "he tran.mus ion of the £1_ ~ro .. one
~u.e to aneth"".)

spark o~

:he slow
wi.ll ignite.
2 _ Wh.n the 510w fuae 19nit .. , the "eaul tin;
cap and it . xplodes a nd i gnita. ehB fu •• .

~ wo ~o~ds one
above ~h. o th. r l ov. ~l apponq l by !~
, ~ with ' t~o~~ t,pa or cord.
[ D:aw i n~ wi th t he following caption. : Blaa' i ng cap tv •• [to. t he
right.! . bla,dng c ap fv se (to eh" l.ft!. and u pa (beneath! .
2_ With • • tr. i ght knOt. [Dr.wing (no c.ption) I

3 it. Tr" LUf {Knot!; [Dr.wi ng)

.... conn'Ct th1_ w.y when e>:pl oding tW<> ch.r;, • • t the n .me time.
s~.rtin; fr~ the mdin branch o f the ' >:plOl iva cord. or to en~vr.
th. cha~; • •>:plod •• vli n; tWO d. tonat ing cord •.
( Dr .... inl/ )
th" direct i on of tha a>:plolive wave

(D ~awin\i J
when ~h. di~. ct ion of tb. axp toaiva ~ .va
in t he ... i.n brMlch i . not known .

( Drawing]
tbe e xplosive wave t r anl f a r, f~ om the
brancb in both di r action •.

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- S~n~itcv ~ M@ta l .
FM 'Wav .... _ Radio _ !n!r ....... ct Ra ys

( Dra~in9 wi~h the fo llow; n9 c aption ... ,]

S"'itch (-.bov.]. Ch .. r ge wi th blutin9 cap (to the righ,,). Ope:"!i:>10
to ~ clos e d a ft e r the opera t i on i s over (~n eat h ). a nd Ba tt e ry
(to the l e ft).
Tl".e entL~e ,."cce,.,. of the switch (d ep en d ~ on ] l n t.1U9.nC. ,
innova tion. a nd jud~nt.

The Appropriate Switch

The ele ct~ic circuit is cons the O' ... t becau ... ~ i t i ... tim~ l y.
but it s only f l aw i s a l~ky battery.
We ~il lnow touch on various ... impl. type~ of booby traps to make'
it ea ,.y fo~ the brother to c~r .. h .. nd; _ hav .. not .. ritt en .. ny
n e~ ideas in order to help invent other ~r. pref e r a ble methods .

1- ~ e char ge goe,. off wh en t he door o~n. a fter the targe t has

pul l .d the i nsul a tion from bet_en the contact points. and the
e l e ctrical circuit i ~ bro k~n . If ~ want to kil l the targe t, we
put ( the booby trap ] ove r t he door; i f we want to cut oU his
l egs o~ brin9 a bout pIOrman@nt iniuri M to var iou s pans of thIO
body, we put it in the vicinity of thR door.

( Drawing (On the left) with captions : )

Nine V Ba ttRry (upper right ). i nsu la tion (upper l .tt] , the
~xplo s iv e charge (on the door ), Th. personne l u se a line tix~d
"he ~all, ~ nd i t can make t he charge expl odIO a~ s oon a~ soon as
the pro~inent f amous person i s und~ r it (to che l e tt.)

{Dra wing on the r ight (~ith c a ptions: ]

'.1 h~n"h.. door i s opened. the insulation is sepa r a t .. d end thIO
c i~cu ilO i~ brokIOn {midcll~ l~ ft), atte ch"" i.n~u1a t ion (lower
l " ft), the explosi'JR ch .. rge (o.n @<lOth] .

2- !~ni~in~ I clo s ing th~ c ir ~ u i~:
~''h.on ~he el~ c~:dc s whch i ~ pushed, the circui~ is conne ct.,d a."1d
~he char;., explod<!s.

{Drawinll and c apdons : I

n .. ctdc swi"ch (uppe r l e ft), ~harg. \ofithout a fu~ .. (bo~~O<r.
ri;ht ). and batt .,ry {bonom

J- Booby-trappen; a r e cord.,r and t.,l.,vision,

The idea is based on closin~ the ~ir~uit to [caus e ] th~ explosion
when the ~quipmenc is turned on. A batt .. ry is u ~ ed "h.. n settin;
th .. n a p for a radio or r .. corder that wor )::" on batteri.,s or by a
powo:r cord to the radio or t e l.,vision switch.

4- Booby -Trappinll a Car:

Clos .. t hR @l. ctrical ~ir~uit and cause the exploaion "hen t he
ignition )::ey is turne d ~o start the car. It i~ possibl .. to use
the ~ar battery when ~ettin9 this type of tra p. Explosives pl.ce<l
in location s inside th., car . in t he back Or front. cau s ~ t he
~xplo s ion ~ o be centered in~ide th~ car.

(Drawin.. with ca ptions: I

Ignition key {above)
Char;., "teh d.,~onacor and e xplo~ive~ IbO/n.,ath) .

• •
$. ~ ~ap us ing s~ Alaron Clock:
{Draw.nq with oo .. p ~ ion.' I
Exp losiu. <:h,,:qe lupper rigbtl. ~ tt e ry (upp.or l e ~tl . fle x ibL e
rubla: ",1:a (midd l e rightl. ",,,U [hour ] hand l u ~ : middh
l e ~tl. end the big [mi nute ] hand (lower mi dd le right I .
According to ohe dra wing. the cha r q. ",i ll axplod. a t 3 , 30 . when
t ha .mall hand i. on thr.e and the b ig is on aix. Ther e mus t r: o~
b. any i n.ula t ion betwe.n the tWO hand~. It ia to u se a
nexJ. bl. rubber wire in fr ont of ehlo number eh r " in cas .. eh .. hiq
hand go •• paSt i t "",re t han on .. ti ..... poor hour.

6· Time """:b Using an Alamo Clock,

IOr"wlnqo ""th captions): I
Charg.o wi thout a tu ... ( abovel .nd. Mttery lupper l. t t l.
TIl. . .><pIoaion tak es plac. when the ti_ i. r .. achld. tho! " I".,.
I/O • • o!~. and the t wo el.ctrlC wi r e. make cont"ct .

