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Test is a systematic way to measure changes in an individual’s
behavior (R.M Gadge, 1965)
In the class, test is measuring instrument to obtain information
regarding pupil’s learning activities and achievement in the cognitive,
psychomotor or effective fields.
Test able to show pupil’s explicitly in the form of activities such as
answer questions orally or written form or through demonstration.
The testing process begins from the preparation stage, follow by the
implementation (administration) stage and ends up with an
assessment stage. Through these stages of testing process, a teacher
will be able to find weather his pupils have successfully mastered
certain skill and acquired the knowledge which has been learned.

Measurement is a process or system used to determine the
quantitative value of a certain test in learning.
This quantitative value is usually expressed in a fixed number.
Measurement covers all aspects of testing, including the use of
ordinal scale or interval scale to determine the position and
achievement of pupils in the class or among classes.
Ordinary scale is a measuring instrument use to rank pupils’ grades
or positions according to the marks obtain in certain test.
Interval scale which contains unit of mark with the same weightage
in its value is not only used to determine pupils’ performance and

Evaluation is defined as processes to determine obtains and provide
useful information so as to make objective consideration for follow
up action (D. Stufflebeam, 1971).
Evaluation is system or process which covers activities to collect
information relating to strategy of teaching learning activities and
to analysis and interpretation of result, with the aim to take
appropriate follow up action
Evaluation have 5 stages which is
i. Test preparation
ii. Test implementation
iii. Assessment and measurement
iv. Analysis of result
v. Interpretation and follow up action


1.1Aim of test
To determine changes in pupils’ behaviour.
To determine pupils’ achievement in certain learning.
To place pupils in suitable groups according to the test result.
To motivate pupils to revise their lessons.
To train pupils to make appropriate preparation for public examination.

1.1aim of measurement
To determine level of achievement and positions of pupils in the same
class or among several classes.
To make comparison between pupils’ achievement and positions in
certain subject or their overall academic achievement.
To allocate pupils for appropriate streaming.
To make analysis, interpretation and conclusion for certain research
based on the result of measurement.
To award certificates as a form of academic achievement in certain
school level.
Use as criteria for the relevant authority to refer for certain purpose.

1.1Aim of evaluation
To collect information concerning pupils’ achievement after teaching-
learning activities.
To determine pupils’ strength and weaknesses in learning certain skill
so as to plan for enrichment or remedial activities.
To determine the effect of teacher’s presentation in class so as to plan
for more effective teaching strategy.
To determine the achievement of pre determined learning objectives
so as to plan for teaching-learning activities that follow.
To record the evaluation results in the individual’s Performance and
Profile Record.
To assess the effectiveness of implementing a certain new programme,
such as the KBSR or KBSM programme.


1.1Formative And Summative Tests

The types of evaluation namely:
1. Evaluation to certain the effect in skill mastering
Conducted in class while teacher is carrying out the lesson.
The aim is to find out the weaknesses which can be corrected on
the spot. (Informal Test).

1. Evaluation to ascertain the effect in learning progress

Carried out after several related skills have been completed in a
The aim is to try to understand pupils’ progress in learning certain
skills so as to determine groups of pupils who need enrichment or
remedial activities.
The results of this type of evaluation are usually written in Student
Performance Record.

1. Evaluation to ascertain the effect in achievement

Carried out after teacher has taught a few learning topics. Held
before the end of a school term.
The aim is to differentiate the pupils’ achievement after a few
learning topics, so as to determine the positions in their respective
learning groups.
Carried out in a formal way involves many important skills which
are required to assess a pupil’s level of achievement.
3.1.1 Formative and Summative test

Formative test Summative test
A type of formal or informal test A type of formal test to assess
to assess the effectiveness of skill pupils’ achievement in certain
mastering and progress of schooling level.
learning in class
To ascertain the effectiveness of To determine pupils’
skill mastering and pupils’ achievement based on a few
progress, to correct their learning units, and arrange
weaknesses immediately their grade levels accordingly.
To carry out formal and informal To use a few periods to carry
Activity test individually, in groups or in out formal test in class or
class during learning. form.
To carry out after teaching one or To carry out after teaching a
several skills few learning units.
Informal (observation and Formal: paper-pencil test or
question-answer) or, formal oral test within a suitable time
(paper-pencil test in a short period.
Individually, groups or the whole The whole class or form.
Covers certain skill (informal test) Cover a few learning units or
or a few skills (formal test). certain schooling level.
No record (for informal test), and Profile record or certificate.
the use of check list/performance
record (for formal test).

