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-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 6 -´÷-Ja 2011 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Pranav: It's a fair distribution of work, you

1. Fair =Ø√uߪ’-¢Á’i†/ Ø√uߪ’-Ææ-´’t-ûª-¢Á’i†/ üμ¿®Ωt-¢Á’i†/ (Ç Åç°j®˝ E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπ-
know. Our lecturer in charge of the
organization of the college day has
Åçü¿-JF Ææ´÷-†çí¬ îª÷úøôç. ûªèπ◊ °öÀdçC Ê°®Ω’.)
 The success of democracy lies in free and  ''In all international
given every one an equal share of
fair elections. cricket matches we
work. No one has to do more than the
have neutral
others. (v°æñ«-≤ƒy´’u Nï-ߪ÷-EéÀ ´‚©ç ÊÆyîªa ¥í¬, Ø√uߪ’-
•ü¿l¥çí¬ (§˘®Ω’-©ç-ü¿-Jéà Ææ´÷-†-¢Á’i† v§ƒ´·êuç umpires, why?"
(°æE Åçü¿-Jéà Ææ´÷-†çí¬ °æç°œùà Ů·uçC
éπüΔ? college day E®Ωy-£æ«ù N≠æ-ߪ÷©’ ÉîËa) ïJÍí áEo-éπ™‰.) (Åçûª-®√b-Bߪ’ véÀÈéö¸ -
îª÷Ææ’h†o ´’† lecturer v°æA-¢√-∞¡xèπÿ °æE ÆæJ-  Everyone of his children, including his ´÷u--™x ûªôÆæn (Çúø’- 5. i) Favour = favour - ÆæÈ®j† 鬮Ωùç Åçô÷
Ææ-´÷-†çí¬ Éî√a®Ω’. á´®Ω÷ Éûª-®Ω’© éπçõ‰ daughters got a fair share of his property. ûª’†o È®çúø’ ü˨»-©èπÿ îÁçü¿E) Åç°j-®Ω’x -Öç-ö«®Ω’.
áçü¿’èπ◊?) ™‰èπ◊çú≈ äéπ-JE/ äéπ N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo ÅGμ-´÷-Eç-îªúøç.
 Politicians favour people of their parties only.
áèπ◊\´ îËߪ÷-Lq† Å´-Ææ®Ωç ™‰ü¿’.) (Çߪ’† °œ©x-©ç-ü¿®Ω÷, èπÿûª’-∞¡xûÓ Ææ£æ…, ÇÆœh™
"So that they can be impartial"
Subodh: Yea. If only everyone does their allot- ûª´’èπ◊ Ø√uߪ’çí¬ ®√¢√-Lq† ¶μ«í∫ç §ÒçüΔ®Ω’.)
fair × unfair
(®√ï-éÃ-ߪ’-¢√-ü¿’©’ ûª´’ §ƒKd ¢√∞¡xØË ÅGμ-´÷-E-≤ƒh®Ω’.)
ted work, the college day will be a (¢√∞¡Ÿx E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬ Öçúøö«-EéÀ.)
 Former Minister Raja favoured only one
grand success. She is always just in  Duryodhana was unfair in denying the Pan- 4. Objective = ´’† É≥ƒd®·-≥ƒd-©èπ◊ ÅBûª-¢Á’i†.
company in the 2G spectrum affair.
her dealings with her students, isn't davas their fair share of the property. -É-C î√™« ´·êu-¢Á’i†, Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i† ´÷ô. (2 -@ ÂÆpéπZ-¢˛’ N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ´÷@ ´’çvA ®√ñ« äéπ
she? (§ƒçúø-´¤-©èπ◊ Ø√uߪ’ Ææ´’t-ûªçí¬ îÁçüΔ-Lq† ®√ïu- Objective opinion = ´’† É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒd-©ûÓ
¶μ«í∫ç ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ é¬ü¿-†-úøç™ ü¿’®Óu-üμ¿-†’úø’ v°æ¢Ë’ߪ’ç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ´uéπhç îËÊÆ ÅGμ-v§ƒßª’ç. éπç°-FØË ÅGμ-´÷-Eç-î √®Ω’/üΔE-°j ÅGμ-´÷†ç
(Å´¤†’. v°æA¢√∞¡⁄x á´-JéÀ Íéö«-®·ç-*† °æE îª÷§ƒ®Ω’.)
¢√∞¡Ÿx îËÊÆh college day Nï-ߪ’´çûªç Å´¤- Courts ™ Judges, B®Ω’p©’ ÉîËa-ô-°æ¤púø’ objec-
 'Why does the minister favour that particular
ÅØ√uߪ’çí¬ ´u´-£æ«-Jç-î√úø’.)
fair, unfair î√™« ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ NE-°œçîË ´÷ô©’. tive í¬ Öçú≈L. Åçõ‰ ´·üΔl-®·©’ ûª´’èπ◊ ûÁL-Æ œ-†-
ûª’çC. Ç¢Á’ NüΔu-®Ω’n© N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ î√™«
ÉN ¶«í¬ practice îËߪ÷L. ¢√È®jØ√, ûª´’ èπ◊©ç-¢√-È®jØ√, ûª´’ v§ƒçûªç ¢√È®jØ√ (Ç ´’ç-vA Ç éπç°F O’ü¿ áçü¿’-éπçûª ÅGμ-´÷†ç

