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Artt rcfr


UBBL 1984 is divided into 9 parts:

OSH LECISL"{TION (OSFI roa) lPart r Preliminary
TOPIC: - I Part u ]Submission of plans for approval
I Pu.r 3 I Space, light and ventilation

]f u.r 5 lstrt,ctrrral requirements

tlloiD. tngro.,,on,

N|.r,r ,: th re\.eronF kw og'pt,o I ,n I

Aw taar lnvrg.onc betweu, ltu nX*lohons

ffi Arrungement (cont..) -H. Introduction
Street, Drainage and Building Act rg74
lPart 6 lConstructional
\On o., to amend and consolidate the iaws relaring to street,
orainape and buildine in locai autnorin areas rn
Peninslular Malaysia, "and lor purposes' connected

5 (r3-3) The Snre Authoriry shall have the powe, to mal<e by-larvs
lor or in respecr of every ourDose u'hich is deemed by lrinr
necessarJ for-carryhg oui ihe-provisions of rhis Acr, and tor
orescribins aDv natter which is authorrzed or reouired under
ihis Acr Yo 6e prescribed and in oarrrrular ind wirhour
prejudice to rhe gener"liq oi rhe,foregbing ior or in respecr of
all 0r ant of lhe marters specrhed hereunder-

6tJoffnr P€nsnrn. )oro

- C[seL oul 1r,.1 \o* Q*

ffi Purtr - Preliminary fiJ Part z - Submission of Pians for

53(r)all plans for buildings submitted to the
ln exercise ofthe powers conferred by section r33 local authority for approval in addition to
ofthe Street, Drainage and Building -t\ctLg74, rhe requirements of seciion 7o of the act...
the Minister/State Authoriry makes the 53(z) Every plan, dlarving or calculation in
following b1.Iau.s.
iespect of any building shall be sq-bmitted
by a qualifigd person.
56(r)All pians submitted shaii be signed by
Lhe qr.ralifi ed person....

Fy Joiiri Perrirrn, 2or. Fr inini f.nrirni, rDa

[$ Part 3 - Space, Light and
fC cont... Lp '<?' Ventilation
S"5 (r) ccfl,figaf.edilaes,c for occupation of a S39 (r) Every room designed, adapted or used for
building shall given when- (a) the qualified residential, business or other purposes except
person have supervised the building and has
hospital and schools shall be provided with
been constructed according to By *Laws.(b) all
_. natural lighting and natural ventilation by
Lreen provided' - - -means'of
-e$fe$!ilaery,iees'have one orrnore'windows har"ing-a total-- -
area ofnot less than ro%o ofthe clear floor area
Sz8. No person shall occupy any building unless a ofsuch room and shall have openings capable
certificate offitness for occupation, partial of allowing a free uninterrupted passage of air
certificate or temporary certificate has been ofnot less than 5% ofsuch floor area
issued. Any failure to comply with this such
person 1iable to pr":,?fiHli?.1]"under the Act.
h\ fili,L !("!',r' r.r.

Part 4 - Temporarily Works in

Connection with Buildins ODerations

S48. Commencement of building operation

_S+g,Bqrpolsibrlity_qf pelson-gr11ted1eaeo1ary
55o. Cancellarion of temporary permit
S5r. Vehicular access to sire
S5z. rising,mains to be insralled progressively

BrJofint Pen*iran, ro'!

ffiPart5*Structural .f# Part 6 - Constructional Requirement

S53 - Building Materials Sror - Boilers, fireplaces, furnaces, forges,

S54 - General requirements ofIoading
incinerators and other similar heat generating
- o*o and imposed loads
::: Srz3 - pipes and services
S:.24 - Lifts

By liin. hhAirin, to'.

L\. g Pan 8 - Fire AIarms, Fire Detection. Fire
H Part 7 - Fire Requirements [i[
-e" Exringuishment and Fire Fighting Access
::.---- -. '..
- -

Sr39 - Separation offire risk areas Szz5 - (i) Every building

shall provided detecting
Sr4o - fire appliance access and extinglisher fire and u,ith fire alarm
together with illuminated exit signs
sr4r - Separating walls
for lift lobbies
5]26 - automatic system for hazardous processes
Sr53 - Smoke detectors
SzzT - portable extinguisher shall be plovided
Sr54 - Emergency mode of operation in the event
of mains power failure Szz8 - (r) sprinkler valves shall locatecl in a safe
and enclosed position on the exterior wall and
- t'* mode of operation
readily accessible to the Fire Authority; (u ) sl.rall
:::t connected to the nearest fire s[ation

[L loiiN lcAB,.a',. rno rr lii,! I 0,a,.in iir,

H Cont... Part 9 - Miscelianeous

5z36 - special hazards Sz54 - building to which part VIi and VIII appiy
- 547 j fire alarm - - - Sz55 =power oflocal authorities to extend period
Sz38 - command and control centre 5z56 - buiiding exempted
- nre litu Sz57 - Malaysian Standard Specification and
:*, Code ofpractice to prevail over British
Standard Specification and Code ofpractice
Sz58 - failure to buildings

Dllolin. I.n8ri., io,o U! dlni r.nBtrrn, r!n'

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