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Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649

Comparison of clustering algorithms for analog modulation classification

Hanifi Guldemır*, Abdulkadir Sengur
Department of Electronic and Computer Science, Technical Education Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey


This study introduces a comparative study of implementation of clustering algorithms on classification of the analog modulated
communication signals. A number of key features are used for characterizing the analog modulation types. Four different clustering algorithms
are used for classifying the analog signals. These most representative clustering techniques are K-means clustering, fuzzy C-means clustering,
mountain clustering and subtractive clustering. Performance comparison of these clustering algorithms and the advantages and disadvantages
of the methods are examined. The validity analysis is performed. The study is supported with computer simulations.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Modulation recognition; Modulation classification; Clustering

1. Introduction In this paper, a statistical pattern recognition based

modulation classification which uses clustering algorithms
Recognition of the modulation type of an unknown is presented.
signal provides valuable insight into its structure, origin and The main aim of most clustering techniques is to obtain
properties and is also crucial in order to retrieve the useful information by grouping data in clusters; within each
information stored in the signal. In the past, modulation cluster the data exhibits similarity. Clustering is a popular
recognition relied mostly on operators scanning the radio unsupervised pattern classification technique which par-
frequency spectrum and checking it on the display. This titions the input space into K regions based on some
method is limited by the operators’ skills and abilities. This similarity or dissimilarity metric (Jain & Dubes, 1988). The
limitation has led to the development of automatic number of clusters may or may not be known as a priori.
modulation recognition systems. Modulation classification Achieving such a partitioning requires a similarity measures
algorithms have generally followed two main approaches; that takes two input vectors and returns a value reflecting
the decision theoretic and statistical pattern recognition. their similarity. Since most similarity metrics are sensitive
Examples of the former are decisions based on signal to the range of patterns in the input vectors, each of the input
envelope characteristics, zero crossing, statistical moments variables must be normalized to within; say the unit interval
and phase-based classifiers (Aisbett, 1987; Dominiguez, [0,1]. On the other hand, clustering algorithms are used
Borallo, & Garcia, 1991; Jondral, 1985). Pattern recognition extensively not only to organize and categorize data, but are
approach attempts to extract a feature vector for later use in also useful for data compression and model construction.
a statistical classifier (Polydoros & Kim, 1990; Soliman & Several algorithms for clustering data when the number of
Hsue, 1992). In early 1990 s, researchers became interested clusters is known priori are available in the literature
in the use of artificial neural networks for automatic (Kothari & Pitts, 1999; Maulik & Bandyopadhyay, 2000).
modulation classification (Azzouz & Nandi, 1996; Ghani Signal Processing systems for communications will
& Lamontagne, 1993). operate in open environments, where it is required that
signals of different sources be processed, which come from
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C90 424 2370000x6542; fax: C90 424 different emitters, hence with different characteristics and
2367064. for different user requirements (Sebastiano, Serpico, &
E-mail addresses: (H. Guldemır), ksengur@ Gianni, 1994). Communication signals traveling in space (A. Sengur). with different modulation types and different frequencies
0957-4174/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. fall in very wide band. These signals use a variety of
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2005.07.014 modulation techniques in order to send information from
H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649 643