Disinter estedness is cer tainly a rar e vir tue

'Because it offers him kickbacks'.
(ÅC ©çî√©’ ÉÆæ’hçC 鬕öÀd.)
kickbacks = ÅØÁj-Aéπ v°æA-°∂æ-™«©’
Ø√uߪ’çí¬ v°æ´-Jh-≤ƒh®Ω’ éπüΔ?) É¢ËO’ °æöÀdç--éÓ-èπ◊çú≈, ≤ƒé~¬u-üμΔ-®√-©†’ •öÀd ✫ 'How good is the examiner?'
Pranav: You are certainly right. No other lec- B®Ω’p É¢√yL. Å°æ¤púË Ç judge î√™« (Examiner (°æKéπ~ E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îË-¢√®Ω’) áçûª
turer can be impartial like her. In valu-
-Ççí∫x-¶μ«-≠æ-ù 635 objective. Åçõ‰ ®√í∫-üËy-≥ƒ-©èπ◊ ÅB-ûªçí¬
Öçúøôç objective.
ing our papers too, she is very objec- ✫ 'Very objective. She hasn't shown any favour
tive - neither favour nor prejudice can  The umpire's decision was unfair to Judges, Umpires, Police to any body'.
be seen in her valuation. our team. Officers, Teachers
™«çöÀ ¢√∞¡Ÿx objec- (î√™« E≠æp-éπ~-§ƒ-ûªçí¬ ÖçüΔ¢Á’. á´J °æö«x
(Å´¤†’. †’´¤y éπÈ®é˙d. Åçûª E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬ (Åç°j®˝ E®Ωgߪ’ç ´’†èπ◊ ÅØ√uߪ’ç tive
í¬ Öçú≈L. àNüμ¿¢Á’i† ÅGμ-´÷†ç îª÷°æ-™‰ü¿’.)
M.SURESAN  Interview board members/ selec-
Öçúøí∫© -™„éπa®Ω®˝ ÉçÈé-´®Ω÷ ™‰®Ω’. ´’† îËÆœçC.) favour × prejudice
Ê°°æ®Ωx†’ CCl, ´÷®Ω’\©’ ¢Ëߪ’-úøç™ èπÿú≈ 2. Just = fair = Ø√uߪ’-¢Á’i†, áèπ◊\-´í¬ tion committee members should ii) prejudice = 鬮Ωùç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ äéπJ/ äéπ N≠æߪ’ç
ûª† É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒd-©ûÓ Ææç•çüμ¿ç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ just †’ only ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ (e.g.: just a minute) be objective. °æôx ´’†-èπ◊çúË ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒßª’ç.
Å®Ω|ûª†’ •öÀd ¢Ë≤ƒh®Ω’. Ê°°æ®Ω’x Cü¿l-úøç™ ¢√úø’-ûª’ç-ö«®Ω’. Just ™ç* justice (Ø√uߪ’ç) ÅØË (ÖüÓu-í¬-©èπ◊ Ŷμºu-®Ω’n-©†’ áç°œ-éπ-îËÊÆ inter- objective = free from favour or prejudice.
view board members/ selection com-
ÅGμ´÷†ç ™‰üΔ ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷-EéÀ û√-N-´y®Ω’.) ´÷ô ´*açC. ´’†-üË-¨¡ç™ î√™« prejudice ÖØ√o®· éπüΔ?
Subodh: It is difficult for people to be as unbi-  The demands of the workers are just mittees Ææ¶μº’u©’ ¢√J É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒd© v°æ¶μ«-¢√-
1) Caste prejudice (èπ◊© ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒßª’ç – äéπ èπ◊©ç
ased. No person is free from preju- ( = There is justice in the workers' demands.) EéÀ ™†’-é¬-èπ◊çú≈/ E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬ Öçú≈L.
(é¬Jt-èπ◊© úÕ´÷çúø’x Ø√uߪ’-¢Á’i-†¢Ë ( = workers  To be objective, our rivals have played cer-
dices. I feel it's rather human to have
¢√JéÀ ÉçéÓ èπ◊©ç ¢√®Ω’ °æúø-éπ-§Ú-´ôç);
2) Religious prejudice (´’ûª ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒßª’ç– Éûª®Ω
them. One should be superhuman to éÓJéπ™ Ø√uߪ’ç (justice) ÖçC). tainly better than us.
rise above them.
´’û√© °æôx ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒßª’ç)
 How just are you in asking for a major share (E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬, Ø√ É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒd-©ûÓ v°æ¢Ë’ߪ’ç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ 3) Regional prejudice (v§ƒçBߪ’ ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒßª’ç)
(E≠æp-éπ~-§ƒ-ûªçí¬ Öçúøôç á´-J-ÈéjØ√ î√™« in the property? îÁ§ƒp-©-†’-èπ◊çõ‰, ´’† §ÚöÃ-üΔ-®Ω’©’ ´’†-éπçõ‰ ¶«í¬ Å™«Íí ´uéÀh-í∫-ûªçí¬ èπÿú≈ ´’†èπ◊ ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷©’
éπ≠dæ¢Ë’. ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷©’ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ÖçúË (ÇÆœh™ áèπ◊\´ ¶μ«í∫ç FÍé ®√¢√-©E Åúø-í∫úøç áçûª Çú≈®Ω’.) Öçö«®·.
´uèπ◊h©’ ™‰®Ω’. ÅC ´÷†-´-ØÁjïç ņ’-èπ◊çö«. A: 'I don't think my son didn't do anything
Ø√uߪ’çí¬ ÖçC?) colour prejudice (éÌEo ®Ωçí∫’©’ Tôd-éπ-§Ú-´úøç),
ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷-©èπ◊, ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-´÷-Ø√-©èπÿ ÅB-ûªçí¬ Sripad: Let me tell you that whatever Rama wrong'.
food prejudice (éÌEo Ç£æ…-®√©’ Tôd-éπ-§Ú-´úøç), etc.
did was just.
Öçúøôç ´÷†-¢√-Bûªç ņ’-èπ◊çö«.)
★ Every person has their prejudices and
(´÷ Ŷ«s®· ûª°æ¤p î˨»-úøE ؈’ -Å-†’éÓ-´-úøç -
Pranav: I do agree with you. Disinterestedness ™‰ü¿’.)
is certainly a rare virtue. Though
(®√´·úø’ îËÆ œ-†-ü¿çû√ Ø√uߪ’-¢Á’içüË favours.
Åçô’Ø√o†’ ؈’.) B: 'That's unfortunate. You are not being objec-
some other lecturers are as good as tive. Whatever the provocation, you cannot
(v°æA ´uéÀhéà ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷©÷, ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-´÷-Ø√©÷
Srikar: Was he just in shooting arrows from
her, she takes the cake for being justify violence'.
behind a tree at Vali? ★ The human being is a bundle of prejudices.
evenhanded. She believes in fair play
(îÁô’d î√ô’-†’ç*
(ÅC ü¿’®Ω-ü¿%-≠æd-éπ®Ωç. †’´¤y O’¢√úÕ O’ü¿
and justice in all her dealings.
¢√L O’CéÀ ¶«ù«©’ ´ü¿©úøç Ø√uߪ’´÷?)
just × unjust (ÅØ√u-ߪ’-¢Á’i†) ´’´’鬮ΩçûÓ -Å-™« -´÷-ö«x-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o-´¤ (not objec- (v°æA ´uéÃh ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷-© °æ¤ôd = ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷©’
tive). éπNyç°æ¤ àüÁjØ√ üˆ®Ω-bØ√uEo Ææ´’-Jnç-‰ç
(؈’ FûÓ ÅçU-éπ-J-Ææ’h-Ø√o†’. É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒd©èπ◊ ™‰E ´uéÀh Öçúø®Ω’ ÅE.)
ÅBûªçí¬ ´u´-£æ«-Jç-îªúøç ÅØËC î√™« 3. Impartial = E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπ-¢Á’i†. DEéÀ Ææç-•ç--Cμç-*ç-üË bias (•ßª’Æˇ) = äéπJ/ äéπ
 In any dispute between India and Pak, China
Å®Ω’ü¿’. Éûª®Ω -™„éπa®Ω®Ω’x Ç¢Á’™«Íí ´’ç*-
is never impartial.
Åçõ‰ Ééπ\úø A, Ææç°∂æ’-ô†-†’ objective í¬ N≠æߪ’ç/ äéπ ñ«A °æôx/ äéπ ´®Ω_ç-°æôx ÅGμ-´÷†ç
îª÷°æúøç/ ´’®Ì-éπJ/ ´’®Ó ´®Ω_ç °æôx Å®·-≠dûæ ª.
¢√∞¡x®·Ø√, Åçûª E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬ Öçúø®Ω’. îª÷úøôç ™‰ü¿-†o-´÷ô. ¢√∞¡x Ŷ«s®· O’ü¿ ņ’-®√í∫ç
ÇNúø Ææ´’-ûˆ©uç, Ø√uߪ’ç îª÷°œ-≤ƒh®Ω’. ûª† (¶μ«®Ωû˝ §ƒé˙© ´’üμ¿u à N¢√ü¿ç (dispute) ™ 6. Biased = äéπ-JéÀ ņ’-´¤í¬ ´’®Ì-éπ-JéÀ ´uA-Í®-éπçí¬
Ææç°∂æ’-ô† O’ü¿ Åûª-úÕ- ÅGμ-v§ƒ-ߪ÷Eo v°æ¶μ«-Nûªç
´u´£æ…-®√-©-Eoç-öÀ™.) èπÿú≈, îÁjØ√ E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬ Öçúøü¿’.) îË≤ÚhçC. Åçõ‰, A, objective í¬ (E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπçí¬) Ç™- Öçúøôç.
Subodh: True. In all fairness, she is the best in  The umpire is known for his impartiality. ✱ There is a caste bias in whatever he does.
*ç-îªúøç ™‰ü¿-†o-´÷ô.
that respect. (Åûªúø’ îËÊÆ v°æA-üΔçöx èπ◊© N´éπ~ Öçô’çC.)
(Eïç. Ø√uߪ’çí¬ îÁ§ƒp-©çõ‰, Ç N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ Difference between Objective and Subjective ✱ My poor marks are due to the teacher's prej-
Ç¢Á’ Åçü¿-J™ N’†o.) udice.
Look at the following expressions from the
°æK-éπ~™x objective type questions Åçô÷ Öçö«®Ω’ éπüΔ?Åçõ‰ objective questions èπ◊ correct
answer äéπ\õ‰ Öçô’çC. á´®Ω’ ®√ÆœØ√ ÅüË answer ®√≤ƒh®Ω’. Ç ï¢√•’ ®√ÊÆh examiner -ûª-† - (-öÃ-˝ -ü¿’®Ω-Gμ-v§ƒ-ߪ’ç ´©x Ø√éà ûªèπ◊\´ ´÷®Ω’\©’.)
conversation above: ✱ The judgement is biased.
1) A fair distribution of work.
É≥ƒd®·≥ƒd©ûÓ v°æ¢Ë’ߪ’ç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ üΔEéÀ Íéö«-®·ç-*† ´÷®Ω’\©’ É¢√y-LqçüË.
e.g.: Andhra Pradesh ®√ï-üμΔE àC? ÉC objective question. DEéÀ á´J Ææ´÷-üμΔ-†-¢Á’iØ√ äéπ\õ‰.
(Ç B®Ω’p °æéπ~-§ƒ-ûªçûÓ èπÿ-úÕç-C (äéπ °æé¬~ Eo ÅGμ-
2) She is always just. ´÷-Eç-îË-Cí¬ Å´-ûªL °æéπ~ç O’ü¿ N´éπ~ îª÷Ê°-Cí¬
3) No other lecturer can be impartial like her.
£j«ü¿®√-¶«ü˛ ÅE. Ñ Ææ´÷-üμΔ†ç ®√Æœ† ¢√JéÀ ´÷®˝\ É¢√y-LqçüË. Å™«Íí v°æÆæ’hûªç ®√≠æçZ ™ ÅCμ-é¬-®Ωç™
Ö†o §ƒKd àC? DEéÀ Ææ´÷-üμΔ-†çí¬ ´’†èπ◊ Congress Åçõ‰ É≠ædç ÖØ√o ™‰éπ-§Ú-®·Ø√ Congress ÅØË ÖçC.)
4) ..... she is very objective. 7. Disinterested = E≠æp-éπ~-§ƒ-ûª-¢Á’i†/ Ææy™«-¶μ«-Ê°éπ~
®√ߪ÷L éπüΔ? Ñ Ææ´÷-üμΔ†ç ÉÊÆh ´÷®Ω’\-LîËa ¢√∞¡Ÿx èπÿú≈ ûª°æpéπ É¢√y-LqçüË, ¢√∞¡xèπÿ ÅC É≠ædç ÖØ√o
5) Neither favour nor prejudice. ™‰èπ◊çú≈/ E≤ƒy-®Ωnçí¬
✲ Gandhi rendered disinterested service to the
6) It is difficult for people to be unbiased. Objective èπ◊ ´uA-Í®éπç Subjective = ´’† É≥ƒdEo •öÀd ÖçúËC. Ö†o §ƒKd™ x àC íÌ°æpC? Åçõ‰ á´J
7) Disinterestedness is a rare virtue. É≥ƒdEo •öÀd ¢√∞¡Ÿx Ææ´÷-üμΔ†ç É≤ƒh®Ω’. ´÷®Ω’\©’ ÉîËa-¢√∞¡Ÿx èπÿú≈ û√´· ÅGμ-´÷-EçîË §ƒKdE •öÀd ´÷®Ω’\-LîËa
°j† underline îËÆœ† ´÷ô-©Fo Ø√uߪ’ç, üμ¿®Ωtç, Å´-鬨¡ç ÖçC. ¢√J É≥ƒd-®·-≥ƒdEo •öÀd– 鬕öÀd ÉC subjective. Éçé¬ îª÷úøçúÕ: ¶μ«®Ω-û˝™ áEo §ƒKd-©’- (í¬çDμ ñ«AéÀ E≤ƒy®Ωn ÊÆ´ î˨»úø’.)
Render =
E≥ƒp-éÀ~-éπûª, ®√í∫-üËy-≥ƒ©èπ◊ ÅBûªçí¬ Öçúøôç ÅØË Ø√o®·? ÉC objective question. ¢√öÀ™x àC íÌ°æpC? ÉC subjective - Åçõ‰ ´’† É≥ƒdEo •öÀd Öçô’çC ÅçCç-îªúøç
✲ It is difficult to be disinterested when it con-
¶μ«¢√Eo ûÁLߪ’-ñ‰ÊÆ ´÷ô™‰. Eûªu-@-N-ûªç™ ¢√öÀE 鬕öÀd. Written test, objective í¬ Öçúø-´îª’a. Interview á°æ¤púø÷ subjective. Åçü¿’™ ÅúÕÍí questions cerns your family.
´’†ç ûª®Ωîª÷ ¢√ú≈-Lq† Ææçü¿-®√s¥©’ áèπ◊\´. 鬕öÀd objective Å´ya, é¬F selection éÀ ´îËaô°æp-öÀéÀ Åçü¿®Ω’ Interviewers äéπ Ŷμºu-JnéÀ äÍé ´÷®Ω’\©’ É´yéπ-
¢√öÀE ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç î√™« Å´-Ææ®Ωç. §Ú-´îª’a, áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ ÅEo questions objective í¬ Öçúø´¤ 鬕öÀd. ÉD objective èπÿ subjective èπÿ ûËú≈. (´’† èπ◊ô’ç-¶«-EéÀ Ææç•ç-Cμç-*† N≠æ-ߪ÷™x
E≤ƒy®Ωnçí¬ Öçúøôç éπ≠dçæ .)
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:
-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 13 -´÷-Ja 2011 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

