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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential


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Network Software and Systems Technology Group

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Version 5.0

Last Updated December 10, 2009 .

Note: This information applies to Cisco IOS images only! If you need to install an ION image on the 6500 Sup720 you must use the ION-specific instructions.

If you are not already logged in, please login to the KMD Lab Chat Room before you start to sign out the device, and obtain help if you need it.

There is a training presentation available that you might want to reference as you follow this procedure - Copying Cisco IOS Images to Flash (PPT - 2,974 KB) (EDCS-

Co n t en t s
Example of Copying an Image from a TFTP server to Flash
Copying a Cisco IOS image from a location that was provided by a SME
Copying a Cisco IOS image from the /auto/release/ image repository to your /tftpboot/user-name/ directory
Verify the available space in flash on the device
Load the Cisco IOS image on the device
Restore the Default Cisco IOS Version

P rereq u i si t es

The device tables on the Accessing Routers and Switches web page show the primary and alternate devices in the KMD doc lab are supported by each train. Make a note of
the image name that the device you want to load an image on is currently running (as shown in the Default IOS section of the row for the device in the devices table) because
this shows the platform prefix for the image filename. For example, if you are looking for an image for ASR1006-1, the image filename must start with the "asr1000rp1-" prefix as
in "asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.". Do not attempt to load an image on a device when the image file prefix doesn't match the image prefix of the
default IOS image for the device.

You need to know which IOS feature subset that you want to to use. See the What Cisco IOS Feature Set Should I Use? section of the Finding Cisco IOS Images web page If
you need more information on this.

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

I n tro d u cti o n
The ASR, 7600, 6500 and 10K devices do not support NetBooting. They are the only devices in the KMD Doc Lab that users are supposed to copy Cisco IOS images to flash
on. These instructions will assist you in copying Cisco IOS images to these devices.

Please be very careful and follow the instructions in this document while you are loading Cisco IOS images on the ASR, 6500, 7600, and 10K. When copying an image to flash
fails it often requires physical intervention to resolve it.

This document assumes that you know the Cisco IOS image that you want to load. This document does not explain how to determine the correct Cisco IOS image to load for
your purposes. Refer to the Finding Cisco IOS Images web page if you need help identifying the image to load.

This document assumes that you have attended the Basic UNIX Skills (PPT - 1,558 KB) (EDCS-559703) training course or that you have previous experience using
UNIX. Otherwise ask for help in the KMD Lab Chat Room or contact Tito Dayans or Robert Wright via SameTime, or by phone.

E xamp l e o f Co p yi n g a Ci sco I OS I mag e f ro m a T F T P server t o an AS R, 6500, 7600, o r 10K

Copying an Cisco IOS image to flash on a device uses a TFTP server the same way that NetBooting uses a TFTP server. The image is placed in your tftpboot directory on
people and accessed from the TFTP server on either sjc-tftp01 of sjc-tftp02.

Figure 1 shows how the lab network is configured to copy images from a remote TFTP server.

Figure 1

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

The devices will copy their Cisco IOS images from the /tftpboot/user-name/ directory that is mapped to the TFTP servers and to people. This is a point of confusion for many

You need to understand several basic concepts in order to understand how the process of loading images using TFTP works :

1. Many of the Unix servers in Cisco are connected to a shared file system. You can place a file in a directory on one server and it will be available to users - and
applications such as TFTP - from other Unix servers, such as sjc-tftp01 of sjc-tftp02.

2. The TFTP servers are available for access from most networks within Cisco. The KMD lab network is allowed to connect to the TFTP server on dirt.

3. The TFTP server on people is not available for access to most networks within Cisco. The KMD lab network is not allowed to connect to the TFTP server on people.

4. The ability to login to people is available to many groups in Cisco, including KMD.

5. Therefore in order to make a Cisco IOS image available for copying to flash on a device in the KMD lab you must log into people and place the file in your directory under
the /tftpboot/directory. Then you use TFTP on the device to copy the image from dirt. This is explained in the tasks below.

Co p yi n g a Ci sco I OS i mag e f ro m a l o cati o n t h at w as p ro vi d ed b y a SM E

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

Step 1: Login to people (the UNIX server).

Click here if you need help logging into people.

Step 2: In SSH change your current directory to the directory that the SME provided.

cd = change directory

Note: This step, and the remaining steps in this task, use the SSH terminal session on

> cd /home/users/paitken

Step 3: If do not already have a directory under the /tftpboot/ directory you need to create in now.

