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walking by them at the mall or supermarket.

They’ll look at
Dance Floor Game you first to see if you’re looking at them (bit) but realize that
Part 1 – Basic Principles you’re not, but in that moment you turn your head right at
them and catch them looking at you (caught) and meet
One of the areas that the pick up community tends to avoid like
them with a genuine smile. Not only will they feel a tad bit
the plague is dance floor opening and attraction techniques.
guilty for staring, but your smile will disarm them enough
Most people avoid this aspect of the game because they feel
to start a conversation. On the dance floor this technique is
like you need to be some super talented dancer to pull anything
essential to making the approach feel both natural and
from the dance floor. In actuality this is far from the truth, and
spontaneous. You want to position yourself and your group
with a little bit of practice you can conquer what has been
~ 45- 75 degrees from the straight field of vision of your
called by some, the El Dorado of pickup.
prospect (i’ll probably draw a diagram for this). It’ll take a
Dance Floor Rules of Thumb
while to master but making and locking eye contact with
There are three basic principles you need to internalize when
prospects immediately before approaching broadcasts that
you’re on the dance floor
you’re an alpha who isn’t afraid of taking what he wants
• Never stand by yourself on a dance floor after he’s seen it.
• Make eye contact then open Never linger - Many of you are familiar with the three second
• Never linger without acting rule in bar and daytime game. On the dance floor you have 1
Lets go over each of these points to foster an understanding of to 2 seconds to act after establishing eye contact or else
each. you need to reset (both in positioning, timing, and target).
Never stand by yourself on a dance floor – Social By giving you and your target such a limited time window
proof is critical in dance floor game. The ultimate destoyer you decrease the chances of both you and target making
of social proof is standing alone on the dance floor looking excuses on why you shouldn’t dance. Net net, the more you
on or scanning the scene. This doesn’t make you look cool, fight those internal demons the greater chance of rejection
it mkes you look creepy. It doesn’t matter if you have a
drink in your hand you still look creepy. If you came with Dance Floor Game
friends, stand by them and feign a conversation if you’re on the
dance floor. If you’re by yourself go to the bar area and run
Part 2 – The Silent Opener
The Silent Opener
regular attraction material to win over and move a set from
the bar to the dance floor. Both of these actions will give you a So now that you have preserved as much social value as you
launch pad and home base to come back to as you launch your can by not breaking any of the cardinal rules of dance floor
dance openers throughout the night. game what’s next? The opener. The Silent Opener would
probably be more accurately described as the the
Making eye contact – This rule is less absolute for nonverbal opener because it relies exclusively on
younger ages (18 – 20) but is an absolute must for older nonverbal cues to communicate dominance and
ages (21+). It’s kind of difficult to explain the right way to do this assertiveness.
without pictures or diagrams but you want to try to incite a
There are two forms of silent openers that my colleagues and
glance without staring. People naturally glance at objects or
I perform on the dance floor; ‘the bait and reel’ and ‘the
things that they perceive are looking at them. Try looking
slightly to the left of someones temple (bait) when you’re
Bait and reel proof has been reset or not as high as I would like for whatever
reason, I use the Pound and Spin to reestablish myself. This
The bait and reel is the simplest form of dance floor opener, in method is especially good at breaking open dance circles of
fact, it is the method you are most likely to see so-call girls.
natural performing in a club. You’ve seen it before, a totally • The Approach
random guy walking right up to a girl and initiating a dance Walk up to the set with high energy and confidence
without saying a single word. What seems like magic is no and move directly to your target. Lean over and
more than several intentional actions that project ‘confide’ in a person who is not your target to ‘watch
dominance and assertiveness to a players target. this’
• The Bait • The Initiation
Described before the bait involves inciting eye contact
with a target in a way which seems serendipitous. Stick your fist out like you are about to give some props
Glance slight to the left or the right of your target to and make eye contact with your target. Wait expectantly
try to catch a glance, once she’s bitten the bait, turn for her to put two and two together. She’ll usually slowly
your head to her and acknowledge her glance. perform the prop action without any additional goading or
• The Approach prompting on your part. After the prop action is taken,
Smile warmly, lock eye contact and approach with maintain eye contact as you hold her hand and elevate it
purpose. Try to walk in the straightest line possible to the ceiling. After both of your hands are above her
towards her. Do not smile like a creep or a kid being head, spin her around and commence dancing. Like the
tickled, but instead give the impression that you’re direct approach above, the entire motion should be
mildly amused by her being entranced by you. The smooth, and when performed properly comes off as
amazing thing about this is that as long as eye contact super alpha.