B. Narasinga Rao, Vizag  1990 ™ O’ ÇÆœh áçûª? É°æ¤púø’ áçûª? is (or)  ÅçûË éπüΔ / ÉçûË éπüΔ
Q. i) The police were chasing was? A. That's/ This is all,
the thief
(§ÚM-Ææ’©’ üÌçí∫ A. What was your property worth in 1990? isn't it?
What is it now? 
¢Áçô °æú≈f®Ω’) ÅçûË é¬E (ÅçûË é¬E
Ééπ\úø were chased ÅE  '§ƒûª Æ‘≤ƒ™ éÌûªh ≤ƒ®√— ņo ≤ƒ¢Á’ûª í∫’®Ω’h- †’´¤y ®√´-†o-´÷ô)
®√¢√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o†’. were éÌÆæ’hçC, ¢√∞¡Ÿx îÁ°œpçC Nçô’çõ‰. A. So, you won't come.
chasing éÀ Å®Ωnç àN’öÀ.
A. When we hear what they say we are remind-  áçûªéà (áçûªéà ®√úø’)
í∫ûªç™ ïJ-T† °æEéÀ V2 ®√¢√L éπüΔ! ed of the saying, 'old wine in a new bottle' A. No matter, how long Thwart = prevent somebody from doing
The police were chased the thief Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç  °æ™«-ߪ’†ç *ûªh-Tç-îªúøç  Åçûª-éπç-ûªéà something - äéπJ v°æߪ’-û√o-©èπ◊ Åúø’f-°æ-úøôç/
A. To take to heels
A. Gradually ´´·t-îË-ߪ’úøç
ii) You were planning to go home, when are
 ÂÆçîª-K©’ îÁߪ’u-ú≈Eo Ææ*Ø˛ ûª† Å©-¢√-ô’í¬  The people thwarted the politician's
you leaving?
ã °æö«d†
îËÆæ’èπ◊-Ø√oúø’/ ´÷®Ω’a-èπ◊-Ø√oúø’. A. Whatever it is attempts to occupy government land. v°æ¶μº’ûªy
A. Sachin has made a habit of scoring centuries.
ÉçöÀéÀ ¢Á∞«x-†’-èπ◊-Ø√o´¤ éπüΔ, á°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ-ûª’-Ø√o´¤!
 Ææn™«Eo é¬ñ‰-ߪ÷-©ØË ®√ï-éÃߪ’ Ø√ߪ’-èπ◊© v°æߪ’-û√oEo
Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ Were Planned ®√-üΔ? leaving 
Åô÷–-Éô÷, Åö–-Éö
A. That side and this side
†÷†’í∫’ O’≤ƒ© ´ßª’-Ææ’™ ´´·t-îË-¨»®Ω’.
Åçõ‰ '¢Á∞¡Ÿ-ûª’-Ø√o´¤— ÅE éπüΔ, ´’J Were plan- A. An age when he hardy had a mustache. Naivete = †®‚-¢Á-õ„ß˝’ = Åçü¿®Ω÷ ´’ç*/ ÅFo
ning í∫ûªç™  ´·çü¿÷–-¢Á-†é¬, ´·çüÓ–-¢Á-†éÓ
Ç™-*ç---èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o´¤ ÅE
 §ƒ© •’í∫_© °æÆœ v§ƒßª’ç™ A. Pros and cans, before and after
´’ç* ÅØË -F Å´÷-ߪ’-éπûªyç – To think that
Your enemies will not harm you is naivete =
A. As a very tender baby. 
°j È®çúø’ ¢√é¬u™x were chasing, were plan- -á-öÔ-<a

