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my colleagues to respectfully oppose The CBC Budget adds $32 billion in Edu- Slaughter Van Hollen Watt
Solis Velázquez Waxman
this well-intentioned but devastating cation, Training, Employment and Social Serv- Stark Visclosky Weiner
amendment to the American taxpayer ices, $1 billion in Natural Resources and Envi- Tauscher Wasserman Wexler
and to the American economy. ronment; and $5.4 billion in Health programs. Thompson (MS) Schultz Woolsey
Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Chairman, I rise today It increases security and critical investments Tierney Waters Wu
Towns Watson Wynn
in opposition to the FY 07 Republican Budget for our homeland, for our troops, for rail and
Resolution, H. Con. Res. 376, and in support port security grants, cargo and air cargo NOES—294
of the Congressional Black Caucus Budget screening equipment, first responders, federal Aderholt Foley McIntyre
Substitute. air marshals, and the U.S. Centers for Dis- Akin Forbes McKeon
Mr. Chairman, the Republican Budget sets a ease Control and Prevention. Alexander Fortenberry McMorris
record—not for balancing the budget, lowering It funds juvenile justice and local law en- Allen Fossella Melancon
the deficit, or reducing our reliance on foreign Bachus Foxx Mica
forcement programs, while restoring cuts in Baird Franks (AZ) Michaud
debt—but for exceeding the callousness evi- veterans’ health care, enhances benefits to Baker Frelinghuysen Miller (FL)
dent in President Bush’s Budget for America. our veterans in survivor benefits, medical and Barrett (SC) Gallegly Miller (MI)
This ‘‘compromise’’ is devoid of direction, bal- prosthetic research, long-term care, and men-
Barrow Garrett (NJ) Miller, Gary
Bartlett (MD) Gerlach Mollohan
ance and compassion. tal health care. It provides $80 billion more for Barton (TX) Gibbons Moore (KS)
It slashes K–12 programs, job training, education and job training programs than the Bass Gilchrest Moran (KS)
Community Development and Social Services Bean Gillmor Murphy
Republic budget over 5 years, including fund-
Block grants. It cuts veterans health care, the Beauprez Gingrey Murtha
ing for No Child Left Behind and school con- Berkley Gohmert Musgrave
homeland security function; mandatory student
struction. It funds the minority health initiative, Berry Gonzalez Myrick
loan spending and programs that help feed Biggert Goode Neugebauer
child nutrition programs, job creation pro-
low-income elderly, mothers and children. Bilirakis Goodlatte Ney
The sad truth is that all of these cuts are the grams, community and regional development, Bishop (UT) Gordon Northup
sacrificial lamb for tax cuts for the wealthiest Gulf Coast reconstruction, scientific research, Blackburn Granger Norwood
1 percent of Americans. While many Ameri- transportation, Medicare, and a variety of Blunt Graves Nunes
Boehlert Green (WI) Nussle
cans are struggling under mounting debt and greatly-needed housing initiatives. Boehner Gutknecht Obey
our country faces record deficits, this Budget Mr. Chairman, we have a historic oppor- Bonilla Hall Osborne
funds another shameless $228 billion in tax tunity before us, to help millions of Americans, Bonner Harris Otter
and to turn back the clock on fiscal policies, Bono Hart Oxley
cuts over 5 years. Boozman Hastings (WA) Paul
The CBC Alternative Budget offers a real the effect of which this Nation will endure for Boren Hayes Pearce
budget for all Americans. It would balance the decades. I urge my colleagues to join in con- Boswell Hayworth Pence
budget, restore pay-as-you-go principles and science, and adopt this CBC Budget. Boucher Hefley Peterson (MN)
Boustany Hensarling Peterson (PA)
restore funding to critical programs; not by The Acting CHAIRMAN. The ques- Boyd Herger Petri
creating deficits, but by rescinding the tax cuts tion is on the amendment offered by Bradley (NH) Herseth Pickering
for those making over $200,000, eliminating the gentleman from North Carolina Brady (TX) Hobson Pitts
(Mr. WATT). Brown (OH) Hoekstra Platts
corporate tax incentives and closing corporate Brown (SC) Holden Poe
loopholes—all while eliminating waste, fraud The question was taken; and the Act- Brown-Waite, Hooley Pombo
and abuse. ing Chairman announced that the noes Ginny Hostettler Pomeroy
I urge my colleagues to support the CBC Al- appeared to have it. Burgess Hulshof Porter
Burton (IN) Hunter Price (GA)
ternative Budget, which represents a return to RECORDED VOTE Buyer Hyde Pryce (OH)
fiscal discipline and responsibility and focuses Mr. WATT. Mr. Chairman, I demand Calvert Inglis (SC) Putnam
our spending priorities on ALL Americans. a recorded vote. Camp (MI) Inslee Radanovich
Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Chairman, I A recorded vote was ordered.
