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• H 4 By Gary Wesman )• ?BBS

^Relations ^between the Mer- President of i the Si College I Dr. letter of censure. Dr. Trimble, received mthefiS "faculty Dean's j g memo tas & a
cyhurst faculty and top level Marion> L. Shane. It announced however, said \ it ? was never resolution."|j B L„ "nonresponse." Dr. Trimble said
administrators, -which have the faculty's intention to seek an referred to I him as such, but 44
1 was disappointed that I was it was a "first formal response,"
become increasingly strained on-campus meeting ?fiwith rather 2 as a, "faculty accused and £ judged in a and that he is "still mulling over
throughout^ the academic year, members off the Board J of resolution"—both in the text of unilateral manner without being how to^handle the situation.'
have now reached the point! of Trustees while an ad hoc Board the 5 letter and in conversation given a chance at least to present
official,! but| private,* con- committee reviews] Dr.* Shane's with faculty members, i my perspective," he wrote in
frontation. & .|j] contract, which is up for renewal •s The letterfdid not demand or Thus, | relations between the
At aC meeting held Wednesday, at the end of the year. MB part, but Hater added, "I must Mercyhurst faculty and its two
request! of tDr. | Trimble any assiume there • is .substance to
March 30, the faculty voted to The motion to send an official specific response. 1*3 chief administrators dissolved
some of the concerns.. .and I will into a tense, edgy impasse as the
send to Dr. Jerry Trimble, dean statementljto j Dr. j Trimble | "It was decided, finally, to just try to examine my performance
of the college and vice president reportedly passed by a margin of inform (the Dean) officially the college paused for the Easter
in light of those concerns." break. The same j conditions
of academic services, what 44 votes in favor, one opposed, extent- to which morale has Several faculty members told
faculty sources have fcalled an with three abstentions. There is, deteriorated around here,'' said a prevailed as classes resumed this
faculty member, "and then wait The Merciad they regarded the week. w-^Jj&*i<r
"official letter of censure. " $ however, P widespread
The statement expressed disagreement over \ the* exact for the administration's response
dissatisfaction with the Dean's status of the statement, and over to see what further action needs

handling of "academic decisions the severity of the reprimand it to be taken, if any."
and of people, personally and implies. J | |$f &&\ & ;..; Early in the first week of May,
professionally," the sources said. I Numerous faculty contacted by Dr. Trimble mailed a memo to all
A second letter was sent t to The Merciad routinely called it a faculty noting that he had

The publication date for this p "People thought there was a

year's edition of Settings, the pretty nig Improvement in the
college literary magazine, h a s magazine last year." she said.
been scheduled for the second or "Last year we kindajhadlto
third week in May, according to bargain to get people to submit.
Editor Kathy Cordaro. ||3 Now, they've Ifound something
Ms. jf Cordaro a n d Co-Editor they want to put their work into.
Marianne Dolan expect to have "And maybe people are getting
m a d e their final selections for brave." she added. "Most writers
publication, from among an are fearful about who's going to
estimated ZOO prose poetry and read their work; you don't want
photographic constributions the world to see it." %•^*£*®
sometime next week. • The result will be. the editors
Although precise statistics are say. a 1977 edition of Settings
not kept on such matters, the which is both larger and more
volume of contributions received diverse than previous issues.
from members and friends of the Photographs have been sub-
Mercyhurst community is mitted by campus photographers
believed to be the largest ever. Bob Ronksley and Christine
About half the contributions Park, and Sue Fuss has been
came directly from Faculty assigned staff camera work.
Advisor Detmar Straub's Artwork is the one area where the
creative writing classes; this number of contributions has
year, for the first time, Straub dropped off. but staff member
specified that all class assign- Sally Palko has been designated
ments automatically would be staff graphics consultant.
submitted for .publication | in
Settings. (One such work, a short Otherjstaff members include
story, is featured on P a g e Four of Angelee Smith, layout and
this week's Merciad as a Settings design, and Gerard NeCastro,
preview.) editing and distribution. jf?
However, there has also been a Edition < and m publication
corresponding rise in the number selection fall to Ms. Cbrdaro and
DA CHAMPS - When Dave Maries (center) flipped home the winning goal in the finals match, he and of unsolicited manuscripts. Ms. Ms. Dolan, <both J" of whom
partner Doug Petrofl (right) were Mercyhurst's reigning foosball champions. The competition took Cordaro offered two possible describe the jobs as delicate. ^
place during the recent Games Tournament in the Student Union. <*»* wesmon photo explanations: "Basically, we preserve the
rights of the author," Ms. Dolan
said. "We preserve t he-right of
the poet, for instance, to say what

