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Diagnosis of Eye Diseases using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Sets

S. Jayakumar A. Hari Ganesh

Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics,
A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College, Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science & Technology
Poondi – 613 503, Thanjavur (Dt).Tamil Nadu, India. (PRIST) University,
Email: Vallam – 613 403. Thanjavur. Tamil Nadu, India.

2. Preliminaries:
The concept of fuzzy soft set is one of the recent topics In this section we present a brief summary of the
developed for dealing with the uncertainties present in definition of the soft sets, fuzzy soft sets and intuitionistic
most of our real life situations. The parameterization tools fuzzy soft sets which are useful for subsequent discussion.
of fuzzy soft set theory enhance the flexibility of its
applications to different problems. In this paper a Definition 1
diagnostic method is evolved for the diagnosis of eye Let U be an initial universe set and E be the set of parameters.
diseases using intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets. Let P(U) denotes the power set of U. A pair (F, E) is called a

Keywords: Soft Set, Fuzzy Soft Set, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft soft set over U where F is mapping given by F : E → P(U) .
Set, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number, Ranking of Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Numbers. Definition 2
Let U be an initial universe set and E be the set of parameters.
AMS Subject Classification: 03B52, 03E72 Let A ⊂ E . A pair (F, A) is called fuzzy soft set over U
where F is a mapping given by F : A → I , where IU denotes

1. Introduction:
the collection of fuzzy subsets of U.
For many of the common diseases, medical diagnosis
Definition 3
involves procedures that are only approximate to arrive at the
Let U be an initial universe set and E be the set of parameters.
correct diagnosis [2].
Let IFU denotes the collection of all intuitionistic fuzzy subsets
The medical diagnosis procedure for the of U. let A ⊂ E . A pair (F, A) is called intuitionistic fuzzy
soft set over U, where F is mapping given by F : A → IF .
determination of various types of diseases is generally
observed by using the inherent property of fuzzy set theory
and fuzzy logic. The essence of fuzzy logic is to provide a 2.1.Arithmetic operation on Intuitionistic fuzzy numbers
linguistic approach with better approximation.
Definition 1
Most of the problems of real life have various
uncertainties. Traditional mathematical tools are unable to An IFS A = {(x, μ A (x), VA (x))/x ∈ U} is called IF-
solve uncertain problems. There are theories viz. theories of normal, if there exist at least two points x 0, x1 ∈ U such that
probability, theory of evidence, fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy
set, vague set for dealing with uncertainties. These
μ A (x 0 ) = 1, v A (x1 ) = 1 , it is easily seen that given
intuitionistic fuzzy set A is IF-normal if there is at least one
theories have their own difficulties. The reason for there point that surely belongs to A and at least one point which
difficulties is inadequacy of parameterization tool of the does not belong to A.
theories. Moldtsov proposed the novel concept of soft set
theory in his pioneering paper. Later on authors like Maji et Definition 2
al. have further studied the theory of soft sets and introduced A = {(x, μ A (x), VA (x))/x ∈ U} of the real line is
the concepts of fuzzy soft set and intuitionistic fuzzy soft set An IFS
[6]. called IF-convex, if ∀x1 , x 2 ∈ R, ∀λ ∈ [0,1]
In this paper, we suggested a procedure for the
diagnosis of eye diseases which based on intuitionistic fuzzy μ A (λλ 1 + (1 − λ)x 2 ) ≥ μ A (x1 ) ∧ μ A (x 2 )
soft sets. v A (λλ 1 + (1 − λ)x 2 ) ≥ v A (x1 ) ∧ v A (x 2 )
Thus A is IF-convex if its membership function is fuzzy
convex and its non membership function is fuzzy concave.

