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Alberto Gomez

ID UD3947BEC9073


Essay on
¨The Next Global Stage ¨
By Kenichi Ohmae
2005, Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Wharton School Publishing,
New Jersey.


July 2007

In his book, The Next Global Stage, Challenges and Opportunities in our Borderless
World, the author Kenichi Ohmae, one of the world’s leading business and corporate strategists,
makes the key point that Globalization is a fact, here to stay and unstoppable. In addition, we are
moving to the next global stage, led by the world elite of “internet-ians”, a kind of global tribe, and
our leaders in a borderless world.

Ohmae does not question at any moment the sustainability of the global world growth
model, nor the principles that rule globalization, nor the human rights of different countries, nor
any other values. He accepts that profit and the prosperity and even wealth are part of the capitalist
global world . Those countries, regions more so in his terminology, corporations or individuals that
do not have the flexibility to adapt to the new reality will be wiped out by the economic and social
forces emerging and leading globalization.

The author explains in detail, the key drivers of the globalization, such as the “no theory”
of the economy dynamics, the leverage of the fundamental platforms for success and growth, the
English language of Microsoft PC operating systems, or the prevalence of global brands. He points
out the new face technology is giving the world and examples of governments which put economic
prosperity at the forefront of their agendas, independent of the political system, i.e. China, other
non democratic countries and countries with a political system based on individual freedom.

Ohmae focuses on the technical capacities and skills that the leaders of the new global
world must have in order to succeed in it.

It is a very interesting book that offers a vision of economic growth where the main
objective is to attract the money in the form of investment, local or foreign, to those areas that
make the shortlist of most interesting places to invest and create wealth. Ohmae describes the skills
needed to prosper in it and the characteristics of efficiency and competitiveness that attract
investors. His viewpoint is that of the capital, without considering the freedom or human rights
issues in human social and economic growth.

In this sense the book is controversial. It does not question Globalization and explains with
very good arguments the roadmap to success in it. The preeminence of the capital over any other
production factor or human development is assumed.

Ohmae is one of the most famous strategists, business persons, and academics in business
and management theories and practices. He admits that traditional economic theories do not work
anymore and that the case study approach, based on learning from the past and traditionally
followed in western universities lacks relevance to the future and is obsolete to analyze and learn
about the new realities. He is a believer in innovation and leadership as a means to improve the
skills of future business leaders (and political ones, independently of their ideology, paradoxically
I am going to analyze, develop and comment on the main ideas contained in this important
book, recommendable to all those dealing in the development of economic, business and
management theories and practices. Whether one is a practitioner or an academic, I think that many
of the ideas are very relevant to our global world. If you want to succeed in it, this book contains
many recipes for success.

The question that I will be trying to answer throughout this paper is whether you can skip
the question of the model of economic growth in a sustainable way for the planet. And therefore
for humanity . I will add my ideas to the analysis in the conclusions.

I will start my analysis of the book by discussing the key ideas.

Part 1: The Stage

The world as a stage

World wide music tours are a symbol of globalization .The author uses “Riverdance”, the
Irish musical with its Celtic music and Irish dancing, as a metaphor for the global economy. It is
originated and performed by participants of different nationalities and is enjoyed in many countries
or ‘stages’. It is an encapsulated example of players in the global stage.

The global economy is invisible, but its effects are evident throughout the world. We are
players on the global stage and we all feel its effects, no matter where they take place. Ohmae says
that China is the country that is benefiting the most from global economy, especially those regions
like Dalian, that have an approach of being attractive with incentives to attract direct foreign
Investment or DFI . China cannot be seen as a unity but as a group of regions with different
approaches and levels of political and economic independence. In reality, those regions are
competing with one another for investment and resources, not from China, but from the outside
Ohmae explains the examples of two countries that have embraced globalization, such as
Ireland and Finland. The first by attracting DFI and the second one by embracing the
internationalization as the natural situation, plus the innovation and knowledge based economies
that both countries promote. They have taken the whole world as their natural market, and they
have not been economically nationalistic.