Correct weaknesses Place pupils in suitable

immediately or carry out groups/class.
remedial/enrichment Plan and modify
Follow up
activities in class. lesson/curriculum.
Replacing pupils in suitable Award certificates
learning groups. based on achievement
in examination.

1.1.2 Norm Referenced And Criterion Referenced Evaluation

Type Criterion-referenced
Norm-referenced evaluation
Aspect evaluation
Relative-achievement evaluation Objective-referenced
which shows performance of evaluation which determines
Concept groups of candidates in the form individual achievement based
of a normal graph on a minimum criterion fived
To compare and distinguish To determine the ability to
performance between candidates master learning based on
or between groups. certain fixed criterion.

Summative test to distinguish Formative test to improve

candidates in performance level teaching learning based on
of distinction, credit, pass and the test result.
Comparison of performance Determination of performance
Target among candidates. individually or in small groups.
Question arranged from easy to All questions have almost the
Question difficult, and with discrimination same level of difficulty based
characteristic among candidates. on learning objective

Passing mark or grading is Passing marks or grading is

determined after the test result. determined before the test is
carried out.

Question content covers a wide Question content

range of learning skills. concentrates on limited
learning skills.

Public examinations such as Short test, course work,

UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM. written exercise, and learning
activities, project.


• Evaluation activity used to gauge the overall development of pupils.
• PKSR (Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah Rendah) or as known as Primary School
Based Evaluation and PKSM (Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah Menengah) or
Secondary School Based Evaluation.
• All instrument used for the test are designed by the teachers themselves,
with the assistance and guidance from the district education officer. Is not a
national public examination.
• Evaluating carried out by teacher during teaching-learning activities in the
classroom so as to ascertain the pupils’ progress, based on the aims and
objectives of KBSR or KBSM programme.
• Information obtained from the School Based Evaluation is usually used to
plan and carry out follow up activity.
• The aim to improve teachers’ teaching-learning programme and upgrade the
performance of the pupils’ learning.

4.1 Aim and Roles of Evaluation in KBSR/KBSM

i. To improve pupils’ learning modifying the teaching-learning activities
based on the result obtained from the School Based Evaluation.
ii. To understand clearly the pupils’ learning strength and weaknesses so
that appropriate follow up activity can be carried out to assist them
overcome their weaknesses that have been identified.
iii. To stimulate pupils so that they will improve their learning through the
teachers’ advice and guidance according to the result of the School Based
iv. To prepare pupils to accommodate themselves in the testing situation
through continuous evaluation.
v. To raise the standard of evaluation by constructing test items of good
quality, so that the process of measuring pupils learning becomes more
effective and meaningful.
vi. To improve the teachers’ ability and efficiency in conducting tests with
better standard and subsequently upgrade their performance in teaching-
learning activities.

The characteristics of test
characteris Categor Description
tics ies
Validity What is correct and accurate
Face Assessing what it is supposed to test
Validity Checked by teachers who specialized on the topics
which are constructed as test items.
First stage of test construction.
Aim: to ensure that test constructed will be valid
and acceptable.
Good way to prepare earlier a Test Blue Print
(Table of Specification) for certain topic or subject.

Criterion- To compare scores on a certain assessment with values

Related from some external criterion.
Validity 1. Predictive validity
The ability to predict the capability or
qualification of an individual in carrying out
certain duty or work in future.
Example: Trial examinations of UPSR, PMR, SPM
and STPM.

1. Concurrent validity
Refer to individuals’ achievement in a test
which is highly correlated with the achievement
of a previous similar test.
Conducting similar test so as to correlate it with
the result of a previous test. If the result of the
two test s has high correlation, then we can
conclude that this test contains characteristics
of high concurrent validity.

1. Construct validity
The matching between the assessment and
those attributes which are presumed to
underlie test performance.
The underlying attributes should include all
previous skills related to the assessment of the
attributes or constructs.

