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Air Transport Liberalization and Its

Impacts on Airline Competition and
Air Passenger Traffic
This study examines the impacts of air transport liberalization policies on economic growth,
traffic volume, and traffic flow patterns, and investigates the mechanisms leading to those changes.
Our investigation concludes that (1) liberalization has led to substantial economic and traffic
growth. Such positive effects are mainly due to increased competition and efficiency gains in the
airline industry, as well as positive externalities to the overall economy; (2) liberalization allows
airlines to optimize their networks within and across continental markets. As a result, traffic
flow patterns will change accordingly. Strategic alliance is a second-best solution and will have
a reduced role when foreign ownership restrictions are relaxed; (3) there is a two-way relationship
between the expansion of low-cost carriers (LCCs) and liberalization. The rapid growth of LCCs
leads to increased competition and stimulated traffic, calling for the removal of restrictions on
capacity, frequency, pricing and entry. In addition, development of LCCs in domestic markets
can promote liberalization policy for international aviation by increasing the competitiveness of
the national aviation industry. On the other hand, the existing regulations hindered the growth
of LCCs. Further liberalization is needed for the full realization of associated benefits.

International air transport operates within air services. The World Trade Organization
the framework of the 1944 Chicago Conven- (WTO) Secretariat (WTO 2006) identified
tion on international air transportation, under seven features of ASAs as relevant indicators
which airlines’ commercial rights on interna- of openness for scheduled air passenger ser-
tional routes are governed by a complex web vices: (1) Grant of rights (air freedoms
of more than 10,000 bilateral air services allowing airlines to provide services over des-
agreements (ASAs) between each country-pair. ignated markets)1; (2) Capacity clause (regula-
These ASAs regulate a wide range of condi- tion on volume of traffic, frequency of service,
tions related to the provision of international and/or aircraft types); (3) Tariff approval
(whether fares need to be approved before ap-
Mr. Fu is assistant professor, faculty of business, The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong plied); (4) Withholding (which defines the con-
Kong, China; email Mr. Oum is ditions for a foreign carrier to operate, such as
UPS Foundation Chair in Transportation, Sauder School ownership and effective citizen control require-
of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, ments); (5) Designation (which governs the
British Columbia, Canada; email
Mr. Zhang is Vancouver International Airport Authority number of airlines allowed to serve the market
Professor in Air Transportation, Sauder School of between two countries and on specific routes);
Business, University of British Columbia; email (6) Statistics (which requires the exchange of The authors would like to operational statistics between countries or their
thank the participants in the 2009 Sydney OECD- ITF
(International Transport Forum) Conference and IFSPA airlines); and (7) Cooperative arrangements
2009 Hong Kong Conference for helpful comments. (which regulate the cooperative marketing
Financial support from the OECD-ITF, Social Science agreements between airlines). After reviewing
and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),
and Hong Kong RGC Public Policy Research Grant
2,299 ASAs in International Civil Aeronautics
(PolyU5002-PPR-5) are gratefully acknowledged. Special Organization (ICAO) and WTO databases,
thanks to Zhuo Lin for his assistance in this study. Piermartini and Rousova (2008) indicated that

the regulations used most frequently are on rights), multiple designations with or without
pricing, capacity, and cooperative arrange- route limitations, free determination of capac-
ments. In addition, while 60 percent of the ity, a double disapproval or free pricing regime,
ASAs allow multiple designations, the re- and broadened criteria of airline ownership and
maining 40 percent permit only single desig- control. As the airline business evolves, some
nation. of the recent bilateral air services agreements
Since the deregulation of its domestic airline have included provisions dealing with com-
industry, the U.S. government has also pushed puter reservation systems (CRSs), airline code
for the liberalization of international air mar- sharing, and leasing of aircraft and intermodal
kets. In 1979, the United States enacted the transport. One notable development is the con-
International Air Transportation Competition siderable increase in the number of bilateral
Act, which formally laid down the principle ‘‘open skies’’ air services agreements, which
of promoting liberalized bilateral ASAs with provide for full market access without restric-
foreign countries. A major breakthrough was tions on Third, Fourth, and Fifth Freedom traf-
achieved when the first open-skies agreement fic rights, designation, capacity, frequencies,
was reached between the United States and the code sharing, and tariffs. As of February 2008,
Netherlands in 1992, removing capacity and 142 bilateral ‘‘open skies’’ agreements have
frequency constraints for aviation services be- been reportedly concluded worldwide.
tween the two nations. As of November 25, Despite the fact that many liberalization
2008, the United States has open skies agreements have been reached over the years,
agreements2 with 94 countries in six continents, liberalization of the international aviation mar-
making it the open-skies hub nation of the ket remains a formidable challenge. Even with
world (U.S. Department of State 2009). strong political will, the negotiation of liberal-
During the time period of 1988 to 1997, izing ASAs remains a lengthy process full of
three air transport liberalization packages were disagreements and bargaining. Many of the dif-
implemented by European Union (EU) coun- ficulties in liberalization efforts can be ascribed
tries, which eventually created a single aviation to stakeholders’ different expectations on the
market for the EU community carriers by add-
effects of alternative policy or agreement sce-
ing cabotage rights in 1997. As of January 11,
narios. The resulting uncertainty of liberaliza-
2007, a total of 66 countries in all continents
tion has prevented many governments from
recognized EU common market in their ASAs,
adopting substantial regulatory changes, and
allowing European air carriers to operate
flights between any EU member states and has given certain interest groups, including na-
these countries. In April 2007, the EU-U.S. tional flag carriers, strong influence over the
Open Aviation Agreement (OAA) was signed negotiation process. Therefore, there is a need
and went into effect on March 30, 2008. While to review the actual effects brought on by the
similar agreements are being negotiated with liberalization process worldwide, and investi-
other nations, efforts are being made to further gate the mechanisms leading to those changes.
liberalize the international aviation market, These efforts would, of course, facilitate policy
which would remove remaining constraints makers in their efforts to address future liberal-
such as ownership restriction. ization initiatives.
Bilateral air services agreements remain the This study aims to achieve the above objec-
primary vehicles for liberalization of interna- tives by investigating three important areas.
tional air transport services for most countries. In the next section, the economic effects of
During the past decade, about one thousand liberalization on the air transport industry and
bilateral air services agreements (including economy are reviewed. Then, the airline net-
amendments and/or memoranda of understand- work competition and restructuring process
ing) were reportedly concluded. Over 70 per- with deregulation and liberalization is exam-
cent of these agreements and amendments con- ined. The third area focuses on the impacts
tained some forms of liberalized arrangements, of low-cost carriers on airline networks and
such as expanded traffic rights (covering Third, aviation policy. The last section summarizes
Fourth and in some cases Fifth Freedom traffic and concludes the study.

ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF AIR TRANSPORT However, with low demand and high risk of
LIBERALIZATION operation, commercial air transport would not
The evolving liberalization of international have been sustainable without government sup-
air transport regulation since the mid-1990s port. As a result, the Kelly Air Mail Act of
has played an important role in the growth 1925 was passed in the United States, allowing
of the air transport industry by providing a the U.S. Post Office to subsidize private air
favorable regulatory environment. Worldwide, mail carriage by awarding contracts with pay-
the total number of annual passengers has ment exceeding air mail revenue on the routes.
grown by 46 percent in the past 10 years, in- To oversee such a system, the Civil Aeronau-
creasing from 1.457 billion passengers to 2.128 tics Board (CAB) was created as a regulator
billion per year (ICAO 2007). The ICAO Sec- by the Civil Aeronautical Act of 1938. Charged
retariat (2007) estimated that, in 2006, about with ‘‘the promotion, encouragement and de-
31 percent of the country-pairs with non-stop velopment of civil aeronautics,’’ CAB aims to
passenger air services and about 49 percent of eliminate ‘‘unfair or destructive competitive
the seat capacity were offered between coun- practice’’ by regulating entry, rate levels and
tries that have embraced liberalization either structures, subsidies, and merger decisions
by bilateral ‘‘open skies’’ ASAs, or by regional (Caves 1962; Levine 1965; Borestein and Rose
or plurilateral liberalized agreements and ar- 2007).
rangements. To put these figures in perspec-
tive, it is estimated that there were less than 4 Quite a few studies (Levine 1965; Jordan
percent and about 16 percent of the country- 1970; Keeler 1972) found that the regulations
pairs with non-stop passenger air services in imposed by CAB resulted in limited competi-
1995 and 2000, respectively. About 20 percent tion and high fares. Levine (1987) pointed out
and 42 percent of the seat capacity were offered that fares in unregulated intra-state routes tend
in 1995 and 2000, respectively, between coun- to have relatively high service levels and load
tries that have embraced liberalization. Numer- factors with remarkably lower fares. High fares
ous reports and papers from academia, govern- maintained by regulation did not, however,
ments, and industries confirmed that the lead to high industry profits. Airlines engaged
liberalization efforts had brought significant in non-price competition with inefficiently
welfare gains and economic growth worldwide. high service quality (e.g., flight frequency, in-
This section provides an overview of the flight amenities) and newer, larger aircraft.
economic effects of regulation and liberaliza- This practice reduced airlines’ load factors and
tion. A short summary of the origin and results increased average costs. In the years just prior
of regulation is given first. We then review the to deregulation, the industry average load fac-
economic impacts of air transport liberalization tors fell below 50 percent (Borestein and Rose
on the aviation industry. Finally, a discussion 2007).
on the relationships between air transport liber- Similar patterns have been observed in the
alization and overall economy is provided. international market. The regulatory system on
While this article focuses on the liberalization international air transport was formalized in the
of the international market, the U.S. regulation 1944 Chicago Convention. The United States,
and deregulation process is also discussed which was effectively the only country with
where appropriate. This is because the regula- sufficient financial resources, a large aircraft
tion and deregulation practice in this market fleet, and expertise after the World War II,
has served much as a prototype in the industry. attempted to promote competition on a multi-
In addition, the U.S. market has been exten- lateral basis. However, such an effort was not
sively studied and rich results and findings successful. Following the precedent of the first
have been obtained. U.S.-UK bilateral agreement in 1946 (‘‘Ber-
Rationale and Economic Effects of Air muda I’’), ASAs generally regulate services
Transport Regulation (passenger and cargo) and routes to be oper-
After World War I, some state-owned enter- ated, and stipulate fare-setting mechanisms and
prises and private airlines began to offer com- capacity limits. In one sense, this bilateral sys-
mercial air transport services to the public. tem was an interesting solution to a competition

issue; that is, countries at the time feared unilat- air travel demand function in a single aviation
eral application of monopoly power by a trad- market in order to forecast the passenger in-
ing partner. However, it introduced another set crease between the United States and five Euro-
of competition problems by constraining entry, pean countries: UK, France, West Germany,
especially to routes between countries (Warren Netherlands, and Italy. They estimated that
and Findlay 1998). All these regulations have traffic growth from liberalization is 56 percent
greatly hindered the growth of international with an average benefit of $585 per passenger.
travel. Such a situation only began to change Their results also found a decrease in airline
gradually with the passage of the 1979 U.S. yield of 35 percent and an increase in accessi-
International Air Transportation Competition bility of 44 percent.
Promotion Act (IATCPA), after which the This is not a surprising result. Button (1998)
United States began to explicitly promote liber- found that following the U.S. deregulation, dur-
alized bilateral ASAs with foreign countries. ing 1978-1988, passenger traffic increased by
As evidenced by the outcomes in both do- 55 percent while scheduled revenue passenger-
mestic and international markets, regulations miles grew by over 60 percent. The real costs
were introduced with good intentions and ob- of travel fell by about 17 percent on major
jectives. Over time, however, policy makers routes.3 Morrison and Winston (1986) esti-
found themselves drifting away from these mated that the U.S. deregulation yielded wel-
original targets, with more and more regula- fare gains of $6 billion to passengers and profit
tions imposed to correct the undesirable effects gains of about $2.5 billion to stakeholders of
of the predecessors. Many governments have carriers (including various labor unions). Table
realized that a better solution is to deregulate/ 1 compares the changes in prices of air travel
liberalize the market, which has brought very versus other goods and services in the United
positive economic effects to the air transport States during the 1978-2006 time period. It
industry as well as the overall economy. shows that both domestic and international air
services are two of the four items with the
Economic Effects of Liberalization on the lowest nominal price increases during the 28-
Air Transport Industry year period: 1.5-1.6 times the price of 1978
While the net effects of previous liberaliza- for air travel while CPI index more than tripled
tion events vary across the markets, there are during the same period.
some common changes brought to the air trans- The U.S. Government Accountability Office
port industry, as follows. (GAO) (2006) studied the effects of deregula-
tion on airline competition and air fare in the
Increased Competition, Reduced Price, and U.S. domestic market. The study found that in
Traffic Stimulation Effects 1980, the average number of competitors was
Most liberalization efforts have brought sig- 2.2 per market, which increased to 3.5 in 2005.
nificant traffic growth. Such traffic growth was During the same period, median fare declined
mainly driven by two factors. First, liberaliza- almost 40 percent, as shown in Figure 1.
tion removes constraints on pricing, route en-
try, service capacity, and cooperative arrange- Productive Efficiency Improvement
ments among alliance members. Removal of Liberalization has improved productive effi-
these constraints allows airlines to compete ciency of the airline industry in several ways.
more effectively and operate more efficiently, First, liberalization allows airlines to optimize
which reduces price and increases service qual- their network and pricing strategy. This im-
ity in terms of flight frequency, frequent flier proves airlines’ operation efficiency and aver-
programs, etc. As a result, passenger traffic age load factor. As a result, average costs have
can be stimulated substantially. Secondly, lib- been reduced steadily. Secondly, the increased
eralization allows airlines to optimize their net- competition following liberalization forces air-
work configuration. The implementation of lines to relentlessly improve their efficiency.
hub-and-spoke networks enabled carriers to Less efficient airlines are either merged or
link small markets with their hub airports, thus bankrupted, while new business models and
expanding air services to new destinations. innovations (e.g., low-cost carriers, e-tickets,
Maillebiau et al. (1995) developed a translog and self service check-in) are nurtured when

