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Earliest human occupations at Dmanisi

(Georgian Caucasus) dated to 1.85–1.78 Ma

Reid Ferringa,1, Oriol Omsb, Jordi Agustíc, Francesco Bernad,2, Medea Nioradzee, Teona Sheliae, Martha Tappenf,
Abesalom Vekuae, David Zhvaniae, and David Lordkipanidzee,1
Department of Geography, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203; bDepartment of Geology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra,
Spain; cInstitute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution, Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies, 43005 Tarragona, Spain; dDepartment
of Earth Sciences “Ardito Desio,” Università degli Studi di Milano, 20133 Milan, Italy; eGeorgian National Museum, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia; and
Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Contributed by David Lordkipanidze, April 28, 2011 (sent for review February 27, 2011)

The early Pleistocene colonization of temperate Eurasia by Homo Results

erectus was not only a significant biogeographic event but also Geology and Geochronology of the M5 Section. The M5 test unit is
a major evolutionary threshold. Dmanisi’s rich collection of homi- situated 85 m west of the block 1 excavations (Fig. 1). A narrow
nin fossils, revealing a population that was small-brained with geologic trench and then a 2 × 2-m test unit exposed 6.2 m of
both primitive and derived skeletal traits, has been dated to the deposits overlying the Masavera Basalt (Fig. 2). This thick expo-
earliest Upper Matuyama chron (ca. 1.77 Ma). Here we present sure of conformably bedded deposits is divided into nine strati-
archaeological and geologic evidence that push back Dmanisi’s graphic units, named A1 to B5 (SI Text and Table S1). At M5, as in
first occupations to shortly after 1.85 Ma and document repeated the main excavation areas, stratum A deposits display normal
use of the site over the last half of the Olduvai subchron, 1.85–1.78 geomagnetic polarity and are correlated with the upper Olduvai
Ma. These discoveries show that the southern Caucasus was occu-

subchron. The stratum B deposits all display reverse polarity and
pied repeatedly before Dmanisi’s hominin fossil assemblage accu- are correlated with the earliest Upper Matuyama chron. Stratum
mulated, strengthening the probability that this was part of a core A1, which conformably overlies the Masavera Basalt, is a massive
area for the colonization of Eurasia. The secure age for Dmanisi’s to weakly laminated bed of silt and fine sand-sized black volcanic
first occupations reveals that Eurasia was probably occupied be- glass shards and tears, with rare obsidian granules. The only
fore Homo erectus appears in the East African fossil record. pedogenic features of these deposits are rare carbonate filaments.
These sediments and the Masavera Basalt contain olivine, in-
Lower Paleolithic | paleoanthropology dicating rapid deposition with little weathering (SI Text). Here,
and across the site, the A1a ashes quickly filled the lowest

I n recent years, paleoanthropologists have intensified the search

for evidence for one of the most significant events in human
evolution: the dispersal of early Homo from Africa to Eurasia.
depressions on the irregular basalt surface. A1b deposits are glass
sands and fine obsidian granules, indicative of erosional sorting of
A1 sediments from a higher position.
That Homo erectus was the first hominin to leave Africa and Stratum A2 is a black, indurated fine to medium silt ash. These
colonize Eurasia has been accepted by paleoanthropologists for sediments show evidence of moderate pedogenesis, including
over a century. However, models that linked the first African many carbonate filaments, veins and concretions, and thin clay
exodus to increases in stature, encephalization, and technolog- and carbonate pore linings (Table S2). Micromorphological
ical advances (1–3) have been challenged by discoveries at analysis of stratum A2 in the main excavations record similar
Dmanisi (4). Dmanisi is located in the southern Georgian Cau- pedogenic features (11). The substrata of A2 lack olivine and
casus (41°20’10”N and 44°20’38”E), 55 km southwest of Tbilisi contain clay minerals supporting the soil morphological evidence
(Fig. 1). The prehistoric excavations at Dmanisi have been for cyclic deposition and stability; however, the clear contacts
concentrated in the central part of a promontory that stands between the substrata indicate serial ash falls that promoted the
above the confluence of the Masavera and Pinasauri rivers. stratification of artifacts in this unit. Strata A3 and A4 are firm
Lower Pleistocene deposits are preserved below the Medieval dark reddish brown silt ashes with common carbonate filaments
ruins and above the 1.85-Ma Masavera Basalt (Fig. 1). Those and pore linings.
excavations yielded numerous exceptionally preserved hominin The weak to moderate soil development in each of the stratum
fossils. Stratigraphic studies revealed that that all of those A deposits is illustrated by the weak structure, high porosity, and
hominin fossils are from sediments of stratum B, dated to ca. lack of argillic (clay-enriched) horizons. All of the strata A soils
1.77 Ma, based on 40Ar/39Ar dates, paleomagnetism, and pale- here have pedogenic carbonates, indicating a drier setting and
ontologic constraints (4, 5). In the main excavations, no artifacts probably slower rates of weathering. However, above stratum
or fossils have been found in the older stratum A deposits, which A2a, those carbonate fabrics are limited to filaments, pore linings,
conformably overlie the Masavera Basalt. Dmanisi’s rich col- and rhizomorphs; these are Stage I soil carbonates (12), indicating
lection of hominin fossils reveals a population with short stature brief periods of surface stability and weathering.
and cranial capacities of only 600–775 cc (4–9). Artifact as- Accordingly, the entire suite of sediments in stratum A can be
semblages are all indicative of a Mode I technology, with no viewed as a cumulic sedimentary profile consisting of a series of
bifacial tools (10). Recently completed testing in the M5 sector
of Dmanisi has yielded in situ artifacts and faunal remains from
Author contributions: R.F. and D.L. designed research; R.F., O.O., J.A., F.B., M.N., T.S., M.T.,
the older stratum A deposits, pushing back Dmanisi’s occupa- A.V., and D.Z. performed research; R.F., O.O., F.B., and M.T. analyzed data; M.N., T.S., and
tional history into the upper Olduvai subchron. These findings D.Z. conducted fieldwork; and R.F. wrote the paper.
indicate that African and Eurasian theaters for the evolution of The authors declare no conflict of interest.
early humans had been established even earlier than thought 1
To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: or dlordkipanidze@
previously, with implications for the age of dispersals not only
within Eurasia but also between Eurasia and Africa. This article 2
Present address: Archaeology Department, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215.
describes the results of these investigations at Dmanisi and their This article contains supporting information online at
implications for future research. 1073/pnas.1106638108/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 5