Reliability A test refers to the extent of how close a particular

result of the test is to the true value of what is
being assessed.
The consistency of a candidate’s achievement as a
result of several but similar tests taken during
various time periods, such a few days or a week.
If the test reliable, their scores obtained would
tend to cluster around the proper score which is
assumed as a standard score.
If the value of correlation coefficient is above 0.9,
then we can safely conclude that the tests are
Use split half reliability to conduct the test only
once by splitting it into two equivalent halves,
dividing the odd and even items with similar
attributes, and then assesses their values of
correlation coefficient. It would avoid interferences
or other influences that may occur between the
intervals of the two tests held, thus reducing the
chance of variation in scores due to the forgetting,
or improvement of the candidates under test.
Construct two completely parallel forms and the
same test, and to be held concurrently or

Objectivity A test refers to the accuracy of an examiner in

marking any candidate’s answers. A test is said to
contain characteristic of objectivity.
The examiner awards the same mark to the same
answer of all the candidates, according to the
marking scheme has been determined earlier.
Limited structures responses are tests which
contain the characteristic of true objectivity, only
one correct answer.
Free responses (low objectivity): essay type test
different examiners to award mark directly and
Improve by using analytic marking scheme i.e.
main points are given appropriate marks so as to
become a general guidance.

Administra The smooth implementation of the testing process

bility in a room or an examination hall.
Orderly arrangement of the examination centre
before the test, so that it can be carried out
according to the scheduled time, directive can be
forwarded clearly to every candidate.
Improved through several ways, such as
preparation of a reasonable number of questions
according to the time allocated; tables and chairs.
If the whole process of conducting a test from the
beginning stage of preparing the question papers
until the ending stage of marking the candidates’
answer script can be carried out smoothly
according to scheduled time table with minimum
Accessibilit The result of candidates’ achievement, which can
y be easily interpreted and assessed by way of
providing clear and useful information according to
the objective of test.
The test must easy to collect, assess and interpret
so as to reflect clear and accurate pictures of the
test performance.
The evaluation result based from the interpretation
will provide correct depiction on the candidates’
achievement and placing, their strength and
weaknesses, suitability of teaching-learning
strategy and test items, as well as the
achievement of teaching-learning objective in the


1.1Determine aim of testing.

First step in planning a test is to determine its aim. After identifying the aim of
the test, the next stage of planning will be made easier. Teacher must
determine the type of test or its format, i.e. whether it is suitable to use a
subjective test or an objective test format.

1.2Determine test content.

Based on the aim of the test and the type of test to be used, and then select
learning content to be tested. It is stressed that the selected factual knowledge
and skills as test content must be based on the syllabus. Level of skill must be
reflected accurately in each test item. It is includes some or all levels of
knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Levels Description
1. Knowledge To test the ability of the candidate to recall certain fact
meaning, term, principle, law or definitions that have
been learned.
The integer – 8 is read as

A. minus 8
B. negative 8
C. subtract 8
D. negative 8 units

1. Understandin To test the ability of understanding or skill, including the

g ability to explain certain fact, concept, principle, law or

A glass of water is at freezing point of 0° C. When salt is
added, its

Temperature drops by 3°C. What is the new

temperature of the water?

A. 3° C
B. + 3° C
C. - 3° C
D. 3° C below zero

1. Application To test the ability of using fact, concept, principle, law,

theory, knowledge or skill for problem solving.
Tee took 2 hours 35 minutes by bus to reach his
grandmother’s house. If Tee arrived at his
grandmother’s house at 1.25 p.m., at what time did he
leave his house?

A. 11.50 a.m
B. 10.50 a.m
C. 9.50 a.m
D. 10.10 a.m

1. Analysis To test the ability to compare and contrast, relate or to

extract the attributes of the concept, knowledge or skill
that have been learned.

Azlina spent a few months preparing for her SPM

examination. Based on the given statement, state the
unknown involved.

A. Making preparations
B. The number of months
C. SPM examination
D. Azlina

1. Synthesis To test the ability to combine or integrate knowledge or

skills learned for problem solving.
In Diagram 6, EFG is a right-angled triangle.
Diagram 6
The value of x is
A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
1. Evaluation This level is to test the ability to prove, to evaluate, to
criticize, to infer or to conclude a certain statement.
What are the limitations of Phytogoras Therem?
i. Cannot use for acute-angled triangle.
ii. Cannot use for right-angled triangle.
iii. Cannot use for obtuse-angled triangle.
A. i, ii
B. ii, iii
C. i, iii
D. i, ii, iii

1.1Formulate Test Blue Print.