Table 1. Price Changes of Air Travel versus Other Goods and Services
Item-U.S. Good or Service Unit 1978 1990 2006 Growth
College tuition: public Year $688 $1,908 $5,836 8.5x
College tuition: private Year $2,958 $9,340 $22,218 7.5x
Prescription drugs Index 61.6 181.7 363.9 5.9x
New single-family home Home $55,700 $122,900 $246,500 4.4x
New vehicle Vehicle $6,470 $15,900 $28,450 4.4x
Unleaded gasoline Gallon $0.67 $1.16 $2.59 3.9x
CPI (Urban-all items) CPI-U 65.2 130.6 201.6 3.1x
Movie ticket Ticket $2.34 $4.22 $6.55 2.8x
First-class postage Stamp $0.15 $0.25 $0.39 2.6x
Whole milk Index 81.0 124.4 181.6 2.2x
Grade-A large eggs Dozen $0.82 $1.01 $1.31 1.6x
Air travel: international Mile 7.49¢ 10.83¢ 11.85¢ 1.6x
Air travel: domestic Mile 8.49¢ 13.43¢ 13.00¢ 1.5x
Television Index 101.8 74.6 22.3 0.2x
Sources: General Accountability Office (2008), ‘‘Airline Industry: Potential Mergers and Acquisitions
Driven by Financial and Competitive Pressures,’’ GAO-08-845, July 31.

Figure 1. Median Fare in U.S. Market, 1985-2005 (Fares in 2005 Dollars)

Source: GAO (2006)

firms drive to achieve competitive edge. Oum tional jobs in the aviation sector. Button (1998)
and Yu (1998) and Oum, Fu, and Yu (2005) estimated that with the substantial growth fol-
found that after deregulation, many remaining lowing U.S. deregulation, the employment in
U.S. carriers have achieved global leadership the air transport industry increased by 32 per-
in cost competitiveness. Similarly, Fethi, Jack- cent during the 1978-1988 period. InterVIS-
son, and Weyman-Jones (2000) found that the TAS (2006) estimated that the creation of the
EU liberalization has improved airlines’ effi- Single European Aviation Market in 1993 pro-
ciency significantly. duced about 1.4 million new jobs in aviation
Effects on Employment in the Aviation Industry and related industries; the 1998 UK-UAE
As one would expect, the rapid growth (United Arab Emirates) liberalization created
brought by liberalization must lead to addi- over 18,700 full-time-equivalent positions in

the UK side; and the 1986 Germany-UAE lib- $400 billion in output. In addition, the effi-
eralization created 745 new full-time positions ciency and quality improvements in air passen-
in UAE and 2,600 new jobs in Germany. ger services contribute to the growth in sectors
It should be noted that the job creation pro- such as hotel and tourism. The free flow of
cess sometimes is accompanied by job reloca- people and information, together with im-
tion when firms outsource certain functions to proved air cargo operations, promote trade and
more cost-effective regions. For example, with improve the efficiency of the overall economy.
the liberalization/formation of the European That is, the aviation sector imposes significant
single aviation market, Lufthansa (LH) began positive externalities to other industries, con-
to outsource certain functions to Eastern Euro- tributing to economic and employment growth.
pean countries. In 2005, LH built a new shared Button et al. (1999) examined the link between
customer services center in the Czech Repub- high-tech employment in a region and whether
lic, and set up maintenance facilities for heavy the region is served by a hub airport. Using
checks in Hungary. The airline also plans to data from 321 U.S. metropolitan areas in 1994,
move most of its accounting and purchasing the analysis found that the presence of a hub
operations to Poland. In addition to cost cut- airport increased high-tech employment by an
ting, outsourcing strategies are likely driven average of 12,000 jobs in a region. Irwin and
by the company’s desire to explore overseas Kasarda (1991) examined the relationship be-
opportunities. While outsourcing operations tween the structure of airline networks and
abroad will reduce domestic production, a more employment growth in 104 metropolitan areas
competitive airline in the global market will in the United States. They found that expansion
achieve more service export for the country of the airline network serving a region had a
(e.g., Clougherty and Zhang 2008). significant positive impact on local employ-
Air Transport Liberalization and Overall ment. The effect was particularly significant in
Economy the service sector. Furthermore, analysis using
There is a two-way relationship between air nonrecursive models confirmed that increases
transportation and the overall economy. It has in the airline network were a cause rather than
been well recognized that air transport and lo- a consequence of this employment growth. In
gistics, like other transport services, are so- addition to job creation, air transport facilitates
called ‘‘derived’’ demands. They are usually commerce communication and labor mobility.
purchased as inputs or intermediate products Button (2006) pointed out that in the United
for the consumption and production of some States and Europe, more than 40 percent of air
other services. Passengers purchase air service travel is for business purposes. The remaining
because they need to go to the destination for trips are either for leisure or for visiting friends
business or leisure, whereas cargos are shipped and relatives. Leisure travel promotes the hotel
such that they can be consumed or processed and tourism sectors, while visiting trips provide
at the destination. Therefore, the demand for the basis upon which social ties are retained
transport services is largely driven by the over- and, as such, allow for an efficient and inte-
all economy. Boeing (2008) attributes about grated labor market.
two-thirds of traffic growth to the GDP growth, Air transport is ideal for the coordination of
and the rest to other factors such as increasing global supply chains, and thereby improves the
trade, lower costs, and improved services. overall efficiency of the economy. As firms
ICAO estimated the income elasticity for air source around the world for most favorable
travel to be 1.27. That is, ceteris paribus, a 1 inputs such as labor, land, technology, and cap-
percent increase in GDP will lead to a 1.27 ital, manufacturing and factory locations can
percent increase in air travel. be sparsely distributed. Hummels (2006) found
While air transport is driven by the global that the elasticity of air shipping costs with
economy, it is in itself an important driver respect to distance declined dramatically, de-
for the global economy. The International Air creasing from 0.43 in 1974 to 0.045 in 2004.
Transport Association (IATA) 2005 annual re- That is, doubling distance shipped caused a 43
port noted that air transport directly employs percent increase in air shipping costs in 1974,
four million people worldwide and generates but only a 4.5 percent increase in air shipping