F ¨¡vûª’-´¤©’ Fèπ◊ éÃúø’ éπLTç-îª-®Ω-†’-éÓ-´úøç -F
ning í∫’Jç* N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. °æÆœ-èπÿ† •çí¬x-üË-¨¸Â°j ÉçúÕߪ÷ °æC NÈéôx °∂æ’† A. Whatever the case Å´÷ߪ’-éπûªyç.
V+ing form (v°æÆæ’hûªç ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’ é¬èπ◊çú≈ 
Nïߪ’ç ≤ƒCμç-*çC. Åçûªí¬ (Åçûªí¬ °æöÀdç--éÓ†’) Cryptography = ®Ω£æ«Ææu L°œ ®√ߪ’úøç, Å®Ωnç
îËÆæ’-éÓ-´úøç – computer ÆæçÍé-û√© Åüμ¿u-ߪ’†ç.

To beard a lion in his den

Calabryss = äéπ ®Ωéπ-¢Á’i† •îªaL.
Ignoramuses = ´‚®Ω’^©’/ äéπ N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo
í∫’Jç* àO’ ûÁLߪ’E Åñ«c-†’©’.
Genesplied fish, (ÉC general word é¬ü¿’.
Scientific term.
ÉçéÓ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ ´Ææ’hçüΔ? ´ÊÆh à Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™? A. So much
Educare = ´÷ô é¬ü¿’, email ™«çöÀ ¢√öÀéÀ
-Ççí∫x-¶μ«-≠æ-ù 636
Åçü¿’-¶«ô÷ (Åçü¿’-¶«-ô’-™ØË ÖçC) ¢√úËC.
A. i) The police were chasing the thief = A. Within reach Q. äéπ °æ¤Ææh-éπç™ Restorationists ÅE Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-
§ÚMÆæ’©’ üÌçí∫†’ ¢Áç•-úÕÆæ÷h ÖØ√o®Ω’. (í∫ûªç™
A. India scored a ten wicket over the  üÌJ-éÀçC Tçî√®Ω’. Å™« Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-îª-´î√a.
A. Found
äéπ Æ洒ߪ’ç™– ´’†ç îª÷Æœ-†-°æ¤púø’ A. Restorationists = °æ¤†-®Ω’-ü¿l¥-®Ωù äéπ Öü¿u-´’çí¬
minnow Bangladesh.
ņ’èπ◊çüΔç – an Action continuing at a 
point of time in the past)  Ææ*Ø˛ '¶μ«®Ω-ûª-®Ωûªo—èπ◊ áç°œ-éπ-ߪ÷uúø’. Éô’ †’ç* Éõ‰ – Åô’ †’ç* Åõ‰ îË°æõ‰d-¢√∞¡Ÿx.
A. Sachin has been selected/ named M.SURESAN A. From here this way, from there the Q. 'Ø√èπ◊ Ñ ®ÓV î√™« *®√í¬_ ÖçC, ØËF-®ÓV °æE-
The police chased the thief = §ÚMÆæ’©’
for 'Bharath Ratna'. other way. îË-ߪ’-™‰†’— DEo Éç-Tx-≠ˇ™ ᙫ ®√≤ƒh®Ω’?