What is the Global Economy?

Tariffs are disappearing, but borders still exit for people and goods for the sake of security
and safety. But in terms of the key factors of business life, the world has become borderless. These
business factors are designated as the four C’s : communications, capital, corporations and
-Effective communications, with the development of internet in the mid-1990s onwards the
world is getting truly borderless.
-The second C, capital, aided by the deregulation of financial markets, is also a beneficiary
of a borderless world with the US dollar the monetary platform of the globalization so far.
-The third C, corporations, have been successfully responding to the globalization by
locating their functions in different countries, that is to say, for example, R&D in Switzerland,
Engineering in India, Financing in London, etc.
-And the last C, consumers, enabled by the internet to compare prices and products and
making much more informed choices. And also the products are made in different countries, e.x.
its fabric in one country, its assembling process in another and its design in a third one.

Transactions and settlements of money now take place mostly on and through computers.
Plus the B2B trade exchanges, or as C2C auctions. Most ATMs around the world give money in
the local currency with foreign credit cards. There is no way that governments can know what you
have withdrawn and spent abroad or how much you have spent with a credit card to purchase
goods and services across national borders.

Cyber connected
The global economy would not be possible without the cyber technology allowing large
amounts of data to be transferred incredibly quickly. The internet is only the most public part of it.
Voice over IP (Internet Protocol) is rapidly facilitating and making cheaper the communications.
Everything and everybody with access to the internet can connect.

Measured in multiples
“Money makes the world go round”. Money is the main and almost single value in the
global economy. Shareholders demand to take advantage of business opportunities with
expectations of profit.

Ohmae states that the current globalization process is in its infancy and more changes,
many of them permanent, will go on to benefit the world. Globalization is an opportunity to create
more wealth and prosperity, as long as one has the recipes or skills necessary to succeed in it.

His view contrasts starkly with the negative opinions of these same features expressed by
other ecology-oriented authors and economists.

In my opinion, we have to be positive and within the global stage and develop the skills
that represent an evolution of humanity towards a better stage, provided that using those
characteristics to create economic incentives are based on the maintenance and regeneration of the
sustainability of the planet. In other words, I think that adding new “values in the market”
economy can direct or redirect development towards those sustainability values, such as protection
of human rights, freedom, democracy and protection of the environment.

In my judgement, that is where some of the defenders of a collectivist approach to

development are wrong. The human individual thrives in a free global stage that protects and
promotes the right values with a regulatory framework based upon freedom and democracy, so the
planet can increase its wealth and reach all the corners of it.

Opening Night:

Globalization started with the most important Earth-changing event .The opening night of
capitalism spins around the information and telecoms revolution, with Bill Gates as the epitome of
this new era.

The fall of Soviet communism was due to the opening of Russia (The Soviet Union) thanks
to Gorbachev and his reforms with the “glasnost” (transparency). This was another key change
towards a borderless globalized world.

The dollar as the world currency after the agreement of the G5 in New York, and the
flexibilization of currency exchange rate. The Fiscal revolution to combat Budget deficit in the
80’s in the USA was another key factor for the fiscal revolution in public finance management.
Both helped the globalization process at the beginning of the 90’s.

The Microsoft eruption and accessible information technology and software have become a
commonplace communication tool in today’s world and is the key technological factor for the new
global stage.

The coming of China into the world economy, with their reforms accepting efficiency and
prosperity and private property with the famous, ”one country, two systems”, claimed by the
Communist Party leader Deng Xiaoping, and the continued by Zhu Ronji, was not short of a
revolution. China now exhibits capitalism in its rawest form.

And finally, the internet at the beginning of the 90’s and the development of the world wide
web with its common hypertext language allow millions to communicate and has changed
profoundly our way of living and working.