one location to another. Usually, it is required to identify method and subtractive clustering. More detailed discus-
and monitor these signals for many applications, both sions of clustering techniques are presented in (Duda &
defense and civilian. Civilian applications may include Hart, 1973; chürman, 1996).
monitoring the non-licensed transmitters, while defense
applications may be electronic surveillance (Azzouz &
2.1. K-means clustering
Nandi, 1996) or warfare purposes like threat detection
analysis and warning. Modulation recognition is extremely
K-means clustering also known as C-means clustering
important in communication intelligence applications for
has been applied to a variety of areas, including image
several reasons. Firstly, applying the signal to an improper
segmentation, speech data compression, data mining and so
demodulator may partially or completely damage the signal
on. The steps of K-means algorithm, are therefore, first
information content. Secondly, knowing the correct modu-
described in brief.
lation type help recognize the threat and to determine
suitable jamming wave-form. At the moment, the most Step 1 Choose K initial cluster centers z1, z2,.,zK
attractive applications area is radio and other re-configur- randomly from the n points{X1, X2, X3,.,Xn}.
able communication systems. Step 2 Assign point Xi, iZ1,2,.,n to the cluster Cj, j2{1,
In this paper, it has been investigated that how the 2,.,K} if kXiKzjk!kXiKzpk, pZ1, 2,.,K and
conventional clustering techniques work on modulation jsp
classification. For comparison, K-means clustering, fuzzy Step 3 Compute new cluster centers as follows
C-means clustering, mountain clustering and subtractive
clustering techniques were selected and evaluated on a data 1 X
i Z X i Z 1; 2; .; K (1)
set obtained from analog modulated communication signals. ni X 2C j
j i
These modulations are amplitude modulated signals (AM),
double side band modulated signals (DSB), upper side band where ni is the number of elements belonging to the cluster
signals (USB), lower side band signals (LSB) and frequency Ci.
modulated signals (FM). Two key features, the standard Step 4 If jjznew Kzi jj! 3, iZ1,2,.,K, then terminate.
deviation of the direct phase component of the intercepted Otherwise continue from step 2.
signal and the signal spectrum symmetry around the carrier,
are employed for forming the data points. A comparative Note that in case the process does not terminate at step 4
study is achieved based on the computer simulations. The normally, then it is executed for a maximum number of
analysis of modulation classification requires appropriate iterations.
definitions of similarity measures to characterize differences
between modulation types. However, there has not been
discussed such a comparative study which incorporates 2.2. Fuzzy C-means clustering
characteristics of modulation types. The advantages and
disadvantages of the examined unsupervised clustering Fuzzy C-means clustering is a data clustering algorithm
techniques, which are K-means clustering, fuzzy C-means in which each data point belongs to a cluster to a degree
clustering, mountain clustering and subtractive clustering, specified by a membership grade. Bezdek proposed this
are investigated and simulation results are given. algorithm in 1973 (Bezdek, 1973) as an improvement over
earlier K-means clustering described in the previous title.
FCM partitions a collection of n vector Xi, iZ1,2,.,n into c
fuzzy groups, and finds a cluster center in each group such
2. Clustering that a cost function of dissimilarity measure is minimized.
The steps of FCM algorithm, are therefore, first described in
Clustering in N-dimensional Euclidean space RN is the brief.
process of partitioning a given set of n points into a number,
Step 1 Chose the cluster centers ci, iZ1,2,.,c randomly
say K, of groups or clusters in such a way that patterns in the
from the n points{X1, X2, X3,.,Xn}.
same cluster are similar in some sense and patterns in
Step 2 Compute the membership matrix U using the
different clusters are dissimilar in the same sense. Let the set
following equation
of n points {X1,X2,X3,.,Xn} be represented by the set S and
the K clusters be represented by C1,C2,.,CK. Then CisØ 1
for iZ1,2,.,K and CihCjZØ for iZ1,2,.,K, jZ1,2,.,K mij Z P
c  2=ðmK1Þ (2)
and isj and gKiZ1 Ci Z S. In this study, we examine four of dkj
the most representative clustering techniques which are
frequently used in radial basis function networks and fuzzy where dijZkciKxjk is the Euclidean distance between ith
modeling (Jang & Sun, 1997). These are K-means cluster center and jth data point, and m is the fuzziness
clustering, fuzzy C-means clustering, mountain clustering index.
644 H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649