A ⊗ B = (5, 12, 21, 21, 32, 45)
Definition 3 2.2.Hassan’s ranking algorithm for intuitionistic fuzzy
An IFS A = {(x, μ A (x), VA (x))/x ∈ U} of the real line is numbers:
called an intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN) if
a) A is IF – normal, As a ranking method, we compare two IF numbers A
b) A is IF-convex, and B using the following steps [4]:

c) μ A is upper semi continuous and vA is lower semi C k (A) C k (B)

continuous, Step 1: For a given k, compare μ and μ . If they
are equal, then go to step 2. Otherwise rank A and B
d) A = {x ∈ X / v A (x) < 1}
Cμk (A) Cμk (B)
according to the relative position of and .
Definition 4
A is a triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number with parameters C k (A) C k (B)
[5]. Step 2: Compare μ and μ . If they are equal, then
b1 ≤ a 1 ≤ b 2 = a 2 ≤ a 3 ≤ b 3 conclude that A and B are equal. Otherwise rank A and B
and denoted by - Cμk (A) - Cμk (B)
according to the relative position of and .
A = (b1 , a 1 , b 2 , a 2 , a 3 , b 3 ); a 2 = b 2 a +a b + b3
In this case we will give Cμk (A) = 1 3 C kv (A) = 1
Where 2 , 2 .
0 if x < a 1
 x −a
 3. Model and Algorithm for Medical Diagnosis
if a 1 ≤ x ≤ a 2
 a 2 − a1
 3.1. Model:
μ A = 1 if x = a 2
 x −a In this section we present an algorithm for medical
 3
if a 1 ≤ x ≤ a 2
a2 − a3 diagnosis. Assume that there is a set of m patients, P = {p 1, p2,
0 if a 3 ≤ x , pm} with a set of n symptoms S = {s 1, s2, …, sn}related
 ……….
to a set of k diseases D = {d1, d2, ……….., dk}. We apply
institutionstic fuzzy soft set technology to develop a technique
through Sanchez’s method to diagnose which patient is
0 if x < b1
 x−b suffering from what disease [1].
 1
if b1 ≤ x ≤ b 2
 b 2 − b1 For this, construct a intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (F, P)

over S where F is mapping F : P → IF . This intuitionistic
v A = 1 if x = b 2
 x−b fuzzy soft set gives a relation matrix Q, called patient-
 3
if b 2 ≤ x ≤ b 3 symptom matrix, where there the entries are intuitionistic
 b 2 − b3
0 if b 3 ≤ x fuzzy numbers P parameterized by a pentaplet (p-2, p-1, p,

p+1, p+2). Then construct another intuitionistic fuzzy soft set
Let A and B be two intuitionistic fuzzy numbers
(G, S) over D, where G is mapping S : S → IF . This
A = (b1 , a 1 , b 2 , a 2 , a 3 , b 3 ) ; a 2 = b 2
intuitionistic fuzzy soft set gives a relation matrix (weighted
B = (b1' , a1' , b '2 , a '2 , a 3' , b '3 ); a '2 = b '2 matrix), say R, called symptom-disease matrix, where each
element denote the weight of the symptoms for a certain
The addition and multiplication of A and B are disease. These elements are also taken as triangular
intuitionistic fuzzy numbers.
A ⊕ B = (b1 + b1' , a1 + a1' , b 2 + b '2 , a 2 + a '2 , a 3 + a 3' , b3 + b3' ); a 2 + a '2 = b 2 + b '2
A ⊗ B = (b1 × b1' , a1 × a1' , b 2 × b '2 , a 2 × a '2 , a 3 × a '3 , b3 × b3' ); a 2 × a '2 = b 2 × b '2

For example, if A=(1,2,3,3,4,5) and B=(5,6,7,7,8,9) are two

triangular intutionist fuzzy numbers, then
Thus the general form of Q and R are
A ⊕ B = (6, 8, 10, 10, 12, 14)

 a 11 a 12 a 13 . . . a 1n  Step3:Perform the transformation operation Q ⊗ R to get
  the patient diagnosis matrix D*.
 a 21 a 22 a 23 . . . a 2n  ~ ~
 a 31 a 32 CiS = max Cil
a 33 . . . a 3n  Step4: Find 1≤ l ≤ k using Hassan Mishmast Nehi’s
 
Q= . . . . . . .  ranking method for intuitionistic fuzzy numbers.
 . . . . . . .  4. A Diagnostic Technique for Eye Diseases:
 