These are facts and Ohmae is right when he says that they are here to stay and that the
global stage is spreading more and more, not confined to an elite, but affecting an ever growing
part of the world population. Turning our backs to them would not be rational, these situations
give more freedom to people, companies and politicians all over the world and should not limit
Freedom, which is the most important human value, but enable societies to protect the weak and
provide equal opportunities for people to make their own choices. Each of us knows better how to
make decision for ourselves. Certainly better than governments. The idea is that Politicians set up
frameworks, where fair values, not only profit rule, and allow the market, with its limitations
watched upon to bring prosperity and redistribute wealth with human criteria for the general
benefit of all individuals.

I do not believe in limitations on freedom, be it political, social or economic freedom.

Countries with no democracy cannot claim that everything goes at the expense of prosperity. In
other words, the Singapore model vs the Chinese model or the western model. For me prosperity
does not justify political or human right limitations.
The end of Economics

The Global economy is not a theory, it is a reality. Not even economists understand how it
works. The old masters theories and the well known parameters do not work anymore. Economic
theories are used to explain causalities, especially within a country . The problem is that national
economies do not exist anymore. There is no model to explain the global economy as such,
because we are dealing with many parameters and variables, and so many units of economy, so
many new financial products, bonds, hedge funds, and so many derivatives and multiples, that
make it almost impossible to establish a mathematical economic model. The theory of complexity
is more suitable to approach this new 21st century economy, fundamentally different from the 20th
century one.

Part of the paradox that surrounds economic theory is that it is often divorced from the
world in which it has been developed. The Author cites several classic economic theories from old
masters such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, or Keynes that explain the reality around them.
However, the global economy of today needs new thinking to tackle its realities. The technological
revolution has transformed geopolitics, including turning obsolete the nation-states. Economic
environments are constantly changing and are difficult to encapsulate.

The liquidity of money, says the author, is another feature of the global economy. There is
a constant flow, no absorption anywhere; absorption would cause inflation. Traditional economic
theory cannotexplain this either.

Technology and deregulation have liberated money from national economies. Money flows
to areas of highest return, no matter where that is. Money has not patriotism. There is an over
liquidity. Deflation’s antidote was inflation according to the theories of some famous economists
(Paul Krugman) but the Japanese example contradicts the theory. Consumers know better than
economists what is good for them and what to do with their money.

Another aspect of monetary policy that the advent of the global economy has altered is the
position of interest rates. More and more individuals save, for instance in a “portfolio’ of assets in
the global world in the world stocks exchanges and the different currencies.

The theory of complexity was developed because the traditional linear theories could
explain less and less the complexity of the world, the relationships, the behaviors, the expectations
of individuals, corporations and governments.

There more and more thinkers, academics and business people who, like Kenichi Ohmae,
see a parallel between the global economy and the world of complexity. Predictability, or more so
the lack of it, is one. A small change in one variable can have a huge and inexplicable impact
elsewhere. Traditional theories tended to think that equilibrium was the natural state of economic
systems. Nobody is completely sure of how the very recently developed global economy works.
The old economic paradigms that supported the classical theories have been broken, but despite
that many countries, or governments find difficult changing habits, the old interventionism, or
“touching a key” to obtain a result is still in place, but with sometimes opposite results to those
Those who do not understand the new economic paradigms are liable to become the victim
of someone else who does. In the developed world the economic policy should focus on asset
appreciation, which has much bigger impact than increasing the flow of income. China, the author
says, in one of them. So, in summary, some the characteristics of the new economic paradigm of
the global world according to the author, are:
For the first time in human history, prosperity and riches do not depend on existing
wealth. In the global economy, there is no need for mineral resources or colonies, or any other
“traditional” resources. A country or a region can attract foreign investment to create prosperity
The world has an excess of capital. There is plenty of money always looking for places
to invest. A regions has to show worthy of consideration. Regions know that they are in a buyer’s
market and that they have to compete for investment. Investment means prosperity.
Size no longer matters. The need of an internal substantial market is not necessary
anymore. International success is accessible to countries with small populations, i.e. Nokia in
Finland, Ireland, etc.

