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Prepared by: Archdiocesan Commission of Family Life,

Archdiocese of Jaro

March 7, 2011 (Feast of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity)

… For each and every Christian is called to be a martyr for the

Faith, not necessarily to die a physical death but to die unto self,
to die unto one’s sin, to die unto one’s lukewarmness, to die unto
one’s silence, so as to give witness to the one true Redeemer, one
Savior…the First and ultimate Martyr… Our Lord Jesus Christ.


(Substitute Bill to HB #96, 101, 513, 1160, 1520 & 3387)
HB Title: The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health
and Development (Act of 2011)

Section 2 Universal basic human right to reproductive health

Reproductive health as a basic human right

· What does reproductive health mean?
· When did it become a basic human right?

Reproductive Health as defined by the Cairo Int’l Conference on Population & Development
(ICPD) Program of Action (Ch.VII) is …” implies that people are able to have a satisfying and
safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when
and how often to do so [condition –i.e the right of men and women to be informed & to have
access to safe, effective, affordable & acceptable methods of family planning of their choice….]
This definition is the basis of all “laws” already and being passed in all countries, as
advocated/shoved by the UNDP, UNFPA and all other UN agencies and programs implemented
(i.e. UN MDGs) funded by USAID and Int’l Planned Parenthood (Family Planning Org. of the
Phil [FPOP] and other nations ….NGOs

 If reproductive health according to Hilary Clinton involves whole range

of contraception, sterilization, even abortion, how can it become a basic
human right? Any basic human right contributes and sustains the good of
the person without causing harm, without infringing on the rights of
 Right to whole range of contraception

Ex. Pills, depoprovera, IUD…..all harmful to women

IUD Birth Control Disadvantages

- Does not protect against HIV or other viruses

- Only a physician or nurse is able to insert or remove the IUD
- Periods may become heavy and more painful. This usually subsides within a few months
- The uterus may get injured during the fitting
- There is a risk of infection after insertion
- If pregnancy occurs, that means the IUD is not in its proper place and must be removed

- Can increase risks of pelvic inflammatory disease, which can

lead to sterilization.

1) Is it for the good of the wife that she floods her system with harmful substances and
gadgetry? How about her right to life and authentic health?
2) How about the right of the newly conceived human being who could not implant on the
uterine living (because IUD, depoprovera, IUD had destroyed it) and therefore aborted?
3) How about the right of the husband to have a healthy and an alive wife?
4) How about the right of the children to have a healthy and alive mother?

For sterilization:
1) How about the right of the children to have additional siblings?
For abortion:
2) How about the basic right to life of the human being inside the womb?

…. Consistent with their religious convictions and cultural beliefs.

1) 80+% of Filipinos are Roman Catholics, the Catholic Doctrine declares contraception,
sterilization, most especially abortion are intrinsically evil … how then can this bill state
that this “reproductive health” which contains what is intrinsically evil, be consistent
with the Filipinos religious convictions? If this fact of our being Catholics
2) Culturally, Filipinos love babies and are by nature, have closely knit family ties
which this bill is about to destroy thru anti-life and anti-family mindset.
3) Responsible parenthood obligates one to be healthy and to take care of one’s pregnancy
as a gift of the Creator that it is, not a disease to be avoided.

…. No discrimination against any person on grounds such as sex, age, religious,


… Implication? Sex, which is free for all.

… gender equality…. What does gender equality connotes, same sex union?

…. The advancement and protection of women’s human rights shall be central

to the efforts of the State to address reproductive health care…

If human rights of women have to be addressed, will it be thru providing them reproductive
health care which we know include whole range of contraception, sterilization, even abortion?
So, we uphold the human rights of women by destroying their values, their body, even with the
possibility of killing them, or even purposely killing human beings inside their womb? If we
uphold the rights of women, we protect their dignity, their supposed values, including their body,
but most especially their lives. Upholding the dignity of women means protecting them from
vulnerability of being made, or even from making themselves into mere sex objects.

State guarantees universal access to medically safe… health care services, etc…
… how can contraception/sterilization or even abortion be declared as medically safe, when
each of them are harmful, even lethal?