as supported by the stratigraphic separations, fine-grained sedi-
ments, and associated soil features (SI Text and Table S1). The
location of M5 and the stratigraphic range of the recently discov-
ered finds emphasize that the site-wide spatial and stratigraphic
distribution of artifacts and faunas at Dmanisi is both extensive and
dense. This finding reveals that the site was inhabited many times,
implying an established, apparently quite mobile population.
The stratum A artifact assemblage is dominated by flakes but
includes cores and core/choppers (Table 1 and Fig. 3). No
retouched tools were found, but these are rare in the larger
samples of artifacts from the Dmanisi excavations (10). Of the 73
flakes in stratum A, 48 are complete or proximal fragments with
platforms. The size and raw materials of distal flake fragments
indicate that breakage has not unduly inflated the sample size.
The dorsal scar patterns on the flakes are predominantly unidi-
rectional (Fig. 3 B–E). However, four of the larger flakes, each
of a different raw material, reveal core rotation to produce thick
flakes with one sharp edge (Fig. 3 F–G). Dorsal cortex forms
indicate that the tuffs were principally acquired from Cretaceous
bedrock exposed near the site, whereas the other raw materials
were well-rounded alluvial cobbles from more distant channel
and/or terrace sources. The one complete core, mentioned above,
has unidirectional flaking from a roughly facetted platform of
nearly 90°. The four core fragments are all tuff and have flake
scars on two or three surfaces. Two core/choppers with bifacial
Fig. 1. Dmanisi promontory and map of excavation areas. Sediments be-
platforms, one of green tuff and the other basalt, were recovered
neath Medieval ruins in blocks 1 and 2 yielded Dmanisi’s assemblage of early in stratum A2b.
Homo fossils, dated to ca. 1.77 Ma. The recent discovery of stratified stone The artifacts from stratum A differ from those in stratum B in
artifacts in Unit M5, push back even farther the age of Dmanisi’s first terms of raw material selection and reduction intensity (Table 1
occupations to the late Olduvai subchron, 1.85–1.78 Ma. and Tables S3 and S4). Compared with stratum B raw materials,
stratum A artifacts have a high proportion of red tuff, which is very
rare in the materials from blocks 1 and 2. The stratum A sample
ash fall events, alternating and overprinted by weakly developed has no andesite and only two pieces of basalt; excluding tuffs,
soils stabilized by grasses, a few shrubs, and rare trees (13). Al- those materials dominate artifacts from stratum B, both in M5
though stratum A deposits also accumulated in the areas of main and the main excavation areas (10). Three flakes of rhyodacite,
excavations, they experienced more erosion, leaving thinner and a black, near-glassy material, are the first reported incidences of
sometimes incomplete sections. In those main excavations, all of this material recovered at Dmanisi (Fig. 3F). This material has
the hominin fossils and thousands of mammal fossils have been been found in outcrops ∼15 km west of the site and as cobbles in
recovered from reversely polarized strata B1x–B1z pipe and gully the Masavera River gravels. A notable difference between the
sediments (4, 10), which are notably absent at the A4/B1 contact strata A and B assemblages is that only 29% of the stratum A
in the M5 section (Fig. 2). flakes have dorsal cortex, compared with 71% in stratum B.
The M5 paleomagnetic data are in accord with the results of Debitage from stratum B in the main excavations has a similarly
previous studies in the main excavation areas (4, 5) as well as high proportion of cortical pieces (10), suggesting that, during the
lithostratigraphic correlation of the deposits between the two areas earlier occupations, either cores were more intensively reduced or
of the site (Fig. 2 and Fig. S1). Although a single sample from the selected flakes were made elsewhere and carried to the site.
top of stratum A exhibited normal inclination and reversed decli- Larger samples, with good prospects for refitting, will allow
nation (i.e., south directed but downward dipping), this sample comparisons of Dmanisi’s earliest assemblages with those from
is not sufficient to indicate the Olduvai/Upper Matuyama transi- contemporary and earlier African sites. Progress in the study of
tion. Here, the magnetostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Mode I industries (16–18) reveals knapping skills that were nei-
Masavera Basalt (4) constrain the age of stratum A deposits and ther simplistic nor static and that raw material quality was a major
the recently discovered artifact and faunal assemblages between factor in technological variation among these early assemblages.
1.85 Ma and 1.78 Ma, the age of the Olduvai/Upper Matuyama
reversal (14). Moreover, the lowest artifacts, in stratum A2a, are Discussion
separated from the Masavera Basalt by the unweathered stratum The stratified lithic assemblages at M5 affirm that the site was
A1 ashes, showing that these artifacts must be close in age to the occupied repeatedly during the late Olduvai subchron, ca. 1.85–
basalt, i.e., just after 1.85 Ma. 1.78 Ma. The stratified finds in stratum B deposits, including all
of the Dmanisi hominins, extend the range of Dmanisi’s occu-
Archaeological Assemblages. Excavations at M5 produced a total of pations to ca. 1.77 Ma, with a minimum age of ca. 1.76 Ma, based
122 lithic artifacts, including 49 from stratum B (SI Text and on stratigraphic correlation of Dmanisi sediments to the nearby
Tables S2 and S3). The 73 artifacts from stratum A were re- Zemo Orozmani locality (4). It is now clear that Dmanisi was
covered over a vertical range of ∼1.5 m in strata A2a–A4a (Fig. 2 occupied repeatedly over an interval of as much as 80 ka,
and Table 1). The bones were all unidentifiable but included 32 strongly suggesting a sustained regional population. The recently
fragments from A4 and two long bone fragments from A2a; a discovered data show that Dmanisi was occupied at the same
hyaena coprolite was recovered from A3. All of the bones were time as, if not before, the first appearance of Homo erectus in
quite weathered, in contrast to the well-preserved bones from the east Africa (1, 19). This scenario has important implications for
rapidly deposited pipe and gully fills in the main excavation (5, understanding the origins, dispersal, and biological variability of
15). These M5 faunas and artifacts record serial living surfaces our first cosmopolitan ancestor. The case for a possible Eurasian

