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fm Page 33 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class _________________ Date _________________

Vocabulary Preview Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the word or words that best
complete each sentence.

1. _____________ is the program that directs a computer to perform one or more tasks.
a. Word-processing software b. Management software
c. Application software

2. A program that stores phone numbers and addresses is called a _____________.

a. personal information manager program b. telecommunications program
c. stand-alone program

3. _____________ specialize in one specific task.

a. Presentation programs b. Stand-alone programs c. Spreadsheet programs

4. ____________ software combines the basic features of several applications in one package.
a. Information b. Application c. Integrated

5. _____________ usually combine word processing, database, spreadsheet, and graphics

software in one package.
a. Stand-alone programs b. Combination suites c. Office suites

6. The minimum equipment a computer needs to run a software program is called the
a. system requirement b. application requirement c. software requirement

7. Software that is copyrighted and must be bought is called _____________.

a. professional software b. commercial software c. public domain software
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8. If you want to try software before you buy it, you need to choose _____________.
a. shareware b. freeware c. publicware

9. Copyrighted software that companies give away is known as _____________.

a. public domain software b. shareware c. freeware

10. _____________ is given away by the creator with no strings attached.

a. Totally freeware b. Shareware c. Public domain software

11. Before software can be used on a computer, it must first be _____________.

a. installed b. copyrighted c. copied

Applications Basics 33 Page 34 Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:15 PM

Name _______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________

12. To delete a software program from a computer, you need to _____________ it.
a. trash b. uninstall c. disable

13. Permission to use the software on one computer is known as the _____________.
a. software license b. copyright notice c. terms

14. Starting a software application is also known as _____________.

a. maximizing b. launching c. powering up

15. It’s easiest to _____________ a window, or make it as large as possible.

a. launch b. supersize c. maximize

16. _____________ a window puts it out of the way of other work you are doing.
a. Miniaturizing b. Minimizing c. Maximizing

17. At the top of an application window is the _____________.

a. title bar b. menu bar c. toolbar

18. The _____________ lists sets of commands.

a. command bar b. menu bar c. help bar

19. In Microsoft Office 2007, ________________ is the control center for using the application.
a. the Ribbon b. the title bar c. the Help menu

20. To move from one part of a window to another you must _____________ using the mouse.
a. click b. select c. scroll
Directions: Match each vocabulary term to its definition. Write the term on the
line before the definition.

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stand-alone program software license menu bar
integrated software title bar Ribbon

1. __________________________ Combines the features of several applications

2. __________________________ The top row of the application window

3. __________________________ Software that specializes in one task

4. __________________________ A list of commands

5. __________________________ Permission to install and use software you have bought

6. __________________________ Includes tabs, groups, and commands

34 Chapter 5 Page 35 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class _________________ Date _________________

As You Read Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Lesson 5–1: Types of Application Software

Directions: As you read, complete the following chart to compare and con-
trast three types of application software.

Stand-Alone Software Integrated Software Office Suites

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Applications Basics 35 Page 36 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class ___________________ Date _________________

Lesson 5–1: Review Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Check Your Comprehension

Directions: Complete each sentence with information from the chapter.

1. Application software that is good for working with lists and doing math is _____________.

2. Stand-alone programs usually cost _____________ than integrated software.

3. Integrated software applications usually use many of the same _____________.

4. Office suites offer _____________ versions of applications than do integrated programs.

5. The cost of an office suite is generally _____________ than buying all the stand-alone programs

Think Critically
Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided.

1. Which kind of application software would you buy first? Why?

2. How important to you is the price when you are thinking about buying
software? Explain.

3. What kind of user do you think should buy an office suite? Why?

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Extend Your Knowledge

Directions: Work with a partner to complete the following exercise on a
separate sheet of paper.

Use a triple Venn diagram to show how stand-alone, integrated, and office
suite application programs are similar and how they are different. Place
qualities that only one program has in that program’s circle. Place qualities
that programs share in overlapping parts of the circles.

36 Chapter 5 Page 37 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class _________________ Date _________________

As You Read Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Lesson 5–2: Obtaining Application Software

Directions: As you read, complete the following outline to organize
information about obtaining and using application software.


I. Obtaining Application Software

A. Minimum system requirements
B. Obtaining application software
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Applications Basics 37 Page 38 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class ___________________ Date _________________

Lesson 5–2: Review Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Check Your Comprehension

Directions: Complete each sentence with information from the chapter.

1. A computer must meet the _____________ needs of a software program to run the program

2. Three kinds of software you can legally give to a friend are _____________.

3. Three ways you can install software are to copy it from _____________ to your computer.

4. To delete a program from the computer, you must _____________ it.

5. Stealing or copying copyrighted programs is known as _____________.

Think Critically
Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided.

1. How would you explain the idea of copyright to a first-grade student?

2. How is freeware similar to public domain software? How is it different?

3. What would you say to a friend who is thinking of copying some copy-
righted software?

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Extend Your Knowledge

Directions: Complete the following exercise on a separate sheet of paper.

Illegally duplicating copyrighted software is a serious problem in the com-

puter industry. Using the Internet and other sources, prepare a report on the
extent of the problem. Investigate such areas as who duplicates software,
how and where it is done, what kinds of programs are often copied, and how
the industry is fighting the problem.

38 Chapter 5 Page 39 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class _________________ Date _________________

As You Read Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Lesson 5–3: Using Application Software

Directions: As you read, complete the following conclusion chart to help
you understand the tools that computer applications offer.

applications offer
many different
tools to help the
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Applications Basics 39 Page 40 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class ___________________ Date _________________

Lesson 5–3: Review Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Check Your Comprehension

Directions: Complete each sentence with information from the chapter.

1. Using the _____________ are two ways to launch an application.

2. If you want to use one program without closing another, you can _____________ the first one.

3. The largest part of a window is the space where _____________.

4. The _____________ shows the names of the program and the document.

5. _____________ through a document moves you from one part of a window to another.

Think Critically
Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided.

1. The dictionary defines an icon as a representation or an image. Why do

you think computer designers chose this name for the on-screen symbol?

2. What is an advantage in minimizing, rather than exiting, a document

while you work on another document?

3. What commands, and in what order, would you use to write a letter?

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Extend Your Knowledge

Directions: Complete the following exercise on a separate sheet of paper.

Millions of copies of application software are sold every year. Use the Inter-
net or other sources, such as magazines or newspapers, to make a list of the
five best-selling application software programs for last year. Then, write a
paragraph explaining which task or tasks each performs.

40 Chapter 5 Page 41 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:10 PM

Name _______________________________ Class _________________ Date _________________

Problem Solving Use with Chapter 5, Applications Basics.

Using Application Software: Conducting an Interview

Directions: People use lots of application software—at home, at work, at
school, and other places as well. Which are their favorite applications? What com-
puter tasks do people you know perform most often? Interview 15 classmates,
friends, and family members to find out the answers. In the left column of the
chart below, list the applications your respondents use. In the right column, put
a tick mark for each person who has used that application in the past year.

Application Numb r of U r
e se s

Word processing
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Directions: Raw data, such as the number of people who use different appli-
cations, can be difficult to interpret. Graphs can help people interpret informa-
tion more easily. Choose the type of graph you think best shows what
percentage of your interviewees have used each application in the past 12
months. Use the table to collect your data, then create and label a graph of the
data on a separate sheet of paper.

Applications Basics 41

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