shape and form the poem is in—-

Candidate For County Council except when it's'too long and runs
off the page, and then we have to
shape it to fit. •
"I base my selection of works
on 'flow'," she added. "Also on
Mr. GaryfBukowski, Mer- which is generally thought to be can work on the foundations of and the ample ^help he has
cyhurst's Director of Placement, worth approximately 5 per cent the new county government. received, the prospects of having whether the story or poem makes
is running for the newly formed of the vote to the candidate Dr. William Garvey, professor Gary Bukowski as our county senses. There is the argument,
County. Council} seat from * the before campaigning even begins. of history at Mercyhurst, will be council representative look Who are we to decide what
fourth district on the democratic Also, in a district with a high promising, as Bukowski is also a makes sense?' And for the most
Bukowski's campaign manager. part, I agree. We get around most
ticket. This district-includes the Polish population, Bukowski is Because of his qualifications well-known name in our district. of those problems by printing at
Mercyhurst campus, and a large the only name on this portion of least one contribution hy anyone
sector of the east side of Erie. H the ballot.. that A is of Polish who submits several things." fi|
Bukowski says that the job is descent. •r^^ '
really a matter of represeriting Some of his competition for the
the city in a county government.
"The first group of officials to
seat have names that are well
known > in * this district,
Tuition, Room!
hold this new office will be very
important," he said*"It will be
Joseph pCodba,
was a local disc-jockey by the
who Costs Hiked PS
their job to write a charter that name j of Joey Stevens, and % On ^Thursday,?! April 7,1 Mer-
will^allow for a fair system of Charles Casey, j a local tavern cyhurst announced that it is
government." * | K owner from the lower-east side. raising tuition for the 1977-78
He pointed out that the position I Bukowski* thinks the most academic year by $195, and also
is really a parttime job, with important|factor in the election hiking room costs by $100. I
most of the work taking place in won't be a name, but a person's In; a statement freleased by
the evening.* f jS$*. experience. He feels he has it President of \ the College A Dr.
"This shouldn't interfere with over his opposition here, as he is Marion L. Shane, the increase
my work here at Mercyhurst," he presently going for his M.A. in was •attributed] to rising costs,
said. 1 |f student personnel? at Case- particularly for utilities, salaries
Bukowski said his chances for Western ^Reserve and has four and supplies, j H '$^fi
winning the Democratic primary and l a half years f of ad- College officials said financial
and advancing to the general ministrative! service at ^Mer- aid would j be adjusted upward
election are about 50-50.j cyhurst. | ^ $ 3 w j i £ I I GARY Bl'KOWSKI (pictured above) is Mercyhurst's director of and for eligible students should
In the draw for ballot position, yj Bukowski says he hopes to be placement and a candidate for the newly-created county council defray at least a portion of the
elected to this position so that he seat from the fourth district. flEHBH^H^HBlBG^HHEHEll increased costs. I §
Bukowski drewlthe first slot,
Staff Editorial
APRIL 15,1977
Almost two weeks ago, a car hit a pedestrian
on 38th Street and killed him. Some of the
residents near there thought it-was because
To The Editor: j the driver was speeding due to the lack of traf-
fic signals. Even though it happened about two
Positive Attitude Needed miles from Mercyhurst, it seems they have a
shortage of traffic signals Hoo. Someday, it
I.regretted reading the article on the front may be in front of the college and the results
The Merciad would like to welcome page of the April 1,1977, Merciad entitled ^In- could be death also.
everyone back to the 'Hurst. It jlooks tercession Problem Unresolved/' This article A few weeks ago I stated in a letter to the
like the remainder of the term will be stated that the meetings with the faculty and Merciad j that I thought Mercyhurst should
eventful. students concerning Intersession planning have a traffic signal on 38th Street. I said that
were a failure.iBut from participating in one if there wasn't one placed at this gate, an ac-
Father-Daughter is coming up and of those meetings I can truthfully say that it cident would soon result, f
promises to be a good time. All the 4
certainly was not*an' 'appaifent failure.'*' In Being the type of person that I am, I then sat
committees are working hard to make my meeting, as well as those of several other back and waited for a member of the ad-
this year's^ annual event a successful students with whom I have talked, there was a ministration to make a comment or take
one. considerable number * of worthwhile some action toward it. r though students
The I Spring formal lis in its planning possibilities discussed. Some examples in- weren't supposed to do those things.
clude pre-in terns hip^ experience, Well, I might have known. There was
stages, although as of yet no definite specialization in a specific topic or field, tours neither comment?or*action. I do realize that,
dates have been set. Student Govern- (not only travel tours, but those demon- the administration is busy and does not have^
ment is open to any suggestionsifrom strating possible career placement) and enough time; to answer every letter that"ap-
the 'Hurst community .^Anyone having seminars. pears in the jjMerciad, but thisj was a very j
suggestions can attend the regular serious matter that should have been dealt
There were also other ideas discussed such with.
Government meetings on Wednesdays as an outlined Intersession plan common to all So, I am going to act in a way I'm not ac-
at 4:00 in room 114 Zurn. i I I f Mercyhurst students including specific cour- customed to, but should be. That is, this week
The baseball, crew, sof tball, tennis ses that coincide with Blueprint III goals. The even though I am fbusy too, I am going to
and golf {teams have begun their list of possibilities is endless. tramp down to City Hall and inquire into this,
spring seasons and I'm sure they Both faculty and students complained jlf I get any results I will certainly inform the
would appreciate support from the because classes were cancelled to hold this student body and the administration. After all,
meeting and also because of the short notice of someone has to take the first leap and it might
'Hurst community. * ! as well be me. rv , Ew-Uu
The Merciad is even back to a the meeting. Even though we weren't asked
when a good time for the meeting would be, i Darlene Keith
regular publication schedule, 4 every the time was set aside so we should have taken
Friday for the remainder offthe term.
We are open to any contributions to be
advantage of it. J
I can remember how everyone reacted when
Staff Editorial
included in The Merciad, deadline for the abolition ofHntersession was considered.
copy is Tuesday of the week you wish
your contribution to appear. Just drop
The general feeling was that Intersession was
a good idea but needed improvement. This
meeting was "our" chance to improve In-
Ballet Performance
your contributions off at the In-
formation office or the Merciad Office,
third floor Main. •&
tersession—to make it the way we thought
would be most beneficialno our] needs. No, I
don't think the failure was with the meetings
Worthwhile Overall
and the data collected in them. The only exam- Mozart and the Ballet, presented to the Mer-
ple of failure was with the number of students cyhurst community, was both pleasing and
and faculty^ that attended the meeting, disappointing.
possibly because of their attitude. The performance could have easily been a
E veryone deserves the right A positive attitude toward Intersession and- success had it not used the talent of the Martin
to be heard. or the meeting itself, as with anything else at Luther King* Jr. Ballet Company. The com-
this college or in our lives, is necessary to pany appeared to take something away from
make something successful. It seems as if the the overall performance. * I
Make.the Merciad your form most important part of changing Intersession Perhaps this had to do with the age of the
is changing our attitudes toward positive ones. junior company's performers. The company's
of communication. Chris Filippi % M if ages ranged from 8 to 16, though I could be
wrong. Jfe * |
Age had a Jot to do with the performance,
mainly because the dancers of the junior com-
pany were not as polished asfthe Mercyhurst
Dance Company. |
The high point of the performance came
during Mozart's second symphony as Lisa
Owens, Jenny Arold, Colleen Angerer, Andrea
itor Dulin and Jennifer DiUin, all high school
students performed admirably. |
, Though some may believe I've contradicted
Deadjine for application: Wednesday,;April 6,1977 myself by saying that the? high point came
from a handful of high school students, let me
point out that these five dancers are quickly on
their way in becoming polished dancers.
pply contact: Perhaps I should take that one step further
by saying they are already better than some of
.Mercyhurst*s own dancers. |
The name of Allan Kinzie should also be
Melissa McMurray —*t mentioned. Kinzie was the choreographer for
this dance.
No doubt there are other standouts such as
Sesler Apt. 334 | x !