Step 3 Compute the cost function according to the after subtraction the second cluster center is again selected
following equation. Stop the process if it is below as the point in C that has the largest value for the new
a certain threshold mountain function. This process of revising the mountain
function and finding the next cluster centers continues until
c c X
X n a sufficient number of cluster centers are attained.
JðU; c1 ; .; cc Þ Z Ji Z mm 2
ij dij (3)
iZ1 iZ1 jZ1 2.4. Subtractive clustering
Step 4 Compute new c fuzzy cluster centers ci, iZ1,2,.,c
The mountain clustering method is simple and effective.
using the following equation
However, its computation grows exponentially with the
n dimension of the problem. An alternative approach is
ij Xj subtractive clustering proposed by Chiu (Chiu, 1994) in
ci Z P
n (4) which data points are considered as the candidates for center
of clusters. The algorithm continues as follow
Step 1 Consider a collection of n data points {X1,X2,X3,.,
go to step 2. Xn} in an M-dimensional space. Since each data
point is a candidate for cluster center, a density
measure at data point Xi is defined as
2.3. Mountain clustering
jjXi KXj jj2
The mountain clustering method as proposed by Yager Di Z exp K (7)
ðra =2Þ2
and Filev (Yager & Filev, 1994) is a relatively simple and
effective approach to approximate estimation of cluster where ra is a positive constant. Hence, a data point will have
centers on the basis of a density measure called mountain a high density value if it has many neighboring data point.
function. The following is a brief description of the The radius ra defines a neighborhood; data points outside
mountain clustering algorithm. this radius contribute only slightly to the density measure.
Step 1 Initialize the cluster centers forming a grid on the Step 2 After the density measure of each data point has
data space, where the intersection of the grid lines been calculated, the data point with the highest
constitute the candidates for cluster centers, density measure is selected as the first cluster
denoted as a set C. A finer gridding increases the center. Let Xc1 be the point selected and Dc1 its
number of potential cluster centers, but it also density measure. Next, the density measure for
increases the computation required. each data point Xi is revised as follows
Step 2 Construct a mountain function that represents a
density measure of a data set. The height of the !
mountain function at a point c2C can compute as jjXi KXj jj2
Di Z Di KDc1 exp K (8)
  ðrb =2Þ2
jjcKxi jj2
mðcÞ Z exp K (5) where rb is a positive constant.
Step 3 After the density calculation for each data point is
where xi is the ith data point and s is a design constant. revised, the next cluster center Xc2 is selected and
all of the density calculations for data points are
Step 3 Select the cluster centers by sequentially destruct- revised again. This process is repeated until a
ing the mountain function. First find the point in the sufficient number of cluster centers are generated.
candidate centers C that has the greatest value for
the mountain function; this becomes the first cluster
center c1. Obtaining next cluster center requires 3. Feature clustering and classification
eliminating the effect of the just-identified center,
which is typically surrounded by a number of grid The first step in any classification system is to identify
points that also have high density scores. This is the features that will be used to classify the data. Feature
realized by revising the mountain function as extraction is a form of data reduction, and the choice of
follows feature set can affect the performance of the classification
system. Some classifications can be determined from a
  single feature, however, most are confirmed by examining
jjcKc1 jj2 several features at once (Sengur & Guldemir, 2003, 2005).
mnew ðcÞ Z mðcÞKmðc1 Þexp K (6)
2b2 Algorithms that do this statistically, known as clustering
H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649 645

Fig. 1. (a) Theoretically produced first order autoregressive signal; (b) real voice signal.

algorithms (Gerhard, 2000). Each piece of data, called a where m is the modulation index, x(t) is the modulating
case, corresponds to an observation of a modulated signal signal and fc is the carrier frequency, y(t) is the Hilbert
and the features extracted from that observation are called transform. Kf is the frequency deviation coefficient of FM
parameters. Clustering algorithms work by examining a signal. In the expression given for SSB, the negative sign is
large number of cases and finding groups of cases with used for upper side-band (USB) signal generation and the
similar parameters. These groups are called clusters, and are positive sign is used for lower side-band (LSB) signal
considered to belong to the same category in the generation.
classification. In order to increase the accuracy of the classification,
a number of simulations have been done with theoreti-
cally produced different modulated signals with different
parameters such as various signal-to-noise ratios and
4. Signal generation and implementation modulation index. Sixty simulated signals of each of the
modulation types of DSB, LSB and USB have been
In the modulation schemes, two types of signals are used. generated. One hundred and twenty signals for AM with
These signals are a real voice signal and a simulated voice modulation indices of 0.3 and 1, and 180 signals for FM
signals both band-limited to 4 kHz. The simulated voice with frequency modulation indices of 1, 5, and 10 are
signal is produced by a first order autoregressive process of generated. Totally 480 modulated signals are used for the
the form (Dubuc, Boudreau, Patenaude, & Inkol, 1999) classification. These signals are generated and processed
y½k Z 0:95y½kK1 C n½k (9) using Matlab functions in Communication Toolbox. An
additive white Gaussian noise with SNR of between 0
where n[k] is a white Gaussian noise. and 60 dB is used in the modeling of theoretically
A modulated signal s(t) can be expressed by a function of produced analog modulated signals.
the form In the simulations, a first degree autoregressive 4 kHz
sðtÞ Z ac aðtÞcosð2pfc t C 4ðtÞ C q0 Þ (10) band-limited voice signal with sampling rate of 10 kHz and
resampled with 44 kHz and modulated by a 15 kHz
where a(t) is the signal envelope, fc is the carrier frequency, sinusoidal carrier is used. Fig. 1a shows the theoretically
f(t) is the phase, q0 is the initial phase and ac controls the produced signal. In order to incorporate the classification
carrier power. Particular modulation types are obtained by system in real application, the system is also tested with the
encoding the base band message into a(t) and f(t). The real voice signal shown in Fig. 1b.
modulation types were restricted to the types commonly The experimental results comparing the examined
used in analog communication. AM, DSB, SSB and FM clustering algorithms are provided for data set which
signals are expressed as follows, respectively is generated from the five analog modulated signals.
sðtÞ Z ½1 C mxðtÞcosð2pfc tÞ (11) This is a non-overlapping two dimensional data set,
where the number of cluster is five. The data set
sðtÞ Z xðtÞcosð2pfc tÞ (12) is generated as follows: The source signal is modulated
using the analog modulation schemas. An Additive
sðtÞ Z xðtÞcosð2pfc tÞHyðtÞsinð2pfc tÞ (13) White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) is introduced to the
2 3 modulated signal such that the signal has the signal-to-
ðt noise ratio randomly distributed between 0 and 60 dB
sðtÞ Z cos42pfc t C Kf xðtÞdt5 (14) range and the features are extracted from these
KN modulated signals.
646 H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649