The top of the web page lists the available servers and their current capacity Select the sever in the choices at the bottom of the page for a server in your location that has the
most available capacity Enter your user name and password, then click Submit.

Note: This might take a day or two. In the mean time, find a colleague who can copy the file to his or her directory.

Step 4: Copy the file to your directory under the /tftpboot/ directory.

cp = copy

> cp c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB /tftpboot/rwright/


Tip: Don't try to type the filename manually, it is to easy to make a mistake. Highlight it with the mouse cursor after you Enter the ls c10* command and copy the filename from
the output. Then paste it after the cp command. The keyboard shortcuts that work for both SSH and Reflection are: control-insert (copy) and shift-insert (paste). Otherwise use
the Edit menu copy and paste commands.

If you get a permission denied message on a Crypto image (see crypto in the output) you are not a member of the Crypto group. Click here for instructions on how to fix this. It
will take a couple of days. In the mean time try an image without crypto (has "k8" in the name, or no "k" at all).

If you see a disk quota exceeded message you need to delete some of your Cisco IOS image files from the UNIX servers. Click here for instructions on how to do this.

Step 5: Change the permissions on the file that you copied.

chmod = change permission mode

> chmod 777 /tftpboot/rwright/c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB


Proceed to Verify the available space in flash on the device.

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

Co p yi n g a Ci sco I OS i mag e f ro m t h e / au t o / rel ease/ i mag e rep o si t o ry t o yo u r / t f tp b o o t / u ser- n ame/

d i rect o ry
Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

This example shows how to copy a 12.SB image for a 10K device to your /tftpboot/user-name/ directory. If you are practicing you can use the values shown in this task.

Note: If you have already copied the image that you want to load to your tftpboot directory proceed directly to Verify the available space in flash on the device.

Note: If you already know the name and location of the file that you want to copy to your tftpboot directory proceed directly to Step 10.

Step 1: Login to people (the UNIX server).

Click hereif you need help logging into people.

Step 2: In SSH change your current directory to the /auto/release/ directory.

cd = change directory

Note: This step, and the remaining steps in this task, use the SSH terminal session on

> cd /auto/release

Step 3: List the subdirectories that are available from this directory.

ls = list (show) contents

> ls -d *

Note: The "-d" parameter is Unix's way of limiting the output of the command to listing only directories. if there are any files in the current directory they will not be listed.

You will see that all of the Cisco IOS releases are available under this directory.

> ls -d *
100 91.4.READONLY IOU-test
110 91.7.READONLY access
111 91.8.READONLY build
112 91.9.READONLY ccaudit
113 914.1.READONLY ciscosecure
120 914.2.READONLY eng-specials
121 914.3.READONLY ga
122 914.4.READONLY ha-matrix
123 914.5.READONLY help
124 914.6.READONLY ibu

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

199 917.4.READONLY ios

8X 917.6.READONLY netbu
90.9.READONLY 91clean nsmbu
91-interim 921.1.READONLY nubu
91.1.READONLY 921.2.READONLY rel
91.10.READONLY 921.3.READONLY release-hard
91.11.READONLY.PRETAPE 9X rom.test
91.2.READONLY BB sprs

Step 4: Change your current directory to the 122 directory.

> cd 122

Step 5: List the directories that are available from this directory.

You will see the following directories

> ls -d *
READONLY bin sun sym

Note: The Cisco IOS images are in the bin directory.

Step 6: Change to the bin directory

> cd bin

Step 7: List the subdirectories for 12.2SB images that are available from this directory.

> ls -d *SB*
122-27.SBA 122-27.SBA3 122-27.SBB 122-27.SBB2a 122-27.SBC 122-27.SBC3 122-27.SBKB3
122-27.SBA1 122-27.SBA4 122-27.SBB1 122-27.SBB3 122-27.SBC1 122-27.SBKB1 122-28.SB
122-27.SBA2 122-27.SBA5 122-27.SBB2 122-27.SBB4 122-27.SBC2 122-27.SBKB2

Note: The *SB* is used to limit the display to only the directory names that hold some kind of 12.2SB image.

Step 8: Change to the directory for the version that you want to load on the device.

> cd 122-28.SB

Step 9: List the images that are suitable for the device that you want to use. If you are not certain what the correct device-prefix is use the show version command on the
device. The image name is in the output. It usually starts with a "c". For example, "c10".