I agree fully with the book’s ideas about the end of the old economic theories. The
complexity of the borderless world, where individuals, corporations and governments try to
maximize their return on investment is the reality of today. The global economy still has to
produce its theorist, with the permanent state of flux and metamorphosis as a defining
characteristic. We see how the global economy emerges in front of us, but it is difficult to grasp.
Those who understand it and use new thinking, succeed. Innovation and productivity for
competitiveness are the real drivers.

Part 2: Stage Directions.


For the author, the geographical and economic unit of the global economy is the region.
Not so much the nation-state which, despite its political importance, cannot be viewed as an
economic unit within the global economy. That is why political economy studied in classic
economic theory is obsolete. The nation-state had its own currency and its natural territory and
economic boundaries. With the global borderless economy, that notion is overcome. This idea is
relatively new and revolutionary, and not ‘politically correct’ for some as it suggests governments
should have a subsidiary role in the regulations of economic transactions. There is a group of
economists and thinkers closer to the political “left” that oppose to this notion. In their opinion
there should be more regulations to protect the nation-state citizens from the global economy,
capitalists and multinationals. Indeed they argue there should be less international trade and more
national barriers and clearly defined borders to protect the life style of the citizens within and that
the market and the capital not only have profit as the only value, but others such as the
environment and sustainable growth, influencing the market forces to adapt to a more “human”
global, but local economies.
This is a central confrontation in terms of vision of the global world and the political
consequences. It will be a central debate for the sustainability of the world and its social, political
and economic consequences.

In his explanation of the rise of the regions, versus the nation-state, the author mentions
several examples, like Singapore, Ireland, the Tokio region, Dalian and Guangzhou in China.
Some of these regions are component parts of old nation-states; others spill over existing borders.

Ohmae says that globalization is a liberalization of individuals, consumers, corporations

and regions from the legacy of the nation-state in which they belong. Eventually the information
available to each of them will give them the wisdom of choice, r.e. Part 1: The Stage

Whether a consumer buys the best and cheapest from anywhere in the world is also their
choice and not the decision of the government. Likewise corporations will shift eventually to the
best host regions. Ultimately is a competitive world and one that will discipline all members of the
global village, because wealth will migrate national borders.

Platforms for Progress

These are the developments that have promoted human progress; what the author calls the
platforms for progress; that is to say means of allowing companies or individuals to communicate
with each other to get things done more quickly and efficiently by enhancing communication and
delivery, and creating the common standards accepted by the players.

Technology platforms: These include operating systems, (Microsoft), personal and

corporate computers, the HTML programming platform for writing web pages (Java), the internet,
the World Wide Web and its applications like online transactions, shopping in the cyberspace, etc.
The Voice over Internet Protocol (IP) and the versatility and affordability of telecommunications.

Language: The English language is the linguistic platform of the global world. Many
critics see it as symptomatic of US dominance and cultural imperialism. Attempts to impose other
languages, like Russian in the old Soviet block of communist countries have failed totally. English
language is spreading all over Asia where it is synonymous of business success. Being bilingual in
your own mother tongue and English will become the norm, not a special skill.

The US Dollar: The reason is historical and practical and dates from the end of WWII (mid
40’s). Many countries trade in the US dollar, e.x. North and South America, Australia, oil
producing nations and Asian countries such as China and Japan. This puts the US in a privileged
position, although, the recent trend in the importance of other currencies is balancing the situation
versus the dollar and creating a group of global currencies, such as the Euro, the Yen and the
Chinese Renminbi.

Other Platforms: These include ‘Branding’ in the global economy. The majority are
American, but more brands from other regions of the world are becoming global.Global business
culture; the global jargon of business is understood across borders.The ATM platform; this allows
cash to be dispensed from locations far away from your locality.The credit card and smart cards
platform. GPs platform, and other platforms are becoming available to a large number of users in a
global world and those doing business need to understand this.