üÌçí∫†’ ¢Áç•-úÕç-î√®Ω’. (¢Áç•-úÕç-îªúøç Å®·-§Ú-
A. I am off my mood. Don't disturb me
®·çC) He was playing cricket = Åûªúø’ crick- P. Srinivasa Rao, Hyderabad.
´÷ô ´®Ω-ÆæéÀ
et Çúø’ûª÷ ÖØ√oúø’. He played cricket = Åûªúø’ A. Suppose Q. éÀçC ¢√öÀ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-*†Idioms & Phrases
Q. Sir, éÀçC-¢√-öéÀ À ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Å®√n©’ ûÁLß
- ª’ñ- ß
-‰ ª’í- ©-∫ ®Ω’.  ´÷ö«x-úÕûË (´÷ö«x-úÕûË Å-©’í∫’-û√úø’) éπÈ®Íéd-Ø√?
véÀÈéö¸ Çú≈úø’)
1. Slipped into debts. 2. On a tip off. A. Under the slightest pretext (´÷ö«x-úÕ-ûË = à - a) He beard the lion in his den darely.
They were chased the thief - Ééπ\úø verb,
were ('be' form) + chased (past participle) - 3. Strike a deal 4. Went missing *†o 鬮Ω-ùçí¬-ØÁj-Ø√ -Å-ØË -Å®Ωnç -BÆæ’èπ◊ç-õ‰) b) Please bring home to understand a thing.
Passive voice - The
Å®Ωnç: ¢Áç•-úÕç-îª-•-ú≈f®Ω’. 5. Rock bottom e.g. : He sulks under the slightest pretext. c) The problem is in a mess I could not
police were chased = §ÚMÆæ’©’ ¢Áç•-úÕç-îª- 6. Month long, week long, year long, day (-Å-ûª-úø’ ´÷ö«x-úÕûË Å-©’í∫’-û√úø’) understand.
•ú≈f®Ω’.The police were chased the thief = long. 7. For failing to check 8. Rolling a car-  ´’®Ω-®·ûË A. a) To beard a lion in his den = äéπJ ≤ƒn´-®√-EÍé
police ©’ ¢Áç•-úÕç-îª-•-ú≈f®Ω’ üÌçí∫ – Å®Ωnç ™‰ü¿’, pet 9. In a bid to 10. In turn 11. In tune with A. So. (-´’-† Ææy®√-Eo -•-öÀd -Å®Ωnç -Öç-ô’ç-C).
¢ÁRx ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ ´uA-Í®-éπûª ´uéπh-°æ-®Ω-îªúøç, ´’†ç ņ’-
sentence 12. Close aide 13. To a tune of Rs.5,000 èπ◊†oC E®Ìt-£æ«-´÷-ôçí¬ îÁ°æpúøç.
é¬ü¿’. Q. éÀçC ûÁ©’í∫’ °æüΔ©èπ◊ English ´÷ô©’ éπÈ®-ÍédØ√?
The police were chased by the thief = Crores 14. After they failed to purchase b) To bring home something to a person =
15. At times 16. As of now 17. As a whole
1. ÅEo-N-üμΔ™« – By all means To make a person understand some-
2. à Nüμ¿ç-í¬-ØÁjØ√ – By any means
§ÚMÆæ’©’ ûª®Ω-´’-•-ú≈f®Ω’ üÌçí∫-îËûª – N°æ-K-û√®Ωnç.
í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç: verb, 'b' form + past A. 1. Å°æ¤p-™x °æúÕ§Ú´úøç 2. É*a† Ææ´÷-î√-®ΩçûÓ thing. (especially something important)
(®Ω£æ«Ææu N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo í∫’Jç*) 3. ä°æpçü¿ç/ ¶‰®Ωç 3. à Nüμ¿ç-í¬†÷ – By no means Bring home = to understand somebody =
participle Å®·ûË, passive voice Å´¤-ûª’çC. Ñ
èπ◊ü¿’-®Ω’a-éÓ-´úø-ç 4. Went missing - Past tense of A. Correct. expression
ii) You were planning to go home, when are ™‰ü¿’.
you leaving? you were planning = go missing = ûª°œp-§Ú-´úøç/ éπ†-°æ-úøéπ §Ú´úøç c) The problem is in a mess
™ Y. Gayathri, Asifabad. é¬ü¿’.
5. Rock bottom = Åûªuçûª ûªèπ◊\´ ≤ƒn®· The problem is a mass - ÉC èπÿú≈ Åçûª
†’´¤y ÉçöÀéÀ ¢Á∞«x-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o´¤ (í∫ûªç™) –
á°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o´¤? (you were planned = (üμ¿®Ω©÷, ØÁjAéπ v°æ´÷-ù«-™«xç-öÀN). 6. ØÁ©/ ¢√®Ωç/ éÀçC °æüΔ©èπ◊ Å®√n©’ ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’. ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’.Make a mess of a thing =
Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç ®ÓV© §ƒô’. Day long = ®Óïçû√ Supple, maship, mashup, brio, corollary, The work
O’®Ω’ plan îËߪ’-•-ú≈f®Ω’ – Å®Ωnç ™‰ü¿’ éπüΔ?) impeccable, despotic, strode, thwart,
üˆo®·Ø√ °æ‹Jhí¬ §ƒúø’-îË-ߪ’úøç.
Please remember always. When the verb is 7. ÆæJ-îª÷-Ææ’-éÓ-éπ-§Ú-´úøç/ ûªE& îËߪ’-éπ-§Ú-´úøç ´©x made a mess of the painting job = Ç °æE-
8. £æ…Jléπ ≤ƒyí∫ûªç °æ©-éπúøç 9. Ç v°æߪ’-ûªoç™ naivete (Ñ °æü¿ç Öî√a¥-®Ωù, Å®Ωnç ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’),
a 'be' form + past participle, the voice is pas- ¢√úø’ °®·çö¸ °æ†çû√ §ƒúø’-îË-¨»úø’.
10. üΔEéÀ -v°æ-Aí¬ 11. üΔ-EéÀ -ûªí∫_-ô’x 12. Ççûª- Cryptologic, calabryss, Ignoramuses,
sive - Q. a) He trampled upon the issue very cleverly.
Genesplied fish, Educare.
ûÁ©’-í∫’™ '•úø’— ÅE Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC.
Was/ were + ... ing =
®ΩçTèπ◊úø’- 13. ®Ω÷.5000 éÓôx ¢Ë’®Ωèπ◊ 14. éÌØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ b) I wedred of hearing the Telangana issue
A. Supple = Soft and easy to bend =
í∫ûªç™ °æE ï®Ω’-í∫’ûª÷ N°∂æ-©-¢Á’i† ûª®√yûª 15. ÅEo-¢Ë-∞¡™« 16. v°æÆæ’h-û√-EéÀ since my childage.
A dancer's
ÖçúÕ-†C. 17. ¢Á·ûªhç O’ü¿. c) I tired so I have to repose on some time.
ᙫ 鬴-LÊÆh Å™« -´çÍí-™« Ö†o.
M. Nagaraju. Q. éÀçC ¢√öÀE English ™ ᙫ °æ©-鬙 ûÁL-ߪ’- body must be supple.
°j ¢√éπuç™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-*† Prepositions,
ñ‰ßª’-í∫-©®Ω’. ؈’ ®√†’ – I don't come Maship Mishap = accident
Q. Please translate these Telugu sentences
é¬ü¿’ (v°æ´÷ü¿ç) ¢√uéπu E®√tù«Eo éπÈ®èπ◊dí¬ ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’í∫-©®Ω’.
into English  ØËØÁjûË ®√†’ – ? Mashup Mash up
A. a) Trampled upon = step (while walking)
é¬ü¿’. = (Ç£æ…®Ω °æüΔ-®√n©’
 ؈-Æ晉 ®√†’ – ? cook a food stuff until it is soft
 èπÿûª¢Ëô’ ü¿÷®Ωç-™ØË Police Station ÖçC. heavily on something =
´·êuçí¬) – ûÌÍé\-ߪ’úøç.
and smooth - paste
 ؈’ ®√ØË-®√†’ – ?
Å®·Ø√ É™«çöÀ Ææç°∂æ’-ô† ï®Ω-í∫úøç v°æï-©†’ ¢Á’ûªhí¬ ™«í∫ ÅßË’u-´-®Ωèπ◊ ÖúÕ- Trampled upon -
eg: Mash up potatoes.
éÀç-îªúøç/ îËߪ’úøç – ÉC £æ«èπ◊\©’, °œ©x©’,
¶μºßª÷ç-üÓ-∞¡-†èπ◊ í∫’J îËÆœçC. A. a) If it is me, I won't come. ´’†’≠æfl© ™«çöÀ ¢√öÀ-E/ ¢√∞¡xE ûÌÍé\-ߪ’úøç.
Brio = enthusiasm and individual style =
A. An incident like this at a stone's throw from b) I won't come at all Trample upon the issue - Å®Ωnç ™‰ü¿’. Trample
the police station has filled the people with
Öû√q£æ«ç, äéπ ´uéÀh-èπ◊†o °æü¿l¥A (àüÁjØ√ îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’) upon the issue very cleverly - ÅÆæ-©®Ωnç ™‰ü¿’.
c) No question of my coming. Carollary = Ö°æ ÆœüΔl¥çûªç = äéπ ¢√ü¿ç/ Å稡ç
shock and fear/ fear and concern.  ûÁL-Ní¬ Ææ’Eo-ûªçí¬ ûÌÍé\-ߪ’úøç Öçúøü¿’ éπüΔ?
 Police Station
•ôd©’ ÇÍ®-ߪ’úøç †’ç* éπLÍí eg: Statement: people like this
A. Drying clothes
éπ†’-îª÷°æ¤ ¢Ë’®Ω™ äéπ\ èπÿú≈ leader.
ûÌÍé\-ߪ’úøç á°æ¤púø÷ ¢Á·®Ωô’í¬ Öçô’çC.
b) Wedred = Ñ ´÷ô ™‰ü¿’ English ™ Ñ