 . . . . . . . 
In the pathology of type of diseases, we consider the
a a mn 
 m1 a m2 a m3 . . . following set S of common symptoms [3]:

S = {s1, s2, s3,……,s12}

 b11 b12 b13 . . . b1k  s1-Diminished vision

 
b 21 b 22 b 23 . . . b 2k  s2-Double vision
 b 31 b 32 b 33 . . . b 3k  s3 – Difficulting focusing eye
  s4-Newly acquired ability to read without glass
R= . . . . . . .  s5-eye pain
 . . . . . . .  s6-Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription
 
 . . . . . . .  s7-photophobia
b b n2 b n3 . . . b nk  s8-Decrease in sensitivity to color
and  n1 s9-Lost or burry side vision
s10- headache nausea
Now performing the transformation operation Q ⊗ R , we get s11-Dart spots
the patient-diagnosis matrix D* as follows: s12 – Redness of the eye
 c11 c12 c13 . . . c1k 
  And also we consider the following set of common diseases D
c 21 c 22 c 23 . . . c 2k  belonging to the eye diseases:
c31 c 32 c33 . . . c3k 
  n
D = {d1, d2, d3, d4, d5}
D = . .  where cil = ∑ a ijb jl
. . . . .
 . . . . . . . 
d1-Cataract d2-Glaucoma
  d3-Retinal Detachment d4-Uveitis
 . . . . . . . 
c c nk 
 n1 c n2 c n3 . . .
~ ~ Our aim is to determine the following three stages
max Cil = CiS
Now if 1≤ l≤ k then we conclude that the patient pi is related to medical diagnosis in which fuzzy concepts are
~ inherent:
max Cil
suffering from disease ds. In case 1≤ l≤ k occurs for more i) The symptoms
than one value of l, 1 ≤ l ≤ m and then we can reassess the observed in the
symptoms to break the tie. patients
ii) The medical
iii) The diagnosis
assigned to
3.2 Algorithm: patients.

Step1:Input the intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (F, P) to obtain the

patient-symptom matrix Q.
Step2: Input the intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (G, S) to obtain Let us assume that we are given four patient p1, p2, p3, p4
the symptom-disease matrix R. whose display the symptoms s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10 at

s1 s 2 s 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 7 s8 s 9 s10 s11 s12
p1 7 4 5 3 3 6 2 7 2 4 2 5
 
p2 4 6 7 3 2 2 5 6 5 5 4 3
Q = the level of severity given by the following intuitionistic fuzzy
p3 5 7 4 6 7 8 4 5 4 4 6 5 G(s1 ) = {8/d1 , 6/d 2 , 8/d 3 , 5/d 4 , 5/d 5 }
 set
soft 
p4 8 4 2 4 3 6 5 4 6 7 5 6
(F, S) = {F(s1), F(s2), F(s3), F(s4), F(s5), F(s6), F(s7),
F(s8), F(s9), F(s10)}
G(s 2 ) = {2/d1 , 7/d 2 , 4/d 3 , 2/d 4 , 5/d 5 }

F(s 1 ) = {7/p1 , 4/p 2 , 5/p 3 , 8/p 4 } G(s 3 ) = {7/d1 , 4/d 2 , 5/d 3 , 4/d 4 , 6/d 5 }

F(s 2 ) = {4/p1 , 6/p 2 , 7/p 3 , 4/p 4 } G(s 4 ) = {3/d1 , 3/d 2 , 6/d 3 , 3/d 4 , 7/d 5 }

F(s 3 ) = {5/p1 , 7/p 2 , 4/p 3 , 2/p 4 } G(s 5 ) = {8/d1 , 7/d 2 , 4/d 3 , 5/d 4 , 2/d 5 }

F(s 4 ) = {3/p1 , 3/p 2 , 6/p 3 , 4/p 4 } G(s 6 ) = {3/d1 , 6/d 2 , 5/d 3 , 7/d 4 , 2/d 5 }

