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• Pa. 16546 November 12,20Q

The Merciad is also available at
Judge Richard
Health Department citations
Nygaard speaks to
Mercyhurst about J
Egan Hall Cafeteria andLaker Inn receive 6 non-critical violations
religious liberty.
By JoneUe Davis
Page 3 Contributing writer

FEATURES: The Erie County Health Depart-

ment inspects all Erie County restau-
Resnik and Mayes rants and stores at least once a year.
finish student teaching This time around Mercyhurst Col-
and prepare to leave lege was on the list of violators.
Mercyhurst. The Health Department classifies
health violations into two categories.
Thefirstcategory is critical violations.
Page 4 Critical violations are likely to con-
tribute to food contamination or
food borne illnesses.
If the Health Department cites a
facility for a critical violation, they
OPINION: have the power to shut down the fa-
cility until the problem is corrected.
What to do when the The second category is non-critical
need for drama violations. Non-critical violations are
becomes an addic- less likely to cause food contamina-
tion? tion or illnesses but are considered
undesirable in a food establishment.
The Health Department allows the
Page 6 business to stay open, and simply
gives them a certain amount of time
to fix the problem.
According to Ted Focssett, Gen-
ARTS& eral Manager of Sodexho Services*
the food service of Mercyhurst Col-
ENTERTAINMENT: lege-the Mercyhurst Cafeteria and the
The Egan Hall Cafeteria was one of the eateries cited by the Health Department for non-critical
Check out Kila who violations.
Laker 1 nn-were both cited with non-
played at the PAC critical violations. According to Foessett, students lose sight of the fact that any facility Once the bookstore moves to its
on Nov. 7. The Mercyhurst Egan Hall Cafe- have nothing to worry about when it will receive a violation at some point new location on November 21, the
teria was cited with one violation comes to dining on the Mercyhurst or another. "It's not the violation that renovation of the Union will begin.
while the Laker Inn was cited with campus because none of the viola- matters, the true issue is how fast the According to Moore, the renovations
fiage-9 five violations. The violation forthe tions were attributed to how the food problem is fixed," said Moore. will include the new Sub Connection
Egan Hall Cafeteria was that cutting is handled. Moore also said that since the sub shop, replacement of the tables
boards are stained and need resur- He went on to say that based upon Health Inspection, the employees of and chairs adding 235 seats and
faced or replaced. the nature of the violations, if it was the food service and maintenance Lunch on the Run moving to the bot-
At the Laker Inn, cutting boards not safe to eat in the facilities, the departments have pulled together to tom floor of the Union.
SPORTS: were also stained with deep grooves health board would simply shut them jointly determine a course of action. Although the health violations
and need to be resurfaced or replaced. down. All of the violations either have been, brought questions concerning the
Men's hockey beats Additionally, the vents and hoods When asked how the news of these or are currently being corrected. food service at Mercyhurst College
Army and UConn in need to be cleaned and there was a violations would affect the reputation Finally, Moore focused on the fact for employees and students, the prob-
an impressive style. dust and grease buildup on the kitch- of Mercyhurst food service, Tyrone that Mercyhurst is in the process of lems are being taken care of and the
en ceiling. There was also debris in Moore, Associate Vice President of bettering its food services by reno- department plans on continuing the
bagel oven. The floors in the pop Administrative Services, said the news vating the bottom floor of the stu- process of bettering their services to
Page 12 cupboard need to be cleaned and would not affect the reputation at all. dent Union and adding additional ser- accommodate student needs.
maintained. He also feels that people cannot vices.

Many changes improve CIRAT:

Upcoming Campus Events
Walker School of Business workstudy

Film: Stone Reader at 2 and 8 p.m. in the

PAC. : », „

i [ By Holly Burns
UThe Walker
Contributing writer terriorism
Mercyhurst College has undergone School is really
many changes in the last few years. By Angela Amatangclo
Christian Speaker, David Audi no at effective. They have Contributing writer
New buildings have been constructs
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at 8 p.m. ed, online registration has taken place
in the MSG chambers and the population has soared^* to learn to think The Center for Information Re-
However, most people do not re-
alize that changes have also been
like business people. search Analysis and Training (CIRAT)
was established in 1995 as a branch
underway in the Walker School of It's helpingpeopleget of the Mercyhurst RIAP program
Business. With the addition of the under the management of its Direc-
"Prism Concert" by Mercyhurst Music
Dept. at 7:30 p.m. in the PAC
new Dean, Michael Victor, in 2002, jobs and be tor, Robert Heibel, former FBI Dep-
the department has become, in the * > • > uty Chief of Counter Terrorism.
words of President William Garvey, File photo professionals. Currently, CIRAT is working on a
another "shining light on the hill." Dean Michael Victor new study headed by Heibel that will
Before Dean Victor came, "Peo- track the criminal, geographic and
SUNDAY, NOV. 16 ple didn't look beyond the classes.
temporal patterns that herald terroi
Walker School of Business with the Ethics, Mergers and Acquisitions,
Now, with Dean Victors background, implementation of a new application Seminar in Business Etiquette, Qual- ist attacks.
Food for Finals at 9 p.m. in the Student having been the chief executive of-1 process? ity Management, Principles of Op- Students working on this project
Union fleer and president of Pyramid In- Freshmen who wish to become erations Management, and Leader- will collect quantitative information
dustries, Inc., students respect him, business majors must apply for and ship on how terrorists prepare and plan
and they bring that respect into the be accepted to the School at the end One major revision was made to their attacks through in-depth analy-
classroom, said Lee Bclovarac, Busi- of their freshman year in order to the senior capstone course, Business sis on known terrorist plots,
Index ness professor. continue in the program. Policy and Strategy. CIRAT employs only RIAP stu-
News.. 1 "The climate and atmosphere has Along with that, a term-by-term The course used to be a computer dents, both graduates and undergrade
changed. Students feel that the peo academic review process has been simulation model, but has now been
t m

uates. l neir mission statement states

News.... o...2
pie here really care about them," Vic- instituted, in which the academic restructured into a real-world, hands* 1
it is designed to utilize students de-
News... 3 tor said. J.' J progress of all business students is on project veloping talent in the intelligence field.
Features .'. 4 The Walker School of Business, thoroughly analyzed. Students participating in | he course Employment in CIRAT is set up
Features .. .y.5 for the first time in its history, his ^This is so that those who are hav- are paired with local and regional like most work-study positions. Stu-
Opinion -•• 6 been fully accredited by the Interna ing difficulty meeting the standards businesses to conduct a full-scale anal- dents in CIRAT are paid for their
tional Assembly of Collegiate Busi of the Walker School of Business ysis of the organization. They have work; however students who do not
Opinion •• 7 can be identified and corrective mea-
ness Educators. This was an impor- all ten weeks to prepare a detailed qualify foi federal work-study mon
A&E. 8 tant step for the Walker School and sures can be taken. presentation for their clients. ey are still permitted to work on
A&E. % 9 has greatly improved its reputation In addition, changes have been projects and gain experience©
Sports r 10 as a business school. made to the Walker School curricu- Please see Business Depart*
First of all, the Dean has made it lum. New courses have been added, merit Changes on Page 3. Please see CIRAT on Page 3*
Sports [• >,"" '*
12 more difficult to be accepted into the Such as Business Law II, Business
NOVEMBER 12,2003

N E W S 7b contact

B u s h l a m e n t s losses, says U.S. m u s t soldier o n m Iraq

By Ron Hutcheson Qaida and Ansar Islam, a Kurd- Iraq would embolden terrorists, ceremony at Arlington National
Knight Ridder Newspapers ish Islamic extremist group that dash hopes for democracy in the Cemetery. "They died in distant
operates in Kurdish areas of Middle East and lead to more lands to fight terror, to advance
Iraq. attacks on American soil. freedom and to protect Ameri-
WASHINGTON - Iraqis loy- "Saddam loyalists and foreign "The work we are in is not ca.
al to Saddam Hussein are team- terrorists may have different easy; yet it is essential," he said, In his later remarks to the
ing up with foreign terrorists long-term goals, but they share referring to Iraq and Afghani- Heritage Foundation, Bush por-
seeking revenge for the U.S. vic- a near-term strategy _, to terror- stan. "The failure of democra- trayed the conflict in Iraq as a
tory in Afghanistan to "spread ize Iraqis and to intimidate Amer- cy in those two countries would make-or-break test of America's
chaos and terror and fear" in ica and our allies," Bush said in convince terrorists that Ameri- resolve in the war on terror. He
Iraq, President Bush said Tues- a Veterans Day speech to the ca backs down under attack, and repeatedly linked the war in Iraq
day. conservative Heritage Founda- more attacks on America would to the war in Afghanistan, al-
In delivering a status report on tion. "Recent reporting suggests surely follow." though initial causes for war dif-
the Iraq war, Bush drew a direct that despite their differences, Bush, who generally has with- fered in the two countries.
link between the recent difficul- these killers are working togeth- held comment on specific com- The war in Afghanistan against
ties there and the war in Afghan- er to spread chaos and terror bat deaths in Iraq, used the day al-Qaida and the Taliban was a
is tan, where U.S. forces routed and fear." of remembrance to offer his direct result of the Sept. 11,
al-Qaida terrorists and the Tali- Although Bush blamed recent condolences for all American 2001, terrorist attacks. The stat-
ban regime that protected them. setbacks in Iraq on "remnants" casualties in Iraq and Afghani- ed goal in Iraq was to oust Sad-
Bush said Islamic terrorists and of Saddam's regime and outsid- stan. dam and remove the threat from
Saddam loyalists have put aside ers, a new top-secret CIA assess- At least 267 Americans have any weapons of mass destruc-
past differences in a common ment warns that more Iraqis are died in combat in Iraq, includ- tion. Faced with the failure of
desire to kill Americans. turning against the American ing 153 killed after Bush de- U.S. troops to find any weapons
Although other administration occupation. L. Paul Bremer, the clared major combat over on of mass destruction in Iraq,
officials have pointed to possi- U.S. official overseeing Iraq's May 1. Another 31 have died in Bush has recently recast the war
ble ties between Iraqi loyalists reconstruction, returned to Afghanistan. as the central front in the war
and foreign terrorists, Bush spoke Washington on Tuesday for a "The loss is terrible. It is borne on terror and a critical battle-
with more certainty about an reassessment of U S efforts to especially by the families left ground in a global campaign to
anti-American alliance. He said transform the former dictator* behind. But in their hurt and in spread democracy. Victory
some foreign terrorists have ship into a democracy. their loneliness, I want these fam- would be "a great milestone in
photo ootftesy of www kneampus com

come to Iraq in hopes of estab- Bush acknowledged the diffi- ilies to know your loved one the history of liberty," he said, President George W. Bush places a memorial wreath at
lishing a Taliban-style Islamic culties, but said victory is the served in a good and just cause," while defeat would give terror- the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National
regime, while others belong to al- only option. He said defeat in Bush said earlier in the day at a ists the upper hand. Cemetery, In Virginia, November 11, 2003.

Brazil correctsfinequities among students

suddenly has cast this nation's tionate levels of unemployment, "Here in Brazil, many of the
By Patrice M. Jones
own color line into sharp relief. illiteracy and infant mortality black students, because of our U.S. promises aggressive response to
Chicago Tribune The State University of Rio de among black Brazilians. guerrilla attacks
history of slavery and discrimi-
Janeiro, one of Brazil's top col- Only about 2 percent of cur- nation, did not have this chance
| RIO DE JANEIRO - Sueli leges, became the first in the rent students in Brazil's univer- to attend the university before," BAGHDAD, Iraq — Alarmed by rising casualties in Iraq and a
Barbosa was wringing her hands, nation this year to institute a sities are black. Blacks also earn said Sonia Wanderley, an admis- spiraling cycle of violence in recent weeks, US. and coalition
trying to wrench some compas- quota system for admissions in the lowest wages in Brazil, suf- sions officer at State University. officials are promising a more aggressive military response * in-
sion from the frowning official which race is taken into account fer the highest unemployment "We would like to be a model cluding bombings and use of other firepower - to stamp out
behind the glass partition at the Under the policy, 20 percent rates and constitute the nation's for how it should be done." Iraq's 7-month-old guerrilla war.
admissions office. of the seats in the incoming poorest citizens. The tougher approach is coupled with attempts to step up
Because of the new quota pol-
Since childhood, Barbosa's freshman class are reserved for In 1888, Brazil became the last icy, Wanderley said, the number pressure to get Iraq's US.-appointed Governing Council to take
daughter, 18-year-old Ana Pau- black students, another 20 per- country in the Western Hemi- of black students in courses concrete steps toward Iraqi self-rule and bolstering security forces.
la, had been hoping to attend the cent for those from disadvan- sphere to officially end slavery. where they had been underrep- Both moves underscore rising frustration among US. military
State University of Rio de Jan- taged public schools and 5 per- Although its society has never resented has already tripled or and coalition officials over how to put an end to the war that so
eiro. But the teenager was reject- cent will be shared between frowned on interracial mixing quadrupled. Black students com- far has claimed the lives of 394 US. soldiers.
ed for this year's freshman class, those with physical disabilities nor attempted to enforce segre- prised more that* half of some I^The get tough" campaign is risky - using firepower to s^ml A
and her m'6ther suspects it is and students of Indian descent gation, the'divide between the classes, she added. * message that guerrilla attacks against coalition forces won't be
because of a new racial admis- All students admitted through lightest and darkest Brazilians is Nevertheless, poverty and tolerated is also likely to further alienate residents.
sions quota intended to correct quotas also must come from evident in any top hotel, corpo- poor preparation are harming "The most important message is that we arc all going to get
inequities that have suppressed low-income families. rate office or fancy restaurant, the chances that those black stu- pretty tough, and that's what is needed to defeat the enemy, and
black Brazilians for more than a Those who support the new where black Brazilians rarely are dents will manage to complete we are definitely not shy of doing that when it is rcqdfred" Lt.
century following the abolition university admissions quotas cite seen, not even as bus boys or their degrees. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top US. general in Iraq, sard Tues-
of slavery. research pointing to dispropor- bellhops. day.
Barbosa said she had heard "You will sec some things happening over the next few weeks;'
that the university couldn't find the chief British representative, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, said in
enough black entrants for its an interview with Knight Ridder. **You'lI see a tougher response.
chemical engineering program. But it has to be more than just a tougher response. We need
So she pleaded with the admis- outreach into these less good areas, to make it clear to them that
sions official: Might there now they're part of the whole equation/
be a chance for her daughter,
whose honey-glow complexion Palestinian Cabinet formed with Arafat
showed her mixed-race heritage as security chief
_ part Italian, Indian and black?
"Evervone in Brazil essential- RAMALLAH* West Bank - Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed
Qureia on Sunday announced the long-awaited formation of his
ly is mixed race," the mother
government that, to the dismay of US. and Israeli leaders, leaves
said, "so how do they choose who Yasser Arafat firmly in control of security agencies vital to fu-
is black?" : j ; I ture peace talks.
In a nation of fluid ethnic
Hours later in Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
identifies, where nearly half the
won narrow approval from his Cabinet for a controversial pris-
170 million inhabitants identify
oner exchange that would free approximately 400 Arabs 4 most
themselves as black or mixed of them Palestinian - in exchange for a kidnapped Israeli busi-
race, the answer to Barbosa's nessman and the remains of three Israelis soldiers held by Hezbol-
question is not at all simple. lah guerrillas in Lebanon,
lust as in the United States, the
Critics contend that neither of Sunday's developments will bring
fight over affirmative action in
peace or security. ^
Brazil has generated a public
Qureia said that he and the 23 other ministers in his Cabinet
backlash from those who don't
would be presented Wednesday to the Palestinian Legislative
believe that race should be a
Council, which is expected to give it a vote of confidence** But
consideration in admissions. photo courtesy of www krtcampur. com
the few details he revealed about the Cabinet showed that Arafat
But the attempt to erase glar- had prevailed in their month-long power struggle
ing disparities between education- Students wait for class at the State University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, which has an
affirmative action plan for black students. Defining race in Brazil Is a problem for the
al and economic opportunities
for white and black Brazilians
school. The majority of Brazilians have Indian or African heritage. GOP
WASHINGTON - Get your tickets to the U.S. Senate!^30-