? It ie .leo poss ibl e to booby tra p .. car by connecting two

wira . from the battery . On. ot the bla. ti ng c.p wire. ma ke .
contaet with the wire connected to the battery. and the oth.r
wira conn..:te to t ha l ine .nd ie aleD c onn.ctad t o ' t ha t an. The
wi ra COM":.&<! to tha battary doas t h e same t bing. Wh .... ehlo
ignition kay is turned . t he bl ada rota tes. and thlo two .ides
connact. cloeing t~e ci r cuit.
8 · Tll.a re are very .... ny things one could use in " uery 8i""le way
t o .et a t rap. U k . : .h04 • • bad .tc.

~ / BK-152 7RAN.LATION

hp AS;4a l [ womn l .;
S~ ot the orothera in Eqyp~ t~ i ad to blow up th. moto rcade o~
the form.r Mi n i. t .r of the I~te ~io~" v.h1cl. I ~ I P I by putt~nq
200 ~il~r.~. of TNT in a pick_up truck . When t hl minist. r · s car
........·..n. th. brothcr .. d in hh c l r .nd b1_ up the car.
Mow.v.r . i t di~' t e.u~e I n e xp lo lion in the e . r. Ind it ...a~
confi~d . f t.rward that the ' xplo l i v. , didn't go ott because no w•• pL.c.d with the l . rg. qu.ntity of ,xploliv.s . The
, xp loliv •• i~it'd hut they did not .xplod• .
2 - Throwin; on. or ..,r., bomb" into a group of .n-:r potnonn .. l or
into t h . t a rg.t·, c.r;

Branch of the 1fII.1ilO Broth.rhood t.hr_

, tor., """ ~r. on the eveni ng of J"'UJ<lry

3- Blowing up a location o r c a r with • ti~ bo.b.

SOAe P. le.ti nians _re able to p h.c • • t i,.. bo!ol:I inside an

. ircr.ft·s r.dio . •nd .fter the .irsr.ft too~ off it bl_ up in
~h .. . i r.

I t is .1.0 pOslibl.. to explode . tLne bomb; the tim. r from .

·... .hin; machi n. or .ny othe r d.vic. (. f.n. .tt. J; at • spftcifi"d
~ ;."'., th. t ...:> ",ir..... k .. cont'Ct . nd t:h. chir;• • xplod.•• .





COLD STl'!!:1.

• •
~/BK-15~ ~SLATtON

und e rt 4 kin ~ any a s sa ~s inaoio~

s truck in one of the~ ~ l et ha l
1- Anywhe re in the rib C 4~R _
~- 80th or Qn .. @ye.
3 - The ~ l v is ( under targe t' s nave l)
~ - The ar ea dire c tly above the genita l s .
Fr om Behin d; 1 - Th .. a xon (back of t he h""d ) .
2 - The end of the spinal co l umn dire ctly
a bove the person·s buttock s .
iI _ oiS4Ssi;) ot i on wi t h A lIlunt Object ; A b l ow with a club ,,".ust b e
in . le t hal d reAS.
Frof' the front;
1- The t wO ey ,, ~.
2 - \'Ih ~re the vein s end arteries conve rge in the neck .
3- Top of t h e s tomach, with the @nd of the stick .
4- Abov .. t h .. g enita l s , with the end of the c lub.
S- Th .. area of the t ongy ...
6- Choke t h .. neck ",i t h th .. s tiCk, like in a hdnging .
1 - The a r e a of th" Idt e a r.
t h e head ( 4 0<00).
and club were a l l the same word in •
we re mad e to s how range of mea ning. )
1 - Choking- iN" ck a r ea ). There is no

Choki ng-. 2 - Pokin'il the fing"r s in t o

t he ", .

~/BH-155 ~SLATI~

3 - Grab the t e~ t i cl . s by the hand a nd twi s t a nd ~que e z e.

'4 - Gub the r';b cag e ",ith both hllIld s a nd sq-..tee z" .

wi ll l i m i~ [th .. discu s sion] to

can pr .. p . ~ . and us., w i ~hout

is consid e r .,d
On~ of the .,nou<;Ih ~o kill
som ~ one by thou<;Ih
consi d ..".d
chuwi.:1.1/ 50M ..
opeution '"
;";;~::::1~:; can
b .,
ob~ " in .. d
~he skin t urns

{5i.C ] and fin ally

The h e rbal poiMn

s i mila r to Ri cin .
are used in praye r
ink Or r~f i ne s o,..
~~t:;;,:,,;?p:,~.::an~. vuy .
and bhcki s and
avery dark

0 "" v.c .. d.". "i."s . •"rl "'. c,,::
[ Ptl ]. The po iso" is ..... ",erl w.: h
touche. the poisor.. he '~ill

RIClN On e o f th ••• poi.ona is

U '" mix .-d wl.: h Nl.uobe!!.z""" or
ReIN IMSO or ch. · Cr...,..·.
f"r<>!I pohon

- -
.vad"" pUll ,"uo.""" "I"".::q PP" u"'lJ. . "1'1,""0<:\ "" "Uo''''''''
""I. ,0 qonw "" 'Ino .. z.... nb" P"" ·~ s .w " pue s"floT~ 1,,:>,6.ns uo
~nq """'I i! • ....;;00 " q6nozq. ""u," ."o:> J"'l.ouv O. W" 'l'l ",iO'SU""'"
'."'1. J e 'jY -,,"no,! ~ L ~o; w..q. "A." t puv ' A"U; V.uo~ SS"16
~;t"AOO " u, wa'l • • nO: u.q,L ' U.pI vq Al ..... Idwo:> A.. q~ T ~.un '"uo . ..""
}O ~ql'i""
.. J,"'p " ""'P "no1 .. ~n."tw " u; sOle .... p"n"'1~ " Ip .Tld
. ~"'l. ;t. . . . " piOhOU/a.:I "'n""" :oq "V"
'\"".1. 'kp s n.qs . q • • '"1 puv -""" P ''''''10 '~p""" "\.l• • no " "Iv. "'''''_
'~noq cr" ~o. ,,!wos ~q • • ~ · "l q~.w .. ~n ;to ,,,,,,," O u""T" 'l"~ ~q ~
"~AO" "'" . ;too .,,'" "Ll. u; sp"" s atp "!i:X"uqn" o. p .... u "0.1. . 1"".,.,00
"V"" WOIl p.~"v;t.x• •ouv.sqns v) "UtI V"!l" u. ~o [.AI .u","w ~AVW
' ~; ~ l OA1 .0 s uood" " ... ~. l'iu,?pv ·z .....~ ,0 " .. ouno 01 ~ n oq ... u,
s ?"u .U_1<'1 l<O -"O .s"" JO 1sun>"[;n Hw l "l( _~
""uno uv) s .. ,>uno tot
~.os ·spaas as~q~ ~o ~ ll ~ q. ~q. OU!hOWa~
•• v . 'l ' ~ v , 0. ~~p~o UI
W,~O~A ~no~ ii; ~ 11 .~ u ,~qy
q~,~ ~p.~q ~.~V~~ .q. ~v~d ~ '.vq.
" q~ ,0 q~~~ u, si01 0q " ",eM• • noq"
;"'.[0"., , 0 ~~V<l v UO 'n.:! - SUViOl'! ,uO~ V ~~;:d
0' qtinou. tiuo:n~ 'n I>Ute~~~ . nql'l ~v . .. u,; ~v "q
KO~.~S~ LST-~/Xll
the procedure of lea ving them ~or 72 hours and ~t~.ini~g :hern
~h~o\Ogh • cofh~ tilter two IT>:>re ~i"",~_ The ~inal r e s uLt wi ll be
pur@ Eysei n [ ?H ) or Ahrin.
c_ The 'AAtRr HAAll ock Phpt
A le~ h a l do ~ e is 3.2 g rams. I t has a palatab l e ta s t@. ~ ~d is very
simil ar to a~o~he r pl a nt. par s nip.
Syrr2;oms; :;e::-vo,,~ ~pas= "'ithin 15 to 60 minut e s . includin\l"
~ev e ::- e locki ng and cl e nching of the jaw to the ~ t ent tha t !h ~
tongue cou l d be cut oft_

