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WHY JAVA INTRODUCED JAVA mainly is invented to support Internet Applications development.

- As part of internet applications development, it requires 2 main features concurrency: Executing multiple task suspend & resume fashion. platform independency: Executing the compile code in different OS. WHY INTERNET APPLICATIONS SHOULD SUPPORT THESE 2 FEATURES.

- Because, we cant guarantee from what OS user sending request to our program, which ever the OS user is using our Application should download & execute. Hence, it required platform Independency. - Also, through out the world our application receives request at a time & at the same time we should process the request & should send quick response. Hence, this application requires concurrency execution.

WHAT IS AN INTERNET APPLICATION & HOW MANY TYPES OF INTERNET APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE. - An application which can be executed via n\w request is called internet application. - Internet application are placed in WWW server systems. - These are 2 types of internet applications available . WEB SUPPORTIVE APPLICATION . WEB APPLICATION

WEB SUPPORTIVE APPLICATION: An application which is available in server system & is downloaded & executed in client system is called Web Supportive Application.

WEB APPLICATION : A PROGRAM i.e., reside in the server system, accepts n/w request & executed in the server system, sends only o/p as response, it is called WEB APPLICATION.

DATE: 27-05-2011 WHY WE HAVE 2 TYPES OF INTERNET APPLICATIONS Because, we need to collect input data from all remote clients to execute a logic i.e., available in server system. Hence, web supportive is given to collect the I/P from enduser or remote client, due to this reason this application is downloading into client computer & executing in client computer browser. Web application is given to execute logic in server system with user given I/P, due to this reason, web application executes in server system.

Conclusion: Hence, we can say web supportive application is a mediator or Interface b/n client & server.

DATABASE INTERACTION APPLICATION An application which can interact with database to execute all database commands for inserting , updating , deleting & selecting the data from database.

WHAT ARE THE BASIC OPERATIONS PERFORM USING ANY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE PROGRAM - Reading I/P data from enduser storing it temporarily in the program. - Modifying that data by applying/ doing calculations according to business. - Controlling those modifications by applying proper validations. - Storing the result(o/p) permanently in a persistence media (files or DB) Hence, to perform all the above 4 operations all above 3 applications must interact each other & in every project these are the minimum 3 applications are developed. Java supports all the above 3 applications development to perform the 4 basic operations.

To develop web supportive application to collect I/P from enduser To develop web applications to execute logic in server system. Used to develop logic of the applications storing data temporarily modifying data, controlling modifications

To develop Database Interaction application to store result in database

The below diagram shows Gmail server architecture with all these 3 applications.

Defination of Java Java is a general purpose object oriented concurrent programming language. Its syntax is similar to c , c++ but it omits many of the features that make c & c ++ complex confusing & unsafe. Hence, in java we cant find pointers, struct, union, operator overloading, multiple inheritance etc., Defination of Java by its Characteristics Java is a just a small, simple, safe ,object oriented, interpreted bytecode architectural neutral(platform independent) garbage collected, multithreaded programming language with strongly typed exception handling mechanisms for writing distributed, dynamically extensible programs. It was developed by James Gosling in Sun Micro Systems.

WHEN WE HAVE C & C ++ WHY JAVA IS INVENTED Basically, computer languages are evalued for two reasons. 1) To adopt changes in environment 2) To implement advances in the art of programming

Hence Java is developed to support Internet Applications Development.

- Initially Java is developed to address the problems of building S/W for N/W consumers divided such as microwaves, washing machines , T.Vs etc., Nothing but computer electronics which is working on chip. - Once Internet is introduced they changed this programming language according to internet applications development & was introduced to the market in 1996. - Initially Java language name is Oak, it is oak tree name. - Due to registration problems the programming language is renamed with JAVA. Which is the name of Hot Coffee cup called in Arabian Dives where this programming languages was developed .

WHY C & C++ CANT SUPPORT INTERNET APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT. - Because, they are designed & developed as platform dependent. Means, their compiled code cant be executed in another OS. The below diagram shows the platform dependency of c &c++.

C S/W is Dependent & C program is also Dependent. Conclusion: - As per the above diagram the compiled code of C program is Machine language that contains format that can also be understandable by current OS. Hence, it cant be executed in another OS. In C Compiler is specific to OS as if developed machine language specific to that OS.

Date : 28-05-2011 HOW JAVA ACHIEVED PALTFORM INDEPENDENCY. - Java achieved platform independency by moving, machine language generation from compilation phase to execution phase by introducing Byte Code & JVM - Byte code is an intermediate code that can only be understandable by JVM. - JVM, Java Virtual Machine an interpreter that converts byte codes into current OS understandable machine language. - Machine language generation is moved to execution phase because we only came to know the OS only at the time of execution.

Below diagram shows platform independency of java program.

- In java we have only 2 files .java & .class extension files. - .java files contains source code i.e., developed in high level language. - .class files contains byte codes which are generated by compiler in JVM understandable format. Note We dont have any file with machine language JVM generates machine language & destroyed after its execution. This is happened to achieve security.

The java platform independency slogan . - compiled once , execute any where at any point of time. - Also it is called Write Once, Run Any where(WORA) The below is the block diagram of java platform independency.

Conclusion Since, in Java compiler produce byte code specific to JVM we can say it is Java Compiler.

Since, JVM convert byte codes into current OS understandable language we can say JVM is specific to both Java & OS.

Hence , java s/w means compiler + JVM & since JVM is dependent of OS. We can say Java S/W platform Dependent.

TYPES OF JAVA S/WS : According to the above diagram we can compile & execute java program in one computer and just execute java pogram in another computer. - The first computer is Developer computer - Second computer is Clients computer. Hence, based on this scenario java s/w is divided into 2 types. 1) JDK(Java Development Kit) 2) JRE(Java Runtime Environment)

JDK contains both compiler & JVM JRE contains only JVM.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JDK , JRE & JVM JDK is Java Development Kit it provides both compiler & JVM to develop new JAVA applications & also to execute already developed applications. JRE is JAVA Runtime Environment it has only JVM. Hence, it allows to execute already developed applications.

Conclusions JVM is subset of JRE & JRO is a subset of JDK.

If install JDK, JRE is also installed automatically. JDK & JRE technically called Principle Products of JAVA s/w JAVA Versions Editions : Every s/w contains or developed with a number called version with this number the s/w current features are identified. - JAVA s/w is also released with version number 1.0 there onwards if undergone many changes & enhancements. - The current running version is JAVA 1.6 - In JAVA 1.2 JAVA s/w features are divided into 3 parts & calling each part as edition & each addition is named as like below. 1) JAVA2 platform Micro Edition(J2ME). 2) JAVA2 platform Standard Edition(J2SE). 3) JAVA2 platform Enterprise Edition(J2EE).

Since, the numbers 2 in the above names confusing of is removed in JAVA 5 version & renamed them as JAVA platform ME(JAVA ME) JAVA platform SE(JAVA SE) JAVA platform EE(JAVA EE) The below table shows JAVA s/w name its version, editions and their code name & date.

Types of applications developed using JAVASE & JAVA EE by using this two editions we can develop 8 types of applications.

Core JAVA is pure JAVA SE Adv. JAVA means part of JAVA SE & JAVA EE J2EE means RMI, EJB and web services ( or RMI & remaining part of J2EE) JME Embedded System J2EE - Enterprise Application Web Application J2SE - Desktop Web Supportive Application

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