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Topoi (2006) 25: 29–32

DOI 10.1007/s11245-006-0024-z

Into the brain: where philosophy should go from here

Paul M. Churchland

Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006

Abstract The maturation of the cognitive neu- But our blinders here have begun to be lifted, and
rosciences will throw light on many central philoso- our ignorance has begun to recede. A new generation
phical issues. Among them: semantic theory, of techniques and machines of observation has given us
perception, learning, social and moral knowledge, and eyes to see into the encrypted details of neuronal
practical reasoning and decision making. As con- activity. A new generation of scientists has given us a
temporary medicine cannot do without the achieve- self-critical community of determined empirical
ments of modern biology, philosophy would be pitiful researchers. And a new generation of theories has gi-
if it disregarded the achievements of brain research. ven us at least an opening grip on how the brain’s
massive but microscopic matrix might perform the
Keywords cognitive neurosciences Æ semantic breathtaking feats of real-time cognition that so com-
theory Æ perception Æ moral knowledge Æ practical pel our philosophical attention. My aim in this short
reasoning Æ Hebbian learning paper is to outline the various ways in which the mat-
uration of the cognitive neurosciences is likely to throw
The physical brain, of both humans and animals, has light on an unprecedented variety of issues of central
begun to give up its secrets. Those secrets have been and historical importance to philosophers in particular,
locked away in a bony vault, encrypted in a micro- issues near and dear to all of us, issues that have long
scopic matrix of 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion defined our field. The overall impact of the maturing
synaptic connections, for the entire history of our neurosciences, most will politely allow, is likely to be
philosophical musings, with no more influence, on the substantial. But most philosophers, I’ll wager, expect
content of those musings, than the influence exerted by the impact on philosophy to be relatively minor, if they
the equally hidden secrets of the kidney, or of the have any expectations on the matter at all. How mis-
pancreas. The winding path of our philosophical the- taken they are is the topic of this short paper.
orizing has been steered by other factors entirely. Let me begin in what may be an unexpected place:
Those factors have been many and various, even glo- semantic theory. How does the brain represent the
rious, and they have been precious for existing at all. enduring structure of the world in which it lives? The
But they have not included even the feeblest concep- emerging answer, it seems, is surprisingly Platonic. The
tion of how the biological brain embodies information brain slowly develops, by a process to be discussed
about the world, or of how it processes that informa- below, a high-dimensional map of the abstract cate-
tion so as to steer its biological body through a complex gories, invariant profiles, and enduring symmetries that
physical and social environment. In these dimensions, provide the unchanging background structure of the
we have been flying blind for at least three millennia. world of ephemeral processes. More accurately, the
brain develops a substantial number of such maps, each
one of which represents a specific domain of contrast-
P. M. Churchland (&)
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA ing but interrelated universals, such as the domain of
e-mail: colors, the domain of voices, the domain of shapes, the