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Fig. 2. Stratigraphy and archaeological discoveries in Unit M5. The 6.2-m section shows that Dmanisi’s sedimentary/geomagnetic record spans the late
Olduvai subchron (stratum A) through earliest Upper Matuyama chron (stratum B). Test excavations recovered 73 stone artifacts from strata A2–A4, which are
firmly dated to 1.85–1.78 Ma.

origin of Homo erectus (1, 20) is increasingly supported by chro- in Java are dated to ca. 1.6 Ma (25). The earliest occupations of
nometric and biogeographic evidence. Flores are now dated in excess of 1 Ma (26). The record of col-
The initial occupations of Dmanisi are possibly older than the onization of Western Europe is also >1 Ma (27–29). The in-
first appearance of Homo erectus in East Africa. With the ex- creasingly older age of Eurasian occupations by early Homo is
ception of the surface find of a human occipital fragment (KNM- important for defining patterns of dispersal and adaptations in
ER 2598) at Koobi Fora, the earliest appearance of African Homo environmental context (3, 30–32).
erectus is considered to be ca. 1.78 Ma (21) but probably is closer The possibility that Homo erectus evolved in Eurasia provokes
to 1.65 Ma (22). The newly dated horizons at Dmanisi also ac- two obvious corollaries. The first, that a more primitive ancestor
commodate the increasingly older ages documented for hominin arrived from Africa more than ca. 1.85 Ma (1, 19), is consistent
fossils in both eastern and western Eurasia. Human presence in with anatomical analyses of both the Dmanisi fossils (17) and
China is dated to ca. 1.7 Ma (23, 24), and Homo erectus fossils those of Homo floresiensis (33). The second, that Homo erectus

Table 1. Lithic artifacts from M5

Stratum A Stratum B Total, %

Raw material A2a A2b A2c A3 A4 B1a B1c B2 A B

Red tuff 8 6/2 6 2 2 1 35.6 2.0

Brown tuff 1 13/1 4/2 3 1 32.9 2.0
Tan tuff 4 5 1 1/1 1 8/3 13.7 28.6
Green tuff 2/1 2 3 6.8 6.1
Vitreous green tuff 1 4 10.2
Rhyolite 2 1 1 1 4.1 2.0
Andesite −/1 2/1 1/4 18.4
Rhyodacite 2 1 4.1
Basalt −/1 1 −/1 9/2 2.7 24.5
Aplite 1 2.0
Diorite 1 2.0
Chert 1 2.0
Total 11 28/5 11/2 11 6 2/2 6/2 28/9 73 49

Single digits are counts of flakes; n/n shows counts of flakes/cores.