Christina Cottman and Denise Corben in the
sixth movement of Les Petits Riens.
Though the three day performance had its
ups and downs like an elevator, it did stabilize
to a certain extent near the end. That extent
William Shelley Preston was|enough to make Mozart and the Ballet
worth watching.
Chris VanWagenen
Teachers Wanted
'Friends of World Teaching*\ is
pleased to announce that hun-
dreds of teachers and ad-
Washington Seminar
ministrators are still {needed to
nil existing vacancies with
overseas American Community
Schools, international, private,
Offered At Gannon
Will the Carter Administration" Costs will be! approximately
result? in fresh approaches or $100 for room. and fees-plus
church-related, land industry- politics as usual? Is the Imperial tuition. Transportation, meals
supported schools and colleges in Presidency a thing of the past? and personal expenses must be
over 120 countries around the Will reorganization tame the provided byl the$ student. For
world. I f I bureaucracy? If you would like to more** information contact Dr.
"Friends of World Teaching" examine the political reality of Gregor Reinhard, Gannon
will supply applicants with up- the Federal Government in College, Department of Political
dated lists of these schools ami Washington, D.C. and find an- Science, 301 Walker Building, 456-
colleges overseas. Vacancies swers to the above questions 7523 extension 271. *
exist in almost all fields — at all through first hand observation,
levels. the Political Science Department
Foreign language knowledge is
not required. Qualification
requirement, salaries and length
of Gannon College is offering just
such an opportunity in its
Washington Seminar.* $
of service vary* from school to
school, but in most' cases * are
similiar to those in the U.S. For
further information, prospective
The Washington Seminar is a
three credit field trip to the
nation's capitol and is a regular
part of the Gannon Political
Class Set
AS Marine Biology course fin
applicants- should contact: Science Department's summer, Palm Beach, Florida, is being
Friends of World Teaching course schedule. *It will be con- offered for Intersession 1977.
f t P.O. Box 6454 ducted prior to Gannon's first Thefirstsix classes will be held
Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Summer Session from*June 5th- at Mercyhurst on Wednesdays
17th. ? October 4 to November 23, the
The Washington Seminar remaining three)weeks of the
t TALENT combines academic seminar course will be spent in Florida.
sessions andi interviews with The course.will include field
SHOW * prominent public officials to trips to the| Everglades, the
Ciirls are needed for the Totait Show a I
the I Ith annual Father-Daughter provide! the; student with a Florida Keys, At'glass bottom
Weekend. Come and entertain votir SHOT ON GOAL — Kenny Ward (right) cranks up for a shot on realistic picture of the processes boat tour of a coral reef, a