Escalating battle between Saudis, al-Qaidaduring the holy month of Ra- "The main battlefield in the legitimacy on its custody over
hour marathon debate starts Wednesday and will go straight
through Jo Friday. Republicans have orchestrated the }%lka*
thon" to highlight Democratic efforts to block the confirms
By Warren P. Strobel tion of four of President Bush's judicial nominees. ? \
madan, a US. official said. war against al-Qaida is right Muslim holy places. Bin Laden
Knight Ridder Newspapers Since May, Saudi Arabia has here, a senior Saudi official said. accuses the royal family of be- No one expects to resolve the fight, but that won't stop Jaw
arrested more than 300 people, "We are locked in a struggle with ing corrupt, too close to the West makers from keeping bleary-eyed Senate staff, stenographers,
killed or captured a half-dozen the terrorists. It's a daily strug- and straying from the tenets of librarians, pages, cooks and police officers on a round-the-clock
men thought to be al-Qaida's top gle. We will win, there's no doubt true Islam. vigil. Senators on both sides of the aisle intend to add another
di royal farnilv is locked in an
operatives in the kingdom, and in my mind,*' said the official, chapter to the Senate's history. ' j§§
increasingly bloody, though Yet it was not until May 12,
largely unpublicized, batde with seized large quantities of arms. who spoke on condition of ano- when car bombs in Riyadh killed P Senators arc resting up for their midnight shifts. Dozens of
the a I Qaida terrorist network, "It" body counts are a measure nymity. 35 people, including eight Amer- cots have been ordered for junior senators and will be placed in
according to Saudi and Ameri- of success in the war on terror, Deputy Secretary of State Ri icans, that the Saudi government the Strom Thurmond room, named after the late South Caro
can officials. they're way in the lead," said Chas chard Armitage, who made a acknowledged the homegrown Uruan who holds the record for the longest filibuster by a single
The weekend bombing in Riy- W. Freeman, Jr., a former US. previously scheduled stop in the threat of the armed militants. senator. Blankets and pillows are being readied for senior lena*
adh that killed 17 people was only ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Sunday, Before then, the Saudis insist- tors who have cozy "hideaway" nooks in the Capitol It** re-
the latest confrontation in a bat- The escalating confrontation told the Dubai-based television ed they had taken care of the turn to the Senate of yore and lore. % £\
tle that has been growing more has been overshadowed largely network al Arabiya, "It's quite problem, "It turns out (they) This will be the first all-nighter since former Sen. Alfonso
intense since last spring. by the US. war in neighboring clear to me that al-Qaida wants haven't," said F. Gregory Gause, D Amato, R.N.Y., kept the Senate in session to block*
I ight days ago, in the sacred Iraq. Saturday evening's explo- to take down the royal family director of Middle East studies lion-dollar tax biU in 1992. "Senator Pbthole/*. D'Amato was
city of Mecca,'Saudi security sion, hurriedly executed at a and the government of Saudi at the University of Vermont. known because he feasted on parochial issues, became notori4
compound that houses few West- Arabia." Al-Qaida leader Osama US. agents involved in a joint ous for singing Deep in the Hear, of Texas*on the Senate
forces killed two suspected al*
erners, was a symptom that a bin Laden, who was stripped of task force on terrorism financ-i floor at 5 in the morning. £T';T JT ^I'&i
Qaida members, arrested six oth-
ers and seized a largo cache of Saudi crackdown may be rattling his Saudi citizenship because of ing launched in early September Irt not known if .inging will erupt this time around, but 6cn.
arms. The weapons apparently al-Qaida, whose goal has always his terrorist activities, has long now see documents as soon as Hatty IU.dD.Nev., took , trial tun Monday, talking for nine
were intended for attacks on been the overthrow of the Sau- called for the overthrow of the they are obtained by Saudi au- hour, and H aumiM without . break. Pot Reid. age 63. d*!
members of the royal family di roval family. Saudi monarchy, which bases its thorities, Zarate said. fending in-dtuUonal rules takef stamina. T iT j
All Infu provided by KWT

To contact: n e wsmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu

l l l l • I M I I l l l I I
Judge Nygaard raises MSG Gab with Jess Tobin

constitutional awareness THE

term. Yeah right,
Fm just as excited for finals as
you are. The good news is, it's
already has approached the ad-
ministration about the issue.
If you still have pressing
questions, please come to the
MSG meetings and ask them.
By Angela Amaiangelo almost over. Oh, and the other You will more than likely get an
Con tributing wri te r good news is we get free food answer.
at "Food for Finals" which Every term, MSG Secretary
The honorable Judge Richard starts at 9 p.m. in die union on Mary Kate DeMeo will be put-
L. Nygaard of the United States Sunday. Make sure you get ting out a supplement to the Stu-
Court of Appeals for the Third there early though, because it dent Directory for students
Circuit completed the second of gets pretty crowded who transfer in, or change
four lectures he will present at For those of you who didn't rooms or apartments. If you do
Mercyhurst College in die Walk- attend the student forum held want your information added
er Recital Hall, Hirt Center. this Monday at 4 p.m., you or changed, you can submit it
His lecture was sponsored by missed a gpod chance to meet to the MSG office in the Stu-
the Mercyhurst Civic Institute. and ask questions of the ad- dent Union by the end of fi-
The Civic Institute is a college- ministration. You will get anoth- nals week.
community partnership dedicat- er chance next term however. Also students, don't forget
ed to the social, health, civic and It is a really good way to let your you can buy and sell your books
educational well-being of the voice be heard. to other students on the laker-
Erie region. Some of the questions issues net student message board- This
Judge Nygaard is a Senior addressed at die forum were: is very useful because you can
Fellow to the Civic Institute and Will the food service venues see get much more money back
considered a high-level consult- any extended hours? And, why than if you sell them back to
ant to the college. This status is don't the students get Veterans the bookstore and you can buy
the reason Nygaard gives his lec- Day, Martin Luther King Day, them much cheaper as well.
tures only at Mercyhurst. Cur- Presidents day, or Columbus The web address is http://
rently, it is planned that Nyga- Day o ff? Ted Foessett explained to r urn s. rn e rcyh u r s t. e uu.
ard will give four speeches at that yes, meal equivalency has Currently, we all pay a fee of
Mercyhurst annually. been extended until 7:45 p.m. $50 per term to MSG/SAC
Nygaard's first lecture was and that other changes will be which makes up their entire
held Wednesday, September 24. made as well when the Laker budget^ This fee has not
He discussed major cases of the Inn renovations occur. Also Dr. changed in several years, but
United States Supreme Court's William Garvey explained that will next year be raised to $55
2002-2003 terms.;*/ - Judge Richard Nygaard spoke to Mercyhurst students about how religious liberty is taken getting these special holidays per term. This will allot approx-
Some of his focal points were for granted by American citizens. off is not an option he is will- imately aft extra $45,000 to
in the areas of affirmative ac- ing to consider. their budget This is good news
tion, privacy rights, freedom of had to recite the "Pledge of Al- ing an establishment of religion, sues. Kovach said, "I was in- Dr. Garvey came under in- because we can plan more ex-
speech and religious freedom. legiance" in school. This was due or prohibiting the free exercise trigued Nygaard was going to tense criticismfollowingthe fo- citing activities for next year,
Nygaard's second speech was to the. line, "One nation under thereof." bring up issues of separation and rum by many students who at- including trips, concerts, and
held Wednesday, November 5 in God," which was added in 1954. One of Nygaard's goals was religious freedom/' tended for what was described other on campus events. Watch
the Walker Recital Hall, Hirt This case went to court and to raise responsiveness of these Nygaard was bom in Minne- as an uncalled-for attitude to- out for next term's SAC events
Center. 5 the man won in a vote of 2-1. types of issues. sota and graduated from the ward the students and their including The Hurst Wade Rob-
His lecture tided, 'The Wall However, 24 hours later the Arthur Amann, Director of University of Minnesota Law. questions. son Project, The annual Christ-
of Separation-How*Firm a same court placed a holding on the Civic Institute said Nygaard He is a former Erie County Some students felt that the mas Tree Lighting, Casino night,
Foundation? dicussed how reli- the ruling. was here to "Educate people so councilman and common pleas tough questions they submitted Ski trips, and the Winter For-
gious liberty is taken for granted All the cases Nygaard men- they can make intelligent deci- judge who currently lives in were not asked, and that rather mal.
by many Amencan citizens all tioned were similar because they sions about law on their own," . *North East Pennsylvania. fluffy questions were asked in- Attend the weekly MSG

too much. in some way interpreted the First Amann continued saying, "He is Nygaard's third speech will stead." However, some of the meetings and let your voice be
During his lecture, Nygaard Amendment in the United States here to inform citizens about take place in mid-January. He questions submitted were not heard every Monday night at
r asked because they can be an-
brought to the table several cas- Constitution. law" | £ will be discussing the Eighth 8:30 p.m. in the MSG cham-
es that were taken before tl>e This phrase is what Nygaard Senior and Political Science Amendment which is cruel and swered by the Student Govern- bers located on the third floor
courts in regards to religious. called his "touchstone phrase." major,' Tifoye'' Kovach had' '£ per- unusual punishment. All are en- ment Executive Board, and/or oJF the Student Union.
freedom. The phrase comes from the First sonal interest in this lecture .be- couraged to attend. T the. Student government Exec- Contact . iaforniation:
One case dealt with a father Amendment and states, ''Con- cause he had taken many cours- utive board is planning to, or
who was unhappy his daughter gress shall make no law respect- es that dealt with these same is-

Changes to Business school CIRAT students gain valuable experience

tinues to be part of two years
ments and guidelines for the campus who are expenenced in later. The project focuses on
Continued from Page 1. business students have been es- the real day-to-day happenings of
Continued from Page'l. collecting information on vari-
tablished to increase perfor- the business world. ous crimes in 11 states and two
According to Michael Victor, mance. For example, the grade For example, he organized, in CIRAT has been very success- Canadian provinces. Her project
"This intense effort enables them point average requirements for conjunction with the Career Ser- ful in generating contracts from is ove rseen by graduate student,
to graduate from the Walker all business majors have been vices Office,! a "Business Inter- government agencies, as well as Brett Oswick.
School of Business with a sense revised and upgrade d. view Month/' grants and partnerships* from Orzel said the project used to
of ownership and pride that can Victor feels that the students This included recruiters from potential employers of the stu- be set up so students focused on
only be achieved through such a have taken the changes scnous- approximately 30 local, region- dents. specific geographic regions. Now,
demanding course." ly. He has noticed a downward al, and national businesses who CIRAT is a completely self- students monitor specific crime
Several students that have trend in the amount of students came, at Victor's personal re- sufficient program whose stu- topics. Oreel's area of expertise
graduated {from the Walker who are unable to meet the stan- quest/ to interview the business dents and employees have com- is narcotics.
School of Business have re- dards, because they are serious students, and give them a real pleted over 60,000 hours of paid J.P. Ratajczak is an alumnus
turned to commend the profes* j about wanting to stay in the busi- idea of what a professional in work. of Mercyhurst College who is a Fitephcxo

sors and tell them how much the ness school. tetview in the business world Strengths of the CIRAT pro- graduate research assistant for Robert Heibel
difficulties and challenges that Also, the math requirements would be like. gram include the flexibility of the die RIAP Department.
they faced as a business student for business majors have in- He also arranged for many student employees and their abil Ratajczak has been the man- while the unofficial number of
have helped them in graduate creased, with the inclusion of speakers, such as scheduling sev- ity to exploit public domain in- ager for the RIAP laboratory, students in the RIAP program is
schools and in landing that ideal more challenging coui les in the eral nationally renowned business formation to generate tailored where most CIRAT contract 192. ^
job. business educational process. authors to address the Mercy- and timely products.* work is done since last year. The staff of the RIAP pro-
Another unique class, "Semi- This enables them to be better hurst College student body, as Kasia Orzel, a junior at Mer- Ratajczak stated that, "Overall, gram is currently involved in
nar in Business and Profession- prepared for graduate school, well as the Erie community. cyhurst College, has been in* CIRAT is a great opportunity for having their Masters Program in
al Etiquette/' was also added to according to Victor, In addition, he instituted a volved with CIRAT throughout students to make money and Applied Intelligence approved by
the curriculum. This course is Me also directed the success- monthly "Brown-Bag Lun- her entire career. As a freshman, gain expenence 1by working with the state. You can keep up with
designed to enable Mercyhurst ful integration of the School of cheon" Speaker Series. This is she was placed on CIRATs CI - actual agencies/ what is going on in the RIAP
business graduates to become Hotel, Restaurant, and Institu- an informal event, which in NET (Crime Information Net- Currently, there are 60 stu- Department by accessing their
skilled in the social graces need tional Management into and un- volves students networking with working) project, which she con- dent employed by CIRAT; mean* intranet at
ed for success in the business der the direction of the Walker and acquiring knowledge-from
world, as well as society. "The School. This included the addi- both local and regional business
students know how to dress
more professionally," says Belo-
tion of six faculty members and
over 200 students to the depart-
leaders in diverse organizations.
Even with all of this already
Fall Term Laker-Inn
There has also been the addi-
| ment.
The Walker School of Busi-
in the works, Michael Victor
continues to make improve* Lunch Specials
tion of the International Busi- ness has greatly improved with ments to the Walker School of
ness major, which will be avail die addition of new faculty. Vic- Business. His current project is Monday I Tuesday Wednesday
tor saw the need to hire more the creation of an Advisory
able to students in the 2004-2005
academic year. Some courses highly qualified professors with Board for the Walker School, Bagel Sandwich Cheeseburger Sizzling Salad
that are instituted during the cur- doctoral degrees to become full which will consist of top-level 8 oz. Fruit Cup Curly French Fries 20 oz. Fountain
time faculty members within the business executives from regional
rent academic year are Interna-
tional Law, International Money Walker School. and national organizations. They 20 oz. Fountain 20 oz. Fountain j Drink
and Banking, International Eco- In addition, the Walker Re- will be providing guidance in the Drink Drink
search Institute has been estab- areas of curriculum and program
nomics, and International Mar-
lished. Tins is a non-profit group development, student place-
keting Management.
that provides consulting servic- ment, and fund raising
Other changes include the
planning and design of a Mas- es to local businesses and chad* According to Victor, "The Thursday Friday Saturday
ter of Science in Forensic Ac-| table organizations. Walker School is really effective. Taco Salad Wrap Combination Sub
counting degree, which will be Victor saw the importance of They have to learn to think like
implemented in the 2004-2005 making the students feci com- business people. Jrt helping peo- 20 oz. Fountain 2 Cookies Small French
academic year, as well. With the
recent scandals m the business
fortable in their major, concern-
ing re lationships with their fel
ple get jobs and be profession-
Drink 20 oz. Fountain Fries
world, such as ENRON, this low colleagues, as well as their Drink 20 oz. Fountain
degree will be instrumental in
producing graduates who arc
interaction with the faculty from
which they receive their ins true-
Student inj ured Drinkf
w Mercyhurst senior Mike Gkra
knowledgeable and skilled in rec- tion.
was injured in a car accident ovet
ognition and prevention of such He also increased the oppor- the weekend. I Ie is recovering Students: Don't Forget to GRAB Your "Lunch onjjthe Run! ft
scandals. £ f tunities for students to interact from his injuries at Mamot A led
In general, stricter require- with professionals outside the ical Center.