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

> ls -l c10*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 richv build 2982192 Mar 17 20:27 c10k2-eboot-mz.122-28.SB
-rwxrwxr-x 1 richv build 22643092 Mar 17 20:35 c10k2-p11-mz.122-28.SB
-rwxrwxr-x 1 richv build 22729716 Mar 17 20:34 c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB

Make a note of the size of the file that you want to use. In this example we will use c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB. Therefore the file size we need to keep track of is: 22729716.
Placing comma's in the numbers makes it easier to read. The file size is: 22,729,716 bytes, or 22.7 MB.

Note: Do not use the images with "vz" in the name. These are for Cisco Modular IOS. There are currently no provisions for loading Cisco Modular IOS on either the 6500 or the

Step 10: If do not already have a directory under the /tftpboot/ directory you need to create in now.

The top of the web page lists the available servers and their current capacity Select the sever in the choices at the bottom of the page for a server in your location that has the
most available capacity Enter your user name and password, then click Submit.

Note: This might take a day or two. In the mean time, find a colleague who can copy the file to his or her directory.

Step 11: Copy the file to your directory under the /tftpboot/ directory.

cp = copy

> cp c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB /tftpboot/rwright/


Tip: Don't try to type the filename manually, it is to easy to make a mistake. Highlight it with the mouse cursor after you Enter the ls c10* command and copy the filename from
the output. Then paste it after the cp command. The keyboard shortcuts that work for both SSH and Reflection are: control-insert (copy) and shift-insert (paste). Otherwise use
the Edit menu copy and paste commands.

If you get a permission denied message on a Crypto image (see crypto in the output) you are not a member of the Crypto group. Click here for instructions on how to fix this. It
will take a couple of days. In the mean time try an image without crypto (has "k8" in the name, or no "k" at all).

If you see a disk quota exceeded message you need to delete some of your Cisco IOS image files from the UNIX servers. Click here for instructions on how to do this.

Step 12: Change the permissions on the file that you copied.

chmod = change permission mode

> chmod 777 /tftpboot/rwright/c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB


V eri f y th e avai l ab l e sp ace i n f l ash o n th e d evi ce

Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

7 of 16 4/14/2010 12:51 AM
Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

Before you can copy an image to the 10K, 6500 or 7600 you need to ensure that there is adequate space available in flash on the primary and standby processors.

Step 1: Check the device out in the KMD Lab Chat room.

Step 2: Click on the device name in the device table on the KMD Lab home page to launch a WRQ Reflection session with it.

Note: If the console port is locked follow the procedure on the KMD Lab home page for clearing locked console ports.

Step 3: Enter the command as shown to enter privileged EXEC mode on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A> enable

Step 4: Enable Auto wrap in WRQ Reflection.

Setup > Terminal > Emulation > Auto wrap

Click OK

Step 5: Change the column width for WRQ Reflection.

Setup > Display > Screen > Columns > 132

Click OK

Step 5: Change the column width for the terminal session on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A# terminal width 132


Step 6: Make the WRQ Reflection window wide enough to display 132 columns by click on the right border and dragging it to the right. Stop dragging and release the mouse
button when the text changes to a clear dark black font. This takes some practice.

Step 7: Display the files in flash on the primary processor using the dir file-system: command where file-system: is the name used for the flash memory on the active
processor so that you can determine how much space is available.

10K-2-PRE-2A# dir disk0:

Directory of disk0:/

1 -rw- 21954344 Feb 20 2006 09:46:22 +00:00 c10k2-p11-mz.122-27.SBB3

2 -rw- 22643092 Mar 22 2006 11:56:08 +00:00 c10k2-p11-mz.122-28.SB
3 -rw- 22643092 Apr 12 2006 16:43:56 +00:00 default-ios-image-do-not-delete

128614400 bytes total (61366272 bytes free)


In this case you need 22,729,716 bytes for your file and there are 61,366,272 bytes available. You can copy you file to flash on the primary processor.

Note: The 10K, 7600 and the 6500 use the name "disk0:" for flash on the active processor. The command to display the files in flash on an active processor in a 10K, 6500 or

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

7600 is: dir disk0:

Note: The ASR uses the name "harddisk" for flash on the active processor. The command to display the files in flash on an active processor in an ASR is: dir harddisk:

Note: The reason that you increased the number of columns for the terminal is so that you can see the full file names in the display. If you had left width at the default of 80
characters the names would be truncated.

Step 8: (Optional) Delete a file from flash on the primary processor using the delete file-system:filename command where file-system: is the name used for the flash
memory on the active processor and filename is the name ofthe file that you want to delete.