dads, girls! Please contact IVlarv Chicola goal during the finals of the foosball competition during the recent of government, for richer in narrated nature cruise of Jon-
in room !2t» Baldwin Hall soon!
Games Tournament held in the Student Union. Teammate?Greg detail and more personal insight than Dickenson State Park, and
than can be gained from an or- several other trips. -:|
Rautenstrauch (left) keeps an eye on the defense. Ward and p The cost
dinary! academic environment. sportation and food. is $125 plus tran-
Rautenstrauch eventually finished second to the team of Doug In past trips, students have had j& The course is open to majors as
Petroff and D a v e .Maries. k Gory wesman photo the opportunity to (.interview an elective and non-majors as a
SENIORS,; YOU Senators, Representatives, science requirement for liberal
Supreme Court judges, members studies, h
DON'T HAVE TO Follow The Guide
The art of leading people in the ditional fee of $30.00 for Vermont
of the White House staff, officials
of the State Department and
Interested students should see
HUD, members fof foreign em- Sr. Eymard,tfRoom 113, Zurn.
WAIT UNTIL YOU wilderness is the theme for the residents jjand $38.00 for non- bassiesiand Capitol Hill news
Killington Wilderness Leadership residents will be charged correspondents. Also included in
GRADUATE TO GET School scheduled this I June at
Killington; Ski Resort in central
Vermont. \ p& £
students desiring academic
past trips have b*en special tours
of the White House, Pentagon and Fischer Recital |
several government agencies.i Mercyhurst Department of
Participants in the seven-day % The curriculum will cover the
philosophy off wilderness Music will present Renie Fischer
sessions can also opt for two
Your U.S. Army recruiter
academic credits in en-
vironmental studies from the
leadership, administration of a
backpacking program, Tutors Needed l in la Piano Recital on Friday,
April 15.1977 at 8:00 p.m. in Zurn
University of Vermont.! i £
preparations for the trip, con- The Writing Center is looking Recital Hall£. S g
can tell you if you qualify for ducting the ftrip, wilderness for tutors for next year. If you are The Recital Ms open to the
.Two Kinnington specialties, skills. handling difficult eligible 4 for Work-Study, enjoy public free of charge. i i i
the 0elayed| Entry Program. wilderness study and leadership situations/rules and regulations working with your peers and
If you do, you can reserve training, will blend ;in {the pertaining to backpacking^ and believe you*would be capable*oP
your job today and notfleave
program open to experienced
backpackers jjwho desire to evaluation
qualifications. I
of leadership
helping other students with their
wnting problems, please contact
Canadian Fashions
for up to 12 months. For assume trip leader respon- the Writing Center (formerly The study of various aspects of
sibilities and at the same time > A low ratio of four students to called the English Clinic). the| Canadian fashion industry
more information on this further academic studies on the one | instructor will permit the Working in the Writing Center can be seen through study, ob-
opportunity and . a current graduate^ or under-graduate Leadership School to tailor provides the student-tutor with servation, discussions and lec-
level. j| i instruction according to«the the professional experience of tures while visiting Montreal,
l i s t i n g of Army job B Scheduled as training grounds special needs of individuate, said teaching that is considered quite Canada. Visit manufacturers,
opportunities, call today are the Adirondack Mountains of Dave Langlois, Director, valuable by prospective em- museums, stores, etc. June 3-15.
New York, June 10-16; the White Killington Adventure Programs. ployers. While the student-tutor The special costi is $350 (15
Mountains of New Hampshire, i The School is an outgrowth of is helping the student to master students) |which includes tran-
454-7126 June 17-23; and the Green the highly successful teen and the basic writing skills required sportation by train, hotel ac-
Mountains of Vermont, June 24- adult Wilderness Trail Camps in? composition, he, himself, commodations, and two meals
•. • 4 - i 3 0 . t * & * • • • i J * conducted by -Killington Ski becomes a more confident writer, [v per day. This two credit course
Tuition is $105 per session and Resort. | i J Help is needed for next year.-;* has no prerequisites and grading
"Join the People includes meals, transportation, For {information contact: So, if you have any interest, the is pass-fail] !
Who've Joined the equipment, health and accident Killington Wilderness Leadership Writing Center ? will train and ^Anyone 'interested in this
99 insurance, and seven days of School, Killington, Vermont, provide you with the opportunity course *; please contact Elaine
Army instruction tj in wilderness 0S751 or call Dave Langlois, (802) to enjoy a meaningful and con- Pedersen,, Rm. 137A, ext. 264
leadership training. An ad- 422-3333. S* \ * £& structive Work4>tudy experience.! ? immediately. *• &V


Tuition Increase: IsIt Necessary?




V .

fa H 'MP

I &

299 • > » s »


7SV* f t

» m ValMcIntyre
Itfc&iotnecessary after last * '-"} Bernie K ishton Diane Masterson
year's increase. In spite of this, Doug Cornelius If they increase the tuition, I don't know where the tuition
I only have five classes left so I 1 I'll be back because I'm a they should increase the quality money goes. They have more
must come back* transfer student and must A my McN icholas of education. H can't say students, why must the tuition
graduate from here. I feel the I am upset. I don't know how whether the cost increase is go up? IU seems logical that
tuition fincrease is -not my dad will afford it but we'll justified from my position. with more kids, tuition should
necessary because the money swing it. I'll be back. I don't stabilize.
goes to stupid things, more think itiis necessary. We pay
should be spent on academics. enough already. PHOTOS BY: GARY WESMAN

