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2011-04-24 (am) Matthew 28 Surprised by God

Have you ever been surprised by God? Ever planned something, done something, continued to do what youve always done, what you know the Lord wants you to do, only to be surprised by God? Thats what happened to the women. They went to do what they knew was important. Jesus body needed a final anointing. They were worried about the stone. They were only a few women, but perhaps theyd be able to convince the guards to help them. But God surprised them. They neednt have worried about those two things. The angel had already removed the stone. There was no need for the anointing, the body was gone; Jesus is alive! We can imagine their shock, cant we? It would be a bit like seeing a friend that you hadnt seen for a long time. When youd last seen them, they were in a wheelchair. But now, theyre walking again! Or, youre thinking, I need to share the gospel with my neighbours. You plan how you can invite them over for a barbeque, you have it all planned, you think, Okay, Ill ask them next week! Then on Sunday, you see them worshipping at an ecumenical service! God surprises us! God works, and sometimes were slow to see it! Your brain just doesnt know how to process the information. The women were convinced that Jesus body would still be there. Either they hadnt understood what Jesus had said before his

death, that after 3 days hed rise again. Or perhaps theyd forgotten that he would give the sign of Jonah, who was in the belly of the whale for 3 days. Or perhaps they didnt understand. Or maybe, deep down, they were hoping theyd find what they found. God surprised those remarkable women. They were remarkable because loved Jesus. They really loved him! They were at the cross when he died; they were at the tomb when he was buried. Then, when the Sabbath was over, the next morning, they were at the tomb again, near their Lord. It begs the question, Where were the men? John was at the cross. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were at the tomb. But on Sunday morning, where were the disciples? Was it safer for the women to approach the tomb Sunday morning? If Jesus hadnt been raised, if hed been no one important after all, how would the guards have received the women? Would they have moved the stone for them? Were they considered safe? But where were the men? Weve seen their fear, they scattered when Judas betrayed Jesus. They were afraid during the storms. But the betrayal, the gong-show trial, the beatings, Pilates reaction, the crucifixion destroyed their hope. Maybe they stayed away for safety reasons. Perhaps if any of them had tried to get to the tomb, the soldiers would have shot first and asked questions later. Essentially, when it came right down to it, they didnt understand. They just didnt get it. Do we?

Praise God that their lack of belief didnt disqualify them. Praise God that our lack of belief at times doesnt disqualify us! God is faithful! God is faithful especially when we are not! Gods strength is demonstrated in our weakness, Gods faithfulness is demonstrated in our unfaithfulness! God moves in us to produce greater and greater faithfulness! If all we look at is this one moment in time, then, yes, Gods disciples look weak, scared, unbelieving. But we get to see more! We have the book of the Acts of the Apostles! These same weak-kneed, scared little men became bold, dynamic, blunt

preachers. Yes, thousands were converted those first few days. Then the disciples were thrown in prison. God got them out, so what did they do? They went right back to doing what got them thrown in prison in the first place! Why? Why were they so bold? Yes, part of it was the Holy Spirit. But another reason is that the tomb was empty. Jesus didnt stay dead. The earth quaked, the guards quaked, indeed, when it happened, one couldnt be sure what was shaking more, the ground or the scared men! The angel, the earthquake, scared them unconscious. The angel tossed aside the stone, and sat on it. Can anything stop God? For weeks, we looked at Pharaohs attempts to stop God. He wasnt successful despite all his stubbornness. Now, with Jesus death, the Romans thought they were dealing with mere men. For if, the disciples had shown up, if they had tried to hide the body of Jesus then the soldiers would have sent them packing. But they

neednt have worried about them. They were too scared, too sad, and too hopeless to do anything. Even if the disciples had tried to steal the body, even if theyd tried to fake the resurrection, the soldiers would have stopped them. If they somehow managed to

overpower trained, professional soldiers, the best of the best, then the tomb itself would have stopped them. It was sealed; the stone was heavy and hard to move. Think about it, these kinds of stones were put in place to keep out grave robbers. It was no small thing. But for God, the stone was as a mere grain of sand. The angel knocked the stone over, and sat on it, waiting. The angel moved the stone, not for Jesus, but for the disciples, so that they could see that it was empty, first the women, then the men. Jesus didnt need to worry about it. Doors, stones, nothing can stop him, not even death! He has all power and authority; he can go wherever he pleases. The angel waited, he knew that hed be sharing his great news soon. When the women walked up to the tomb, they saw the guards; they saw the angel and they stopped short. As has been mentioned before, angels were frightening creatures. Probably fiery, like lightning. Still, the women came. He said, Dont be afraid. Jesus is alive, as he said he would be. Tell the disciples, you will see him. The womens fear now included joy! They understood! Jesus was far more than theyd dared to believe! He truly is Gods son! Hes more than just a great prophet and teacher. Hes more than just a great healer. Hes able to do more than just raise others from the dead! He himself is raised from the dead!

That means that there are incredible things in store. There are amazing things to come! They took off to tell the others what the angel said. And on their way, they saw Jesus himself! The first thing they did was recognise his divinity. They fell at his feet in worship reserved only for deity! He is God; he is alive. If the empty tomb wasnt proof enough, seeing is believing! Jesus echoes the words of the angel, Dont be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me. Then the angel leaves, the guards awake, and they, together with the chief priests devise a devious plan. They were to lie, telling everyone that the disciples stole the body. It worked. Many people believed that Jesus body was taken away by the disciples. Some people still believe that. But what about the numerous people who saw Jesus! You and I, we can know the truth, Jesus really lives! The eleven disciples, together with others, meet Jesus on a mountain in the Galilee region. They worshipped him. Some doubted. Doubt isnt necessarily a bad thing. Its only a bad thing if you leave it alone. But if you have doubts, you need to look for the answers. One of the answers to those who doubted, were Jesus words to them: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

So, since all authority rests now with Jesus, then his disciples should be able to do amazing things. They should be able to be bold. They should be able to preach. They should be able to witness to Christ. They should be able to bear up under persecution. Their whole lives should change. Their whole outlook should be different. And it is. They preached and they taught. They withstood persecution! They considered it a privilege when they were flogged for speaking about Jesus. They

considered it sharing in the suffering of Christ. These are not the actions of men and women who believed a lie. These are the actions of people who knew the truth and who staked their lives on it! All authority belongs to Christ. Christ stands before us today, alive, and with the same words. Because of my authority, he says, go and make disciples, baptise them, teach them to obey all the commandments I have given to you. Do not worry, do not fear; know that I am with you. I am faithful, I have started a great work in you, I will finish it. This Easter Sunday, know that the tomb is empty. Know that Christ lives. And because he lives, because all authority is his, know that you can serve him, you can honour him, you can glorify him! The past is history, the future awaits! Trust in him, be surprised by God, for he is always with you, even to the end of the age! Amen.

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