so l ve nto in

Th" " " i s enough nicotin" in to kill a p e r s on.

S ix~y to 7 0 rnilli g r~ of pur e kil l a person within
a n hour i~ ea cen.

Th" poca co Solanin e.

Chop Ul' th e mixtu re .

and then put a the boiling
wa te" can penetrate the


Fill a metal po~ with abou~ :LI3 r"bbing {isopropy l!)) , aleollol
ml><e<j wi~1I [ ~ opropyl. Let io s ora b a :'Cd pucolace fo~ an hour.
Dur~nq ohe firs~ h a ~~ hour, add a l coho l as "eede d , a nd durinq oh ..
&. co"d half hou~. l e t it boil u:'C~il you haVR two ~ef~ in
the conca in .. r . These (two] ounce " o r (could be]
mix.. d ",ith poison "U".Une. ~u~ ~hi s
the a l eonol The
pure poison.
doe~n' t

dea t h

bean". Puc in a "mall piee .. of

of h.""es ll excre .... nt. Pour tile wa te r


in to t he pot u.~ti l there i ~ ~urtace tension at the li p o! the

pot. Caver t"e pot: tillhtly. If you do t h<tt corre ct l y. t h .. re "ill
b e no a ir tr appe~ i n the pot. Leave the pot in a dark . moderaeely
'Warm root!". tor 15 ~a¥s. At t!"le .m~ of t ha t perio-:l. yo,", "'ill no tice
a sub ~ tMlc e on the e dlle o f the pot and a s",", l1 amount of
ro ~ t . nne s s. The s ~ are known bac~eria colonies. which s ~c~e~~
th~ir ext~rnal poison a~ a r@sult of t~ proc~s s of bacterial
di~ e s tion . you c an ~ke three or four pots a t the same time .
Durinq the time of the d e stroye r . Jamal Abdul liIa~~er. someone ",'''0
'Was bein~ s eve r ely tortured in pri.on (he had no connec t ion with
Islaml. a te s ome fece$ aft e r losing ~anity from che severity o f
t h e torture. A ~ew hour s "ft e r h .. at .. eboo fecu, he "'as !ound
d_ d.


!;)aHP9e;ipn : Condn. of " paychologica l ..."-dar. and

.ntall e""u,,l combat betwa.n eha .nte11i7<1.,,,," .gen t and :~.
auapeet through que "tianl .n~ "alated to on. or ~or.
t opies. The int~rr09.tion UBea all ki nd. of phyai"al and
psychologica' technique. to break the will of ~. " ... apect ~,d
l •• d hi~ to .. cotal collaps.. Tha agency that con4ucts tha
in< ..... ogation is the gove....-nc·. qu ... tion ing "pp" ratua :~.a:
belon9s to eM Minis try o f .Marior Affdi"s. '!'ha officers ot
ct>.at g raduate fr_ eboo police acad-.y. In aur country,
that apparatus ha" no valu.. Or code of ethicf. I t do •• not
h •• l tat" to use all kind. of tort~. and bodily and emotiQ~l
ha~ to obtain a videnc . that could incriminata tha ,,,,spact.

in that they

[o Hi" .

lJoeer pressur e 00 tOrture i n ~". custody 0 0 t he qu .. " ~ion~n;

5pparatus. "h .. b r oth .. :::- may ","veal some s .. cr .. ts. lI.".,.,ve r. 0:1
t ne cun<XIy o f the p:::-osecu t i on. the inte:::- r oga t ion does noo
use pr.ysl e al !'orce, but ""'I' uu psycholoqica l coerc ion
I thre at s and har~h wores).

In publici z e d cau~ , the que stioning " pparatus is careful

not to a llow the brothe r to ta lk i n the district attorney' s
o! f i c e. Coordina~ion t ~ k. s p lace betwee n t he ques t ioninq
appar"tus ~ nd the pros e e u<:ion offi ce. To rt ure of the
brother take s pl ac. onc .. ~ qa in in the que stioninq appar a tus
[center[ to t o r e e h im to conf e ss in the p r os ec ution c en t e r.
That may be r epea~e d OIOU t han once. until the bro~her
confesses or t h ey qive up. The importa nt thinq ~o r Rm<lmD<O r
i" that whatever ~he brot~e r says in the p~o ~ecution Ce nte r
wi ll be r e corded aqain~t hi~ ond will be ~he bas i s for his
ju<i!l • .,.nt .

Eve r y ~rd ~ha t the brother ut t e rs in the pros e cution c e nt er

ma ~ es .. ne; ative impact on him. on his eo ll .. ague8, and
l a t e r . on the judqemen t and majo r decision s .

''''' .. n u.ken to the pro secution office . a brothe r should do t he


a. lie should . p rior t o question inq a nd whether or not he

has i n juri.. ~ . ask t h .. p ro~ .. cutor or his r epresentative
to be seen by t he rne~ical examine r.

H.. ~hould. whQn t he que"tioninq begins, a s ~ ~hat

e v idenc e of his t ortur~ be ~~ered i n the report
proceedinqs .

lie s h o u l d. prior to the start of the ques<:ioninq . a s k

tha t an attorney be p res en t with him du r ing the

que stionin; proces s. He s hould ment ion the a t<:orney by

d. He should ask for f ood .