is locked before you start moving, you’ll be able to These two initiation openers are guaranteed to open any set 90-
approach from any distance. Optimum is about 10 to 97 percent of the time if performed correctly. One thing I’d add is
15 feet, but I’ve walked longer distances without eye that when you are doing either you need to divorce yourself
contact being loss. from the result and simply be in the moment. Even if you got
• The Initiation shot down moments ago clear all that from you mind and think
On your approach take mental note of where her hands about presenting positive energy. Personally, the only times
are. Once you’re one to one and a half feet away from these openers work is when I have self doubt or apprehensions
her, take her hand lift it up and spin her around. The about opening. When I separate myself from the end result
entire process is so alpha she’ll be thinking more and focus on putting a positive confident approach out
about how not to mess it up than about who you are there positive results follow.
and why she shouldn’t dance with you.
Pound and Spin The Structure of Dance Floor Game
Although this move is a bit gimmicky it can be used in situations Hey guys, last time I spoke about ditching your best dance
where you do not have enough social proof to do a standard
approach or with very good looking girls or sets that otherwise moves, tricks and tactics in favour of enjoying the music and
would blow out a direct approach. In situations where my social generating a positivevibe, something that most guys seem to
forget the second they enter a nightclub. Just by enjoying escalate from there. All of this is avoided by social proofing
yourself regardless of your dancing ability you may have the dance floor first, when the girl you want is already looking
noticed that you were getting much more positive female at you, then those awkward first moments are avoided and
attention than you may have otherwise; this is due to the you can move to the next step. This step is achieved simply
relief that girls experience when they are in the presence of a by fully immersing yourself in the music as I stated in my
man that is not entirely focused on finding out the colour of last post, and not focusing on getting one particular girl,
their underwear, and this comfort that is immediately it should suit your personality (as an introvert, I prefer to
established will cause the women to be drawn away from the keep it low key) and make sure that you are doing it for
wandering hands of other guys and congregate around you. enjoyment and in no way seeking approval from anyone
This ability to lose inhibitions on the dance floor is vital, and a else.
prerequisite of what I am going to take you through in this Phase 2: Forcing the IOI
post, without it, although still useful, the structure I teach will
not be as effective without the ability to generate this initial
When you see the girl you want, and have built up social
comfort, as the IOI’s you receive form the first and most
proof by drawing people in to your positive vibe, getting girls
important stage of dance floor game.
looking at you, with no investment on your part, (it’s not like
Phase 1: Social Proof Steps
you’re doing backflips to get attention), all you have to do is
select your girl and IMMEDIATELY force an IOI from her,
Many PUA’s appear to view dance floor game and the rest of
this could be by pointing at her, sticking your tongue out,
club game as separate entities, each with their own rules to
anything that clearly acknowledges her from all of the
follow. I agree with this to a certain extent, largely you should
other girls dancing close to you. This is important as all of
be escalating much more quickly on the dance floor than you
the attention that you have gained is extended to her. Next,
might otherwise and talking should be kept at an absolute
with the big smile you have from enjoying your dance
minimum. However, receiving more positive attention on the
floor experience, you hold out your hand for her to take,
dance floor has exactly the same effect as it would in any
and all of that attention is now working in your favour to
other social environment, without getting too psychological, it
put pressure on the girl to dance with you (rather than
is common knowledge that women take cues regarding male
pressure to avoid being seen dancing with a low value
attractiveness from other women, therefore, when women
guy), then spin her in to you, ready for the next step.
are seen dancing near you, and giving you IOI’s your
attractiveness will skyrocket making the rest of the steps Phase 3: Push-Pull
that much easier. Additionally, many guys fear beginning the
interaction with a girl on the dance floor, and are not quite
sure of the best way to get her attention, to start dancing or to Another PUA term that is used most to describe emotionally
distancing yourself from a woman, creating more space to
pull her back in; in dance floor game, you can do this
physically, by literally pushing her away from you then Now, after you have danced with a girl and been doing your
pulling her closer. This is the key to escalating quickly, push-pull for a little while, you can choose to use the pre-
when done right, after every time you push her away, when selection you got from her to force the IOI of another girl
you pull her in you can physically escalate, for example, you (phase 2) and move on/bring her in, you could also go back
are holding one hand at this stage of dance floor game – to building your social proof in phase 1, gaining even more
push away – pull towards and take both hands- push momentum, or you may choose to go for a close.