™‰ü¿’. •ôd©’ ÇÍ®-Ææ’-èπ◊ØË Bí∫/ ü¿çúÁç Corollary = They support him
A. (There is) not a single police station as far sentence Ø√èπ◊ Å®Ωnç 鬴-úøç ™‰ü¿’.
A. Clothesline Impeccable = Spotless = ûª°æ¤p-°æ-ôd-™‰E.
as one can see. c) I tired to I have to repose on time - Ñ
 Few politicians are impeccable =
 sentence, I am tired so I have to repose
ÉçûªéÃ, ÅÆæ-Lç-ûªéà ûª°æ¤p-°æ-ôd-™‰E
v°æï-©†’ ´’¶μºu °ôdúøç. A. So, is that all? for some time = (on some time
®√ï-éÃߪ’ Ø√ߪ’-èπ◊©’ üΔüΔ°æ¤ ™‰®Ω’.
A. Misleading people. Despotic = Tyrannical = E®Ωçèπ◊¨¡ üμÓ®ΩùÀ Ö†o.
é¬ü¿’) =

´÷ô ´÷vûªç-í¬-ØÁjØ√ ؈’ Å©Æœ-§Ú-ߪ÷†’. é¬ÊÆ°æ¤ Nv¨»çA
ÇÆæ’h-©†’ èπÿúø ¶„ô’d-éÓ-´úøç/ ¢Á†-Íé-Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç A. Not a word Strode = past tense of stride = walk with
A. Amassing wealth.
long steps = °ü¿l °ü¿l Åçí∫-©ûÓ †úø-´ôç
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:
-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 27 -´÷-Ja 2011 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Anjan: When do you want me to start? Look at the following sentences from the con- a) Please return the
(†ØÁo°æ¤púø’ •ßª’-™‰l-®Ω-´’ç-ö«´¤?) versation above: book as soon as
Abhai: Immediately. Pack up as soon as you  Immediately. Pack up as soon as you can. you can = †’´¤y
can.  Why don't you take the company car so AJT É´yí∫-L-T-†çûª
(¢ÁçôØË. F´¤ ≤ƒ´÷†’x áçûª ûªy®Ωí¬ Ææ®Ω’l-éÓ- you can start right away. ûªy®Ωí¬ Ñ °æ¤Ææh-é¬Eo
í∫-L-TûË Åçûª ûªy®Ωí¬.)  As soon as you get there and deliver the AJ-T´¤y.
Anjan: What's so urgent about it? The earliest papers. As soon as Å®Ωnç-ûÓØË No
I can go is by the overnight train or the  ... I lost no time getting them ready. sooner... than ¢√úøû√ç.
early morning flight.  I could not give them off the top of my head. As soon as he saw the police, he ran away = c) When he became a minister he lost no
No sooner did he see the police he ran away. time in grabbing as much land as he can.
(àçôçûª Å´-Ææ®Ωç? ®√vA võ„®·-Ø˛-™-í¬F,  I see that what you have prepared gives all
í∫´’-Eéπ: No sooner... than ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’, As soon (´’çvA-é¬-í¬ØË, äéπ\-éπ~ùç èπÿú≈ ´%ü∑Δ îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈
™‰éπ§ÚûË Í®§Òp-ü¿’l†o N´÷-†ç-™-í¬E ؈’ details at a glance.
as ™E past tense, verb saw †’, did see í¬