Condom – false sense of security, increases frequency of sexual activity, increases incidence of
AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Disease because condom DOES NOT offer 100%
protection and even has NO protection on certain diseases like HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS

o Ligation – bleeding, permanent sterility

o Vasectomy – bleeding, permanent sterility, linked with increased incidence of
prostate cancer
 Ligation and Vasectomy – render couple permanently sterile; what if in
the future the couple would want additional children or present children

And, how can they be declared as legal when majority of them are abortifacients and their use
are going against our very own Constitution which protect the life of both mother and the baby?
And why include children? So it means to say that the children will also be flooded by those
poisons, if not in body, then in mind? Why among other under privileged sectors? Does this Bill
mean that if you have no access to artificial birth control you are underprivileged? And if you
have access, you are privileged? Privileged to what? ….privileged to be sick, privileged to die,
privileged to kill your own baby?

freedom choice … to choose between what? … between natural and artificial?

 Is it freedom of choice it the choice is between what is harmless

(NFP) and what is harmful (contraception/sterilization)? Is it
freedom when one makes a choice which will bring harm to one’s
 Most importantly, will the people be informed of all the
advantages of NFP and of all the disadvantages and side effects of
the artificial methods? If people are kept ignorant of all the lethal
side effects of all drugs, gadgetry and procedures (pills, IUD, etc)
there is no freedom at all, there is only deception.
Since human resource is among the principal asset of the country … their full
human dev’t and responsible parenting be ensured thru reproductive health

… So, human resource is a primary asset of the country. An asset is desirable, it is a wealth, it is
precious…. And, the more abundant it is, the better for us. If human beings are that precious,
why is it that this bill treats these asset as garbage? Isn’t it more logical if we allow our human
resource to grow in number at the same them forming them, providing opportunities for
education, job opportunities? If we love, harness, train, educate this asset, we will just be amazed
by the abundance of the harvest in the future.

Contraception/sterilization and most especially abortion, is not the way to treat lives which are

And responsible parenting…

… How can parents become responsible ones if they are systematically brainwashed that
pregnancy is a disease and baby is a burden?

….How sinister & how evil, requiring civil society to support the systematic slaughter of people,
most esp. babies

all women needing post abortion complications … treated and counseled in a

humane, non-judgmental … manner

…Is there a major doublespeak here? We know that abortion is crime in this country, is this line
the one which will decriminalize it?
This is a great deception since whether or not there is a target, the population had already been
scalped … No words need to be spoken, the outcome will speak for itself.

The limited resources of the country cannot be suffered … that makes

allocation meaningless…

… So because of the limited resources of the country, we have to suffer the poor, women and
children? How cruel… The marginalized in society deserve to receive better allocation in
terms of priority projects for their authentic good. We have huge OFW remittances, we have
taxes, we have vast natural resources. If we don’t utilize all these for the authentic development
of people especially the poor, where will our taxes go?

Comprehensive reproductive health program address the needs of people

throughout their life cycle.

…This statement look innocent, but the implication is so terrifying. This will mean that on
all stages of the life of the Filipino people, there will be a program on
contraception/sterilization, even abortion available for. So, from childhood, adolescent,
adulthood. Understandably, no drugs/gadgetry during childhood, but why do they say,
“throughout the lifecycle”? During childhood, thru media, schools, etc., children could be
brainwashed …subsequently change in mindset, attitude and lifestyle, so that when they reach
adolescence and adulthood, they will act according to “RH life style”

p6 Definition of Terms

Family Planning
Simply means artificial method of birth control; they may include Natural Family Planning to
appease the public, but their thrust is artificial. Since reproductive health is stressed, they may
even possibly include abortion after the passage of the bill.

Gender Equality …absence of discrimination on the basis of a person’s sex,

sexual orientation and gender identity in opportunities …

This could be a subtle pitch for same sex union since it calls for elimination of descriminations
based on sexual orientation and gender identity … ex. Even if I am biologically male, if my
sexual orientation is female, you have to respect, even the whole society should respect it if I
want to have sexual relations with another male, and you may even have to grant me the
opportunity to marry the person of my own sex if I so desire it …

Health Care Services Provider

Thru this, gov’t thru DOH, thousands and thousands of people are trained, so as to insert IUD, do
vasectomy, etc… some are doctors, thousands & thousands are nurses, midwives … Thru this,
millions of Filipino men and women can be trained to contracept, be sterilized, in just a short
span of time thru the programs of DOH … For further classification, ex, check the linkage of
DOH & DOLE to train at least, 10,000 nurses…

p7 Male Responsibility

Nothing but the use of condom, and undergoing vasectomy so that the male Filipinos can also be
a factor in preventing pregnancy.