F(s 5 ) = { 3/p1 , 2/p 2 , 7/p 3 , 3/p 4 } G(s 7 ) = {6/d1 , 3/d 2 , 7/d 3 , 5/d 4 , 5/d 5 }

F(s 6 ) = {6/p1 , 2/p 2 , 8/p 3 , 6/p 4 } G(s 8 ) = {2/d1 , 4/d 2 , 5/d 3 , 6/d 4 , 4/d 5 }

F(s 7 ) = {2/p1 , 5/p 2 , 4/p 3 , 5/p 4 } G(s 9 ) = {2/d1 , 4/d 2 , 3/d 3 , 3/d 4 , 7/d 5 }

F(s 8 ) = {7/p1 , 6/p 2 , 5/p 3 , 4/p 4 } G(s10 ) = {4/d1 , 5/d 2 , 4/d 3 , 8/d 4 , 3/d 5 }

F(s 9 ) = {2/p1 , 5/p 2 , 4/p 3 , 6/p 4 } G(s11 ) = {5/d1 , 3/d 2 , 3/d 3 , 2/d 4 , 5/d 5 }

F(s 10 ) = {4/p1 , 5/p 2 , 4/p 3 , 7/p 4 } G(s12 ) = {4/d1 , 2/d 2 , 2/d 3 , 7/d 4 , 8/d 5 }

F(s 11 ) = {2/p1 , 4/p 2 , 6/p 3 , 5/p 4 } So that the intutionistic fuzzy soft set (G, S) is
parameterized family {G(s1), G(s2),G(s3), G(s4), G(s5), G(s6),
G(s7), G(s8), G(s9), G(s10) }of all intutionstic fuzzy soft set S
F(s 12 ) = {5/p1 , 3/p 2 , 5/p 3 , 6/p 4 }
where G : S → IF and is determined from expert medical

By the data collected from Medical College Hospital,
Thanjavur. Thus the intutionstic fuzzy soft set (G, S) gives an
approximate description of 5 diseases and their symptoms.
This soft set is represented by the relation matrix (symptoms-
This fuzzy soft set (F, P) represents the relation matrix disease matrix) R and is given by
(patient-symptom matrix) Q and is given by


d1 d 2 d3 d 4 d5 1 2 3 4
data, the patients p , p , p and p s’ symptoms are most
p1 7 6 8 5 3 4 5 2 4
  similar to those typical of diseases d , d , d , and d
p2 2 7 4 2 5
p3 7 4 5 4 6 Thus in this paper, we make use of intuitionistic
  fuzzy soft sets for evolving an effective diagnosis technique
p4 3 3 6 3 7
for eye diseases. The same technique may also be extended
p5 8 7 4 5 2 for other medical diagnosis with suitable modifications in the
 
p6 3 6 5 7 2 parameters involved.
p7 6 3 7 5 5 Reference:
 
p8 2 4 5 6 4
  1] Das. P. K., Borgohain. R., 2010, An Application of
p9 2 4 3 3 7 fuzzy soft set in medical diagnosis using fuzzy
p10 4 5 4 8 3 arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers,
  SIBCOLTEJO, 5:pp 107-116.
p11 5 3 3 2 5 2] Divison, 1999: Principle and practice of Medicine,
p12 
4 2 2 7 8
 Endinburgh and Cambridge.

Then performing the transformation Q ⊗ R we set the 3] George J. Klir, Tina A. Folger, 1988, Fuzzy sets,
patient-diagnosis matrix D* as d1, d2, d3, d4, d5. uncertainty and information, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 4] Hassan Mishmast Nehi, A New Ranking Method for

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers, International Journal of
p1 219 234 244 258 224 Fuzzy Systems, 12: pp 80-86.
  5] Kaufmann A., Gupta M. M. 1991. Introduction to
∗ p 2 224 231 245 238 256
D = Fuzzy Arithmetic Theory and Applications. Van
p 3  283 306 301 305 296 Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
 
p 4 259 270 284 300 279 6] Molodtsov D. 1999. Soft set theory – first result,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37: pp
By using Hassan’s ranking algorithm in the above 19-31.

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