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Andrew M.

Miller, PhD
Ambitious postdoctoral research fellow with an interdisciplinary PhD in Biology
Vast knowledge of the interactions and underlying mechanisms of the innate immu
ne system, cytokines and various hepatic cells in alcoholic and nonalcoholic liv
er disease.
Dedicated and perseverant scholar with 8 years of experience in physiology, bio
chemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology, and immunology
Proven success in independent research, as team member, and mentor
Experienced scientific writer including peer-reviewed journal articles, literat
ure review articles, and science writing for lay audiences
Scientific Knowledge Well established analytical approach to investigating sci
entific questions, Experienced in knowledge acquisition and interpretation and a
nalysis of data
Research Skill Development Research techniques and laboratory safety, Experime
ntal design, Data analysis and interpretation, Statistical analysis, and Critica
l review and evaluation of scientific literature
Communication Skills Writing Peer-reviewed/refereed articles, Literature revi
ew articles, Science writing for lay public, Speaking Teaching, Presentation o
f research (Posters, Conferences/seminars, PowerPoint presentations)
Leadership skills Creating a vision and setting goals, Delegating responsibili
ties, Motivating/inspiring others, Mentoring/serving as a role model, Diversity
Professionalism Workplace, Institutional, Collegial, and Universal
Responsible Conduct of Research Skills Data ownership and sharing, Publication
practices and responsible authorship, Research involving animals
Postdoctoral Fellow (12/2007 Present)
National Institutes of Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholis
m Laboratory of Liver Diseases Rockville, Maryland
Gaining vast knowledge into the interaction of the innate immune system and cyt
okines in alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver disease.
Learning and performing experiments with animal models of alcoholic liver disea
se (Lieber-De Carli diet) and nonalcoholic liver disease associated with obesity
(High Fat 60Kcal diet) in addition to procedures in these murine models includi
ng insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and oral gavage.
Increasing the number and precision of laboratory techniques and skills at the
gene, protein, and cellular level.
Enhancing writing skills in addition to improving both the quality and clarity
of oral presentations.
Assisting fellow colleagues, of who speak English as a second language, in edit
ing/revising manuscripts prior to submission for publication.
Receiving training in science writing and publication.
Several abstracts and posters selected for meetings and conferences.
Discovered IL-10 deficient mice are resistant to ethanol and high fat induced s
teatosis but more susceptible to hepatic inflammation by using a combination of
animal models, transgenic mice, in vitro and in vivo studies, laboratory skills,
assays, and techniques
Determined novel anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic roles of sinusoidal endot
helial cell-specific-signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in alcoh
olic liver injury
Mentored high school student in the execution of his project including animal m
odel of chronic alcoholic liver injury, histological techniques, and colorimetri
c assays and instructed him how to analyze and present results.
Selected to present novel research and findings for an oral presentation at the
2010 International
Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid in Pasadena on August 29, 2010.
Graduate Assistant Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant (8/2000 - 12/2006)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Charlotte, NC US
Research Assistant
Explored and found insight into the underlying mechanisms in the cross talk and
signaling pathways of Endothelin-1, a potent vasoconstrictor, and production of
Thromboxane A2, an Arachidonic Acid derived eicosanoid which also displays stro
ng vasoconstrictive effects in the hepatic circulation, in Kupffer Cells, the re
sident macrophages in the liver, during the early development of fibrosis, and a
ssociated portal hypertension with or without the sequential stress of acute end
Built a solid foundation on which to fortify skills as a research scientist.
Several abstracts and presentations selected for at various conferences and mee
Teaching Assistant
Instructed the laboratories associated with the lectures of Plant Biology, Intr
oduction to Biology, and Anatomy and Physiology.
Proctored examinations
Enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills in transforming complex biol
ogical phenomena into terms that first year students could understand and learn.
Uncovered the hepatic stress associated with the development of portal hyperten
sion induces significant modifications in the receptor and intermediates of end
othelin-1 signaling in Kupffer cells, specifically a shift from Gq induced signa
ling to Gi induced signaling in the activation of cPLA2 and production of Thromb
oxane A2.
Supervised and mentored an undergraduate in his honors research project and ass
ociated experiments including survival surgeries in rodent model of fibrosis. St
udent won first place at the UNCC Department of Biology annual undergraduate res
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte NC PhD in Biology (2000-20
Dissertation: Endothelin-1 Induced Activation of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 an
d Thromboxane A2 production in sequential hepatic stresses: Potential Role in Po
rtal Hypertension
Ph.D Candidacy Examination: NIH R03 Grant Proposal and Defense - Annexin-1 and
CD4+ T regulatory cells: Mediation by IL-10 and Role in Inflammatory Bowel Disea
GPA 3.5 out of 4.0
University of South Carolina, Columbia SC Bachelor of Science in Biology (1996-
Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.8 out of 4.0
Golden Key National Honor Society Academic Years 1997 - 2000
Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society Academic Years 1997 - 2000
National Society of Collegiate Scholars Academic Years 1997 - 2000
Kappa Sigma Fraternity Outstanding Scholar Award 1998 - 2000
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society Inducted 2000
Biology Teaching Assistantship - Academic Years: 2001 2003, 2005 2006
Biology Research Assistantship - Academic Years 2003 2005
Association of Biology Graduate Students - Academic Years 2001 2005
International Society for Hepatic Sinusoidal Research
American Association for the Advancement of Science
D.C. Science Writers Association
Andrew M Miller, Hua Wang, Oygi Park, Sung Hwan Ki, Shi Yin, Fouad Lafdil, Bin G
ao. Dissociation Between Steatosis and Inflammation in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholi
c Fatty Liver in IL-10-deficient Mice: Protective Role of IL-6/STAT3 ISHSR. Augu
st 2010.
B. Gao, A. Miller, S.H. Ki, O. Park. Molecular Mechanisms of Alcoholic Liver Dis
ease: Roles of Cytokines ISBRA. September 2010.
Won-il Jeong, Ogyi Park, Yang-Gun Suh, Jin-Seok Byun, So-Young Park, Ja-Kyung Ki
m, Hyojin Ko, Hua Wang, Andrew M Miller, Bin Gao. Suppression of Innate Immunity
(NK cell/IFN-g) in the Advanced Stages of Liver Fibrosis in Mice AASLD. Novembe
r 2010.
Andrew M Miller, Ogyi Park, Hua Wang, Akira Moh, Xin Yuan Fu, Bin Gao Anti-infla
mmatory and Anti-apoptotic roles of Endothelial Cell STAT3 in Alcoholic Liver In
jury RSA. June 2009.
Norio Horiguchi, Lafdil Fouad, Andrew M Miller, Ogyi Park, Hua Wang, Rajesh Moha
nraj, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Xin Yuan Fu, Pal Pacher, Bin Gao. Dissociation of Liv
er Inflammation and Hepatocellular Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mye
loid Cell-specific STAT3 Knockout Mice. AASLD. November 2009.
Andrew M Miller, Jian X Zhang. Altered Endothelin-1 Signaling in the Activation
of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) and Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) Productions in K
upffer Cells (KC) of the Prefibrotic Rat Liver: A Possible Mechanism in the Earl
y Development of Portal Hypertension in Cirrhosis. Experimental Biology. April 2
Andrew Miller, Mina Masrorpour, Jian X Zhang. LPS Enhances Endothelin-1 Induced
Activation of Cytosolic Phosoholipase A2 And Thromboxane A2 Production from Kupf
fer Cells of the Prefibrotic Rat Liver. Experimental Biology. April 2006.
Andrew Miller, Mina Masrorpour, Amel Karaa, Hongzhi Xu, and Jian X. Zhang. Endot
helin-1 Induced Release of Thromboxane A2 from Kupffer Cells in the Prefibrotic
Rat Liver: Potential Role in the Development of Portal Hypertension. Experimenta
l Biology. April 2005 - #8425
Kara King, Andrew Miller, Rafael Sanchez, Walid S. Kamoun, Mark G. Clemens, Laur
a W. Schrum, Jian Zhang. Caloric Restriction Inhibits Hyperlipedemia-Induced Liv
er Damage in Aging Mice. Experimental Biology. April 2003 - #8661
Andrew M. Miller, Mina Masrorpour, Christian Klaus, Jian X. Zhang. LPS Exacerbat
es Endothelin-1 Induced Activation of Cytosolic Phosoholipase A2 and Thromboxane
A2 Production from Kupffer Cells of the Prefibrotic Rat Liver. Journal of Hepat
ology. February 2007, 46:276285.
Andrew M. Miller, Jian X Zhang. Altered Endothelin-1 Signaling in Production of
Thromboxane A2 in Kupffer Cells from Bile Duct Ligated Rats. Cellular and Molecu
lar Immunology, December 2009, 6:441-452.
Andrew M. Miller, Hua Wang, Ogyi Park, Norio Horiguchi, Fouad Lafdil, Partha Muk
hopadhyay, Akira Moh, Xin Yuan Fu, George Kunos, Pal Pacher, Bin Gao Anti-inflam
matory and Anti-apoptotic roles of Endothelial Cell STAT3 in Alcoholic Liver Inj
ury Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, April 2010, 34(4):719-725.