No Departures, No Arrivals
(Editor's Note: The following And I usually- don't^'involve
short story, written by Joanie myself with strangers, especially
Stevenson, is one of the prose flaky girls, but she had so openly
selections which; will .appear in trusted me, the second one in her
...On The Bus Line To Dayton
this year's edition of Settings, the "line," with her tale that I placed
college; literary magazine. The her neat, beige tote next to my a field where I can make easy behind me. Her once-exuberant "She's a good girl, though,".the
story will appear under Ms. travel-worn gear and - we sat money before I'm too old." voice merely whispered, "Hello, mother continued. "Never puts
Stevenson's own title,* "I'm together among theiincreasing She was amazed that I didn't mother," as she^ stared at the up a fight. In a few days, back
Looking for My Father." crowd of travelers. f want to be ar'fine doctor" like person behind me.;| [ home, she'll even be smiling
I had to ask her why she was so Both of| our buses had been myT
father. I turned and saw an unim- again" 1 :
excited about a bus trip. It delayed so we had time to talk— *He's not a 'fine doctor'," I pressive, gray-haired woman. The aged woman touched her
seemed sometimes that I spent or rather,.she had time to talk. answered. "Oh, we've lived very Despite all that talk about her daughter's arm, then^The young
half of my vacations Tn bus ter- Like I said, I seldom * involve well and his* patients seem to father, the girl had told nothing of girl automatically rose as I once
minals and I couldn't understand myself with strangers, so I have believe in him, but I doubt that her mother, yet there she stood, again became aware of the
anyone actually -anticipatingfa no interest or talent in small talk he's actually a good doctor." defeated and hunched over a terminal's underlying *din .of
tiresome, bumpy busride on but she was great? at. trivial She didn't understand that and faded purse. Her expression was passengers. The floudspeaker
[viiowy interstates but there she questions and comments. Soon, I usually don't divulge my life as empty as; my knowledge of announced the boarding of her
v as—this small girl with long she was quite impressed with my story to strangers so, shutting up, her. ; *? bus to Dayton but the tears had
i uburn hair and a wide grin (her upper-class background but was I slouched in] my hard chair. *,Her daughter?was very tense stopped failing and the sway was
peeth were white and even, by the reluctant to tell of her own life, Some ugly beggar came up to me now and spoke in a softer but gone from her movement. .'.^
|#vay), and she stood at Gate 10, in other than the dreams of her big then for some change. I ignored more desperate tone. " . &. I As the thin mother picked up
the midst of the noisy, after- reunion with her father. y. him and, when my snob act know he's in i Dayton this time. the clean, beige tote, I naively
holiday crowd. As I sat near her "It's so hard to develop worked and he moved on, I tried That letter from his sister . ; » . " asked, "Isn't it possible that he is
4ate, wrinkling my one-way viewpoints or future plans when to remember the last time I had Her small mother met the girl's in Dayton?" ." $
ticket, I noticed now she swayed Mother's blank voice spoke for
•Jvery now and then, asfeif her the last time as she passed me
excitement couldn't be kept in- her daughter's empty Coke can.
side much longer. f 'We've buried him a long time
Now, I'm usually a snob in ago." | |
terminals. I hate bus trips, and, They never looked at me again.
even worse, I hate being bothered The passive, once-brilliant girl
\yft fellow passenger-strangers took a loose hold of the beige tote,
during the eight hours to my you don't know3 your past, isn't idolized my father with wonder blank stare. "It was only a dropping on the floor her unused
college. So, I act like a blue- it?" as great as this girl's. I had been Christmas card. She's moved and ticket to Dayton. It went un-
jeaned snob and people leave me "My past hasn't helped me," I younger than she was, surely, but wanted us to haveUhe new ad- noticed'and holding hands, the
alone. But, damn, there she was muttered. ^ | I wasn't quite sure exactly what dress," her tired voice replied. two silently walked away.
standing at that gate—no else Her bright eyes looked her age was. | Between the throng of people I picked up her dropped ticket,
was was even in line yet—and her disappointed. "Oh, but when I •I was about to ask her when she and the private scene of three, gulped down the rest of my drink
exuberance really unsettled me. meet my father, I'll know exactly jumped up once more and the atmosphere became very and threw the ticket and two cans
So, despite my snob act, I had to whatito be and feel," she said, grabbed the beige tote. j. heavy to me. I remained slumped quickly into a trash container.
get up and ask her. I just had to. with conviction. "It all depends "I don't remember where I put between the 3 standing-but- Some punk with beer on his
"I'm going to find my father!" on him, you know." my ticket!" she cried. \ hunched mother and her sitting- breath bumped into me, then,
she exclaimed, answering as if I "Don't other people influence She found it in a zipper com- but-stiffened daughter, and I was excused himself with a "Merry
were a dear friend. "We've been you? Your mother, perhaps?" partment and carefully smoothed most uneasy. "Why did I ever get Christmas" and stumbled on.
apart for years, you know, and My question was met with a it out on her knee. "I want it in involved?" I yelled at myself. 'Gathering up my dirty luggage,
I've finally found him!" 1 look of hurt, so I left it? alone. good condition. It'll be a souvenir But, nonetheless, I whispered to I pulled my bus ticket out of my
The shine of her hair deeply "Well,'\I thought, "I'mJnot * of my 'dream-come-true',"! her the haggard woman, "it's hap- pocket, it had become a creased
impressed me, although I seldom counselor—or a babysitter. This white teeth gleamed broadly. pened before, hasn't it?" ball.
notice such things, and her teeth kid's awful simple."