Campbell (CA) Israel Ramstad
Cannon Issa Regula
rise today in strong support of the American The vote was taken by electronic de- Cantor Istook Rehberg
people, and the Congressional Black Caucus’ vice, and there were—ayes 131, noes 294, Capito Jenkins Reichert
Alternative U.S. Budget (CBC Budget). not voting 7, as follows:
Carnahan Jindal Renzi
Mr. Chairman, budgets are moral docu- Carter Johnson (CT) Reyes
ments. They reflect in a very real sense, our [Roll No. 155] Case Johnson (IL) Reynolds
Castle Johnson, Sam Rogers (AL)
deep beliefs, our priorities, and define us as a AYES—131 Chabot Jones (NC) Rogers (KY)
community and as a Nation. So it is with deep Abercrombie Ford McNulty Chandler Kanjorski Rogers (MI)
regret that, as people of conscience, we must Ackerman Frank (MA) Meehan Chocola Keller Rohrabacher
Andrews Green, Al Meek (FL) Coble Kelly Ros-Lehtinen
rise against this attack on seniors, children, Baca Green, Gene Meeks (NY) Cole (OK) Kennedy (MN) Ross
families, workers, and small business—against Baldwin Grijalva Millender- Conaway Kind Royce
the Majority’s budget which levies an enor- Becerra Gutierrez McDonald Cooper King (IA) Ryan (WI)
mous cost on the backs of the majority of Berman Harman Miller (NC) Costa King (NY) Ryun (KS)
Bishop (GA) Hastings (FL) Miller, George Costello Kingston Salazar
Americans, in order to benefit the wealthiest Bishop (NY) Higgins Moore (WI) Cramer Kirk Sanchez, Loretta
few among us. Blumenauer Hinchey Moran (VA) Crenshaw Kline Saxton
Make no mistake about it—the majority’s Brady (PA) Hinojosa Nadler Cubin Knollenberg Schiff
budget is a reckless and unfair attack on most Brown, Corrine Holt Napolitano Culberson Kolbe Schmidt
Butterfield Honda Neal (MA) Davis (CA) Kucinich Schwartz (PA)
Americans. It exacerbates our national debt in Capps Hoyer Oberstar Davis (KY) Kuhl (NY) Schwarz (MI)
an age when we have already squandered a Capuano Jackson (IL) Olver Davis (TN) LaHood Sensenbrenner
$5.6 trillion budget surplus and added $3 tril- Cardin Jackson-Lee Ortiz Davis, Jo Ann Langevin Sessions
Carson (TX) Owens Davis, Tom Larsen (WA) Shadegg
lion in debt. It freezes important domestic pro- Cleaver Jefferson Pallone Deal (GA) Latham Shaw
grams—reducing veterans’ health care by $6 Clyburn Johnson, E. B. Pascrell DeGette LaTourette Shays
billion, education by $45.3 billion, public health Conyers Jones (OH) Pastor DeLay Leach Sherman
by $18.1 billion, and environmental protection Crowley Kaptur Payne Dent Lewis (CA) Sherwood
Cuellar Kildee Pelosi Diaz-Balart, L. Lewis (KY) Shimkus
by $25.0 billion—while also adding $6.8 billion Cummings Kilpatrick (MI) Price (NC) Diaz-Balart, M. Linder Shuster
in reconciliation cuts to mandatory programs. Davis (AL) Lantos Rahall Dicks Lipinski Simmons
It is outrageous, Mr. Chairman, and it’s simply Davis (FL) Lee Rangel Doolittle LoBiondo Simpson
Davis (IL) Levin Rothman Drake Lucas Skelton
un-American. DeFazio Lewis (GA) Roybal-Allard Dreier Lungren, Daniel Smith (NJ)
The CBC budget, which my office helped to Delahunt Lofgren, Zoe Ruppersberger Duncan E. Smith (TX)
draft, restores fiscal responsibility, balancing DeLauro Lowey Rush Edwards Mack Smith (WA)
the budget in 5 years and creating a surplus Dingell Lynch Ryan (OH) Ehlers Manzullo Snyder
Doggett Maloney Sabo Emerson
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE PT2

Marchant Sodrel
of $2.3 billion in FY 2011. It reduces the deficit Doyle Markey Sánchez, Linda English (PA) Marshall Souder
by $313 billion and saves $10.5 billion in inter- Emanuel Matsui T. Etheridge Matheson Spratt
est payments compared to the Majority’s Engel McCarthy Sanders Everett McCaul (TX) Stearns
budget. And it adopts PAYGO rules, so that Eshoo McCollum (MN) Schakowsky Feeney McCotter Strickland
Farr McDermott Scott (GA) Ferguson McCrery Sullivan
Congress balances our checkbook just like Fattah McGovern Scott (VA) Fitzpatrick (PA) McHenry Sweeney
most Americans do. Filner McKinney Serrano Flake McHugh Tancredo

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