Out and About

Another issue shaping the global stage is the business process outsourcing (BPO). This
means business optimization and refers to the relocation of sources and resources. Again it is the
the Telecommunications revolution which drives BPO. An immediate benefit has been the
reduction in costs.

However, BPO is one of the most controversial aspects of global economy, seen by some
as a capitalist exploitation of the poor, a new way of making money at the expense of poor
countries, creating new global economy “slaves”.

India (also Ireland) has benefited the most from BPO (again the English platform). The
author defends this new form of globalization arguing that it facilitates the distribution and spread
of wealth in a more effectively and efficiently than development aid. The money goes directly to
individuals rather than potentially corrupt government agencies. The increased prosperity in India
and Ireland is undeniable (other examples include China and the Philippines). Ohmae defends BPD
as a source of wealth for poorer countries and criticizes those myths and half truths about the
“sweat workshop” clichés, claiming these stem from western fear and insecurity about the loss of
white collar jobs. The view from those countries is radically opposite.

Cross-border BPO, is yet another example of the borderless world. Many clerical jobs have
been replaced by computers and companies outsource more and more functions in search of cost
reductions and competitiveness. It is natural that some of the better and cheaper operators should
be found across national borders. Some politicians and intellectuals have a different point of view.

In my opinion, BPO, like everything else in life has a right and wrong approach to it. If the
conditions for fairness and other values other than just profit are introduced, the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages. A global effort is needed by international political institutions to
guarantee that exploitation by multinationals is not allowed. I believe in market forces over
governmental control. In other words, if market rules penalize companies that do not comply with
international norms of fair work then they will have the incentive to change. More so than a
compliance with national regulations open, in some cases, to corruption, lack of transparency and
consequently disregard for human rights.

Breaking the chains

The internet and the portal are becoming more and more important in the global stage. The
search engine is the best “travel” guide and helpmate for internet users as they move through
billions of pages in the cyber jungle. This is creating the emergence of “cyberites” or “netians”.
This group of internet users has a tendency to follow behavior patters that Ohmae classifies in
Theorem 1; internet users for five years or more tend to think, act and behave similarly.
They want to buy the best and cheapest from anywhere in the world. They are confident that they
can live well under the liberated regime of a truly global environment.
Theorem 2; (Age-10/10) is the number of years to become a real cyberite according to the
non-scientific observation of the author. It takes longer to unlearn accumulated 20th century
assumptions and myths depending on your exposure. The younger generations have less difficulty
in learning the rules and games of the cyberworld.
Theorem 3; Cyberite as proactive consumers. People are passive when watching TV.
They want to be entertained. By typing the names in a search engine cyberites are more likely to
discover or buy something.

The payment systems are a fundamental part for the development of internet. In fact,
security is one of the issues that prevent people from buying and trading in the World Wide Web.
Improvement of the security will increase the number of cyber transactions. More companies are
introducing security and convenience to internet payment systems.

The final part of the net revolution is logistics, or the physical distributions of goods. The
new technologies have created many new business models, from the case of Dell, to Amazon, Zara
and others. Parcel delivery companies have grasped the opportunity to become global logistics
business partners with the outsourcing of that important function in the global world to many
companies. Time and distance are barriers. This ‘barrierless’ global world is a psychological shift
that shapes our understanding the global economy and its benefits. We consume items from any
corner of planet, because they are available to us as global consumers.

Part 3: The Script

Reinventing Government

Governments are losing their power in this global world. Some do better than others, and
decentralization is happening within their countries. Nevertheless, strong central control is
something of the past, Ohmae argues. Today’s intellectual battle is between the old and the new.
Governments are wealth distributors, not wealth facilitators. They create wealth only through
taxation. That is the way many people experience governmental intervention.