To contact:
• V

The real world is close for Reznik and Mayes

Reznik learns muchfrom experience
By Kyla Mclnchak
Contributing writer

For some individuals, grade

school is simply a stage in
life. But for people like
Danielle Reznik, their own ele-
mentary years impact their fu-
. As a third grader Reznik was
introverted, but her teacher
helped her to come out of her
shell, "She gave me extra help
and that made me want to help
others later in life." Michelle Mayes/Contributing photographe i

Now Reznik is a fifth year se- Michelle Mayes stands behind her desk at McDowell Intermediate High School. She
nior finishing her dual certifi- has enjoyed her student teaching expereince.
cation in Eady Childhood and
Elementary Education.
Reznik, similar to any educa-
Mayes is ready to moveforward after Mercy hurst
tion major, is required to spend By Brian Cellone five are American History class- Mayes may be leaving the
40 hours per week in a class- Contributing writer es. Mercyhurst, but she will surely
room student teaching, for 12 Her previous six-week student be back to visit
weeks. Even though it will be hard to teaching experience had Mayes "I will be back to visit friends
McKinley Elementary School, leave Mercyhurst and her teaching 7th grade history at but I will be seeing Matt San-
where she is doing her student friends, senior, Michelle Mayes Walnut Creek Middle School. borne, my fiance too," Mayes
teaching, is much different knows she is going in the right "I wanted to become a teach- said.
than the school Reznik once at- direction. er because I like working with Mayes and Sanbome met at
tended as a child. After completing her student children and I feel that students Mercyhurst and are planning on
"I went to a parochial school, Danielle Reznik writes lesson plans for her students. She teaching, Mayes will be graduat- are not enjoying history," Mayes getting married around two
so I was accustomed to a sub- has loved every minute spent with them. ing at the end of fall term. While said. years from now.
urban environment. McKinley in high school she took six col- In her opinion history should Being back in Buffalo attend-
Elementary is quite the all the experience I had I could Reznik. lege classes. These classes helped be interesting and a variety of ing school will be great because
opposite. There are mostly take over the class without a In addition, she feels that there her come to Mercyhurst and be teaching methods should be used Mayes will be closer to her fam-
children of ethnic backgrounds, problem/' is a lot of pressure since a kin- ahead of the game. Mayes has utilized projects, me- ily and she will also be closer to
which gives me the opportuni- A downside to student teach- dergarten teacher lays the basic A native of Buffalo, N.Y., May- dia sources, and hands on expe- her other love, the Buffalo Bills.
ty to learn a lot," said Reznik ing in Reznik's perspective is that starting points for a child. These es is majoring in secondary So- riences to supplement the stu- No matter how bad or how
Teaching kindergarten has you're always being watched, points, she said, are imperative cial Studies Education. dents learning experience. good they are doing, Mayes
taught Reznik there's more to "You feel like you have to fol- for further progression in the Mayes has been a resident as- When Mayes leaves Mercy- loves the Bills. Growing up with
the job than she had imagined. low their plans. It's hard to be academic world, sistant for the past two years at hurst this fall, she will be going the Bills has made her a die hard
There's lots ot paperwork, as unique as you want to be Reznik believes that an educa- Mercyhurst. home to attend graduate school fan.
she said, including a daily lunch when you're in someone else's tor's focal point should be sus- Currently, she is student teach- at Buffalo State College. There Her future looks extremely
count, attendance records, and mold/' jj taining a positive attitude. This ing at McDowell Intermediate she will be getting her master's busy, but she will love every
of course, grading papers. It can also be difficult to keep can result in a classroom of chil- High School in grades 9 and 10. degree in Social Studies. minute of it She is about to
She realizes that she is well an eye on the time. "I see that dren who have a strong founda- She teaches Social Studies for While she is not at class, May- conclude one chapter of her
prepared for teaching. "You get students are involved in the tion for their personal and aca- six different penods every day. es will be coaching girls' basket- life story; but she is about to
in the classroom as early as learning process and I get demic lives. She can hardly wait One class she teaches is a cur- ball at her old high school, write another chapter that leads
freshman ear, so I felt that with wrapped up in the teaching," said to begin to enrich lives. rent events class and the other Mount St. Mary Academy*? to her future.

Jason Staley:fnot just your average guy Neighbors surprised by

By Kaitlyn Reif
Contributing writer
as well. Another added bonus is
being friends with the guys on
working for some government
agency in Washington, D.C, af-
plans for barbecue
the team. We are like one big ter graduation in 2005. ing into the heart until it is dead.
family and it is fun hanging out By John Diedrich
Although Staley is a well-round* "It's a clean and peaceful
with the guys/* said Staley. ed person with a variety of great The Gazette death," said jack Sasscr, who
You might have seen this guy
involved in some great play on Through Mercyhurst, he has experiences under his belt, there Carol Hollars sported a strange also was in Mongolia, and killed
the football field or hanging gained more experience and are a few things that have had a sight over a neighbor's fence the sheep.
around the Mercyhurst Student knowledge than he could ever lasting impact on him. Saturday afternoon: Colorado Hollars returned to her house
Government office. imagine. Friendship will always 'Tit's hard to point to just one College students ^gathered and considered the situation.
Well, the easy explanation for remain, however, the priority thing or person that impacted me around a live sheep. ? | got to thinking, "We can't
that is because junior Jason Sta- that is above and beyond the best the most here. However, aca- She walked over to make sure have people slaughtering ani-
le y, is the vice president thing that he has gotten out of demically taking Dr. Garvey's her eyes weren't playing tricks. mals in their back yards,"' she
He is from Perry, Ohio, a here. U.S. History class changed my "I asked, Is Colorado College said
member of the Laker football While Staley gives tours on whole view on academics and playing the Rams or some- Hollars called police.
challenging me to reach my full 1
team, and a student of die R/ campus, he cannot stress enough thing? I figured it was a joke." A sergeant talked to the stu-
LAP program. how great the people at Mercy- potential as a student. In terms The students got quiet, she dents and then checked with
"The people at Mercyhurst are hurst really are and no one real- of being a person, football has said. the Humane Society.
Jody MeUo/Merciad photo eotor
my favorite part about the col- ly will know how special they are taught me so much about life, Then, the) told her: <cWe are "Apparently, the way they
Junior Jason Staley how to be humble in victory and
lege. The friends, teachers, and until they actually experience this going to slaughter it We are hav- were going about it was legal,**
coaches I have met here have place. gracious in defeat, how to deal ing a feast." said Sgt. Devin Grimes. "It is
left an indelible mark on my life, a member of the Ambassador "If I hadn't gone to school with adversity and most impor- 'What? No," Hollars told the unusual."
and I consider myself really lucky Club, Diversity 101, and is an here I would have never met tantly, what it mean to be part students. "I was dumbstruck," After the slaughter, the stu-
to have had this opportunity to active participant in the Young Justin Adams, Simon Arias, and of a team/ Staley said. The students, three of whom dents said they plan to put the
meet them" Staley said. Democrats. all of my other friends who have The message that Staley wants were in Mongolia for five sheep's parts to use: The intes-
Staley decided to be part of Being part of the football team helped me through some really to ultimately leave with Mercy- months, were preparing a tra- tines and brain will go to the
student government when he was has been very influential. hard times in my life/' said Sta- hurst is in fact our school's mot- ditional Mongolian barbecue. college biology department,
elected representative as a fresh "Football has taught me a lot ley. to: Carpe Diem. They bought the animal at a and the skin will be turned into
man. He wanted to get involved about dealing with the ups and Staley has many plans for his "I will remember all the par- rural slaughterhouse for $80. a blanket.
to help ensure that student con- downs that I will encounter in life after the 'hurst. Some of ties, friendships, and people that With the help of a friend from Late Saturday, Hollars was
cerns were being addressed in life. I know that I am going to these dreams include attending have made my time at Mercy- Mongolia who was in town, the still troubled by the event.
government. encounter failure along the way law school and graduate school. hurst the greatest years of my students would kill the sheep in ''Itis worrisome to see 27 kids
Staley is involved with many in my life, andfootballhas taught Even being in the military is an life" he said. a traditional way. Cut a slit at enjoy killing this animal and
organizations on campus. He is me how to deal with adversity option. He is also considering the sternum, reach into the an* drinking beer," she said.
irtal and pinch off a vein lead-
Karstedt has family tradition rooted in Mercyhurst
By Kyla Mclnchak a baseball scholarship, attracted "1 was familiar with the cam-
Contributing writei G Karstedt to the campus.
During his first week here, G.
pus because we visited family in
the Erie area. My parents still Save Lots of Money
Karstedt took a walk in the cam- attend the homecomings at Mer-
"I've known this campus like pus with his baseball jacket over cyhurst even after they are grad-
the back of mv hand since I was his pitching arm. Blood saw him uates. They also support the bas- Tcmglewood Apartment Homes
ketball and baseball teams,"
a little girl. The minute I walked
in the gates I knew this was the
and thought, "Who does this guy
think he is?" shared Karstedt.
Offering 1,2, A 3 Bedrooms
place for me. There's so much When they officially met in A. Karstedt is a big fan of
4 4
history here from mv family, and President Dr. William P. Garvey,
I hope my experience is just as
Garvey Park, G. Karstedt jok-
"He loves all the Blood girls."
Heat, electric, A/C,
ingly asked her out, and to his
memorable so that mv kids will
0 Katie McAdumo/Mofciad photograph* surprise, she said "yes." To this "Campus is still the same from trash, water
want to come here and help the when my parents attended Mer
legacy to live on," said freshman
Freshman Ellen Karstedt. day the couple is still together.
All the women of the Blood/ cyhurst. They miss it, but they & sewer are all included.
Ellen Karstedt. Karstcdt's other aunt, Beth Karstedt family attended Met couldn't be happier that I'm here.
The Blood family has a long Blood. The legacy continued in cyhurst for a degree in educa- Now they're reliving all of their
history at Mercyhurst College. 1976 when Karstedt*s father and tion, except G. Karstedt, who great experiences through me Call 825-8145}to apply now!
mother, Gordy Karstedt and majored in Criminal Justice. E. and they love it" said Karstedt.
Karstedt is continuing this
long-lived tradition by attending Amy Blood, came to Mercyhurst. Karstedt is continuing that tra- Me i cyhurst has exceeded 907 E. Grandview Blvd.
Mercyhurst. "They liked the unique spiri- dition by also majoring in edu-
tual atmosphere created by the cation.
Karstedrt expectations.
"The physical beauty of the
Great Location!
The story began in 1964 when
Karstedt's aunt, Paula Blood, Sisters of Mercy" said Karstedt. She felt comfortable on the campus is breathtaking, and ev-
bejran her college education at In 1976, Mercyhurst was one college campus which made her eryone is so friendly. I feel like
Mercyhurst/ of few colleges that had fall and transition from high school to I'm m a safe, happy environment
Following her in 1968 was spring baseball, which, along with College easier,, all of the time," she said. Ask about our move-in special!!