.,. He s houl d d" ny a ll in f [a<:cu~ a tior. sl about hi'"

by ~h. pro ~ .. c,,~ io n r .... r .. s .. n~a~ive . Hot s hou l d c !. ~'"
tha~ th~ ;nte rr09ation appara tu s ha s fa bricated tho~ e
accu s ations and s hould deny h i ~ connec tion to a nythin~
obta i n.d a ~ainst hi",.

f. Th" brother may hav .. to confes~ unde r p r essur e o~

tort ure in the int e rroga tion C8nt.r. Onc . in th.
pros e cution c.nt er, ho,...v" r. he should say t hs" he ",as
tortured. deny a ll his prior c on f ess ions . and ask tr~t
thot i n terroga t i on b@ r "

Iote rrAAanon Techpi<Dl M : A numbe r of t e chni ques a r . use<'l to

int .. rrogat. t h .. brothu s. Th@ exact tlt<::hniqu e ~ used may be
ditf e rent !rom one bro ther to anothe r d ep endinq on t h .. broth .. r· s
s t atu s in the g roup a nd on curr .. nt ev.. n ts. I n t e rrogation is
li~ited to the to l lo"'ing types:

1. 1'his is the simpl .. s t tYP" of burro" a t i on . I t can

happen to anyon e under normal c i rcwnst a nc ~ s . I n t his
t yp~. t h .. int. rrogati on appa r atus summon s a b rot her by
letter or <r... ss ..... ger to appear .
2. Thi s happens "'hotn th. brothe r doe s n ot respond to th em
l the interrogation apparatus l. u nle s s th ~ command s ees
otherwise .

3. I f t h. corrmand a pprovots hi s appea ring . t h .. bro t h .. r

shou ld be car e ful not to ; i ve the enemy any [vita li
inf ormat i on. He should a ;r.... wi th the command on t he
line of .n~_rs to b .. fo llo .. e <;l durin!! th .. interrO\lat i o"
... ,,<;1 should answe r question~ w i s ~ly.

Imnediat el y upon his retu:n, the bro the~ shou l d relate

to the c ommand a ll that happene d to h i m i n th~
inte rrogation proc "s • .


The ( i~~e ~~oga e ed] broche r s hould rnemor~z e ene

app e a~an c e of th .. int .. rrogation building, i.t " i nt e rior,
a nd the a .,.,.. a r a nce of eh .. ot!ic .. rs. Th .. int"rrogao i on
is a "'ajor 0p;><>Hu nity f or the ( Islami c] gr oup as long
a 5 t"e brother i . tactf u l . bright, and obse rvant . ",'h ..n
s wr.mone d , u~ually t he b rothe r i s not bli ndfoldRd or
B. !ptl. Uog.g i. qu Suuound i w i>l,blici ud h uests:

1. The brothe,. :l\Ay b<': arr e s t ed as a r .. s uh of pubH c

i ncid.mts , s uch a s t h .. rrurdar of an iO"pOr t ant
par~ona li ty , military overthrow (of the government ] . or
:he e scape of I slaMic leade r " from pris on.
!n tl":e5 e Ca Sea . the interrogation ,""uld b<': roor" .ever ...
As long a s there i s no connec~ion between tha brother
and the inci den t. the questi ons wou l d remain gene r a l:
Whe r .. ,""n'
you dur i ng t h .. inci den t ~ Who do you think
exa cut ed it? Whom of t h e Jihad b ro th.. r" do you knOW?
Th .. d eg ree of tortur .. va ries a ccording to ehe
importa n c e of eh .. brothe r and th .. ~u~ picion that he i s
conne ct ed with the incid ~ nt • .
Stepl! of Tnterroguj on:
, The broehe r is arrested ~hil e walking in the s tr .... t or a t
home . Ee is transport .. d to a w~ i t ing room. Aftar ~ whil .. ,
he i" ~ ea rched and in terrogat ed without being b lindfo l ded
Id .. p ands on t h a i mporta nce of t he matter ). Ee is t h ..n
p laced i n a c ell in the int e rrogation cente r, i n a holding
cell i n t he police s tat i on, or in a common .,ris on .
The brothe~ is kept for. f ew days without interroga t i on.
The n he i s interroqate d by a number of persons in an
interrogation room. The roo .. is o rdinary , conta ining On" Or
more de sk s . some cha irs, and some tort ur .. d .. vic .. s, as
n .. Rd"d.

1. rn ~h" beqi,-_-d"ll, u.. b r oth.r ""'y not boo t :-e.o e.d M:s;"ly.
but r . th.r ~indly. 1I...... y be o H . re<! • cM!r w;'t:' " =p o~
t • • or • dri~k. Th.n ne would be ~ s ked t o r ec. ll
I n !o:m.otion :;hat h ,... ful to th .. lnt. rr09a tors. ! ! th e
b :-o'ther retu~g~ to off.r .IJY infonMtion .nd "'.ni.a :;hat h.
knOW8 .~y t~.i~9. h. 1" th.n u'U t 8d h ... r ~1I1y. lie a nd h i ~
~ ""ily ..... y b. curs e d , h .. "",y be f orc8d into eubrrtis aior. by
fo l lo~in; o:ders .uc h .,: t.c. the wal l , don't t.l k . don':
ufoaa your voic.. All o f t hat is to fri;lI ten the bro~II ....
'I"tl. !>roth.r sllou ld r.f ue. to e upply any i n fo ...... t i.on and d.oy
hie knowllfl<lge of the eub:l ect in que.don , r...nh.r . the
brother L~ l d "' i aobey the int ... roge t o r ' . o r der. a . ~ch .s
lie can by ... iain,. IIi. yolc • • cursing the in terrogator back .
.ad .. e fus ing ~o fac. the .all. Th.. interr09stor wouid
reso r t to beating the bro ther in order t o forc. h im to obey.
Thul. that ... tt empt wou l d fail.
4. Within about " <1Ioy . •nothe .. s e ssion would be he ld ... ith the
b rotll.r. us u.lly. in thi ••••• ion t he brOthe r would be
blindfold8d. beaten, .nd tortur e d . H. would be ma~e t o
believe that lIis role in t he inci~.. nu hal been l • • rned and
that it i~ n.,tte " i t lie te l ks. Tile cunin; and t o rturing
would in tRns Hy, d~\!Iin9 on what the brothe r rev_Is. Th.
bro t ll ... ahoul d not d iad"". any in tonuti on . no .... u .r how
insi;nificant h .. m.i911t thlnk it is, in ord. r not t o open •
door thllte cannot be dosed until h .. i ncdlll1nete. hi ..."l! or
""PO,es h is Or\janiution , The int.rr09& to r cannot obuin
·.mat he wants an~ Iny informadon Utll . . . til. brotller
t.lkl . Th" brother may tehin ~ the t by g i Ving a lit tle
into ....... t i on h .. c a n .vo id ~nd ton u"e.
Howe"er , ~"e op""si!:e i s t rue . "!he tor~ur ~ <rnd h a rm "'QuId
o n~~n s ity t o obtain addi t i ona l i nformation. and t hat cycl e
",oul a. ~ .. p .. a t . Thus, the brothe r s h ould be pat ien !: .
~es i " ~ an t, " il enc and pra y .. r fu1 to Allah . e spec ia lly i! ~l". e
sRouri"y a pparatus ~ nows l itt le a bou t h im .