Test Blue Print contains two important elements which is topics (represented
along the vertical axis) and skill levels (represented along the vertical axis).
We can ensure that skills learned will be tested comprehensively as well as
its wightage of each skill level is appropriately allocated.
Table below is From 1 Test Blue Print Semester 2 which contains 40
Mathematics items.

m p s m p s m p s m p s m p s m p s m p s
WHOLE NUMBERS 1 1 1 1 0 4 0
AND SEQUENCES 1 1 1 1 1 1
FRACTIONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
DECIMALS 1 1 1 0 3 0
ES 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
INTEGERS 1 1 1 1 0
EXPRESSIONS 1 1 1 2 1 0
MEASUREMENTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
ANGLES 1 1 1 1 1 1
POLYGONS 1 1 1 0 2 1
AREA 1 1 1 0 3 0
SOLID GEOMETRY 1 1 1 1 0 2
1 2 1
TOTAL m/p/s 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 5 2 1 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 0
TOTAL 7 6 8 6 7 6
PERCENTAGE 17.50% 15.00% 20.00% 15.00% 17.50% 15.00%

1.2Construct items/questions.
Referring the formulated Test Blue Prints, teacher can set the test questions,
usually prepared in either the form of subjective questions or objective items.

1.3Check items/questions.
After setting the items/questions, the teacher must check them carefully so that
they do not contain any mistake before the test administered. Teacher can
check the items based on format, content and language used during the
process of test construction. The teacher must to ensure that instructions given
are clear and simple to understand, time allocated is reasonable and the
arrangement of items are from easy to difficult and in a sequential order
according to the pre determined Test Blue Print.

6.6 Pre Test

The main aims of having a pre test are to ensure that questions which have
been set contain good and characteristics. Information collected from this pre
test will assist teacher to correct weaknesses found in the items. Some of the
good items can be used as questions for actual test later.


2.1Difficulty index
Difficulty Index, D.I=Number of candidates who answer the question correctly
(C)Total candidates who attempt the item (T)

Difficulty Index, D.I=CH+CLTH+L

CH = Total number of candidates in the high score group who answer

correctly the
CL = Total number of candidates in the low score group who answer
correctly the
T H+L = Total number of candidates in both groups with high and low scores

Difficulty Index (D.I) Interpretation of and Decision

D.I<0.3 Too difficult Modify
0.3≤ D.I≤0.8 Average Accept
D.I >0.8 Too easy Modify

7.2 Discrimination index

Difficulty Index, Ds.I=CH-CL12TH+L
CH = Total number of candidates in the high score group who answer
correctly the
CL = Total number of candidates in the low score group who answer
correctly the
T H+L = Total number of candidates in both groups with high and low scores

Discrimination Index Interpretation of and

(Ds.I) item
Positive Discrimination Very suitable and can be
Ds. I. > 0.4
High accepted
Positive Discrimination Modify the item /
0.2≤ Ds.I.≤0.4
Moderate question.
Positive Discrimination Item / question needs to
0 ≤ Ds.I.≤0.20
low be reconstructed.
Negative discrimination:
Performance of low score Item /question is bad and
Ds.I. <0
group is better that high should be remove.
score group.


3.1Formulation Of A Question Paper

1. Design the format: at the top part of the question paper, write the name
of the test, instructions, date, marks and time allocated.
2. Select question from the Question Bank by referring Blue Print Test.
3. Arrange the item selected from simple to difficult.
4. Determine the marks to be given for each question.
5. Item must be typed with double/triple spacing so that they can be read
6. Check again all the items to ensure that they do not contain any mistake
in terms of language, structures and content.

1.1Administration of the test

1.1.1 Preparation Stage
1. Checking of the number of test question paper which have
2. The candidates’ seating must be arranged according to certain
examination rules.
3. All facilities needed for the test such wall clock, candidates’ seating
plan, and other instrument.

1.1.1 Implementation Stage

Candidates’ usually 15 minutes in the test room before the test begin,
they must sit according to their respective allocated places, an
question papers as well as writing papers will then distributed by the

1.1.2 Coordination
Collecting the candidates’ answer scripts according to their index’s
numbers, including those unused writing papers. All the answer scripts
must be checked to ensure that the number of scripts collected is the
same as the number of the candidates.

1.2Marking Scheme for Subjective Tests

1. The content criterion that covers the information aspect or related fact of
the answer.
2. The organization criterion that covers the aspect of accurate usage of
language and the skill of the presenting ideas logically and maturely
3. The process criterion that covers the aspect of accuracy, suitability,
perfectness, consistency, originality and creativity contained in the
candidate’s answer.

1.1.1 Analytical Approach

The marking scheme can be allocated or divided into three components
1. Content (content criterion) =12
2. Presentation (organization criterion) =4
3. Technique (process criterion) =4
Total mark =20


There have 4 stages of evaluation process.

1. Collect arrange students’ score.
2. Measurement of mean, mode, median and standard deviation.
3. Make analysis on representative data.
4. Interpretation based on analyzed data.