If you have enough space in flash on the primary processor to copy your image, skip this step. Otherwise perform this step to delete one of the files that were listed in flash in
the previous step.

10K-2-PRE-2A# delete disk0:c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB [enter]

Delete filename [c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB]? [enter]
Delete disk0:c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB? [confirm] [enter]

Note: The 10K, 7600 and the 6500 use the name "disk0:" for flash on the active processor. The command to delete a file in flash on an active processor in a 10K, 6500 or
7600 is: delete disk0:filename

Note: The ASR uses the name "harddisk" for flash on the active processor. The command to delete a file in flash on an active processor in an ASR is: delete

Step 9: Display the files in flash on the standy processor using the dir standby-file-system: command where stand-by-file-system: is the name used for the flash memory
on the standby processor so that you can determine how much space is available:

10K-2-PRE-2A# dir stby-disk0:

Directory of stby-disk0:/

1 -rw- 21954344 Feb 20 2006 09:46:22 +00:00 c10k2-p11-mz.122-27.SBB3

2 -rw- 22643092 Mar 22 2006 11:56:08 +00:00 c10k2-p11-mz.122-28.SB
3 -rw- 22643092 Apr 12 2006 16:43:56 +00:00 default-ios-image-do-not-delete

128614400 bytes total (61366272 bytes free)


In this case you need 22,729,716 bytes for your file and there are 61,366,272 bytes available. You can copy you file to flash on the standby processor.

Note: The 7600 and the 6500 use the name "slavedisk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to display the files in flash on a standby processor in a 6500 or
7600 is: dir slavedisk0:

Note: The 10k uses the name "stby-disk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to display the files in flash on a standby processor in a 10K is: dir stby-disk0:

Note: The ASR uses the name "stby-harddisk" for flash on the standby processor. The command to display the files in flash on a standby processor in an ASR is: dir

Step 10: (Optional) Delete a file from flash on the standby processor using the delete standby-file-system:filename command where standby-file-system: is the name

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

used for the flash memory on the standby processor and filename is the name ofthe file that you want to delete.

If you have enough space in flash on the standby processor to copy your image, skip this step. Otherwise perform this step to delete one of the files that were listed in flash in
the previous step.

10K-2-PRE-2A# delete stby-disk0:c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB [enter]

Delete filename [c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB]? [enter]
Delete stby-disk0:c10k2-p11-mz.122-25.8.SB? [confirm] [enter]

Note: The 7600 and the 6500 use the name "slavedisk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to delete a file in flash on a standby processor in a 6500 or 7600
is: delete slavedisk0:filename

Note: The 10k uses the name "stby-disk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to delete a file in flash on a standby processor in a 10K is: delete

Note: The ASR uses the name "stby-harddisk" for flash on the standby processor. The command to delete a file in flash on a standby processor in an ASR is: delete

L o ad t h e i mag e o n t h e d evi ce
This section is broken down into four required tasks:

Task 1: Ensure the device can reach at least one of the TFTP servers
Task 2: Copy the image to flash on the primary processor
Task 3: Copy the image from flash on the primary processor to flash on the standby processor
Task 4: Reloading the device with your image

Task 1: Ensure the device can reach at least one of the TFTP servers
Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

Step 1: Enter the command as shown to enter privileged EXEC mode on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A> enable

Step 2: Make sure that the device can access one of the TFTP servers by pinging sjc-tftp01.

Note: As of 05/12/2006 we no longer use dirt as the TFTP server to load images to the ASR, 6500, 7600, and 10K. We use either sjc-tftp01 or sjc-tftp02.

10K-2-PRE-2A# ping sjc-tftp01

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/4 ms

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential


If you see !!!! or .!!!! or ...!! or ....! proceed to Task 2.

If you see ..... the device might not be able to communicate with sjc-tftp01. Try pinging the alternate TFTP server sjc-tftp02.

If you cannot ping either TFTP server (sjc-tftp01 or sjc-tftp02) it might be because of a configuration problem with the device. Stop this process here temporarily whilst you
investigate this problem. Read the instructions for restoring a basic configuration to the device. If you are successful return here and resume this process.

If you are not successful restoring the configuration, contact Tito Dayans or Robert Wright for assistance.

