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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Reasons for lack of time 4
Chapter 2. Analysis of the working time of 5
Chapter 3. Self-management 7
3.1. Statement of objectives 7
3.2. Planning for September 8
3.3. Decision-making 12
3.4. Realization and organization 15
3.5. Control 16
3.6 Information and communication 17
Conclusion 19
Bibliography 20


What should be successful, an effective manager? Of course, he must know

his job, to be able to manage, to be able to set goals and achieve them. But all these
qualities are useless, if the manager does not know how to properly organize their
time. It is unrealistic to succeed if people can not manage your time. This applies
not only to managers, but also to people of any other profession, but for people
who manage other employees, this skill is especially important because he
manages not only your time, but through a clear chain of transmission of tasks to
subordinates, also plans to their time. Time - this is the same resource, as well as
people, raw materials and financial support. But it irrevocably - it can not
accumulate, transfer or borrow, so it is important to learn how to use it to
maximum benefit. Not for nothing do they say: "Time is money -." It's not just
words, really, if, for example, a worker improperly disposed of his time, the
conditions of the contract were not fulfilled in time, the firm will have to pay a fine
to compensate the losses associated with downtime. The success of each manager
depends not only on the material and economic values, but also on how it manages
the most valuable asset - time. The manager must consciously and systematically
used their time to achieve your goals.


To make efficient use of time, we must first know what it is spent and why it
is not enough. Reasons for lack of time, are closely interrelated. For example, if the
manager does not plan my working day, does not organize his work - he did not
have enough time. Conversely, if the manager does not have enough time, it is in a
hurry, does not plan your day, grabs all the cases in a row, trying to do everything
at once. Get out of this vicious circle can only be starting to plan their time, and it
needs to find out what consumes time and identify the main causes of lack of time.
Reasons for lack of time are as follows:
1. The constant rush. In a constant state of rush leader does not have time to
focus on the task that he performs at the moment. He goes by the way, who first
came to mind instead of thinking about other, possibly more rational ways of
solving this problem.
2. Lack of clear division of work according to their importance. In this case,
the head begins to deal with the most mild and pleasant, is not so important things.
As a result, he did not have enough time to address the key, long-term objectives.
3. Permanent improvements at home. Work manager is to some extent from
intellectual activity, and therefore difficult to separate the mental processes
associated with those activities undertaken by a working and free time. This leads
to the penetration of the working time for free. The Head does not have time to
relax, which affects its performance and health.
4. Large flow of mundane affairs, often urgent, on which work takes time.
5. "Thieves of Time" - unintended and due to inadequate planning of the
case. The biggest thief of time - it's phone calls, uninvited visitors, the cases for
which the manager is taken because he could not refuse the request. All this is time
consuming and distracting from the really important things.
6. Fussiness. This is a result of poor organization of the day, and sometimes
depends on the impulsiveness and the individual.
7. Poor motivation of work. The consequence is low productivity, which
leads to a chronic shortage of time.

To properly allocate the time necessary to know exactly how it is spent in

reality. Analysis of the use of time will help to identify temporary losses, show the
strengths and weaknesses practiced working style. Such analysis is a must, if it is
not known at that time is spent in general is not known how long the execution of
those or other cases, it is unknown what factors stimulate or constrain
Most expedient to record in the process, because making it a night, you can
miss something. The level of detail records should be such that you can judge the
importance and necessity of each activity. To obtain the most objective view to
take notes during the week (or longer if necessary). If the business is seasonal, then
such an analysis should be carried out according to season. In a piece of ... need to
record not only the external interference, but also cases where the initiator of
violations of the working day was my leader.
Strengths of the use of staff time needed to select and apply in their
everyday work. For the weak as the parties need to develop strategies to overcome
them. First of all, each work must be analyzed through the following questions:
- Whether the work is necessary?
- Have justified the time spent?
- Whether the appropriateness of the work?
- Whether consciously defined time interval for the job?
Defining the critical moments, bad habits, the most common mistakes
working style, so-called scavengers of time needed to identify causes and develop
measures to address them, the most suitable for the business and individual
• sorting mail
• not the most important things to do (reply to letter) - at the end of the day,
when the important and time-consuming things do not enough time
• Each case manager will take some time, without mixing it with other
• all the work done on this day, was necessary
• interference that is desirable, if not eliminate, then reduce to a minimum,
deprived of a relatively short time.
• the time interval to perform several tasks defined spontaneously (if it was
defined in advance, perhaps, preparing documents, and the meeting took less time)
• unforeseen delays in the road could be used for the preparation of a report
or a plan of the day


