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Cote d’Ivoire—There is still tension between Gbagbo supporters and Ouattara supporters, however, it does seem that the
worst is over and violence is dying down. Banks have reopened, traffic is resuming, and attacks on homes are decreasing.

In Bouake, an emergency water and sanitation plan is underway in collaboration with other humanitarian agencies. In
Bouana, 99 broken water pumps were identified and diagnosed for proper repair.

Pray for continued proliferation of peace in the country and in the hearts of MAP staff, and for continued safety as
programs continue and activities increase.

Kenya—An exchange workshop was held between all four THVs in Kenya, hosted in the Kagwa THV. Participants from all
the THVs were trained in beekeeping, horticulture, poultry and animal production. They then were able to visit 2 farms
where they practiced what they learned and shared experiences.

MAP staff have established a demonstration garden in the Kilonga THV, and are training the community in agriculture. In
addition, an agreement was formed between the village and the Ministry of Agriculture which aims to create sustainable
production of domestic and surplus crops.

Pray for God’s intervention concerning the cost of living in Kenya.

Indonesia—There is a new terrorist group emerging and they successfully bombed a mosque and several churches. Also,
there is a group that is fighting to make Indonesia a theocratic state under Islamic law.

There were 379 residents got medical treatment in 4 islands. From the diagnosis, the major diseases are Acute Respiratory
Infection (22.1%), Gastritis (13.7%), Common Cold (9.7%), and Hypertension (8.7%), and Skin disease (8.2%). About 29
children under five years old have been immunized (Polio, BCG and measles).

Pray for growing and potential partnerships with local NGOs, for continued good weather for the mobile clinic
team, and that the terrorist groups will not be able to perpetuate.

Uganda—The Wii Anaka Health Center, part of the Health Center Management program, is supporting maternal and child
health through HIV/AIDS testing, counseling, educating, and by supplying more skilled attendance.

Progress in the Kacheri THV has been impressive, and this past month the community planted ground nut, cassava, and
sorghum gardens.

Pray for wisdom in writing proposals and God’s provision, for Ugandans as they struggle with extremely inflated
prices and cost of living, and for the Kacheri THV as they are encountering some challenges with implementing the
agricultural element of the program.


Ghana—Trained health workers and hospital staff are working with Buruli Ulcer control, management, and prevention.

Carried out follow-up visits to families who had received malaria nets in the THV Tumiamayenko to ensure that the nets
were being used effectively and met with the community to plan a savings project that will begin in the coming months.

Pray for continued good relationships with partners and potential partners, and for the MAP Ghana team as they
experience some changes in staff.

Honduras—Made a visit to the Garifuna community and met with local leaders. The HIV/AIDS Prevention program will
transition to the Garifuna community, as they are highly affected by HIV/AIDS.

Met with the Association for a more Just Society in order to start a program to address prosecutors and judges on
victimization (or, re-victimization) in child abuse cases.

Pray for the health promoters, as many of them are facing difficulties in their families and communities, and that
the Garifuna community will be accepting of MAP. Many communities are discouraged because of disappointments
with NGOs in the past, so pray for this trust-building process.

Bolivia—In response to the Rabies outbreak, adolescent health guardians and two couples worked together to vaccinate
1,287 dogs and 339 cats. The health guardians used this opportunity to talk about the disease with the community.

The CUBE program achieved a great deal for the rights and health of women and children. In addition to holding
workshops, providing gynecological services, and hosting a Children’s Day celebration, a total of 12 sex offenders were
detained, 5 were convicted (or confirmed conviction) and 5 hearings accomplished the right to privacy. Also, CUBE was
invited for an interview on the TV station “La Justa del Saber”.

Pray for staff protection as they face challenging situations on their travels to the communities, denouncing
aggressors and also for the children that are exposed to so many risk situations.


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