9.1 Cumulative Frequency Distributions: Ogive

- The total number of values that fall below various scores of the frequency
Score X
From the ogive, we can find:
1. The number of candidates who obtained less than 74 mark
2. The number of candidates who fail, if the passing mark is 60 and above
3. The % of the candidates who would obtain grade A.

9.2 Percentage Ogive

Relative cumulative frequency polygon
A graph in which the upper class boundary of each class boundary is plotted
against the corresponding relative (%) cumulative frequency.

9.3 Histogram
Displays the class boundaries in the horizontal axis and the frequencies on
the vertical axis.
Consist a set of rectangles on the horizontal axis with the class marks at the
centre of each rectangular based in which the length is equal to the
respective class width.

From the graph we will identify the number of candidates obtained by certain
arrange percentage marks.

9.4 Frequency Polygon

A line graph with class frequency plotted against class mark. Normally
constructed by joining the mid points of the tops of each rectangle in the

9.5 Frequency Curve

It is similar to frequency polygon but the point plotted as a smooth curve.
Some common types of frequency curves which is
1. Normal Curve
The observations equidistant from the central axis are having the same

1. Positive Skewed Curve

The curve possessed positive skewness

1. Negative Skewed Curve

The curve possessed negative skewness

10.1 Normal Distribution Curve

a) If the measure of dispersion the standard deviation, of a normal curve is
large, we can conclude that the achievement or performance of the students
is varied and heterogeneous.
b) If the measure of dispersion is small then the performance of the students is
approximately the same or homogeneous.
10.2 Positive Skewed Curve
a) Mode<median<mean
b) Greater of students obtained marks less than the mean mark or their
performance is below average or because the test was quite difficult.

10.3 Negative Skewed Curve

a) Mean<median<mode
b) Greater number of students obtained scores more than the mean scores, or
their performance is above average, or the test is too easy.



1. A) 5 957 14. D) 1, 2 AND 4

2. B) 8 15. C) 12

3. D) 1 939 464 16. D) 2, 3 AND 5

4. D) 2 146 17. C) 941

5. C) 639 18. B) 47,1626

6. A) 35 911 19. D) 7112

7. A) 112 20. C) 13790

8. C) 318 21. D) 4712

9. B) 114 22. A) 278

10 C) 3 384 23. A) 58
11 A) I AND II 24. C) 8914
12 C) 160 25. A) RM 528.90



1.1 Difficulty Index

From the table in Appendix 3, I pick question 6, 10, and 21 as example to
calculate the difficulty index and discrimination index as follow:
I allot 25% of total candidates as the high score group and 25% of total
candidates as the low score group.
Number of candidate in the high score group = 25% x 52 = 13
Number of candidate in the low score group = 25% x 52 = 13

Question No. 6
For small number of candidates For large number of candidates
Total correct answers (C) = 40 Total number with high score correct
Total number of candidates (T) = 52 (CH) = 12
∴Difficulty Index=CT=4052=0.77 Total number with high score correct
(CL) = 4

Total candidates (TH+L) = 26


Question No. 10
For small number of candidates For large number of candidates
Total correct answers (C) = 31 Total number with high score correct
Total number of candidates (T) = 52 (CH) = 12
∴Difficulty Index=CT=3152=0.6 Total number with high score correct
(CL) = 5

Total candidates (TH+L) = 26


Question No. 21
For small number of candidates For large number of candidates
Total correct answers (C) = 39 Total number with high score correct
Total number of candidates (T) = 52 (CH) = 11
∴Difficulty Index=CT=3952=0.75 Total number with high score correct
(CL) = 6

Total candidates (TH+L) = 26


1.2 Discrimination Index

Question No. 6
For large number of candidates
Total number with high score correct (CH) = 12
Total number with high score correct (CL) = 4

Total candidates (TH+L) = 26

∴Difficulty Index=CH+CL12T(H+L)=(12-4)12×26=0.6


2.1 Cumulative Frequency Distribution: Ogive
Table 2.1 Frequency Distribution
Score (X) Frequency
92 1
88 1
84 3
80 8
72 3
68 4
64 8
60 5
56 3
52 6
48 3
44 2
40 2
36 1
32 2

Table 2.2 Cumulative Frequency Distribution

Score (X) Sum Cumulative
30 3+0 3
40 7+3 10
50 9+10 19
60 17+19 36
70 3+36 39
80 12+39 51
90 1+51 52
100 0+52 52