Task 2: Copy the image to flash on the primary processor

There are two methods for loading images to the ASR, 6500, 7600, and 10K:

Copy the image with TFTP (preferred)

Copy the image with FTP (use if TFTP file copy times out)

Copy the Cisco IOS image with TFTP

Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

Step 1: Copy the image to flash on the primary processor with TFTP using the copy tftp file-system: command where file-system: is the name used for the flash memory
on the active processor:

10K-2-PRE-2A# copy tftp disk0: [enter]

Address or name of remote host []? sjc-tftp01 [enter]
Source filename []? /rwright/c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB [enter]
Destination filename [c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB]? [enter]

(device will start displaying progress messages here)

[OK 22729716 bytes]

Note: The 10K, 7600 and the 6500 use the name "disk0:" for flash on the active processor. The command to use TFTP to copy a files to flash on an active processor in a 10K,
6500 or 7600 is: copy tftp disk0:

Note: The ASR uses the name "harddisk" for flash on the active processor. The command to use TFTP to copy a files to to flash on an active processor in an ASR is: copy
tftp harddisk:

If the file is copied successfully proceed to Task 3:

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

If the copy does not start and you see an error message your next step will depend on the error message:

No such file: You miss-typed the /user-name/filename in the command, or the file did not get copied to your tftpboot directory properly.
Error opening or reading file: You have not changed the file permissions with the chmod 777 filename command.
Timed out: The TFTP copy process timed out. Try using the other TFTP server. If the copy using the second TFTP server also times out you will have to use FTP to
copy the file instead of TFTP.

Copy the Cisco IOS image with FTP

Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

Copying files to flash using FTP is slightly more complex than TFTP because you have to supply your username and password; but it is more reliable. The TFTP servers
sjc-tftp01 and sjc-tftp02 also support FTP.

Step 1: Copy the image to flash on the primary processor with FTP using the command copy ftp://user-name:password@host-name//tftpboot/user-name/filename
file-system: where file-system: is the name used for the flash memory on the active processor:

Note: You must use two forward slashes "//" after the host name or IP address.

Note: You must use your CEC password for the password string. Therefore you should never share the real command syntax that you used with anybody unless you replace
your password with a fake password first.

10K-2-PRE-2A# copy ftp://rwright:yg7CfA3kN@ disk0:

Destination filename [c10k2-kmd-lab-cert-122-28.SB]? [enter]
Accessing ftp://rwright:SoTdBtB39@
Loading /tftpboot/rwright/c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK 22729716 bytes]

Note: The 10K, 7600 and the 6500 use the name "disk0:" for flash on the active processor. The command to use FTP to copy a file to flash on an active processor in a 10K,
6500 or 7600 is: copy ftp://user-name:password@host-name//tftpboot/user-name/filename disk0

Note: The ASR uses the name "harddisk" for flash on the active processor. The command to use FTP to copy a file to to flash on an active processor in an ASR is: copy
ftp://user-name:password@host-name//tftpboot/user-name/filename harddisk:

If the file is copied successfully proceed to Task 3:

If the copy does not start and you see an error message your next step will depend on the error message:

No such user: You miss-typed the user-name:password string

No such file or directory : You miss-typed the //tftpboot/user-name/filename in the command, or the file did not get copied to your tftpboot directory properly.

Task 3 : Copy the image from flash on the primary processor to flash on the standby processor
Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

Step 1: Copy the image to flash on the standby processor using the copy file-system:filename standby-file-system: command where file-system is the name used for the
flash memory on the active processor and standby-file-system is the name used for the flash memory on the standby processor so that its is available in the event that the
primary processor fails, and the standby processor becomes the primary processor:

10K-2-PRE-2A# copy disk0:c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB stby-disk0:

Destination filename [c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB]? [enter]
22729716 bytes copied in 99.968 secs (219614 bytes/sec)


Note: The 7600 and the 6500 use the name "slavedisk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to copy a file in flash from the active processor to flash on the
standby processor in a 6500 or 7600 is: copy disk0:filename slavedisk0:

Note: The 10k uses the name "stby-disk0:" for flash on the standby processor. The command to copy a file in flash from the active processor to flash on the standby processor
in a 10K is: copy disk0:filename stby-disk0:

Note: The ASR uses the name "stby-harddisk" for flash on the standby processor. The command to copy a file in flash from the active processor to flash on the standby
processor in an ASR is: copy harddisk:filename stby-harddisk:

Task 4: Reloading the device with your image

Now that your image is in flash on the device you need to configure the device to load the image.