FEATURES To contact

Get t0know Mary KateDeMeo

Rexroth praises MAI JL She's
Sihp 'c more
YYif\Y0 than
fhnwi the\Student
th& ^turiant Government secretary
fZfr\y£fmm£>rit v arretnr\y
By Brian Cellone
Contributing writer By Kaitiyn Reif management, and most impor-
Contributing writer randy, directory proofreading,"]
she said.
What is the first thing you "I chose Mercyhurst because Like other seniors, she will miss
think of when you hear the it has a smaller setting where you the close relationships she has
name of the Mercyhurst Ar- don't just get lost in a swarm of formed, friends, and her room-
chaeological Institute (MAI)? students/' says senior Mary Kate mates most of all. Realizing that
Extremely hands on? Worid re- DeMeo. she will never again be in the
nowned? Topeka, Kan., is hometown to same close-knit situation, De-
Junior'Allison Rexroth has DeMeo who is majoring in En- Meo is cherishing every last
such esteem for the MAI be- glish and working on a minor in moment she has with all of her
cause she has been immersed in religious studies. friends.
the Anthropology Department Dcmeo is secretary of Mer- When asking DeMeo what
by the faculty and she has loved cyhurst Student Government I*
impacted her most at Mercy-
every minute. and during the summer life- hurst, she gave an interesting
JodyMflficVMerdad photo *3ito#
A native of Dallastown Penn- guards at a water park. She is a response, which took me by sur-
sylvania, Rexroth came to Mer- member of the cheerleading Senior Mary Kate DeMeoi
prise atfirst,but ended up being
cyhurst College with the hopes squad, on the dance team, chair- incredibly though t provoking.
of becoming an archaeologist person of the Spirit club for the to improve the school. "When I think about the events
She-serves on Honors Coun- past two years, and a Mercyhurst "This school is very open to that have impacted me through
cil and works in the Conserva- Ambassador. She has also par- student voice, but it is the stu- the years, the images of the an-
tion Lab of the MAI. ticipated on the MSG formal dents' responsibility to step up th rax scare kept coming to mind.
She is majoring in anthropolo- committees and on the Student and state their opinions. Student Though there was something
gy with an archaeology concen- Activities Committee spring-fest government simply provides the humorous about administrators
tration % committee. podium for student voice, which and students walking around
This summer Rexroth attend- "My favorite thing about Mer- is why I jumped on board," she campus in those white suits, it
ed the Mercyhurst Archaeologi- cyhurst is the people. I think the said. was so impressive the way the
cal Institute field school in War- college has some of the funni- DeMeo brings many great entire school came together to
est, most brilliant and creative 1
ren, Pennsylvania. qualities to student government handle the situation, ' said De-
The field school consisted of humans in the country. They are and to other groups she is in- Meo.
pie-historic and historic sites and consistent in their family and volved with, f DeMeo will be missed and like
was located in an area named familial attitudes, yet diverse in She is a very dedicated person her fellow MSG executive board
Buckaloons by Native Ameri- JodyMeliQ^rKrto
their backgrounds," says DeMeo. with an upbeat and fun person- members, she will leave a lasting
cans, which means broken Allison Rexroth standing In one of the labs of the MAI. Her Being a member of the cheer- ality. She believes that through impact on the school with her
straw" I experience this summer at the Buckaloons site gave her leading squad has helped her to Mercyhurst she has become a devotion, wit, and optimistic per-
The pre-historic location dat- experience with mapping, tool etiquette, artifact collec- not gain the freshman 15, she more educated and well-round- sonality that is contagious when
ed before settlers in America and tion and more. I jo kingly said ed person. around her.
the historic site consisted of "It has given me 23 awesome She has learned many impor- Regardless of what she choos-
mills and other buildings dating friends who I trust with my life," tant lessons over the past four es to do with her life after Mer-
to around the 1800V At this which are all essential skills for as. They were awarded by the she said. years. cyhurst, the future looks bright
location students make use of Archaeologists. federal government a grant to The main reason DeMeo want- "I've gained wisdom about for DeMeo and she is ready for
the skills acquired in school, and Rexroth participated in this conduct a dig at a rock shelter ed to be part of student govern- leadership, social skills, profes- any curve balls that life might
apply them in an actual archae- field school for six weeks and at a military base. ment was to help make decisions sionalism, anxiety /stress, time th row her.
ological dig lived in tents with the rest of the Rexroth is looking forward to
Students that participate in this participants. this new opportunity and hopes
dig have many different respon-
sibilities, such as having their
"Even though I am only a jun-
ior, I'm already confident in my
to learn new methods and per-
haps even learn about a new so-
Students rally at Supreme Court
own unit or sectioned off square skills as a future archaeologist. ciety at this historically significant Although the Supreme tion's top colleges and univer-
of the die site where they have Being taught strict methodology site. By Paul H. Johnson Court's ruling expected later sities will shrink dramatically if
to excavate. They nave to be a will give me a head start in my The MAI being selected for The Record this spring will address a com- the court rules that race can-
night guard on nightly rotation career. Also being able to work such an important dig shows die plaint against a public univer- not be used as a factor in col-
so that the equipment and the directly with the faculty and be- institute is highly regarded by die When tens of thousands of I sity,^ will dictate policy at any » lege admissions.
site are secure- ^VT * ' * ing given the responsibility <&fd scien ti fi £~Cd$nriiiuiiX% {WftroTf-x "'high school jUT^COttf^gcr STlP^fe "private iftiiveggffjthat accepts, I ^;/"Given the current structure
By being part of this experi- opportunity to work directly with wonderful experiences gi^e^LAi i dbi&«?on verge bfrdfe stepson government money, which *of IC42 education, it's verj
ence, students learn mapping, the materials is a rare gift" said students like Rexroth the skills the U.S. Supreme Court on means almost every college and hard to get a diverse student
tool etiquette, excavation proce- Rexroth. needed to successfully operate in Tuesday, Eric Adisa of South university in the nation. population in college and cer-
dures, artifact collection, photog- In the future, the MAI field today's society. Orange, N.J., will be with diem 'America today is wholly un- tainly in graduate and profes-
raphy, and site preparations school will be conducted in Tex- to rally in support of affirma- equal racially and in terms of sional school without aggressive
tive action. gender. Our society needs to affirmative action policies," said
Language boom sweeps campuses "I just think it's still a neces-
sary program," said Adisa, a se-
acknowledge the inequality and
discrimination that remains to-
Mark Rahdert, associate dean
and professor of law at Tem-
1.4 million students enrolled in foreign language programs nior at Rutgers University in
New Brunswick, N.J. "Maybe
day and do something con-
sciously to offset those inequal-
ple University in Philadelphia.
The Texas model, for exam-
pand their learning beyond the can schools witnessed dramatic the programs need to be mod- ities," Lerman said. "We have ple, guarantees admission to die
By Robert Becker border of the»US." | f increases in language enrollment ified, but I think they're still state university system to all stu-
to convince the court that die
Chicago Tribune. Even with the jump, foreign amid the Cold War. necessary." dents who graduate at the top
thing to do is uphold affirma-
language study in America's col- At that time, national security As the Supreme Court be- tive action" 10percent in their schools. Rah-
In an increasingly global econ- leges and universities lags far concerns, the need to translate gins hearing arguments in two The court ruled in the Bakke dert said those programs are
omy, and as terrorism and war behind schools in Europe, where foreign technical journals and cases involving the University decision that the University of troubling because they benefit
bring wodd events home, Amer- language study often begins as analyze intelligence data, ofMichigan and its law school, California admissions system, minority students only when
ican students have returned to the eady as age 5, and high school prompted students to study Rus- the outcome of which could which set aside a fixed num- the high schools are all black,
study of foreign languages in graduates are proficient in two sian and other Eastern Europe- change the way colleges and ber of seats for minority stu- Hispanic, Native Amencan, or
record numbers. languages. an languages. universities around the nation dents, was illegal. other minority.
According to a study released "The good news is we seemed Though the Sept. 11, 2001, admit minorities, some stu But writing the majority opin- "It kind of validates the ef-
Thursday by the Modem Lan- terrorist attacks undoubtedly in- dents are taking to the streets ion, Justice Lewis Powell said fects of racial segregation in ed-
to voice their support for af- ucation," he said.
guage Association, 1.4 million
American college students are | It s great in spired part of the current in
crease, experts said Americans firmative action.
that universities and colleges
could use race as one of sev- Rahdert said the court could
enrolled in foreign language study,
the most since die group conduct- |
terms of also understand the need for a
deeper cultural understanding
The march is being organized
by the Coalition to Defend Af-
eral factors in admissions.
In the Michigan case, sepa-
take many actions when it rules
on the two Michigan cases, but
ed its first survey in 1958.
Since 1998, the last time the
educating "It is learning the language, but firmative Action & Integration rate lawsuits challenge the uni-
it is also becoming culturally lit- and Fight for Equality By Any versity's undergraduate and law
the key part of the ruling will
be whether it allows race to con-
survey was published, the num-
ber of students enrolled in for-
students in a erate," said Dagmar Lorenz, a
professor in the department of
Means Necessary.
The group that includes die
school admission processes. tinue being used as a factor in
He said the law school's ad-
eign language courses has jumped global way.5 5 Germanic studies at UIC "Be- student defendants in the mission catena, which take into "I think the case is going to
17.9 percent. The percentage of cause just knowing the words and Michigan affirmative action account all of a candidates' turn primarily on whether di-
college students'taking such
courses has risen to 8.7 percent,
- LarrylSchehr sentences really is not that help-
ful if you don't know the larger
At stake in the Michigan case
qualifications,.including race, versity in the student body is a
sufficiently important govern-
are similar to the ones used by
the highest it's been since 1972. to have bottomed out on our context." are the methods used by col- the more competitive colleges ment interest to use race-con-
Students say the study of lan- sustained three-decade decline in UIC's German department has leges and universities over the and universities. scious measures and whether
guages is more than just an exer- language acquisition," said Dav- seen undergraduate enrollment past 25 years to admit minor- Legal analysts said that many race-conscious measures can be
cise in verb tenses and vocabu- id Ward, the Bntish-born presi- rise to 422 students in 2003, ities, particularly African of these schools argue that the used to achieve diversity" Rah-
lary. Rather, it's a unique window dent of the American Council from 309 students in 2001. Americans and Hispanics. number of minorities at the na- dert said.
into another culture. on Education and the former Elizabeth Loentz, an assistant
"Through German I'm getting chancellor of the University of professor at I 1C, said students
a better understanding of Ger- Wisconsin-Madison. "So it's two interested in the European
many and die reunification pro- I cheers, not three." Union and the global economy
cess they're still undergoing and The study notes that although are majoring in German with a
iu6t a lot of the things they've Spanish, French and German minor in business.
gone through over the last 50 still dominate the academic land-
scape, colleges have broadened
The growth in the number of MERCYHURST STUDENTS (+18)
years, the Cold War and all that," students studying Arabic at
said Aaron Miller, a freshman at
die University of Illinois at Chi-
their offerings, teaching 148 of
the less commonly taught lan-
guages in 2002, compared with
schools like Northwestern Uni-|
versity has prompted administra-
tors to add additional classes to
We have Immediate openings in
Study of some languages has
risen sharply. Since 1998, enroll-
137 in 1998. These languages
include Ojibwe, Swahih, Tagalog
and Vietnamese.
accommodate them.
At Northwestern, enrollment our customer sales/service dept. IS
increased to around 60 students
ment in Arabic has increased 92.5
percent, to 10,596 students from
5 505 and Biblical Hebrew was
"It's great in terms of educat
ing students in a global way," said
this year, up from 17 students
in 2000.
$12.50 base/appt. a
up 59 percent, to 14,469 students Larry Schchr, a professor of
French and executive associate
Lynn Whitcomb, a lecturei m
the program of African and Fun flex. Hrs. around class.
from 9,099. £ | V
"I think no doubt it's the inter-
est in global issues," said Rose-
dean for die humanities at die
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign. "It's a great way ro
! Asian languages at Northwestern,
said a more diverse group of Work with other students!
mary Feal, executive director of students is studying Arabic.
develop and foster global aware- "It seems there are all sorts of
the association. "The world is ness."
smaller, and people are much people who want to learn," Whit
Education experts said Ameri- comb said.
more aware of the need to ex-

OPINION To contact

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

What's hot and what's not at Mercyhurst
technological break-up
The Good... MadaM
you via e-mail or AIM, she can
completely maintain the upper!
hand. This is because she can
read the very first Madam Ma-
larky appearance in the Me mad,
you know that the original arti-
Food for Finals is this Sunday, Nov. 16th at 9p.m. There will be plenty of food to help facilitate secretly include her entire entou- cle was entitled, "Madam Ma-
the study process. So take a break from your books and join all your friends for some free chow rage. I hate to break it to you, larky: Relationship Advice from
in the Union. Try to get there eady. We all know how college students love free food. but when you get that e-mail or the Perpetually Single."
IM, your gidfriend isn't break- However; unlike most women
Congratulations to both the Mercyhurst football, soccer and hockey teams on their wins this past ing up with you. Your gidfriend on the planet, I do not see a date
weekend. It's a good time to be proud to be a Mercyhurst Laker, so sport your 'Hurst gear when and 23 of her closest friends are as being anything more than
you go home for break. Even if it has holes in it and smells like beer. breaking up with you. that A date. So in answer to your
question about "how" to score a
If you read one of my previ-
date with Madam Malarky, I
ous articles, you know that it's would have to say that the most

The! Bad... •
Madam Malarky,
In response to you last article, sug-
gesting that men should ask you aues-
a 11 f t
impossible for a woman to make
up her own mind about anything
Trust me. You've got to under-
stand that your relationship with
important thing is to offer choc*
olate. Any kind. Except white
chocolate, 'cause it's kind of nas-
Welcome to finals season, everyone. We all knew that it would get here eventually, but, for some lions as well, I hate tmforyou. How
does a gentleman like me go your gidfriend is actually your
about 0
reason, it's always a surprise when it does. It's time to open our books (possibly for the first time relationship with yourgidfaend's
getting a date nith an intelligent young I would have advised you to
this term), make some flashcards and suck it up until Thanksgiving break. Just think about the
woman like yourself? Two, why circle do of friends. learn what my real name is, but
time off, people. There is an end in sight
somegirlsfearbreaking up nith aper-Another benefit of breaking last time I checked the Madam
son that they dated for sometimeface up impersonally is that nobody Malarky e-mail I discovered that
The MSG shuttle was side-swiped this past Wednesday while taking students to Peach Street to face? Why do they have to dolikes it confrontation. Unfortu- you already knew that. You must
Thankfully, there were no injuries or major damages to the shuttle and it will be up and running over the AIM or via email? nately, men are logical creatures have read my article on stalking!
again soon. Sincerely, and will acknowledge that some- I'm very proud! (For those who
A Male Student times talking face to face is nec- are still reading over the letter at

...the Ugly Dear Male,

essary, whereas women can
scheme to the point of exhaus-
<Snicker> Ahem. Well, to be tion just so that they are more
the top of the page trying to find
where my real name was men-
tioned, may I remind you that
The student forum this past Monday was less than fun for all students involved. There was a perfectly honest, Madam Ma- comfortable in awkward situa- die Merciad has editors, dezpite
number of unanswered questions and some students complained that the questions they submit- larky usually only answers one tions. die num'ber of tyypos in eatch
ted weren't even asked. Additionally, Dr. Garvey was less than polite in his answers to the ques- question at a time, and your let- This is why men are kind of is%sue.)
tions he was asked. Aren't these forums meant to build a stronger community at Mercyhurst? Not ter technically contains two, but neat and women are the devil. I'm also going to ask you to
divide it? eh, she can make exceptions. (She So, I hope that answers your please, for the love of God, dis-
can also talk in the third person question about women and why regard the wee photograph of
evidently, but she digresses.) they're hornd, hurtful creatures. the p rostitute with too much eye
All right, kids, have we forgotten one of the primary rules of the library? You know, the one
So, we'll tackle question num- Now in answer to your second makeup and weird black lines on
where we're all supposed to be quiet? People have been talking, answering cell phones and basically
ber two first because it's a much question, I must draw attention her head that you see up by the
creating a racket in what is supposed to be a silent study space. Didn't we learn about this in, oh,
easier one. to the fact that Madam Malarky "Madam Malarky" logo. It's not
kindergarten? So, now especially with finals coming up, everyone needs to ssshl
So, why are women such is able to answer questions about me, I swear.
"wuss-carrots" when it comes to relationships in such an eloquent I don't know who the Merciad
breakups? (Yes, I just invented manner because she lives her life kidnapped to take the photo, but
the word "wuss-carrots". You'll by the philosophy that dating is I swear I had nothing to do with
have to excuse me — it is very for weenies, relationships are for i t . * •

late and I had leftover Hallow- needy saps, marriage is simply a In closing, despite my lack of
een Peeps for dinner.) Anyway, crime against humanity, and that faith in humanity, I suppose a
Madam Malarky digresses. all romantic interactions between quick trip to Cafe Diem in the
Again. humans end up resulting in ei- form of,, a 7 f"date" (yuck)