away – pull towards and move one hand to the small of The best part of using push pull on the dance floor to escalate
her back – push – pull and move your hands to her waist, is that it smoothly works towards any of these options,
and so on, as fast or as slow as you wish to escalate — particularly to a close. If you do decide to go for a close,
Disclaimer— Some Calibration Required — the reason this you want to increase eye contact as you do your push
works is best explained looking through the eyes of a pull moves, and you want to gradually increase the
woman; almost all of the guys she has danced with have length of time she is pulled into you and decrease the
no concept of pushing the girl away, so they keep pulling distance she is pushed away, making the dance more
and pulling, making the girl feel more and more and more sexual as it progresses. Ideally you will be
uncomfortable until they take root and remain planted on familiar with the music you are dancing to and you will know
her waist until she forcefully removes them, after this, exactly when to go for the pull into a close, (a k-close for
she learns that dancing with a guy will inevitably result in example) it will be a time where the music cuts out, or has
uncomfortably pushing them away, however, when you a pronounced beat that emphasises your movement (I will
are the one selecting her, and pushing her away, she get to this in a later post) but when you go for a close, you
does not experience that discomfort, and you show that want to pull her in closer than you have been, maintain
you are not getting off on her getting close to you, that eye contact and gently place your hand on the side of her
you do not need physical contact from her to validate neck and guide her as you go in for the kiss. It is that
your existence as a man. With this comes the ability to simple, again, with calibration; you will know when the
escalate much faster, without it being a big deal. best time to do this is. Then, before or after the kiss, you
The physical push pull is where salsa steps may be useful, can continue or take her by the hand and take her off the
however they do not need to be more complicated than a dance floor.
simple spin towards and away from you, and gently pushing
There you have it, a complete structure to dance floor
and pulling her by her hands, as long as that physical
domination. If you want to know how it works then just think
distance is created, the effect will be largely the same.
about it from a girls point of view: she notices a guy
Phase 4: The close getting loads of attention from other girls ‘out of the
corner of her eye’ this popular guy then selects her from
all of the girls he could have (typical chick flick formula) Now I bet that you're very confused about what I'm talking about,
and instead of having an uncomfortable grinding you're probably thinking: "But dosen't this type of club game that
marathon, this guy is different, he leads her and you're talking about works in every type of club?" Well let me put it to
you this way: Have you been to one of those trendy clubs, and you
constantly is mixing sexual pull towards him with fun
were on the dance floor and you were asking a girl to dance with you
spins and other moves (just like the movies) and shows and she rejected you? Or did you try to dance with her and she just
he knows what he is doing by escalating with purpose, went away like you're some kind of creep?
then slowly the room fades away as your eyes lock on Well, that's what I'm talking about. Dance floor game doesn’t work
until it is just the two of you sharing this moment, then in every type of club you go in to. Trendy clubs are not a good
the kiss is the icing on the cake. place to run dance floor game because the women are not really
used to dancing with strangers. They get scared. They prefer to
Go out and give girls the experience they want and let me stay together. I remember I used to go to trendy clubs and I got
know how you get on and remember to always show rejected by alot of girls because they're not used to the way they
respect for the girls first and foremost. get approached by strangers. I did get lucky by looking for other
girls to dance and they danced with me. But that was too low. So in a
Stephen :) way dance floor game CAN work but the chances are low that you're
going to take it further.
P.S. I have tried to be as thorough as possible, but if you Now back to the explaining. There's a specific type of club in which
have any questions just leave me a comment. For the guys you can pull a girl without asking her to dance with you. And these
that can’t quite lose themselves in the music, I will try to get are:
some pictures or video of me demonstrating some moves I -An urban club in which it has a "GHETTO" crowd.
use for low key social proofing next time. -A club in which the music is so fucking loud you can't even hear
What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - -A club in which they only give Hip-hop or Reggeaton.