sr"You've got sort of an easy The mother moved slowly to "What a mess," I whispered,
gleamed as she continued to tell But, the girl quickly changed so happiness," I i softly said. I her daughter's side and a trying to straighten all the lines
of her coming trip. \ J- that the gleam was back again. seldom involve myself 3 with wrinkled hand stroked the and creases. ^*What a mess." fj
"I'm so glad it's at Christmas She»jumped up, left,, and soon flattery but! I then said, from auburn hair. The daughter A crammed |group of com-
timejeven if it is after. See, we returned with two Cokes. As she deeper down, "It's something I continued to stare gloomily at her plaining bodies and suitcases.had
got a letter from my father's noisily opened the can and caught just don't have. " | | mother, who looked at me for the formed at my gate and, before
sister. She and my mother never the running foam^ between She continued her shining smile first time. i joining their ranks, I looked up
keep in touch, but, all of a sudden, her lips, she cheerfully began to as her eyes left mine to scan the "Usually around the holidays," toward the front of the terminal.
a letter Tfrom Dayton arrives. talk again, i *i, -i Mi -•/•-.. waiting mass i of people. Sud- the resigned voice answered. "Or But they had gone and my bus's
Mom's been denying for years "What are your future plans?" denly, I saw that excited when we hear from someone we arrival had already been* an-
that my father is even alive, but I was her first question. radiance disappear from f her seldom see. She'll |pack, come nounced. Joining the squeezing
4, mob and performing my snob act
know different. He's in Dayton. I | I don't have any vet,"ft said, eyes, mouth and total ap- here and . . . and go to see her
know it." She nodded her head to stuffing my bus ticket into my pearance. Her expression went father.. . until I come to get once more, I let the line move me
confirm her logic, f ^T $ $ pocket and sipping my tinny- blank, with a subtle air of gloom, her." Tears slowly ran down the along to the gate door, bus and
Well, this made no sense to me. tasting gift "I'm still looking for as I felt a peculiar presence girl's face, but went unnoticed. another eight hour ride, to i