costs in 2004. As a result, the average air ship- KLM, to further expand its network coverage
ment is getting longer and the average ocean in Europe and North America. These efforts,
shipment is getting shorter.4 Recent papers by together with its superior transport infrastruc-
Aizenman (2004) and Schaur (2006) argued ture of marine ports, rail, and road,5 have made
that air shipping may be an effective way to the Netherlands not only a major European
handle international demand volatility. Be- aviation hub nation, but also an ideal place to
cause air shipments take hours rather than establish European Distribution Centers (Oum
weeks, firms can wait until the realization of and Park 2004). In terms of value, only 5 per-
demand shocks before deciding on quantities cent of the express cargo and retail logistics
to be sold. That is, air shipping provides these handled in the Netherlands is for local con-
firms with a real option to smooth demand sumption (Datamonitor 2005). With the estab-
shocks. lishment of their European Distribution Cen-
Like improvements of other shipping modes, ters, many companies have chosen to also
the efficiency and quality improvements of air locate their billing centers, service depots, re-
transportation promote trade and economic search centers, or even European headquarters
growth. Two major barriers for trade are cost in the country. The well developed transport
and time related to transportation. Limao and and logistics sector in the Netherlands has
Venables (2001) found that a 10 percent in- clearly enhanced the overall competitiveness
crease in transport costs reduces trade volume of its economy.
by 20 percent. Recent studies found that a 10
percent increase in time reduces bilateral trade AIRLINE NETWORK COMPETITION AND
volumes by between 5 percent and 8 percent LIBERALIZATION
(Hausman et al. 2005; Djankov et al. 2005). In markets not yet liberalized, there can be
While air transport is clearly superior to other many constraints on airlines’ network configu-
shipping modes in terms of speed, its perceived ration. Bilateral ASAs between two countries
cost disadvantage has been reduced over the limit airports and route access, flight fre-
years. Swan (2007) found that since 1970, both quency, and seat capacity. These regulations
price and production cost for air travel have prevent carriers from optimizing their overall
been declining at about 1 percent annually. networks. The limitations imposed with a third
As shipments are of higher value and lighter country (i.e., limitations on beyond rights such
weight, the ad valorem cost of air freight, i.e., as Fifth Freedom) will further constrain a carri-
the transport cost needed to move a dollar of er’s network structure in a region. As many
goods, is also decreasing. Harrigan (2005) esti- theoretical and empirical studies found, when
mated that the relative cost of air transport has these constraints are removed, airlines often
declined by 40 percent between 1990 and 2004. choose to reconfigure their networks to achieve
As a result, air cargo is of growing importance various objectives, among which are to im-
in cargo logistics, accounting for about 40 per- prove cost efficiency by exploiting ‘‘econo-
cent of international trade by value. Many mies of traffic density,’’6 to enhance service
countries have chosen to locate special eco- quality by initiating direct flights and/or by
nomic zones and high-tech parks near airports. increasing flight frequency,7 and to price more
Some nations, such as the Netherlands and aggressively or to compete more strategically.8
Singapore, achieved rapid economic develop- Many of these objectives are achieved by
ments by leveraging their liberalized transport streamlining a carrier’s multi-hub network.
systems. Compared to its European neighbors
such as France and Germany, the Netherlands Effects of Hub-and-Spoke Networks and
has a relatively small domestic market. Never- Airline Network Competition
theless, the country has been aggressive in lib- The emergence and prevalence of hub-and-
eralizing its transport sectors. In 1992 it signed spoke (HS) network is one of the most common
the first open skies agreement in the world with developments in deregulated markets, espe-
the United States, promoting Schiphol airport cially for airlines endowed with access rights
as a major gateway for cross-Atlantic traffic, to a single large market such as the United
while facilitating its flag carrier at the time, States and European Single Aviation Market.