30 P. M. Churchland

domain of motions, the domain of animals, and so If the story of the brain’s grasp of the world’s
forth. Each map contains an appropriate family of background structure is vaguely Platonic (plus or
prototype positions for each family of learned catego- minus a pre-birth visit to an abstract heaven), so also is
ries, and the assembled proximity and distance relations the story of its unfolding grasp of the perceived here-
that configure those prototype positions within the map and-now. Our perceptions of the ephemeral world are
are collectively homomorphic with the assembled always and inevitably interpreted within the frame-
similarity and difference relations that configure the work of whatever background maps we have already
objective categories therein portrayed. Unlike a street pieced together. Our perceptions make sense only
map, the brain’s maps represent abstract-feature against the background of our antecedently grasped
domains rather than concrete geographical domains. concepts. For the primary function of our several
(Hence the allusion to Plato.) But as with maps gen- sensory systems is continually to index where, in the
erally, representation is achieved, not atomistically or space of abstract possibilities already comprehended,
one map-element at a time, but holistically or all map- one’s current empirical position resides. Our assem-
elements together, by virtue of their collective internal bled sensory inputs, at any given moment, serve to
structure, and by virtue of the homomorphism dis- activate a specific pattern of activation-levels across
played between that internal structure on the one each of our waiting neuronal maps, a unique pattern
hand, and the similarity-structure of the relevant fea- for each map (remember: each map has its own
ture-domain on the other. The map is homomorphic abstract subject matter), a pattern that constitutes a
with (at least a substructure of) the feature-domain ‘‘you-are-here-pointer’’ to a specific possibility among
being mapped. We might call this theory Domain- the many background possibilities chronically por-
Portrayal Semantics to distinguish it from the various trayed in that map. We might call this the Map-
causal, covariational, indicator, teleological, and con- Indexing Theory of Perception.
ceptual-role theories familiar to us from the contem- Very well, but a central problem for philosophy has
porary philosophical tradition. Perhaps its closest always been, ‘‘How do we acquire our general knowl-
cousin in that tradition is conceptual-role semantics edge of the world’s categorical and causal structure?’’
(because both are holistic), but a contrasting feature of Putting nativism aside—both Plato’s and Des-
the present account is the fact that it has no depen- cartes’—we are left with a variety of empiricist stories
dence whatever on language-like structures and struc- that appeal to induction, hypothetico-deduction, falsi-
ture-sensitive inferences. It embraces all cognitive fication, Bayesian updating, or some combination
creatures on the planet, language-using or no. thereof. But these are all ‘‘category-dependent’’ forms
These internal maps of sundry external feature- of learning. They all require a determinate conceptual
domains (e.g., voices, shapes, motions) are embodied framework already in place, within which hypotheses
in the high-dimensional activation-spaces of the brain’s can be framed, data can be expressed, and empirical
many distinct neuronal populations, populations that reasoning can proceed. How such background frame-
typically number in the tens of millions of neurons. works are acquired in the first place is left unaddressed.
And just as any specific point on a two-dimensional Lockean/Humean stories concerning simple impres-
highway map is specified by the simultaneous values of sions and their residual copies—simple ideas—do at-
two variables—latitude and longitude—so is a specific tempt to fill this gap, but such stories are not
point in an n-dimensional neuronal map specified by empirically plausible, neither in their account of how
the simultaneous values of n variables—the current ‘‘complex’’ ideas are subsequently generated there-
activation or excitation values of each of the n neurons from, nor in their account of how the alleged ‘‘simple’’
in the representing population. As the number n climbs ideas were generated in the first place.
beyond the two dimensions familiar from a street-map, If we ask, instead, how the brain develops its man-
the representational power of the n-D map climbs ifold maps of various abstract feature domains, devel-
proportionately. With the number n presenting in ex- opmental neuroscience already holds out the sketch of
cess of tens of millions, for each of perhaps a thousand an answer. Hebbian learning is a mindless, sub-con-
distinct maps within the brain, all of them interacting ceptual process that continually adjusts the strengths or
with other, one starts to conceive a new respect for the ‘‘weights’’ of the trillions of synaptic connections that
representational powers of the biological brain, even intervene between one neuronal population and an-
for creatures well below us on the phylogenetic scale. other, the very connections whose assembled weights
As well, it now comes as no surprise that the bulk of determine the complex landscape of prototype-regions
one’s background knowledge is deeply inarticulable. that constitutes the abstract map embodied in the

Into the brain 31

receiving population. Modify the synaptic weights and has the same sort of neuronal basis as does factual or
you modify the map. theoretical wisdom, and in neither case do ‘‘laws’’ (in
More importantly, the Hebbian process of weight- the latter case) or ‘‘maxims’’ (in the former case) play
adjustment is systematically sensitive to temporal any fundamental role at all. Instead, one’s level of
coincidences among the many axonal messages arriv- wisdom is measured by the accuracy and the penetra-
ing, from an upstream population, to a given neuron in tion of the high-dimensional maps one has constructed
the receiving population. Specifically, if a cadre of for the relevant abstract domains, both factual and
connections, a subset among the great many connec- practical. Plato, once again, would be pleased.
tions to a given neuron, repeatedly bring their indi- This holds for one’s perceptual and navigational
vidual messages to the neuron all at the same time, then skills in the social and moral domains, no less than in
the weight of each connection in that united cadre is the various physical domains. Conventional wisdom
made progressively stronger. As neuroscience under- has long modeled our internal cognitive processes,
graduates are taught, ‘‘Neurons that fire together, quite wrongly, as just an inner version of the public
slowly wire together.’’ The receiving neuron thus arguments and justifications that we learn, as children,
gradually becomes a reliable indicator of whatever to construct and evaluate in the social space of the
external feature it was that prompted the simultaneous dinner table and the marketplace. Those social activi-
activation of the relevant neurons in the sending pop- ties are of vital importance to our collective commerce,
ulation, the neurons whose axon-tips embody the both social and intellectual, but they are an evolu-
connections at issue. Moreover, since the salient fea- tionary novelty, unreflected in the brain’s basic modes
tures in any environment are those that display a of decision-making. These have a different dynamics,
repeated pattern of development over time (i.e., a and a different kinematics, entirely.
distinct causal profile), the unfolding behavior of our Upon reflection, this should come as no surprise.
Hebb-instructed receiving neuron over time can Baboon troops, wolf packs, and lion prides all show
become an equally reliable indicator of a salient causal penetrating social perception and intricate social rea-
process out there in the world. soning on the part of their members. And yet, lacking
This sketch puts too much weight, perhaps, on the language entirely, all of their cognitive activity must be
importance of a single neuron. Remember, there are fundamentally non-discursive. Why should humans, at
thousands, even millions of other neurons in the same bottom, be any different? Decision theorists, be ad-
population, which are presumably becoming sensitive, vised. And moral philosophers. And jurists. And those
each in their own way, to some aspect or dimension of whose job it is to study, and to try to repair, various
the same external feature-unfolding-in-time. It is the cognitive and social pathologies. As with factual rea-
Hebb-trained population as a whole that eventually soning, practical reasoning and decision-making is
gains the important grasp of that target, and of the something we have but barely begun to understand.
ways in which it contrasts with, or is similar to, a To return to factual reasoning, the nature of cutting-
variety of other prototypical features-unfolding-in- edge scientific research looks interestingly different
time. In this way, presumably, does the mindless pro- from the neuronal perspective as well. Making theo-
cess of Hebbian weight-adjustment gradually produce retical progress emerges as a matter of finding ever
an internal map of an entire domain of abstract fea- more penetrating and successful interpretations of the
tures, even if the infant creature’s synaptic connections antecedently interpreted empirical data. It is not
start off with random weight-values. The objective (usually) a matter of constructing fundamentally new
statistics of our sensory inputs over time sculpt an maps for interpreting nature—that Hebbian process
internal representation of those statistics. That is, they takes far too long. Rather, it is a process of trying to
sculpt a map of the world’s chronic or enduring struc- redeploy our existing conceptual resources in empirical
ture, both categorical and causal. domains outside the domain in which those concepts
Thus does any creature acquire the skills of per- were originally acquired. Accordingly, Huygens rein-
ception and causal recognition: it learns to activate terprets light as an instance of traveling waves. Newton
appropriate points and paths through its background reinterprets the orbiting Moon as a flung stone. Tor-
neuronal activation spaces. Much the same process ricelli reinterprets the atmosphere as an ocean of air.
subserves its acquisition of bodily motor skills and the Bernoulli reinterprets a gas as a swarm of ballistic
skills of manipulating its physical environment, as op- particles. Each of these reinterpretations brought new
posed to just passively observing it. Here, too, Hebbian insights and novel predictions in its wake. Theoretical
learning sculpts representations: representations of the science emerges as the critical exploration of revealing
space of possible actions. Practical wisdom, it emerges, models and profitable metaphors, a process that