Self-management is a consistent and purposeful use of proven methods of

work in everyday practice, in order to optimally and with the intent to use their
The main purpose of self-management - maximize their own opportunities,
consciously control over their lives and overcome external circumstances. Self-
management helps to perform the work more cheaply, better organized labor,
reduce workload, and hence reduce the rush and stress.
In self-management is a certain number of rules and functions:



Setting goals - is an expression in the form of clear intentions, and in
precise terms of our interests, needs or objectives that help guide the actions and
deeds to these goals and carry them out. For this objective should describe the end
result, rather than those actions that must be done. Even the best way to work is
hopeless, if the head is not clearly marked in advance is what he seeks. Statement
of purpose - unconditional prerequisite for planning, and therefore success - is the
exact knowledge of what, when, to what extent the need to achieve. Awareness of
their goals very often means a considerable self-motivation to work because goal
gives a clear idea of what direction to move.
Setting goals - this is a temporary process, because for the enterprise may
find that some parameters have changed, and this leads to the need to revise the
target. If the head of a conscious goal, then there is sent to all the unconscious
forces of the head, ie purpose is served by the concentration of forces in important
To succeed you must correctly select the target. Each company, each
manager has one major, major goal, which is divided into many smaller sub-goals
of the lowest level, which ensures the achievement of the goal of a higher level
and, ultimately, a higher purpose. Need to establish clear objectives agreed
between themselves that can be turned into direct action, so they can be directly
planned. Clearly defined, recorded on a paper target automatically become
binding, induced by constant study, cross-checking and revision.

Is a kind of register of personal resources and lets see what should be
encouraged and is something else to work.
By analyzing their abilities manager determines that all he can do is how
personal capacity to achieve its goals it has. On the other hand, the manager should
be clear about their weaknesses to avoid actions that could contribute to the
manifestation of such "qualities", or take action to get rid of these disadvantages.
Can help in this preparation of the balance of its biggest setbacks and defeats and
the selection result of the absence, what qualities they were. "Know your
weaknesses - then reinforce their strengths."

Formulation of objectives
Installation time translating goals and formulating the desired results. This is
the last step in setting goals, when we formulate a concrete practical goals for the
next stage of planning.
You can not take on too much, not to wallow in the outstanding cases.
Should establish short-term goals consistent with achieving long-term global goal.

Planning designed to provide master's use of the most valuable resource -
time. The better distributed time, the better it can be used for personal and
professional interests of the manager. Planning as part of the tasks and rules of
self-management means the preparation for implementing the goals and the
structuring of time. Planning of daily work, medium and long term actions and
outcomes also means time gain, success and more confidence in myself.
Just as any firm plans, or should plan their sales and production activities,
each person must think and work, looking to the future, and not give into the
power of the flow of events. Need to plan the use of time to achieve their goals.
The main advantage achieved by planning the work, is that the planning time
brings a gain in time. General practical experience in producing shows that
increasing time spent on planning ultimately leads to saving time in general.
Obviously, the time spent on planning can not indefinitely increase, there is
an optimum, after which a further increase in planning time becomes ineffective.
Of the total plan period should be a maximum of 1% of the time spent on planning.