• Why this definition connected with DSWD? Aside from the basic nature of
DSWD in authentically helping the poor, it now has a 21 B budget for CCT
(Conditional Cash Transfer) which supports the 4Ps (Pantawid Para sa Pamilyang
Filipino) a supposed to be “poverty alleviation program started few years ago … but,
presently, the budget is so huge at present. This is designed to give financial
assistance to the poor, about 1,600 pesos per family every month for 3 years …

a) In exchange, the children have to be sent to school, receive vaccinations (pls. take note that
Tetanus vaccination last 1995 caused abortions/sterility, and measles vaccination had been found
out by research to cause autism on children)
b) The parents have to report to the Health Center for family planning lecture (which means, that
since they are supported financially by the gov’t, if they are given pills, condom, or subjected to
vasectomy/ligation, they may not refuse it because of the conditions … If they refuse, their
names will be stricken off from the list and their financial support automatically cut… With the
vast amount of money and the active support of Pres. Aquino for the program, our poor are, with
“lightning speed”, being “bribed unto annihilation”.
p8 & p9 Reproductive Health/Reproductive Health Care/Reproductive Health

This means contraception/sterilization, even abortion as a form of “care”, as a form of “right”

Responsible Parenthood
….. to adequately respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and
children by responsibly and freely exercising their reproductive health rights….
Since reproductive health …. contraception sterilization, even abortion, and reproductive health
rights is the liberty to have an access to all of these, so one could be labelled as a responsible
parent if he/she could not control his/her sexual urges and since he/she has no control, have to
rely on all these drugs, gadgetry, and, if there is pregnancy, no problem, a responsible parent can
always avoid another month to feed by resorting to abortion.

Responsible parenthood means avoiding pregnancy at all cost, and poisoning maybe even killing
one’s self in the process because all these substances/gadgetry are harmful, at most,

p10 Sustainable Human Development

In a manner that promotes their rights and protect their life opportunities of future generations
and the natural ecosystems or which all life depends…

Very heart warming definition what a paradox … how can there be future generations when birth
of new life is prevented at all cost? When pregnancy is considered a disease and new life a
burden? And what natural ecosystem are we talking about? Among all ecosystems, the first and
most important is the womb because it shelters the most defenseless. If this bill were sincere in
protecting ecology, it first has to secure the womb, instead of treating it with great hostility.

Section 7 - Access to Family Planning

For poor patients, such services shall be covered by Phil. Health/and or gov’t financial assistance
on a no balance billing …. If the beneficiary wishes to space or prevent her next pregnancy,
PHIL. HEALTH shall pay to the bill cost of family planning.

1. Gov’t great bias towards contraception/sterilization (thru Phil. Health and other rented
funding agency) to the detriment of services to other genuine sicknesses/diseases.

Expected result?

a) Sky rocketing increase in sick people as a side effect of contraception sterilization procedures
…. ultimately abortion.
b) PHIC support for other authentic diseases like pneumonia, cancer, hypertension maybe in the
future sacrificed because great funding had been redirected to RH budget.

- inquiry into this subject revealed that even as of the present time, Phil. Health is already
allocating or spending for the following ligation procedure:

450 pesos for the Ob-Gyne consultant

135 pesos for the Anesthesiologist
1,060 pesos for O.R. fee
3,000 pesos for the meds.
1,700 for labs and x-ray
400 pesos per day for the room
=6,745 pesos for one BTL (bilateral tubal ligation)

65 gov’t hospitals + 4 specialty hospitals all over the country (take note that a lot of clinics has
been built throughout the country) = 69

69 hospitals x minimum of 20 ligations per week =hospital

20 ligations/week x 69 hospitals
x4 weeks/months x12 months/year
= 66, 240 ligations /yr
x6,745 per ligation
4.467 B PHIC Allocation for ligation alone/year
Vasectomy Expenses for Vasectomy
P3,000 (hospital expenses)
1,000 (PF of Doctor)
4,000 per procedure