Norio Horiguchi, Fouad Lafdil, Andrew M Miller, Ogyi Park, Hua Wang, Rajesh Moha
nraj, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Xin Yuan Fu, Pal Pacher, Bin Gao. Dissociation of Liv
er Inflammation and Hepatocellular Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mye
loid Cell-specific STAT3 Knockout Mice. Hepatology, May 2010, 51(5):1724-1734.

Fouad Lafdil, Andrew M. Miller, Sung-Hwan Ki, Bin Gao. Th17 Cells and Their Asso
ciated Cytokines in Liver Diseases. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, July 2010
, 7(4):250-254.
Andrew M. Miller, Norio Horiguchi, Svetlana Radaeva, Won-IL Jeong Bin Gao. Molec
ular Mechanisms of Alcoholic Liver Disease: Innate immunity and cytokines Alcoho
lism: Clinical and Experimental Research, in press.(Review Article)
Won-il Jeong, Ogyi Park, Yang-Gun Suh, Jin-Seok Byun, So-Young Park, Ja-Kyung Ki
m, Hyojin Ko, Hua Wang, Andrew M. Miller, Bin Gao. Suppression of Innate Immunit
y (Natural Killer Cell/Interferon-g) in the Advanced Stages of Liver Fibrosis in
Mice. Hepatology. (revision under review).
Andrew M. Miller, Hua Wang, Ogyi Park, Sung-Hwan Ki, Fouad Lafdil, Partha Mukhop
adhyay,, George Kunos, Pal Pacher, Bin Gao. Dissociation Between Steatosis and I
nflammation in NASH in IL-10-deficient Mice: Protective Role of IL-6/STAT3

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