A tradition of better alternatives Women arefickle,ficklecrea- ther cheesy PDAs that make
tures. Worse than being fickle, everyone -uncomfortable or
wouldn't kill me. Now I have a
question for you. Why is it that
whenja guy wants to ask a girl
f SI B 8 l W » ^ ^ A ! ^g^itafo
The sad thing is, after all the thing at the Laker Iw^gQU^j be , to navp the, upper han^I in ahsod In case you haven't n(priced, pas to do it
By Ashley DuBose complaining about fries from that boardlhat announces when lutely everything,
ti t
via e-mail or IM? Ha
laha, just kid-
Contributing writer Madam Malarky tends to be
Egan, someone would still get your food is done. You could be Breakups are certainly no ex- maybe just a wee bit cynical when ding
fries at the Laker. However, I talking to a friend you haven't ception. it comes to dating (and the pro- When and where?
On those days when Egan Hall still maintain that their waffle seen in six months, but one eye If a woman breaks up with grams on Lifetime), and if you Madam Malarky
Cafeteria serves burnt hamburg- fries are addictive. will still befixedon that sign. You

will survive
ers and cold French fries for the Actually, a lot of the food in could have iust sat down after
millionth time, the Laker is there. the Laker is addictive. I know waiting for five minutes in line, >

I* When you cannot stomach one graduate students who cry into knowing that you have at least
more box of Mac and Cheese their piljow at night for want of 20 minutes before they even get
or one more packet of Oriental a sizzling salad. ( to your order, but you'll stare at
Ramen Noodles, the Laker is At least, that is what they that board like you're starving to
there. claim, but I think they're lying. death and you're afraid it is go-
.A When your roommate decides Who could cry for a sizzling sal- ing to walk away with your din-
Welcome to the end of first term
to experiment in the culinary arts ad? I could see crying over ner. By Meghan Smith
them for granted. There is always aren't the most important part
and the resulting green goo has brcadsticks with melted provo- Sure, we go to the Laker for Contributing writer a time when quarrels have to be of taking a class. To me, it's been
started to take over the kitchen- lone cheese and marinara sauce, the food, but that's not the only put aside. Everyone needs a help- more important to enjoy the ex-
i i i i
ette, the Laker is there. maybe, but not a salad. reason. The Laker is virtually the perience. I like all my classes and
It'sfinallyhere; the end of the inghand sometimes, and it turned
How many students' lives have The Laker went smoke free only place on campus that stu- first term. I still can't believe I out those hands were my room- I feel that as long as I can carry
been saved by the meal exchange two years ago, and I have mixed dents can go and just hang out. made it out alive. I never would mates. Sure we fought, but that on a conversation about the in-
program? I remember, back in emotions about that. I know a Where else on campus can you have expected all the things I'd is what being a roommate is all formation it doesn't matter what
my freshman year, sitting in die lot of smokers, and I have to get some deep fried junk food learn in my first few months at about. grade I get on the test/
dorm's TV lounge with my pity them because they cannot and just talk with a bunch of college. Considering the majori- • I learned that sometimes • Most importantly, I've
friends trying to resolve the age get their mid-meal nicotine fix. friends? ty of the things I learned weren't things aren't going to go my way. learned I don't know everything.
old debate: the Cafe, the Laker, Of course, it is not a lot of fun Speaking of big groups, have in the classroom. I've never felt comfortable ac- I will be the first to admit that
or pizza? to walk through clouds of you ever noticed that no matter someone is more experienced
• I've learned that no one cepting this until this year. There than me. I feel that the only way
Pizza, we would decide, was smoke just for dinner. what time you go down to the cares what you did in high school, are thousands of students here
too expensive. On the other hand, there is Laker, there is always that one good or bad. You could have and if they get to the top before to learn is from experience, and
No one could stand the nothing funnier than watching loud group? You know, the peo- burned down the school and no me then thafs OK. I've still got from the experiences of others.
thought of eating another smokers twitching throughout ple that look like they are going one will ask how or why. College time. I'm not fully versed in the pAs someone famous once said,
French fry. their meal, waiting for their to start throwing mayonnaise is where you get your reputation. ways of college life, but once I "You must learn from the mis-
friends to get ready to go; it's like packets any minute. I'm not takes of others because there is
So we'd watch the clock tick • On that same note, I've am, world watch out not enough time in life to make
watching birds getting ready to complaining; I've been a part of •I've learned that you can't al-
slowly toward that magical hour learned that everything you do- them all yourself."
that group. Oh, and a word to
of 6 o'clock, and drool like Pav- migrate because they just cannot ing inside this little bubble be- ways get what you want. Irs just
the wise, people, that mayonnaise VGIiile I'm here at college I plan
lov's dogs.' go alone. comes public knowledge. There a way of life. This includes The
I have to admit, my favorite stainsi Laker not having my favorite experiencing as much as I possi-
Well, not really. are times when secrets should
remain secrets. If there is some* special on certain days. bly can while making very few
It's something I've learned to mistakes.
Campus Question: What's yourfavorite Thanksgiving food? thing you don't want one of your
friends to know, don't tell any- deal with. Along with finding out I've made quite a few in these
one, because ultimately it will that it doesn't matter how many first couple months but I've
"Stuffing is the best!" "My favorite is the dark "My favorite food is times I mention it. learned from them all and know
mleaf from the turkey." mashed potatoes and gravyH reach their ears.
-Joshua Cooper, The lights will not go out when better for the future. With all I
freshman -Connor Burke, -Jessica Provenzano, • I learned that roommates
I get in bed if my roommate is know now, I am sure that I will
freshman freshman don't have to be your best still working.
survive my future at Mercy-
friends, but even so, don't take I've learned that grades
"My favorite food is roast- "My favorite food is "Mv favorite food is cran- hurst. *
ed turkey!" mashed potatoes with gravy

-Dan Maranda, berry sauce with hot rolls!

and peas." K My mouth is starting to wa-
freshman -Cassie Smith, ter just thinking about itl"
freshman •Michelle Ellia,
"My favorite food is cran- freshman
berry sauce." "My favorite Thanksgiving
*Grant Meczka, food is crescent rolls." "My favorite is apple pic! »>

sophomore -Brandy Weber, -Matthew Urch,

sophomore freshman

"My favorite is those po- "1 hate all of it. I don't eat "I\ Iy least favonte Thanks-
tatoes cooked in marshmal- Thanksgiving dinner. I'll just giving food is yams|They
lows." %7 > eat a bowl of cereal." look so disgusting!"
-Sarah James, •Courtney Degenhardt, -Stephanie Symosko,
freshman freshman freshman
"My least favorite is cran- "My least favorite is th c "My favorite is my grand
I It
cranberry sauce." mas' stuffing"
berry sauce. 'BA£>NeWS*Sift. MQRg SiGNTSoF *MMtoR SUCC6SS'ftePoffTP
-Katie Smith, -Mike Pains chak,
-Matt Heckathorn,
freshman sophomore freshmen STtADY
NOVEMBER l * 2003

To contact: OPINION

Letter to the editor:
More on the senior class gift 'It's a madjmad, mad, mad world'
Somehow, I just knew that pus and the student body doesn't high turnout, but I think that
someone on the senior gift I don't understand it- even worth your time.
know why. Like I said in my the donations speak more to Has the wodd gone completely I don't know about you, but I
committee would have this re- article, I had to ask one of last the quality of the students, rath- insane now? Pm starting to won
But I Could Be Wrong
action. While I acknowledge year's graduating seniors what get enough drama in my daily life.
er than the gift. der if there are any rational
•ttd appreciate your response, that gift was. It took him a cou- I don't need to go seek it from
I stand by my statement that thinking people left in this crazy
I hive to sty that you missed ple minutes to remember, and an outside source that I barelv
the gifts of the past few years world of ours.
my point entirely, his exact words were "That thing know.
have been poindess. Pretty, yes, I enjoy an interesting or funny
I never said that choosing the in the grotto, with the bench." Here's an idea. Turn off the
but poindess. They were given bit of news every now and again Jaime
senior gift was easy. I merely The committees choose these television. Close your copy of
to the campus, not the school
suggested a way to make the decorative gifts with some high (and there is a difference).
as much as the next person, but Rhine Entertainment Weekly. Talk to your
process more responsive to the lately I have been astounded at friends, your family and see what
and mighty purpose. Then they The gifts serve no purpose
senior class. The committee what we will waste our time fo- they have to say about their lives.
neglect to tell the students, who other than to make die cam-
maybe comprised of members cusing on nowadays. I think you'll find that there is
are supposed to payforthe thing, pus look pretty, just like the
from our class, but that doesn't what that purpose is. There is a scandal brewing in enough drama there to tide you
trees that get moved every few Great B ntain right now. It would of thing all the time.
automatically make them rep- over for awhile. I don't know
Ah yes, the statistics from last months, and the flowers that seem that his royal highness, Why? * r
resentative of us. As far as I'm about you, but my friends always
year's donations. I tried to find are planted the week before Prince Charles, has got himself We love drama, that's why.
aware, there were noflyersask- seem to find ways to keep me
the past press releases that you Parent's Weekend that die the into a bit of trouble. The royal We love the productions, the
ing seniors to join the commit- interested.
mentioned, but I couldn't find week after. family stands to be royally hu- spectacles, that break up the
tee, nor were there mass emails Shocked and surprised, usual-
diem. Therefore, I must wonder, There is already enough miliated. Prince Chades himself monotony of everyday life. We
asking for input. How do peo- how did those statistics break ly, but interested-
money going toward Mercy- could be ruined, even though he crave it. It's why we watch car
ple join die committee, anyway? down? Did each person that do- Sometimes, my friends are
I hurst beautification. denies it. It's quite the story in chases and disaster footage. It's
nated give around $40? Or, did better than any soap opera...and
Considering that the senior However, I must say that I British news. why the whole country was so
a few people give a few massive there are fewer evil twins to get
gift has already been an- was glad to learn that this year's So, what did he do exactly, you caught up in this whole "Benni- confused over.
nounced, I suppose that is a donations while the rest gave $5 committee had the same view fer"fiasco.It was more interest-
ask? As for me, JLo and Ben could
moot point, isn't it? or $10 out of a sense of loyalty as I on this topic. Yeah, that's the thing, you see. ing that our own lives at the time- decide to get married tomorrow,
As for the gifts themselves, I to the school? Here is the big- I was thrilled to discover that Drama makes life so much
gest question: Did the senior No one knows. live on during the nightly news.
am sure that a lot of thought this year's gift, the renovation
class know what it was paying The royal family and its repre- more exciting It's like an addic- Then while she was coming down
went into them. You stated my of the Bnggs picnic area, ac-
sentatives have refused to tell the tion. the aisle, Jennifer could reveal
point when you said "many stu- for? | I $ i \ tually provided a real benefit This is why we latch onto any
press what the "unspecified in- to the nation that she was actu-
dents may not even realize [the I ask you that because, as it for die students. All I can say
cident" is, so no one really knows story at the sound of the word ally a man and I'm not sure if I
Rock] won first place in the turns out, they did not Accord- is: it is about time. £
what Prince Charles supposedly "scandal." We will watch in rapt would even tune in.
Monument Builders of North ing to Brendan Mahoney, one of You wanted my creativity attention as Martha Stewart is
did. Or didn't do. Whatever. Personally, 1 think Martha
America 2002 Design Con- last year's graduates, the money and I gave it to you in my arti- Anyway, all of Britain is a big hauled away in cuffs. We salivate should do some jail time.
test" for last year's gift was collected cle, in all of my suggestions at the sight of Enron executives
uproar, however. Prince Charles could have
You are right. before the students were official- for possible gifts. You'll also as they are publicly disgraced.
Ridiculous. been found covered in honey
Many students don't know. ly told what their gift was sup- have my money, because this
Can you imagine that? Getting We will even settie for a shot of and shaving cream, waving a
The gifts are chosen to dec- posed to be. I think it is wonder- year's gift isfinallyone worth
into a fit about something when Madonna without any makeup feather duster with a monkey
orate various parts of the cam- ful that they had an incredibly paying for. -Ashley DuBose
you-areri't even sure what hap- on. dressed up like a French maid
pened; when you aren't even Who's silly now? and I'm not sure how much I
sure if it happened at all? We always manage to rational- would really care.
Sounds pretty stupid right? ize it, however, because we need All right. Maybe I would care
'Those silly Brits," you're prob- our drama fix, man. Whoa. a little.
ably saying as you roll your eyes Let me tell you something I'm a closet drama junkie my-
in disgust. about drama, kids. All that stuff self, ft ?
You know what? I agree. I just mentioned? lust don't tell anyone. I
It does sound pretty silly. How- That's not drama wouldn't want the press to find
No Discussion, No Debate, No Hearing
, ;.- >{ ' . :
ever, we Americans do this kind It's petty, stupid and it's not out or anything