¶μº÷éπ¶«b ¢Á·ü¿-©’-°-ö«dúø’.)
They will be certainly useful for them to

¢ÁçôØË ¢Á∞¡x-í∫-©-†’.)
´÷®√aç. ÅçûË-é¬-èπ◊çú≈ subject, 'he', did èπ◊ 'see' èπ◊ Off the top of my head = Ö†o-°æ-∞ «†
Abhai: Well, make it as soon as you can, but take an instant decision.
not later than tomorrow morning. Why °j† underline îËÆœ† expressions ÅFo èπÿú≈ ´’üμ¿u ´Ææ’hçC. DçûÓ-§ƒô’, È®çúÓ clause 'he ran (Ç™ Å´-Ææ®Ωç ™‰èπ◊çú≈) à v°æ¨¡o-ÈéjØ√
don't you take the company car, so you away' ´·çü¿’, 'than' ¢√úøû√ç. Ææ´÷üμΔ†ç îÁ°æpúøç/ Ææ´÷-üμΔ-†ç É´y-í∫-©-í∫úøç.
¢ÁçôØË, ûªéπ~ùç, Å°æp-öÀ-éπ-°æ¤púË, Åéπ\-úÕ-éπ-éπ\úË, Ç©Ææuç b) As soon as he entered the room he turned a) When exactly Gandhi returned to India
can start right away. àç ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ÅØË ¶μ«¢√Lo ûÁL-Ê°¢Ë ÅE ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC on the TV = No sooner did he enter the and joined the Freedom Movement, I can't
(Å®·ûË Í®°æ¤ Öü¿ßª’ç üΔô-èπ◊çú≈ áçûª éπüΔ. -O-öÀ-E Eûªu@N-ûªç™ î√™« ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ ¢√úË room, (he entered = did he enter), than he answer off the top of my head.
ûªy®Ωí¬ O©-®·ûË Åçûª ûªy®Ωí¬, éπç°F é¬®Ω’ Å´Ææ®Ωç á°æ¤púø÷ Öçô’çC. OöÀ ¢√úøéπç ûÁ©’-Ææ’-
BÆæ’-èπ◊E, ¢ÁçôØË -¢Á-∞¡x-´-aí¬.) turned on the TV. í¬çDμ éπ*aûªçí¬ á°æ¤púø’ ÆæyüË-¨»-EéÀ AJT
´*açD, ≤ƒyûªç-vûÓu-ü¿u-´’ç™ îËJçD, ؈’ ¢ÁçôØË
Anjan: I think I'll do that. I'll go about it right  Immediately - ÉC Åçü¿-Jéà ûÁL-Æ œçüË– Å®Ωnç,
í∫C-™éÀ v°æ¢Ë-Pç-*† ¢ÁçôØË Åûªúø’ öÃO°ö«dúø’.) îÁ°æp-™‰†’. Ø√èπ◊ ¢ÁçôØË í∫’®Ω’hèπ◊ ®√´-úøç-™‰ü¿’ é¬Ææh

When did you r eceive the message?