Ferring et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3 of 5

Fig. 3. Lithic artifacts from stratum A deposits at Dmanisi. These flakes (A–G), all from stratum A2 (Fig. 2), were recovered from two of the five occupation
horizons defined thus far in the 1.85- to 1.78-Ma deposits in the M5 unit. Although simple unidirectional flaking is dominant (B–E), three of these pieces have
scar patterns showing core rotation to permit removal of large flakes with sharp edges (A, F, and G). (Drawn by O. Bar-Yosef, Department of Anthropology,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.)

may have migrated back to Africa, receives support from the (SQUID) sensors at the Paleomagnetism Laboratory of the Scientific Technical
conclusion that Homo erectus and Homo habilis survived as Services of Barcelona University. After measuring the natural remanent
contemporaries after the appearance of the former in the East magnetization, a stepwise demagnetization was applied at least to one
African fossil record (34). specimen per horizon. Demagnetization of 99 samples was done thermally
Although the presence of hominins beyond East Africa as because it was observed to be an efficient method in previous studies (4, 10).
early as 1.9 Ma is documented at Ain Hanech in North Africa Samples were demagnetized from room temperature to 600 °C, generally
with an 8- to 10-step protocol. Both normal and reverse polarities are found
(35), claims for occupations of that age or somewhat earlier in
along the section. Reverse polarity levels display a low-temperature second-
Israel (36) and Pakistan (37, 38) are based on lithic materials
ary component, which was completely removed at 200 °C. For all of the
collected from gravels. Although it seems ever more probable
studied levels, a high-temperature component (between 200° and 600 °C)
that hominins were in Eurasia before Dmanisi was first occupied,
was used to calculate a primary component, considered a characteristic
well-dated materials in unequivocal contexts are required. Both remanent magnetization (see declination and inclination values in Fig. 2). See
the age and evolutionary affiliations of the earliest hominins to also SI Methods.
arrive in Eurasia remain to be determined by new discoveries.
This important, unresolved issue in human evolution is a call for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Gilberto Artioli, Giuseppe Corti, Alberto
the aggressive survey for evidence of even earlier colonists. Agnelli, and Michael Rhodes for conducting and/or interpreting the miner-
alogical analyses, and Gocha Kiladze and the entire Dmanisi team for their
Methods fine research. We also thank Bernard Wood, Jay Quade, and Philip Rightmire
for helpful comments on the manuscript. This research was supported
For magnetostratigraphic study, one to four samples were obtained from each
by National Science Foundation Grants BCS-0324567 and BCS-1025245, the
studied horizon. All samples were collected by hand after exposure of fresh L. S. B. Leakey Foundation, the Georgian National Science Foundation, a Rolex
sediment that was oriented with a magnetic compass. Remanent magneti- Award for Enterprise, BP Georgia, the Fundación Duques de Soria, Spanish
zation measurements were carried out with a 2G Enterprises high-resolution Ministry of Science and Innovation Projects GENCAT09-324 and MICIN09-7986,
cryogenic magnetometer with superconducting quantum interference device and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Supporting Information
Ferring et al. 10.1073/pnas.1106638108
SI Text with a “ladder-backed” fabric (2), indicating a prolonged period
Geology. This section and the details in Table S1 provide a de- of soil formation. In sum, the progressively stronger expression
tailed profile description for the M5 section, a summary of key of soil morphology in strata B1–B5 deposits indicates that the
soil morphological properties (Table S2), and additional dis- entire suite of deposits was characterized by waning rates of
cussion of the geology and site formation setting. episodic deposition, separated by increasingly long periods of
Sedimentary and pedogenic features of the stratum A deposits stability and weathering.
indicate an overall favorable site formation setting (Table S2).
Pedogenic features show the immature soils in stratum A de- Mineralogical Discussion. The estimated frequencies of crystalline
posits compared with those in stratum B. Stratum A1 was buried mineral phases for the M5 sedimentary sequence is summarized
by stratum A2a deposits before soils could develop, indicating in Fig. S2. Throughout the entire sequence, the most abundant
that the artifacts in that stratum must have been deposited crystalline mineral phase is represented by the feldspars, princi-
shortly after cooling of the Masavera Basalt and its burial by pally plagioclase. Olivine is only present in the Masavera Basalt
stratum A1 ashes. Longer periods of surface stability for stratum and the A1a black ash. Pyroxenes are present in the basalt and in
A2 deposits are shown by more soil structure and clay films, the sediments of strata A1–A3. The absence of pyroxenes above
which may have contributed to the higher artifact densities in stratum A3 is presumably because of weathering, although pos-
those strata, compared with strata A3 and A4 (Fig. 2). sible changes in sediment sources need to be investigated further.