Figure 2.1 Ogive

2.2 Percentage Ogive

Table 2.3 Cumulative Frequency and Relative (%) Cumulative Distribution
Score (X) Frequenc Cumulative % cumulative
Class limits y frequency of frequency
(less than)
30.5-35.5 2 2 3
35.5-40.5 4 6 11.5
40.5-45.5 5 11 21
45.5-50.5 3 14 27
50.5-55.5 6 20 38.4
55.5-60.5 3 22 42.3
60.5-65.5 10 32 61.5
65.5-70.5 4 36 69
70.5-75.5 3 39 75
75.5-80.5 8 47 90
80.5-85.5 3 50 96
85.5-90.5 1 51 98
90.5-95.5 1 52 100

Figure 2.2: % Ogive

2.3 Histogram

Figure 2.3: Histogram

2.4 Frequency Polygon
Figure 2.4: Frequency Polygon

Figure 2.5: Frequency Polygon

2.5 Frequency Curve

Figure 2.6: Frequency Curve (Positive skewed curve)

2.6 Mean
2.4 Frequency distribution of ungrouped scores.
Score (X) Frequency FX
92 1 92
88 1 88
84 3 252
80 8 640
72 3 216
68 4 272
64 8 512
60 5 300
56 3 168
52 6 312
48 3 144
44 2 88
40 2 80
36 1 36
32 2 64
F=52 FX=3264

Mean, x=FXF= 326452=62.77

2.7 Median

Median is a value in the middle of an array of a set of data. It is values that divide
the bottom 505 of a group of data arranged is ascending order, from the top 50% of
the data.

Table 2.5 Cumulative Frequency

Score (X) Frequency Cumulative
Class limits frequency cf
30.5-35.5 2 2
35.5-40.5 4 6
40.5-45.5 5 11
45.5-50.5 3 14
50.5-55.5 5 19
55.5-60.5 3 22 (s)
(L) 60.5- 10 (fm) 32
65.5-70.5 4 36
70.5-75.5 3 39
75.5-80.5 8 47
80.5-85.5 3 50
85.5-90.5 1 51
90.5-95.5 1 52

Median, M= L+N2-s÷fm x C
= 60.5+522-22÷10 x 5
= 62.5 ≈63
2.8 Mode
The mode is the value which has the greatest frequency, i.e. the value which occur
the most often.
Table 2.6 Frequency Distributions of grouped data
Score (X) Frequenc
Class limits y
30.5-35.5 2
35.5-40.5 4
40.5-45.5 5
45.5-50.5 3
50.5-55.5 6
55.5-60.5 3
Modal Class 60.5-65.5 10 Highest Frequency
65.5-70.5 4
70.5-75.5 3
75.5-80.5 8
80.5-85.5 3
85.5-90.5 1
90.5-95.5 1

Mode=L+ ∆1∆1+∆2C
=60.5+ 10-310-3+10-45

2.9 Interpretations of Statistical Data

From the calculation above, I find the following:
Median =63
Mode =63
Mean =63
Normal Distribution Curve
Mean= Median=Mode


10 Focused on Issues
I learned the various methods of testing and evaluation of this assignment. My first task is to
do some research about testing and evaluation. After I was finishing study the items from
this topic I was preparing my blue print test from the test specification table or JPU. From
this part I have learned how to provide the question by referring the JPU. I was deciding
what types of skills that I want to test of my students. From the Taxonomy Blooms’ skill level,
I can identify the question which is suitable with my student’s levels. The JPU help me to
divide the questions test following the skill and difficulty level of the questions. After that,
I chose the questions from various sources such as School Bank question, references book
and exercise book that will be used during the test. In this test I choose four skills which are
knowledge, comprehension, application and evaluation.

20 Analysis Issues
I have been done this test of students in Form1. There are 54 students in this class,
but two of them not attend to school. The test result shows 13 of the student was
getting grade A which is they have more than 80 percent correct answer from the
test given. Only three students not pass in this test. From the result, I have do
analysis to find the difficulty index and discrimination index of the questions. I found
76 percent of indicates were achieving 0.3 to 0.8 index value. It is means the
question is suitable for test. 52 percents of test items have positive discrimination
high which is the items is very suitable and can be accepted.

In addition, I found the value of mean, median and mode have the same value which
is 63. It is shows the question the achievement or performance of the students is
varied and heterogeneous.
There are some of the questions are too easy and too difficult.

30 Implementation
I will make improvements at the time of the test questions will come. The selection of an
appropriate question to be given to students is important to ensure that all tests carried
out effectively.

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