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What do you do when you take a chance and do not succeed in completing your obje

ctive. Do you try again, or just give up and move onto another activity? The ans
wer to success is to try again, if you were to just give up, how could you possi
bly know what you are capable of. Giving up can become an addiction, it's a proc
ess that starts with giving up on a small objective that gradually gets to be a
habit of giving up on any task that requires a little more effort than just dail
y life.
Life is about taking risks; driving a car, meeting new people, or even learning
to ride a bike. Each of these tasks requires you to take a chance that could be
a mistake, or it could turn out to be a great decision. Granted the risk may be
heavier in some scenarios than others but the point still stands. With an ever c
hanging world we as humans must change with it, and change can be risky. Going t
o war with the Middle Eastern countries was a very big risk, some people may vie
w it as a mistake but war, war never changes.
Hypothetically let's say that you (the reader) and I opened up a business. Openi
ng up a business is a big risk; there are many variables to take in to importanc
e. But despite the mistakes me may have made our business does very well. In all
that we had to do to make our business a success we took risks. In life we must
weigh the risks against the reward. In the above passage I would like for you t
o understand better that if a risk is never taken a reward can never be earned.
Think about it; if no one single person in history ever took a risk or made a mi
stake how would the world be different?
Making mistakes; nobody ever want to make a mistake, but it can happen and it do
es happen. Everyday someone makes a mistake. The mistakes made could be little,
like a typo, or they could be life changing, like getting into a car accident. B
ut Mistakes don't always have a bad outcome. You can always learn from mistakes.
What can be learned are the variables of what went wrong, what not to do and wh
at needs to be done. Making mistakes is inevitable, it will happen because it is
part of what makes us human. But learning from our mistakes is what seperates u
s from animals. I realize that it sounds as though I am arguing semantics but if
you look around, mistakes are being made all around us.
The value of taking risks and making mistakes; what is the value of making mista
kes. You can learn from mistakes and knowledge, is a very powerful tool. Failure
is a humbling experience. But success can be a corrupting experience. Success c
an bring great rewards and with great rewards power can be earned and power is c
orruptive. A fine balance between making mistakes and getting things done correc
tly is what allows humans to keep from becoming the past monarchs and past dicta
tors. Just living and breathing in the world we live in today is a risk that we
must all take.
"The American Dream", what does is mean? Should we just sit arounf in apathy? Or
should we make something great out of the resources that we have. I believe it
to be the latter and I suppose you would also. Living a life based upon living i
n a routine, day after day. Life requires that risks are taken; buying land to s
tart a home, or a business or even starting a family. None of these follow an ex
act routine. The world is full of change and the American Dream is about change.
Change may not always have a positive outcome but, every action will have a opp
osite reaction of equal value.
Think about it; how is communism similar to living a life of solitude and withou
t ever taking any risks?
The rules that nature has set down for us to follow requires that we all take ri
sks. The rules that man has set down for us to follow requires that we keep from
taking risks and not to make mistakes. Now only one of the two can be followed
at any given time, and only one can ever be followed once you start. The technol
ogy that we have; guns, cars, planes, superstructures, all of which nature allow
ed us to build through taking risks. Many mistakes were made in creating all tha
t we know of today as being man made.
If you never tried to walk, or learned to swim, where would you be today? No one
in history has ever gotten anywhere by just following the rules. No one has eve
r acquired anything but a handout from not taking a chance. The United States of
America was founded upon the belief that we must take risks to acquire freedom.
Many mistakes were made in forming our country. But was it in vain?
Taking risks greatly increases your knowledge and the knowledge of other around
you. Making a mistake is an enlightening process, it allows for others to realiz
e that mistakes are naturally human and that by maing mistakes you are just as i
mportant as the people around you. The value of taking risks and making mistakes
is what allows us survive all possibilities.

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