The best taxation is the simple one explained in the book and also the fact that money
raised from taxation should be invested in the places it is raised. As distributors of wealth,
governments have gone the way of developing welfare states and welfare economies. They protect
national industries, even if they are inefficient and weak globally, at the expense of the taxpayer.
The distributive state is when distributed wealth is spread evenly and fairly throughout the country.

Governments of the future must seek to facilitate rather than frustrate. The public service of
any country must be prepared to work more on short term projects with identifiable goals as is the
practice in the majority of European countries, rather than enter into a permanent employment
regime. A pragmatic approach is necessary.
A Vision for Change

Governments need to have a vision for the future, not only one developed by politicians,
but by all social agents, which identifies national strategy and policies in an open and transparent
way and reach all layers of society. It must not be just a mere collection or words and aspirations,
but identify clear, practical and obtainable goals. Democracy should be used to reach majority

Naturally coming with this vision is not easy. First because of the political fractions in a
country, then because we now live in a borderless world and can no longer put national interests
first. And finally because we live in a cyberspace and are bound to the TIC (Telecommunications
and Information technologies) .

Mapping the future

These are the fundamentals to develop a viable vision for a country:

It must empower individuals
It must invite capital from the rest of the world
It must maintain an even keel

Government vision. These are things Governments can do:

Be ambassadors for new technology
Diminish the hindrances for capital flow
Eliminate obstacles for companies to attract the best people, skilled workers or
Minimize bureaucracy
Specialize the country around a competitive advantage

A truly visionary government is dedicated to education. A highly educated work force is

necessary to add intellectual value to the country or region. Workers in all areas should be
educated in being versatile and open-minded. Possession of disciplined thought processes and the
ability to approach problem-solving are always the areas one can build upon and apply in many
different areas. To this end, further education or skill acquisition should be made easy. The internet
and broadband technology make attending and participating in learning from remote locations

A new Role for the Government

Governments have been involved in providing education, but their role should change to
being a member of a team and open up to the private sector involvement. Education and the school
system represent one of the best ways in which governments can teach the citizens of the future
about changing roles.
But world reality is not very encouraging. Many governments, on the contrary, want to set
up barriers to protect their national economies.

There are examples of countries and/or regions with different characteristics, that are
successful in the government involvement and the understanding of the global economy. Some
regions of China, Scandinavian countries, Ireland or Singapore are among them. In each there is
tradition of interventionist government action, especially in the economic sphere. In different ways
they have given more, by doing less, often providing only the initial impulse and vision and the
right background conditions, but thereafter sitting on the sidelines.

The Futures Market

Governments must change, but the global stage, change is both necessary and
inevitable at three fundamental levels:
Technological- Technological progress has the capacity to reshape countries
Personal- Individuals must become more proactive and more adaptable
Organizational- The emergent corporation will be homeless. It will be adaptive, focused
on innovation and unencumbered by needless hierarchy or the psychological baggage of the past

The technological Future

Technological progress means that industrial death is increasingly a fact of business

life. The rise and fall of commercial enterprises is part of the landscape. Each technological wave
usually has its victims, those who were unable to change in time. Time has been compressed.

The history of the digital camera is just an example of this. Big companies like Kodak and
Fuji are facing restructuring. Or the music and cinema industries with the emergence of the internet
and the digital technologies. Something similar can be said about telephony, with the rise of VoIP
(Voice over Internet Protocol) and its impact on Telecoms.

The personal future

No matter where they are, individuals will have to learn to adapt. A job career for life
is a concept to be discarded. Another change will be the accepted norm that life always gets better
and that workers, no matter their education level, can look forward to an incrementally improving
lifestyle, leading to a post-retirement soft-landing, in which almost all their needs are provided for.
People will have to learn to be lifestyle mangers. Flexibility will be central to success.

Success in the global economy will also depend on good leadership. This is true with
regard to a region-state, or a company. Good leaders need vision but must remain pragmatists.
Leaders must value information and innovation.