3 vasectomy per week per year

x 69 hospitals x 4weeks x 12 months
16,560 vasectomy/year

9,936 vasectomies/year
x 4,000 per vasectomy procedures
39,744,00 pesos for vasectomy /year

for just ligation and vasectomy, not to include IUD insertions and other procedures & services,
Phil Health may spend more than 5 B pesos/annually.

c) Since gov’t funding will also be tapped, it will sacrifice other genuine programs:
educations/roads/bridges/genuine poverty alleviations, etc.

d) This is a great form of Bribery … Since it targets the poor, the uneducated, these group
of people are vulnerable and bound top succumb to the seeming “easy” and “no frills” and
“No cost” program of the gov’t… The interesting question is: As the gov’t/ Phil. Health
provides “all free” for these contraception/sterilization, who will shoulder the bill once these
people get sick or die as a result of side effects of contraceptives or complications of the
sterilization procedures? Will it be an understatement if we express a nagging feeling that,
ultimately, the goal of this bill is to kill very slowly, in a very subtle way, the population of this

Section 8 - Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situation

LGU and DOH shall ensure that a MISP for reproductive health … will be given proper attention
in crisis situations such as disaster …

• Even in crisis situations, the gov’t have given allocation in terms of contraception,
sterilization services, even abortion. Even without this bill, when typhoon Frank
devastated Iloilo, certain wives on remote places were being offered sterilization services
… In crisis situation, when wives are helpless and need basic services like
medications/food/shelter, are instead offered “RH” services … A great insult to the
suffering of helpless people.

Section 10 - Family Planning Supplies as Essential Medicine

• Contraceptives = essential Medicines as such:

a) will be supported by huge budget annually
b) Will be made available and free for all especially the poor

• Poisonous and lethal as they are, they are declared as medicines and will be provided free
to all !!! The least that the gov’t can do, being mandated as “protector” of the people is to
ban these, being harmful to ones health … however, there is no ban, it is even treated as
“for women’s health” … and to add insult to the sensibilities of the Filipino people, will
be supported with huge budget when drugs for authentic sickness does not get a single
centavo subsidy, except for TB.

Section 12 - Integration of the Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood

Component in this Poverty Programs

…. The LGUs shall ensure that poor families receive preferential access to services,
commodities and programs for family planning.

• Connected with previous difficulties of poor/coordination of DOH & other and other
gov’t agencies to ensure that the poor are “adequately contracepted and sterilized”… to
ensure that the poor are adequately annihilated.

Section 14 - Benefits for Serious & Life Threatening Conditions.

…. All serious and life threatening reproductive health conditions, even as HIV & AIDs, breast
and reproductive tract cancers … be given maximum benefits … by Phil. Health.

• Isn’t it clear that most of the stated conditions are either products of sexual promiscuity
or side effects of contraception? HIV-AIDs is largely a product of hetero/homosexual
promiscuity which is greatly encouraged by “massive promotion of condom use. Breast
and reproductive tract cancers one expected side effects of pills/depoprovera … etc.
• Phil. Health, which is a public fund, will subsidize the outcome of promiscuous life
style and also the side effects of contraception which promotes and sustain the

Section 15 Mobile Health Care Services

Adequately equipped with wide range of reproductive health care materials…

• An overkill, so that people from rural and mountainous area will also receive these
contraceptives/sterilization services.

… And funding will be taken from Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)

Section 16 - Mandatory Age Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality


 To start them young & to start them on contraceptive life style as every as
age ll. This section will see to it that our children are destroyed.. Once
children are corrupted, who else will be the hope of our future? of our
nation? And, who will shoulder the burden of spiritual, emotional,
physical and relational outcome of promiscuity and contraception such as
teen-age pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, hypertension,
heart attack, stroke, not to count abortions, depression, destroyed
relationships, destroyed families, destroyed future? who will pay? who
will shoulder the burden?

… And to ensure the success of this program, there will be coordination of various gov’t
agencies (DepEd, Tesda, Ched, DSWD, DOH, etc.)

Section 17 & Section 18 Additional Poverty of the Local Population

Officer/Certificate of Compliance

… No marriage license to be issue… unless applicants present certificate of compliance

• plain and simple coercion.

Section 19 - Barangay Health Workers shall undergo training on promotion of
reproductive health and shall receive 10% increase in honoraria.