"Many parts of this sweeping investigatipn is working wonders

Write Truth
The glass is half full
legislation take away checks on for terrorism. I often keep valu- f t

law enforcement and threaten able information on foreign in-

the veryrightsand freedoms that telligence in my sock drawer.
Michelle we are struggling to protect" The Bush/Ashe ro ft Justice
For instance, Section 215 of Department refused to answer out. All the while I had no clue ning on doing it anytime soon
the Patriot Act violates the First, questions about how they were By Angela Pascoe about what had happened. Then, either.
Fourth and Fifth Amendments implementing this new Act when Contributing writer three months after they had been We have all made our share
of the Constitution. It "allows confronted by the House Judi- secredy seeing each other, the of mistakes and bad choices.
the FBI to force anyone at all - ciary Committee in .June of The glass is half full. truth came out. My ex told me Some more than others, but we
including doctors, libraries, book- 2002. The ACLU writes that This is how I approach many what happened after some care- have all done it at one point in
Stevenson stores, universities, and Internet "not only has the Bush Admin- obstacles and people in my life. fully planned out questions on our life. Therefore, why should
service providers - to turn over istration undermined judicial I mean, why shouldn't I trust my part. So right after I talked we come off judging people
Imagine being a part of Con- records on their clients or cus- oversight of government spying someone before they give me to him, I did what any normal right away?
gress and literally being bullied tomers", according to die ACLU. on citizens by pushing die Patri- a reason not to? girl would do and I called up my So, to avoid all the pain of
by your very own president and No longer will you be notified ot Act into law, but it is also un- I don't feel that I should keep; friend to ask her if it was true. backs tabbing friends or cheat-
administration to pass a bill with if your home, your office, or dermining another crucial check my distance from someone that She said that it was in fact the ing boyfriends, should I just
little review, little time, and per- your library will be searched. and balance on surveillance pow- I could possibly have a close truth and that she did not regret I cons tan dy have my guard up?
haps even little approval; There will be no knock on the ers: accountability to Congress relationship with if they have what happened, and that she Trust is sometlung that is easy
Imagine being told that if you door, simply pictures taken, and and the public." not even done anything wrong would do it again if she had the to lose and extremely hard to
voted against it, you would be even the possible loss of random Protesters are now at risk of yet. However, giving people the chance. gain back.
considered responsible for any- possessions deemed worthy of being considered "domestic ter- benefit of the doubt has kicked Some friend, huh? If I kept my distance from
thing that went wrong that the confiscation. They will tell you rorists," and non-citizens are at me in the butt more than once. You would think that after all people, would I know anyone?
bill would have prevented. about it though, when they get risk of being deported if they're For example, last year my of that, I would put my guard No, I wouldn't Some may think
Sounds like a pathetic plot for a around to it. found supporting a protest In best friend and my boyfriend up a little more than it is when it life lived that way is better, but
horror film. This is yet another example of fact, with "reasonable grounds" of four years got together the comes to relationships. No, for I disagree. I really do not un-
jilt's called the Patriot Act, a the Patriot Act's elimination of the attorney general can deport day after our break up. To top some reason I still believe that derstand how those kinds of
complete revision of the surveil- checks and balances. "Notice is any non-citizen merely due to there is at least a little good in people make it through a day
it off, they hid it from me.
lance laws of the United States, a crucial check on the govern- suspicion. everyone. Well, except for my being so critical. They are so
Then, my 'best friend' con-
passed just 45 days after the ter- ment's power because it forces Why is it that the government tinued to act like nothing had "friend," I haven't spoken to her constantly miserable.
rorist attacks of September 11*. the authorities to operate in the is giving itself more control and ever happened and we still hung since. I am definitely not plan- \ What does that prove?
According to die Bush adminis- open, and allows the subject of its very own people, mind you
tration, had the bill not been searches to protect their Fourth we live in a democracy that pro-
passed, the members of Con- Amendment rights," says the fesses "rule by die people," have
gress who voted against it would ACLl * no control over it.
be to blame if another terrorist "For example, it (the Fourth The ACLU writes that the re-
attack occurred. Amendment) allows them to sult of the Patriot Act "is un-
Which makes complete sense. point out irregularities in a war- checked government power to
There was no debate, no hear- rant, such as the fact that the rifle through individuals finan-
ing; the proposed bill went police are at the wrong address, cial records, medical histories,
oi that the scope of die warrant Internet usage, bookstore pur- Adam DuShole Editor-in-Chief editormerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
straight to the floor of the Sen- Billy Elliott prodmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
is being exceeded (for example, chases, library usage, travel pat- Managing Editor
ate. The House on the other Kelly Rose Duttine News Editor
hand held a hearing, and by rifling through dresser draw- terns, or any other activity that
ers in a search for a stolen car). leaves a record." Comforting I Courtney Nicholas Features Editor featuremerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
emerged with what they called a Jaime Rlnne Opinion Editor opinionmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
compromise bill. It's now in die Search warrants often contain have a long drawn out history
limits on what may be searched, of overdue books. Patrick Martino Sports Editor sportsmercia d @ mercyhurst. edu
trash along with every other dis- Emily Crofoot A&E Editor entertainmentmerciad@ mercyhurst. edu
but when die searching officers Oh, but it gets better, just wait.
carded piece of evidence that JodyMello Photo Editor photomerciad@ mercyhurst. edu
have complete and unsupervised Soon enough the Department of
would possibly offer a negative Jess Tobln Copy Editor jtobin75 @ mercyhurst. edu
discretion over a search, a prop- Justice is going to introduce the
light of the United States gov- erty owner cannot defend his or
ernment, Patnot II, a sequel that may be
her rights/' '\ Plotr Wolinski Assistant Managit
According to the American better off unseen.
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), This new tactic for criminal

The Merciad The Merciad Is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is

Please submit all letters to: published throughout the school year, with the exception of midterms week
and finals week. Our office Is In the Hlrt Center, room LL114. Our telephone
0 p^innnnprciad(a)niercvhurstj number Is 824-2376. T M f

All letters should be 500 words c The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and
names will be Included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for
The Merciad content, we reserve therightto trim letters to fit Letters are due the Thursday
length before publication and may not be longer than 300 words. Submit letters to
All letters must be signed box PH 465.
• ! • i i i • • 1 i i • — • i
I T|
• • i M — • i • • •
X 1 . . • , 1 1 • • • • • i • • ' - V t v - 1 — — • i l m — - M I i m k n i i i i 1 1 — — r t T


Elliot's music takes major shift •

NOV. 16. Finger Eleven. The band movesfrom Promise-Ring-Emo to post-rock ethereal sounds
Odeon, Cleveland.
from emo to post-rock.
NOV. 20. Marc Broussard By Julie Segner However, I must say that
Rosebud, Pittsburgh. Contributing writer "Song in the Air" has not made
the same impact on me as "False
NOV. 20. Paul Oakenfold.
So, this summer I went to see Cathedrals" (which is now
Metropol, Pittsburgh.
one of the first emo bands I ever scratched beyond repair due to
NOV. 21. Cradle of Kith, started listening to way back in countless friends borrowing.)
the days of Palling Forward I think this album lacks cre-
Type O Negative. Agora
(Chris Higdon pre-EUiott Hard- ativity and sounds like someone
Theater, Cleveland.
core). Interestingly enough they told them to clean up their act
-r played at this creepy Christian Higdon's voice combined with
NOV. 22. Staind. Sevendust,
hangout called.. .die Hang Outl the ebb and flow of semi-heavy
Lo-Pro. A J. Palumbo
H A ! *• t I crescendos that they have lov-
Theater, Pittsburgh.
This place exists in a faraway ingly befriended as their trade-
land called Edinboro and I was mark sound, I enjoyed hearing
NOV. 22. Bruce Cockburn.
amazed that such a shack in a more raw emotion from the
Rosebud, Pittsburgh.
hick town could not even mus- scrawny lead singer. f
NOV. 24-25. The Clarks. ter the money to pay a band on "Song in the Air" lost a lot of
Nicks Fat City, Pittsburgh Revelation Records to come and that heart-pounding emotion
play there. that caught in my throat on
I have always suspected that "False Cathedrals" and begs to
NOV. 25. Rusted Root.
Elliott had a religious connection, be described as over-produced,
Odeon, Cleveland.
but have never heard any defin- which is a bold statement seeing
itive reports. How could a four- as how they had help from a
NOV. 26. White Stripes,
piece from Louisville Kentucky musical know-it-all, Christian
Whirlwind Heat. A J.
in the heart of die Bible-belt not Frederickson of the Rachel's.
Palumbo Theatre,
Pittsburgh. Note: Tickets have a religious affiliation? Either wav it doesn't matter
from August's postponed Luckily for Elliott and myself much because shortly after re-
show will be honored. (the only fan there that seemed leasing this album the band an-
to appreciate that they were play- nounced that they were calling it
NOV. 26. Paul Fayrewether. ing) the sound in this shack is quits.
not half-bad. They mosdy stuck Here's the official statement
Odeon, Cleveland.
to playing songs from their 2000 from the band: "Over die past
NOV. 28. Martina McBride's release "False Cathedrals/' which eight years all who have made
"The Joy of Christmas. 1t i was fine by me because that al- Elliott what it is today have seen
Tullio Arena, Erie. $40.25, bum blew my mind away and still many things change.
$30.25. On sale at Tullio brings a tear to this day We've grown along with our
Arena box office, Their set was really tight, which audience and have evolved
Ticketmaster outlets, by didn't jive because they looked finally to our mature form,1
phone at 452-4857 or 456- bored and distracted. A few Pnoto courtesy ol www feve'at'onrecords com To be true to what die band
7070, and online at songs peeked in from "Song in Check out Elliot at www.revelatlonrecords.corn to see the new additions to the band, and its members have stood by, the Air/* but absolutely nothing and to check out some of their new tunes. (art, creation and understanding
from "US- Songs" (no surprises of human nature and its
there.) but aside being the only person tour with, but "Song in die Air" The band made a major shift connection with music) it's time
NOV. 28. Lonestar, Jimmy
They failed to confirm or deny who seemed to have even heard has a good-bottle-of-Cabernet from straight up Promise-Ring- for Elliott to come to an
Wayne. Note: Acoustic
show. Lake wood Civic eady reports about the break-up of Elliott before, they did a great maturity to it that has developed Emo to posraock ethereal end/' t * % * f
Auditorium, Lake wood, but did manage to beg for mon- job in die *Boro. with time since their relative sounds with layered vocals, re- Th'aWks for playing; you can
Ohio. t ey so that they could tour Japan. On to their newest album, ground-breaking release in 2000. verb, violins and "wads of e- pick your consolation prize up
What's wrong with that picture, which I am presuming they'\vere''j '"False Cathedrals" was anoth- bow" on the way out* Overall rating
I ask you? Front man and only promoting on the tour but er slap-you-in-the-face album Don't get me wrong, the world 7 I * 1 $
NOV. 28. Ze brahead, Lucky
original member, Chris Higdon's played almost nothing from, that truly seemed to come out according to me, does not need Dance-ability rating, 0 A. this
Boys Confusion. Nick's Fat
voice is beyond moving on a CD, which was created immediately of nowhere, but has now earned another emo band, but when it CD is meant to be listened to
City, Pittsburgh. and live will give you serious after the band's return from die my honest respect as a solid, comes to Elliott, they managed after you get your heart broken-
goose bumps. 2000*^001 US./European tour overall great album. to pull it off, and I will fondly Indy-meter, 4.5 to 5, Revelation
NOV. 29. The Clarks. with the addition of a new bass
I am slowly beginning to be I think a writer from look back upon the times that I Records aren't as big as they
Carnegie Music Hall, player and guitar player.
able to look past the obnoxious, said it best actually got to hear Higdon used to be, but you still need to
hip-swinging bass player and see Granted, "Song in the Air" is fit's perfectly possible that I fig- scream rather than push out the have known emo and the Salva-
his talent beyond Elvis-like pel- chock-a-block full of beautiful don's just now gotten around to vibrato. tion Army dressing room to
NOV. 30. Kom, Offspring,
vic gyrations. Overall, their on- violins, pianos, organs and sam- unwrapping those Sigur Ros Although, I have to give it to know these guys.
Adema. Ill Nino, Crystal
Method. CSU Convocation stage presence seemed strained ples which can be difficult to records he got for his birthday" them for making the brave jump
Center, Cleveland.

DEC. 4. Moe. Agora Theater,

Cleveland. George M! review: Upcoming! PAC events
By Emily Crofoot the singular bond literature can Friedmans" will be playing at
DEC. 4. Donna the Buffalo
with guest Jim Lauderdale. Play proves to be huge success Arts and Entertainment editor
create among; straneers. For
more information about the
[On Wednesday, Nov. 12, at film, go to:
the PAC. In Andrew jarecki's
devastating documentary, a
Beachland Ballroom, Long Island family is torn to
Cleveland. forming career on the Erie Stage 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., "Stone Read- • O n Wednesday, Nov. 19, at shreds by^spectacular^child
as Josie Cohan, George's talent- er" will be playing at the PAC. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., "Man on the abuse charges.
DEC. 9. "Harry for the By Meghan Sullivan Filmmaker Mark Moskowitz Train" will be playing at the PAC But who were die real crimi-
ed sister. Kilroy was definitely
Holidays" with Harry Contributing writer finally reads a critically ac- Patrice Leconte's "Man on the nals - Arnold and Jesse Fried-
the show stealing actress in this
Con nick Jr. and his Big musical. She lights up the stage claimed novel he bought back Train" is a beguiling little dream man or the cops, prosecutors
Band. Benedum Center, with every entrance. in 1972, and then discovers about friendship, fate and regret, and shrinks? For more infor-
This past weekend was the
Pittsburgh. SOLD OUT. Erie Playhouse's latest produc- Her strong tap skills are shown that both the book and the au- spun with the confidence of a mation about the film, go to:
tion, "George M. * J Bj off during this production as she thor have long since vanished. master storyteller. For more in-
DEC. 9. Irish Tenors. Shea's dances sweetly across the scenes, Stone Reader documents formation about diefilm,go to: main.html.
This musical is written about
Theater, Buffalo. George M. Cohan. It entails sto-
• Moskowitz's quest to find out Admission for all movies is
drawing the mainfocuswith her why As he solves the mystery, man/* $5 for adults, $4 for seniors,
ries about his life, his loves, and vibrant vitality. She was last seen
DEC 10. Dimmu Borgir, his acting, producing, and direct- the twists and turns of the jour- • O n Wednesday, Nov. 26, at $4 for youth under 15, and
performing in last year's musi- ney reveal something more - 2 p.m. and 8 pin., "Capturing the free for Mercyhurst students.
Nevermore, Children of 5. ing career, The songs are all well- cal theatre production of "Nun-
Bodem. Agora Theatre, known, patriotic tunes such as sense," where she starred at the
Cleveland. "You're A Grand Old Flag" and Mother Superior. 1
"Give My Regards to Broad* Another Mercvhurst student Lftntt rfopmng
Pfctaafwoa I t
larK* J-Topping
Plyua and a
DEC. 12. Harry Connick J c
Palace Theater, Cleveland.
way." $ that was featured in "George M" Single Order of
Bwdslkks I Smgltj Onttf of 1
The show starred Dan Mifk-
ovic as George M. Cohan^the
was freshman marketing major
Marann Curtis who was in the
i£ Brtadstkfci
DEC. 12. Early November, famous song and dance man. ensemble. I • ! • 1
Count the Stars, Copeland.
Agora Ballroom, Cleveland.
He plays his character as like- The Erie Playhouse took a *y I
able, with his head in the clouds, unique turn with how they ran
always searching for a new the show. Thev decided to be I I
DEC. 13. Type O Negative, dream. Mifkovic displays a great
-w •

creative and had the scenes done

Cradle of Filth. Emrald room,
McKees Rocks.
lightness on his feet as he springs
back and forth on stage while
as if they were in rehearsal for a I
dancing $