-A club in which the whole club is the dance floor.
mASF Post - “Moreno's Dance Floor
Game tatics (Bumpin and Grindin Now, these type of clubs are ONE OF THE BEST WAYS to run dance
floor game. And why is that? Well, the answer is that these type of
Edition)” clubs are built only on dancing. Think about that. If you go to a
trendy club, yes, they do have a dance floor in which you can
Alot of PUAs out there are against dance floor due to the fact that dance, but that's not a club in which you can openly dance with
they're not a good dancer. That's half true but it's not all true. You strangers. It's more of a club to socialize and have a good time.
CAN do dance floor game even if you're not a good dancer. But to But in an urban/Hip Hop club, it's only a club in which you can
me there's a specific type of club in which you can just go in, pull a girl dance.
from the back and start to dance with her even if you didn't even
asked her to dance.
These type of clubs are one of the best ways to run dance floor game. skilled dancer to do this. NOTE: If they reject you, simply move
The answer is ANYONE CAN DO THIS and I mean ANYONE. Even on. There're plenty of women to dance with.
an AFC can do this type of game. I remember I used to do this type of
game when I was an AFC. One time I closed 5 girls! #4 Always go kino:

Anyways I'm only going to explain the Hip Hop perspective of Remember when you're bumbin and grindin, always go kino.
dance floor game because all you have to do is just bump and You're already going kino by touching your crouch to her ass lol
grind the girl. This works in any different club in which you can only But make sure you take a lil further than that. Like hold her hand
dance. But I'm specifically talking about an urban/Hip-Hop club. I'm and direct it to where you want it. Or stroke her hair. That's from
going to explain this step by step on how to do it: behind. But if you dancing with her from the front, try to touch
her face for a moment and see if she likes it.
#1 Come in with a smile:
#5 Try to leave a great impression:
Like Mystery said when you first enter the club, the game is on.
ALWAYS AND ALWAYS come in with a smile and high energy. If Remember, you want to leave a great impression with her. The
you don't have that high energy buy yourself an energy drink to reason why I say this because 3 minutes later, she'll dance with
get yourself hyped. another guy like it's just normal. Remember you don't want to be that
typical guy she's dancing with. So make sure you leave a great
#2 Look at your targets Carefully: impression. For an example, try to do some negging if she
Be sure to look at the sets carefully. You'll find girls who're not touches a certain part of your body. Or if you're dancing from
dancing and you'll find girls who're dancing. When you see girls behind, tell her "Is that the best you can do? Come on! Dance
who're dancing. If you see girls who're dancing make sure it's harder!" Or you can try this: And this is one of my favorites to
only the group of girls who're dancing. If there's guy in the set leave and impression. Try to switch. Instead of her grinding you
don't approach. I repeat DON'T APPROACH. Where I'm from, if why don't you try to grind her. Trust me lots of girls laugh when I
you dance with a girl where there're guys in the group the guys do this. And it's nothing because you're having fun.
will get pissed and will try to kill you. So don't do that!
#6 Going for the close:
#3 Going for the approach:
Now after you danced with her for a good minute. Thank her for
This is where you start to dance. Now there're 2 ways in which you dancing with you. Like give her a hug (another kino). Or joke
can approach the girl. These are from the back or from the front. around with her. Remember, you don't have time for small talk
Let's start with the back. All you have to do approach her from because the music is too loud that she won't be able to hear you.
behind. It's that easy! Or you can grab her arm and pull her Just ask her for her #. After she gives you her # thank her again.
towards you. Now approaching from the front. Approach her Give her a kiss on the cheek and do the San Francisco Hand
from the front and mimic her dancing. You don't have to be a Shake. If she rejects your offer, move on. Remember, this is a
numbers game. you'll probraly get like 3-5 #s by following these
steps. It's not that complicated.

And there you have it! My very first tactic post. Like I said, Urban/Hip
Hop clubs are one of my favorite places and one of the most effective
ways to run dance floor game. I mean these type of techniques in
some way can work for other type of clubs. But ghetto clubs with
ghetto are one of the best. So go ahead, go into one of these clubs.
Unless you're too scared because you may get shot by one these
girls because they're ghetto I hope these techniques were helpful to
some PUAs out there. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Happy Sarging!

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