The formation of a hub-and-spoke network can networks is associated with a carrier’s domi-
affect both demand and cost. nance at its hub airports, which allows it to
The effect of hubbing on costs has been achieve substantially higher mark-up above
extensively studied in the literature (e.g., Caves costs. Such a benefit to the dominant carrier
et al. 1984; Brueckner and Spiller 1994; Hen- is referred to as the ‘‘hub premium’’ in the
dricks et al. 1995, 1999). Costs can go down literature, as has been confirmed in numerous
due to higher traffic densities in HS operations studies including Borenstein (1989), Dresner
than in fully connected (FC, or point-to-point) and Windle (1992), Morrison and Winston
operations, although these cost savings might (1995), Lee and Prado (2005), GAO (1989,
be offset by the travelers’ circuitous routings 1990), Lijesen, Rietveld, and Nijkamp (2004),
via hubs. and DOT (2001). Such a benefit gives airlines
Hubbing can also affect demand (which, in a strong incentive to dominate an airport. Table
turn, affects revenues and profits) with its effect 2 shows that during the fifteen years after U.S.
on passenger travel time and schedule delay domestic airline deregulation in 1978, all major
time. Compared to non-stop services, an HS network carriers have strengthened their mar-
network increases the average passenger’s ket shares at their respective hubs.
travel time due to the extra connecting time at In conclusion, the prevalence of HS net-
hubs and the circuitous routing of passenger works after airline deregulation can be ex-
trips. On the other hand, HS reduces a passen- plained by cost advantages in production
ger’s schedule delay time–i.e., the time be- (economies of density) and/or revenue advan-
tween his desired departure and the actual de- tages achieved via demand stimulation (net-
parture time (Douglas and Miller 1974)–by work complementarity). Even when there is
offering increased flight frequency. In addition, neither cost nor revenue advantage, the threat
an HS network allows an airline to serve many of potential entry alone can give rise to an HS
additional city-pairs when a new spoke route network as opposed to an FC network. Zhang
is added to the network (Oum and Tretheway (1996) further argues that, for strategic reasons,
1990). competing airlines would choose to develop
The HS network is an efficient way to serve HS networks using different hub airports.
destinations over large spatial distances. Airbus Upon deregulation in 1978, major U.S. carri-
(2007) pointed out that one source of connect- ers began to strategically plan their networks
ing traffic is passengers who could in fact fly to strengthen their dominance in existing hubs
directly if they wanted to. For example, in and to expand continental market coverage.
2006, 20 percent of those flying between Eu- Such a process was accompanied by massive
rope and Asia selected a connecting route, even mergers, acquisitions, and liquidations. For ex-
though they could have taken a direct service. ample, many airlines based in Central and East-
There are several reasons for this behavior. ern United States acquired carriers based in
Many passengers prefer connecting services Western United States.9 This trend resulted in
to direct service due to the wider variety of a massive consolidation of the industry, which
schedules offered at major hubs, either in terms reduced the number of trunk airlines from over
of flight frequency or number of destination 25 before the 1978 deregulation to six major
cities. Airlines often offer lower prices for con- national network carriers. As a result, all of
necting services, which is a by-product benefit the national network carriers have built up
from global airline alliances (e.g., Oum et al. multiple hub networks in the United States.
2000). Passengers may also choose to fly via While network carriers often use multiple
a hub to take advantage of a stay-over at an hubs, they cannot afford to have more than one
intermediate stop. hub in a region. Airneth (2005) observed that
Airlines may form HS networks as a strate- the closest distance between two major hubs
gic response to competitors rather than to sim- in a successful dual-hub system in the United
ply save costs. Oum, Zhang, and Zhang (1995) States is 900 kilometers (km), the case of
show that hubbing can be used as both an Northwest’s Minneapolis-St. Paul and Detroit.
offensive and a defensive strategy in airline In 2008, Delta Airlines acquired Northwest,
network rivalry. Another major benefit of HS with a plan to reduce or close the hub functions

Table 2. Increased Share of the Dominant Carriers at Concentrated Hub Airports,

1978 1993
Airport Share Carrier Share Carrier
Atlanta 49.7 Delta 83.5 Delta
Charlotte 74.8 Eastern 94.6 USAir
Cincinnati 35.1 Delta 89.8 Delta
Dayton 35.3 TWA 40.5 USAir
Denver 32.0 United 51.8 United
Detroit 21.7 American 74.8 Northwest
Greensboro 64.5 Eastern 44.9 USAir
Memphis 42.2 Delta 76.3 Northwest
Paul 31.7 Northwest 80.6 Northwest
Nashville 28.5 American 69.8 American
Pittsburgh 46.7 Allegheny 88.9 USAir
Raleigh-Durham 74.2 Eastern 80.4 American
St. Louis 39.4 TAW 60.4 TWA
Salt Lake City 39.6 Western 71.4 Delta
Syracuse 40.5 Allegheny 49.5 USAir
Source: Morrison and Winston (1995)

of Memphis (NW’s hub) and Cincinnati (Delta Under the gradual liberalization scenario,
hub), since they are too close to the Atlanta there will be several driving forces for airlines
and Detroit hubs of the combined carrier. This to restructure their networks. First, full-service
restructuring would result in a network of four airlines (FSAs) will consolidate via merger and
hubs in North America: Atlanta, Detroit, Min- acquisitions in domestic and intra-continental
neapolis-St. Paul, and Salt Lake City. U.S Air- markets, in order to strengthen their networks
ways has also drastically reduced the hub func- and market positions in a continent. Second,
tions of Pittsburgh in the last five years since network and market linkages across different
it is close to its own hub in Washington Reagan continents will be strengthened via global stra-
International Airport. tegic alliances (Oum, Park, and Zhang 2000),
Airline Network Development and Policy as evidenced by the formation and growth of
Implication major airlines alliances such as STAR, Sky-
If domestic and international markets are Team, and OneWorld. Since the airlines within
both fully deregulated, network carriers would each Strategic Alliance Group will retain their
be able to expand their multi-hub networks to own identity, they will structure their networks
global markets. Intercontinental mergers and in such a way that their own profits are max-
acquisitions are likely to occur since they are imized. As a result, these airlines’ international
usually cheaper and less time-consuming than and intercontinental networks will be influ-
developing a carrier’s own network in other enced heavily by the structure of their domestic
continents (Oum, Taylor, and Zhang 1993). and continental networks.
The current discussions between the European Previous alliance studies suggest that inter-
Commission and the United States on deregu- national alliances lowered fares, grew the mar-
lating foreign ownership of airlines would have ket, and improved partners’ operations and ser-
similar effects as a complete deregulation. In vice quality.10 However, the future of these
fact, such an agreement that aims to dismantle global alliances is not crystal clear. Since the
the limitations on foreign ownership may even- existing alliances grew under a web of restric-
tually lead to a complete dismantling of the tive bilateral ASAs which barred cabotage and
bilateral ASA system. foreign ownership, they represented a ‘‘second

