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Levator palpebrae superioris m.

Superior rectus m.
Inferior rectus m.
Medial rectus m.
Inferior oblique m.
Superior oblique m.
Nasal cavity Retina
(smell) (vision) Lateral rectus m.

V1 V2
Midbrain Ciliary m.
Sphincter pupillae m.

Pons ganglion Eye (general sensory)
acoustic Auricle
Stapedius m. meatus (part) (part) Dura mater (middle cranial fossa) Conjunctiva (general sensory)
Orbit (general sensory)
Nasal cavity (general sensory)
oblongata Nasopharynx
Spiral Hair cells Hair cells Hair cells Frontal sinus (general sensory)
organ (saccule) (utricle) (semicircular duct) Nasal cavity (general sensory) Ethmoidal cells (general sensory)
Auricle (part) V3 Palate Upper eyelid
Tensor veli Tensor Medial Mastoid
palatini m. tympani m. pterygoid m. air cells Dorsum of nose
Upper teeth
Anterior scalp
External acoustic meatus (part) Maxillary sinus Dura mater (anterior cranial fossa)
Dura mater Skin on side of nose Tentorium cerebelli (superior part)
Skin of Cheek Lower lip
lower (middle
Dura mater cranial fossa)
(posterior cranial fossa) Mucous face Lower eyelid
of cheek Cheek
Anterior part of external ear
Lacrimal gland (motor)
External acoustic meatus (part) Pharynx (sensory) Upper lip
Masseter m. Sphenoid sinus (motor)
Levator veli palatini m. ganglion Mandible Stylopharyngeus Frontal sinus (motor)
Temporalis m.
Lower teeth Palatine tonsil Maxillary sinus (motor)
Parotid gland
Salpingopharyngeus m. Lateral Ethmoid sinus (motor)
pterygoid m. Anterior 2/3 of tongue (general sensory) Posterior 1/3 of tongue (general sensory)
Stylohyoid m. Nasal cavity (motor)
Palatopharyngeus m. Mylohyoid m. Posterior 1/3 of tongue (special sensory) Palate (special sensory)
Posterior belly of digastric m. Anterior belly of diagastric m. Anterior 2/3 of tongue (special sensory)
Palatoglossus m. Submandibular gland (motor)
Orbicularis oculi m.
Musculus uvulae m. Sublingual gland (motor) Intrinsic muscles
Corrugator supercilii m. Carotid body Hyoglossus m. Genioglossus m. Styloglossus m. of the tongue

Epiglottis (taste)

Pharynx Pharynx Pharyngeal Cricothyroid m. Larynx Aortic body Aortic body

(taste) Nasalis m. (sensory) constrictor muscles (sensory) (chemoreceptors) (baroreceptors)

Procerus m.

Depressor septi m. Oesophagus

Sternocleidomastoid m. Depressor anguli oris m. Bronchi

Depressor labii inferioris m. Trachea

Mentalis m. Lungs
Posterior Transverse Oblique
Trapezius m. Risorius m. Vocalis m. cricoarytenoid m. arytenoid m. arytenoid m. Heart

Zygomaticus major m. Stomach

Cricothyroid m. Lateral Thyroarytenoid m.
cricoarytenoid m.
Zygomaticus minor m. Pancreas

Levator labii superioris m. Small intestine

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi m. Large intestine

Levator anguli oris m. Spleen

Orbicularis oris m. Liver

Buccinator m. The Cranial Nerves Kidneys

Anterior auricular m. Suprarenal glands

Posterior auricular m. Key to lines

Occipitofrontalis m. cranial nerve I, olfactory nerve cranial nerve VII, facial nerve
cranial nerve II, optic nerve cranial nerve VIII, vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve III, oculomotor nerve cranial nerve IX, glossopharyngeal nerve
cranial nerve IV, trochlear nerve cranial nerve X, vagus nerve
cranial nerve V, trigeminal nerve cranial nerve XI, accessory nerve
cranial nerve VI, abducent nerve cranial nerve XII, hypoglossal nerve This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy
of this license, visit
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© 2011, Samuel Webster Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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