Step 1: Enter the command as shown to enter global configuration mode on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Step 2: Configure the device to load the image using the boot system file-system:filename command where file-system is the name used for the flash memory on the
active processor and filename is the name of the file that you want to load:

Enter the commands as shown to boot the image that you copied, and if it fails, to boot the default Cisco IOS image from flash.

The following example - except the actual image file that must be an image that is appropriate for the device - applies to the 7600s, the 10Ks, and the 6500Sup720:

10K-2-PRE-2A# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# no boot system

10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# boot system disk0:c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB
10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# boot system disk0:default-ios-image-do-not-delete
10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# end

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential


The ASR uses harddisk: and requires the use of the flash keyword so the command on the ASR1000 is boot system flash harddisk:image-name

ASR1006-1# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

ASR1006-1(config)#no boot system

ASR1006-1(config)#boot system flash harddisk:ASRrp1-adventerprisek9.
ASR1006-1(config)#boot system flash harddisk:default-ios-image-do-not-delete

The Cat6500-PISA requires the use of the flash keyword in the syntax. The command to boot a file from flash on the active processor in on the Cat6500-PISA is boot system
flash harddisk:filename. See the example below:

Cat6500-PISA# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Cat6500-PISA(config)#no boot system

Cat6500-PISA(config)#boot system flash disk0:s32p3-ipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.ZY2.bin
Cat6500-PISA(config)#boot system flash disk0:default-ios-image-do-not-delete

Note: The no boot system command is used to remove any previous boot system commands from the device.

Note: The boot system disk0:default-ios-image-do-not-delete command is used in case there is a problem loading the image that you copied to flash. If there is a problem
with the image that you loaded the device will fall back to loading the default image.

Note: NEVER configure the device to load an image from flash on the standby processor. This will cause the device to crash!

Step 3: Enter the commands as shown to save your changes to the startup configuration.

10K-2-PRE-2A# copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]? [enter]
Building configuration...

Note: Press the RETURN key after the [startup-config] prompt to accept the default configuration filename and proceed.

Step 4: Enter the command as shown to reload the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm][enter]

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

Note: Press the RETURN key after the [confirm] prompt to proceed.

The device will initiate a reboot. Your connection to its console port via the terminal server should remain active.

Step 5: When the device has finished rebooting Enter the show version command which will show the Cisco IOS image that the device is running.

This output shows that the device successfully loaded the Cisco IOS image that you loaded into flash.

10K-2-PRE-2A> show version

Cisco IOS Software, 10K Software (C10K2-P11u2-MZ), Version 12.2(28)SB, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
System image file is "disk0:c10k2-p11u2-mz.122-28.SB"

When you are done using the device Restore the Default Cisco IOS Version so that the next user will be able to use the defalt image as listed on the Lab Web

Resto re t h e Def au l t Ci sco I OS Versi o n

Note: If you have already performed any of these steps, proceed to the first step that you have not already performed, and start the task from there.

Step 1: Enter the command as shown to enter privileged EXEC mode on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A> enable

Step 2: Enter the command as shown to enter global configuration mode on the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Step 3: Enter the commands as shown to remove your boot system commands, and enter the command to boot the default Cisco IOS image from flash.

Note: The ASR uses the name harddisk:, not disk0:. Replace disk0: with harddisk: in the following syntax when you are loading an
image on the ASR.

10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# no boot system

10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# boot system disk0:default-ios-image-do-not-delete

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Loading Cisco IOS Images on the ASR, 7600, 6500, and 10K - Pop Up - CEC - Cisco Confidential

10K-2-PRE-2A(config)# end

Note: The no boot system command is used to remove any previous boot system commands from the device.

Note: The boot system disk0:default-ios-image-do-not-delete command is used in to load the default Cisco IOS image.

Step 4: Enter the commands as shown to save your changes to the startup configuration.

10K-2-PRE-2A# copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]? [enter]
Building configuration...

Note: Press the RETURN key after the [startup-config] prompt to accept the default configuration filename and proceed.

Step 5: Enter the command as shown to reload the device.

10K-2-PRE-2A# reload

Proceed with reload? [confirm][enter]

Note: Press the RETURN key after the [confirm] prompt to proceed.

The device will initiate a reboot. Your connection to its console port via the terminal server should remain active.

Step 6: Disconnect from the device using WRQ Reflection Connection > Disconnect.

Step 7: Check the device back in in the KMD lab chat room.

Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Confidential

Managed by: KMD Web Team; Last Modified:2009-Dec-10 | About CEC

16 of 16 4/14/2010 12:51 AM

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