Broadway show. I mmssszI

DEC. 13. Los Straitjackets
Christmas Party. Beachland
He has a great sense of ener- The) used hardly any sets or
scene changes, and wore very few
• * • *

* .*•>**-# * - * * * # *

gy about him that is ever

Urge i-Towring I Urgt x-Topping I
Ballroom, Cleveland. present. The real George M. costumes.
Cohan did so many things in his Throughout most of the pro-
DEC. 13. Oak Ridge Boys. lifetime. He was an actor, a sing- duction, the actors/actresses 1 fc«flkS»difTt Carta
1 SlngttOrdtrof I Single Order of I
PtmAMt Pitta aiiot
Shea's Theater, Buffalo. er, a producer, and a director. were wearing dancing warm up
clothes, petticoats, and any oth-
1 1 B/**dstida
Is Br«4d*tkk»
He would have to have as much
DEC. 14. David Copperfield. energy as Mifkovic portrayed er articles of clothing they nor-
1 I I
Warner Theater, Erie. Note: just to keep him goingl mally practice in«| 1 I
Shows at 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. This production included a few
Also, the playhouse rearranged
a few of the songs, which was
1 I I
$47.75, $35.75, $25.75. On
sale at Tullio Arena box
of Mcrcyhurst's students, in-
un not ice able to those who were
1 I I
office, Ticketmaster outlets,
cluding Casey Kilroy who had a
principal role*. This was Casey's
not widely familiar with the show. I 2007 East 3S*Str«t Erte • 8257872 1 t m t f M J t f t . >'r*. , „-„•„

by phone at 452-4857 01 156- main stage debut at the Erie Play-

The production is directed by
David Matthews, and choreo-
I 4402 Buffalo Road. Erte « 899-4313 1 1
7070, online at |
house. She started out her per-
graphed by Almitra Clcrkin. I tfnt+v c«iy*tt * Qtll**y *M*f*4|tf*rt«*ftifttie
NOVEMBER 12, 2003

Kila rocks with unforgettable performance
By Piotr Wolinski listen to tribal-Celtic tunes, and not as some classical music .can
Contributing writer lots of exotic percussion instru- uplift you..; we try to pick some
ments. notes that can do that, so there
The performance was not only is purpose in that way,
Have you ever felt like drink- interesting, but joyful and fresh musically I suppose."
ing a pint of Guinness instead because Kila presented their new And still many feel that Kila is
of sitting in the library and study- album "Luna Park." Just look at an excellent band. Michael
ing for finals? . the credits on die cover of CD Fuhrman, President of the PAC
Well, this feeling would certain- — Kila is thanking some unusual agrees. *
ly intensify after attending the people, like The Emerging Shout Furhman felt that Kila would
performance of Kila at the Man, or Big Chi^f Random be a good band to bring to Mer-
Mary D'Angelo Performing Qiaos. cyhurst after hearing them.
Arts Center on Friday, According to the track credits, "Irish music lends itself to a lot
Nov. 7. unusual instruments and effects of different types of music,* so
Kila is a one-of-a-kind band, used by the members of the I thought this would be a good
playing music that resembles Irish group included "acoustic ca- group to bring into a college en-
folk. ' • tarrh," "biscuit horn," "shouts" vironment, to draw in Mercy-
A group of seven individuals, and "hand-held hi-hat." hurst students," he said.
great musicians, poets, writers, When asked about the creat- Furhman wants Kila to change
and* even a physiotherapist give ing process, Brian Hogan, mem- the opinion of die theater for
a unique, brand new meaning to ber of Kila explains that, "Some- students.
Irish uillean pipes, tin whistles and Piotr Wolinskl/Con tnbuting photographer times it is very frustrating, so it's With Kila and other perfor-
traditional melodies. Kila played at the PAC on Friday, Nov. 7 and played songs from their newest album, not always going to be joy, but mances, hopefully more stu-
"I would describe our music 'Luna Park. the intensity perhaps is joy. dents will see that the PAC is
as contemporary Irish music or If you have that in your head more exciting than boring
lusty world music but with Irish own. and America. explains. "Celebration of music all the way through to the end, And if vou still say that Irish
background," bass player Brian Currently, Kila is working on What is music of Kila all we are listening to and enjoy. just remember that at the end music is boring, then...well...
Hogan admits. "We absorb all the its sixth record, gaining more and about? "Celebration" Rossa O Inclusiveness" you want it to be joyful. "Tog e go bog e!
music, and use it to create our more recognition both in Europe Snodaigh, one founder of Kila Kila gives the opportunity to It is not very uplifting, it is

Napster: all new, all legal tions.

By Lindsay Kezlarian The downloaded songs may be
Contributing writer played on up to three personal
computers and are accessible Rock Down Broadway at Playhouse
A new score has been settled both online and off for a limit-
in the ongoing file-swapping sa- ed amount of time. Songs may The Composer/Lyricist con- Diane Hardncr, Krista Lamb,
gas of the modern technology be burned to CDs or transferred cert season is well underway Kate Lechner, Eric Marshall,
age — Students: 1; Napster: 1. Can to a portable digital-music play- at the Erie Playhouse and the David Shaffer and Justin Wil-
it be? Was there actually an agree- er, like Napster's own player, for next concert features songs liams.
mentr 99 cents apiece. from shows that have One thing you can be sure
Yes, my penniless fellow mu- Basically, songs can be down- "rocked" Broadway over the of - concert nights at the
sic lovers, there could be a light loaded and listened to on com- years. From "Bye Bye Bird- Erie Playhouse are the best
on the horizon puters only for a restricted ie" to "Rent" the theatre will| bargain in town and a joy
There is a new deal made by amount of time. be jumpin.' from beginning to end.
the Napster online music store So if you're dying to have your As always, David Matthews There is no reserved seat-
and Pennsylvania State Univer- favorite Prince album on a will host the evening with An- ling and tickets are available
sity that will permit students to burned CD, it may just be cheap- drew Rainbow at die piano as- at the door for $10.00 each.
a< er to go out and buy the real
tfess the N^ster^sery^e, fer: sisted by Bob Martin on bass Curtain time is 7:30" p.m.
f r c thing or suffer on your tiny [Com- and Jim Griffey on drums. Make sure you reserve the
* * it *;
The deal is a part of the con- puter speakers. The evening will highlight dates on your calendar for
tinuing efforts by universities to Napster, as well as the entire songs from "Mama Mia," Rock Down Broadway. No
Photo courtesy of www napsie*corr> <c
find legal alternatives tofileshar- music industry, hopes that by Rent," "Bye Bye Birdie," advance reservations are ac-
ing As of this fall, Napster Is available on a trial basis to Penn introducing college students to "Grease," "Chess," " Fhe Mag- cepted.
I can almost see the glimmer State students. legal yet more restricted meth- ic Show," "The Wiz," "Hair-
of light in all college students' ods of obtaining music they will spray," "Aida" and more. November 18 & 19 - 7:30 pm
eyes nation-wide as the fear of tended to all students and staff. in the fall of 2003." carry on the habit when they Audiences will be rocking to at the Erie Playhouse.
being hauled to jail for download- In an report, Penn State Finally a step in the right di- graduate from their universities, rhythms all sung by some of For more "information call
ing the latest Outkast single di- President Graham Spanier said, rection, no? Well, don't be jump- and continue purchasing songs your favorite Erie Playhouse 454-2852 ext.O M
minishes. "This will be the first step in a ing for joy yet. It's not as com- online instead of downloading performers.
The partnership was an- new, legal approach designed to pletely free as it used to be back them. Joining David Matthews are
nounced last week and is intend- meet student interest in getting in the good old beginning days Then again, by the time cur Playhouse talents Jeremiah Information provided by the Erie
ed to keep rampant illegal file- extensive digital access to music. of Napster. rent students leave school, the Berlin, Jen Bussiere, Kia Playhouse.
sharing at bay while still allowing We have already set up student Thefile-sharingservice, which online music scene might be Chapman, Marissa Chapman,
students to listen to music, all for focus groups at Penn State who ordinarily costs $9.95 per month, completely different from what
free. <? have been testing the Napster gives the students the ability to it is today.
The first stage of this plan will service. We will essentially deploy stream an unlimited number of Who knows? Hie next battle
be implemented next semester thousands of testers in the spring songs from Napster's library of might just be over downloading
when 18,000 students will gain semester to use this program and more than 500,000 songs as well songs as ring tones on cellular
access to the service. give us feedback before we roll as being able to download any phones. Get your checkbooks
Later the service will be eX- it out for even wider student use song with limited playback op- ready.

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SPORTS To contact:

Football] w i n s 17-10 over W a y n e up the first down and run down

By Ryan Palm the clock, giving Mercyhurst the
Contributing Writer win. \
Adams ended up with a career
Luckily for die Lakers, things day, rushing for 141 yards on 27
don't always finish as they Itart carries and a touchdown.
Mercyhurst rebounded from a Nowling also had a successful
tough start to defeat the Wayne day carrying the ball, adding 54
State 17-10 on Saturday Nov. 8, yards on just 10 carries and add-
in front 1,20b very cold fans. ing a touchdown.
From the looks of the first two Senior wide receiver Brad Th-
kickoffs, it looked as if it was ompson ended his career on a
going to be a very long day for good note, making three recep-
the Lakers. tions for 50 yards.
On die opening kickoff, Lak- Wayne State used three quar-
er sophomore Mario Tullis fum- terbacks in the games, with Chad
bled the football and it was re- Blair being the most successful
covered by Wayne State defend- going 13-24 for 122 yards, with
er Demetrius Hallums at the a touchdown and an intercep-
Mergyhurst 24 yard line. tion.
The defense stood strong and Craig Duppong led the War-
was able to force the Warriors riors in rushing, gaining 79 yards
to attempt a field goal. on 20 carries.
Greg Gundersongs kick from The game was the last home
19 yards out was good, putting game for the seniors, and what
Wayne State ahead eady with a a way to gp out jg^
3-0 lead ? »S "It was great to go out with a
On the ensuing kickoff, Mer- win at home since it's our last
cyhurst return man Rob Keefe game here ever," said senior de-
fumbled the football, and it was fensive tackle Mike McQuillan,
again recovered by Wayne "Next week's game is huge, be-
State. cause ifwe win we willfinishwith
A few plays later Mercyhurst JodyMelto/Phoio Editor a winning record, something
lineman Terrance Patrick forced Justin Adams nearly escapes from a Wayne State defender in a 17*10 win at home.
which hasn't happened since Pve
a fumble which was recovered Mercyhurst got on the board Scanlon made a 29-yard field tied at 10-10. to punt, and junior Jason Staley been here/*
by Mike Cikra. when freshman quarterback Jeff goal, giving the Lakers more The Lakers punted on their partially blocked the punt, which With the victory the Lakers
Both teams played sloppy foot- Nowling scored on a five yard breathing room at 10-3. next two possessions, and Wayne ended up going only 12 yards. move to 5-5 overall, while being
ball in the first quarter, with the touchdown run. The Warriors were far from State had the ball with about 5:00 Two plays later Mercyhurst 4-5 in the Great Lakes Intercol-
two combining for five fumbles, Freshman Phil Scanion added giving up as they came back and left in the game. running back Justin Adams ran legiate Conference.
three of which caused change of the extra point giving the Lakers scored early in the fourth quar- On what was probably the de- 40 yards for the score, putting Wayne State fell to 3-7 over-
possession. a 7-3 lead. ter, as Wayne State quarterback fensive play of the game, Mer- the Lakers up 17-10. all, and 2-7 in the GLLAG
Once the teams got adjusted The Laker defense again Chad Blair connected with re- cyhurst senior lineman Mike The defense would come up Mercyhurst travels to Hillsdale
to the cold and settled in, it played great, as they gave the ceiver Michael Griffie on a 43- McQuillan ran down Blair and clutch again, forcing Wayne State next Saturday, Nov 15, with kick-
turned out to be a very close offense the chance to pull yard score. stopped him a yard short of the to punt with only 2:13 left in the off scheduled for 2:30 pjn.
game, both on the field and on ahead. Gunderson added the impor- first down. game. The game is the final for the
paper. Mercyhurst scored again when tant extra point to make the game The play forced the Warriors The offense was able to pick football season.