In pri s on cell s , d o not talk to anyone you did no t

pre vi ou s l y ~now. Some [pri50ne rs] may be [e n """,,1 a \le n ts or
may have difter"nt orienta !: ions .
I n CaS e S l i~e t h e s e , a nd a s l ong a$ the brothe r indicat .. s no
connection to t he incidents , the i nterrOQation ta~e~ place
i n ~h e i"terrO<;la,, 1 0n center on l y , not in the prosecu " ion
CRntRr. I n th i s int RrrOQat i on s es s ion. i t i . import an t t o
::-"""ember :he basic ru le : Even a l ittle di s olosure o f
info!:m1ltion "",u1d inc r ea"e your amount of tort ur" and r .. s u l t
Ln add itional information for t lM quRstioning "wara tus .
! nv@§t t gA ti ng Sp@c i !ic Ma tt@rs Connlct@d to th@ Br0th@r o

1. Th .. brother may be captur .. d in a di s tant loc a tion

t h roUlih i n formant s . o r in a l oca t i on connected t o t he
incide n t (apartment. t he ao t ua l i nc i den t l ocat i on l. At
that time . the b roth@r may po ~ses. i t ems r .l~ t .ct to th~
i n cide nt (w ea pon~. documents, b l ood stains . . .. 1. ":"he
brot he::- may " I s o be c a pture d while c ross inll th .. borde r.

Th.. wi ll be placed in a hol din\l ~oom, then

b rot h e~
s t~i ppe d of his possessions (watch. mone y . Koran . ... ) .
blin dfoldRd. Bnd h a ndcuffe d . The questioning begins .
i n a f::-iendl y manner . by wr i t i n ll repor t s a bout hi ..
( n ~ , a ddr e~ ~ , e duca " ion, r e s i dence. emp l OymRn~ •

family, ... 1. r". thi s s ...... ion, ~h. qu.e~tioning
o f f icid l ~ri .. ~ to br eak the ~e 5 ist a nc e of the brother
by h i'" that confes s ion i s blitt"r !o r h i m "r.d
that st e ad~a n n M 3 is impo""ibl e b e ra" se he cannot d er.y
anything. H@ a dd .. ~h at pa inful tOrture will be used if
he doe" not talk. H" lure s the brother by ~aying th<lt
if ha confess e s h e will be immedie t .. lY r,,1 .. a5ed " cd
given money. educ a tiona l scholarShips , etc.
In the fi~st ses~ion, the brother would be studied
through his s t a tement s and mann&r of deal i ng ~ith the
i n terrogator. Then a plan i,. devised for dealing with
the brother.

3. If the .. arlie~, fri lind ly approe ch fail .. a nd the brother

doe" not coope r at e with the inte rrogator, ano ther
session is he ld USin\l tm:ture in ord .. r to control th ..
brothe r through fright and orders (sit down, don't Sit.
down, t e e .. th.. wall, don't talk, don't r a ise your
voice . curae. and insults). The brother should not
~eaken. but shou ld try to disobey the interroga tor's
orders or take his ti"'Ii in execu ting thlim. If the
int~rrogator s find that the torture t e chnique is
succe~~ful. th ~y would inten" ify i t. However , if the y
find t hat the brother is dodg ing the"" th~y ~u ld
r .. ~ort to psycholO\lical torture techniquM.

Sarn@ interroga tors may try to confuse th~ brother,

distort his r . a s onin~, and tang l e h i . t h ou~ht ~ by
thro",in~ many qu e ~tion. at hi", at th~ same t i .... a nd not
a l lowing him t h e chance to a nswer them. If the brothQr
d e lays his answe rs. he ~ould be . truck. During that
tortur" [ . .. ss ion ) , the brother is giv"n d chance to
speak, even t d l a lie, in r e tu rn for halting the
torture . He is ~iven a sh .. et ot pep .. r and a s ked t o
writ" "hatev"r he want s in re turn for his


relea~~ , tor not pro~ecu c in ~ him, e t c. Th~ y ~ tart

~e ceiving the brothe r by s ayin g the t hi s r e f u ~ a l to
t a lk or wri t @ m ea n ~ tha~ h e is a fr a id of r . v ea li~ g
d a n ge rou ~ ~ecr e t5 he possesses.

3. During the inte rroget i on, Or whil e the bro t h e r i s ~n

the ho l ding room, h e may be made to lis ten ~ o e not he r
brothe r' s cri es tro~ a n~arby c e ll. Thi s i s done i n
or ~~ r to bre ak the brothe r' s r . si ~ t a nce. They may eve n
r eS ort to having the b r oth~r hear some of hi s brothe r s '
c onfe s~i ons an~ bringing paper s and documen t ~ tha t
prove his i nvolvem4 nt i n ~ e incident.

6. In ell prior s itu a tion ~ the bro t her has thr ee options:

a. Pati enc~, s tea dfastnes s , and s ilenc e a bouc a ny

i n fo rmat i on wha t s o @v e r. ~h a t i ~ very difficult
except for tho~e who t a ke refuge in All a h.

Executing the s~curity plan that wa~ agree d upon

pri o r to execu t ion of the operation and not
devia t i ng f rom it .

c . In c ase others devia t e tro~ ~~ ~a curity plan.

confirm the information given wi t hout a dding to
it ,

d. If t h e btothe r i s the fir s t s ubj e c t in t h e

i n t~rroga tion, he ~hou l d adh~r~ . t~ a d tas t l y
to t he
~ec ur i ty plan in orde r to a voi d troubl e t or ehe
broth~ r s t hat will f ollow.