Fig. 2. P versus sdp (a) for first order autoregressive voice signal, (b) for real voice signal.

Two key features are used in this study for generating the carrier frequency, fc and fcn is defined as
data set. The first feature is the standard deviation of the fc Ns
direct phase component of the intercepted signal and it is fcn Z K1 (19)
calculated as follow (Azzouz & Nandi, 1996)
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi here, it is assumed that the carrier frequency is known.
u ! !2 The P versus sdp features for the data set from
u1 X 1 X
sdp Z t 2
f ðiÞ K f ðiÞ (15) autoregressive voice signal and real voice signal are shown
C A ðiÞOt NL C A ðiÞOt NL in Fig. 2.
n a n a

where C is the number of samples and An is the

instantaneous amplitude of the intercepted signal and ta is
a threshold for the instantaneous amplitude below which the 5. Cluster validity analysis
instantaneous phase is very sensitive to noise. The second
key feature is the signal spectrum symmetry around the Clustering is a tool that attempt to assign the patterns to the
carrier which is given by groups, where such that patterns within a group are more
similar to each other than are patterns belonging to different
PL KPU clusters. An intimately related important issue is the cluster
PZ (16) validity which deals with the significance of the structure
imposed by a clustering method (Kothari & Pitts, 1999). In this
where section, a cluster validity index which can provide a measure
of goodness of clustering on different partitions of a data set is
performed. Three well known cluster validity indices, Davies–
PL Z jXc ðiÞj2 (17) Bouldin (DB) index (Davies & Bouldin, 1979), Xie–Beni
(XB) index (Xie & Beni, 1991), and maximum value PBM
index (Pakhira, Bandyopadhyay, & Maulic, 2004) are used for
fcn the cluster validity. In the below, only the brief description of
PU Z jXc ði C fcn C 1Þj2 (18) these indices is given. The detailed theory about these indices
iZ1 can be found in the related references.
The Davies–Bouldin index is a function of ratio of the
where Xc(i) is the Fourier transform of the intercepted signal
sum of within cluster scatter to between clusters scatter. The
Xc(i), (fcC1) is the sample number corresponding to the
objective is to minimize the DB index for constituting the
Table 1 optimum clusters. The Xie–Beni index is a ratio of the fuzzy
Values of DB index, XB index and PBM index in the range [2–8] within cluster sum of squared distances to the product of the
Number of DB XB PBM
number of elements and the minimum between cluster
clusters separations. The minimum value of this index indicates the
optimum number of clusters in the data set. The objective of
8 0.4383 1.2710 246.6341
7 0.3703 0.0502 313.6147 PBM index is to maximize this index in order to obtain the
6 0.2909 0.0560 334.1331 actual number of clusters. PBM index can be used to
5 0.2216 0.0220 360.3448 associate a measure with different partitions of a data set;
4 0.2934 0.0313 102.5180 the maximum value of which indicates the appropriate
3 0.3448 0.0823 30.2861
partitioning. Hence, it is used for determining the
2 0.2985 0.1484 23.5128
appropriate number of cluster in a data set. Table 1 presents
H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649 647

Fig. 3. K-means clustering. Fig. 5. Mountain clustering.