b) How much it will cost I can't tell off the top
of my head. I need some time.
ÅC áçûª ê®Ω’a Å´¤-ûª’ç-ü¿-ØËC ؈’ ¢ÁçôØË
îÁ°æp-™‰†’. Ø√é¬\Ææh Æ洒ߪ’ç 鬢√L.)
´·êu-¢Á’i† N≠æߪ’ç: "Off the top of my head' áèπ◊\-
now. How long do you think I'll have to ´í¬ 'not'ûÓØË ¢√úøû√ç.
be there? Can I return soon after I As oon as past tense verb sen-
 At a glance - ÉC ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊E ¢√ú≈-Lq† °æü¿ç –
ûÓ, °j
tence saw did + pre-
deliver the papers there?
-Ççí∫x-¶μ«-≠æ-ù 637
™ ™« ´*a-†-°æ¤púø’,
sent tense present tense
äéπ\-≤ƒJ îª÷úø-í¬ØË ûÁLÊÆ Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç.
Abhai: As soon as you get there and deliver í¬ ´÷Ja†õ‰x,
a) The daily carries a column which shows
the papers call me to confirm it. I took a do/ does + present tense
´*a-†-°æ¤púø’ train services at a glance.
lot of trouble to get the papers together. ¢ÁçôØË. ¢√úø-´îª’a.
As soon as he comes home, he turns
È®j∞¡x ®√éπ-§Ú-éπ©’, Jï-Í®y-≠æ-Ø˛© Ææçí∫-A îª÷úø-í¬ØË
If they don't reach on time all my trou- Immediately after knowing that he got ûÁLÊ° °æöÀdéπ C† °ævA-éπ™ Öçô’çC.)
ble will be a waste. a job, he started for Tirupathi. M.SURESAN on the TV.
b) This booklet gives you at a glance all
( No sooner does he come home, than
(Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ¢ÁRx Ç Ê°°æ®Ω’x ÉîËa-ߪ’-í¬ØË Ø√èπ◊ ÖüÓuí∫ç ´*aç-ü¿E ûÁL-Æœ† ¢ÁçôØË Åûªúø’ information you need.
he turns on the TV.
§∂ÚØ˛ îÁ®·u. Ç Ê°°æ®ΩxFo ÊÆéπ-Jç-îËç-ü¿’èπ◊ ؈’ A®Ω’-°æ-AéÀ •ßª’-™‰l-®√úø’.) (
Ñ *†o °æ¤Ææhéπç O’èπ◊ 鬴-©-Æœ† Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç
î√™« v¨¡´’ °æú≈f†’. Ææ´’-ߪ÷-EéÀ ÆæJí¬_ Ê°°æ®Ω’x b) He received the order of appointment and b) As soon as you finish the book, please äéπ≤ƒJ îª÷úø-í¬ØË ûÁ©’°æ¤ûª’çC.)
return it = No sooner do you finish than
îË®Ω-éπ-§ÚûË v¨¡´’çû√ ´%ü∑Δ Å´¤-ûª’çC.) immediately he started for Tirupathi.  Instant = ûªéπ~ù.
Anjan: When did you receive the message? you please return it.
(ÅûªúÕéÀ ÖüÓuí∫ç Ç®Ωf®Ω’ ´*açC, ¢ÁçôØË Åûªúø’ Instant decision = ûªéπ~ù E®Ωgߪ’ç. Instant Coffee
(á°æ¤p-úÌ-*açC Fé¬ Ææçü˨¡ç?) A®Ω’-°æ-AéÀ •ßª’-™‰l-®√úø’.)  Lose no time = act immediately = ¢ÁçôØË = ûªéπ~ùç ûªßª÷®ΩßË’u 鬰∂‘. Instant Mix = ǣ慮Ω
Abhai: I got it late last evening, and I lost no The result of the meeting were not immediate-
îËÊÆ-ߪ’úøç. °æüΔ®√n©’ – Ø√†-¶„-ôdúøç, éπ©-°æ-úøç ™«çöÀ v¨¡´’-™‰-èπ◊çú≈
time in getting them ready. ly known. ( Ç Ææ´÷-¢Ë¨¡ °∂æLûªç ¢ÁçôØË ûÁL-ߪ’-™‰ü¿’.) a) When knew that she had come he lost no ´çôèπ◊ Æœü¿l¥çí¬ ÖçúËN.
time in meeting her. Instant Gulabjam mix = EN’-≥ƒ™x í∫’™«-¶¸ñ«¢˛’
(Ø√èπ◊ E†o §Òü¿’l-§Ú®·† ûª®√yûª ´*açC c) I offered him a bribe of Rs.1000/- and the
ÅçûË, äéπ\ éπ~ùç èπÿú≈ Ç©Ææuç îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈ response was immediate. (Ç¢Á’ ´*aç-ü¿E ûÁLߪ’í¬ØË äéπ\-éπ~ùç èπÿú≈ ûªßª÷-®Ω’-îË-Ææ’èπ◊ØË-ô’dí¬ ÖçúË °æüΔ®Ωnç.
¢√öÀE Æœü¿l¥ç-î˨».) (Åûª-úÕéÀ ؈’ ®Ω÷.1000 ©çîªç Éî√a†’ –
´%ü∑Δ îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈ Ç¢Á’†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√oúø’.) The retaliation was instant = ¢ÁçôØË üÁ•sèπ◊ üÁ•s
Anjan: What are the papers about? Ææpçü¿† ûªéπ~ùç/ Åûªúø’ ûªéπ~ùç ÆæpçCç-î√úø’.) í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ, 'lose no time' ûª®√yûª infinitive (to + ûª-T-LçC.
1st Regular Doing Word (IRDW) é¬èπ◊çú≈ in + The members of one group attacked the
(Ç Ê°°æ®Ω’x üËEo í∫’Jç*?) Immediately = At once.
'' form ´Ææ’hçC. other group. This met with an instant retalia-
Abhai: The latest figures for the sales and d) The actor hardly got down from his car,
b) Once I reach there, I will lose no time in tion. (
profits of our branch down to the day and at once his fans mobbed him.
äéπ-´-®Ω_ç-¢√®Ω’ ´’®Ó-´®Ω_ç O’ü¿ üΔúÕ î˨»®Ω’.
before. In fact they wanted me to pass phoning you about the position there. ¢ÁçôØË È®çúÓ ´®Ω_ç áü¿’-®Ω’-üÁ•s BÆœçC.
(Ç †ô’úø’ é¬®Ω’ Cí¬-úÓ-™‰üÓ ÅGμ-´÷-†’--©’ -Ç-ߪ’-
the information over phone, but as I †-†’ ¢ÁçôØË îª’ô’d-´·-ö«d®Ω’). (؈-éπ\-úÕéÀ îËJ† ¢ÁçôØË -Åéπ\úÕ °æJ-Æœn-AE, äéπ\- É´Fo 'ûªéπ~ùç— ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úÕ† expressions.
had been on leave for some days last mob = ´‚éπ, ô’d-´·ôdúøç
éπ~ùç èπÿú≈ ´%ü∑Δ îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈ -Fèπ◊ ûÁ©’-°æ¤-û√†’.)
week, I could not give them off the top
e) I offered him a bribe of Rs.1000, and at A. Bunganna, Kurnool though in the view of the Jews was a sinner,
of my head.
once there was a response. did help a fellow human being, and thus the
Anjan: So you took out print outs of the docu- Q. In the lesson 'KNOWL-
Åûª-úÕéÀ ؈’ ®Ω÷.1000 ©çîªç Éî√a†’. Åûªúø’ samaritan though thought a sinner by the
ments. You could have sent them by EDGE AND WISDOM' of
ûªéπ~ùç ÆæpçCçî√úø’.) Jews was a better than them, said Jesus
e-mail. X Class English, the
 Right away = At once = immediately Christ, Christ's idea was to tell the Jews that
(Åçü¿’-éπE Ç °ævû√© printouts-computer a) The boss wants you to see him right away.
author Bertrand Russel,
mere worship of God without helping fellow
O’ü¿ copies B-¨»-´-†o-´÷ô. mail ™ °æç°œ ( (at once/ immediate-
¶«Æˇ N’´’tLo ¢ÁçôØË while speaking about the
humans was useless.
importance of impartiality
Q. In the lesson of X class English book
ÖçúÌa éπüΔ?) ly) -ûª-†-†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´’-Ø√oúø’.)
Abhai: I thought of that too. But that would take in the teaching of Wisdom he gives the illus
b) The fire service men proceeded right 'VINOBA A PORTRAIT SKETCH' by
longer, as I had to type a lot. tration of the parable of GOOD SAMARI-
away to the site of the fire. Hallam Tennyson; the author says that
TAN. I could not get the connection between
(ÅC èπÿú≈ Ç™-*ç-î√†’. Å®·ûË ¢√öÀ- (°∂j®˝ ÆæKyÆˇ¢√∞¡Ÿx ûªéπ~ùç ÅTo v°æ´÷ü¿ç ïJ-T† VINOBA refused to attend his mothers
the parable and the concept of impartiality.
†EoçöÀF 鬰‘ îËߪ’úøç î√©-ÊÆ°æ¤ °æúø’-ûª’çC funeral, because, it is said, the funeral pyre
îÓöÀéÀ ¢Á∞«x®Ω’.) A. Samaritans in the days of christ were the
would be lit by a brahmin. This explanation

As soon as = ¢Á†’-¢Áç-ôØË/ äéπ N≠æߪ’ç ïJU people of Samaria, who the Jews, the fol-
Anjan: I see that what you have prepared is vague, not lending itself to reasoning.
gives all details at a glance.
ï®Ωí∫éπ ´·çüË. lowers of Christ, treated as sinners.
Please clarity.
a) As soon as he saw the police he ran away. This parable (a moral story) refers to a
(†’´¤y ûªßª÷-®Ω’-îË-Æœ† °ævû√© N´-®√-©†’ äéπ\- A. Vinoba Bhave refused to attend his moth-
§ÚM-Ææ’-©†’ îª÷Æœ† ¢ÁçôØË Åûªúø’ samaritan who helped a Jew lying injured
≤ƒJ îª÷ÊÆh î√©’, Å®Ωn-´’-®·-§Ú-û√®· ÅØËC er's funeral because he was against the
§ƒJ§Úߪ÷úø’.) on the road. A fellow Jew and even a priest
ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC.) social evil of caste system which allowed
b) As soon as I get my first salary, I will go to had earlier seen the injured Jew but they-
Abhai: They will certainly be useful for them to only Brahmin to lit the funeral pyre and not
Tirupathi. had not done any thing to help him. this
take an instant decision. others. Further, Vinoba Bhave was a
(Ø√ ¢Á·ü¿öÀ @ûªç ÅçC† ¢ÁçôØË Øˆ’ A®Ω’-°æA samaritans, though hated by Jews took pity
sanyasin, and as a sanyasin he could not
on the suffering Jew and attended on him.
(éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ¢√öÀE îª÷úø-í¬ØË ûªéπ~ù E®Ωgߪ’ç ¢Á∞¡û√†’.) have any relationship with others including
Jesus told his followers of this samaritan to
BÆæ’-èπ◊-ØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ ≤ƒßª’-°æ-úø-û√®·.)
As soon as possible = ≤ƒüμ¿u-¢Á’i-†çûª ûªy®Ωí¬ the members of his own family.
Anjan: OK, then. Take care. make them understand that the Samaritan,
As soon as somebody can = á´-È®jØ√ îËߪ’-í∫-L-T-
(ÆæÍ® Å®·ûË. ñ«ví∫ûªh.) †çûª ûªy®Ωí¬

Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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