Th~ ~ors e case - Alla h forbid i ~ whe n the

brother b reak s ~awn ~ total ly an ~ t . ll s a ll h @
knows, ·which is due to a poor choice i n t h u
bro t h e r. Thus. it i s importa nt to test
in~iv i dual ~ prior t o ~ uch work i n order to @ n s ure
the ir st eadf a ~eness a nd minimize the likelihood of
th~ ir breaking down. Tes ting may ~on e by a cc u~ing
him of being a n enemy agent a nd l y i n g a bout the
reported i nformation, in the eve nt he i. ~upplyin g
d e ea i l ed info rma ~ion .

• Importa nt information should not be di.c u ~~ e d ~ith

the brothers , as they ~ight r ~ e a l it during the
inte rrogation .
'·' o;tur e Methods: S e cre~ agent s us@ two met h ods of torture:

A. ?hy~i c a l to~ t ure. 5. P~ycholoqic al tortur e

of clothe s .
Hanl/ i ng
S eat ing wi th s ticks wir"s .
Whipping a nd beating and t~i5ted rubber
6. Forcing the brother t o stand naked. for long period. o~
7. pour i ng co l d wa t e r o n the brother's hea d.
B. Putt ing ou t lighted cigarett" s on th .. brothltr's 5l<:in.
9. Shock ing ",i eh an .. l e ctrieal curr e nt .
10 . Kick ing and r;>unching .
II . At t acking ehe brothe r "'ith vi cious doqs .
12. Ma ki ng the brothe r si t on a stake .
13 . Thro~ i ng in a s e pt i c tank.
14. Pul ling out t he nails and ha ir.
15 _ Dragging .
16. Tying e he hands a nd f • • t from b9hind.
17 . Ut i 1i ~ i ng ~harp objects, s u ch a~ a pocke tkni f" or pi .. ce
of g l ass.
18 . Burning ~it h fi re .
19_ Sl e eping on a bar .. marbl e floor without " cov .. r and
flooding the c ~ ll wi th sewe r watRr.
20 . Standinil o n to .. ~. and against a wall pressin" with the
fing ers for l ong hour s . Th" brother may De d@nied
sleep. f o od , d rink, a n d medicin • . ·
21. Bea ting on c utS and sOr e pa r es o f t he body.
22. Giving th.. br o the r a lot ot wat e r or very wate ry
!r uie~. s uch &s waee rmelon, afte r d eny ing him


food and dr~nk. At~er the brothe " cldnk ~ or .. a~ a

t h .. t r~it, h~s hands and penis wi ll b .. tied 5 0 the
brother will no t be abl .. to urinate .
23 . Pl a c~nll drulls a nd narcotics in the brothe r 'S tood to
'..."k .. " his «i ll powe r.
24. P l a cing th" broth.. r in ~ olitary confinement wh .. r .. the
c .. 11s are made of a special kind of cement that \le t s
extremely hot in the summer and cold in winter .
•5. ijittin\l the brother'~ genitals with a stick or
s quee zing th"", by Mnd .
• 6. Dral/I/ i ng th .. brother over barb wire s a nd fragment s o!
I/lan and meta l.

B. Me".h og s of 0 3y cholooical T9 nuu,

1. Iso l ating the brother soc i a lly, cutting him of! from
public li te, pl a cing him in solitary confinement. and
denying him n ews and informat ion in order to make him
fed l on .. ly .
Forbidd ing calling him by name , givinll the brot h .. r a
numbe r. a nd callinll him by t ha t number in order to
d e feat his moral e .
3. Threatening to sutrmon hi s s i ~ t e r. moth .. r, ",He , or
MUI/hter a nd n .p .. h .. r.
4. Threatening to rape the brothe r hi_ e lf.
S. Thre at.minll to conUacate his poss e ss ions <tn d to ha "e
him fired trom his employment.
6. Throtat.minll to C"US O! a p"rman"nt physic"l di s"b ili ty or
life imprisor.momt.
7. Off ~ r th" broth"r cotrta in "ntic_nts l apartJnO!nt, c a r,
pas~port, scholarship, etc.l.
8. Usinl/ harsh tr .... """'nt, ins ults, and cur s e~ to d e feat
hi s roora l • .


Con:~olling e ...... , the brother "oes. e v e n i"

privat e . whe t h e r h& is awake or "s1e,,!> . to convinc e ~~"'.
that th&y are in char<;j"e. The y would forc e him to b o...
his h ead a n" look down. while t a lking w;th th e gua rds .

Furthe r. IH no on .. think that the dorementionotd t .. cl'.niqu es a re

!"b~ ; cations of our imaq ination, or that we copied them from ~py
stori e5 . On the cont~a~y, these are f a ctual inciden ts in the
pr is ons ot E~t . Syria. Jor dan . Sa udi A."bia. and a ll othe r .>.rab
countries. Tho"e who follo," daily events a n d . ead the newspap .. ,"~
a nd j ourna l s would be ama:ed to l e arn tha t:

~ e curity pe r s onn .. l totally undr es~e-d veil e d women i n public.

Th .. ~ .. cur i ty personnel arreste d a brother 's moth .. r. a
brot h e r's sister . a nd a brother'~ wife and raped t hem.

the wife of broth .. r Saffout ~u lGhani _ may All ah have h i m

rel ea~ .. d - had a miscarriage wh~ n the qove~nt' s "oqs
l i. e . croni e s ) bea t: a nd tortur .. " her in fron t of her
hu sban <:L

t h e security p ~rsonn el captur .. " brother !/assan " l-Gharba",i' ~

moth er, "'ho is ol"e r than 6 0 year", and hanged h e r by her
!eoot ( upside down]. Th~ s O!curity pers onnel s M.ved the head
o f the ",i t a of a brother ",ho participated i n the murda r of
Ri!'at Al-~hjoub [E~t' ~ f o~r par li ament s pea k .. ~].

The s~ ories are numer o u ~ a nd the re i~ int 8nse t orture ~hil .

Muslims a re i n de ~p s l eep.

o younq men wa ~ inq a holy ",a r fo r t hO! ~ ake of Al l ah , th .. r.. i s

s t'-l.~ hope i n you. Your country .. ",.. its you, your brothers ..", .. it
you , your wives w.. it you, the Mus lim hos t "qe ~ .. wai t you.