best’’ approach to the realization of inter-firm The varying stages of openness in global
synergies on both the cost and demand sides. aviation markets imply that airline networks,
(In effect, such realization is constrained by and accompanying traffic flows, will experi-
the existing restrictive international regimes; ence a shift in spatial pattern and market power.
as a consequence, the observed benefits from For example, Hong Kong had been much more
alliances are lower than their full potential.) liberalized than the neighboring economies, in-
Therefore, the future growth of global airline cluding mainland China, Taiwan, Thailand,
alliances would be limited, if not approaching and Vietnam. Together with its fast-growing
zero, under a fully liberalized (both domesti- economy, Hong Kong had secured leadership
cally and internationally) air transport market. for its airports and marine ports in the region.
When restrictions on route entry, capacity, However, with the gradual liberalization in
and frequency are dropped in domestic and mainland China, Hong Kong airport’s hub sta-
intra-continental markets, network reconfigu- tus is facing serious challenges from nearby
rations are likely to be different among carriers airports such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
operating in United States, Europe, and Asia. Since South Korean air carriers lost most of
The U.S. carriers have had complete freedom their domestic markets to high-speed rail,
to restructure their domestic networks since KTX, the country has no choice but to adopt
1978. Transborder open skies in Europe began a Singapore-style policy to promote open skies
in 1993, and the complete single market (in- regimes internationally, especially with China,
cluding cabotage rights for all EU carriers) Japan, and Southeast Asian countries. It is
began in 1997. As a result, European airlines worth noting that South Korea has had open
had less time to adjust their networks compared skies ASA with the United States since 1998.
to their peers in the United States. Most cross- Due to historical reasons, Japan gave major
border markets in Asia are still heavily regu- bases of operations at Narita and other major
lated. As a result, most of the Asian carriers Japanese airports to United Airlines, Northwest
serve their principal city markets, rather than
Airlines, and Federal Express, and opened its
using their super airports as hubs. Such network
markets to other U.S. carriers substantially.
patterns can be seen in Table 3. Many U.S.
However, the Japanese government now real-
airports serve as real hubs, with over 50 percent
izes that the importance of economic integra-
connecting ratios. In Europe, only the Frankfurt
airport has more than a 50 percent connecting tion with China and South Korea, and thus, the
ratio. All other airports, including London, open skies regime in Northeast Asia, is a more
Amsterdam, and Paris, have less than 50 per- urgent task than signing open skies with the
cent connecting ratios. The Asian airports per- United States or Canada. Since both Tokyo-
form even fewer hub functions. Even the most Narita and Tokyo-Haneda airports are expected
active hub airport in East Asia, Hong Kong, to have substantially more slots in 2010, Japan
has only slightly higher than a 30 percent con- expects to allocate a lion’s share of these in-
necting ratio.11 Many Asian carriers are taking creases to Asian carriers, especially carriers of
advantage of the restrictive international regu- the Northeast Asian subcontinent. An issue that
latory regime since, with capacity restricted, worries Japanese government is that there has
airlines are able to charge higher prices to local been an increasing trend that Northeast Asia-
traffic. Therefore, they have less incentive to North America air traffic is bypassing Tokyo-
use the scarce intra-Asia capacity to attract Narita (NRT), as shown in Figure 2.
connecting passengers. In 2007, Narita and In- Even for countries with deregulated air
cheon airports have only 17 percent and 12 transport markets, it is important to maintain
percent connecting ratios respectively. As the their leadership in liberalization to keep their
international liberalization advances further aviation sector competitive in the global mar-
and perhaps more rapidly in the future, Asian ket. Singapore, for example, has been working
network carriers are likely to restructure their hard to maintain its leadership in the region in
network and traffic routing patterns in such a terms of air transport liberalization. As of 2006,
way that functions of their major airports are Singapore has signed over 90 ASAs with other
increased. countries, compared to the 57 ASAs signed by

Table 3. Percentage of Connecting Passengers at Major Airports, 2007

Airport % Connecting Passenger Airport % Connecting Passenger
North America Europe
ATL 64.0% AMS 41.3%
CLT 30.0%* ARN 22.0%
DEN 43.0% ATH 21.0%*
DFW 60.0% CDG 32.0%**
DTW 48.4% CPH 27.8%
EWR 30.6% FRA 53.0%
IAD 20.7%* LHR 36.0%**
IAH 51.2% PRG 20.3%*
JFK 30.8% VIE 31.9%
LAS 12.9%** ZRH 33.8%*
LAX 3.9%
MDW 25.0%** Asia
MEM 63.3% CAN 20.1%
MIA 39.0% HKG 33.3%
MSP 47.3% ICN 12.1%
ORD 68.0%** NRT 17.2%
PHL 37.0%* PEK n.a.
PIT 14.0% PVG 16.3%
SEA 28.0% TPE 11.0%
SFO 24.9%
SLC 50.4%
STL 23.9%
Source: The ATRS Airport Benchmarking Report, 2005-2007
* 2006 data ** 2005 data

Hong Kong.12 Singapore also reached open- and several new brands (e.g., JetBlue, Westjet,
skies agreements with the United States, New Ryanair, EasyJet) emerged and prospered. As
Zealand, and the United Arab Emirates. In June pointed out by the Transportation Research
2006, the country became the first Asian nation Board (1999), ‘‘Probably the most significant
to sign an open skies agreement with the EU, development in the U.S. airline industry during
which allows Singapore Airlines to fly any- the past decade has been the continued expan-
where within the 27 EU-nation bloc. Such an sion of Southwest Airlines and the resurgence
aggressive and determined liberalization policy of low-fare entry generally.’’13 The ‘‘South-
had helped the nation to maintain the competi- west effect –i.e., a rapid increase in traffic vol-
tiveness of its airports and airlines. ume and a simultaneous fall in fares on routes
IMPACTS OF LOW-COST CARRIERS AND where, or close to where, Southwest Airlines
IMPLICATIONS ON AVIATION POLICY operates–has become widely known (U.S.
A strong trend that emerged with deregula- DOT 1993; Richards 1996). The price effects
tion and liberalization in the United States, of LCCs were empirically estimated by, among
Canada, and Europe was the simultaneous oc- others, U.S. DOT (1993), Windle and Dresner
currence of the birth of upstart competitors and (1995), Dresner et al. (1996), and Morrison
the disappearance of weaker airlines through (2001).14 Franke (2004) suggested that Europe
bankruptcies or mergers. Well established has a similar ‘‘Ryanair effect,’’ whereas Zhang
brands like Pan American World Airways (Pa- et al. (2009) suggested that the ‘‘Southwest
nAm), Eastern Airlines, Trans World Airlines effect’’ might also exist in Asia.
(TWA), and Canadian Airlines International LCCs such as Southwest Airlines and
disappeared, while LCCs such as Southwest Ryanair grew under a deregulatory domestic