No Mercy' Club formed for fans 8th-ranked women's hockey
improves recordfto 6-1-1
m hurst team this year-
By Courtney Nicholas By Amanda Harnocz This year's coaching staff
Features Editor * *
Contributing Writer
* > • *
added eleven new players to
• r % the team.
Do you like to attend sporting *,-«.
The women's hockey team is The coaches have very high
events? eight games into their season expectations for all eleven in-
Are you looking for a club with already. 7 coming players.
a lot of enthusiasm? After losing a good amount Junior, forward Teresa
If you answered yes to these of seniors and captains from Marchese-Del Monte is caus-
questions the *No Mercy* Club last year's team, the team is ing a stir for the program.
is for you. \ ^ working even harder. She is a transfer from Niaga-
The Sports Business Club has I Last year's teamfinishedwith ra University who had 34 goals,
partnered with the Spirit Club to an overall record of 25-8-1. An 42 assists over two vears and
form the *No Mercy Club'. outstanding record that placed 72 games.
"I went around at Club Fair Mercyhurst tenth in Division I Freshman year Teresa was
trying to get other clubs involved. play
r;The Spirit Club was really in- \! * k - named 2001 -2002 Eastern Col-
lege Athletic Conference
terested in supporting the 'No This year's? team is trying to
improve last year's record. (ECAC) rookie of the year.
Mercy* Club. f *H
She was also awarded with
V They are also trying to work
Tracy Heranic, the president, together as a team and learn to the 2002-2003 CHA second
discussed possible strategies. ffl
play with the many new, young, team her sophomore year.
"We were excited about getting inexperienced freshmen. In this league she finished
funding from Mercyhurst Stu- <
Head coach is Michael Sisti. second in conference scoring.
dent Government and she was .i •
Assistant coaches are Maria Just recently, Mercyhurst im-
Jody MeUo/Photo Editor
excited about the spirit club hav- Now fans like these can join the 'No Mercy' Club. Lewis, Kate Fennessey, and proved their record to 6-1-1 on
ing something to support," Jeff John Marchctti. Nov. 9 against Pindlay.
Meeson, president of the Sportj T.G.I Fridays, Star 104, and on campus," Messon said "We have a banner and the pSisti is in his eleventh year Mercyhurst who is ranked
Business Club said. Patti's Pizza. There will be many events for sections where students will be coaching for Mercyhurst. eighth right now rallied three
Meeson is working with Jessi- Pattt's Pizza is the main spon- the 'No Mercy' Club. | sitting are roped off. The club This year will be his fifth year goals in the third period for the
ca Lamb and Meghan Kist, who sor, thus naming the club The There are nine events that the is totally student run/' Meeson as head coach. Sisti has been win. 1
are serving as Co-Vice Presi- Patti's Pizza *No Mercy* Club. club will be participating in.- said. named Great Lakes Women's Scorers were junior, forward
dents, and Eamon Fitzpatrick, Graphic Design students They will only participate in those We are hoping that the atmo- Hockey Association (GLWHA) Chrissy Yule, junior forward
who is serving as secretary helped with the design of the T- nine sporting events. sphere will keep student coming coach of the year in 2002. Sara McDonald, and freshman
The officers are working with shirts for the club. Once the club gets off its feet back to th<? events the *No Mer- He was also named College forward Stefanie Bourbeau.
many sponsors to make the club Mcsson and Lamb want to the student chairs from Student cy' Club participate in," Lamb Hockey of America (CHA) Sophomore forward, Amiee
a reality. extend an invitation to all stu-; Activities Committee will en- said. coach of the year in 2003. Collins scored her first goal of
They are being supplied with dents to participate in the club. dorse the club by sending e-mails If yoti have any questions While Sisti has worked hard the season in the first period.
T-shirts from Silk Screen Unlim- "Right now the club is small. and promoting the schedule. about the club activities or fu- with his team on the ice athlet-
Senior forward Jessica
ited. We arc looking forward to hav- The club is planning a Snow ture events, please contact Jeff ically he has also improved the Dillabough scored the team's
Other sponsors are Mercy- ing many students participate Softball game tournament in Jan- Meeson at teams work off the ice. second goal in the second quar-
hurst Student Government. with the club at sporting events uary. jmeeso96@me He has improved the team's ter. X *
schedule t record, and competi- This win was the fourth game
Volleyball beats
Ashland in final Club hockeyfback on track tion and has brought a great
deal of class to the program.
But, he has also coached a
added to Mercyhurt's winning
The Hockey team will next
game of season chipped in with multiple assists team who, foi foui years now; play on Nov. 15 and 16 at
on Friday night as Mercyhurst^
By Matt Jackson offense didn't have die same en- in both games for the Lakers. has had a cumulative grade home against Wayne State.
Mercyhurst defeated Ash- Contributing Writer ergy and freshman goalie Dan Though the Lakers Club point average of 3.0 and above. The Nov. 15 game will start
land 3-2 Saturday, November Larue wasn't the same behind Hockey team has struggled with Assistant coach Lewis is in her at 2 p.m. and the Nov. 16 game
8. The scores were 30-12, 26- It was a bittersweet weekend the net in the 7-3 loss. inconsistencies throughout die fourth year. ^ will start at lp.m f
30, 25-30, 30-20 and 15-11 for the Mercyhurst Lakers Club The loss didn't stay on Mercy- year it appears that they are re- Both Lewis and Sisti welcome Following that game they will
Mercyhurst finished the sea- Hockey team. hurst's minds too long. They bounding andfinallygetting on their new partners, Fennessey face Colgate the next weekend
son 16-15 overall and 5-12 in The Lakers went 1-1 with a dis- came back the next night look- track. V and Marchetb to the Mercy- in two home games.
the Great Lakes Intercolle- appointing loss to Rochester on ing like a completely different ! lub hockey has 4 games re-
giate A till e tic Conference Friday nigh r and then came back team in an 8-2 victory over Le- maining before Thanksgiving
(GLIAQ while the Eagles end- with a win in convincing fashion fcgh £t, i I break and they are looking t<
ed up 7-22 and 3 14. over Lehigh I diversity. Former Division I player improve their overall record tt • • • A C T N O W + + •

Senior Jenn Barba led the The first game was extremely Shane Relihan led all scores with 7-7 overall.
team with 20 kills and 6 total disappointing for the Lakers be- a hat trick. This team has dominated the
blocks while teammate Lynd- th
si I lughes added 16 kills, and
cause of the previous game's Senior forward Chris Danna
result against the same Roches- was nght behind him in the ef-
ECHL in the past and looks to
do so again this year after a
Book 11 people, get 12 trip free.
digs. Sophomore Kari
Qapham registered 50
ter team. fort with two goals of his own, rough start. ©roup discounts for 6
just one weekend ago the Lak- and sophomore forward Phil The weekend split dropped

-Mercyhurst Sports Info

ers defeated Rochester in a Gana also added a goal. Mercvhurst's season record to 3- www.sprinQbreQkdiscoi.ints.cnm
blowout 15-1. £ Junior forward and last year's 7 overall and 2-2 in conference
The tables were turned though point leader Mickey Girardi play.

SPORTS 7b contact:

Men hockey beats Army UConn ?

^ Daniel Brackenridge/Contribufing Phcxographer

Scott Reynolds crashes the net looking for a loose puck.
Reynolds scored one goal and two assists against UConn.

the score at 1-1.

By Matt Jackson He went on to score two goals
Contributing Writer in the second, one on a power
play, and added one in the third
The Mercyhurst men's hock- to complete the four-goal night-
ey team had a satisfying week- Mercyhurst pulled ahead 2-1
end with victories over confer- after the first period of play off
ence opponents on consecutive of freshman forward Kyle Oaniel BreckenrkJgeJContnbuting RKXograprw
nights. Gourgon's first career goal. Above: Rich Hansen pursues a UConn player In a 6-5 win comeback win. Hansen scored the game-winner late In
The Lakers defeated Army in Wrigley scored his next two overtime. Hansen now has 3 goals and 3 assists for a total of 6 points.
a packed home game on Friday goals to help the Lakers start to
night by the final score of 7-2. pull away with a 4-1 lead after es. that would help ignite a Mercy- He was denied, however, and the puck behind the goal line.
They then returned to their two periods of play. The loss dropped Army to 2- hurst Laker come from behind the two teams went on to battle Power play opportunities
home ice to pull off an unbe- The Lakers did not ease up 2-1 overall and 1-1-1 in confer- victory/The Lakers would out- back and forth until thefinalgoal proved to be the big difference
lievable 6-5 comeback win over though as sophomore forward ence play. score the Huskies 4-1 in the fi- of the game was scored. for Mercyhurst as they convert-
the UConn Huskies. Scott Reynolds scored a goal just The game held on Saturday nal 21 minutes of the contest to Hansen scored the game win- ed 3-7 and at the same time
Junior forward David Wrigley 19 seconds into the third peri- night against UConn proved to force overtime. ner for the Lakers with only one stopped UConn at 0-3,
led an offensive explosion by od,, and junior forward Rich be a much harder path to victo- Goals by Dave Borelli, Peter minute remaining in the contest. The win improves the Lakers
scoring four goals. Hansen added a goal ,to go along ry for the Lakers, but also Rynshoven, Scott Reynolds, and Hanson put the puck to the record to 4-1 -0 overall and 3-0-
Wrigley became the first play- with Wrigley's fourth, to finish showed just how much heart the Rich Hansen helped in the final front of the net in a flurry of 0 in AHA play \
er since Kevin McKinnon in the Lakers* scoring at seven. \ team has. surge by the Lakers. action in the UConn zone. The Huskies dropped to 2-4-
1995 to score four goals in a sin- Sophomore goalie Andy Trailing 4-1 late in the game, It looked as if the overtime The UConn goaltender ap- 1 and 1-2-1 respectively.
gle game. Franck had a stellar perfor- Mercyhurst brought their always would be finished quickly when peared to have saved the shot Mercyhurst will next compete
Wrigley started the scoring for mance stopping 21 of 23 shots reliable goalie Andy Franck into Wrigley was awarded a penalty but Referee Gary Hughes award- in home games against confer-
the Lakers nine minutes into the and kept the Army team score- the game. shot for the Lakers just 12 sec- ed the goal to Hansen claiming ence foe Holy Cross on Nov. 14
first period with a goal to notch less on eight power play chanc- This proved to be the spark onds into the period. that the UConn goalie had saved and 15.

Rower's endure more

Women's soccer beats Gannon l-o than imost- realize?
H am mill, Gannon's goalie, had
By Amanda Harnocz By Amanda Harnocz
an outstanding game with 10
Contributing Writer Contributing Writer
Hammill also did a great job
The women's soccer team con- in keeping Lisa Casement, lead- ESPN magazine fully de-
cluded their season on Nov. 9. ing freshman scorer from put- scribes the exertion that row-
The team has come a long way ting any balls in the net. ers endure:
since their first game on Aug. 29. Most teams have been unable "The athlete's anaerobic
The season started off a little to accomplish that. threshold, the point at which the
awkward but after the team be- Freshman goal keep for Mer- body's muscles have exhaust-
gan to work together, everything cyhurst, Karen Eade, had four ed their oxygen store and start
fell into place. saves for the win and a shut-out burning other fuel/'
Mercyhurst played Gannon on to give her and the team a total For regular folks, reaching
Nov. 9 at 1 p.m. on Tullio Field. of four shut-outs.. that threshold is quitting time;
This game went into overtime. Mercyhurst ended up out- anaerobic work is 19 times
Mercyhurst ended up beating shooting Gannon 26-9. harder than aerobic work.
Gannon 1-0. The Lady Lakers also had a 6- But rowing is all about hard- Rte Photo
Lucille Murphy
This was the last game in the 2 advantage on corner kicks. er. Elite rowers fire off the start
2003 season for both teams. The team's hard work during at sprint speed — 53 strokes not participate and we lose our
The first time Mercyhurst this game and the entire year al- per minute. boat fee."
played Gannon it was a 0-0 tie. lowed them to end up with a With 95 pounds of force on Rowers keep going even in
Every time they have met each record of 10-5-2. the blade end, each stroke is a the freezing rain. As long as
other on the field, Mercyhurst Julie Brickman plays the ball upfield.
Stim5orVContnbutinfl Photogr aph*
Gannon dropped to 2-16. weightlifter*s power clean. there isn't lightning and thun-
has won all 18 times. This was Brick man's third goal Brickman was about 30 yards Mercyhurst finished the 2003 Rowers cross their anaerobic der and the water hasn't fro-
Julie Brickman, junior defend- season with a record of 5-1-1 in threshold with that first stroke. zen over yet, they keep prac-
of the year. away when she attempted and
er for the Lady Lakers, scored GL1AC play. Then there are 225 more to the ticing and working hard.
The Lakers' goal was scored made her shot past Gannon's
Mercyhurst's game winning goal. off of a Mercyhurst corner kick, goal keep. finish line. Rowing is a year round sport.
Rowing strains just about ev- As soon as the water freezes
ery muscle in the body, specif- they practice inside until the

Hurst hosts NCAA soccer playoffs ically the back muscles, quads,
and calf muscles.
Ninety-five percent of the
spring when the water level is
safe enough to row in.
The women's rowing team
Field changed to Gannon due toforecastedfield conditions muscles in a rower's body are
also has a new goal each week.
It changes from speed, to
Freshman Lucille Murphy power, to length. |*
corner kick with 41 seconds left for this past week, and for the
By Ryan Palm was knocked away by Mercy- past two weeks has been named who has been rowing for six Murphy's personal goal is to
Contributing Writer hurst goalkeeper Mart)' Ruber- "GLIAC Player of the Week." years, says that she spends 25 make weight and varsity in the
Head coach Keith Cammidge hours a week practicing and spring.
Gannon had another corner has been very happy with the conditioning. Just recently on Oct. 26, the
Nothing will get you warmed
up better for a soccer match than kick 20 seconds later, and this team's play as of late, "We are "There are optional 5K runs women's team had an event
knowing that you're playing for time Sam Kingston's header very pleased to have the oppor- on Monday morning and prac- held away at Elkhart, Ind.
the championship. sailed over the top of the goal. tunity to host the tournament, as tice on the water at noon." Mercyhurst came in fourth
The clockfinallyhit zeros and this has been a massive rebuild- Lucille also mentioned that, place at the Head of the Elk.
That is usually the case, but on
the Lakers escaped with a win ing year for us, with fourteen new "if we have a meet, there is Forty four teams participat-
the night of Nov. 8, things were
thanks to keep plays by Rubcrry people in the program." more than 25 hours of time ed in this event.
a little bit different.
and the rest of the Mercyhurst Because Mercyhurst is ranked spent with rowing. It depends There were a lot of high
Playing with the temperature File Photo
Junior Mike Blvthe I defense. first in the Great Lakes region, on distance, but a lot of my placements even in the novice
in the 2 0 \ the Mercyhurst Lak-
the rest of the first half and they earn home-field advantage time is spent with rowing." rowing section.
ers defeated the Gannon Gold- With the win the Lakers now
much into the second period, share the Great Lakes Intercol- for the NCAA Playoffs, and will Unity and communication arc Murphy and her seven, team-
en Knights 2-1 in front of 700
until the Lakers were, able to legiate Athletic Conference host the regional tournan^nt at key factors in rowing. mates placed seventh in their
very cold fans.
break through. Junior Mike Championship with Gannon, the Gannon University soccer Freshman Carrie Marts men- open boat race.
Things were looking good ear-
Blythe continued to be on fire with both teams compiling 4-1 field. tioned that a strong point of The next race will be the Dual
ly for the Hurst, as freshman
as he scored unassisted off a re- records in the conference. The first game of the tourna- the team is that, "for being rel- Meet on Oct. 27. \
midfielder lason Pedra scored
bound with just over 17:00 left Mercyhurst has either won ment is taking place on Thurs- atively small in size we are com- Time and place is still to be
on an unassisted goal at 20:41.
day Nov. 13, when Ashland and peting with girls that generally announced.
It was Pcdra's eighth goal of in the match. outright or shared the champi-
Findlay face off, with the win- have a height advantage and we From now until the Dual
the season and gave the Lakers Blythe's 16th goal would prove onship every year since joining
ner playing Mercyhurst in the race against tough Division I Meet the rowers will be in win-
a 1 -0 lead. L to be the eventual game winner, the conference in 1995.
Blythe has been playing great regional championship game on schools and still do well." tcr training because it is a year
The lead would not last long but the game was far from over
as of late, scoring eight goals in Saturday at 1 p.m. Murphy exclaimed, "Com- round sport.
though, as Gannon's Jonathan at this point, fiE?
the last four games, including The field has been changed munication is huge!" The Lakers will host their an-
Brickman scored unassisted at The Knights wouldn't give up,
as the game got exciting in the three game-winners. from North Bast to Gannon due Marts added, "If there is nual Mercyhurst Invitational
34:11, with his fourth goal on the
He was named the Mercy- to expected bad weather that even miscommunication with on Findley Lake in New York.
season tying the game at 1-1. final minute.
Morgan Knipe's header off a hurst Male Athlete of the Week would cause field problems. time and one rower doesn't This event won't be until
The game would stay tied for
Ishow up, all eight rowers can April 10.

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