1. '..r."':~l e b e inli tak,on to th., int.,rrQ9ation and torture a r ea~ ,

0" " should COncentrate heavily on the route and try to
memorize .. ny s i~~ i n or<l.,r to benefit operations and pI a "
d e ve lop"",nt .

2. In the b"ginning of the interrQ9ation .... security "Uic e r

(irrt e rroga cor) would come to you with fatherly a dvic e.
deceit ful phra ~ ,,~. and ·crocodi l e t ... r~· so you might
conf ess and tell them everything.

Ie is nece ssary to secretly discard any document relaced to

the work or anythi nq else considered criminal evidence
against you. Better, do not carry any document~ concerning
the work.

4. From thB first momBnt in captivity. the brothBr s hould

proudly t .. k e a firm and opposing position against the "n<OmY
and noe o bey the orders. '!'he more finn and opposing the
rea ction, th~ more bene ficial i t i s. The s e rea ctions will
':0: l"a<l :0 har.h"r U""t_nt. Do not g ive the en""'l' a n
opportunity Or a.., o pening.

S. Durinli the torture process, pretend that the pain i. ""v"r"

by "oend i. ng over and crying loudly.

7. ~etween co nur .. s euions, th., office r s bargain with the

brother a nd entic" hi~ with endinli the torture i~ he
s uppli es ~hem with any info~ t ion_

• Thi s boo\< is the l:'It>IrlOirs of an Iranian Communi st . All

;,~o~hers ~hould rea d it.
Du:;'ng ~M. <or~ure s ess~on, th .. counu':'n.. p r eacMH ""'I'
b .. come a viciou s beas t.
9. The Olle ",ho lIiv .. s on .. pi e c e of in!ormation "0 a void ::he
l a she s o t wMip~ is d e ludinll him.el! because th .. tortu re
'""u ~ (l in~er:sify.

10. It is nec.~~ary tha t each broth.r plan ~or hi. int.,rrOlla t;'o~
and discuss it with hi$ commbnde r. He may be c apture(l on.

H _ Nh. n 1: calk whil. und .. r torture, I do no e mention uTIknmffi

dat e s and p l ac es to the security ~rsonn.l. but .... n 1<no...,...
on.~ _

12 _ Wl".en I mention (late s or names. it is important to memor iz e

oham beca u ... they ~i ll as k about them allain to kno\O{ if I "'as

D _ Put .. nding to be naiv" and i!,7TIorant durin; the qu est ionin;

may lead ~o dive r .. in; from the plan. beca use a ll f a ctors are
a .. a in$t th. broth.r, Th. p Ia"., th • .,.opl.< th. s ituation _
That leads to some or all the Outcomes de sired by the enemy .
'I'hat is , i ~ i s importa n t to r@ID4in psycholO\lica lly a nd
mentally ca l m and to maintain alertness and fore sight _
l4. Detailing events durinll the questioning, whe~her v .. rbal ! y O~
in writing, dir@ct l y i ncreas es th@ c r i me . That p ~ rson'~
situ.tion is just li k. s omeone ~ho fall. in a swamp [quick
sand ] , ~h ~ mor~ h ~ tr i ~ ~ to ~ave himse lf, the ~eeper he
~ ink •.

t s. 'l'hR less i nformat ion s upplied dur ing th~ tOrtur ~. the
lig!lter th e judgement wi ll 0. _
16. A d .. va~tatinll mista k. t hat results in harsh jud;entent is
tha t of a broth~r r evealin; information to other s in h i s

• •
nOt r9Vealed du~ing the tOr ture. "nti5 ,s espeei.Hy "ru" "-h.,,
:11. 1n".rrO<;l'01:ion is still going on, hi, fat. ~~. not 0.."
de".nlJ.n"'. and th" caU two. nO ~ been c lo~ed.

17. Reh el ",", uxpe"iene •• elloll l ol. nOt t a k. pl.~ . prior to ~h ..

judgement. but atte r it.

18. Th., in t .rrogators ~y r e.c rt to pl anting suspicion and

mistrun """"ng the brod...... "ntey may ptuomol. that they
have a !riendly r.latiOnlh i p with on. of the . !t
is nec. . ...ry to think _ 11 of on. anoth..,.

19 . Do not ... cc~" huAiliation and di-.grsce. DJ",bey orders and

0 ppo5,. th...,.

20 . It h i mpor tan t to coordin .. t . . . ith your before

.... <:u ting a ny optIr.t ion ( •• curi~y p lan).

21 . Th • • • cllrity per. onn.l may l.a ve you for long periods of

ti ...... ithout .. 5 ki ng yOu any qu •• tions i n order to br.ak your
will and de " e nnination.

22. During the int e rroga tion ..... y only the thing. t hAt you
a"reed upon ... ith your e_ndec. Do nOt be ~onc.n>ed ~t
oth. r bro thers.

Lesson EightHn




I , At t" .. ginning of <II<: <rial . """e more the brolhe" must ins;" on proving tho, tOrtur< "'""
innicted on t.h em by S!.'l'" Security [in"'Sliplors) before the judge.
, COO1plain [to lhe counl of mi$tr<atmont while in pri,,,,, .
), Make >m.ngements for lhe brother', defense with <II<: "'torney, whether he w", retained by
the brooiler", family or court.appointed.
4 . The brolher has 10 do hi' best 10 blow lhe name, of I"" "ate oecurity OfficeB, wOo<! in hi, tOrtu," and mention \heir names 10 lbe judge. [These name. may be
Obl.ine<! from brotherS wOo had to deal with IhO$e om""rS in Pf<'viou. ca.e •. 1
~. So"", brotbers may tell and may"" lured by <II<: .we """urity invo"igators 10 "'>lify"
the brotherS (i ,e. affirmaliOll "'iUIe"]. eilher by IIOl keeping !hem 10gether in tho =no pri.on
during lhe lrials, or by letrin& lbern ..lit to the medii. In this c.... lhey ho ... 10 be !mitt<!
llenlly. and sOOuld be offered i""" advke, good lre"""'nt. and pray lhat God rnoy lu.ide
6. DurinI' lhe lriaL \he court h.. 10 be OOIified of any mi,u"'Imenl of the brotherS inside Ihe
P",",, ·
7. It i, po,sible 10 resort 10 .. hungo. ",ike, bUI it i$ .. !>.<:Iic that COIl <itheuucceed or foil.
8. Take advanlage of .i,its to communic.", witb brothen outside prison and eXChange
informaliOlllh'" may be helpful 10 lhem in lheir wor~ oo!Side pri,on (accordinlllO whal
occurred durinll the invesligation,]. The importance of mastering Ihe art of hidi!l$ message.
is self evident here,
When lhe broth......... u.nsported from and to lhe prison [00 lheir way to the court) they
should shoot [,lamic ,lollan, oullond from in.ide lhe prison cars to impR'" upon the people
aod their fomily the need to oupponl$lom.
In<ide the pri",", lhe brother should IIOl accepl any work thaI may beliUle or demean h,m or
hi. brot"rs. ,nch as the de.ning of the prison botilrooms or hallw:a}'S.
The bro.hers ,hould create an Islamic progrom fO!" themselves in,ide the prison ... "'ell ..
reCf<atiCHlal and <duc .. iooal """'. <k:.
The brolher in prison .hould be l role model in ,elflessness, Brothers ,hould olso pay
'l"'nlion to ....,b OIh= netd' and sbould help each <>Iher and unile vi, a vi. In. prison
The brolhen must tlke advanlagt of Iheir presen"" in prison for obeyins ."d worshiping
[Goo[ aod memon'ing .he Qora·an. ele, Thi . i. in additiCHl to oll guidelines and procedures
thal were conlOined in the 1<""" on inttrTOption . nd inv..tigltion. Lastly. each of us nas to
unde".. od tn .. ",e don'l ",hi<"" vi.,tory agoinSl our enemies througn. the", ot:tioos lnd
securi ly procodure •. Rother. ViClory i. ot:hieved by <>beying Almighly and Glotiou. God ond
bee ..u.. of their ... ny .ins. Every brother -has 10 be <.,.,ful . o as 001 10 commit "n. ond
everyone oJ u. h.. to do hi. best in <>beying Almigh.y God. Who ,aid in ~is Holy Book: "We