32 P. M. Churchland

involves the new use of old conceptual resources. our mastery of language and other recursive activities.
Neural networks, as it happens, are entirely capable of Plainly, we are looking at a unified theoretical
modulating their normal conceptual response to any approach with an unusually broad reach.
given class of stimuli. For the axonal projections that There is much more to talk about, especially about
lead us stepwise up the brain’s cognitive ladder(s) to the surrounding matrix of human culture and the
ever more abstract maps embodied in ever more ele- manifold ways in which individual neural net-
vated neuronal populations, also project downwards, in works—that is, you and me—depend on and interact
many cases, so as to allow cognitive activities at higher with that most blessed matrix. It is not a matrix of
levels of processing to affect the ways in which familiar illusion (as in the silly movie by that name), but a
sensory inputs get processed at lower levels of inter- matrix of acquired wisdom, an active framework that
pretation. Brains, in short, can steer the way(s) in embodies many of the best achievements of the many
which they interpret the world, by making multiple use earlier brains who also swam briefly in its nourishing
of the concepts that the very different and much slower informational embrace. This observation serves to
process of Hebbian learning originally produced in illustrate that the neurocomputational perspective here
them. paraded is not a narrow perspective, focused exclu-
These downward-flowing or recurrent axonal pro- sively on the micro-arcana of individual brains. On the
jections are important for any number of reasons, contrary, it is a multi-scaled perspective that may
beyond the function just described. They are vital for finally allow us to construct a unified, and unblinkered,
producing prototypical paths (as opposed to mere account of human cognition as it unfolds over the
points) in activation space, paths that represent causal centuries. At the very least, it offers a systematically
processes-unfolding-in-time. And they are equally novel approach to problems that have always been
critical for mastering the recursive structures displayed central to our discipline. Concerning its future success
in natural languages, for mastering the skills of arith- ... I live in hope, as always. But now the reader will
metic, the skills of geometry, the skills of logic, and the have some understanding of why.
skills of music, all of which embody recursive or iter- I close with an historical parallel whose presumptive
able procedures over well-formed structures. A brain lesson will be plain to everyone. Recall our attempts to
with a purely feedforward architecture might do many understand the nature of life, and the many dimensions
things, but it could never master these skills. A brain of health, prior to the achievements of modern biology:
with a recurrent architecture can. macroanatomy, cellular anatomy, metabolic and
Enough examples. We have gone through, or at least structural chemistry, physiology, immunology, protein
gestured toward, (1) a theory of concepts, with (2) an synthesis, hematology, molecular genetics, oncology,
accompanying semantic theory; (3) a theory of per- and so forth and so on. Those pre-modern attempts, we
ception, folded into (1) and (2); (4) a sub-conceptual can all agree, were pitiful, as were the medical prac-
theory of how any creature’s conceptual resources are tices based on them. But why should we expect our
formed in the first place; (5) a sub-linguistic theory of understanding of the nature of cognition, and the many
motor knowledge and practical wisdom; (6) a sub-lin- dimensions of rationality, to be any less pitiful, prior to
guistic account of social and moral knowledge; (7) a our making comparable achievements in penetrating
sub-linguistic portrayal of practical reasoning and the structure and the activities of the biological brain?
decision making; (8) a sub-discursive account of theo- Where should philosophy go from here? The answer
retical science; and (9) a non-Chomskean account of could hardly be more obvious: into the brain.


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