Figure 2. North American – East Asian Traffic Diversion

Source: Swan (2007)

environment. In Europe, after the EU integra- skies agreement as early as December 2008
tion in the mid-1990s, the EU internal market (Asia Times 2008). These positive policy de-
has become a ‘‘domestic’’ market. In Asia, velopments are due mainly to the positive ef-
entry of LCCs was facilitated by domestic de- fects of liberalization, both domestically and
regulations as well. While deregulation and regionally, and of emerging LCCs. Consider
liberalization have facilitated the growth of the case of Malaysia. After maintaining a strict
LCCs, the LCC experience has also promoted closed skies aviation policy for many decades,
policy reform and liberalization. Until 1978, Malaysia has recently seen a boom in air traffic
the U.S. airline industry was regulated by the growth due to greater domestic competition led
Civil Aeronautics Board. It was mainly through by AirAsia. This air traffic growth, together
the experience of unregulated Southwest Air- with the success of other regional LCCs, has
lines–which offered lower fares for intra-state prompted the Malaysian and other ASEAN
(Texas) services than comparable regulated governments to push for a more liberalized
services between states–that the deregulation regulatory regime (Asia Times 2008). Another
of market entry commenced in 1978 with the major motivation for liberalization in these
passage of the Airline Deregulation Act (Lev- Southeast Asian countries is to boost tourism
ine 1987; Morrison 2001). This has, in turn, and business travel after the devastating Asian
stimulated Southwest’s domestic expansion as financial crisis in the late 1990s.15 *FN0* As
the state borders no longer mattered. a case of regional liberalization, consider the
Another case in which the LCC experience lucrative Singapore-Kuala Lumpur route. This
stimulates policy liberalization is the Associa- route had for years been restricted by Malaysia
tion of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) re- to protect Malaysian Airlines, and was domi-
gion, where significant progress has been made nated by Malaysian Airlines and Singapore
lately. In July 2007, ASEAN countries reached Airlines as a duopoly. In late 2007, the Malay-
an agreement under which unlimited flights sian government decided to allow AirAsia to
between capital cities in ASEAN would start operate on the route, paving the way for Tiger
at the end of 2008. Furthermore, it was ex- Airways (from the Singaporean side) to enter
pected that ASEAN nations would sign an open the route as well. The liberalization policy

Table 4. Contribution of LCCs to the Use serves international markets), then increasing
of 5th-9th Freedoms the number of domestic competitors also in-
(Europe 2005, excluding SAS from the total) creases the number of international competitors
representing the nation. Accordingly, a strate-
gic effect of having multiple national competi-
Air Freedoms Flights Seats
tors in world markets is enhanced exports. Sec-
5th 0% 0% ond, a ‘‘joint economies of production’’ effect
6th 0% 0% derives from the impact of domestic rivalry
7th 63% 77% on the size of an incumbent firm’s domestic
8th 0% 0% operation, since size of domestic operation af-
9th 24% 47% fects international performance in the airline
Total 53% 71% industry (Clougherty 2002, 2006). Third, do-
Source: Dobruszkes (2009) mestic rivalry may also pressure firms to im-
prove product quality and/or productivity, thus
enhancing the competitiveness of home-nation
started with allowing two flights daily from
airlines in international markets. In short, an
each LCC, and then was extended to six daily
additional rationale behind domestic deregula-
flights in September 2008. As illustrated in
tion and competition could well be the promo-
Zhang et al. (2009), the entry by AirAsia and
tion of domestic carriers’ competitiveness in
Tiger Airways forced the two incumbent FSAs
to significantly lower their fares, to the clear international markets. Accordingly, the dra-
benefit of passengers. matic growth in domestic competition due to
Dobruszkes (2009) investigated airline com- LCCs may significantly impact international
petition in Europe following the liberalization competitive outcomes.
in 1997. He found that traditional European The large economic benefits of LCCs are so
airlines, especially the majors (Air France, visible that their further developments tend to
British Airways, Lufthansa, and KLM) have speed up the deregulation/liberalization pro-
not benefited directly from the liberalization cess of domestic and international airline mar-
of European airspace in order to operate flights kets. On the other hand, as discussed in Zhang
not centered on their country of origin. Their et al. (2009), there are still a large number
contribution to the usage of the 5th-9th Air Free- of visible and invisible barriers acting against
doms in Europe is less than 1 percent each. growth of LCC activities in markets where
These carriers make greater use of the 5th-9th LCCs are most needed.16 The organizational
Freedoms outside Europe, in particular on structure of AirAsia, arguably the most suc-
long-haul flights to the Far East that involve cessful LCC in Asia, shown in Figure 3, serves
a stopover. In Europe, these carriers remain as telling evidence of restrictions for an Asian
strongly rooted in their national centers. It is LCC to grow its services across national
LCCs that have benefited most from the new boundaries. In particular, given the restricted
air freedoms made available by the liberaliza- aviation regime in the region, AirAsia could
tion, as shown in Table 4. Dobruszkes (2009) extend its network and enter a new regional
suggests that this benefit may be due to the market only through joint venture (JV) arrange-
new mode of operation by LCCs, which facili- ments or alliances: Thai AirAsia in Thailand
tates the development of extra-national bases. and Indonesia AirAsia in Indonesia are two JV
Another important channel via which LCCs examples in which AirAsia holds a 49 percent
promote further policy liberalization is through share, so as to abide by the national ownership
the enhancement of the competitiveness of na- restrictions of Thailand and Indonesia respec-
tional carriers. Clougherty and Zhang (2008) tively.
identify three paths via which domestic rivalry More recently, Tiger Airways (of Singapore)
(domestic competition) might influence inter- tried to establish JVs, namely, Tiger Airways
national performance on the part of airlines. Australia and Incheon Tiger Airways, in an
First, when there is an equivalence between attempt to expand its services to Australia and
the number of domestic and international com- South Korea, respectively. While the Austra-
petitors (that is, every domestic airline also lian JV is in operation, the Korean project was