In order to properly perform its functions and achieve their goals, to delegate
less important things, to reduce their number or to postpone to a later date, the
manager should clearly understand your time budget and a set of problems.
Planning is a process design work for the upcoming time period.
Basic rules of time management:
1. Value.
Experience shows that the best plan only on a part-time.
Events that are difficult to foresee, distractions can not be planned entirely
without a trace in connection with the specifics of the manager, which is roughly
half-day leader meets at the workplace, as Work requires interaction with people,
sharing information. You should always keep a certain percentage of time as a
reserve for unexpected visitors, telephone calls, crises, or in case of
underestimating the duration of some cases but at the same time try to reduce the
number of "sinks" of time.
2. Reduction of the problem together - an action plan.
To make a good plan for time-consuming, it is important to always be aware
of the forthcoming affairs. It is advisable to divide them into long-term, medium-
and short-term goals, set their priorities and act in accordance with it.
3. Regularity - system - consistency.
Over time, plans to work regularly and systematically, consistently leading
up to the end begun.
4. Realistic planning.
Ie plan is necessary only that amount of problems with which the manager
can realistically handle.
5. Making up lost time.
Compensate for loss of time is better as soon as possible, such as better once
longer work at night than during the next full day to catch up the lost the day
6. Fixation results instead of actions.
Locking in the plans need the results or goals, not simply any action that the
efforts were initially aimed directly at achieving the goal. This will help avoid
unscheduled activities.
7. The establishment of interim rules.
Experience shows that to work, tend to spend as much time as it is available.
Therefore, you should give the exact time rules provide for in the plan, so much
time on this or that matter, how much does it really requires.
8. Time of execution.
To avoid delay and procrastination, you must set precise deadlines for all
9. Recycling - recheck.
Plan must constantly refine and retest in terms of whether these or other
tasks to be implemented in full.
10. The timing plans.
In order to successfully implement their plans into practice, managers need
to coordinate their plans with other people.
As with any planning, planning time is focused on appropriate long-term
goals, which, in turn, is divided into partial operational goals. Planning involves
the gradual progress, the expansion of the general problem in private, so that
different actions can be distributed in time.
Fixed period of time required to achieve personal and professional goals,
gives a feeling of confidence and understanding of the most preferred allocation of
time and the most appropriate sequence of cases.
Life plan can serve as a starting point for the planning process. On the basis
of the findings of its long-term goals for the coming years and make a plan for the
next few years. Of the plan several years ahead derive the annual plan, you will
need to monitor so as not to deal with cases that relate to the later goals. Continue
to have a quarterly plan, which serves as a tool to monitor annually. Objectives and
goals of the monthly plan are transferred from the quarterly plan of the past month
and are already considered in greater detail. Ten-day plan provides even more
detailed, more accurate prediction of the coming period and prepared in
accordance with the volume of cases and problems and necessary for their
execution time, it also should include provisions for temporary solutions further
problems arise because, in order to keep the planned schedule without the stress
and time pressure.
Day view - is the latest and most important step in the planning time.
It is crucial to make a plan of the day, in writing, because it makes business
activity more purposeful and focused on the following day made program. A
written plan helps to better assess the need for time and a more realistic plan for
standby time.
Realistic plan of the day should ideally include only what the head wants to
or should, and can be done that day to focus and mobilize the implementation of
the tasks more strength.
The method of "Alps" consists of 5 stages:
1) drafting assignments;
2) estimated duration of the shares;
3) reservation time;
4) making decisions on priorities and to delegate;
5) control and transfer of undone business.


