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21. What is the gas that humans excrete during 24.

Which of the following are the products of

exhalation? human excretion?
Apakah gas yang manusia kumuh semasa Berikut yang manakah ialah produk-produk
hembusan nafas? perkumuhan manusia?

A Oxygen B Carbon dioxide I Sweat II Urine

Oksigen Karbon dioksida Peluh Air kencing

C Nitrogen D Helium III Water IV Faeces

Nitrogen Helium Air Najis

22. Diagram 1 shows two animals. A I and II only

Gambar 1 menunjukkan dua haiwan. B II and IV only
C I , II and III only
D I, II, III and IV

25. Why humans need to excrete and defecate?

Mengapa manusia perlu untuk berkumuh dan
Diagram 1 bernyahnajis?
Rajah 1
A To loss weight
State the breathing organ of the animals in Mengurangkan berat badan.
diagram 1. B To become slim.
Nyatakan organ pernafasan binatang-binatang Menjadi langsing.
dalam gambar rajah 1. C To get rid of water from their bodies.
Menyingkirkan air dari badan.
A the gills. B the moist skin. D To get rid of waste materials from their
insang kulit lembab Bodies.
Menyingkirkan bahan sisa yang tidak
C the kidneys. D the lungs. diperlukan dari badan.
buah pinggang Paru-paru
26. When we touch a hot object, we immediately
23. Diagram 1 shows two animals. withdraw our hand from the object. What can
Gambar 1 menunjukkan dua haiwan. you infer from the statement above?
Bila kita menyentuh satu objek panas, kita segera
menarik balik tangan kita dari objek. Apakah
kesimpulan yang boleh kamu buat dari kenyataan
di atas?

A Our body responds to the hot object.

Diagram 2 Badan bergerak balas kepada objek panas.
Rajah 2 B Our body does not feel the heat.
What is the similarities between these Badan tidak rasa kehangatan.
animals? C Our body can withstand the heat.
Badan dapat menentang kehangatan.
Apakah persamaan antara binatang-binatang ini? D Our body responds to any object.
A Breathe through lungs. Badan bergerak balas kepada semua
Bernafas melalui paru-paru objek.
B Breathe through moist skin.
Bernafas melalui kulit lembab
C Breathe through gills.
Bernafas melalui insang
D Breathe through tracheal structures.
Bernafas melalui trakea sistem
27. Which of the following are bad habits of 30. Which of the animal does not look like its
humans? parents?
Berikut yang manakah tabiat buruk manusia? Binatang manakah yang tidak kelihatan seperti ibu
I Reading II Smoking
I Membaca II Merokok

III Taking drugs IV Drinking cola

III Mengambil dadah IV Minum kola

A I and II only
B I and IV only
C II and III only
D II and IV only

28. Diagram 7 above shows the stages in a life

cycle of a frog.
Gambar rajah 7 di atas menunjukkan peringkat-
peringkat dalam satu kitaran hayat seekor katak.

Diagram 7
Rajah 7

Arrange the stages in the correct sequence.

Susun peringkat-peringkat dalam urutan tepat.

A S, R, P, Q B Q, R, S, P

C R, Q, S, P D R, Q, P, S

29. Which of the animals reproduce by laying

Haiwan manakah yang membiak secara bertelur?

A rat B cat
tikus kucing

C chicken D monkey
ayam monyet

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