One of the most important assets that a leader can possess is a flexible attitude to
his/her role. He/She must be intuitive and able to change.
The Corporate Future

Uncertainty is another feature of the global economy. Paradoxically this provides

opportunities for those brave and adept enough to adapt. The global economy is new. The rulebook
remains unwritten. Nobody knows what will work. The best way forward is to try anyway and to
learn from your mistakes, then try again. The author dismisses the case study method followed by
universities, arguing business needs to be done in new ways. Notions from the past cannot be
applied to the future.

Companies need to commit to the global economy wholeheartedly, unless they want to be
absorbed by others. Companies will be homeless. The traditional link to a nation-state will
disappear, the relationships will be different, because their business will be widespread. The notion
of headquarters is giving way to the reality that the market is open 24/365, the market never sleeps.
The natural state of the homo economicus is movement.

Innovation is another feature of global economy. And whatever innovation system a

company may establish, the innovation of new, better, more efficient, cheaper, more convenient
products and services will be permanent;
Business systems, products and services, customer relationships and internal staff
relationships, will become four key areas for innovations.

Companies also need to learn to adapt their identities and shift their business models to
adapt to market changes. More and more corporations will have to be like living creatures.

The traditional military-like organization that companies have today, based on hierarchy
will also have to be adapted. The old pyramid will not survive. The control focus organization will
evolve to other forms of flexible, innovation-focused organizations.

The next Stage

The Region as the unit of the global economy will continue to rise. There are many
examples, from Vancouver, to Sao Paulo, Estonia, Ho Chi Ming City or the Baltic Corner, that
have been the chance to put together some of the right features to succeed in the global economy.
The formula for success is not too complicated. What is complex is the need to unlearn the legacies
of the nation-state and acquire new skills to work with global businesses.

These regions now compete to attract investors to create wealth, and to this end are
marketing themselves as brands to make potential target group investors aware of their
competitive advantages.

Ohmae’s definition of the Globalization is described as one global stage where players act in
an ever changing plot, brought about by the information technology and telecoms revolution which
defies physical and political barriers. A network of powerful machines create, analyze and
synthesize information in milliseconds. The information within them is easily and instantly
The traditional nation-state is an obstacle in many instances to the functioning of this global
network. All regions, not nations, of the world, fight and compete with each other to attract money
and investment to create wealth in their territory.
Traditional economic thinking is obsolete to explain such globalization. Knowledge and
education are more important than tangible natural resources, locations or previous sources of
wealth. Governments, businesses and individuals can only prosper through flexibility and
The world is going through a globalization process , that is both inevitable as part of the
natural human evolution and unstoppable ,because of the incentives that produces .
The Global economy is a reality not a theory. Globalization is in reality unknown even for
those who succeed in it. The features of the global economy are : borderless, invisible, cyber
connected, and measured in multiples ,where profit or money is the single most important value.
The complexity of the global economy is such that no existing theories can explain it There
are many variables that change constantly and create unexpected effects, and the theories and
mathematic model that explain complexity can’t be proved empirically.

Ohmae does not defend the suppression of the state, but with what I consider good
judgment, thinks governments should not try to do things for business, but should allow business
to do things for itself. However, he does not emphasize the fact that governments should create the
political framework that guarantee the human rights, freedom, and education for people to be able
to be competitive in a fair world with a consensus on the big questions of life, including
democracy, sustainable growth and basic moral and/or human values in the performance of the
It would be as though the free Market can increase the value of those companies that
comply with those “general framework conditions”, and not only profit determines the value
and/or performance of corporations. This may sound like “wishful thinking”, but I believe the
market can better guarantee the sustainability, efficiency, freedom and prosperity of humanity than
government. The difficulty, of course, is how to reach that “general political framework”.

World leaders need to search for it and, in my opinion, this will be the single most
important issue for world sustainability and prosperity. It has to be the next big revolution. The
Humane Political Revolution.

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