Decision-making involves the selection of priority issues and affairs. Make a

decision - then prioritize.
The main problems are the leaders that they are trying to do just too much
work and disperse their forces into separate, often minor, but seem to do.
Managers should strive to ensure that, managing to solve during the day
many different current issues within a certain time to deal with only one single task
that always finishes at a time only one thing, but consistently and purposefully.
The prerequisites for such work are taking a clear decision on the prioritization of
important cases, making a list of priorities on the basis of this decision and respect
it. Conscious setting of priorities unambiguous, consistent and systematic
implementation of the objectives included in the plan, according to their sequence
will help:
- Work only on the really important and necessary tasks
- Solve problems according to their urgency
- To concentrate on performing only one task
- Packed in a timely manner
- To exclude cases that can be performed by other
- Do not leave unfulfilled tasks that you really afford
- Get more satisfaction from working day and the results of
- Avoid stress overload
Priority tasks can be determined using the following criteria and methods:
• Pareto Principle
"Within this group some small pieces exhibit a much greater significance
than it is in their relative proportion in this group."
Based on this pattern, it can be concluded in relation to the work situation
head: in the course of the first 20% of time spent up to 80% of the results. This
means that you should not immediately take up the easiest, interesting or requiring
minimal time-consuming business. Necessary to proceed to the issues, consistent
with their meaning and importance.
• Set priorities by analyzing the ABC.
Technique of this analysis comes from experience, that a percentage of more
important and menne important cases in the sum remains unchanged. Using the
letters A, B and C tasks are divided into three groups according to their importance
(critical, important and unimportant (less important). ABC analysis is based on
three patterns:
- The most important task is approximately 15% of the total number of cases
dealt with by the manager. The contribution of these tasks to achieve about 65%.
- The important tasks for about 20% of the total number of cases, the
significance of which is also about 20%.
- Less important and unimportant tasks account for about 65% of all cases,
but their importance is only about 15%.
To apply the analysis of the ABC, you must follow the following items:
- Make a list of all upcoming tasks
- Organize them in order of importance and to prioritize
- Assess the problem in accordance with the categories A, B, C.
- Category A task manager must perform himself
- Category B tasks should shift
- The remaining tasks the most vile and should be compulsory to delegate.
• Faster analysis on the basis of Eisenhower
This principle is simple aids when necessary to quickly decide on what the
problem preferred. Priorities are established according to criteria such as urgency
and importance of the case. All cases are divided into 4 groups:
1) Urgent / important things - they need to perform the very head
2) Term / less important things - they should be delegated
3) Less urgent / important tasks - they need not comply immediately, but
they have to perform yourself.
4) Less urgent / less important things - from their implementation should be
Delegation is a key activity of the manager. Under the delegation in a
general sense refers to the transfer of tasks to his subordinate from the scope of
activities of the manager, but the head retains responsibility for the management,
which can not be delegated. Transmission problem or activities can be carried for
long term or limited to one-off requests.
Waiver of delegation leads to an overload of the head, reduces the time
needed to perform their duties.
Delegating helps the manager to free up time for important tasks, and little
to unload, and also promotes the use of professional knowledge and skills of
workers, a positive effect on the motivation of employees.
In order to successfully implement the delegation is necessary to select
suitable employees, clearly allocate responsibilities, coordinate the execution of
assigned tasks and monitor the workflow and results, to prevent attempts to reverse
or further delegated. It is equally important to encourage and advise subordinates
evaluate them.
Should delegate the chore, a specialized activity, private questions, and
preparatory work. In no case can not be delegated such work as the definition of
objectives, management staff, the problem of high risk.

involves preparation of the daily routine and organization of the labor

process in order to achieve their goals. Organization of their working day shall
comply with the basic principle: "Work must obey me, not vice versa." There are
23 rules that can be divided into 3 groups: the rules of the beginning of the day, the
main part of the day and the end of the day.
Rules beginning of the day:
1) starting the day with a positive mood;
2) begins work as possible at one and the same time;
3) cross-checked the date of the plan drawn up before
4) at the beginning - the key tasks;
5) proceed without swinging;
6) agree on a plan of the day with the Secretary;
7) in the morning to tackle difficult and important cases;
Rules for the main part of the day:
8) Good preparation work;
9) To influence the fixation time in their own interests;
10) to recheck all the shares in terms of their necessity;
11) Reject addition to acute problems arising;
12) Avoid unplanned impulsive actions;
13) is timely to pause and observe a measured pace;
14) Small homogeneous tasks to perform in series;
15) rationally conclude begun business;
16) Use the unscheduled time periods for preparation or routine activities;
17) Work counter-cyclical
18) to cut out a quiet hour;
19) control the timing and plans;
Rules of the close of business:
20) to accomplish the small things;
21) Performance monitoring and self-control;
22) The plan for the next day;
23) Every day must have its climax.
In addition to these rules is also important to follow the natural daily rhythm.
Different people have different psychology and body. Consequently, the
efficiency of different people in different time periods. Some people are more
productive work in the morning, some daytime and some evenings. But this is not
to say that some of them work better, some worse. Just a peak performance of
these people have at different times of day. The absolute values of the peak and
decline of productivity individually different, but that is the same for all people -
so it is relative, rhythmical variations. All this should be taken into account in their