In strata A4 and A3, evidence for bioturbation includes fine Clay minerals are mainly composed of randomly interstratified
(<1.5-cm diameter) vertical burrows probably created by insects mica-smectite, random smectite, and hydroxy-interlayered smec-
and 2- to 3-cm krotovina excavated by micromammals. However, tite with moderately polymerized Al-hydroxyls and kaolinite.
the fills of the krotovina are very distinct from the surrounding The black stratum A1a ashes have composition very similar to
matrix, and none of the 54 artifacts mapped in situ were found in that of the underlying Masavera Basalt, suggesting a possible
those features. Only three of the flake fragments from stratum common source. The presence of olivine and the absence of
A4 were small enough to have been moved in burrows, but, carbonates and clay minerals in both the basalt and the A1a ashes
despite differences in raw materials, the remote possibility for is evidence for rapid burial and minimal weathering. The presence
their biogenic introduction from stratum B1 cannot be excluded. of clay minerals and calcite in the A2 sediments support the field
The many fine pores in strata A2a–A4b are characteristic of soils evidence for cyclical surface stability, vegetative cover, and soil
formed in young ashes (1); the preservation of pores as well as formation. These are the first deposits that register human oc-
the absence of any shrink–swell features indicates that soil tur- cupation. The parent material of the A4 layer and the B sediment
bation did not promote vertical displacement of artifacts. Im- sequence underwent more weathering and associated pedogen-
portantly, the artifacts range in size from small flakes 2.0–2.5 cm esis compared with the underlying layers as shown by the absence
long up to a 12.1-cm brown tuff core, supporting evidence for the of pyroxenes and the formation of clay minerals.
fact that the stratum A archaeological horizons register serial
living surfaces. Artifact Descriptions. The dorsal cortex and scar patterns for flakes
At the stratum A/B contact in the M5 section, A4 sediments from M5 are shown in Tables S2 and S3. These show the low fre-
have been truncated by minor erosion, with a lag of rare granules quency of cortical pieces and the more complex scar patterns among
and pebbles. There are small rip-ups of the A4 sediments within flakes from stratum A compared with those from stratum B.
the lower part of B1, which is a pale yellowish brown silt ash
dominated by clear glass shards and small glass spheres. This unit, SI Methods
like stratum B3 above, was rapidly invaded by micromammals, Archeology. After the initial discovery of artifacts in stratum A2
most probably migratory hamsters (Cricetulus sp.) and gerbils deposits, all excavated sediment was screened through 3-mm
(Parameriones aff. Obeidiyensis), which together comprise ∼80% mesh. During excavation of the expanded 2 × 1.9-m test, ex-
of the rodent fauna. Their burrowing activity is indicated by cavations were conducted following the natural stratigraphy. All
many burrows (krotovina) within the freshly deposited ashes that deposits were screened, and all artifacts found in situ were
penetrate into the underlying sediments. The B1 ashes in M5 mapped in three dimensions. Attributes of all artifacts, including
also have distinctive laminated calcretes, which are present in all platform, dorsal scar patterns, dorsal cortex, and metrics were
exposures across the site except in the M6 section (Fig. 1). These recorded. Summaries of scar patterns and dorsal cortex for the
and higher calcretes retarded or arrested water percolation, stratum A and stratum B combined assemblages are shown in
contributing to the excellent preservation of fossils in the main Tables S3 and S4.
excavation areas.
Stratum B2 is composed of ashes having basal matrix–sup- Paleomagnetism. One to four samples were obtained from each
ported colluvial pebbles and cobbles, apparently derived from studied horizon to undergo magnetostratigraphic study. All
nearby terrace deposits. The B2 surface was stabilized long samples were collected by hand, after exposure of fresh sediment
enough for moderate to strong soil development, indicated by that was oriented with a magnetic compass.
an argillic horizon that was later intensively bioturbated and Remanent magnetization measurements were carried out with
calcified, leaving the pedorelicts (Fig. 2). Stratum B2, in turn, is a 2G Enterprises high-resolution cryogenic magnetometer with
overlain by the fresh B3 ashes and then the B4 ashes, which have superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensors at
a well-developed argillic horizon and Stage II–III pedogenic the Paleomagnetism Laboratory of the Scientific Technical Serv-
carbonates, including a surmounting nodular and laminated ca- ices of Barcelona University. After measuring the natural rema-
liche (indurated soil carbonate). Stratum B5 sediments are silt nent magnetization, a stepwise demagnetization was applied at
loams of a very different character than all sediments below and least to one specimen per horizon. Demagnetization of 99 sam-
appear to be eolian. A strongly developed soil formed in these ples was done thermally because it was observed to be an efficient
deposits, with a thick argillic horizon and pedogenic carbonates method in previous studies (3). A stepwise demagnetization from

