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Axia College Material

Appendix C Leovingers Stages of Development

Directions: Using the matrix, fill out the appropriate information for each box. Stage Approximate age range Ex. Infant, young adult, etc. (.5 points each) Toddlers and a small minority of people throughout life (PersonalityCafe,2010) Early childhood through adulthood Definition (1.5 points each) Example of a behavior an individual would exhibit in this stage of development (1.5 points each) Impulsive Behavior that is quick and has no control, planning, or worrying about the consequences in the future (Tull,2009) The self-protective stage uses a greater awareness of cause and effect, rules and consequences, in order to get what they want from others (PersonalityCafe,2010) They are extremely interested in belonging and gaining approval of people and people n certain groups. They do not judge people by who they are, but instead what they have. Loevinger does try to avoid describing some stages as better than others; she does use the somewhat pejorative terms banal and clichd to describe the conformist understanding of feelings. Both feelings of happiness and feelings of shame tend to peak at this stage. Shame peaks because they are so concerned about approval from their group; the threat of shame is a powerful tool that groups can use to control individuals at this stage. On the other hand, as long as their place in the group is not threatened, conformist egos The person s looking for immediate gratification. They do not care what people think of them (McAdams,2006) Able to easily manipulate someone into giving them what they want (McAdams,2006)



Emerges around ages five or six, but more common in the pre-teen stage (PersonalityCafe,2010)

Someone who in order to be accepted by the it group in school, changes their views in order to match the views of those in the group

are quite happy (PersonalityCafe,2010)


Young adults and common in adults


Young adult to adulthood

Increased but limited awareness to deeper issues of inner self. This is the stage where someone starts to wonder what they think about important issues like God or religion, and not worrying what others are thinking. They do not reach resolution at this stage, but they have begun to think about them. Understanding that not everyone feels the same, and things are not what they always appear to be (PersonalityCafe,2010). This is where you start to question if you have been right or wrong. The first step to goal setting (PersonalityCafe,2010) One is still leaning towards self-evaluation and selfcriticism. The conscientious ego values responsibility, achievement and the pursuit of high ideals and long-term goals. Morality is based on personally-evaluated principles, and behavior is guided by self-evaluated standards. Violating ones standards induces guilt (PersonalityCafe,2010). At the Conformist stage, they have a tendency to feel shameful. Shame arises from not meeting the others expectations; guilt arises from not meeting ones own expectations (PersonalityCafe,2010)

One starts to break free of all they thought they knew, and are able to see things from a different perspective. Such as doing research on religious beliefs (McAdams,2006)

They are able to take a third party person perspective and begin to start making a life of their own (McAdams,2006)




Older Adulthood


Older Adulthood and less than 1% of people get to this stage

To be able to move from the conscientious stage to the Individualistic Stage, one must be more tolerant of themselves and others (PersonalityCafe,2010). The focus on relationship continues, and although achievement is still valued, relationships tend to be more valued. Individualistic people can be classified as selfassured and independent individuals. They still are spontaneous and impulsive, and will drop what they are doing in order to follow their sudden inspirations (iPersonic,2010). Not sensitive to interpersonal relations (iPersonic,2010) The person is more individual, and not controlled by outside forces (PersonalityCafe,2010). Self-fulfillment becomes a frequent goal, partly supplanting achievement, while there may well be a wider capacity to acknowledge and to cope with inner conflicts, such as between needs and duties (Loevinger,1976) The ego shows wisdom, broad empathy towards oneself and others, and a capacity to not just be aware of inner conflicts like the autonomous ego, but reconcile a number or inner conflicts and make peace with those issues that will remain unsolvable and those experiences that will remain unattainable (PersonalityCafe,2010)

Someone not sensitive to someones feelings. They might speak their mind, and not realize how honest and harsh they sound (McAdams,2006)

Recognizes the limitations to autonomy, that emotional interdependence is inevitable. He will often cherish personal ties as among his most precious values (Loevinger,1976)

This person has successfully completed all stages, and now their ego is content. The individual will feel satisfied (McAdams,2006)


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References iPersonic (2010). Your iPersonic Type: The Individualistic Doer. Retrieved from Loevinger, J. (1976). Ego development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. McAdams, D.P. (2006). The person: a new introduction to personality psychology. Hoboken,NJ: Wiley & Sons, Inc. Personality Caf (2010). Loevingers 9 Stages of Development. Retrieved from Tull, M. PhD. (2009). Impulsive Behavior. Retrieved from

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