the variation of the DB index, XB index and PBM index cannot be found with a reasonable amount of
with the number of clusters in the range 2–8, when the computation. In this study, K-means algorithm converge
fuzzy-c means algorithm is used for clustering. The different values due to the initial cluster centers. On the
optimum values of the indices are presented in boldface in other hand, the number of the clusters in the data sets
the table. must be specified before the process. Fuzzy C-means
algorithm is executed the best results even the initial
cluster centers has changed, but no guarantee ensures that
FCM always converge to an optimal solution. Mountain
6. Results and discussion clustering which is based on what human does in
visually forming cluster of a data set. Here, s parameter
In this study, four most popular clustering algorithms affects the height as well as the smoothness of the
are examined and a comparative study on the analog mountain function. The surface plot of the mountain
modulated communication signal is performed. The function with sZ0.05 is shown in Fig. 4. The mountain
performances of the clustering algorithms are tested clustering application results are satisfactory. However,
with MATLAB based computer simulations. The results its computation grows exponentially with the dimension
are shown in Figs. 3–7 for real voice signal. K-means of the problem because the method must evaluate the
algorithm is widely used at pattern recognition appli-
mountain function over all grid points. Subtractive
cations but it may converge to values that are
clustering method aims to overcome this problem by
not optimal. Also global solutions of the large problems

Fig. 4. FCM clustering. Fig. 6. Subtractive clustering with raZ0.5.

648 H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649

Table 4
Mountain K-means

Actual modu- Estimated modulation types

lation types and AM DSB FM LSB USB
feature numbers (120) (60) (182) (59) (59)
AM (120) 120 0 0 0 0
DSB (60) 0 59 1 0 0
FM (180) 0 0 180 0 0
LSB (60) 0 0 1 59 0
USB (60) 0 1 0 0 59

Table 5
Mountain fuzzy c-means

Actual modu- Estimated modulation types

lation types and AM DSB FM LSB USB
feature numbers (120) (61) (180) (60) (59)

Fig. 7. Subtractive clustering with raZ0.25. AM (120) 120 0 0 0 0

DSB (60) 0 60 0 0 0
FM (180) 0 0 180 0 0
considering the data points as the candidate cluster LSB (60) 0 0 0 60 0
centers. Mountain and subtractive methods do not require USB (60) 0 1 0 0 59

the number of the clusters in the data set to be specified

before the process. During the implementation of the In the k-means algorithm only 64 of the 180 FM signals
subtractive clustering the r a parameters plays an are correctly classified. The remaining 116 is estimated
important role for forming the clusters. This situation is as DSB and the other six is deduced as LSB as shown
shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. in Table 3.
For the FCM clustering technique the fuzziness index If the peaks of the mountains in the mountain
is taken as 1.5 and the number of iterations and the clustering algorithm are given as initial cluster centers
desired error are 500 and 1!10K10, respectively. Table 2 to the fuzzy c-means (mountain fcm) and k-means
shows the performance of the fuzzy c-means algorithm. clustering (mountain k-means) algorithms as proposed in
As it is clear from the table, three of the 60 DSB signals (Yager & Filev, 1994), the performances of these
are deduced as FM, 1 of the 60 LSB signal is deduced as techniques are become much better as shown in Tables
FM and 1 of the 60 USB signal is estimated as DSB. 4 and 5. In this case, in the mountain fcm algorithm all of
the modulated signals except 1 of the USB are correctly
Table 2
Performance of the fuzzy c-means algorithm
classified. Figs. 8 and 9 show the mountain fcm and
mountain k-means results.
Actual modu- Estimated modulation types
lation types and AM DSB FM LSB USB
feature numbers (120) (58) (184) (59) (59)
AM (120) 120 0 0 0 0
DSB (60) 0 57 3 0 0
FM (180) 0 0 180 0 0
LSB (60) 0 0 1 59 0
USB (60) 0 1 0 0 59

Table 3
Performance of the k-means algorithm

Actual modu- Estimated modulation types

lation types and AM DSB FM LSB USB
feature numbers (120) (177) (70) (54) (59)
AM (120) 120 0 0 0 0
DSB (60) 0 60 0 0 0
FM (180) 0 116 64 6 0
LSB (60) 0 0 6 54 0
USB (60) 0 1 0 0 59 Fig. 8. Mountain fuzzy c-means.
H. Guldemır, A. Sengur / Expert Systems with Applications 30 (2006) 642–649 649

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