,"" II . doubt. hell' Ow m<>Sen.... ..... ......., ... ho bcli<..., (bodo l 1ft thlt ..<Xid". I,i<
PId d>e 0fW: ~ whorn ~ Wi_ I ts .... U ..-and fonlL-
}'ayGod .........

ID<dic ...onJ

To ' " is pu~ Muslim youth. ~ bcli~_. Lbo mujahid ([,gh''') ''''' God·llak~. I prescnt t~'"
modest ~ffe>n ' " contribution 'rom"", to pl V" the wa~ !hat "'iU lud 10 Alm' 8hty G<>d.nd to
em!:>l;sk I "llip/1 ' ''' . Iong ,he Ii"", ol,be prophet

The P'<>pI,",- puce be """" llim. Wd lIt;;rin, tg """'" w .. m.ll.<d by Imam AI\med: "lei tl>e
"""'''''''I IW God ..-ants be ift )'GU. )'<II Cod ....y ~we II if He SO wilt.. ll>d ...... mere ..-,II be
• Ca/,p/oMe 1IC(0I'dina: 10 the pi"ph.. '1 p.d. [illSltUCtionl. if God 50 wills k. He ,..ill "'50 1ftIIO>~
,haI l l11e C.I,plule ) il He "" wil ... ON! you ai]1 ha~ • di .......... imI ki •• if God 50 .... u. iL One:<
at .. n ••f God so ..... n .. He will "'''''''.., 111m 11tIc disolxdio 4.l:;inl).. ond )'0\1 ""II h.v< on
oppl'nllv< kll'l$. {Finally). if God SO wilb. He ",ill ",move !rim [Iho oppres&i • • kiniJ, and you
will N •• • Caliph.", """"""II, to ,he proptlof. path [i",tn>:tjonJ. He then be"..,.. .iIeM."


l. Team wort. i. ,lie oolyuan....;"" O(Gocf l ~. as .... 11 as thataf~~. to unite

Oftd IlOIlO di....,.",_ A lmigflly God 101)'1. - And hold f. .. all ~. b)' 1M Rope which
Allah ('u~ _ _ m.- )'OU). _ be _ dividod. amoo~ y<IUl'Od_- ill "S.Voih MaoIim.-;'
_ tqIOI1Od by A.... HorairaII. ~ Allah JooIc bndl1 upooI lIi ......... ~ POOJh"~ may
Allah', puoo:. and gr=i..,. be up"" h, .... _ : HAll ... appb"Q thrtoe \ohinpl for)'OU and
di~", . ,1Irec [,rullj.l: Iio appw< .. ilia )'001 ....,.srup him. Ilw. ,.... do "'" dOWlie,. in
Him. ond 'hOi )'OII 1IoId fase. all '0CCIhe!'. by ,be Rope which Al101o. _ be "'" divided amonl
you""l"" •. He dis.ppm' •• of thr •• : poip. askinK •."",•.>clr [f(lr l>c:lp) . and "Iuandcrinl

, AN!KIOilinl '"team ,.(lrk·' r(lr ;1'IC!1.ldual and h.o.ptw.ard ""'"' moanl di _ yin& tha, orders of
God _ the: prophe' on<! rlllin, v;,;,im 10 di'''''ity,
3. is ..-...;"" IOC<IO\l<'1UOfl in ri~ and piely.
~ . UphoI<finl ~1;&ioD, which God bas orde,ed II> by Hi< "')'i""'1jpj'iIId ,eli....... - will
nccc»arily ""I"';~ III all _ """r~ lpi.... oil 0IIf eroemia. ",110 ..... . " =*
i. i. irnp<'"'''' ."
darkllHS. 111 add;'; .... , "and apnsl darkneu in I U . " IIS: lire ...,.til,
edlxaQOII, ( guidanc • • and CCHlnscli", . ....... 11 as 0Ibets. This wi ll make i.
"«eliot)' for us '" mo"" OIl nummou:s Il.ids 50 as \Q . .obi. the lsi""", DlO>cmcnt 10
.on fron, ignorance and .. hie>' •• iclCl<)' q:lIn" i, in thc: Mule \Q uphold nolipon. AU ,he",
vilal scol. can "'" be odequarely ",hievee! wi,,,,,,,,
organized ,cam work. 'Thc~f"",. "'lIn
w"'. bf(:omo. I n"" ... i'y, in"",ordanoe .. ith ,he fundamental rule. "Du,y Conno! be
o<comj)lished .... ithou' iI, and i, i•• ~q";~monl.H nu . ....y. ,eam wort i, odIi.ved through
mu~nl 01>4 orptIizi", ~ .... kI . "~ik pOlItin, the Amir (1M Prince) befORo thorn. and Ille
riih' ItWI on the nih' ~ maki~i pI.w fOf ..:tiorl. orgamrins WOI'k. and otUni"l face!l of

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