Figure 3. Operating Companies for Air Asia Group

called off in late December 2008 after more liberalize the international aviation market. It
than one year of planning, citing the ‘‘regula- took the world nearly one half of a century
tory uncertainty’’ in Korea and a weak global before the first open skies bilateral ASA was
economy as reasons for the cancellation. The signed by the United States and the Netherlands
project would have been a tie-up with Incheon in 1992. Although many open skies agreements
Metropolitan City, with the Singapore com- have been reached in the following years, liber-
pany taking a 49 percent stake. But from day alization of international air transport remains
one, the project faced local opposition. In Au- a formidable challenge. In addition, many of
gust 2008, Korean LCCs (namely, Air Busan, these liberalizations have been partial and in-
Yeongnam Air, Jeju Air, and Jin Air), jittery complete, mostly requiring further deregula-
about the impending competition, filed a com- tion of foreign ownership, beyond rights, entry,
plaint with their country’s Ministry of Land, and other factors. Many of the difficulties fac-
Transport and Maritime Affairs. They urged ing liberalization issue can be attributed to the
the government to put the brakes on the launch stakeholders’ different expectations about the
of the new carrier, claiming that it would in effects of alternative policies and agreements.
effect be controlled and run by Tiger since the The resulting uncertainty has prevented many
other shareholders had no airline experience. governments from adopting substantial regula-
The airlines went so far as to say that the
tory changes. This study examined the effects
new airline would ‘‘attack Korea’s aviation
of past liberalization policies on economic
sovereignty’’ (The Straits Times 2008).
The experiences from North America and growth, passenger traffic, and low-cost carri-
Europe suggest that the benefits brought by ers. While the actual effects of liberalization
LCCs are concrete, dramatic, and lasting, and are subject to the influences of many factors,
that they form a significant part of the gains including the country’s domestic market size,
from air transport liberalization. However, to competitiveness of home carriers, and even
fully gain such benefits, liberalization and de- geographic location of major hub airports,
regulation need to be carried out. some general conclusions obtained from our
investigation can be summarized as follows:
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Liberalization has led to substantial eco-
As early as the system of bilateral ASA was nomic and traffic growth. Such positive ef-
adopted as the primary regulatory system for fects are mainly due to (1) increased competi-
international air transport at the Chicago Con- tion in the aviation market, which reduces price
vention in 1944, there have been proposals to and stimulates traffic growth; (2) productive

efficiency gains as a result of carriers’ optimi- expansion and liberalization (and deregula-
zation of their route network and pricing strat- tion). Liberalization has increased competition
egy as well as due to the increased competitive and reduced air fares, which in turn has stimu-
pressure to improve productivity to survive; lated traffic substantially. These changes call
and (3) positive externalities generated to the for removal of restrictions on capacity, fre-
overall economy, including promotion of em- quency, pricing, and entry. In liberalized mar-
ployment opportunities, trade, and tourism, and kets such as the EU single aviation market,
better transport and logistics services. These LCCs have benefited most from the deregula-
impacts are not uniform across countries. How- tion of beyond traffic rights, which give them
ever, an increasing number of countries have freedom to establish airport bases in foreign
adopted progressive liberalization, suggesting countries. In addition, development of LCCs
that the countries involved have benefited from in domestic markets can promote liberalization
liberalization in general. policy by increasing the competitiveness of a
Liberalization allowed carriers to opti- nation’s airline industry as a whole. On the
mize their networks to cover intra- and in- other hand, existing regulations on route entry,
ter-continental markets. Hub-and-spoke net- foreign ownership, and effective citizen control
works have been used extensively by airlines have constrained expansion of LCCs. These
to achieve revenue advantage and/or cost ad- existing regulations thus prevented the associ-
vantages in production through economies of ated benefits of liberalization policy to its citi-
density. If foreign ownership and control re- zens and economies from being fully realized.
The possibility of creating ‘‘destructive’’ or
strictions are relaxed, market consolidation via
‘‘excessive’’ competition has often been used
merger and acquisition would allow airlines to
as an excuse for maintaining regulation and/or
strengthen their networks and market position.
for slowing the inevitable course of deregula-
Strategic alliances allowed airlines to achieve tion. Our investigation revealed that such regu-
‘‘second best’’ network connection in markets latory protection of flag carriers did not lead
where bilateral ASAs are still restrictive. Upon their airline industry to efficiency and profit-
liberalization, the future growth of global air- ability, as policy makers had hoped. Instead,
line alliances would be limited. Liberalization countries spearheading deregulation and liber-
and network competition in international mar- alization scored various long-term benefits to
kets lead to shifts in the spatial pattern of traffic their aviation industry as well as gained bene-
flow as well as reducing market power of domi- fits for their consumers and overall economy
nant carriers. Therefore, it is important for for- in a major way. Therefore, we suggest that it
ward-looking countries to maintain their lead- is important for the first-mover countries to
ership in liberalization so that they may be able maintain their leadership in liberalization. In
to induce traffic flow patterns to shift in their addition, it is urgent for countries still practic-
favor. ing regulatory protection of their flag airlines
The rapid growth of LCCs has brought to abandon these practices and change their
significant impacts to the airline industry. policy to use airlines to the benefit of their
There is a two-way relationship between LCC consumers and economy.

ENDNOTES Current Model Open Skies Agreement used by the United

1 States is available at
For the official definition of the freedoms of the air, 3
the reader is referred to the Manual on the Regulation Borenstein and Rose (2007) found that between 1976
of International Air Transport, or the International Civil and 1986, the U.S. average domestic passenger yield
Aviation Organization (ICAO) Web site at http:// declined in real terms at a rate of 3.4 percent per year, while revenue passenger miles increased at a rate of 8.2
The precise definition of ‘‘open skies agreement’’ percent per year. However, they pointed out that the price
differs across countries. In general, it broadly refers to effects of U.S. deregulation may have been overestimated.
ASAs that remove most of the constraints discussed at Instead, a major change was an increase in price
the beginning of this article, particularly constraints on dispersion. Price dispersion within carrier-routes more
pricing, capacity, designation of airlines, and entry on the than doubled between 1979 and 2001.
3rd/4th Freedom markets. The U.S.-style open skies also 4
Hummels (2006) pointed out that ocean-shipped cargo
include exchange of unlimited 5th Freedom rights. The traveled an average of 2,919 miles in 2004, down from

3,543 miles in 1975. In contrast, air-shipped cargo traveled contributed to the failure of Oasis Airlines, a short-lived
an average of 3,383 miles in 2004, up from 2,600 in 1975. LCC based in Hong Kong.
The Netherlands has the largest marine port in Europe
(Rotterdam), superior inland river shipping to Germany REFERENCES
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