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Slab Definitions and Details

R C Slab Design to EC2

In-situ slabs offer economy, versatility,

robustness, speed & ease of construction.

They can easily accommodate large and

small service holes, fixings for suspended
Solid (deep beams) Ribbed slab services, ceilings, and external cladding.

One way slabs are designed for a 1m

width in the same way as RC Beams.

The main tension steel runs in the

direction of the span and takes all of the
Solid (band beams) Precast slab sections moment on the section.

Secondary Main

Overall Depth of Slab – h (mm)

Breadth of Slab – b =1000mm

Effective Depth of Slab – d = h – cover - ½ main bar φ (mm) From top of slab to Centroid of Main Steel

Effective Span of Slab – L (m) for SSS - Lesser of centre of bearing to centre of bearing or
clear span + effective depth.
Cover to Reinforcement (mm)
– For Durability: depends on concrete strength class and environmental conditions – (EC2 Tables 4.1 & NA2)
– For Fire Resistance: less likely to be critical – (Table 2 of Concise Eurocode 2)

Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete, fck (N/mm )

Concrete Compressive Strength Class

A classification comprising the type of concrete (normal-weight or lightweight), the minimum characteristic 150 mm diameter by 300 mm
cylinder strength and the minimum characteristic 150 mm cube strength eg C20/25 (ie fck = 20 N/mm )

Concrete Density (unit weight) = 25 kN/m
Characteristic tensile strength of reinforcement, fyk = 500 N/mm - H Bars

Main Reinforcement – The area of steel calculated, As, is that required per metre width – see bar area tables
Bar φ – 10mm to 20 mm preferred - state as H10@150c/c for example.
Min Clear Spacing = max aggregate size + 5mm (= 25mm), or Max bar φ, or 20mm
Max Area of Main Reinforcement = 0.04bh (mm )
2/3 2
Min Area of Main Reinforcement should not be less than 0.00016 fck bd or 0.0013bd (mm )
Max Spacing of Main Reinforcement should be 2h but not greater than 250 mm
(add 1 bar φ to clear spacing to give bar spacing)

Slab Definitions and Details
Secondary Transverse Reinforcement is provided at 90 to the main steel to form a mesh (like fabric) & is
placed above the main steel. - aka Distribution Steel.
Min Area of Secondary Reinforcement ≥ 20% of the Area of Main Reinforcement ≥ 0.2As
Max Spacing of Secondary Reinforcement should be 3h but not greater than 400 mm
(add 1 bar φ to clear spacing to give bar spacing)
(max spacing rules apply where slab < 200mm otherwise use limits to control cracking as for beams)

Design Ultimate Load, F = 1.35×Dead Load+ 1.5× Imposed Load (kN) (the Factored Load) EC 0
(F = 1.35×Gk+ 1.5×Qk)
Design Ultimate Moment, MEd = FL/8, FL/4, FL/6, (kNm) (Design value of the applied internal bending moment)

Main Reinforcement is determined in the same way as for beams

Shear Reinforcement is not provided in slabs usually, ensure that vEd ≤ vRd,c

Deflection – is determined in the same way as for beams

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