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Myo Yan Naung Thein: Is U Thein Sein government turning back on national

By BDC News (17 May 2011, London, UK)

Yesterday, Ex-General U Thien Sein’s USDP government announced that they

would cut one year prison term for the Burma’s prisoners which would laterally
benefit more for the convicts and criminals.

By seeing this, one would wonder ―Is that the new government’s gesture of

One would question, ―Is it the gesture of U Thein Sein’s new government turning
down the high hope for the release of all political prisoners as the first step toward
national reconciliation in Burma?‖

Photo: Myo Yan Naung Thein

As for me, it is raising very serious questions.

―Is U Thein Sein’s USDP regime turning back on national reconciliation?‖

As soon as I heard the news, I was sad and at the same time I was upset.

I, myself, spent the decade in the prisons due to my political beliefs and I know very
well of the suffering of the political prisoners at the hands of the authoritarian regime.

I was tortured to be partially paralysed from my bottom especially at my left hand

side of the body.

They denied the medical treatment and they denied all our rights.

There are thousands of political prisoners in Burma.

It is hard to say how many exactly political prisoners languishing in the Burma’s
notorious prisoners since successive totalitarian regimes never admit that there are
political prisoners in Burma.
U Thein Sein’s regime is releasing nearly 15,000 prisoners under a pity program that
will include very few political prisoners.

The regime’s mouth-piece news agency announced that as the gesture of good will -
- it will commutes death sentences to life imprisonment and cuts one year prison
term for others.

What we have been calling for is broader amnesties that have been announced in
the past.

It truly is the insult on people of Burma sincerely working for genuine national

Today, we went to North Dagon this morning for praying for to release all political
prisoners unconditionally and immediately.

It is the regular event that light-minded activist and well wishers praying for to
release all the political prisoners.

After that we joined with the Tuesday praying group at the Golden Shwe Dagon
Pagoda which is one of the most significant and historic land mark in Burma, this
afternoon together with NLD members to pray for release of the prisoners of
Huge Public is watching. I can see the eyes of the crowd – looking on us with full

I pray that all the people of Burma would join with us so that we can make the
loudest voice which everyone who value humanity would do—calling for to free our

I will walk on working for the genuine national reconciliation in Burma without

I know that it is not easy but I’m destined to it.

One day, we all will join together enjoying the fruits of today’s sowing.

That day will come!

Myo Yan Naung Thein

Myo Yan Naung Thein is the two times former political prisoner and one of the prominent leaders of 88-Generation
Student Group. He is also the principal of the BAYDA Institute which is conducting free education to Burma’s poor.
You can contact him at

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