CCT of DSWD (Conditional Cash Transfer), Gender, and Dev’t budget so, this is
one of the reasons why CCT- 4Ps has 21 B budget this year.

• Why salary increase specific for Barangay Health Workers only and specific only after
undergoing training on reproductive health? To ensure that the lowest level, the barangay,
the program is actively promoted, sustained and followed up. … of course, bribery in

Section 20 - Ideal Family Size: 2 per Family

• No punitive action shall be imposed on parents having more than 2 childre

• However, the bill did not deny that there will be a reward, either financial or otherwise,
for families with 2 children or less, to motivate people to have less children.
• This bill had forgotten the fact that the Author of Life and Family is God.

Section 21 - Employers Responsibilities

• Employer will be mandated to finance the contraceptive/sterilization services of their

• Why will employers subsidize drugs and produces which are morally, physically harmful
to their employees? This is just like saying that “employees will be or should be
poisoned for free” by their employers.

Instead of this, why not require employers to subsidize scholarship of the children of their
indigent employees? or require employers, that for a certain increase in their company’s revenue,
they are required to increase the salaries of their employees?

Section 22 - Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women

• Wow! This will require private an non-gov’t physicians to provide 48 hours of free
services to the poor/pregnant adolescents: prescriptions of contraceptive/IUD
insertion/ligation, and other related services. This 48 hours annual free service will be a
pre-requisite for accreditation in the Phil Health.
• Wow! So physicians will be coerced to participate actively in the program… In simple
language, physicians will be required to lie thru their teeth, instead of telling patients or
educating them thru about the side effects of contraceptives/sterilization, they have to tell
patients the good it can do; in very simple language, all procedures will be required, for
free to poison, mutilate, even at the worst, inadvertently kill their poor patients….
Otherwise, they will not be reaccredited by Phil. Health. How twisted and how evil!!! Aren’t
physicians obligated to do what is good and avoid what is harmful/lethal to their patients? And
haven’t physicians made on oath to God that they will stand by Life?

Implementing Mechanism: Will assure the implementation and sustenance of the program.

Section 26 - Reporting Requirements.

This program will be reported annually to the President of the Phil., President of the Senate,
Speaker of the House of Responsibilities.

Section 28 Prohibited Acts

a) Everyone is prohibited from doing any action which will affect the
programs/jeopardize the services of the program.

1. Everyone is prohibited from exposing the dangers of contraception, ligation

and related procedures.
2. Doctors are prohibited from refusing to cooperate.
3. If a doctor refuses to extend service to RH, mandated to refer to another
doctor, who will do what is required.

Parents are prohibited from saying anything against contraceptive life style even if it endangers
the well being and future of their children.

b) Public Officials could not disobey RH

c) Any person who maliciously engages in disinformation about the intent and
provision of this act
• In summary, section on Prohibited Acts prohibit us to decide and act according to our
conscience, according to our obligation to our country, according to the dignity of our
profession, most importantly, prohibits us to live lives as designed by our Creator
whether we are a spouse, parent or child. This section prohibit us from doing what is
good and just, not only for us and our family, but for others as well.

• This section prohibits us from using our conscience, instead rams on our throat, that
the only acceptable lifestyle, mindset and choices are the ones stated in this bill.

Section 29 - Penalties

Basing from the section on Prohibited Acts,penalty for violation will be

1) Imprisonment 1-6 months

2) Fine 10,000 – 50,000

• We either toe the line on this bill, or punishment will be ours.

• We elect legislators, pay their salaries using our taxes, just to coerce us, threaten us,
enslave us!!!

We are already a very poor nation. What this bill wants to do is to further push us into greater
poverty and bring is to the brink of extinction through the following:

1. Deplete our population further economic depravement:

a) less people to pay taxes
b) less OFWs, the bulk of which presently sustain our economy
c) less food and services production

2. Make our people a sick population less productive, more burdensome for the health care.
3. Siphon our financial resources by redirecting it towards reproductive health program, leaving
more urgent programs like education, genuine poverty alleviation, basic services, a non –priority.
4. Exert coercive pressure upon the medical and other related professions
5. Destroy families by corrupting spousal relationships promoting promiscuity among the young,
and stealing the primary right of parents to guide and form their children.
6. Most importantly promote desecration of faith and cause further deterioration of the nation’s
moral fiber.

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