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Evangelization – the method of spreading the gospel or the good news of the lord

Sacramental ministry – a community that worships god through sacraments or material practices that seek to glorify

A posteriori – a justification that is based on experience (ie//I like ice cream thus ice cream is good)

A priori – not based in experience or independent of it for an justification (ie//apples fall to the earth like most all
other objects thus the law of gravity exists)

Discipleship – from the word “learner” the undertaking of learning and following Jesus Christ.

Discernment – the name for a process of prayer that incorporates many of the types of prayer and expression of
prayer (basically just reflecting over events in your life and the details of them)

Divinized – in the Christian sense, sharing or partaking the nature of God

Dogma – central truths of revelation that catholic’s are obliged to believe

Efficacious – something that embodies the reality it represents

Existentialism – a philosophy on the existence of man as independent of other external forces

Exploitation- using another person or group for selfish purposes, including for sexual gratification

Filial love – Typically, this is the ype of love that children have for their parents or siblings or friends have for each

Imago dei - “image of god” ( it is the we are made in the image or expression of God)

Infatuation – to be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration

The Magisterium - the teaching office of the Church. It was given by Jesus to Peter and the other Apostles and
extends it to the Pope and the bishops

Original Holiness – was within adam before he fell jesus tries to bring us back to original holiness (basically the
opposite of original sin)

Sanctification – a word that means holiness or blessing. To sanctify means to consecrate or set apart for sacred use.

Socratic notion of authentic – authenticity can only be found within oneself experience through questioning oneself

Vocation – basically your life passion/ your calling in life

Virtue- a quality the is morally favorable

Abortifacients – anything that destroys the fertilized ovum before it is implanted or renders the uterus incapable of
receiving and/or sustaining new life

Afterbirth – at birth, the amniotic sac breaks, discharging fluids. The placenta detaches from the uterine wall and is
discharged after birth
Amniotic Fluid –fluid that cushions the embryo

Amniotic Sac – membrane around the embryo

Body Stalk –attaches embryo to sac eventually develops into the placenta

Cervix – narrow passage from the vagina to the uterus

Circumcision – a cutting off of the foreskin of the penis

Conception – the moment the sperm enters the female’s egg and a new life begins

Scrotum – the outer skin around the testicles

Menarche – a female’s first experience of menstruation

Menstruation -the process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at
intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.

Orgasm – extreme climax and excitement during sex for (males) it occurs in the penis, the prostate gland and
seminal vesicles for (females) it occurs in the clitoris, the vagina, and uterus

Ovaries – female reproductive organ where eggs are produced

Ovulation – discharge of the ovum form the ovary

Ovum – another word for a female egg

Placenta – attached to the uterine wall; nutrients pass though from the mom’s body through the uterine wall to
placenta and then the fetus by way of the umbilical cord

Pregnancy – a nine-month process after new life implants itself into the wall of the uterus

Cunnilingus – the oral stimulation of the female genitals

Embryo – after 2 weeks of growth in the uterus

Epididymis – a highly convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferns

Erection – blood flow to the penis which makes it hard

Estrogen – hormones produced primarily by the ovaries; responsible for sexual maturation, regulation of the
menstrual cycle, and maintenance of the uterine lignin fallopian tubes – the two narrow tubes that act as a pathway
for the eggs to move from ovaries to the uterus

Fallopian Tube – the tube from which the egg travels from ovary to uterus

Fellatio – oral stimulation of the penis

Fetus – after 8 weeks of growth in the uterus

Foreskin – retractable roll of skin covering the end of the penis

Fornication – sexual intercourse outside of marriage

Full Term – normally 9 months

Gonads – the testes or ovaries (reproductive glands)

Hymen – a membrane that partially close the opening of the vagina and whose presence is traditionally taken to be
a mark of virginity

Induced Abortion – deliberate intervention to prevent full term development

Premature Birth – birth prior to the baby’s full term development in the uterus

Semen – a viscous white fluid, containing sperm. That is ejaculated from the penis during an orgasm

Seminal Vesicle – each of a pair of glands that open into the vas deferens near its junction with the urethra and
secrete many of the components of semen

Sperm – the male reproductive cell with contains half of the chromosomes necessary for fertilizing an egg

Spontaneous Abortion – another word for miscarriage

Testes – male reproductive organ that produces sperm

Testosterone - a hormone secreted by the testes in the male and adrenal cortex in both sexes

Trimester – the 9 month period is described in 3, 3 month terms

Umbilical Cord – flexible cordlike structure containing blood vessels and attaching a human to the fetus inside

Uterus – the organ where the woman holds a growing fetus/embryo (the womb)

Vas Deferens – the duct that passes sperm from the testicle to the urethra

Vulva – the external lips of the vagina

Zygote – a fertilized egg

M/C (some were just statements I answered the ones that are quizzical)

Sex in the eyes of the Church is two things

-It is unitive; it is intended to communicate love, and to unify a husband and wife in the most intimate of ways

- It is procreative; it allows the possibility of having children and extending the human race (and americans fuck
Define Lust

- the disordered desire for sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is disordered when it is sough for itself

What are the risks of engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage?

-guilt, doubt, worry, and regret, being used, STDs, pregnancy, trauma of abortion, being called a slut, marrying the
wrong person, and Godzilla.

What are the components of Chastity?

- Practicing Abstinence (this includes not; fornicating, lusting, masturbating, porn searching, paying for hookers,
raping people/animals

- It also requires doing this, self knowledge, asceticism following the sixth commandment “no adultery”, Practicing
the other moral virtues, and prayer

How is chastity defined?

“Chastity, like human sexuality, is not something that you can just put on or call up in certain occasions, like when
you are at a party or out with someone you like of the opposite sex, Rather, chastity is something that is with you
daily, communication itself to other through your words and action. Modesty, or moderation is very helpful tool to
communicate your chastity to others. Outwardly, modesty involves managing your behavior, watching your speech,
wearing non-suggestive clothing’ in general, not calling undue attention to oneself. As with most other areas of life,
living chastely comes down to backing up your verbal promise and commitment with your action”

Benefits of Chastity

All the reasons why unmarried sex was bad and

Exercise control over your life, develop real friendships based on mutual respect, shared thoughts, an feelings,
develop skills, talents and interest, have many relationships, finish your education, have a perfect marriage, stay
chill with Jesus.

True/ False


“Discernment is the name for a process of prayer that incorporates many of the types of prayer and expression of
payer described above. Discernment calls us to look at all sides of a decision, considering many alternatives.
Discernment involves praying over a decision, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and finally. Actually
making a decision, action on it, and evaluating it. Discernment is not only for big decisions, It also involves
reflecting on the ordinary, everyday actions of our live. It is not really the events themselves that are the focus, but
rather the feeling the event evokes in us when we reflect on them – for example joy sorrow anxiety, contentment. It
is through these feeling that we can being to understand more about how God is calling us each day.”

Who are the consecrated religious?

Basically people who commit their life to serving the lord or doing good things (Mother Teresa type )

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