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You have lhe righ[ to be reemployed in your civilian iob if you leave thal * lf you leave your job to perform military service, you have the right
job to perfonm service in Ehe uniformed service and: lo elect l0continue your existing employer-based health plan
coverage for you and your dependents for up to 24 months while in
* you ensure that your employen receives advance written or venbal the military.
notice of your senvice;
* you have five years or less of cumulative service in the uniformed /t Even if you don't elect t0 continue covenage during youn military
senvices while with that particular employer; senvice, you have the right to be reinstabed in your employen's
It you return to work or apply for reemployment in a timely manner health plan when you ane reemployed, generally without any waiting
afler conclusion of senvice; and periods 0r exclusions (e,9,, pne-existing condi[ion exclusions) excepl
* you have not been sepanated from service with a disqualifying for service-connected illnesses or iniuries.
discharge or under other lhan honorable conditions
lf you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be nestored to the iob and
benefits you would have atlained if you had no[ been absenl due lo
The U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training
mililary service or, in some cases, a comparable job.
Service (VETSI is authorized t0 investigate and resolve complainls
of USERFA violalions.
For assislance in filing a complaint, or for any olher rnfonmabion on
lf you: USEHHA, contact VETS at 1-866-4-USA-ll0[ or visit its wehsite at
http://wvnru.dol.gon/uets. An interactive online USERRA Advisor can
* are a past 0n presenl member of the uniformed service; be viewed at http://wwu.dol.goulelaws/userra.htm.
* have applied for membership in the uniformed service; 0r
I^t are obligated t0 serve in lhe uniformed service; lf you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable ts resolve it,
you may reques[ that your case be referred to the Department
lhen an employer may not denY You:
of Justice or the Office of Special Counsel, as applicable, for
* initial employment; lepresenIation.
* reemploymenl;
* netention in employment; You may also bypass the VETS prccess and bring a civil action
* pnomotion; or against an employer for violations of USERFA.
* any benefit of emPloYment

because of this status.

ln addition, an employer may n0[ re[alia[e against anyone assisting in

lhe enfoncement of USEBRA rights, including testifuing on making a

statement in connection with a pnoceeding under USERRA, even if lhal
person has no service conneclion.

The rights lis[ed here may vary depending on the eircumstances. The text 0f lhis notice was prepared by VETS, and may be viewed on the in[ernet al
thjs aldress: hftp:/ Federal law requires employers to notify employees 0f their rlghbs under
place n0tices for employees
and emplovers may mee[ [his requjremen[ by displaying the text 0f this n0tice where they customarily

U.$. Ilepartment of labor U.$. llepartment of Justice

Office of Special Gounsel


r-866-487-2365 Publication Date*Julv 2008

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