Ferring et al. 1 of 5

room temperature to 600 °C was accomplished, generally with an Spectra-Tech Industries Corporation) without evacuation. The
8- to 10-step protocol. spectra were collected between 4,000 and 400 cm−1 at 4-cm−1
resolution with a Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 470 IR spectrometer.
Mineralogy. The bulk mineralogical composition of the sediments The clay size fraction of each sample was obtained by pre-
was characterized by integrating elemental analysis by X-ray treating the sediments in solutions of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
fluorescence, X-ray diffractometry, and FTIR spectroscopy. Major and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The resulting silt fractions were
element composition (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, and P) then dispersed both at pH 4 (HCl solution) and at pH 10 (NaOH
were obtained on fused La-bearing lithium borate glass disks using
solution). The clay fractions obtained were then treated as fol-
a Siemens MRS-400 multichannel, simultaneous X-ray spec-
trometer. X-ray diffractometry analysis was carried out with a low: saturation with Mg and K, solvation with glycerol of the Mg-
Philips X’Pert diffractometer, with Cu kα radiation (tube settings: saturated specimens and heating at 105 °C, 330 °C, 380 °C, and
40 kV and 30 mA measuring in the range of 3–60° 2θ, at a rate of 550 °C of the K-saturated specimens. Oriented samples of the
0.02° per min). Representative FTIR spectra were obtained by untreated and treated clay separates were analyzed by X-ray
grinding a few tens of micrograms of sample with an agate mortar diffraction using a Philips PW 1830 diffractometer, using a Fe-
and pestle and suspended with ∼80 mg of KBr (IR grade). A 7- filtered Co-Kα1 radiation and operating at 35 kV and 25 mA; the
mm pellet was made by using a hand press (Qwik Handi-Press; step size was 0.02° 2θ, and the scanning speed was 1 s per step.

1. Agnelli AE, et al. (2007) Features of some paleosols on the flanks of Etna volcano (Italy) 3. Lordkipanidze DL, et al. (2007) Postcranial evidence from early Homo from Dmanisi,
and their origin. Geoderma 142:112–126. Georgia. Nature 449:305–310.
2. Holliday VT (1989) The Blackwater Draw Formation (Quaternary): A 1.4 m.y. record of
eolian sedimentation and soil formation on the Southern High Plains. Geol Soc Am Bull

Fig. S1. Stereographic plots for the individual characteristic remnant magnetization values for M5 and block 2 sections (1). Empty and filled circles belong to
the Southern and Northern hemispheres, respectively. Samples from stratum A display northern declinations and positive inclinations. Conversely, stratum B
samples are southward-directed and show negative inclinations. Thus, the M5 section confirms the normal and reverse polarities observed in strata A and B,
respectively. n, number of samples; decl., declination; incl., inclination; K and a95, Fisher statistic values.

1. Lordkipanidze DL, et al. (2007) Postcranial evidence from early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia. Nature 449:305–310.

Ferring et al. 2 of 5



Wt (%)




b XXXXX 70-100
XXXX 50-70
- X
100 - XXX XXX - XXX

c - - - TR XXXX X - XXX 20-50

b - - XXXX XX - X XXX
B4 XX 10-20

Upper Matuyama
a - - XXXX XXX - X XX
X 2-10
200 B3 -
TR 2 (trace)
b 24 - - XXXX XXX - X XX

B2 - Not-detectable
a 13 - - XXXX XXX - X XX

c 8 - - XXXX XX XXX X XX
300 b
B1 4 - - XXX XX XX TR XX
A4 a lithic
400 A3 11 - X XXXX XX X TR XX krotovina
soil carbonates
A2 b 32 - X XXXXX X TR TR XX

500 a 11 - XX XXXXX X - X XX

a X? XX XXXXX X - - -
600 normal
Mashavera XX XX XXXXX TR - - - polarity
basalt reverse

Fig. S2. Estimated relative abundance of crystalline mineral phases in the M5 deposits. The presence of olivine is evidence for minimal weathering of the
Masavera Basalt and its rapid burial by A1a ashes. The upward declines in olivine and pyroxenes through stratum A suggest slower deposition and weak soil
formation, although potential changes in sources of eolian sediment (volcanic and nonvolcanic) may be a factor as well. Overall, the mineralogy and mor-
phology of the stratum A sediments and soils indicate cycles of episodic deposition interrupted by variable yet overall brief periods of surface stability and
weathering. This pattern created an excellent site formation setting for the accumulation of the stratified assemblages recovered in M5.