Control over the results is improved, and ideally - optimization of the labor
process. All the above functions of self-management will not be as effective, if not
carried out appropriate checks. The control includes three tasks:
- Understanding of the physical condition;
- A comparison with projected results achieved;
- Adjustment for established rejection;

Should be regularly, at regular intervals to check their plans and work

organization, to analyze their activities and their time and make a piece of daytime
Control over the results of labor should in any case be made after the task.
At the end of the day to monitor and reflect not only the fulfillment of goals, but
also personal situation.
"Anyone who wants a truly unload can not abandon self."

This is the most important phase, because all other phases need it.
Information and communication is at the heart of self-management, which is
constantly revolve around other features. At the head of every day falls flow of
information, with whom he has to deal with. In real life manager handles a lot
more information than is necessary. To save time managers need to develop a
rational approach to acquire information.
• Good reading
This is important for a leader, because rationalization reading helps
eliminate wasted time in desultory reading.
Regardless of the reading speed can be achieved through a focused, selective
reading save a lot of time. Efficient reading involves, first of all, determining
whether it is necessary to read all this stuff, and if necessary, to what extent. That
reading was productive when viewing and reading to think about what information
to get out of it, before you start reading, we should see the name of the chapters
and sections, scanned the summary and the foreword and introduction, and find out
what is necessary read more intensely.
You can read faster if to get rid of bad habits and distractions and improve
the technique of reading. Important texts must not only read but also to process
after the reading. Desirable to develop its system of marking and make notes,
pointing to the importance or quality of a paragraph.
Managing meetings.
Meeting selected a manager and subordinates is very much part of the day.
Therefore it is desirable to analyze the exact cost of the meeting, taking into
account the costs of training, earnings of participants, additional individual costs,
overhead costs, travel expenses and time lost.
Sustainability agenda be giving the time needed to discuss specific topics.
For each item to schedule time in accordance with its importance.
After the meeting, must be monitored, whether carried out the decisions
made by all whom they touch. Outstanding problems and outstanding issues should
be the first item on the next agenda.
• Negotiations on the phone
Telephone is the most commonly used means of communication and the
most frequent sources of interference. In order not to spend too much time on the
telephone, before you call, you need to outline the course of the conversation. If
the call is not the case, you need as soon as possible to end the conversation. You
can also phone and use as a tool for rational information and communication.
With the help of a telephone line manager is able to connect to the global
information network that provides an excellent opportunity to exchange
• Rational management of correspondence.
To do this:
1) Prepare standard answers;
2) Try to write a resolution immediately, without accumulating securities;
3) promptly destroy files;
4) Trust Secretary parse mail.

It can be concluded that time management concerns to a greater degree of

organization of working time than its economy. The manager should seek to
correct the distribution of time based on personal interests and business interests.
Need so use the time to ensure that the maximum number of tasks, which in turn
cause the execution of the intermediate objectives that lead to the realization of
basic goals. Their own plans for the time the manager must agree with the plans of
his subordinates and supervisor in order to achieve maximum effect. Just how
successful manager will be put into their work the principles of effective use of
time, depends primarily on himself and on his desire to work efficiently, since in
order to by setting clear objectives, proper selection of priorities and planning their
time, achieve greater efficiency in the work, you need some effort and spend a
little time.

1 Zayvert L. "Your time is in your hands: advice business people how to

effectively use work time", Moscow: Interekspert, 1995
2 "working time", a textbook M: "Deck, 1994
3 Gamidullaev BN "Save time and its performance evaluation in Enterprise
Management" Penza, 1997
3 Electronic Journal of Corporate Finance

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