2611 PEACH


Ministry Serves Financial Aid Office For

'Hurst's Needs
The Campus Ministry Place is leave from i 212 Main; Tran-
Stresses Deadlines Latin?
You can add a new course or
located on the second floor of Old sportation provided. f* source of study to the curriculum
Main (rm. 212) and is open from Sacrament of J Penance: During the week of April 4, all May 2-13-Out-of-sta te sti at Mercyhurst College. Perhaps
9:00 a.m.* to 5:30 p.m. and on Communal Celebration—planned students registered for classes at only: Individual appointments. you feel a need to improve your
Monday evenings. s in keeping "with the Liturgical Mercyhurst, and' their parents GENERAL vocabulary, your grammar, or
Appointments for religious seasons—anytime by ap- received Information from the PRESENTATIONS your recognition of allusions In
instruction or discussion coun- pointment Financial Aid office concerning INFORMATION literature. Or you may simply
seling, preparation for marriage Retreat weekend:** April 1, 2, the procedure for filing for April 19—Zurn Lobby, 5:30- want to see why Latin was an
and marriage ceremonies may and 3 at the Lodge. jft financial aid- for the 1977*78 9:00. 3| , Integral part of education for so
be made at any time with Fr. Clothing Collection: Leave academic year. The? following ,. April 20-Baldwin J Hall, 7:30. Ions. You may want to decide Its
Guy, ST. Peggy, or Sr. Elizabeth used clothes at 212 Main.? *a dates are re-emphasized here for April 21—McAuley, 7:90. usefulness In your life yourself.
by calling the office (Ex. 2S7) or the benefit of the student body. ^ April 22—Student Union, 11:00- Write your namer Erie address
Coffeef and •• Fellowship: * April 15 — Mercyhurst College T and telephone number on a
dropping by any time. anytime. All Welcome. ^j 1:00. > W" 7 ; regular sized piece of paper.
Campus Ministry wishes to be Institutional Applications, • May 16—Application ? deadline
of service to the students and available In Financial Aid Office. for summer school financial aid. Indicate which of the following
faculty of Mercyhurst College. All students must file In order to June 1—Deadline for .5 all you would want to take next fall
Campus Ministry is open to any receive any type of aid. - & financial aid, Fall 1977. After this I. The Basics of the Latin
suggestions for
celebrations or events.
^ j
Field Trip Offend April 20-30—Pennsylvania
students only: "Individual ap-
date students will be placed on a
waiting list.
Language (For those who have
not had two years of high school
A schedule of Campus Ministry pointments. W.. \ Deadline for PHEAA ap- Latin).
Phi Beta Mu is offering a field II. (For those who have had two
events follows: Masses: Monday trip (open to all. students) to plications (new and renewal)
- Friday 7:00 a.m. 'Chapel, 4:30 Youngstown State on Wednesday, May 1st. * 1 ** years of high school Latin). %
p.m. 212 Main; Saturday 7:00 a.m
Chapel, 7:00 p.m. Faculty
Lounge; Sunday 11:00 'a.m.
April 20, 19771 i^to* I
Cost: $5.00 per person includes
dinner and speakers. Tran-
Cheerleading V Individual appointments with
Financial Aid Office. Call St.
Michele, Ext 243 after Easter
A. A course in Latin; com-
position* £», - - '• *•*'• * *
B. A course in Latin Literature
Chapel. | | I Vacation.*;*'&• 1. Classical , I
Prayer Group: Monday 8:00
p.m. 212 Main, time: for quiet
sportation will be provided.
Reservation deadline is April 13, Tryouts 2. Patristic
• 3. Medieval
prayer, silence, song and shared
prayer. * K
1977. /^ %' ••• }
For ^further information con-
An organizational meeting for
tact: • Jeff Thurston, Mary Sue Cheerleading tryouts will be field
Dad's Weekend Address this information to Dr.
Hilinski* and put in the campus
Visiting the Elderly: at Bat- The 14th Annual Father- mail. ^
Sabol or Mr. Trotta or airy officer Monday, May 2,1977, at 5:30 p.m. Daughter Weekend is coming A meeting of all those, in-
tersby, Wednesday 2:00 p.m., of the Fraternity, f i T v! in the Faculty Lounge. \ soon-April 23 and 24. It is packed terested in Latin (or Greek)
Practices will be held Tuesday, full of special events for both you courses will then be held to
Wednesday and Thursday, May and your dad. The dinner-dance hammer out the details of the
RECRUITERS ON CAMPUS 3, 4, and 5. Tryouts will be held
Friday eveningJMay 6.
Announcement «of I the new
is on Saturday night, an R.S. V.P.
is necessary. Arrangements can
classes or course of study.
If you have any questions,
please contact Dr. Hilinski,
Pittsburgh Public Schools, Thurs. Apr. 21,1977, Open to: Elem. Ed. be made and questions will be
< Grades 6-8) - Math and Science (Middle School) Home Economics squad members will be made answered by contacting Linda Preston 224, or at 456-7159.
% : 'ollowing tryouts. 1
and Business Ed| (Secondary) f 7? fjj McGinley - Baldwin 311.
All interested persons are Tickets for iall events are:
CVS (Consumer Value Stores), Mon. Apr. 25, 1977, Open to all asked to attend the meeting. $20.75 for dorm students and
majors. | Anyone who is unable to attend $25.50 for off-campus students.
may contact Judy Mahoney, If you wish only to attend the
Berea School Dist., Tues., April 26, 1977, Open to Secondary Ed. Baldwin 309, 864-9952, or Debbie Dinner-Dance the tickets |are
only. *" | t V*& Duda, Townhouse 5, 868-0280. *: $8.50 per person. f?

I niversity of Pittsburgh, Wed? Apr. 27,|1977, Open to Life Sciences

< Biology, Chemistry). !*%I
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.. Thurs. Apr. 28.1977. Open
• i
1. Students to he ushers for graduation. '•
2. Students to serve the Saturday graduation dinner and
to all majors. n | the Afternoon Brunch on Sunda v. i •

Investors Diversified Services Friday* Apr. 28. 1977, Open to aTi .Trstudents to work at the Social on Saturday evening and
majors. . M& * at the reception in the Grotto on Sunday.

II you are interested in signing up for an interview to talk to one ol If von are able to assist in anv of the weekend's activities,
the above recruiters please contact Mrs. Hawes at the Placement please sign up in the Registrar's Office no later than Friday,
Office, 204 Old-Main,"! * I t April 22. y I

! jLastCalll
for a 19 year old •
Mercyhurst College
Sophomore to become a >
21 yearold ArmyOfficer.
The Army offers college sophomores the For the next two wars, vou Kiim what it
opportunity to earn an officer's commission in two takes lo be an Army officer. You get the kind ot
years. The deadline for this year s class is sooft, management and leadership ex|X*rienee that will
$ Apply now and once you are accepted for be an asset to you in any career, military or
the special two year program, you attend a six civilian! You will earn an extra $100 a month up
weeks' summer camp, for which you'll !x* paid to 20 months. And when you graduate, you will
f^ *•
approximately $500. And that's not all. You may haw earned your college degree along with the
find yourself in the best physical condition you've gold bars of an Army olllcer.
+ •*

ever been in. (fit) The Amu ROTC TwotearProgram

\ 1 Then back*f<fc<>llege^na the Army ROTC
Advanced Course in the fall.fli you've done I If this is the kind of challenge you are
exceptionally well at camp, you may Ix? heading hxiking for, you are the kind of student we are
back to college with a full two-year scholarship. looking for. 1

Capt Konopka 456-8376 •it'#•
PAGE 6 THE M E R C I A D APRIL 15.1977
k J I

The Mercyhurst Laker the inning. The Penguins scored walked.