Ferring et al. 3 of 5

Table S1. M5 profile description
Stratum surface, cm Description

B5 0–115 Brown (7.5YR4/4m) to yellowish brown (10YR5/6) silt loam; moderate medium prismatic structure, breaking to
strong medium subangular blocky structure; common fine pores; many thick argillans (clay films); common
fine mangans (MnO coatings) over argillans; many carbonate filaments and rare fine concretions; many
coarse vertical masses of very pale brown (10YR7/4) pedogenic carbonate; many thick carbonate coats
over argillans and mangans; diffuse, smooth boundary
B4 115–195 Dark yellowish brown (10YR3/4m) to brown (7.5YR4/4) silt loam; moderate fine subangular blocky structure;
rare fine ferro-manganese stains; common vertical masses of pedogenic carbonate; upper 15-cm nodular and
laminated petrocalcic horizon; abundant carbonate filaments and coats; common fine carbonate rhizoliths
(root casts); abundant fine pores with clay and carbonate linings; many obsidian sand grains and rare
granules; rare granule-sized rip-ups of A3 sediment in basal part; clear smooth boundary
B3 195–220 Grayish brown (10YR5/2m); medium and fine silt ash; massive; 50% black/50% clear obsidian; violent reaction
to dilute HCl; many fine to medium pores with rare carbonate linings; many 2- to 2.5-cm krotovina
(micromammal burrows), with soft, pale calcareous fills and hard carbonate linings; narrow tongues into
subjacent B2 deposits; abrupt irregular boundary
B2b 220–245 Brown (7.5YR4/4m) silt loam; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; many medium argillans; few
ferro-manganese stains; common fine pores; no reaction to HCl; abundant obsidian sand and rare granules;
rare medium and fine sand grains of tuff and basalt; few krotovina with B3 fill; gradual smooth boundary
B2a 245–275 Strong brown (7.5YR4/6m) matrix-supported gravelly loamy sand to silt loam; vertical “pedorelicts” (in situ
remnants of an argillic horizon, isolated by bioturbation) with strong fine subangular blocky structure;
many fine to medium argillans; many ferromanganese stains; abundant fine pores with clay and carbonate
linings; many carbonate filaments; common coarse sand to granule, black and clear obsidian grains; common
well rounded, poorly sorted pebbles and cobbles of diverse lithology; clear smooth boundary
B1c 275–290 Brown (7.5YR5/4m) silt loam; massive; abundant fine pores, many with carbonate linings; violent reaction
to HCl; abrupt smooth boundary
B1b 290–310 Pale brown (10YR6/3m); massive with secondary subhorizontal to anastomosing, indurated calcareous laminae;
envelops darker sediment in small patches; many black coarse silt and fine sand obsidian clasts; many fine
pores with carbonate linings; common carbonate filaments overprinting calcareous laminations; abrupt
smooth boundary
B1a 310–340 Pale brown (10YR6/3m); massive calcareous silt ash; many coarse silt and fine sand glass shards, and few
granules of obsidian, mainly black; few medium pores with carbonate linings; few to common fine
(3- to 4-mm) subangular rip-ups of A4 sediment; few bioturbated coarse remnants of A4; common
krotovina with soft calcareous fill and hard carbonate linings
A4b 340–355 Dark yellowish brown (10YR3/4m); massive silt; black, light tan, and clear obsidian clasts in sand-coarse silt
fraction; few to rare fine pores with carbonate linings; few glass shards; few carbonate filaments; common
krotovina with gray calcareous fill; abrupt wavy boundary
A4a 355–390 Very dark grayish brown (10YR3/2m) massive, friable coarse and medium silt; well rounded black, tan, and few
reddish clasts, mainly obsidian; common fine pores with carbonate linings; many carbonate filaments; few
medium rhizoliths; common krotovina with gray calcareous fill; abrupt wavy boundary
A3 390–430 Dark brown (7.5YR3/2.5m); massive fine silt; many carbonate filaments and coarse and medium pores with
carbonate linings; tan and minor black clasts, mainly obsidian; few krotovina with soft, grayish brown
calcareous fill; abrupt bioturbated boundary
A2c 430–455 Dark brown (7.5YR3/2m) coarse silt and fine sand ash; fine and medium subangular blocky structure; hard
when dry; abundant coarse pores with carbonate linings, and many fine pores with and without linings;
black glass shards predominate, with subordinate tan and clear obsidian; thick carbonate rinds on some
ped surfaces; abrupt to clear wavy boundary
A2b 455–490 Dark reddish brown (8.75YR3/3m) in upper part and dark brown (7.5YR3/2) in lower part; very fine, fresh silt
ash; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; very hard when dry; fresh black and subordinate clear
obsidian in upper part, with many shards and tears in lower part; many fine and medium pores, rarely with
pendant sparry calcite; few clay linings of larger pores in upper part, common in lower part; clay linings
overlain by carbonate; few larger pores (2–5 mm), which frequently show bifurcations; rare krotovina
with soft fill; abrupt wavy boundary
A2a 490–530 Very dark brown (10YR2.5/2m); very compact fine and medium silt ash; very hard when dry; fresh black, tan,
and subordinate clear glass shards; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; many fine and few coarse
pores with many thin to medium clay linings of fine pores only; no reaction to HCl in upper part, common
carbonate filaments on ped surfaces and many medium calcareous rhizoliths and concretions in lower
part; abrupt wavy boundary
A1b 530–570 Black (10YR2/1) to very dark brown (10YR2/2m) coarse sand and granules (∼5%) in silt matrix; granules are well
rounded clear and black obsidian, and rounded pumice clasts with frosted surfaces; common coarse pores
with carbonate linings; abrupt wavy to irregular boundary

Ferring et al. 4 of 5

Table S1. Cont.
Stratum surface, cm Description

A1a2 570–590 Black (10YR2/1m); massive, friable moderately sorted fine sand and coarse silt ash with a few thin beds with fine
laminations; black and clear obsidian shards and tears predominate, with many clear, rounded, unfrosted
obsidian sand clasts; very rare granules of clear pumice with frosted surfaces; common fine, unlined pores,
and few medium to large pores with carbonate linings
A1a1 590–620 Black (7.5YR2.5/1m); massive coarse silt and fine sand ash; subequal black and clear shards, with rare red
obsidian and rare coarse sand to fine granule pumice with frosted surfaces; abundant fine unlined pores,
and few medium to large pores with carbonate linings
Masavera 620 Black, fine-grained massive to vesicular basalt with sharp, fresh edges on blocky surface

Table S2. Soil morphologic features of M5 deposits

Munsell Color value/ Structure, Illuvial Soil carbonates,
Stratum Depth, cm hue* chroma* Texture† G SC T‡ clay, A L§ A T¶

B5 0–115 7.5YR 4/4 SiL-SiCL 3 m sab 3 pf 3 k, f, cc

B4 115–195 10YR 3/4 SiL-SiCL 2 f sab 3 po 3 k, f, r; K
B3 195–220 10YR 5/2 fSi ash M 3p
B2b 220–245 7.5YR 4/4 SiL 2 m sab 2 pf N rctn
B2a 245–275 7.5YR 4/6 gr LS-SiL 3 f sab 2 pf 3 f, p
B1c 275–290 7.5YR 5/4 SiL M 3p
B1b 290–310 10YR 6/3 SiL M 3 f, p; K-lam
B1a 310–340 10YR 6/3 cSi ash M 1p
A4b 340–355 10YR 3/4 cSi M 1fp
A4a 355–390 10YR 3/2 c, mSi M 3 f, p, r
A3 390–430 7.5YR 3/2.5 fSi M 3 f, p
A2c 430–455 7.5YR 3/2 cSi, fS ash 2 f sab 3 p, k
A2b 455–490 8.75YR 3/3 fSi ash 2 m sab 1 po 1 p, f
A2a 490–530 10YR 2.5/2 f, mSi ash 2 m sab 3 po 2 f, p; 3 r, cc
A1b 530–570 10YR 2/1 c LS M 2p
A1a2 570–590 10YR 2/1 fS, cSi ash M 1p
A1a1 590–620 7.5YR 2.5/1 cS, fS ash M 1p

*Munsell values in moist soil.

SiL, silt loam; SiCL, silty clay loam; Si, silt; S, sand; gr, gravelly; c, coarse; f, fine.

G, grade: m, massive; 2, moderate; 3, strong. SC, size class: f, fine; m, medium. T, type: sab, subangular blocky.
A, amount: 1, few; 2, common; 3, many. L, location: po, pore linings; pf, ped faces.

A, amount: 1, few; 2, common; 3, many. T, type: f, filaments; po, pore linings; k, coats; cc, concretions; r, rhizoliths.

Table S3. Cortex and dorsal scar patterns of flakes from M5, stratum B
Dorsal cortex, %
Dorsal scar pattern only None 1–50 50–99 100 Sum

Cortex only 9 9
Unidirectional 9 9 5 23
Bidirectional 2 2
Opposed 1 1
Sum 0 10 11 5 9 36

Table S4. Cortex and dorsal scar patterns of flakes from M5, stratum A
Dorsal cortex, %
Dorsal scar pattern only None 1–50 50–99 100 Sum

Cortex only 6 6
Unidirectional 3 34 2 7 46
Bidirectional 5 1 6
Opposed 1 1
Platform removal 2 1 3
Sum 3 41 5 7 6 62

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