baseball team got off tot'a bad once more in the seventh to lock The Lakers have played
start last Saturday in their home up the win. Clarion on Wednesday and will
opener as they dropped a Kenny White and Ron Coleman travel to Indiana on Saturday,
doubleheader toi Youngstown each had a hit in the first game April 16. Their next home game
State University losing 3-1 and 10- for Mercyhurst. " will be on Wednesday, April 20
l. , ;, g | Williams wentj the distance, against Thiel at 1 p.m. at Tullio
s Field. ;
The weather was cold and so striking out six Penguins, but was
were the Lakers as they could troubled by six walks and three
only manage five hits the entire hit batsmen. LAKER NOTES: Laker pitcher
afternoon. The Lakers also The second game saw Sparky Mills will miss most of the
committed six i errors in the Youngstown pound out nine hits season as a result of an appendix
twinbill. f off starter Kay Olszewski -and operation.
In the first game, Mercyhurst reliever Gordy Karstedt. Third baseman Randy Mink
jumped out to an early 1-0 lead in Penguin Pete Zaluski had a will also be out for a few games
the first inning when Kevin Cook double and two singles in four with a cut finger and torn tendons
was walked, advanced to third on trips to the plate. in his right arm. -r ^
two steals, and scored on an error The Lakers scored their only Coach Joe Cook has moved
by, the Youngstown first run in the sixth inning when Terry Kelly from shortstop to
baseman. The Penguins tied up Frank Trigilio hit a sacrifice fly second and his son Kevin to
the score in the sixth inning when to center field scoring Ron shortstop because of stretched
Laker starter Joe Williams hit a Coleman from third who had tendons in Kelly's right shoulder.
batter, walked another, and a
pinch-hitter rapped out an RBI
single. ;
r Now, with first and third oc-
cupied, Youngstown pulled off a
double steal, coupled by a Laker
error, produced the second run of
Mercyhurst College
I* ^

r • •*
Baseball Schedule
Senior player-coachl Frank (AN gom«i begin of 1 p.m.)
IVigilio takes a look down to
(oath Joe Cook for a sign in the Saturday, April 9 Youngstown Slate H
Lakers home opener against Monday, April 11 U. of Pittsburgh > ... A
Youngstown. Trigilio and his Wednesday, April 13 Clarion Start A
Laker leammates failed to score Soturdoy, April 16 Indiana State ... A
runs inf the told weather and Wednesday, April 20 . . | . | Thiel H
dropped both games it-1 and 10-L. Friday, April 2 2 . . Edinboro State A
The Lakers next home game will Saturday, April 23 Grove City . .* 4 .... H
he on Wednesday.(April 20 again* Tuesday, April 26 Fredonia State y.. N
JT j*r a* &
>t Thiel at I p.m. Photohv R«inrt\ Mink Friday, April 29 Gonnon . . . .1 **^>% • • • M
Saturday, April 30 '". Point Pork ;...... . H
**m &*> Tuesday, May 3 Pitt-Johnstown . . . v <& A
Wednesday, Moy 4 Frostburg State ^ ... .?..,** M
Thursday, Moy 5 Slippery Rock. . . \\ . . ' « • ; , . . . . . , - . H
Saturday, May 7 Behrend.. A . 2 . . . . . . . . . ^ l . H
Tuesday, May 10. * . . 4 Colifornio State. -,:TV . . . . < » •'&$• A
District Playoff s fS^ &'&# * • £ • May H a n d 14
Wednesday, May 18 ,. Youngstown State £ i A , .^>. A

« m

bv Terry Ktllv
Now, I have been playing setbacks. I think he should look at
baseball ever since • I can things as a whole and see the bad
remember. Up until last year, position we're really in.
winning was stressed a lot but
also the fact that you must enjoy The women's varsity Softball
Becoming officers yourself at the same time
Last fall when we went 4-8,
something was missing from the
season got underway on Wed-
nesday against Allegheny, but
because of presstime I have no
in the United States team that had been on my teams
in my younger years. It was the
happy-go-lucky attitude and the
results. The Lakerettes' next
game will be Saturday». April 16
at Edinboro. Coach Janet Price

Army* for details moral support given to the

players by fans, teammates, and
the coaches. Baseball is not just a
game of ability but a game where
has a roster comprised of fresh-
men Donna DiBartolo, Judy
Gluvna, Joan Lindy, Mary

on how jou can get people can influence a player's

mind with incentives and that
Mahon, Mary McLain, Karen
Rudisin, Pam Wolfe and Cindy
a commission gun-ho support.^
So far thus year I haven't seen
this and maybe that is why things
Sophomores on the team are
Del Marie Gore, Colleen Heher,
Mary Ann King, Diane
with jour college have been going the wrong way
for the Lakers. The team,
coaches, and fans have to stick
together * like one bis family
Masterson, and Jane Nestor.
Sue Fagan and Val Ferro are
the only juniors and Doreen Kevit
degree, call: without any,dissension to make
this thing work,
Coach Cook has been going
and Joan Mohr are the only
seniors on the team. King, Lindy,
and Mohr are the tri-captains.

456-8376 I through some rough times

already this spring with the
short-handed roster and the in-
juries galore. He finds it hard to
The work on the new campus
center is coming along real well
and an opening is within sight.
Students should take advantage
believe that we can't still stay in of the facilities because they are
the same ballpark with all these going to be nice.

And,vmi can sty "I did it", too.

Army B0TC in pw jeare

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